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MiniCPM-2B: An end-side LLM outperforms Llama2-13B.


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MiniCPM: Unveiling the Potential of End-side Large Language Models

Technical Blog | MiniCPM Paper | MiniCPM-V Repo | Join our discord and WeChat

MiniCPM is an End-Side LLM developed by ModelBest Inc. and TsinghuaNLP, with only 2.4B parameters excluding embeddings (2.7B in total).

  • MiniCPM has very close performance compared with Mistral-7B on open-sourced general benchmarks with better ability on Chinese, Mathematics and Coding after SFT. The overall performance exceeds Llama2-13B, MPT-30B, Falcon-40B, etc.
  • After DPO, MiniCPM outperforms Llama2-70B-Chat, Vicuna-33B, Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1, Zephyr-7B-alpha, etc. on MTBench.
  • MiniCPM-V 2.0, based on MiniCPM-2B, achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple benchmarks among models under 7B parameters. It even outperforms strong Qwen-VL-Chat 9.6B, CogVLM-Chat 17.4B, and Yi-VL 34B on OpenCompass. MiniCPM-V 2.0 also shows strong OCR capability, achieving comparable performance to Gemini Pro in scene-text understanding.
  • MiniCPM can be deployed and infer on smartphones, and the speed of streaming output is relatively higher than human verbal speed. MiniCPM-V has also successfully deployed multi-modal models on smartphones.
  • The cost of developing based on MiniCPM is low. Parameter efficient finetuning can be conducted with a single 1080/2080 GPU and full parameter finetuning can be conducted with a 3090/4090 GPU.

We release all model parameters for research and limited commercial use.

  • SFT and DPO version based on MiniCPM-2B: MiniCPM-2B-SFT/DPO
  • The multi-modal model MiniCPM-V 2.0 based on MiniCPM-2B.
  • The INT4 quantized version MiniCPM-2B-SFT/DPO-Int4 based on MiniCPM-2B-SFT/DPO
  • The 128k long context version of MiniCPM-2B: MiniCPM-2B-128k.
  • The MoE version of MiniCPM-2B: MiniCPM-MoE-8x2B.
  • SFT version of MiniCPM-1B, a lighter-weight model: MiniCPM-1B-SFT.
  • Mobile phone application based on MLC-LLM and LLMFarm. Both language model and multimodel model can conduct inference on smartphones.
  • 30 Intermidiate checkpoints of MiniCPM-2B for academic purpose.


  • Due to limitations in model size, the model may experience hallucinatory issues. As DPO model tend to generate longer response, hallucinations are more likely to occur. We will also continue to iterate and improve the MiniCPM model.
  • To ensure the generality of the model for academic research purposes, we have not subject it to any identity-specific training. Meanwhile, as we use ShareGPT open-source corpus as part of the training data, the model may output identity-related information similar to the GPT series models.
  • Due to the limitation of model size, the output of the model is greatly influenced by prompts, which may result in inconsistent results from multiple attempts.
  • Due to limited model capacity, the model's knowledge recall may not be accurate. In the future, we will combine the RAG method to enhance the model's knowledge retention ability.

Quick Links

Update Log

  • 2024/04/11 We release MiniCPM-V 2.0, MiniCPM-2B-128k, MiniCPM-MoE-8x2B and MiniCPM-1B! Click here to read our technical blog.
  • 2024/03/16 Intermediate checkpoints were released here!
  • 2024/02/13 We support llama.cpp
  • 2024/02/09 We have included a Community section in the README to encourage support for MiniCPM from the open-source community.
  • 2024/02/08 We updated the llama-format model weights, which can be loaded into LlamaModel directly, making it more convenient for everyone to use our model quickly.
  • 2024/02/01 Initial release.


