CFC Servers is a Gaming Community focused around Garry's Mod.
We were founded by Developers who started their careers by playing Garry's Mod. Because Garry's Mod provided a place for us to learn and grow, we try our best to contribute back to the community.
In here, you'll find almost all of the projects we've ever created for Garry's Mod (or the services/appliances that run Garry's Mod).
Our Projects are GPL-3 Licensed, so you're free to use them however you'd like (within reason). If you do make improvements or changes, please consider sharing them back upstream for everyone to enjoy!
And please, don't hesitate to start an Issue or Discussion if you'd like to request a new feature or report a bug.
- 💰 We don't provide any in-game microtransactions or paywall any of our projects
- 👴 We've been hosting GMod servers under the CFC name since 2014, but our Leaders have hosted servers since 2010
- 🧐 Our Development team is led by experienced software engineers from a variety of professional disciplines
- 📝 Documentation / Instructions for many of our smaller projects
- 🔧 Configuring and de-coupling our projects so they're easier for you to use
- Join our Addon Support Discord to ask questions, receive updates, or just chat with other developers.
- Join our Community Discord
- Chat directly with the Owner