[Latest update: 12 July 2012]

Animaniacs Handy Episode Manual (AHEM)
Culled by Ron O'Dell (keeper@cruzio.com) from personal notes and other sources.

Types of segments:
o - cold opener (appears before show title theme; may also qualify as w or s)
i - introduction
w - part of episode wraparound
f - other filler
s - part of a series (see below)
e - tower escape
p - pursuit
r - tower return
* - unusual opening titles or closing credits

Titles with quotation marks are cartoons which had a title card or had
the title displayed during the running of the cartoon.

Series segments:
WoM  - Wheel of Morality
DPC  - Dot's Poetry Corner
GIBI - Good Idea / Bad Idea
MT   - Mime Time
RB   - Randy Beaman's Pal, Colin

Animation studios:
A - Akom Productions Co. (South Korea)
F - Freelance Animators, Ltd. (New Zealand)
K - KoKo Enterprises Co., Ltd. (South Korea)
P - Phillipine Animation Studio, Inc. (Philippines)
S - StarToons (USA)
T - Tokyo Movie Shinsha, Ltd. (Japan)
V - Varga Studio, Ltd.  (Hungary)
W - Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. (Taiwan, Thailand)

The listing of animation studio is done by means of educated guessing.
If you think one or more is in error, please tell me and we'll go over it.

PR - Paul Rugg
TR - Tom Ruegger
NH - Nicholas Hollander
RR - Randy Rogel
PH - Peter Hastings
SS - Sherri Stoner
GB - Gordon Bressack
CH - Charles M. Howell IV
DO - Deanna Oliver
EK - Earl Kress
TM - Tom Minton
BC - Barry Caldwell
JM - John P. McCann
SH - Stephen Hibbert
LM - Lisa Malone
KD - Kate Donohue
SV - Sib Ventress
JK - Jeff Kwitty/Kwitny
JL - John Ludin
ND - Nick DuBois
KH - Kevin Hopps
R2 - Rafael Rosado
AP - Audu Paden
LF - Lance Falk
EM - Enrique May
BB - Brett Baer
DF - David Finkel
RD - Richard Daskas
HM - Herb Moore
AA - Andrew Austin
JO - John Over
KF - Kevin Franks
MW - Marlowe Weisman
LA - Laraine Arkow
JD - John Dubiel
LH - Llyn Hunter
LR - Lenord Robinson
LG - Lennie K. Graves
RS - Ralph Soll
W2 - Marcus Williams

Initials in parentheses indicate a "Story by" credit.
Otherwise they are either "Written by" or "Adapted by" credits.


First line contains episode number, original air date, credited animation
studios, and variable song lyric plus the number of times it has been used.

Middle section lists actual contents minus title sequence or closing credits
unless something unusual about them should be noted.  Contents are listed by
segment type, name or description of short or segment, credited writer of
short, production code of short or number of times the segment has been
shown, animation studio which drew the short or segment, running time of the
short or segment, and number of commercial breaks during the short.  Non-
applicable or unknown information is left blank.

Bottom line(s) contains the episode's gag credit and the end tag plus the
number of times it has been used.  For episodes 1-69, the gag credit is
assumed to be for Kathryn Page.  For the following episodes, the entire
gag credit will be listed.

Sounds complicated, but it's simple, really.  Take a look!

Note: The segments of episode 21 are listed in their order from the original
      air date. All subsequent airings have had the segments in a different
      order, dictated by the executive producer.

      Some of the hour-long (H) episodes had "A" variations with the segments
      in a new order.  However, since the episodes were the same apart from
      the identifying number and the order of segments, I have chosen not to
      list them.  I'm treating those "A" variations like how episode 21 is
      described above.

      Episodes are listed in order of U.S. television debut, and the given
      air dates are for them. Episodes 79-82 had aired in other countries
      before their U.S. television debut, which is why, for instance, people
      in New Zealand will remember them airing in May and June of 1996, while
      the U.S. debut dates shown here are between December 1996 and May 1997.

  1 - Mon 13 Sep 93 - T/W/F   - Here's the show's namey  1

o  Newsreel of the Stars #1                                       1   T   :58
  "De-zanitized"                                         PR 406-705   W 11:15
  "The Monkey Song"                                      TR 406-600KK T  4:13
  "Nighty-Night Toon"                                    NH 406-721   F  2:50

Animal Handler         - Goodbye, Nurse!  1
  2 - Tue 14 Sep 93 - T/W     - Pinky and the Brainy  1

o  Newsreel of the Stars #1                                       2   T   :58
   Yakko's World                                         RR 406-600AA T  1:45
  "Cookies for Einstein"                                 PR 406-810   T  6:35
i  Pinky and The Brain #1                                         1   A   :38
  "Win Big"                                              PH 406-805   W  8:37
s  WoM # 1 - (2) If at first you don't succeed,                       T   :40
                 blame it on your parents.

Lemming Herder         - I'm Yakko / I'm Wakko / and I'm cute!  1
  3 - Wed 15 Sep 93 - T/S     - Come back Shaney  1

e  soapbox derby car                                                  T   :19
  "H.M.S. Yakko"                                         PR 406-607   T  7:26
i  Slappy Squirrel #1                                             1   S   :16
  "Slappy Goes Walnuts"                                  SS 406-603   S  9:13
   Yakko's Universe                                      RR 406-600EE T  1:56

Shark Handler          - We are the very models of cartoon individuals!
  4 - Thu 16 Sep 93 - T/A     - Here's the show's namey  2

e  hot-air balloon                                                    T   :22
  "Hooked on a Ceiling"                          (TR) GB CH 406-809   T  7:07
f  Wakko projector                                                1   S   :08
  "Goodfeathers: The Beginning"                          DO 406-702   A 10:13 1
s  WoM # 2 - (4) Never ask what hot dogs are made of.                 T   :37
r  ladder                                                             T   :37

Hamster Trainer        - Set 3 extra places / We're coming over for dinner.  1
  5 - Fri 17 Sep 93 - T       - The rain in Spainy  1

  "Taming of the Screwy"                      (PH EK TR) PH 406-614   T 20:22 2

Tight Rope Walker      - Goodbye, Nurse!  2
  6 - Mon 20 Sep 93 - T/A/S   - Cockamamie  1

o  Flipper parody                                                     T   :25
  "Temporary Insanity"                                   PR 406-624   T 10:33 1
i  Mindy and Buttons                                              1   T   :23
  "Operation Lollipop"                                   PH 406-602   A  5:22
   What Are We?                                          RR 406-600GG S  2:30

Squirrel Handler       - I can't think of the ending for this show.
                         I can't think of anything else!  1
  7 - Tue 21 Sep 93 - T/F     - Here's the show's namey  3

o  Newsreel of the Stars #1                                       3   T   :58
e  flush                                                              T   :17
  "Piano Rag"                                            NH 406-712   T  8:47
  "When Rita Met Runt"                                   SS 406-604   F  8:40
r  barber's chair                                                     T   :32

Jeep Driver            - Goodbye, Nurse!  3
  8 - Wed 22 Sep 93 - S       - Here's the show's namey  4

o  Warner's Lot (Gilligan's Island parody)                            W   :53
s  RB # 1 - marshmallow/pillow                                        A   :24
  "The Big Candy Store"                          (SS PR) PR 406-703   S  8:51
s  RB # 2 - crazy footlicker                                          A   :29
i  Slappy Squirrel #1                                             2   S   :16
  "Bumbie's Mom"                                         SS 406-619   S  7:44
r  catapult                                                           T   :28

Raccoon Keeper         - Goodbye, Nurse!  4
  9 - Thu 23 Sep 93 - W/S     - Shirley MacLainey  1

  "Wally Llama"                                          PR 406-720   S  6:45
i  Pinky and The Brain #2                                         1   T   :35
  "Where Rodents Dare"                                PH TR 406-711   W 11:24 1
s  WoM # 3 - $5,000                                                   T   :31

Monkey Wrangler        - Lather / Rinse / Repeat  1
 10 - Fri 24 Sep 93 - W       - Here's the show's namey  5

  "King Yakko"                                           PH 406-632   W 20:20 2

Pit Bull Trainer       - Goodbye, Nurse!  5
 11 - Mon 27 Sep 93 - T/W     - How urbaney  1

e  soap bubble                                                    1   T   :35
  "No Pain, No Painting"                                 PH 406-722   W  7:00
  "Les Miseranimals"                                     DO 406-835   T 10:56
r  escalator                                                          T   :40

Dallas Cowboy Fan      - I'm Yakko / I'm Wakko / and I'm cute!  2
 12 - Tue 28 Sep 93 - T/W     - Citizen Kaney  1

e  popcorn skiing                                                     T   :22
  "Garage Sale of the Century"                   (TR PR) EK 406-727   T  6:02
f  fortune cookies                                                    S   :21
  "West Side Pigeons"                                    DO 406-704   W 12:29 1

