FormBuilder class-transformer-global-storage class-validator-multi-lang = dynamic form group builder for Angular
npm i --save class-transformer-global-storage class-validator-multi-lang ngx-dynamic-form-builder
Version above 2 has a completely rewritten code, partially backwards compatible
Now @Expose
and @Exclude
decorators are used to define model fields, the new version is rigidly dependent on class-transform
Dependencies are not used original, but forks with additional necessary properties, when using this library, you need to replace all original imports with forks with modifications
Fork class-validator-multi-lang - adds translation capability for errors (PR:typestack/class-validator#743)
Fork class-transformer-global-storage - adds the ability to get meta information about all used classes (PR:typestack/class-transformer#929)
For correct parse metadata, need remove compilerOptions.downlevelIteration
and append compilerOptions.emitDecoratorMetadata: true
in tsconfig.json
Demo - Demo application with ngx-dynamic-form-builder.
Stackblitz - Simply sample of usage on
import { Validate, IsNotEmptym } from 'class-validator-multi-lang';
import { TextLengthMore15 } from '../utils/custom-validators';
import { marker } from '@ngneat/transloco-keys-manager/marker';
import { Expose, Type } from 'class-transformer-global-storage';
export class Company {
id: number;
@Validate(TextLengthMore15, {
message: marker('The company name must be longer than 15'),
name: string;
constructor(data?: any) {
if (data === undefined) {
data = {};
} =; =;
import { FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { CompanyPanelComponent } from './company-panel.component';
imports: [
declarations: [
export class AppModule {}
<form [formGroup]="form" *ngIf="form?.customValidateErrors | async as errors" novalidate>
<input formControlName="name" placeholder="Name" />
<p *ngIf="">Error: {{[0]}}</p>
<p>Form status: {{ form.status | json }}</p>
<p>Form class-validator-multi-lang errors: {{errors|json}}</p>
<p *ngIf="savedItem">Saved item: {{savedItem|json}}</p>
<button (click)="onLoadClick()">Load</button>
<button (click)="onClearClick()">Clear</button>
<button (click)="onSaveClick()" [disabled]="!form.valid">Save</button>
import { DynamicFormGroup, DynamicFormBuilder } from 'ngx-dynamic-form-builder';
import { Company } from './../../shared/models/company';
import { Input, Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Validators } from '@angular/forms';
selector: 'company-panel',
templateUrl: './company-panel.component.html',
export class CompanyPanelComponent {
form: DynamicFormGroup<Company>;
item = new Company({
id: 11,
name: '123456789012345',
fb = new DynamicFormBuilder();
savedItem?: Company;
constructor() {
this.form = this.fb.rootFormGroup(Company, {
name: '',
onLoadClick(): void {
this.savedItem = undefined;
this.form.object = this.item;
onClearClick(): void {
this.savedItem = undefined;
this.form.object = new Company();
onSaveClick(): void {
if (this.form.valid) {
this.savedItem = this.form.object;
} else {
this.savedItem = undefined;
import { ValidatorConstraintInterface, ValidatorConstraint } from 'class-validator-multi-lang';
export class TextLengthMore15 implements ValidatorConstraintInterface {
validate(text: string) {
return text ? text.length > 15 : false;
Because multi-language supported in class-validator-multi-lang, now ngx-dynamic-form-builder also support this feature
set validation messages as settings when create form group
this.form = this.fb.rootFormGroup(
name: '',
classValidatorOptions: {
messages: {
'The company name must be longer than 15': 'company name must be longer than 15 (translate on other language)',
set validation messages on runtime after for exists form group
classValidatorOptions: {
messages: {
'The company name must be longer than 15': 'company name must be longer than 15 (translate on other language)',
set translate property name in error
classValidatorOptions: {
titles: {
regionNum: 'number of region (translate property name in error on other language)',
set validation messages and properties name global for all instance of form group in project
classValidatorOptions: {
messages: {
'The company name must be longer than 15': 'company name must be longer than 15 (translate on other language)',
titles: {
regionNum: 'number of region (translate property name in error on other language)',
The customValidateErrors property can be subscribed for cases in which your code should act on changes in errors
<form [formGroup]="form" *ngIf="form?.customValidateErrors | async as errors" novalidate>
<input formControlName="name" placeholder="Name" />
<p *ngIf="">Error: {{[0]}}</p>
<p>Form status: {{ form.status | json }}</p>
<p>Observable validation errors: {{errors|json}}</p>
<p *ngIf="savedItem">Saved item: {{savedItem|json}}</p>
<button (click)="onLoadClick()">Load</button>
<button (click)="onClearClick()">Clear</button>
<button (click)="onSaveClick()" [disabled]="!form.valid">Save</button>
import { DynamicFormGroup, DynamicFormBuilder } from 'ngx-dynamic-form-builder';
import { Company } from './../../shared/models/company';
import { Input, Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
selector: 'company-panel',
templateUrl: './company-panel.component.html',
export class CompanyPanelComponent implements onDestroy {
form: DynamicFormGroup<Company>;
item = new Company({
id: 11,
name: '123456789012345',
strings = Company.strings;
fb = new DynamicFormBuilder();
savedItem?: Company;
errorChangeSubscription: Subscription;
constructor() {
this.form = this.fb.rootFormGroup(Company, {
name: '',
this.errorChangeSubscription = this.form.customValidateErrors.subscribe((allErrors) => {
console.log(`Errors changed: ${allErrors}`);
ngOnDestroy() {
if (this.errorChangeSubscription != null && this.errorChangeSubscription.closed === false) {
onLoadClick(): void {
this.savedItem = undefined;
this.form.object = this.item;
onClearClick(): void {
this.savedItem = undefined;
this.form.object = new Company();
onSaveClick(): void {
if (this.form.valid) {
this.savedItem = this.form.object;
} else {
this.savedItem = undefined;