With this library, you can design particle animations with snowstorm and draw them in a Minecraft world.
Currently only Minestom is supported.
A full, runnable example server can be found in here
Particle examples can be found here
Add the following to your build.gradle.kts
maven {
url = uri("https://reposilite.worldseed.online/public")
Add the library as a dependency
dependencies {
The lastest version number can be found here
ParticleEmitter supports the following features
- Emitter lifetime expression, loop and once
- Emitter rate instant and steady
- Emitter shape box, disc, point and sphere
- Particle tinting (colour)
Minecraft Query Language (MQL) does not fully support Molang
- Variables do not work
- Functions do not work
Particle Restrictions
- Velocity and acceleration don't work
- Custom particle textures don't work
- Curves have not been implemented
- Particle lifetimes have not been implemented