This enables bing wallpaper on linux, specifically debian based distros.
- Gnome
- Cinnamon
- Unity
- Xfce
This should be simple.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:whizzzkid/bingwallpaper
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bingwallpaper
Just download or clone this repo. Run:
$ bingwallpaper
But this would keep on running as we check every 3 hours for new wallpaper. So it's better to do it this way:
$ bingwallpaper &>/dev/null &
To update the wallpaper only once (Instead of checking every 3 hours), Run:
$ bingwallpaper -1
To setup regular checks for new wallapers, edit crontab for the current user, using:
$ crontab -u $USER -e
, and add this line:
0 */6 * * * bingwallpaper -1 > /dev/null 2>&1
This will run every 6 hours. You can use this link for reference.
Note: If you installed this package from apt, then disable the startup script setup by default. Go to startup applications and remove 'bingwallpaper'
Feel free to make changes and send PR, I'll be accepting them.
GPLv2 archive/ubuntu/bingwallpaper