This is a landing page for, the developer network from Read the Docs.
The site is built as a static site using Pelican and hosted by GitHub pages. The site is automatically built and updated when there are commits on the master branch although it can take up to 5 minutes.
You can build the site HTML and serve it locally with:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pre-commit install # Install a code style pre-commit hook
$ inv rebuild # build one time
$ inv regenerate # regenerate the site whenever you modify a page/post
$ inv serve # serve the site at http://localhost:8000
If you don't see any styling, you may also need to build static assets (see below).
Built static assets are NOT checked into the repository and you need to build them
if files under static-src/
are modified.
$ npm install
$ npm run build # use "npm run dist" for minified builds
The static content appears in ethicalads-theme/static/
The site is generated automatically by GitHub Actions
whenever there's new commits on the master
It is served by GitHub pages at
For more details on the deployment actions, see workflows.
Pages should be saved under content/pages/
By default, they use the ethicalads-theme/templates/page.html
template but that can be overridden.
Blog posts should be saved under content/posts/
The styles and scripts for the site are built by Webpack from the sources in static-src/
The HTML templates for the site live under ethical-ads-theme/
and extend from Pelican's simple theme.
The EthicalAds theme was not designed to work with relative URLs.