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➕ A low-level, highly efficient extension to Yul, an intermediate language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine.


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A low-level, highly efficient extension to Yul, an intermediate smart-contract language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

Try it Now!


  • All existing Yul features
  • Memory structures (mstruct)
  • Enums (enum)
  • Constants (const)
  • Ethereum standard ABI signature/topic generation (sig"function ...", topic"event ...)
  • Booleans (true, false)
  • Safe math (over/under flow protection for addition, subtraction, multiplication)
  • Injected methods (mslice and require)

Coming Soon

  • Static typing
  • CLI support


npm install yulp

Building From Source

npm install
npm run build
npm test

Library Usage

Code Example

const yulp = require('../index');
const source = yulp.compile(`

object "SimpleStore" {
  code {
    datacopy(0, dataoffset("Runtime"), datasize("Runtime"))
    return(0, datasize("Runtime"))
  object "Runtime" {
    code {
      calldatacopy(0, 0, 36) // write calldata to memory

      mstruct StoreCalldata( // Custom addressable calldata structure
        sig: 4,
        val: 32

      switch StoreCalldata.sig(0) // select signature from memory (at position 0)

      case sig"function store(uint256 val)" { // new signature method
        sstore(0, StoreCalldata.val(0)) // sstore calldata value
        log2(0, 0, topic"event Store(uint256 value)", StoreCalldata.val(0))

      case sig"function get() returns (uint256)" {
        mstore(100, sload(0))
        return (100, 32)




Here we have a fully featured enum identifier which acts as a constant.

object "contract" {
  code {
    enum Colors (

    log1(0, 0, Colors.Green) // logs 2 as a topic


const will define a let variable value that cannot be re-assigned.

object "contract" {
  code {
    const firstVar := 0xaa
    const someOther := 1

Memory Slice

mslice(position, length) will return a 1-32 byte value from memory.

object "contract" {
  code {
    mstore(30, 0xaaaa)

    log1(0, 0, mslice(30, 2)) // will log 0xaaaa


true and false are added and equate to values 0x01 and 0x00.

object "contract" {
  code {
    mstore(30, true)

    log1(0, 0, mload(30)) // will log 0x01

Multi mstore sugar

mstore can now be used as a proxy method

object "contract" {
  code {
    mstore(30, 1, 2, 3, 4)

    mstore(30, 1)
    mstore(add(30, 32), 2)
    mstore(add(30, 64), 3)
    mstore(add(30, 96), 4)

Comparison Methods

lte, gte, neq can now be used.

if and(lte(1, 10), gte(5, 2)) {
  let k := neq(0, 1)


MAX_UINT literal is now available (i.e. uint(-1))

if lt(v, MAX_UINT) {
  let k := 1

Ethereum Standard ABI Signature and Topic Generation

sig" [ method abi ] " will equate to a 4 byte method signature hex value

topic" [ event abi definition ] " will equate to the 32 byte topic hash

object "contract" {
  code {
    const storeSig := sig"function store(uint256 val)"
    const eventSig := topic"event Store (uint256 indexed val)"

    log1(0, 0, storeSig) // will log 0x6057361d

    log1(0, 0, eventSig) // will log 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef

Memory Structures

Memory structures enable better handling of pre-existing in-memory structures.

mstruct Identifier ( [ property, ... ] )

A structure property is defined by an identifier and length specifier (i.e. blockProducer:32) where the identifier is blockProducer and the length is 32 bytes.

In-memory array like structures are defined using a name.length property, followed by a name:[array item size] property.

Note, mstruct properties allow for data chunk sizes up to 32 bytes only.


object "Utils" {
  code {
    const Size := 1

    function someMethod() -> {}

object "SimpleStore" is "Utils" {
  code {
    mstore(0, Size)


We now support basic file system usage, we don't support local path resolution just yet.

The fs object is simply supplied at compile: yulp.compile(source, fs).

import "./Utils.yulp"

object "SimpleStore" is "Utils" {

Error Reporting

A new experimental (post v0.0.7) feature is the error"some message" literal.

This simply utf8 encodes the message to bytes, keccak256 hashes it and returns the first 4 bytes as an error identifier.

The compiler will return an errors property ({ [4 byte idenfitier]: [error message], ... }).

object "contract" {
  code {
    // example structure in memory of a BlockHeader starting at mem. position 400
    mstore(400, 0xaa) // block producer
    mstore(432, 0xbb) // previous block hash
    mstore(464, 0xcc) // block height
    mstore(496, 0x03) // length of anotherArray (i.e. 3 array items)
    mstore(554, 0xaaaabbbbcccc) // array with 3 elements, 0xaaaa, 0xbbbb, 0xcccc
    mstore(560, 0xdd) // Ethereum block number
    mstore(592, 0x01) // transaction roots array length
    mstore(652, 0xffffffff) // transaction roots, one 4 byte item 0xffffffff

    mstruct BlockHeader (
      blockProducer: 32,
      previousBlockHash: 32,
      blockHeight: 32,
      anotherArray.length: 32,
      anotherArray: [2],
      ethereumBlockNumber: 32,
      roots.length: 32,
      roots: [4]

    BlockHeader.blockProducer(400) // will return 0xaa
    BlockHeader.blockProducer.size() // will return 32

    BlockHeader.blockHeight(400) // will return block height 0xcc
    BlockHeader.blockHeight.offset(400) // will return pos   length
    BlockHeader.blockHeight.position(400) // will return pos
    BlockHeader.blockHeight.size() // 32
    BlockHeader.blockHeight.index() // 2
    BlockHeader.blockHeight.keccak256(500) // keccak256 hash the block height

    BlockHeader.anotherArray(400, 2) // will return anotherArray item 0xcccc

    BlockHeader.size(400) // will return the size of the entire struct
    BlockHeader.offset(400) // will return entire offset position of the struct pos   length
    BlockHeader.keccak256(400) // keccak256 hash the entire block header

Helping Out

There is always a lot of work to do, and will have many rules to maintain. So please help out in any way that you can:

  • Improve documentation.
  • Chime in on any open issue or pull request.
  • Open new issues about your ideas for making yulp better, and pull requests to show us how your idea works.
  • Add new tests to absolutely anything.
  • Create or contribute to ecosystem tools.
  • Spread the word!

We communicate via issues and pull requests.


Please consider donating if you think Yul is helpful to you or that my work is valuable. We are happy if you can help us buy a cup of coffee. ❤️

Or just send us some Dai, USDC or Ether:

Coming Soon

mstruct BasicRecursiveStructures ( // better structure description
  block: BlockHeader,
  root: RootHeader,
  proof: MerkleProof,
  leaf: TransactionLeaf,
  token: 32

mstruct SwitchStatements ( // special switch case
  data.switch: 1, // switch 0, 1, 2 for options below
  data: [InputUTXO,InputHTLC,TransactionDeposit]

mstruct FixedLengthArrays ( // special switch case
  someArr: (7)[32],