Moose Caller           - Goodbye, Nurse!  6
 13 - Wed 29 Sep 93 - T/W     - Here's the show's namey  6

  "Hello Nice Warners"                                   PR 406-801   T  9:30
i  Hip Hippos                                                     1   W   :20
  "La Behemoth"                                          NH 406-725   W  6:35
i  Slappy Squirrel #2                                             1   T   :13
  "Little Old Slappy from Pasadena"                      TM 406-729   W  2:33

Needs a Vacation       - Flamiel!  1
 14 - Thu 30 Sep 93 - T/A     - Here's the show's namey  7

o  Newsreel of the Stars #1                                       4   T   :57
s  MT # 1 - trapped in an imaginary box                               T   :21
  "La La Law"                                            PR 406-718   T  7:28
s  MT # 2 - throwing an imaginary football                            T   :18
i  Mindy and Buttons                                              2   T   :23
  "Cat on a Hot Steel Beam"                              BC 406-802   A  9:30
s  MT # 3 - pulling an imaginary rope                                 T   :18

Babysitter             - Ciaoabunga!  1
 15 - Fri  1 Oct 93 - W       - Andromeda Strainy  1

e  cannon                                                             T   :26
  "Space-Probed"                                         JM 406-630   W 11:14 1
i  Pinky and The Brain #2                                         2   T   :35
  "Battle for the Planet"                                PH 406-616   W  7:01

Bobbie's Sister        - Goodbye, Nurse!  7
 16 - Mon  4 Oct 93 - T/A/F   - Here's the show's namey  8

  "Chalkboard Bungle"                            (TR PR) PR 406-613   F  8:04
i  Slappy Squirrel #1                                             3   S   :16
  "Hurray for Slappy"                                    JM 406-713   A  8:36
  "The Great Wakkorotti: The Master and his Music"       TR           T  2:20

The Shepherd           - Goodbye, Nurse!  8
 17 - Tue  5 Oct 93 - T/F     - Here's the show's namey  9

s  GIBI # 1 - playing in a marching band                              F   :23
  "Roll Over, Beethoven"                                 PR 406-701   T  9:42 1
s  GIBI # 2 - feeding stray kittens                                   F   :24
  "The Cat and the Fiddle"                               NH 406-804   F  8:31

Tired of These Credits - Clap on! Clap off! Clap on, clap off! Show's over!  1
 18 - Wed  6 Oct 93 - T/A     - Pinky and the Brainy  2

i  Pinky and The Brain #1                                         2   A   :38
  "Pavlov's Mice"                             (JM TR SS) JM 406-620   T  6:49
i  Chicken Boo #1                                                 1   A   :19
  "Chicken Boo-Ryshnikov"                                DO 406-820   T  2:34
e  skybox car                                                         T   :21
  "Nothing But the Tooth"                             DO PR 406-615   A  7:12
s  WoM # 4 - (1) Brush your teeth after every meal.               1   T   :43
r  magic carpet                                                       T   :33

Zookeeper              - Lather / Rinse / Repeat  2
 19 - Thu  7 Oct 93 - S/W     - Where's Lon Chaney?  1

  "Meatballs or Consequences" {Death or Consequences}    JM 406-707   S  9:58
s  DPC # 1 - Little Miss Muffet                                   1   F   :29
  "A Moving Experience"                                  PH 406-605   W  8:31
i  Hip Hippos                                                     2   W   :20

Buried Under Lists     - Ciaoabunga!  2
 21 - Mon 11 Oct 93 - A/T/S   - Eisenhower Mamie  1

  "Four Score and Seven Migraines Ago"     (TR PR) GB CH PR 406-716   A  5:13
  "Wakko's America"                                   RR TR 406-600FF S  3:33
  "Davy Omelette"                                        DO 406-736   A  3:09
p  flying out of Mount Rushmore                                   1   T   :13
  "The Flame"                                    (TR) NH TR 406-812   T  7:07

Tractor Puller         - Ciao, America!  1
 20 - Tue 12 Oct 93 - W/A     - Citizen Kaney  2

o  Alfred Hitchcock Presents parody                                   T   :16
  "Hearts of Twilight"                                   PR 406-637   W  9:01
f  Wakko projector                                                2   S   :08
  "The Boids"                                            DO 406-706   A  9:27 1

Bull Fighter           - Flamiel!  2
 22 - Wed 13 Oct 93 - S       - Here's the show's namey 10

o  Newsreel of the Stars #1                                       5   T   :57
  "Guardin' the Garden"                       (EK TR) NH SS 406-618   S  6:56
  "Plane Pals"                                   (TR JM) JM 406-803   S 11:20

Party Clown            - Look who's staying with us / It's our special friend!
 23 - Fri 15 Oct 93 - W/T/S   - The rain in Spainy  2

   Be Careful What You Eat                               RR 406-600HH S  1:37
w  Yakko has a vision of the future                                   S   :21
i  Mindy and Buttons                                              3   T   :23
  "Up the Crazy River"                                   NH 406-816   W  7:59
w  Warners draw blank pictures                                        S   :40
  "Ta Da Dump, Ta Da Dump, Ta Da Dump Dump Dump"    (TR) CH 406-806   T  7:16
s  WoM # 5 - (4) The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind...     T   :42
                 except in N.J., where what's blowing in the wind smells funny.

Taxidermist            - Hey, Warner Brothers, and the Warner Sister:
                         You've just completed another great show;
                         what're you gonna do now?
                         We're going to... sleep.  1
 24 - Mon 18 Oct 93 - A/S     - Pinky and the Brainy  3

o  Yakko Warner's World of Baldness                                   S  1:30
i  Pinky and The Brain #1                                         3   A   :38
  "Opportunity Knox"                                     TM 406-829   A  8:18
s  GIBI # 3 - roses                                               1   F   :23
  "Wings Take Heart"                                     NH 406-606   A  7:41
s  WoM # 6 - (5) If you can't say something nice...                   T   :41
                 you're probabaly at the Ice Capades.

Bounty Hunter          - Zort!  1
 25 - Tue 19 Oct 93 - T/W     - How urbaney  2

o  Masterpiece Theatre parody - Disasterpiece Theater                 S   :36
  "Hercule Yakko"                                        PH 406-641   W  7:54
i  Rita and Runt                                                  1   T   :14
  "Home on De-Nile"                                      SH 406-609   T  8:20
  "A Midsummer Night's Dream"                            DO 406-841   T  1:56

Rug Merchant           - Set three extra places / We're coming over for dinner!
                         Except I'm allergic to anything with lactose in it.  1
 26 - Thu 21 Oct 93 - T/S     - Here's the show's namey 11

w  Testimonial: Sy Sykman                                             S  1:01
  "Babblin' Bijou"                                       TM 406-600JJ T  2:57
w  Testimonial: (unknown woman)                                       S  1:03
  "Potty Emergency"                                      PR 406-831   T  6:24
w  Testimonial: (unknown man)                                         S  1:01
  "Sir Yaksalot"                                         PR 406-639   T  6:30

Back Hoe Operator      - Goodbye, Nurse!  9
 27 - Mon 25 Oct 93 - A/W     - Miss Cellany  1

o  DPC # 2 - The Shoe                                             1   F   :23
  "You Risk Your Life"                                   PR           A  2:22
i  Slappy Squirrel #1                                             4   S   :16
  "I Got Yer Can"                                        SS 406-710   A  7:31
i  Pinky and The Brain #1                                         4   A   :38
  "Jockey for Position"                                  PH 406-838   W  7:28
s  DPC # 3 - Fuzzy Wuzzy                                              F   :27

Wine Steward           - Spew!  1
 28 - Tue 26 Oct 93 - A/F     - Chicken chow meiny  1

s  GIBI # 4 - jumping into a swimming pool                            F   :23
  "Moby or Not Moby"                                     JM 406-612   F  6:13
s  GIBI # 5 - going alpine skiing                                 1   F   :34
i  Mindy and Buttons                                              4   T   :23
  "Mesozoic Mindy"                                       NH 406-719   A  6:31
s  GIBI # 6 - kissing                                                 F   :24
  "The Good, the Boo and the Ugly"              DO PH NH PR 406-728   A  4:15
s  GIBI # 7 - doing your own work                                 1   F   :22
*  end credits feature Mindy and Buttons                              T   :24

Ride Operator          - OK I love you bye bye!  1
 30 - Thu 28 Oct 93 - T/A     - Shirley MacLainey  2

o  GIBI # 8 - dressing up for halloween                               F   :22
  "Hot, Bothered and Bedeviled"                     (TR) JM 406-741   T  6:37
  "Moon Over Minerva"                                    NH 406-737   A  7:40
  "Skullhead Boneyhands"                                 DO 406-608   A  4:25

