Minds is an open-source, encrypted and reward-based social networking platform. https://minds.com
Full documentation can be found at https://developers.minds.com/
Minds is split into multiple repositories:
- Engine - Backend code & APIs
- Front - Client side Angular2 web app
- Sockets - WebSocket server for real-time communication
- Mobile - React Native mobile apps
10GB RAM (be sure to set it in your docker settings)
100GB Disk space
- Docker Compose
The local setup guide sets up the tools to both run and rebuild the stack.
minds up
minds restart
minds install
At this time it is not advisable to run Minds in production, however it is possible so long as you are aware of the risks.
- 3 Cassandra Nodes (Min 30gb RAM, 1TB SSD, 8 CPU)
- 1 ElasticSearch Node (Min 16GB RAM, 250GB SSD, 8 CPU) #2 nodes are recommended for failover
- 1 Docker Machine (Min 60gb RAM, 50GB SSD, 32 CPU)
If you'd like to contribute to the Minds project, check out the Contribution section of Minds.org or head right over to the Minds Open Source Community. If you've found or fixed a bug, let us know in the Minds Help and Support Group!
Please report all security issues to [email protected].
AGPLv3. Please see the license file of each repository.
PHP, Cassandra, Angular2, Nginx, Ubuntu, OpenSSL, RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch, Cordova, Neo4j, Elgg, Node.js, MongoDB, Redis, WebRTC, Socket.io, TinyMCE, Ionic, Requirejs, OAuth, Apigen, Braintree. If any are missing please feel free to add.
Copyright Minds 2012 - 2018
Copyright for portions of Minds are held by Elgg, 2013 as part of the Elgg project. All other copyright for Minds is held by Minds, Inc.