When the representative glyphs for several Arabic characters were first drawn in the standard, there was incomplete understanding of their identity and use. Recently evidence has been provided that suggests that they usually occur with different shapes, as follows:
The UTC considers the existing set of glyphs as likely incorrect and is currently planning to make the corrections for U 06DF, U 06E0, and U 06E1, unless contravening evidence is brought forth. The UTC invites anyone knowledgeable in the use of these symbols to provide additional information.
In addition the UTC is considering making the change for U 06E9. For this character, it is less well understood whether the shape that exists in the standard is incorrect, a legitimate alternate shape, or the shape of an unrelated symbol. Therefore the UTC seeks corroboration and additional information for this character.
The attached JPEG image in Arabic contains extracts from a document with instances of the three characters in question, annotated in comments on the text.