Perla is a cross-platform single executable binary CLI Tool for a Development Server of Single Page Applications.
If that sounds like something nice, Check The docs!
take a peek of PoC's and new stuff that may (or not) be coming to perla in the experiments directory
This project is in development, current goals at this point are:
- Remove npm/node out of the equation.
- For F# users, seamless fable integration.
- A Fast and easy to use Development server
- Build for production using esbuild.
- Binary Release for users outside .NET
- Plugin System
- Test runner for Client side tests powered by playwright
- Local Typescript Types (to help the IDE)
For more information check the Issues tab.
The Perla Dev Server!
Perla [command] [options]
--version Show version information
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
--info <info> Brings the Help dialog []
serve My Command
build Builds the SPA application for distribution
init Initialized a given directory or perla itself
search <package> <page> Search a package name in the Skypack api, this will bring potential results []
show <package> Shows information about a package if the name matches an existing one
remove <package> removes a package from the
add <package> Shows information about a package if the name matches an existing one
list Lists the current dependencies in a table or an npm style json string
restore Restore the import map based on the selected mode, defaults to production
templates:add <templateRepositoryName> <banch> Adds a new template from a particular repository
templates:update <templateRepositoryName> <banch> Updates an existing template in the templates database
templates:list <simple|table> My Command []
templates:delete <templateRepositoryName> Removes a template from the templates database
new <name> <templateName> Creates a new project based on the selected template if it exists
If you actually use and like nodejs, then you would be better taking a look at the tools that inspired this repository
These tools have a bigger community and rely on an even bigger ecosystem plus they support plugins via npm so if you're using node stick with them they are a better choice Perla's unbundled development was inspired by both snowpack and vite, CDN dependencies were inspired by snowpack's remote sources development