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Android Social Sharing Library

Publish Release

A social sharing library for Android.

Actively maintained.


  • Uses Builder pattern
  • Provides a convenient interface to be used in Unity as a native plugin or JNI
  • Supports Sharesheet/Chooser
  • Supports basic sharing
  • Supports HTML text and literal text (prefilled text, some social platforms do not support it)
  • Supports binary content (such as images)
  • Supports custom mime type
  • Aimed for JNI and native bridge usages
  • Available on Maven Central, Jitpack and GitHub packages
  • Uses ShareCompat.IntentBuilder
  • Provides custom methods for Unity


Artifact is available on Maven Central, Jitpack and GitHub packages.

Gradle Setup

  • Add as a dependency:
dependencies {
    implementation ""

    ... // Other dependencies

Unity Setup

  1. Install External Dependency Manager for Unity

  2. Add the dependency to your dependencies xml file to your Unity project:

            <androidPackage spec="" />
  3. Use it through Android JNI


Android Usage

Use the SocialSharing.Builder to create a SocialSharing instance:

String mimeType = "text/plain";
String message = "Hello World";
SocialSharing sharing = new SocialSharing.Builder(myActivity)
  • Sharesheet: Call setUseSharesheet(true) to use Android"s Sharesheet:
String mimeType = "image/jpeg";
String message = "Hello World";
SocialSharing sharing = new SocialSharing.Builder(myActivity)
        .setStream(Uri.fromFile(new File("/sdcard/cats.jpg"))

// Call send method
  • Basic: Call setUseSharesheet(false) to use basic sharing:
String mimeType = "image/jpeg";
String message = "Hello World";
SocialSharing sharing = new SocialSharing.Builder(myActivity)
        .setStream(Uri.fromFile(new File("/sdcard/cats.jpg"))

// Call send method

Unity Usage

The SocialSharingUnity extends from SocialSharing so it extends the Builder too, the only differences are the URI and the send method:

String mimeType = "image/jpeg";
String message = "Hello World";
SocialSharingUnity sharing = new SocialSharingUnity.Builder()

// Call send method, the activity parameter is not required as the SocialSharingUnity will use the current activity of UnityPlayer

Also for JNI use cases, use this class and the methods of setUnityStream and addUnityStream for specifying files and content to be shared instead of setUri or addUri:

const string BuilderClassName = "$UnityBuilder";

bool useSharesheet = true;
bool useRichPreview = true;
string text = "Hello World from Unity!";
string title = "My Custom Chooser Title";
string imagePath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/screenshot.jpg";
string mimeType = "image/jpg";

using (AndroidJavaObject builder = new AndroidJavaObject(BuilderClassName))
    builder.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("setText", text);
    builder.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("setChooserTitle", title);
    builder.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("setUnityStream", imagePath);
    builder.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("setType", data.MimeType);



  • send(Activity activity): Send the content to be shared using the given Activity


  • setText(String text): Set the text to be shared
  • setHtmlText(String htmlText): Set the HTML text to be shared (the HTML text is parsed before sharing, useful for formatting)
  • setStream(Uri uri): Set the URI of the content to be shared
  • addStream(Uri uri): Add a URI to the content to be shared
  • setChoosterTitle(String title): Set the sharesheet/chooser title
  • setType(String type): Set the mime type of the content to be shared
  • build(): Build the SocialSharing instance
  • startChooser: Start the sharesheet/chooser activity


  • send(): Send the content to be shared (uses UnityPlayer.currentActivity as the Activity)


Extends from SocialSharing.Builder and adds the following methods:

  • setUnityStream(String path): Set the URI of the content to be shared from a Unity (resolves the file path to a content URI in Android)
  • addUnityStream(String path): Add a URI to the content to be shared from a Unity (resolves the file path to a content URI in Android)


The setText method sets a prefilled text to be shared by the user, but some social platforms do not support it, mainly Facebook amd all of their other various social services including Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp and Facebook Lite, but other platforms such as Twitter, Discord, Slack and others support it. (this won"t have any issues on your app, it will just ignore the text and share the content without it)

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Check the file for more information.



Check the LICENSE file for more information.


Made with ❤️ by Bayat