Demo project showing a few stages of development of a basic Flask application. This is the repo for the Flask: Introduction & Project Structure talk I gave April 10, 2019 (You can watch it Here). Each branch presents another step in the progression of the app:
Branches 01-basics Presents the most basic form of a Flask application 02-templates Static website with styling showcasing Flasks templating engine (Jinja2) 03-api Combination app (Website/API) tied to a single-table postgres DB 04-blueprints Optimized app using Flask"s Blueprints feature (Ideal for scaling apps/APIs)
Please feel free to fork/clone this repo and play with it!
This app was built to try and isolate specific stages in the development stream. In doing so, I had to make a few adjustments that are not advised in your local environment. They are:
- The
file contains some files you will definitely want to exclude from version control. These were commented out to prevent them from being visable across all branches. - 2 separate databases were used for these demos.
was used for the 3rd branchtest
was used for the final branch & master- I did this because the first example used only a single table while the second expanded to two... using the same DB would have broken one of them
- For branches
all you need is the virtualenv andpip install flask
- For branch
you will either need a new database calledokc_python_demo
(to utilize all of the sections) or just change the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI in the instance/dev.cfg file to direct to thetest
database described below.
First clone the repo and initialize a virtualenv:
$ git clone
$ cd flask_demo
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
(env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Next, make sure you have Postgres installed and then:
- create a database called test
$ createdb test
- create a postgres user test with password test
$ createuser test --pwprompt $ Enter password for new role: $ Enter it again:
- grant user privileges to that database
$ psql postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE test TO test;
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade
flask run
...The API page runs a query to get the first user id from the database before rendering the html.
Please leave feedback on here or reach out to me on the Techlahoma Slack @brickbeard