Quick Start



  • Install transformers>=4.36.0 and accelerate,run the following python code.
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
import torch

path = 'openbmb/MiniCPM-2B-dpo-bf16'
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(path)
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(path, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, device_map='cuda', trust_remote_code=True)

responds, history =, "Which city is the capital of China?", temperature=0.8, top_p=0.8)
  • Examples
The capital city of China is Beijing. Beijing is not only the political center of China but also a cultural and economic hub. It is known for its rich history and numerous landmarks, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Temple of Heaven. The city is also home to the National Stadium, also known as the "Bird's Nest," and the National Aquatics Center, or "Water Cube." Beijing is a significant city in China, with a population of over 21 million people.

MiniCPM-2B (Llama Format)

To facilitate ease of use, we have converted the model weights of MiniCPM to adapt to the structure of the LLaMA model:

import torch
from transformers import LlamaTokenizerFast, LlamaForCausalLM
model_path = "openbmb/MiniCPM-2B-dpo-bf16-llama-format"
tokenizer = LlamaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_path)
model = LlamaForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_path, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, device_map='cuda', trust_remote_code=True)

prompt="Now you act like a terminal situated within a beginner's C   practice repository folder, please provide the output for the command: `ls -l`"
input_ids = tokenizer.encode("<User>{}<AI>".format(prompt), return_tensors='pt', add_special_tokens=True).cuda()
responses = model.generate(input_ids, temperature=0.3, top_p=0.8, repetition_penalty=1.02, max_length=1024)
responses = tokenizer.decode(responses[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
import torch
from PIL import Image
from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer

model = AutoModel.from_pretrained('openbmb/MiniCPM-V', trust_remote_code=True)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('openbmb/MiniCPM-V', trust_remote_code=True)

image ='xx.jpg').convert('RGB')
question = 'What is in the image?'
msgs = [{'role': 'user', 'content': question}]

res, context, _ =


  • Install vLLM main: build from source

  • Examples

    python inference/ --model_path <hf_repo_path> --prompt_path prompts/prompt_demo.txt

llama.cpp, Ollama, fastllm, mlx_lm Inference

We have supported inference with llama.cpp, ollama, fastllm, mlx_lm. Thanks to @runfuture for the adaptation of llama.cpp and ollama.


  1. install llama.cpp
  2. download model in gguf format. link-fp16 link-q4km
  3. In command line:
./main -m ../../model_ckpts/download_from_hf/MiniCPM-2B-dpo-fp16-gguf.gguf --prompt "<用户>Write an acrostic poem with the word MINICPM (One line per letter)<AI>" --temp 0.3 --top-p 0.8 --repeat-penalty 1.05

More parameters adjustment see this

ollama Solving this issue


  1. install fastllm
  2. inference
import torch
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, LlamaTokenizerFast, AutoModelForCausalLM
path = 'openbmb/MiniCPM-2B-dpo-fp16'
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(path)
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(path, torch_dtype=torch.float16, device_map='cuda', trust_remote_code=True)
from fastllm_pytools import llm
model = llm.from_hf(model, tokenizer, dtype = "float16") # dtype支持 "float16", "int8", "int4"
print(model.response("<用户>Write an acrostic poem with the word MINICPM (One line per letter)<AI>", top_p=0.8, temperature=0.5, repeat_penalty=1.02))


  1. install mlx_lm

    pip install mlx_lm
  2. download model weights MiniCPM-2B-sft-bf16-llama-format-mlx

  3. inference

    python -m mlx_lm.generate --model mlx-community/MiniCPM-2B-sft-bf16-llama-format-mlx --prompt "hello, tell me a joke." --trust-remote-code


Evaluation results

Evaluation Settings

  • Since it is difficult to standardize the evaluation of LLMs and there is no public prompt and test code for a large number of evaluations, we can only try our best to make it suitable for all types of models in terms of specific evaluation methods.
  • Overall, we use a unified prompt input for testing, and adjust the input according to the corresponding template for each model.
  • The evaluation scripts and prompts have been open-sourced in our Github repository, and we welcome more developers to continuously improve our evaluation methods.
    • For the text evaluation part, we use our open source large model capability evaluation framework UltraEval. The following is the open source model reproduction process:
      • install UltraEval

        git clone
        cd UltraEval
        pip install -e .
      • Download the relevant data and unzip it for processing

        wget -O ""
      • Execute evaluation scripts (templates are provided and can be customized)


