The homdista package is designed to analyze the movement patterns of objects, like animals, using recorded GPS coordinates. This toolkit offers various functions to compute home range areas and distances traveled over extended periods, daily, monthly and yearly. To determine home range, the package employs a kernel density estimator, requiring users to specify the bandwidth themselves. For distance estimation, the package utilizes the st_length function to link all points in chronological order based on their timestamps.
You can install the homdista package from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
# Computes monthly and yearly utilized areas and distances walked
homdista(file, tf, crs_epsg, Id_name, perc, parh)
# Generates polygons representing the utilized areas
homekde(file, tf, crs_epsg, Id_name, perc, parh)
# Calculates correlation values and visualizes the relationship between area and distance
hodicor(adista, cormethod)
# Creates line paths to visualize the traveled distances
distwalk(file, tf, crs_epsg, Id_name)
# Converts a data frame into a move object for more detailed movement analysis
moveObject(file, tf, Id_name, crs_epsg)
file R-imported dataframe which comprises at least three columns: a longitude column labeled "x",
a latitude column labeled "y", and a timestamp column labeled "timestamp", in lowercase.
tf Timestamp format.
crs_epsg EPSG code related to the dataset coordinates.
Id_name Column name from dataset which shows different categories (e.g., different groups (group A,
group B, group C, ...)).
perc The percentage utilized to calculate the KDE home range at a specific level (e.g., 50% for
core areas, 75%, 90%, 95%, ...).
parh Bandwidth or smoothing parameter.
adista A layer containing the area and distances values generated from the homdista function.
cormethod Correlation method between paired samples (pearson", "kendall", or "spearman") at
confidence level of 95%.
The following are basic examples for how each of the functions works:
- Home range estimation and walked distance calculation
## Read the file
file <- read.csv("data.csv", header = T)
## Home range area (with Kernel density estimator) and walked distance calculation
area_distance <- homdista(file ,"%m/%d/%y %I:%M %p", 32734, "Animal", 90, 500)
- Generating spatial polygons for the home range areas
#Additional libraries
## Generates polygons representing the utilized areas
homerange <- homekde(file ,"%m/%d/%y %I:%M %p", 32734, "Animal", 90, 500)
# Convert "sp" object to "sf"
Homerange <- st_as_sf(homerange)
# Define a palette for colors
palette <- rainbow(length(unique(Homerange$Id)))
#Create map with mapview
mapview(Homerange, zcol = "Id", col.regions = palette, legend = TRUE, legend.title = "", legend.values = unique(Homerange$Id))
- Get correlation values and plot the relationship between area and distance values
## Home range area (with Kernel density estimator) and walked distance calculation
area_distance <- homdista(file ,"%m/%d/%y %I:%M %p", 32734, "Animal", 90, 500)
## Correlation values and plot the relationship between area and distance values using spearman method
Correlation <- hodicor(area_distance, "spearman")
- Get the line paths to visualize the traveled distances
#Additional library
Distance <- distwalk(file, "%m/%d/%y %I:%M %p", 32734, "Animal")
mapview(Distance, zcol = "Id", col.regions = rainbow(length(unique(Distance$Id))), legend = TRUE, legend.title = " ", legend.values = unique(Distance$Id)))
- Daily traveled distance
Daily_distance <- daytraj(file, "%m/%d/%y %I:%M %p", 32734, "Animal")
- Converts a data frame into a move object for more detailed movement analysis
#Additional libraries
Move <- moveObject(file, "%m/%d/%y %I:%M %p", "Animal", 32734)
1. Fleming, C. H., & Calabrese, J. M. (2017). A new kernel density estimator for accurate home‐range and species‐range area estimation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8(5), 571-579.
2. Calenge, C. (2011). Home range estimation in R: the adehabitatHR package. Office national de la classe et de la faune sauvage: Saint Benoist, Auffargis, France.
3. Wu, X., Roy, U., Hamidi, M., & Craig, B. N. (2020). Estimate travel time of ships in narrow channel based on AIS data. Ocean Engineering, 202, 106790.
4. Pebesma, E. J. (2018). Simple features for R: standardized support for spatial vector data. R J., 10(1), 439.
5. Urbano, F., Basille, M., & Racine, P. (2014). From Points to Habitat: Relating Environmental Information to GPS Positions. Spatial Database for GPS Wildlife Tracking Data: A Practical Guide to Creating a Data Management System with PostgreSQL/PostGIS and R, 75-93.