Circus Performer       - Wanna see me make bubbles with my spit?
                         Ehhh, maybe later.  1
 29 - Fri 29 Oct 93 - T       - Where's Lon Chaney?  1

  "Draculee, Draculaa"                                   JM 406-601   T 10:21 1
  "Phranken-Runt"                                        JM 406-818   T  9:46

Barbarian              - I still think they make me look like Sheena Easton.
 31 - Mon  1 Nov 93 - W/A/T   - Cockamamie  2

s  MT # 4 - gathering imaginary flowers                               T   :20
  "O Silly Mio"                                       RR PR 406-645   W  6:03
i  Rita and Runt                                                  2   T   :14
  "Puttin' on the Blitz"                         (TR NH) NH 406-715   A 10:05
  "The Great Wakkorotti: The Summer Concert"             TR           T  2:04
s  MT # 5 - climbing an imaginary mountain                            T   :19

Zamboni Driver         - It's over. It's definitely over.  1
 32 - Tue  2 Nov 93 - S/A     - Dana Delaney  1

e  water hose                                                         T   :26
  "Chairman of the Bored"                       TM TR PR SS 406-626   S  9:03
   The Planets Song                                      PR       1   A   :40
i  Mindy and Buttons                                              5   T   :23
  "Astro-Buttons"                                        NH 406-730   A  8:03
r  trampoline                                                         T   :33

The Mayor              - And remember: Yakko spelled backwards is okkay!  1
 33 - Wed  3 Nov 93 - A/W     - Chicken chow meiny  2

w  cartoon in Wakko's ear                                             S   :17
  "Noah's Lark"                                    NH TR SS 406-817   A  7:10
w  cartoon in Wakko's eye                                             S   :21
i  Chicken Boo #2                                                 1   A   :22
  "The Big Kiss"                                         DO 406-822   A  2:58
w  cartoon in Wakko's mouth                                           S   :18
  "Hiccup"                                               DO 406-638   W  6:40
w  update on Wakko's condition                                        S   :49

Snake Charmer          - Wanna see me make bubbles with my spit?
                         Sure do! In fact, that's the theme of our next show!
                         So don't miss it!  1
 34 - Thu  4 Nov 93 - T/W     - Come back Shaney  2

  "Clown and Out"                                     NH PR 406-647   T  7:03
i  Pinky and The Brain #2                                         3   T   :35
  "Bubba Bo Bob Brain"                                   SS 406-845   W 11:03 1
s  WoM # 7 - (3) Elvis lives on in our hearts, in his music,          T   :45
                 and in a trailer park outside Milwaukee.

Fire Eater             - Flamiel!  3
 35 - Fri  5 Nov 93 - T/A     - Miss Cellany  2

o  An Animaniacs Special Presentation                             1   T   :06
o  A very special episode of Animaniacs                               T   :24
w  Animaniacs Test Kitchen                                            T   :38
  "In the Garden of Mindy"                               JM 406-743   T  4:40
f  Pinky and The Cat                                                  T   :43
w  We've Been Mixing Up the Scripts                                   T   :15
  "No Place Like Homeless"                               JM 406-643   T  4:40
i  Katie Ka-Boom                                                  1   F   :17
  "Katie Ka-Boo"                                      NH DO           A  2:54
w  We Found This Old Computer                                         T   :09
f  Dotty the Squirrel                                                 T   :19
  "Baghdad Cafe"                                         JM 406-843   T  3:01
s  WoM # 8 - (3) You can teach a dog new tricks...                    T   :42
                 but you can't teach Madonna to act.

Extremely Confused     - Aah! There's a horrible bug on your shoulder! Aah!
                         Just kidding...  1
 36 - Mon  8 Nov 93 - S/T     - Citizen Kaney  3

i  Slappy Squirrel #1                                             5   S   :16
  "Critical Condition"                                   TR 406-635   S 11:33 1
p  airplane around corner and through tree                            T   :11
  "The Three Muska-Warners"                              SS 406-740   T  7:05

Tooth Fairy            - Spew!  2
 37 - Tue  9 Nov 93 - A/F     - Eisenhower Mamie  2

  "Dough Dough Boys"                             (JM TR) JM 406-617   A  8:44
  "Boot Camping"                                      NH JM 406-726   A  7:07
i  Chicken Boo #2                                                 2   A   :22
  "General Boo-Regard"                                DO JM 406-827   F  3:02

Acrobat                - Hey, stay coo.  1
 38 - Wed 10 Nov 93 - W       - Pinky and the Brainy  4

i  Pinky and The Brain #2                                         4   T   :35
  "Spell-Bound"                                          JM 406-646   W 18:37 2

Contortionist          - Zort!  2
 39 - Thu 11 Nov 93 - W/T/A   - The rain in Spainy  3

o  DPC # 4 - Ode to Jack                                              F   :26
s  GIBI # 9 - cleaning up litter                                      F   :24
i  Rita and Runt                                                  3   T   :14
  "Smitten With Kittens"                                 DO 406-610   W  7:51
s  DPC # 5 - This Little Piggy                                        F   :24
f  Alas, Poor Skullhead                                     406-611   T  1:49
  "White Gloves"                                         NH 406-807   A  6:48
s  GIBI #10 - playing an accordion                                    F   :25
s  WoM # 9 - (5) Early to rise and early to bed                       T   :41
                 makes a man healthy, but socially dead.

Matador                - I can't think of the ending for this show.
                         I can't think of anything else!  2
 40 - Fri 12 Nov 93 - T/A/W   - Dana Delaney  2

o  Casablanca parody                                              1   T   :33
e  tower as elevator                                                  T   :29
  "Fair Game"                                            PH 406-755   T  6:35
p  office elevators                                                   T   :17
f  The Slapper                                                        A   :30
i  Pinky and The Brain #1                                         5   A   :38
  "Puppet Rulers"                                   (PH) TM 406-844   W  8:35
s  WoM #10 - (1) Vote early and vote often.                       1   T   :42
r  tower as elevator                                                  T   :33

Defensive Tackle       - Lather / Rinse / Repeat  3
 41 - Mon 15 Nov 93 - S/A     - Here's the show's namey 12

o  Newsreel of the Stars #1                                       6   T   :57
f  Buttermilk, It Makes a Body Bitter                             1   S   :57
  "Broadcast Nuisance"                                GB CH 406-811   S  7:07
s  GIBI #11 - served in bed                                           F   :21
i  Goodfeathers                                                   1   T   :20
  "Raging Bird"                                          DO 406-821   A  8:48
s  GIBI #12 - whistling                                           1   F   :33

Mrs. Claus             - It's over. Go away!  1
 42 - Tue 16 Nov 93 - F/W/A   - How urbaney  3

o  Animators Alley - "We made pies"                                   F  1:26
w  Animators Alley - "Can't talk without lips"                        F   :47
i  Hip Hippos                                                     3   W   :20
  "Can't Buy A Thrill"                                   PH 406-734   W  7:46
w  Animators Alley - "Free at last"                                   F   :38
  "Hollywoodchuck"                                       PR 406-623   A  7:50
w  Animators Alley - "I wonder what happened to Cappy"                F   :23

Insincere Laughter     - Sit, Ubu, sit.  1
 43 - Wed 17 Nov 93 - F       - Miss Cellany  3

  "Of Nice and Men"                                   RR SS 406-629   F  6:57
  "What a Dump!"                                         RR 406-717   F  6:43
p  running toward camera                                              T   :04
  "Survey Ladies"                                     DO SS 406-621   F  5:28

Ferret Tamer           - Wanna take a survey?
 44 - Thu 18 Nov 93 - T/A/F   - Shirley MacLainey  3

o  Useless Fact - termites                                        1   F   :22
  "The Senses Song"                                 (TR) RR 406-848   T  1:57
w  Useless Fact - eskimos                                         1   F   :19
s  DPC # 6 - Humpty Dumpty                                        1   F   :25
i  Pinky and The Brain #2                                         5   T   :35
  "The World Can Wait"                                   PH 406-642   A  6:23
w  Useless Fact - shrimp                                          1   F   :18
i  Rita and Runt                                                  4   T   :14
  "Kiki's Kitten"                                        DO 406-640   A  8:10
w  Useless Fact - starfish                                        1   F   :19

Hall Monitor           - It's over. It's definitely over.  2
 45 - Fri 19 Nov 93 - S       - Come back Shaney  3

f  Mary Tyler Moore parody                                        1   T   :42
  "Windsor Hassle"                                 LM KD PR 406-742   S  6:49
f  Queen mum anviled                                                  S   :09
i  Slappy Squirrel #1                                             6   S   :16
  "...And Justice for Slappy"                            JM 406-731   S 10:37 1
s  WoM #11 - (6) Possums have pouches like kangaroos.                 T   :36

