
id  com.bitplan.simplegraph
owner  BITPlan
title  SimpleGraph System API wrapper
version  0.0.5
date  2019-03-23

is an open source project that allows to wrap Systems APIs in a way that graph algorithms and storage can be applied. As an implementation Apache Tinkerpop/Gremlin is used.

Click here to comment see SimpleGraph

SimpleGraph uses the Hub and Spoke and Adapter patterns heavily.

IntegrationSpaghetti.gif MessageBroker.gif


There are currently 21 Modules available for SimpleGraph. Each module wraps an "external" API to make the functions and data behind that API available for graph processing with Apache Tinkerpop / Gremlin.

Module Hub and Spoke

Module Details

Module System wrapped API exposed Description
Circle-icons-calendar.svg CalDAV CalDAV ical4j library for parsing and building iCalendar data models makes Calendar data available via ical4j
Farm-Fresh vcard.png CardDAV CardDAV [ ] makes VCard data available
Microsoft Excel 2013-2019 logo.svg Excel Excel Apache POI XSSF/HSSF makes Microsoft Excel workbooks accessible via the Apache POI API
Folder.svg FileSystem FileSystem makes your FileSystem accessible via the Java FileSystem API
SFA Polygon with hole.svg GeoJSON GeoJSON GeoJSON support for Google gson library makes GeoJSON data available
Octocat.png GitHub GitHub GitHub GraphQL Api v4 makes GitHub content accessible to Graph processing.
HTML5 logo and wordmark.svg HTML HTML HTML Cleaner makes HTML files accessible via HTML Cleaner parser
JSON vector logo.svg JSON JSON JSON makes JSON parse results accessible to Graph processing.
Java-Logo.svg Java Java javaparser makes Java code parse results accessible to Graph processing.
Email Icon.svg Mail Mail E-Mail access for rfc822 and MIME formatted Mailbox files (e.g. Thunderbird) makes Mail data available via Apache Mime4J
Map.png MapSystem MapSystem java.api.Map supplies a simple wrapper for a graph with nodes that have key/value pairs in form of HashMaps. We would not really need this since Apache Tinkerpop/Gremlin already supplies us with properties per node/vertex.

Still this system is useful as a helper system and to illustrate the wrapping concepts and possibilities of SimpleGraph

Mediawiki logo reworked.svg MediaWiki MediaWiki MediaWiki API makes MediaWiki site content accessible to Graph processing.

It exposes the MediaWiki API using the mediawiki-japi Library by BITPlan.

Pdf by mimooh.svg PDF PDF Apache PDFBox makes Portable Document Format (PDF) files accessible via the Apache PDFBox® API
Microsoft PowerPoint 2013-2019 logo.svg PowerPoint PowerPoint Apache POI XSLF/HSLF makes Microsoft PowerPoint presentations accessible via the Apache POI API
SemanticMediaWiki Logo.png SMW SMW SemanticMedia Wiki API makes Semantic MediaWiki accessible via the SMW API
Snmp.png SNMP SNMP SNMP4J Simple Network Monitoring Protocol SNMP Java API makes Simple Network Monitoring Protocol accessible via SNMP4J
Database.svg SQL SQL Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API makes relational SQL databases accessible via the Java JDBC API.
TripleStore-Icon.png TripleStore TripleStore SiDIF-TripleStore makes BITPlan's SiDIF educational TripleStore accessible
Wikidata-logo-en.svg WikiData WikiData WikiData Toolkit makes WikiData data available via the Wikidata-Toolki API
Microsoft Word 2013-2019 logo.svg Word Word Apache POI XWPF/HWPF makes Microsoft Word Documents accessible via the Apache POI API
Xml logo.svg XML XML org.w3c.dom makes XML dom parse results accessible to Graph processing.



Solving IT Problems across System boundaries can get very difficult. There may be a wealth of APIs which first looks helpful but given the diversity of approaches it a daunting task will need to be tackled to get reasonable results. More often than not projects are not even started since the cost/benefit ratio is not good enough. SimpleGraph aims to supply a unified graph API access to Systems for which this makes sense. In fact for most systems it makes sense to have a graph API. Quite a few problems will get much easier to solve if the subdivision of the problem is done with the goal to apply graph algorithms. See What happens if you see the world as a graph?

Use Cases

Mix and Match Office and other data

Let's assume we have a business that works in the following manner:

  1. There are pricelist for product categories in Microsoft Excel files
  2. Product specifications are in PDF Format - the files are referenced in the Excel files
  3. Invoices are written in Microsoft Word
  4. There is an address book of customers in VCard format
  5. Orders are handled via e-mail (that is automatically produced by the companies shop website)
  6. Monthly reports are created with PowerPoint

The monthly reports should in the future be modified to give geographical information. Basically a revenue/region sales count per product/region information is wanted.

The 1000 dollar question - can this report be created efficiently semi-manually with reasonable software effort? Sadly it sounds more like 10.000 or 100.000 dollar question.

There are at least 6 different systems involved. SimpleGraph simplifies accessing all 6 systems.


Air Routes

The AirRoutes example is taken from Practical Gremlin: An Apache TinkerPop Tutorial by Kelvin Lawrence see also

JUnit Test case

We'd like to read in the air-routes graph described above and create an Excel Work book from it. see

Java Source Code

  ExcelSystem es = new ExcelSystem();
  Graph graph = TestTinkerPop3.getAirRoutes();
  GraphTraversalSource g = graph.traversal();
  Workbook wb = es.createWorkBook(g);
  assertEquals(6, wb.getNumberOfSheets());, testAirRouteFileName);

View the resulting File:Air-routes.xlsx Excel file to see what the tabular version of the graph looks like.




In Internet Explorer versions up to 8, things inside the canvas are inaccessible!