Welcome, I don't quite know how you got here, but I guess since you made it this far I should let you in, so please.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on ... Honestly, not a lot, programming doesn't take up a lot of my time unless I have a project to work on, however, currently I am working on an inhouse website for Mairehau High School that will track C.A.R.E Cards which are an appraisal system we have for our ākonga.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ... How to life, it isn't a destination it's a journey, so one step at a time is how I'll get there, some days I just need to remember to take that step. Oh well, I'm still honing what it is I do, I'll never stop.
- 📫 How to reach me: ... Create meme issues on my repo's I'll get in touch if I want to, you've got this far odds are you can go further and find a better place to talk to me.
- 😄 Pronouns: ... Whatever you want, so long as it isn't "Hey you in the corner".
- ⚡ Fun fact: ... I broke both elbows? Yeah... That's a thing?