A simple, lightweight kafka offset monitor, currently metrics stored by influxdb. Motivated by Burrow, but much faster and cleaner and more stable. burrowx is good integration with influxdb and grafana.
$ go get github.com/sundy-li/burrowx
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/sundy-li/burrowx
$ go build && go install
## new workspace for burrowx
mkdir -p /data/app/burrowx
## cd to the workspace
cd /data/app/burrowx
## cp the files to here
cp $GOPATH/bin/burrowx ./
cp -rf $GOPATH/src/github.com/sundy-li/burrowx/config ./
## modify server.json file config and run it
Create a new test topic
bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 8 --topic test_burrowx_topic
Produce the data to the topic
for i in `seq 1 10000`;do echo "33" | bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --topic test_burrowx_topic --broker-list localhost:9092 ; sleep 1; done
Create a consumer to consume the data
$ pip install kafka
from kafka import KafkaConsumer consumer = KafkaConsumer('test_burrowx_topic', group_id='my_group2') for msg in consumer: print(msg) print("end")
Then you will find the data in the influxdb database burrowx
- Light weight and extremely simple to use, metrics are stored in influxdb, and could be easily viewed on grafana
- Only support kafka version >= 0.9.X, which stores the consumer offsets in the topic
,if you are using kafka 0.8.X, try my previous repohttps://github.com/shunfei/Dcmonitor
- Base on topic,partitions of a topic are merged into topic