§ 11-1-101. Short title.
§ 11-1-102. Definitions.
§ 11-1-103. Saving vested rights.
§ 11-1-110. Municipal employees - Forfeiture of retirement benefits.
§ 11-2-101. Incorporation of a municipality.
§ 11-2-102. Name of incorporated town or city.
§ 11-2-103. Municipality to be surveyed and platted.
§ 11-2-104. Restrictions on territory included in proposed municipality or plat.
§ 11-2-105. Division into wards - Number of wards.
§ 11-2-106. Incorporation procedure for municipality situated in two or more counties.
§ 11-2-107. Effect of incorporation - Filing - Judicial notice - Challenges.
§ 11-3-101. Petition for incorporation of town - Notice - Contents.
§ 11-3-102. Hearing on petition - Order of commissioners calling for election on question.
§ 11-3-103. Notice of election.
§ 11-3-104. Conduct of election - Ballots.
§ 11-3-105. Canvassing returns - Statement of result - Order of incorporation.
§ 11-3-106. Notice of election of town officers - Fees and expenses.
§ 11-3-107. Officers to be elected.
§ 11-4-101. Petition for incorporation of city - Contents.
§ 11-4-102. Order calling for election on question - Notice.
§ 11-4-103. Alternative procedure for incorporated towns.
§ 11-4-104. Conduct of election - Ballots.
§ 11-4-105. Canvassing returns - Certification of results - Order of incorporation.
§ 11-4-106. Notice of election of city officers - Fees and expenses.
§ 11-4-107. Officers to be elected.
§ 11-5-101. City incorporating as a town - Procedure.
§ 11-5-102. Order calling for election on question - Notice.
§ 11-5-103. Election on city incorporating as town - Ballots.
§ 11-5-104. Certification of results - Order of incorporation - Notice of election of town officers - Fees and expenses.
§ 11-5-105. Town officers to be elected.
§ 11-5-106. Indebtedness assumed by incorporated town.
§ 11-6-101. Proposal for consolidation - Terms and conditions - Approval by governing bodies.
§ 11-6-102. Ballots - Election on question.
§ 11-6-103. Record of consolidation.
§ 11-6-104. Property and obligations after consolidation.
§ 11-7-101. Dissolution of municipality - Application - Notice of election on question.
§ 11-7-102. Conduct of election - Results.
§ 11-7-103. Disposition of property - Payment of debts and liabilities - Contract rights.
§ 11-7-104. Real property owned by municipality at time of dissolution.
§ 11-7-105. Involuntary dissolution - Grounds - Petition in district court.
§ 11-7-106. Involuntary dissolution - Notice of hearing.
§ 11-7-107. Involuntary dissolution - Hearing and order.
§ 11-8-101. Qualifications for elected office.
§ 11-8-102. Term of office.
§ 11-8-103. Oath of office.
§ 11-8-104. Who may administer oaths.
§ 11-8-105. Certain officers to give bond.
§ 11-8-106. Nepotism - Dual office holding.
§ 11-8-107. Removal of officers.
§ 11-8-108. Absence from governing body meetings.
§ 11-8-109. Vacancies in office.
§ 11-8-110. Candidacy of municipal officer for county or state office - Resignation.
§ 11-8-111. Abstinence in voting in certain meetings.
§ 11-8-112. Resignation of municipal officer.
§ 11-8-113. Prohibited business activities with municipality - Exceptions - Definitions - Violations - Employees of financial institutions.
§ 11-8-114. Institute - Statewide organization to conduct.
§ 11-8-115. Professional services - Independent contractor presumption.
§ 11-8-116. Part-time city manager or planner - Financial assistance program.
§ 11-9-101. Statutory aldermanic form of government.
§ 11-9-102. Governing body.
§ 11-9-103. Qualifications of governing body members.
§ 11-9-104. Mayor - Duties as president of council.
§ 11-9-105. Mayor- Duties as chief executive officer.
§ 11-9-106. Mayor - Signing ordinances - Veto power.
§ 11-9-107. Election of council president - Duties.
§ 11-9-108. Powers vested in council - Designated powers.
§ 11-9-109. Council - Meetings.
§ 11-9-110. Council - Quorum - Rules and voting.
§ 11-9-111. Vacancy in the office of mayor.
§ 11-9-112. City clerk - Creation and duties - Compensation.
§ 11-9-113. City treasurer - Creation and duties - Compensation.
§ 11-9-114. Marshal and street commissioner.
§ 11-9-115. Merger or consolidation of city offices.
§ 11-9-116. Compensation of elective officers.
