Student VolunteersSPLASH 2021
The SPLASH Student Volunteers program presents an opportunity for students worldwide to associate with some of the leading personalities in industry and research in the following areas: programming languages, object-oriented technology, and software development. Student volunteers get the opportunity to work with the SPLASH organizing committees and other students around the world and be a part of this premier event.
As a student volunteer, you will aid in the smooth running of the conference events by performing several crucial tasks such as: assisting with registration, providing information about the conference to attendees, assisting session organizers, monitoring sessions, managing videos from participants, maintaining Slack channels for the event, etc.
SV Applications
How to apply?
All student volunteers are required to submit the application form. The application deadline is September 1, 2021. All student volunteers are expected to be available from October 17th through October 22nd of 2021. Also, volunteers are expected to participate in some of the pre-event discussion and fulfill relevant training.
Applicants can be undergraduate, Master’s, or Ph.D. students in computer science and related fields.
In exchange for performing their volunteer duties (expected ~ 10-15 hours), student volunteers gain:
- Complimentary student conference registration
- Participate in all conference events
- Participate in all social events
- Closely interact with top researchers, mentors, and other students in programming languages, object-oriented technology and software development fields
SPLASH/ECOOP Student Volunteers should:
- Be reliable, organized, and punctual
- Be highly motivated with strong interpersonal skills
- Be proactive and a quick-learner
- Be fluent in English
More Information:
For additional information, clarifications, and questions please contact the SPLASH’20 Student Volunteer Co-Chairs (Breno Cruz and Samantha Khairunnesa) at [email protected].