Cilantro is a normal farmgirl with a big heart and many chickens. Faced with the sudden realization that her hens are no longer laying eggs, Cilantro enlists the help of her estranged friend to bring order to the farm. Will she be able to save her fowl, or is it all cock-a-doodle-done?


This short visual novel was created for the O2A2 jam in 2020. In keeping with the jam restrictions of using only one of any asset, we have used the following:

  • One character sprite with one pose: the protagonist, Cilantro
  • One in-game background: the farm background graphic
  • One menu background: the grass background graphic
  • One thousand (or less) words: cut it close at around 980 words
  • One music track: the singular BGM
  • One sound effect: a chicken
  • One voice actor: the tone representing Cilantro's voice
  • One entry: this one!


Created by 3 Halves Games. Click the link to follow us on Twitter.

Built using node.js technology, including Babel, Webpack, Standard, Husky, Font Face Observer, and Phaser CE.

Development log


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Super cute, loved it!

enjoyed this cute and short game :D 

( 1)

enjoyed this, resonates a bit. for the limitations of the jam its well done. enjoyed your dev log which had valuable information to consider when choosing technology to make a VN. feel it could really be expanded into something cool outside of the restrictions of the jam, so i vote for another 5-10k words added onto this where you either successfully romance cilantro or piss her off :)

Really short, but nice. More content would've definitely made it better, but I'll let you pass because I love Cilantro

( 1)

Thanks for playing! This was for a game jam with a restriction of 1,000 words, so we put in just about as much as we could given the limitation. Glad to hear Cilantro has a fan!

Ah, the game jam had a restriction of 1,000 words huh? Didn't know that, thanks for telling me. If that is the case I bet you guys will be able to make longer, better and deep visual novels well! I'll be looking forward more of your works ~ Keep up the good work, y'all have my support!

I absolutely adore this game. The only problem is that its too short, even though I already knew it was gonna be that way, but I guess I got instantly attached to her lol. I really hope in the future youre gonna make more games, I cant wait for them!

( 2)

Fun little novel game. Love the style. Any more in the future?

Thanks for playing, and thank you for the great video! We are working on more games, so be sure to follow us on social media @3HalvesGames

Judging by the devlog, I'm assuming you guys will be quite opposed to this, but are you planning to release a downloadable version? I don't have an permanent internet connection, but this game looks really sweet and I just decided to ask about it.

There is currently a way to play it offline mode if you use the official itch app. We have no plans for a desktop executable version, though that would essentially just be a webpage with the game on it. Your browser probably also is capable of downloading all the contents of this page if you request it to do so, and that should work since the game itself has no server-side communication.

( 4)

this game was so lovely such a cute art style I loved it :)

( 1)

Oh wow, a Let's Play already! Definitely tweet this one out to us @3HalvesGames, we'd love to RT it!

( 1)

I knew from the thumbnail that I was going to adore this game. After playing, I LOVE this game. Everything about it was so cute. Even the sound Cilantro makes when speaking! I'm gonna need to draw  Cilantro in my sketchbook after this. 

Thank you for making a fun little game <3

If you do draw her, please share it with us! You can tweet us @3HalvesGames. Always love to see fanart!

Thanks for commenting on the voice sound effect! This is only my sixth or so time making a sound like that. Last time I used only simple sinusoids or square waves, this time I experimented with superimposing some sawtooth in there, too.

( 1)

I'll be sure to share the fanart on twitter!  She's so cute <3

You should definitely keep experimenting with the voice sound effect! The one here was really pleasant to listen to.

this was an adorable game !!!! the use of the arrow keys was pretty frickin smart and most everything that Cilantro said about chickens was spot on from a former and soon to be (my next batch hatches in a week) chicken owner.

( 1)

Such a cute game! I love chickens, so I was immediately drawn to this visual novel. Thank you for making it.

( 1)

Thank you so much Katy! I also love chickens. Spread the chicken love!

( 4)

The use of the arrow keys was ingenious!

( 2)

Super cute, and I love the simplicity provided by controlling the choices with the left and right arrow keys! Great job.

Thanks! I wrote a devlog for this game about our engine, which is a custom one (non-Ren'Py, non-Naninovel) in case you were interested in learning more!

( 1)

Ahh, this is so cute, I like how the character talks, and it was interesting to learn a bit while playing too! I love the artwork, and the sounds and music. Also suprised how much I liked the clicking the arrows to pick the choices. Sort of wish that was standard for al VNS, liked it. Adorable game! 💕

We made the left/right system originally for a VN we made for 2-Buttons Jam at the end of 2018. That entry was the lengthily titled What Do You Do When You Ask Four People Out and They All Say Yes? Glad you liked the control scheme!

I think I liked it most because it reminds me of games I play on consoles. played a few with choices where you just press the directional buttons. It allows me to play with the keyboard over having to use a mouse, and means I don't have to put my cursor over the images at all, something I enjoy. Never occurred to me that one could do the same with a visual novel, but it's a nice touch.

( 2)

That was a cute, simple game! I liked Cilantro's character ^^

( 2)

This was so cute. Short and sweet. Cilantro had an engaging character voice, I loved how she brushed me off for flirting right away lol. She was fun to talk to, and by the end I really did want to stay with her and talk to her some more -- or listen to her talk, hahaha.

There seems to be some genuine farm knowledge here, so it provided educational insight on top of being fun!

Thanks for playing! I must profess that I have no farm knowledge, but it's neat to see that others felt I did!