Denture Wearer         - Spew!  3
 46 - Mon 22 Nov 93 - T       - Eisenhower Mamie  3

o  Newsreel of the Stars #1                                       7   T   :58
  "Turkey Jerky"                                      PH TR 406-625   T 12:59 1
  "Wild Blue Yonder"                                     NH 406-622   T  4:34
s  WoM #12 - (2) Don't eat with your mouth full.                  1   T   :40

Diplomat               - Set 3 extra places / We're coming over for dinner!  3
 47 - Tue 23 Nov 93 - W/T     - Cockamamie  3

p  coming out of manhole                                              T   :10
  "Video Review"                                   RR SS TM 406-644   W  8:21
i  Pinky and The Brain #2                                         6   T   :35
  "When Mice Ruled The Earth"                            GB 406-648   T  8:22
s  WoM #13 - Trip to Tahiti                                           T  1:09
f  Carol Burnett Show parody                                      1   T   :36

Plotting Revenge       - Ciao, America!  2
 48 - Wed 24 Nov 93 - W/T/A   - Chicken chow meiny  3

o  Newsreel of the Stars #2                                       1   T  1:22
s  DPC # 7 - Requiem for a Lamb                                       F   :21
  "Mobster Mash"                                         NH 406-853   W  7:25
s  MT # 6 - lifting an imaginary barbell                              T   :19
   Lake Titicaca                                         TR           T   :31
s  RB # 3 - Piranha Cat                                               A   :25
i  Rita and Runt                                                  5   T   :14
  "Icebreakers"                                          NH 406-733   A  7:57
s  GIBI #13 - drinking fresh milk                                     F   :22

Bonzai Sculptor [sic]  - Goodnight, Dot; 'night, Wakko.
                         G'night, Yakko; G'night, Wakko.
                         Nighty night, Dot; 'night, Yakko.
                         G'night, Elvis. / Thankyouverymuch,
                         but I don't want anybody to know I'm here.  1
 50 - Mon 29 Nov 93 - T/A/W   - Citizen Kaney  4

o  Slippin' on the Ice                                            1   T   :35
*  Snowy titles                                                   1   T  1:07
i  Slappy Squirrel #1                                             7   S   :16
  "'Twas the Day Before Christmas"                    RR TR 406-631   T  6:00
a  GIBI #14 - singing Christmas carols                                F   :34
  "Jingle Boo"                                           DO 406-738A  A  3:06
  "The Great Wakkorotti: The Holiday Concert"            TR           T  2:19
s  GIBI #15 - finding Easter eggs                                     F   :31
  "Toy Shop Terror"                                      TM 406-753   W  3:48
   Yakko's Universe                                      RR 406-600EE T  1:56

Nutcracker             - Merry Christmas!  1
 49 - Mon  6 Dec 93 - T       - Here's the show's namey 13

o  An Animaniacs Special Presentation                             2   T   :06
o  Newsreel of the Stars #3                                       1   T   :57
*  Snowy titles                                                       T  1:07
  "A Christmas Plotz"                                 RR PR 406-636   T 11:59 1
  "Little Drummer Warners"                            EK TR 406-828   T  6:15

Stocking Stuffer       - Merry Christmas!  2
 51 - Thu 10 Feb 94 - T/S     - Come back Shaney  4

o  Branimaniacs                                                   1   S  1:08
  "The Warners and the Beanstalk"                        DO 406-654   T  8:30
i  Slappy Squirrel #1                                             8   S   :16
  "Frontier Slappy"                                      JM 406-837   S  9:19

Under Sedation         - It's over. Go away!  2
 52 - Fri 11 Feb 94 - T/W     - Pinky and the Brainy  5

  "Ups and Downs"                                        PR 406-660   T  7:11
  "The Brave Little Trailer"                             TM 406-748   T  5:32
i  Pinky and The Brain #2                                         7   T   :35
  "Yes, Always"                                          PH 406-859   W  5:58

Karaoke Singer         - Ciaoabunga!  3
 53 - Mon 14 Feb 94 - T/A     - Dana Delaney  3

  "Drive-Insane"                                      EK PR 406-656   T  9:06
i  Goodfeathers                                                   2   T   :20
  "Girlfeathers"                                         DO 406-833   A  7:05
  "I'm Cute"                                             RR 406-756   T  2:37

Asylum Attendant       - I'm Yakko / I'm Wakko / and I'm cute!  3
 54 - Tue 15 Feb 94 - T/A     - Where's Lon Chaney?  2

o  RB # 4 - Pop Rocks                                                 A   :20
  "Brain Meets Brawn"                                 PH TM 406-649   T  9:40
  "Meet Minerva"                                         SS 406-627   S  8:33
s  RB # 5 - hitchhiker                                                A   :40

First Trumpet          - Zort!  3
 55 - Wed 16 Feb 94 - W/A     - How urbaney  4

  "Gold Rush"                                            RR 406-854   W  7:02
p  mailbox, with elephant                                             T   :16
  "A Gift of Gold"                                       NH 406-839   A  6:54
  "Dot's Quiet Time"                                     NH 406-754   W  4:54

Pile Driver            - Goodnight, Wakko / Goodnight, Yakko; G'night, Dot.
                         Goodnight, Wakko; G'night, Yakko.
                         Goodnight, Dot; Goodnight, John-boy.
                         Let me outta this tower!!!  1
 56 - Thu 17 Feb 94 - T/W/F/A - Qui ont des droles de manie

*  French theme lyrics                                                T  1:07
  "Schnitzelbank"                                     RR PR 406-658   T  3:02
i  Pinky and The Brain #2                                         8   T   :35
  "The Helpinki Formula"                                 GB 406-655   W  7:05
i  Mindy and Buttons                                              6   T   :23
  "Les Boutons et le Ballon"/"Buttons and the Balloon"   SS 406-834   F  5:00
      {Mindy's Red Balloon}
  "Kung Boo"                                             DO 406-650A  A  3:10

Local Anesthetic       - Ciao, America!  3
 57 - Fri 18 Feb 94 - W/F     - Cockamamie  4

  "Of Course You Know This Means Warners"                TM 406-855   W  6:57
i  Rita and Runt                                                  6   T   :14
  "Up a Tree"                                            DO 406-628   F  7:46
  "Wakko's Gizmo"                                        PH 406-856   W  3:48
s  GIBI #16 - circus                                                  F   :22

Den Mother             - There's that smell again / Eww!  1
 58 - Mon 28 Feb 94 - S/T/A   - Eisenhower Mamie  4

o  Oh, Oh, Ethel                                                      S   :58
f  ink blot test                                                      S   :33
i  Pinky and The Brain #2                                         9   T   :35
  "Meet John Brain"                                      PH 406-633   S  7:10
i  Slappy Squirrel #2                                             2   T   :13
  "Smell Ya Later"                                    EK TR 406-860   T  8:31
f  Spike (Boo Knows)                                                  A   :28
s  WoM #14 - (1) Do not back up -- severe tire damage.                T   :39

Scared of Internet     - Goodbye, Nurse! 10
 59 - Tue  1 Mar 94 - S/T     - Citizen Kaney  5

e  condor                                                             T   :29
  "Ragamuffins"                                          TM 406-849   S  8:29
i  Slappy Squirrel #1                                             9   S   :16
  "Woodstock Slappy"                                  JM TR 406-760   T  9:18
r  lasso                                                              T   :35

Good Witch             - Spew!  4
 60 - Wed  2 Mar 94 - S/W/A   - Chicken chow meiny  4

p  running around corner                                              T   :09
  "Karaoke-Dokie"                                        PH 406-751   S  6:36
i  Pinky and The Brain #1                                         6   A   :38
  "Cranial Crusader"                                     TM 406-851   W  7:51
  "The Chicken Who Loved Me"                             DO 406-650B  A  3:56

Snipe Hunter           - And remember: Yakko spelled backwards is okkay!  2
 61 - Mon  2 May 94 - W/A     - Dana Delaney  4

o  DPC # 8 - Jack Sprat                                               F   :25
  "Baloney and Kids"                                     PH 406-659   W  7:20
i  Mindy and Buttons                                              7   T   :23
  "Super Buttons"                                        NH 406-750   A  7:01
i  Katie Ka-Boom                                                  2   F   :18
  "Katie Ka-Boom: The Driving Lesson"                    NH 409-739   A  3:16
s  DPC # 9 - Thirty Days                                          1   F   :26