Deployment mode

  • Because MiniCPM uses the structure of Mup, which is slightly different from existing models in terms of specific computations, we have based the implementation of our model on the vllm=0.2.2 version.
  • For non-MiniCPM models, we directly sampled the latest version of vllm=0.2.7 for inference.

Evaluation method

  • For the QA task (multiple-choice task), we chose to test in two ways:
    • PPL: The options are used as a continuation of the question generation and the answer selection is based on the PPL of each option;
    • The second is to generate the answer options directly.
  • For different models, the results obtained by these two approaches vary widely. the results on both MiniCPM models are closer, while models such as Mistral-7B-v0.1 perform better on PPL and worse on direct generation.
  • In the specific evaluation, we take the higher score of the two evaluation methods as the final result, so as to ensure the fairness of the comparison (* in the following table indicates the PPL).

Text evaluation

Model Average Score Average Score in English Average Score in Chinese C-Eval CMMLU MMLU HumanEval MBPP GSM8K MATH BBH ARC-E ARC-C HellaSwag
Llama2-7B 35.40 36.21 31.765 32.42 31.11 44.32 12.2 27.17 13.57 1.8 33.23 75.25 42.75 75.62*
Qwen-7B 49.46 47.19 59.655 58.96 60.35 57.65 17.07 42.15 41.24 5.34 37.75 83.42 64.76 75.32*
Deepseek-7B 39.96 39.15 43.635 42.82 44.45 47.82 20.12 41.45 15.85 1.53 33.38 74.58* 42.15* 75.45*
Mistral-7B 48.97 49.96 44.54 46.12 42.96 62.69 27.44 45.2 33.13 5.0 41.06 83.92 70.73 80.43*
Llama2-13B 41.48 42.44 37.19 37.32 37.06 54.71 17.07 32.55 21.15 2.25 37.92 78.87* 58.19 79.23*
MPT-30B 38.17 39.82 30.715 29.34 32.09 46.56 21.95 35.36 10.31 1.56 38.22 78.66* 46.08* 79.72*
Falcon-40B 43.62 44.21 40.93 40.29 41.57 53.53 24.39 36.53 22.44 1.92 36.24 81.94* 57.68 83.26*
MiniCPM-2B 52.33 52.6 51.1 51.13 51.07 53.46 50.00 47.31 53.83 10.24 36.87 85.44 68.00 68.25
Model Average Score Average Score in English Average Score in Chinese C-Eval CMMLU MMLU HumanEval MBPP GSM8K MATH BBH ARC-E ARC-C HellaSwag
TinyLlama-1.1B 25.36 25.55 24.525 25.02 24.03 24.3 6.71 19.91 2.27 0.74 28.78 60.77* 28.15* 58.33*
Qwen-1.8B 34.72 31.87 47.565 49.81 45.32 43.37 7.93 17.8 19.26 2.42 29.07 63.97* 43.69 59.28*
Gemini Nano-3B - - - - - - - 27.2(report) 22.8(report) - 42.4(report) - - -
StableLM-Zephyr-3B 43.46 46.31 30.615 30.34 30.89 45.9 35.37 31.85 52.54 12.49 37.68 73.78 55.38 71.87*
Phi-2-2B 48.84 54.41 23.775 23.37 24.18 52.66 47.56 55.04 57.16 3.5 43.39 86.11 71.25 73.07*
MiniCPM-2B 52.33 52.6 51.1 51.13 51.07 53.46 50.00 47.31 53.83 10.24 36.87 85.44 68.00 68.25
Model Average Score Average Score in English Average Score in Chinese C-Eval CMMLU MMLU HumanEval MBPP GSM8K MATH BBH ARC-E ARC-C HellaSwag
ChatGLM2-6B 37.98 35.17 50.63 52.05 49.21 45.77 10.37 9.38 22.74 5.96 32.6 74.45 56.82 58.48*
Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1 44.36 45.89 37.51 38.06 36.96 53.56 29.27 39.34 28.73 3.48 39.52 81.61 63.99 73.47*
Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 50.91 52.83 42.235 42.55 41.92 60.51 36.59 48.95 40.49 4.95 39.81 86.28 73.38 84.55*
Qwen-7B-Chat 44.93 42.05 57.9 58.57 57.23 56.03 15.85 40.52 42.23 8.3 37.34 64.44* 39.25* 74.52*
Yi-6B-Chat 50.46 45.89 70.995 70.88 71.11 62.95 14.02 28.34 36.54 3.88 37.43 84.89 70.39 74.6*
Baichuan2-7B-Chat 44.68 42.74 53.39 53.28 53.5 53 21.34 32.32 25.25 6.32 37.46 79.63 60.15 69.23*
Deepseek-7B-chat 49.34 49.56 48.335 46.95 49.72 51.67 40.85 48.48 48.52 4.26 35.7 76.85 63.05 76.68*
Llama2-7B-Chat 38.16 39.17 33.59 34.54 32.64 47.64 14.02 27.4 21.15 2.08 35.54 74.28 54.78 75.65*
MiniCPM-2B 52.33 52.6 51.1 51.13 51.07 53.46 50.00 47.31 53.83 10.24 36.87 85.44 68.00 68.25