§ 11-9-117. Appointments and removals.
§ 11-9-118. City officials and employees - Suspension or removal - Successors.
§ 11-10-101. Statutory council-manager form of government.
§ 11-10-102. Governing body.
§ 11-10-103. Qualifications of councilmembers.
§ 11-10-104. Election of mayor and vice-mayor.
§ 11-10-105. Duties of mayor and vice-mayor.
§ 11-10-106. Powers vested in council - Designated powers.
§ 11-10-107. Limitation of council authority to act through city manager.
§ 11-10-108. Council - Meetings.
§ 11-10-109. Council - Quorum - Rules and voting.
§ 11-10-110. Vacancy in the office of mayor or vice-mayor.
§ 11-10-111. Compensation of elective officers.
§ 11-10-112. City manager - Appointment by council.
§ 11-10-113. City manager - Duties.
§ 11-10-114. Designation of acting city manager.
§ 11-10-115. Suspension or removal of city manager.
§ 11-10-116. Purchases and sales by city manager - Competitive bidding - Transfer of manager's powers.
§ 11-10-117. City clerk - Creation and duties - Compensation.
§ 11-10-118. City treasurer - Creation and duties - Compensation.
§ 11-10-119. Departments included in council-manager government.
§ 11-10-120. Appointments and removals.
§ 11-10-121. City officials and employees - Suspension or removal - Successors.
§ 11-11-101. Strong-mayor-council form of government.
§ 11-11-102. Governing body.
§ 11-11-103. Qualifications of governing body members.
§ 11-11-104. Election of vice-mayor - Duties.
§ 11-11-105. Mayor - Duties as president of council - Temporary council president.
§ 11-11-106. Mayor - Duties as chief executive officer.
§ 11-11-107. Mayor - Additional offices or duties.
§ 11-11-108. Powers vested in council - Designated powers.
§ 11-11-109. Council - Meetings.
§ 11-11-110. Council - Quorum - Rules.
§ 11-11-111. Vacancy in the office of mayor or vice-mayor.
§ 11-11-112. Compensation of elective officers.
§ 11-11-113. City clerk - Creation and duties - Compensation.
§ 11-11-114. Appointment of temporary clerk of council.
§ 11-11-115. City treasurer - Creation and duties - Compensation.
§ 11-11-116. Purchases and sales by mayor - Competitive bidding - Transfer of mayor's powers.
§ 11-11-117. Departments and agencies.
§ 11-11-118. Appointments and removals - Personnel department.
§ 11-11-119. Personnel board - Membership and tenure.
§ 11-11-120. Personnel board - Officers and meetings.
§ 11-11-121. Classified and unclassified service.
§ 11-11-122. Political appointments or promotions prohibited - Review of alleged violations.
§ 11-11-123. Political activity prohibited for officers and employees in classified service - Removal for violations.
§ 11-11-124. City officials and employees - Suspension or removal - Successors.
§ 11-11-125. Removal of employees in classified service - Procedure.
§ 11-12-101. Statutory town board of trustees form of government.
§ 11-12-102. Governing body - Board of trustees - Terms.
§ 11-12-103. Qualifications of trustees.
§ 11-12-103.1. Nomination and election of at large trustees - Ordinance - Petition.
§ 11-12-103.2. Notice of at large election of trustees - Ballot - Candidate elected.
§ 11-12-104. Election of mayor.
§ 11-12-105. Duties of the mayor - Acting mayor.
§ 11-12-106. Powers vested in board of trustees - Designated powers.
§ 11-12-107. Board of trustees - Meetings.
§ 11-12-108. Board of trustees - Quorum - Rules and voting.
§ 11-12-109. Town clerk - Creation and duties - Compensation.
§ 11-12-110. Town treasurer - Creation and duties - Compensation.
§ 11-12-111. Chief of police - Creation and duties.
§ 11-12-112. Departments and agencies - Merger or consolidation of town offices.
§ 11-12-113. Compensation of town elective officers.
§ 11-12-114. Appointments and removals.
§ 11-13-101. Municipalities may adopt charter.
§ 11-13-102. Procedure for adopting charters - Petition or governing body resolution.
§ 11-13-103. Election on question and board of freeholders.
§ 11-13-104. Canvassing returns - Certification of results.
§ 11-13-105. Preparation of charter.
§ 11-13-106. Notice of charter election.
§ 11-13-107. Charter election - Certification of results - Approval by Governor.
§ 11-13-108. Deposit of copies for record - Judicial notice.
§ 11-13-109. Charter controls over conflicting laws.
§ 11-13-110. Payment of expenses for framing and adopting charter.
