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Udacity and Google India Scholarship Program

Android Basics Nanodegree Project 5 "Tour Guide App"

Name of App - "Amdavad"


  1. App contains at least 4 lists of relevant attractions for a location
  2. User navigates between lists in Fragments using either a Navigation Drawer or a ViewPager plus TabLayout.
  3. Each list item contains information about an event, restaurant, historical site, or similar.
  4. At least one list includes pictures of the location.
  5. App contains a custom object for storing location information .
  6. App uses a custom adapter to populate the layout with views based on instances of the custom class.
  7. All strings are stored in the strings.xml resource file.
  8. All images are stored as drawables. All drawables are stored at multiple densities.
  9. Code is easily readable so that a fellow programmer can understand the purpose of the app.
  10. All variables, methods, and resource IDs are descriptively named so that another developer reading the code can easily understand their function.

This app features four things:
1.) Historical Places in Ahmedabad
2.) Attraction (Best in Ahmedabad)
3.) Havelis in Ahmedabad
4.) Best Street Food in Ahmedabad

Used ViewPager Fragments as well as TabLayout to display the content. Also it is powered using Custom Array Adapter.

Amdavad App Images

Check out more Images in AppImages folder.