MiniCPM-2B-128k Evaluation

Model avg avg w/o code&math passkey number_string kv_retrieval longbook_choice_eng longbook_qa_chn longbook_qa_eng longbook_sum_eng longdialogue_qa_eng math_calc math_find code_debug code_run
LWM-Text-128k 24.45 33.62 100 97.8 0.6 28.82 15.93 14.31 9.99 1.5 0 3.43 20.05 1
Yarn-Mistral-7b-128k 19.84 27.36 92.71 0 27.95 15.49 9.55 9.06 7.5 0 17.14 0.76 1.25
Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2(ABF 1000w) 27.75 36.9 100 78.98 3.6 37.12 11.74 17.37 21.12 9.5 0 29.43 17.51 0
Yi-6B-200k 22.15 32.54 100 94.92 0 36.68 15.07 9.2 0.92 3.5 0 4.29 0.51 0.75
chatglm3-6b-128k 25.58 36.57 89.93 99.66 5.2 46.29 10.7 8.38 25.91 6.5 0 8 5.33 1
MiniCPM-2.4B-128k 27.32 37.68 98.31 99.83 9 29.69 23.06 16.33 15.73 9.5 0 4.29 22.08 0

MiniCPM-MoE-8x2B Evaluation

Llama2-34B* 44.1 62.6 - - 22.6 33.0 42.2 6.24
Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 39.81 60.51 42.55 41.92 36.59 39.63 40.49 4.95
Gemma-7B* 55.1 64.3 - - 32.3 44.4 46.4 24.3
Qwen1.5-7B* 40.2 61 74.1 73.1 36 37.4 62.5 20.3
Deepseek-MoE(16B)* - 45.0 40.6 42.5 26.8 39.2 18.8 4.3
MiniCPM-2.4B 36.87 53.46 51.13 51.07 50.00 35.93 53.83 10.24
MiniCPM-MoE-8x2B 39.22 58.90 58.11 58.80 55.49 41.68 61.56 10.52

Note:* means evaluation results are directly taken from their technical reports. † means evaluation results on the full set of MBPP, instead of the hand-verified set.