Equipped With Air Bag  - OK I love you bye bye!  2
 62 - Tue  3 May 94 - S/A     - Andromeda Strainy  2

o  RB # 6 - Dracula                                                   A   :25
s  GIBI #17 - going trick or treating                                 F   :24
i  Slappy Squirrel #1                                            10   S   :16
  "Scare Happy Slappy"                                   JM 406-749   S  7:26
s  RB # 7 - Tan                                                   1   A   :27
  "Witch One"                                            JM 406-651   A  6:52
s  RB # 8 - Lee Press-on Nails                                    1   A   :43
  "MacBeth"                                              DO 406-744   S  2:27

Solar Powered          - Aah! There's a horrible bug on your shoulder! Aah!
                         Just kidding...  2
 63 - Mon  9 May 94 - W/A     - Miss Cellany  4

i  Goodfeathers                                                   3   T   :20
  "With Three You Get Eggroll"                           DO 406-819   W  7:36
i  Mindy and Buttons                                              8   T   :23
  "Mermaid Mindy"                                        NH 406-747   A  6:57
i  Katie Ka-Boom                                                  3   F   :18
  "Katie Ka-Boom: Call Waiting"                          NH 406-732   A  3:43

Make Checks Payable To - That's it!!!  1
 64 - Mon 16 May 94 - W/T     - Shirley MacLainey  4

o  RB # 9 - Baloney                                                   A   :28
o  Newsreel of the Stars #2                                       2   T  1:22
p  mini-mart rides                                                    T   :30
  "Lookit the Fuzzy Heads"                               PH 406-759   W  7:04
s  DPC #10 - Old King Cole                                            F   :26
i  Slappy Squirrel #1                                            11   S   :16
  "No Face Like Home"                                    JM           T  6:58
s  DPC #11 - Ode to a Veggie                                          F   :22
s  RB #10 - dog food                                                  A   :28
s  WoM #15 - (6) Lather, rinse, repeat.                               T  1:13

Leggy Supermodel       - Spew!  5
 65 - Mon 23 May 94 - T       - (none)

o  `My Father The Tuna' not shown tonight                             T   :09
o  An Animaniacs Special Presentation                             3   T   :06
*  no opening theme
  "The Warners' 65th Anniversary Special"     (TR PR SS) PR 406-652   T 21:18 2

Kathryn Page           - Goodbye, Nurse! 11
(a separate file lists all the gag credits for this episode)
 66 - Sat 10 Sep 94 - W/F     - Here's the show's namey 14

o  DPC #12 - The Teapot                                               F   :28
p  airplane around corner                                             T   :03
  "Take My Siblings, Please"                             PR           W  5:18
s  DPC #13 - Roses are Red                                        1   F   :38
  "The Mindy 500"                                        JM 406-634   F  6:07
  "Morning Malaise"                                      NH 406-857   W  5:05
s  DPC #14 - The Poem That I Wrote                                    F   :39
s  WoM #16 - (2) Don't be a fool; stay in school.                 1   T   :41

Shell-shocked          - Hey Warner Brothers, and the Warner Sister:
                         You've just completed another great show;
                         what're you gonna do now?
                         We're going to... the bathroom.  1
 68 - Sat 17 Sep 94 - A/F     - Here's the show's namey 15

o  Newsreel of the Stars #1                                       8   T   :57
s  MT # 7 - swimming in an imaginary ocean                        1   T   :22
i  Goodfeathers                                                   4   T   :20
  "We're No Pigeons"                                     DO 406-757   A  6:26
s  MT # 8 - walking an imaginary dog                                  T   :22
i  Mindy and Buttons                                              9   T   :23
  "Whistle-Stop Mindy"                                   TM 406-758   A  6:08
s  MT # 9 - driving an imaginary car                              1   T   :23
i  Katie Ka-Boom                                                  4   F   :18
  "Katie Ka-Boom: Broken Date"                           TM 406-735C  F  2:32
s  MT #10 - pitching at an imaginary baseball game                    T   :18
s  WoM #17 - (2) Don't spit in public.                                T   :38

Well Of Bitterness     - Did somebody step in something? / Eww!  1
 67 - Sat  5 Nov 94 - A       - Here's the show's namey 16

o  RB #11 - face                                                  1   A   :25
  "Miami Mama Mia"                                       DO 406-847   A  6:53
s  MT #11 - riding on an imaginary subway                         1   T   :22
  "Pigeon on the Roof"                                   DO 406-858   A  8:28
   Coo song                                              DO 406-704   W   :41
s  RB #12 - sneeze                                                    A   :21
s  GIBI #18-#21 - balloons, hobby, chili dog, McLean                  F  1:17
s  WoM #18 - (3) People who live in glass houses...                   T   :21
                 should get dressed with the lights out.

Held For Ransom        - Wanna see me make bubbles with my spit?
                         Sure do! In fact, that's the theme of our next show!
                         So don't miss it!  2
 69 - Sat 12 Nov 94 - W/A/F   - Here's the show's namey 17

o  RB #13 - "Get lost"                                                A   :23
  "I'm Mad"                                         (TR) RR 406-745   W  4:22
s  MT #12 - finding an imaginary coin                                 T   :20
  "Bad Mood Bobby"                                       DO 406-850   A  6:10
s  RB #14 - baths                                                     A   :28
  "Katie Ka-Boom: The Blemish"                           NH 406-735A  F  2:10
s  GIBI #22-28 - penny, dog bath, playing horsey,                     F  2:00
                 surprise party, cops & robbers,
                 catch with grandfather, playing scales
s  RB #15 - Corn Flakes                                               A   :22
  "Fake"                                                 PR           W  2:50

Housebroken            - Ciao, America!  4
 72 - Sat  9 Sep 95 - W       - No pain no gainy  1

o  Previously On Animaniacs                              PH           W  1:32
  "Deduces Wild"                                         SV           W  6:33
i  Slappy & Skippy                                       TR       1   W   :32
  "Rest in Pieces"                                       CH           W  8:58
  "U.N. Me"                                              JM           W  1:47

Be The First Kid On Your Block    - Buenos noches!  1
To Actually Watch The WB!
 70 - Sat  9 Sep 95 - W       - Hydroplaney  1

  "Super Strong Warner Siblings"                         PR           W  6:20
i  Slappy & Skippy                                       TR       2   W   :32
  "Nutcracker Slappy"                                    EK 406-673   W  5:54
  "Wakko's New Gookie"                                   PR           W  4:08
  "A Quake, A Quake"                                     RR           W  2:26

You Have Been Watching The WB               - Go nuts!  1
It's A Tough Job But Someone Had To Do It.
 71 - Sat 16 Sep 95 - W       - Money down the drainy  1

  "Variety Speak"                                        RR           W  3:20
i  Slappy & Skippy                                       TR       3   W   :32
  "Three Tenors and You're Out"                       JK NH 406-675   W 11:13
  "Bingo"                                                PH           A  3:23
f  Finale                                                TR           W  1:00

Why "Waterworld" Bombed                  - Gesundheit!  1
No Peppy Songs With Lots Of Lyrics.
 73 - Sat 23 Sep 95 - W       - Penny Laney  1

  "A Hard Day's Warners"                              GB CH           W  7:00
s  GIBI #29 - buying a pair                                           W   :23
i  Slappy & Skippy                                       TR       4   W   :32
  "Gimme a Break"                                        SS           W  7:18
s  GIBI #30 - climbing a mountain                                     W   :26
   Please Please Please Get-A-Life Foundation            PH           W  3:40

Surlaw Eht T'nsaw Luap            - I'm Yakko / I'm Wakko / and I'm rabid!  1
Surlaw Eht Saw Okkay
 74 - Sat 30 Sep 95 - W       - Ehhh...  1

o  The Tiger Prince                                      PH       1   W  1:23
w  All the Words in the English Language - A's        RR PR       1   W  1:16
  "The Kid in the Lid"                                PR TR 406-678   W  5:44
w  All the Words in the English Language - L's & F's  RR PR       1   W  1:18
i  Slappy & Skippy                                       TR       5   W   :32
  "Method to Her Madness"                                JK           W  7:45
w  All the Words in the English Language - Z's        RR PR       1   W  1:22

This Is Episode #74    - Set 3 extra places / We're coming over for dinner!
"Stelllllllaaaaaa!"      As long as you're not having tuna wiggle again.  1
 76 - Sat 21 Oct 95 - W       - Tarzan and Janey  1

  "Gimme the Works"                                      PH           W  1:04
i  Mindy and Buttons                                             10   T   :23
  "Buttons in Ows"                                       PH           W  7:28
  "Hercules Unwound"                                  JL ND           W  9:38
s  WoM #19 - (2) 2B or not 2B; that is the pencil.                1   T   :41

"Toto" Appears Courtesy Of        - Wanna hear me burp the theme to Friends?
Ted Turner                          Ehhh, how about not?  1
 77 - Sat  4 Nov 95 - A/W     - Novocainey  1

