Web Application developed with Node.js, React, Redux, and MongoDB hosted on Heroku.
DevCon is a social network for developers.
Link to project main page- https://dev-con-net.herokuapp.com/
Link to my profile in the project - https://dev-con-net.herokuapp.com/profile/5e9d79ffdff32c08a4d73064
React, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Material UI. Redux for state management. Npm Packeges - react-router-dom, redux, react-redux, redux-thunk, redux-devtools-extention, moment, react-moment, uuid
Node.js & Express Rest Api, MongoDB hosted on AWS. Using Github API to fetch user repositories. Npm Packages - express-validator, bcryptjs, config, gravatar, jsonwebtoken, mongoose, axios
Signup - User fills name, email, password. email - for profile picture use a Gravatar email. password - Encrypted before entering the database.
Login - The user fills email and password, the client receives an authentication token from the server.
Alerts - Informs the user about actions like signup, login, comments...
Dashboard - The workspace of the user, create/update profile.
Profile - Contains users details, experience, education, picture, Github repositories.
Posts - The app wall where the users can upload posts, add comments, and like posts.
Developers - Shows an interactive list of all the users in the system.