Multimodal evaluation

Model Size TextVQA val DocVQA test OCRBench OpenCompass MME MMB dev(en) MMB dev(zh) MMMU val MathVista LLaVA Bench Object HalBench
Proprietary models
Gemini Pro Vision - 74.6 88.1 680 63.8 2148.9 75.2 74.0 48.9 45.8 79.9 -
GPT-4V - 78.0 88.4 645 63.2 1771.5 75.1 75.0 53.8 47.8 93.1 86.4 / 92.7
Open-source models 6B~34B
Yi-VL-6B 6.7B 45.5* 17.1* 290 49.3 1915.1 68.6 68.3 40.3 28.8 51.9 -
Qwen-VL-Chat 9.6B 61.5 62.6 488 52.1 1860.0 60.6 56.7 37.0 33.8 67.7 56.2 / 80.0
Yi-VL-34B 34B 43.4* 16.9* 290 52.6 2050.2 71.1 71.4 45.1 30.7 62.3 -
DeepSeek-VL-7B 7.3B 64.7* 47.0* 435 55.6 1765.4 74.1 72.8 38.3 36.8 77.8 -
TextMonkey 9.7B 64.3 66.7 558 - - - - - - - -
CogVLM-Chat 17.4B 70.4 33.3* 590 52.5 1736.6 63.7 53.8 37.3 34.7 73.9 73.6 / 87.4
Open-source models 1B~3B
DeepSeek-VL-1.3B 1.7B 58.4* 37.9* 413 46.0 1531.6 64.0 61.2 33.8 29.4 51.1 -
MobileVLM V2 3.1B 57.5 19.4* - - 1440.5(P) 63.2 - - - - -
Mini-Gemini 2.2B 56.2 34.2* - - 1653.0 59.8 - 31.7 - - -
MiniCPM-V 2.8B 60.6 38.2 366 47.6 1650.2 67.9 65.3 38.3 28.9 51.3 78.4 / 88.5
MiniCPM-V 2.0 2.8B 74.1 71.9 605 55.0 1808.6 69.6 68.1 38.2 38.7 69.2 85.5 / 92.2
* We evaluate the officially released checkpoint by ourselves.

DPO evaluation

Model MT-bench
GPT-4-turbo 9.32
GPT-3.5-turbo 8.39
Mistral-8*7b-Instruct-v0.1 8.30
Claude-2.1 8.18
Zephyr-7B-beta 7.34
MiniCPM-2B 7.25
Vicuna-33B 7.12
Zephyr-7B-alpha 6.88
LLaMA-2-70B-chat 6.86
Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1 6.84
MPT-34B-instruct 6.39

Deployment on mobile phones


  • After INT4 quantization, MiniCPM only occupies 2GB of space, meeting the requirements of inference on end devices.
  • We have made different adaptations for different operating systems.
  • Note: The current open-source framework is still improving its support for mobile phones, and not all chips and operating system versions can successfully run MLC-LLM or LLMFarm.
  • Android, HarmonyOS
    • Adapt based on open-source framework MLC-LLM.
    • Adapted for text model MiniCPM, and multimodel model MiniCPM-V.
    • Support MiniCPM-2B-SFT-INT4, MiniCPM-2B-DPO-INT4, and MiniCPM-V.
    • Compile and Installation Guide
  • iOS
    • Adapt based on open-source framework LLMFarm.
    • Adapted for text model MiniCPM.
    • Support MiniCPM-2B-SFT-INT4, MiniCPM-2B-DPO-INT4.
    • Compile and Installation Guide