  "This Pun For Hire"                           GB CH PH TR           A  7:11
  "Star Truck"                                           EK 406-685   A  6:36
  "Go Fish"                                              PR           W  2:22
s  RB #16 - ketchup                                               1   A   :33
  "Multiplication"                                       RR           A  2:58

Producing Producer Producing Production  - Auf wiedersehn!  1
Say That Five Times Fast.
 75 - Sat 11 Nov 95 - A       - Here's the Flamey  1

  "The Presidents Song"                                  RR           A  3:26
i  Pinky and The Brain #1                                         7   A   :38
  "Don't Tread on Us"                                 GB CH           A  6:28
  "The Flame Returns"                                    NH           W  9:08

If You'd Like A Transcript        - Ciao, America!  5
Of Today's Program
Start Typing!
 78 - Sat 18 Nov 95 - W       - Meet Mark Twainy  1

  "The Sound of Warners"                                 PR           W 15:27 1
i  Chicken Boo #3                                                 1   A   :22
  "Yabba Dabba Boo"                                      PH           W  3:28

Scratchansniff's Head             - Aah! Rush Limbaugh's on your sofa! Aah!
Was That Thing Lumpy Or What?       Just kidding...  1
50A - Sun 24 Dec 95 - A/T/W   - Citizen Kaney  6

o  An Animaniacs Special Presentation                             4   T   :06
o  The Twelve Days of Christmas                          TR           W  1:05
  "'Twas the Day Before Christmas"                    RR TR 406-631   T  6:00
f  Slippin' on the Ice                                            2   T   :35
  "The Great Wakkorotti: The Holiday Concert"            TR           T  2:19
i  Chicken Boo #3                                                 2   A   :22
  "Jingle Boo"                                           DO 406-738A  A  3:06
  "Little Drummer Warners"                            EK TR 406-828   T  6:15

"...And One Bi-Gantic King-Size   - And one bi-gantic king-size turtle dove.
Turtle Dove."
H 1 - Sat 27 Jan 96 - S/T/W   - Presidential campaigny  1

  "The Party"                                            PR           W  8:19
i  Slappy & Skippy                                       TR       6   W   :32
  "Slappy Goes Walnuts"                                  SS 406-603   S  9:13
s  RB # 8 - Lee Press-on Nails                                    2   A   :43
  "H.M.S. Yakko"                                         PR 406-607   T  7:26
  "My Mother the Squirrel"                               TR           W  5:32
  "Oh Say Can You See?"                                  NH           W  4:18
f  Flipper parody                                                     T   :25
  "Babblin' Bijou"                                       TM 406-600JJ T  2:57
  "The Twelve Days of Christmas"                         TR           W  1:10

Hey, We Can See Your   - Aah! Newt Gingrich is right behind you! Aah!
House From Here!         Just kidding...  1
H 2 - Sat  3 Feb 96 - A/W     - Hunchback of Notre Damey  1

o  2001 parody - prehistoric Warners                              1   W  1:37
  "The Girl with the Googily Goop"                    GB CH           A  7:38
  "Gunga Dot"                                            RR           W  4:14
i  Katie Ka-Boom                                                  5   F   :18
  "Belly Button Blues"                                   NH           W  2:37
w  2001 parody - Wakko spacewalk                                  1   W   :59
s  RB #17 - carrots                                               1   A   :27
   Be Careful What You Eat                               RR 406-600HH S  1:37
  "Dot's Entertainment"                                  NH           A  7:09
i  Slappy Squirrel #1                                            12   S   :16
  "Soccer Coach Slappy"                                  ND           W  4:21
  "Valuable Lesson"                                      PR           W  5:58
  "Our Final Space Cartoon, We Promise"               GB CH           W  3:16

You Can't Get All The Jokes       - I'm Yakko / I'm Wakko / and I'm cute!  4
We Don't!
H 3 - Sat 10 Feb 96 - T/A/W/S - Tarzan and Janey  2

  "Drive-Insane"                                      EK PR 406-656   T  9:06
s  DPC #13 - Roses are Red                                        2   F   :38
  "Moon Over Minerva"                                    NH 406-737   A  7:40
s  GIBI # 3 - roses                                               2   F   :23
  "La La Law"                                            PR 406-718   T  7:28
  "Guardin' the Garden"                       (EK TR) NH SS 406-618   S  6:56
s  GIBI # 6 - kissing                                             2   F   :24
i  Chicken Boo #2                                                 3   A   :22
  "The Big Kiss"                                         DO 406-822   A  2:58
  "Little Old Slappy from Pasadena"                      TM 406-729   W  2:33
  "A Midsummer Night's Dream"                            DO 406-841   T  1:56

Yakko's Pants By                  - I'm Yakko / I'm Wakko / and I'm cute!  5
Style Slacks For Men
H 4 - Sat 17 Feb 96 - A/W     - Here's the Flamey  2

  "The Presidents Song"                                  RR           A  3:26
p  flying out of Mount Rushmore                                   2   T   :13
  "Four Score and Seven Migraines Ago"     (TR PR) GB CH PR 406-716   A  5:13
s  GIBI #21 - visiting picturesque McLean                         2   F   :25
  "Wakko's America"                                   RR TR 406-600FF S  3:33
i  Slappy Squirrel #1                                            13   S   :16
  "Frontier Slappy"                                      JM 406-837   S  9:19
f  Wakko projector                                                3   S   :08
  "The Flame Returns"                                    NH           W  9:08
i  Rita and Runt                                                  7   T   :14
  "Icebreakers"                                          NH 406-733   A  7:57
s  WoM #10 - (1) Vote early and vote often.                       2   T   :42

Wow!                                  - Ciaoabunga!  4
You Should See Our Conference Room!
H 5 - Sat 24 Feb 96 - T/A/W/S - Dana Delaney  5

  "Wakko's 2 Note Song"                                  PH           W  4:35
  "Panama Canal"                                         JM           W  1:48
  "Hello Nurse"                                          RR           A  3:07
  "The Ballad of Magellan"                            JM PR           W  2:51
  "The Return of the Great Wakkorotti"                   TR           W  3:13
  "The Big Wrap Party Tonight"                           TR           W  3:13
  "U.N. Me"                                              JM           W  1:47
  "A Quake, A Quake"                                     RR           W  2:26
   What Are We?                                          RR 406-600GG S  2:30
i  Slappy & Skippy                                       TR       7   W   :32
  "Nutcracker Slappy"                                    EK 406-673   W  5:54
   The Planets Song                                      PR       2   A   :40
   Warner's Lot (Gilligan's Island parody)                        2   W   :53
  "I'm Cute"                                             RR 406-756   T  2:37
  "I'm Mad"                                         (TR) RR 406-745   W  4:22

Excessive Pausing                 - Farewell!  1
Is Bad For Your VCR
H 6 - Sat  2 Mar 96 - T/A/W   - Hydroplaney  2

  "Super Strong Warner Siblings"                         PR           W  6:20
  "The Kid in the Lid"                                PR TR 406-678   W  5:44
f  Branimaniacs                                                   2   S  1:08
f  Mary Tyler Moore parody                                        2   T   :42
  "You Risk Your Life"                                   PR           A  2:22
i  Slappy Squirrel #2                                             3   T   :13
  "Smell Ya Later"                                    EK TR 406-860   T  8:31
f  Buttermilk, It Makes a Body Bitter                             2   S   :57
  "Baloney and Kids"                                     PH 406-659   W  7:20
  "Star Truck"                                           EK 406-685   A  6:36
f  Carol Burnett Show parody                                      2   T   :36

Sarah Tomassi And Christopher Keenan   - Wanna hear me burp the theme
Building Hour-Long "Animaniacs" Shows    to Friends?
For The Good Of America                  Ehhh, how about not?  2
H 7 - Sat  9 Mar 96 - T/W/S   - Cockamamie  5

o  The Tiger Prince                                      PH       2   W  1:23
w  All the Words in the English Language - A's        RR PR       2   W  1:16
i  Slappy & Skippy                                       TR       8   W   :32
  "Rest in Pieces"                                       CH           W  8:58
  "Wally Llama"                                          PR 406-720   S  6:45
  "Home on De-Nile"                                      SH 406-609   T  8:20
w  All the Words in the English Language - L's & F's  RR PR       2   W  1:18
  "Hooked on a Ceiling"                          (TR) GB CH 406-809   T  7:07
s  MT # 9 - driving an imaginary car                              2   T   :23
  "Schnitzelbank"                                     RR PR 406-658   T  3:02
w  All the Words in the English Language - Z's        RR PR       2   W  1:22

One Word In "All The Words In The English  - It's over. Go away!  3
Isn't A Real Word
H 8 - Sat 16 Mar 96 - T/W/A   - Pinky and the Brainy  6

