Native components for ExtJS to interact with Carto map layers, data and visualizations.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cartoMap | | | The leaflet map for this component. |
zoom |
Number | 4 | A zoom value to initialize the cartoMap with. |
scrollWheelZoom |
Boolean | true | true to allow the map to be scrolled by the mouse wheel. |
basemap |
String Object L.tileLayer |
"positronLite" | The basemap to be used for the cartoMap . |
bounds |
LatLngBounds | null | The bounds of the cartoMap . |
minZoom |
Number | 3 | The minimum possible zoom level of the cartoMap . |
maxZoom |
Number | 18 | The maximum possible zoom level of the cartoMap . |
mapLock |
Boolean | false | true for the map to update the filters in every store found in storesToLock when the cartoMap bounds change. |
layers |
Carto.util.LayerCollection | null | A collection of the layers of the cartoMap . |
selection | | null | The selected record of the cartoMap . |
selectedAction |
String String[] |
null | The actions to take when a record is selected. |
stores | | null | The stores associated with each subLayer of the cartoMap . |
storesToLock |
String[] | null | An array of storeIds to be passed the cartoMap "s bounds when mapLock is true. |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
maskWhileLoading |
Boolean | false | true to mask the map component while tiles are loading. |
loadingMessage |
String | "Loading Tiles..." | The message to display while the tiles are loading. |
The map
"s selection is two-way bindable, similarly to other Extjs components. This means it plays well with things like grid
xtype: "grid",
bind: {
selection: "{selectedItem}",
store: "{sampleStore}"
}, {
xtype: "cartoMap",
bind: {
selection: "{selectedItem}"
basemap: "darkMatterLite",
layers: [{
subLayers: [{
bind: "{sampleStore}"
- positron
- positronLite
- positronLabelsBelow
- darkMatter
- darkMatterLite
- darkMatterLabelsBelow
- cartoWorldEco
- cartoWorldFlatBlue
- cartoWorldMidnightCommander
- cartoAntique
- toner
- tonerLite
- tonerLabelsBelow
- tonerBackground
- tonerLines
- tonerHybrid
- watercolor
xtype: "cartoMap",
basemap: "darkMatterLite"
- placeMarker
- panTo
xtype: "cartoMap",
selectedAction: "panTo"
xtype: "cartoMap",
selectedAction: ["panTo", "placeMarker"]
Layers are a combination of data (from SQL) and styling (from CartoCSS) that render the map. Carto has multiple different types of layers (see the demo for some examples), but there are some configs common to them all.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cartoLayer |
Layer | null | The underlying Layer object. |
layerId |
String | Auto-generated id | The key by which this layer can be retrieved, removed, etc. |
username |
String | "" | The username for the associated carto account. |
table |
String | "" | The table that this layer draws from. |
hidden |
Boolean | false | Set to true to hide this layer. |
mapZIndex |
Number | null | Defines the order that the layers are rendered on the map . |
Carto can combine multiple layers into one layer group that is created and rendered as one layer, rather than multiple.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
subLayers |
Carto.util.SubLayerCollection | null | The collection of Carto.sublayer.SubLayerBase objects associated with this layer group. |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
layer |
Carto.layer.LayerGroup | null | The Carto.layer.LayerGroup that owns this subLayer. |
See also: Carto.mixin.DataContainingLayer
Torque layers combine with Carto.css.Torque to create powerful layer objects that can accomplish much more than traditional map layers.
See also: Carto.mixin.DataContainingLayer
xtype: "cartoMap",
layers: [{
type: "torque",
css: {
type: "torque" // or heatmap, torquecat
Most layers (like [Carto.layer.Torque] and Carto.sublayer.SubLayerBase) contain data. This mixin defines the SQL, CartoCss, and store functionality for layers that render data.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
store |
Carto.CartoStore | null | A Carto.CartoStore associated with this layer. If defined, it will create the SQL for this layer. |
sql |
String | "" | SQL for this layer to use when it is created. |
css |
Object String String[] |
Carto.css.Point | The CartoCSS definition for this layer. |
selection | | null | The layer"s current selected record. |
interactivity |
Object | null | Use enable: true to enable interactity on this layer. |
CartoCSS defines how a layer is styled on the map. There are multiple types that are available to be used as-is or extended as appropriate.
Name | Type | Description |
point |
Carto.css.Point | A generic point-based style. |
line |
Carto.css.Line | A generic line-based style. |
polygon |
Carto.css.Polygon | A generic polygon-based style. |
intensity |
Carto.css.Intensity | Point style with multiplying effect. |
heatmap |
Carto.css.HeatMap | Torque style with multiplying effect. |
torque |
Carto.css.Torque | Torque style for showing time-based effects. |
torquecat |
Carto.css.TorqueCat | Torque style with added categorical grouping. |
css: {
type: "point",
// the value config will extend, not overwrite
value: {
markerColor: "blue"
Name | Type | Default | Description |
groupBy |
Carto.CartoGroupBy | null | A groupBy object defining the GROUP BY clause of the Carto.CartoProxy "s SQL. |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
This is an SQL helper object for defining the GROUP BY clause in the SQL.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
fields |
Object[] String[] |
null | An array of field configs, in the order they should be presented in the GROUP BY clause. |
countName |
String | "cnt" | The name of the field that should contain the counts of the different groups. |
In addition, the Carto.CartoGroupBy object uses optional extra properties of the that are not native.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
property |
String | undefined | Specifies the name of the column for this field, if different from the name of the field. |
sql |
String | undefined | Use this to force the query to use this SQL for this field. Useful for more complicated queries. |
aggregateType |
String | undefined | An SQL function for aggregating on this field. If specified, this field will not be included in the GROUP BY clause. |
- Visualization of a Map in Ext JS
- A Map centered on Japan
- A Map with a simple Carto layer
- A Map whose layers can be added and removed