AnthropomorphicsCurrently, our tentative guest list consists of Mark Rogers, the creator of Samurai Cat, John Barrett (also known as Roxicat), animator Aura-Moser, and film star Zigzag. Photographer Leonard Provansano will once again be on hand to show us the exciting art of costume photography and photo editing. Shanda Fantasy Arts illustrator Michelle Latta will host more Photoshop workshops as well as being the guide to one of our life drawing panels. Born in 1952 Author and Illustrator Mark E. Rogers is best known for the Samurai Cat series: The Adventures of the Samurai Cat, More Adventures of the Samurai Cat, Samurai Cat in the Real World, The Sword of the Samurai Cat and Samurai Cat Goes to the Movies. The sixth and final installment in the series - Samurai Cat Goes to Hell - was recently published by TOR books. His other books include The Dead, a horror novel about the end of the world, and a number of books set in an alternate universe. One of his novellas, the Runestone, was made into a movie, and The Dead is currently under development. Mark Rogers's web site can be found at www.merogers.com John Barrett is also known as Roxicat, the artist for the Edge Guard series from Antarctic Press. He can be found at www.monmouth.com/~roxikat/". Aura-Moser will be here discussing animation and illustration. Her gallery and website both have excellent samples of her animation work. Michelle Latta's credits include pencils for Shanda the Panda, and illustrations for Brock Hoagland's Iron Star, as well as his new book, Hanno and Lois. Her work is currently on display on her website, Tenth Planet Art. We once again plan to have a panel on the Ursa Major award. What is that, you ask? In 2001 Furry fandom started the annual Ursa Major Awards, similar to SF fandom's Hugo awards. The 2004 Awards will be presented at C- ACE in Ottawa in June. E-mail Discussions are currently being held to improve and expand the awards. For more information, see their website at www.ursamajorawards.org. This year, we will discuss the what has come before and what the future will hold for furry literature. As always, if you want to learn more about furry fandom, an excellent place to start is Peter Cat's Furry Info Page. This year we will have an Artist's Alley in conjunction with the art show. For more information write us at [email protected]. We will have a limited number of tables this year, so if you're an artist and are interested, please contact us early so we can plan to accommodate you. Artist's Alley is a long-standing tradition at anthrophromorphic conventions, and is beginning to become popular at others as well. We also may have more furry dealers this year as Rabbit Valley is interested in dealer room space at I-CON. If there are any further questions, e-mail us at [email protected] See what Anthropomorphic programming we had last year at I-CON 23...
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