React Application for ROS 2 Robot
sudo apt install -y ros-$ROS_DISTRO-rosbridge-suite
cd your_ws
git clone
cd ~/your_ws/ros2_robot_react_app
npm install
First shell, run ros2_robot_react_app in the browser
cd ~/your_ws/ros2_robot_react_app
npm start
Second shell, launch the rosbridge_server
source /opt/ros/{distro}/install/setup.bash
ros2 launch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket_launch.xml
access the browser below.
Local: http://localhost:3000
The topics of the ros2_robot_react_app are as follows.
Publish data
- /cmd_vel
Subscribe data
- /color/image_raw/compressed
- /bno055/imu/data
- /map
- /odom