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Find related artists and view, filter and export your playlists!

Built with the Spotify API with no comercial use in mind.


Related artists

  • Based upon the Related artists slide in every artist"s page, the idea was to provide an easy way to find similar artists and listen to a preview of their tracks.

  • In the react website, if you navigate to localhost3000/artist and paste the Spotify ID of any artist in the search bar, you"ll be able to listen to previews of 5 similar artists"s top 5 listened tracks.


  • Playlists are the biggest way to listen to music currenty, but we cannot export them to any other service or simply log them.

  • In the react website, if you navigate to localhost3000/playlist and paste the Spotify link or ID of any public playlist in the search bar, you"ll be able to search for songs in that playlist, order them based on name, artist, release date or position in the playlist and download the playlist as a excel file.

Django and React


The webs back-end is built with Django and Django REST Framework. Modules include environ, spotipy, requests, bleach and os.

Relevant folders and files.

  • Spotted
    • api

    • Spotted



It contains the functions, that make calls to the Spotify API:

returnArtistData(artistID, spotify)
returnRelatedArtists(artistId, spotify)

returnPlaylist(playlistId, spotify)

Regarding Arguments:

  • Each request requires to be given internal Spotify IDs.

  • The "spotify" argument is the "spotify" object referred in

The functions:

"returnArtistData" and "returnRelatedArtists" are used by the original part of the webpage, "Find Related Artists!".

  • returnArtistData returns an object containing the "artistID", "artistName", "profilePic" and their (Spotify) "link".
  • returnRelatedArtists returns an object containing the "artistID", "artistName", "profilePic" and their (Spotify) "link", but also the "tracks" array of objects, consisting of the artists top 5 tracks.
    • Each "track" or object of the list contains: "id", "trackName" and "embed", which is a Spotify link which allows you to do a preview listen of the track if embeded on the website.

"returnPlaylist" is used in the "Playlists" side.

  • returnPlaylist "playlistsSongs" and "playlistName".
    • "playlistsSongs" is an array of objects, each one representing a song of the playlist; every song contains an
      • "index" (it"s place in the playlist).
      • "trackName", "id", "trackApiLink" (internal use for Spotify) and "trackLink" (publicly accessable link for the track).
      • "artistName", "artistApiLink" (internal use for Spotify) and "artistLink" (publicly accessable link for the track),
      • "albumName" and "releaseDate".


In, the "spotify" object is initialized, which uses OUR client Id and key to login to Spotify"s API. The secret key is stored in a .env file.

It contains the functions:

getArtistAndRelated(request, artistId)
getPlaylist(request, playlistId)
  • getArtistAndRelated(request, artistId) returns the artist and 5 related artists, by calling the functions returnArtistData(playlistId, spotify) and returnRelatedArtists(artistId, spotify), passing the artist"s Id and the spotify object as arguments.

    • Also, it sanitizes the input with Analysis from and if it is correct sends the request to Spotify"s API; the request is made with a try statement to handle errors.
  • getPlaylist(request, playlistId) returns the playlist"s name and its tracks, by calling the function returnPlaylist(playlistId, spotify), passing the playlist"s Id and the spotify object as arguments.

    • Also, it sanitizes the input with Analysis from and if it is correct sends the request to Spotify"s API; the request is made with a try statement to handle errors.

  • It contains the Analysis class.
    • It takes two arguments: the data being sent (meaning the text that has been recived as input from the user) and the name of the view from which the data came.
    • The sanitization method cleans the data with the bleach module and if it was successfull and shorter than 60 characters returns (True , cleanData); else returns (False, "").


Handles the paths to make a request and what views (from are called, they are:

urlpatterns = [
    path("artist/<slug:artistId>", views.getArtistAndRelated),
    path("playlist/<slug:playlistId>", views.getPlaylist),
  • Reminder: the complete path is /api/artist/... or /api/playlist/...

urlpatterns = [
    path("api/", include("api.urls")),

  • The secret key is kept in the .env file.

  • The following Installed Apps were added.


  • The following items were added to the middleware

  • The following additions were made to be able to render React but were never actually used.
        "DIRS": [ os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "rspotted/spotted"),], 

#Path to search for static files
    os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "rspotted/build/static")

  • Also, this allows React to access the backend.
"http://localhost:3000", #for localhost (REACT Default)


The react folder is located at


In the src folder we can find:

- parts
  - artists
  - playlists
  - ...

- redux
  - ...

- utils
  - methods.js
  - pagination.js
  - sorting.js

- App.jsx

- index.css
- index.jsx


  • the utils folder contains the following files:

Exports the functions CallArtist and CallPlaylist, used to access the Django API.


Exports the pagination function, that turns an array of objects into multiple arrays of a given lenght; in case the last array is not as long as the limit given, it is filled with placeholder elements.


Exports the SortForPlaylist function, that can sort an array of objects over different parameters and filter results.


  • The contents of the redux are not in use in the current version.



Renders a placeholder homepage.


Renders a navigation bar.


Renders a placeholder component, just to display a title and text.


This file contains the webpage"s main routing:


The path artist renders the SimilarArtistDisplay component, from the parts/artists folder.

The path playlist renders the PlaylistDisplay component, from the parts/playlists folder.


In this folder we can find two different files, AnyArtist.jsx and SimilarArtistsDisplay.jsx.

When the client loads the /artist/* path of the website, SimilarArtistsDisplay is called, prompting a useQuery hook and retrieving data from the backend with the callArtist(id) function from the utils folder. If the request was successful, it returns a single AnyArtist component and maps an array of objects, returning an AnyArtist component for every object.

The AnyArtist component renders a "card"; an image that can be flipped with a button to reveal the embed preview of 5 tracks. This is achived by returning content and buttons(); being content a useState constant, set by default to return the picture and buttons() checks if we can embed tracks before returning. Then the rest is handled by onClick() and onHide(), that just change the value in content.


The components will be listed in the order they appear in code.

- PlaylistDisplay
    - SearchBar
    - FilterSearchBar
    - FilterBar
    - PlaylistTable
        - ExportButton

        - TableHeaders & TableRow
        - Carousel
            - CarouselButtons
            - TableHeaders & TableRow

When the client loads the /playlist/* path of the website, PlaylistDisplay is called, prompting a useQuery hook and retrieving data from the backend with the callPlaylist(id) function from methods.js in the utils folder.

If this request is successful, it renders SearchBar, FilterSearchBar, FilterBar and PlaylistTable components.

  • SearchBar is not nested in the playlist folder. On submit, it navigates you to localhost3000/playlist/your-term. Also, it uses the direction prop to diferenciate between artist or playlist searches.

  • FilterSearchBar changes only the term of the URL.

  • FilterBar changes only the filter of the URL.

  • PlaylistTable sorts and filters the playlist with the SortForPlaylist(data, filter, term) function each re-render. The SortForPlaylist function is called from sorting.js in the utils folder.

    • If the playlist is over 25 tracks, the pagination function from pagination.js in utils is called; it splits sortedData into blocks of 25 elements and renders the ExportButton and Carousel components.

      • Carousel renders CarouselButtons depending on the filter used and a different slide for every block of 25 elements, each slide contains TableHeaders and a TableRow for each element.

    • Else, it just renders ExportButton, TableHeaders and a TableRow for each track.

    • ExportButton renders a button that, when pressed, downloads the playlist as an excel file.

    • TableHeaders and TableRow are stated in the Table.jsx file.


The main CSS file is located in rspotted/src/index.css and TailwindsCSS was used.