*  extended theme                                        TR       1   T  2:00
  "The Great Wakkorotti: The Summer Concert"             TR           T  2:04
  "This Pun For Hire"                           GB CH PH TR           A  7:11
s  GIBI # 5 - going alpine skiing                                 2   F   :34
  "Go Fish"                                              PR           W  2:22
s  RB # 7 - Tan                                                   2   A   :27
  "The Monkey Song"                                      TR 406-600KK T  4:13
i  Slappy Squirrel #1                                            14   S   :16
  "Gimme a Break"                                        SS           W  7:18
s  DPC # 9 - Thirty Days                                          2   F   :26
s  MT # 7 - swimming in an imaginary ocean                        2   T   :22
  "Hercule Yakko"                                        PH 406-641   W  7:54
   Lake Titicaca                                         TR           T   :31
  "Garage Sale of the Century"                   (TR PR) EK 406-727   T  6:02

You Can Say It Too!               - Buenos noches!  2
H 9 - Sat 23 Mar 96 - A/W     - Citizen Kaney  6

o  Casablanca parody                                              2   T   :33
  "Variety Speak"                                        RR           W  3:20
  "The Sound of Warners"                                 PR           W 15:27 1
  "Method to Her Madness"                                JK           W  7:45
  "Hearts of Twilight"                                   PR 406-637   W  9:01
  "Skullhead Boneyhands"                                 DO 406-608   A  4:25

ACK!                              - I can't think of the ending of this show.
I Swallowed A Bug!                  I can't think of anything else!  3
H10 - Sat 30 Mar 96 - W/T     - Andromeda Strainy  3

w  2001 parody - prehistoric Warners                              2   W  1:37
  "A Hard Day's Warners"                              GB CH           W  7:00
w  2001 parody - Wakko spacewalk                                  2   W   :59
  "Buttons in Ows"                                       PH           W  7:28
  "Space-Probed"                                         JM 406-630   W 11:14 1
   Please Please Please Get-A-Life Foundation            PH           W  3:40
  "The Brave Little Trailer"                             TM 406-748   T  5:32
  "Our Final Space Cartoon, We Promise"               GB CH           W  3:16

Colorization                      - Bon soir!  1
By Ted Turner
H11 - Sat  6 Apr 96 - W/A/F/S - No pain no gainy  2

o  Previously on Animaniacs                              PH           W  1:32
s  DPC # 1 - Little Miss Muffet                                   2   F   :29
w  Useless Fact - termites                                        2   F   :22
  "Deduces Wild"                                         SV           W  6:33
w  Useless Fact - starfish                                        2   W   :19
i  Pinky and The Brain #1                                         8   A   :38
  "Don't Tread on Us"                                 GB CH           A  6:28
w  Useless Fact - eskimos                                         2   F   :19
i  Mindy and Buttons                                             11   T   :23
  "Super Buttons"                                        NH 406-750   A  7:01
  "Chairman of the Bored"                       TM TR PR SS 406-626   S  9:03
w  Useless Fact - shrimp                                          2   F   :18
  "Wakko's New Gookie"                                   PR           W  4:08
  "Nighty-Night Toon"                                    NH 406-721   F  2:50

Did He Say                        - Clap on! Clap off! Clap on, clap off!
Spank My Fanny?                     Show's over!  2
H12 - Sat 20 Apr 96 - T/A/W   - Money down the drainy  2

  "Gimme the Works"                                      PH           W  1:04
  "Hercules Unwound"                                  JL NH           W  9:38
  "Multiplication"                                       RR           A  2:58
s  DPC # 6 - Humpty Dumpty                                        2   F   :25
  "Yabba Dabba Boo"                                      PH           W  3:28
  "Les Miseranimals"                                     DO 406-835   T 10:56
s  MT #11 - riding an imaginary subway                            2   T   :22
  "Temporary Insanity"                                   PR 406-624   T 10:33 1
s  GIBI # 7 - doing your own work                                 2   F   :22
w  WoM #19 - (2) 2B or not 2B; that is the pencil.                2   T   :41

Most Expressive Forehead          - Goodbye, Nurse! 12
Dr. Scratchansniff
H13 - Sat 11 May 96 - W/A/S   - Bowling laney  1

  "Bingo"                                                PH           A  3:23
  "My Mother the Squirrel"                               TR           W  5:32
s  RB #11 - face                                                  2   A   :25
  "Smitten With Kittens"                                 DO 406-610   W  7:51
  "Windsor Hassle"                                 LM KD PR 406-742   S  6:49
  "Miami Mama Mia"                                       D0 406-847   A  6:53
  "Bumbie's Mom"                                         SS 406-619   S  7:44
s  RB #16 - ketchup                                               2   A   :33
s  DPC # 2 - The Shoe                                             2   F   :23
s  WoM #12 - (2) Don't eat with your mouth full.                  2   T   :40

This Show Is For                  - Hey, Warner Brothers, and the Warner
Yo Momma!                           Sister: You've just completed another
                                    great show; what're you gonna do now?
                                    We're going to... the bathroom.  2
 83 - Sat  7 Sep 96 - W       - (none)

o  An Animaniacs Special Presentation                             5   T   :06
*  no opening theme
i  Slappy & Skippy                                       TR       9   W   :32
  "One Flew Over the Cuckoo Clock"                 NH JK TR           W 20:11 2
*  end credits feature Slappy's tree and theme                        T   :40

Your Name Here                    - It's over. Go away! (from tree)  1
Twelve Words Or Less
 84 - Sat  7 Sep 96 - T       - Pinky and the Brainy  7

*  extended theme                                        TR       2   T  2:00
  "Cutie and the Beast"                                  KH           T 11:52 1
  "Boo Happens"                                       R2 AP           T  2:28
  "Noel"                                                 RR           T  2:30
*  Cold Ending #1                                        TR           T  2:14

Names                             - (none)
By Our Parents
(a separate file lists all the gag credits for this episode)
 85 - Sat 14 Sep 96 - A/W     - Bangor, Mainey  1

o  Animani-rats (Rugrats parody)                                      W   :43
  "Jokahontas"                                           EK           A 10:11 1
  "Boids on the Hood"                                    LF           W  3:23
  "Mighty Wakko at the Bat"                              RR           W  5:03

Employee Of The Week              - Wanna hear me burp the theme song?
Jane Fonda                          Sure do! And our fans can burp along
                                    with you! / Join us, won't you?  1
 86 - Sat 21 Sep 96 - A/W     - Frasier Craney  1

  "A Very Very Very Very Special Show"                   RR           A  6:09
i  Mindy and Buttons                                             12   T   :23
  "Night of the Living Buttons"                          ND           W  5:16
  "Soda Jerk"                                      R2 EM AP           W  7:40

Mr. Merger Mania!                 - We're nuts!  1
Gerald Levin
 87 - Sat 28 Sep 96 - A/V/W   - Mister Haney  1

  "From Burbank With Love"                               JM 407-123   W  9:34
  "Anchors A-Warners"                                    ND           A  7:34
   When You're Traveling...                              RR           V  2:08

The Beaver                        - Aah! Rush Limbaugh's on your sofa! Aah!
Jerry Mathers                       Just kidding...  2
 88 - Sat 19 Oct 96 - A/W     - Quiche lorrainey  1

o  Flavio commercial - Choco-Dot Candies (Soloflex parody)            W   :28
w  Flavio commercial - Soak Cola (Diet Coke parody)                   W   :57
  "Papers For Papa"                                   BB DF 407-131   A  9:04
w  Flavio commercial - (Calvin Klein parody)                          W   :12
  "Amazing Gladiators"                     (RD) HM AA JO KF           A  7:37
   Pinky and the Ralph                                                A  1:12

When I Dance They Call Me         - Sayonara!  1
 89 - Sat  2 Nov 96 - A/W     - Lake Champlainy  1

  "Ten Short Films About Wakko Warner"                TM PR 407-130   A  8:56
  "No Time For Love"                                  MW LA 407-132   A  5:22
i  Chicken Boo #2                                                 4   A   :22
  "The Boo Network"                                      JD           W  4:53

If You Can't Say Something Nice   - Gesundheit!  2
We'd Rather Not Hear About It
 90 - Sat 16 Nov 96 - A/W     - High octaney  1

  "Pitter Patter of Little Feet"                   LH EM AP           W  8:24
i  Mindy and Buttons                                             13   T   :23
  "Mindy in Wonderland"                                  ND           A  7:46
   Ralph's Wedding                                                    W  1:40

On The WB, Big Kids Go First      - Goodnight, Wakko
In Reality, Big Kids Sleep In       Goodnight, Yakko; G'night, Dot.
                                    Goodnight, Wakko; G'night, Yakko.
                                    Goodnight, Dot; Goodnight, John-boy.
                                    Let me outta this tower!!!  2
46B - Thu 28 Nov 96 - T/S     - Eisenhower Mamie  5

