Hi, I am Godson. Exploring Web/Browser stuffs...
- 🕸️ WebApp / Browser Security
- ⚡️ Another CTF enjoyer
- 🔭 Open Source Enthusiastic
- Writeup - Intigriti"s Nov XSS Challenge
- Author Writeup - Intigriti"s October XSS Challenge
- An Art of Dom Clobbering - Research
- Prototype Pollution to Bypass XSS filters
- Blind XSS -> ZIP SLIP -> Check Bypass ->LFI
- Exploiting Blind SQL Injection (ORDER BY)
- Path Traversal In Python Application Via os.path.join()
- Dom Clobbering to Define, Undefined Variables
- Abusing URL Parser for XSS
- Account takeover in million $ company?