§ 11-13-111. Charter amendments - Procedure.
§ 11-13-112. Revocation or abolishment of charter - Adopting statutory form - Procedure.
§ 11-13-113. Charter revocation - Canvassing returns - Proclamation of Governor - Election of officers.
§ 11-13-114. Special charter provisions relating to abandonment of municipal charters.
§ 11-13-115. Compensation of elective city officers.
§ 11-14-101. Municipal ordinances - Authority.
§ 11-14-101.1. Rent control - Prohibition.
§ 11-14-102. Ordinances - Procedure governing passage.
§ 11-14-103. Effective date of municipal ordinances - Emergency measures.
§ 11-14-104. Style of ordinances - Title and subject - Enacting clause
§ 11-14-105. Ordinance book - Entries.
§ 11-14-106. Publication of ordinances.
§ 11-14-107. Publication of certain codes and ordinances by title and summary of contents.
§ 11-14-108. Codification of municipal ordinances.
§ 11-14-109. Mandatory compilation of penal ordinances.
§ 11-14-110. Notice and filing of penal ordinance compilation - Judicial notice.
§ 11-14-111. Enforcement and penalties for violation of municipal ordinances.
§ 11-14-111.1. Retention of penalty assessments or other state fees.
§ 11-14-112. Cancellation or denial of driving privileges for noncompliance with municipal court sentence.
§ 11-14-113. Liability for cost of medical care to defendant in custody of municipal officer.
§ 11-14-114. Municipal governing body - Rewards - Reward fund.
§ 11-15-101. Initiative and Referendum - Powers.
§ 11-15-102. Procedure for initiative and referendum in municipalities.
§ 11-15-103. Petition - Form - Signatures - Time for filing.
§ 11-15-104. Publication announcing the filing of petition - Protests.
§ 11-15-105. Ballot title.
§ 11-15-106. Appeal on question of ballot title - Procedure.
§ 11-15-107. Presentation of petition to mayor.
§ 11-15-108. Consideration of initiative petitions by governing body - Submission to voters.
§ 11-15-109. Time for submission of measures to voters.
§ 11-15-110. Conflicting measures proposed by governing body.
§ 11-16-101. Notice of municipal elections.
§ 11-16-102. Provisions not applicable to municipalities governed by charter or subject to Oklahoma Town Meeting Act - Exception - Choice of election procedure - Residency requirements.
§ 11-16-103. General municipal elections - When held.
§ 11-16-103.1. Withholding certain monies from city or town that fails to hold municipal election or biennial town meeting.
§ 11-16-104. Conduct of general municipal elections.
§ 11-16-105. What candidate's name may be placed on general election ballot.
§ 11-16-105.1. Elections to be nonpartisan - Primary elections in nonpartisan elections abolished.
§ 11-16-106. Unopposed candidates in general election.
§ 11-16-107. Primary elections - When held.
§ 11-16-108. Conduct of primary elections.
§ 11-16-109. Eligibility and manner of becoming party candidate.
§ 11-16-110. Nonpartisan candidates.
§ 11-16-111. Unopposed candidates in primary election.
§ 11-16-112. Special elections - Questions which may be submitted.
§ 11-16-113. Special election ballot - Preparation and arrangement.
§ 11-16-114. Conduct of special elections held for electing officers.
§ 11-16-201. Aldermanic cities with one councilmember per ward - Officers to be elected - Terms.
§ 11-16-202. First election held in aldermanic cities with one councilmember per ward.
§ 11-16-203. Aldermanic cities with two councilmembers per ward - Officers to be elected - Terms.
§ 11-16-204. First election held in aldermanic cities with two councilmembers per ward – Terms of office.
§ 11-16-205. Towns - Officers to be elected - Terms.
§ 11-16-206. First election held in town.
§ 11-16-207. Aldermanic cities and towns - Appointment of certain officials after submission to vote.
§ 11-16-208. Council-manager cities - Officers to be elected - Terms.
§ 11-16-209. First election held in council-manager city.
§ 11-16-210. Strong-mayor-council cities - Officers to be elected - Terms.
§ 11-16-211. First election held in strong-mayor-council city.
§ 11-16-212. Council-manager and strong-mayor-council cities - Form of general municipal election ballot.
§ 11-16-213. Transitional provisions for municipalities not in conformance with general election or town meeting procedure.
§ 11-16-301. Short title.
§ 11-16-302. Municipalities required to hold town meetings - Election - Ordinance providing alternative procedure - Repeal of ordinance.
§ 11-16-303. Time for town meeting - Purpose - Special town meetings.
