D library for parsing .mo files and getting translated messages. Support for plural forms is present. Usage is similar to GNU gettext.
import mofile;
// Parse .mo file
MoFile moFile = MoFile("ru.mo");
// Find translation
string s = moFile.gettext("Hello, world");
// Trying out plural forms
s = moFile.ngettext("File", "Files", 1);
s = moFile.ngettext("File", "Files", 3);
s = moFile.ngettext("File", "Files", 5);
Commandline analogue of gettext and ngettext functions.
To run this example you must have some .mo file. For a quick start there's already template and Russian translation example files, so you only need to generate .mo file:
msgfmt --no-hash examples/ru.po -o examples/ru.mo
# The library currently does not support lookup by hash, so we omit hash generation.
And then run:
dub examples/gettext.d examples/ru.mo "Hello, world"
dub examples/gettext.d examples/ru.mo "File" "Files" 1
dub examples/gettext.d examples/ru.mo "File" "Files" 3
dub examples/gettext.d examples/ru.mo "File" "Files" 5
dub examples/gettext.d examples/ru.mo "" # Get header
Generic use:
dub examples/gettext.d $MOFILE msgid # msgid is a string to translate
dub examples/gettext.d $MOFILE msgid msgid_plural n # msgid_plural is an untranslated plural form of message, n is a number to calculate a plural form from.
Mostly the same way as in C/C projects. Step by step process of generation .mo file from source file (gettext utilities must be installed):
MSGLOCALE=ru_RU.UTF-8 # Target locale
xgettext --from-code=UTF-8 --language=C "$SOURCE" -o "$TEMPLATE" # Create template file.
msginit --locale=$MSGLOCALE -i "$TEMPLATE" -o "$POFILE" --no-translator # Generate text translation file
# ... translate messages in editor
msgfmt "$POFILE" -o "$MOFILE" # Generate binary translation file
If source file has been changed run these commands to update translation files:
xgettext -j --from-code=UTF-8 --language=C "$SOURCE" -o "$TEMPLATE" # Update template file.
msgmerge --update $POFILE "$TEMPLATE"
# ... fix translations if needed
msgfmt "$POFILE" -o "$MOFILE"