
Welcome to ConfClerk

ConfClerk is an application written in Qt, which makes conference schedules available offline. It displays the conference schedule from various views, supports searches on various items (speaker, speech topic, location, etc.) and enables you to select favorite events and create your own schedule.

At the moment ConfClerk is able to import schedules in XML format created by the PentaBarf conference management system (or frab) used by FOSDEM, DebConf, Grazer Linuxtage, the CCC congresses, FrOSCon, or compatible systems like Summit, Wafer, or pretalx.

ConfClerk was originally targetted at mobile devices like the Nokia N810 and N900 but works on any system running Qt.

Copyright and license

Copyright (C) 2010 Ixonos Plc.
Copyright (C) 2011-2024 Philipp Spitzer, gregor herrmann, Stefan Strahl

ConfClerk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.





Packages are available for Debian, Ubuntu, and Maemo5.

Ports for the SHR distribution (OpenEmbedded) for OpenPhoenux (GTA04) and Openmoko (GTA01/GTA02) devices are provided by Lukas Märdian.

AUR package.


ConfClerk is the successor of fosdem-schedule.


0.5.5, on Debian:

Screenshot 0.5.5 / FOSDEM 2013

0.5.5, on Maemo5:

0.5.5 / FOSDEM 2013 / Maemo5

0.5.5, on SHR (Lukas Märdian):

Trac Starting Points

For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.

Last modified 7 months ago Last modified on 04/24/24 22:03:58

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