Ore is a plugin repository built by SpongePowered
Ore-Monitor is a CLI application that displays Ore project information and allows installation.
Most of what Ore-Monitor does is interacting with public API from Ore; however, An API Key from ore is required. You can set this in your environment variables.
All arguments have the help flag available -h|--help
This will perform a search of projects available on Ore
This will show the latest projects available
ore_command search
This will look up all projects relating to the keyword "nucleus"
ore_command search nucleus
Look up plugin version data by its ID
This command will display plugin information as well as the promoted versions.
ore_command plugin nucleus
This command will show all available versions of the plugin
ore_command plugin nucleus versions
This command will display the same information as the above, but it performs it for the selected version.
ore_command plugin nucleus versions 2.1.4
Install a plugin with the plugin's ID and the name of the version
ore_command install nucleus 2.1.4
Scans a file or directory for .jar
files and compares the version with the version on Ore
ore_command check ./plugins
- Update checking
- Version upgrading
- Detect current server version and display contextual data. ex: If the server is API8, display API8 versions first.
@boxbeam without you, I wouldn't Rust.
Ore-Get by dosmike This project also runs as a plugin, allowing for operations in-game.
OrePlugin by Spongepowered This project is exclusively a plugin.