Show register content when you try to access it in NeoVim. Written in Lua.
Requires NeoVim 0.4.4 .
- No configuration required, automatically maps to " and CtrlR
- Non-obtrusive, won't influence you're workflow
- Minimal interface, no visual noise
The popup window showing the registers and their values can be opened in one of the following ways:
- Call
- Press " in normal or visual mode
- Press CtrlR in insert mode
Empty registers are not shown by default.
Use the Up and Down or CtrlP and CtrlN or CtrlJ and CtrlK keys to select the register you want to use and press Enter to apply it, or type the register you want to apply, which is one of the following:
" 0-9 a-z : . % # = * _ /
use "tversteeg/registers.nvim"
paq "tversteeg/registers.nvim"
Plug 'tversteeg/registers.nvim', { 'branch': 'main' }
call dein#add('tversteeg/registers.nvim')
let g:registers_return_symbol = "\n" "'⏎' by default
let g:registers_tab_symbol = "\t" "'·' by default
let g:registers_space_symbol = "." "' ' by default
let g:registers_delay = 500 "0 by default, milliseconds to wait before opening the popup window
let g:registers_register_key_sleep = 1 "0 by default, seconds to wait before closing the window when a register key is pressed
let g:registers_show_empty_registers = 0 "1 by default, an additional line with the registers without content
let g:registers_trim_whitespace = 0 "1 by default, don't show whitespace at the begin and end of the registers
let g:registers_hide_only_whitespace = 1 "0 by default, don't show registers filled exclusively with whitespace
let g:registers_window_border = "single" "'none' by default, can be 'none', 'single','double', 'rounded', 'solid', or 'shadow' (requires Neovim 0.5.0 )
let g:registers_window_min_height = 10 "3 by default, minimum height of the window when there is the cursor at the bottom
let g:registers_window_max_width = 20 "100 by default, maximum width of the window
let g:registers_normal_mode = 0 "1 by default, open the window in normal mode
let g:registers_visual_mode = 0 "1 by default, open the window in visual mode
let g:registers_insert_mode = 0 "1 by default, open the window in insert mode
let g:registers_show = "* \"" "'* \"-/_=#%.0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' by default, which registers to show and in what order