§ 11-16-304. Notice - Publication - Posting - Contents.
§ 11-16-305. Presiding officer - Minutes - Officers - Voting - Registration requirements - False affidavits.
§ 11-16-306. Presiding officer - Rules of order, conduct and decorum - Minutes - Ballots - Nomination and election of officials - False affidavits.
§ 11-16-307. Voting eligibility - Town meeting pollbook - Illegal voting - Penalty.
§ 11-16-308. Election of municipal officers.
§ 11-16-309. Filing of list of municipal officers elected - Notification of changes in list.
§ 11-16-310. Contest of election by nominee.
§ 11-16-311. Petition alleging fraud - Bond - Hearing - Answer - Judgment - Ineligibility for office - Liability of contestant - Damages.
§ 11-16-312. Petition alleging irregularities other than fraud - Sufficiency of allegations - Hearing.
§ 11-16-313. Impossibility of determining winner - Special town meeting to fill contested office.
§ 11-16-314. Omission of or noncompliance with notice requirements - Correction - Rectification of other errors and omissions - Validation of business of original action.
§ 11-16-315. Elections to be conducted by county election board - Option to be conducted at town meeting.
§ 11-17-101. Borrowing or appropriating monies - Investments - Deposit of monies.
§ 11-17-102. Payment of invoice or account - Petty cash accounts.
§ 11-17-103. Actions against municipality.
§ 11-17-104. Liability for voting unlawful claims.
§ 11-17-105. Annual financial statement audit or agreed-upon-procedures engagement.
§ 11-17-105.1. Filing of audit or agreed-upon-procedures report - Form.
§ 11-17-106. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 124, § 35, eff. July 1, 1991.
§ 11-17-106.1. Independent audit reports relating to federal awards compliance - Form required.
§ 11-17-107. Failure to file audit or agreed-upon-procedures report.
§ 11-17-108. Trusts exempt.
§ 11-17-109. Capital improvement fund - Authority to create.
§ 11-17-110. Capital improvements - Definitions.
§ 11-17-111. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 124, § 35, eff. July 1, 1991.
§ 11-17-112. Manufacturing establishments and public utilities - Exemption from municipal taxation.
§ 11-17-113. Publication of city financial statements.
§ 11-17-114. Vendor invoices and contract estimates - Payment procedures - Uniform jackets.
§ 11-17-115. Reverse auction bidding – Procedure – Public disclosure - Remedies.
§ 11-17-115.1. Use of reverse auction bidding to obtain acquisitions or award contracts.
§ 11-17-201. Short title.
§ 11-17-202. Purpose of act.
§ 11-17-203. Application of act.
§ 11-17-203.1. Budget format.
§ 11-17-204. Definitions.
§ 11-17-205. Annual budget - Preparation and submission - Assistance of officers, employees and departments.
§ 11-17-206. Requirements and contents of budget.
§ 11-17-207. Monies received and expended must be accounted for by fund or account.
§ 11-17-208. Public hearing on proposed budget - Notice - Copies of proposed budget.
§ 11-17-209. Adoption of budget - Filing - Effective period - Use of appropriated funds - Levying tax.
§ 11-17-210. Protests - Failure to protest - Examination of filed budget.
§ 11-17-211. Expenditure of funds - Balances to be carried forward - Unlawful acts and liability therefor.
§ 11-17-212. Funds - Establishment - Kinds.
§ 11-17-213. Funds - Classification of revenues and expenditures.
§ 11-17-214. Funds - Operating reserve.
§ 11-17-215. Transfer of unexpended or unencumbered appropriation - Limitations on encumbrances or expenditures.
§ 11-17-216. Supplemental appropriations to funds - Amendment of budget.
§ 11-17-217. Purpose-based budget - Definitions.
§ 11-17-218. Purpose-based budget - Procedures.
§ 11-17-301. Municipal Fiscal Impact Act - Fiscal impact statement.
§ 11-18-101. Procedure for changing form of government - Petition or governing body resolution.
§ 11-18-102. Election on question - Notice.
§ 11-18-103. Ballots - Certification of results - Order.
§ 11-18-104. Effective date of new form - First elections - Transition of officers.
§ 11-18-105. Record of change.
§ 11-19-101. Procedure for changing name - Petition or governing body resolution.
§ 11-19-102. Election on question - Notice.
§ 11-19-103. Ballots - Certification of results - Order.
§ 11-19-104. Record and publication of change.
§ 11-20-101. Review of wards after each federal census.
§ 11-20-102. Procedure for proposing ward changes.
§ 11-20-103. Changes proposed by governing body - Notice.