  "Turkey Jerky"                                      PH TR 406-625   T 12:59 1
s  GIBI #12 - whistling                                           2   F   :33
   Be Careful What You Eat                               RR 406-600HH S  1:37
s  WoM #12 - (2) Don't eat with your mouth full.                  3   T   :40

Diplomat               - Set three extra places / We're coming over for dinner!
Kathryn Page             Except I'm allergic to anything with lactose in it.  2
 79 - Sat 21 Dec 96 - W       - Presidential campaigny  2

  "My Mother the Squirrel"                               TR           W  5:32
  "The Party"                                            PR           W  8:19
  "Oh Say Can You See?"                                  NH           W  4:18
  "The Twelve Days of Christmas"                         TR           W  1:10

Our Version Of History   - Aah! Newt Gingrich is right behind you! Aah!
Is The Correct One         Just kidding...  2
 80 - Sat  4 Jan 97 - A/W     - Hunchback of Notre Damey  2

  "Dot's Entertainment"                                  NH           A  7:09
  "The Girl with the Googily Goop"                    GB CH           A  7:38
s  RB #17 - carrots                                               2   A   :27
  "Gunga Dot"                                            RR           W  4:14

Hey                               - I'm Yakko / I'm Wakko / and I'm cute!  6
We Can See Your House From Here.
 81 - Sat 18 Jan 97 - W       - Bowling laney  2

o  2001 parody - prehistoric Warners                              3   W  1:37
i  Slappy Squirrel #1                                            15   S   :16
  "Soccer Coach Slappy"                                  ND           W  4:21
w  2001 parody - Wakko spacewalk                                  3   W   :59
i  Katie Ka-Boom                                                  6   F   :18
  "Belly Button Blues"                                   NH           W  2:37
  "Our Final Space Cartoon, We Promise"               GB CH           W  3:16
  "Valuable Lesson"                                      PR           W  5:58

Wakko's Head Apparel By           - Bon soir!  2
Mr. Lucky Of Tarzana
 82 - Sat  3 May 97 - A/W     - Pinky and the Brainy  8

*  extended theme                                        TR       3   T  2:00
  "Wakko's 2 Note Song"                                  PH           W  4:35
  "Panama Canal"                                         JM           W  1:48
  "Hello Nurse"                                          RR           A  3:07
  "The Ballad of Magellan"                            JM PR           W  2:51
  "The Return of the Great Wakkorotti"                   TR           W  3:13
  "The Big Wrap Party Tonight"                           TR           W  3:13

Game Over                         - Farewell!  2
Insert Coin
E 1 - Sat  6 Sep 97 - A/W/T   - Andromeda Strainy  4

e  soap bubble                                                    2   T   :35
   The Planets Song                                      PR       3   A   :40
  "The Ballad of Magellan"                            JM PR           W  2:51
  "Multiplication"                                       RR           A  2:58
   Lake Titicaca                                         TR           T   :31
  "Star Truck"                                           EK 406-685   A  6:36
  "Panama Canal"                                         JM           W  1:48
  "A Quake, A Quake"                                     RR           W  2:26
s  WoM # 4 - (1) Brush your teeth after every meal.               2   T   :43

Brain Transplant                  - Aah! Newt Gingrich is right behind you!
Books And Education                 Aah! / Just kidding...  3
 91 - Mon  8 Sep 97 - A/W     - Public domainy  1

f  Moosage in a Bottle                                                W   :22
  "Back in Style"                                        TM           A 14:12 1
  "Bones in the Body"                                    RR           W  3:39

(no gag credit)                   - Auf wiedersehn!  2
E 3 - Sat 13 Sep 97 - W/S/T   - Miss Cellany  5

o  Useless Fact - termites                                        3   F   :22
  "U.N. Me"                                              JM           W  1:47
w  Useless Fact - eskimos                                         3   F   :19
  "Cookies for Einstein"                                 PR 406-810   T  6:35
w  Useless Fact - shrimp                                          3   F   :18
  "Oh Say Can You See?"                                  NH           W  4:18
   Yakko's World                                         RR 406-600AA T  1:45
w  Useless Fact - starfish                                        3   F   :19
  "MacBeth"                                              DO 406-744   S  2:27
s  WoM #16 - (2) Don't be a fool; stay in school.                 2   T   :41

Law And Fun                       - Hey, Warner Brothers, and the Warner
Two Words That Don't Go Together    Sister: You've just completed another
                                    great show; what're you gonna do now?
                                    We're going to... sleep.  2
 92 - Sat 13 Sep 97 - S       - Ehhh...  2

o  It                                                 LR LG           S  1:05
   Dot - The Macadamia Nut                               TR           S  3:24
  "Bully For Skippy"                             (ND TR) ND           S 15:01 1

Assistant To The Assistant's Assistant    - Buenos noches!  3
Ouchy MacGouchy

NOTE: At this point, I became homeless and was unable to keep track of the
many "E" and "A" episodes that were airing. I think my girlfriend got them
all on tape but for one or two. However, I have no idea as to their air dates,
so any help you can give would be much appreciated. This means that the
number-of-times-used numbers for things will be blank until I can verify
at least the order in which the episodes aired. Also, at this point I am
nowhere near close to getting all the episodes entered yet. Bear with me.

Need to enter: E2, E4, E5, 98A ... any others? 95 and 96 (half-hour HFNHs)
E 2 -               - T/V     - Eisenhower Mamie

e  hot-air balloon                                                    T   :22
   When You're Traveling...                              RR           V  2:08
  "Woodstock Slappy"                                  JM TR 406-760   T  9:18
s  GIBI # 4 - jumping into a swimming pool                            F   :23
  "The Senses Song"                                 (TR) RR 406-848   T  1:57
  "A Midsummer Night's Dream"                            DO 406-841   T  1:56
s  GIBI # 7 - doing your own work                                 2   F   :22
   Yakko's Universe                                      RR 406-600EE T  1:56
s  WoM #11 - (6) Possums have pouches like kangaroos.                 T   :36

Hamster Wrangler                  - Aah! There's a horrible bug on your
A Job You Should Look Into          shoulder! Aah! / Just kidding...  3
(episodes missing?)
 93 -               - K/P     - Chicken chow meiny

  "Cute First (Ask Questions Later)"                     RS           P  7:15
  "Acquaintances"                                     GB CH           K  7:05
  "Here Comes Attila"                                    JM           P  1:21
  "Boo Wonder"                                           W2 407-122   K  4:04

Insert Funny Joke Credit                  - Sayonara!
(episodes missing)
94A -               - S/W     - Pinky and the Brainy

  "The Brain's Apprentice"                               RR           S  9:12
w  Punchline - Why did the chicken cross the road?                    S  3:32
  "Hercule Yakko"                                        PH 406-641   W  7:54
w  Punchline - The chicken or the egg?                                S   :28

If At First You Don't Succeed             - Zort!
Rewrite, Rewrite Again
(episodes missing)
95H - Sat  3 Jan 98 - S/W/K   - No pain no gainy

  "Hooray for North Hollywood" ***                    RR TR           W 39:44 5

*** Included in this story were two otherwise separate productions:

   There's Only One of You                               RR           S  1:42
   L.A. Dot                                              RR           K  2:09

Kids WB Is #1                                   - Farewell!
Ha! Ha! Just Kidding!

Our New Year's Resolution
No More Sarcastic Comments About The Brilliant
WB Network ... Oops!
 97 - Sat 21 Jan 98 - K       - Here's the show's namey

o  Newsreel of the Stars #1                                           T   :58
  "The Carpool"                                       ND RR           K  8:13
i  Slappy & Skippy                                       TR           W   :32
  "The Sunshine Squirrels"                               KH           K  9:47 1

Today's Moral                             - Ciaoabunga!
Scotchguard Your Upholstery!

98A has: Candy Caney, The Christmas Tree, Twas..., Holiday Concert,
You Better Watch Out
You Better Not Cry
You Better Not Pout
I'm Telling You Why
Wakko Put A Little Surprise In The Eggnog
Merry Christmas!

99 has: unknown, The Scoring Session, Animaniacs Suite,

*** Note: When episode 91 is shown overseas, it does have a gag credit:

    We Don't Loan Out
    We Buy Out

*** Note: When episode 93 is shown overseas, it has a different gag credit:

    Today's Anagram

 25-Apr-1998 Katie KaBoom: Prom Night
 09-May-1998 Magic Time, The Brain's Apprentice   --- Episode 94?
 25-May-1998 The Scoring Session, Star Warners (407-279), The Animaniacs Suite, Birds on a Wire
 14-Nov-1998 Animaniacs Super Special