  • We did not conduct in-depth optimization and system testing on the mobile inference model, only verifying the feasibility of MiniCPM using mobile phone chips for inference. We welcome more developers to continuously improve the inference performance of LLMs on mobile phones and update the test results below.
Mobile Phones OS Processor Memory(GB) Inference Throughput(token/s)
OPPO Find N3 Android 13 snapdragon 8 Gen2 12 6.5
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14 snapdragon 8 Gen2 12 6.4
Meizu M182Q Android 11 snapdragon 888Plus 8 3.7
Xiaomi 12 Pro Android 13 snapdragon 8 Gen1 8 3 3.7
Xiaomi Redmi K40 Android 11 snapdragon 870 8 3.5
Oneplus LE 2100 Android 13 snapdragon 870 12 3.5
Oneplus HD1900 Android 11 snapdragon 865 8 3.2
Oneplus HD1900 Android 11 snapdragon 855 8 3.0
Oneplus HD1905 Android 10 snapdragon 855 8 3.0
Oneplus HD1900 Android 11 snapdragon 855 8 3.0
Xiaomi MI 8 Android 9 snapdragon 845 6 2.3
Huawei Nova 11SE HarmonyOS 4.0.0 snapdragon 778 12 1.9
Xiaomi MIX 2 Android 9 snapdragon 835 6 1.3
iPhone 15 Pro iOS 17.2.1 A16 8 18.0
iPhone 15 iOS 17.2.1 A16 6 15.0
iPhone 12 Pro iOS 16.5.1 A14 6 5.8
iPhone 12 iOS 17.2.1 A14 4 5.8
iPhone 11 iOS 16.6 A13 4 4.6
Xiaomi Redmi K50 HyperOS 1.0.2 MediaTek Dimensity 8100 12 3.5
  • We have also verified the feasibility of deploying MiniCPM-V series models on mobile phones based on MLC-LLM, and it can input and output normally. However, there also exist a problem of long image processing time, which needs further optimization. The demo video below is the raw screen recording on a Xiaomi 14 Pro without edition.

Demo & API

Web-demo based on Gradio

Using the following command can launch the gradio-based demo.

# generation powered by vllm
python demo/ --model_path <vllmcpm_repo_path>
# generation powered by huggingface
python demo/ --model_path <hf_repo_path>


  • Parameter-efficient Tuning

  • Full-parameter Tuning

    • Using BMTrain,as well as checkpointing and ZeRO-3 (zero redundancy optimizer),we can tune all parameters of MiniCPM using one piece of NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3090/4090.
    • This code will be available soon.
  • mlx Parameter-efficient Tuning

    • environment preparation

      pip install -r finetune/requirements_mlx.txt
    • finetune

      # train
      python --model MiniCPM-2B-sft-bf16-llama-format-mlx  --data data/AdvertiseGen  --train  --seed 2024 --iters 500
      # test
      python --model MiniCPM-2B-sft-bf16-llama-format-mlx  --data data/AdvertiseGen  --test --seed 2024

Show Cases

Text Generation



Code Generation







Instruction Following


Special characters





  • This repository is released under the Apache-2.0 License.
  • The usage of MiniCPM model weights must strictly follow the General Model License (GML).
  • The models and weights of MiniCPM are completely free for academic research.
  • If you intend to utilize the model for commercial purposes, please reach out to [email protected] to obtain the certificate of authorization.


  • As a language model, MiniCPM generates content by learning from a vast amount of text.
  • However, it does not possess the ability to comprehend or express personal opinions or value judgments.
  • Any content generated by MiniCPM does not represent the viewpoints or positions of the model developers.
  • Therefore, when using content generated by MiniCPM, users should take full responsibility for evaluating and verifying it on their own.


  • Please cite our paper if you find our work valuable.
      title={MiniCPM: Unveiling the Potential of Small Language Models with Scalable Training Strategies}, 
      author={Shengding Hu and Yuge Tu and Xu Han and Chaoqun He and Ganqu Cui and Xiang Long and Zhi Zheng and Yewei Fang and Yuxiang Huang and Weilin Zhao and Xinrong Zhang and Zheng Leng Thai and Kaihuo Zhang and Chongyi Wang and Yuan Yao and Chenyang Zhao and Jie Zhou and Jie Cai and Zhongwu Zhai and Ning Ding and Chao Jia and Guoyang Zeng and Dahai Li and Zhiyuan Liu and Maosong Sun},


MiniCPM-2B: An end-side LLM outperforms Llama2-13B.







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