§ 11-20-104. Change adopted by initiative petition.
§ 11-20-105. Effect of change.
§ 11-20-106. Record of change.
§ 11-21-101. Authority to change municipal limits.
§ 11-21-102. Annexation of territory separated by railway, intervening strip or highway right-of-way.
§ 11-21-103. Cities or towns - Annexation procedure.
§ 11-21-104. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 60, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-21-105. Annexation by petition - Notice - Cost - Governing body ordinance.
§ 11-21-106. Failure to grant request in annexation petition - Filing in district court.
§ 11-21-108. Lands platted for educational or charitable institutions - Annexation only by petition.
§ 11-21-109. Taxation of annexed territory.
§ 11-21-109A. Repealed by Laws 2006, 2nd Ex. Sess., c. 44, § 20, emerg. eff. June 28, 2006.
§ 11-21-110. Detachment of municipal territory - Procedure.
§ 11-21-111. Liability of detached territory.
§ 11-21-112. Record regarding territory annexed or detached.
§ 11-21-113. Annexation of unoccupied property for road and bridge construction.
§ 11-21-114. Petition to annex unincorporated territory enclosed by boundaries of other municipality - District court action.
§ 11-21-115. Inclusion of territory in public records or notices – Presumption of validity.
§ 11-21-121. Furnishing retail electric service to certain electric consuming facilities prohibited.
§ 11-21-201. Municipalities subject to inundation - Acquiring new townsite.
§ 11-21-202. Approval of plat - Special election.
§ 11-21-203. Approval of annexation - Recording of resolution and plat.
§ 11-21-204. New boundaries of the municipality.
§ 11-21-205. Additional powers of governing body in relocating municipality.
§ 11-21-222. Condemnation proceedings relating to rural electric cooperatives or electric public utilities - Moratorium - Implementation of retail consumer choice contingency.
§ 11-22-101. Corporate powers of municipalities.
§ 11-22-101.1. Political activities by municipal employees - Restrictions.
§ 11-22-101.2. Employer coercion prohibited.
§ 11-22-101.3. Violations.
§ 11-22-102. Proof of legal organization or ordinances - Recovery of costs and attorney fees.
§ 11-22-103. Service of notice or process on municipality.
§ 11-22-104. Right to engage in business - Public utilities and improvements - Eminent domain - Issuance of bonds - Lease of public utility.
§ 11-22-105. Condemnation of private property.
§ 11-22-105.1. Displacing private company providing solid waste collection service - Notice and hearing - Acquisition by purchase, donation, or condemnation - Judicial review of report of commissioners.
§ 11-22-106. License tax on occupations - Authority to levy and collect - Penalties.
§ 11-22-107. Licenses and fees regulated by ordinance - Expiration - Issuance - Seal - Exchange of information for collecting of state and local taxes.
§ 11-22-107.1. Cable television system - Terms of overlapping certificates - Provisions inconsistent with state or federal law - Adequate public, educational, and governmental access services.
§ 11-22-107.2. Sellers of cable television service - Assessment of late fee.
§ 11-22-108. Power to suppress gaming and gambling.
§ 11-22-109. Disorderly houses and public indecencies.
§ 11-22-109.1. Location of adult novelty shops.
§ 11-22-110. Riots, assaults and disturbances, etc. - Firearms and fireworks.
§ 11-22-111. Cleaning and mowing of property - Summary abatement - Ordinances – Definitions - Application.
§ 11-22-111.1. Certification for employees enforcing cleaning and mowing provisions.
§ 11-22-112. Condemnation – Procedures – Administrative officer or body – Definitions - Nuisance – Damages or loss of property – Agricultural property.
§ 11-22-112.1. Boarding and securing dilapidated building - Definitions.
§ 11-22-112.2. Removal of graffiti by municipalities.
§ 11-22-112.3. Certification of employees enforcing condemnation provisions.
§ 11-22-113. Fire hazards and building location restrictions.
§ 11-22-114. Entry upon private property for making surveys, soundings, examination or terminating public utility services - Reimbursement for damages.
§ 11-22-115. Animals running at large - Regulation and taxation.
§ 11-22-115.1. Dog kennel - Restriction of location near schools or day care facilities.
§ 11-22-116. Jurisdiction over real property and navigable streams.
§ 11-22-117. Traffic ordinances and regulations — Designation of school zone speed limits.
§ 11-22-117.1. Possession of security verification form may be required for certain vehicles.
§ 11-22-118. Regulation of taxicabs - Specific requirements.
§ 11-22-119. Regulation of railway and freight operations within municipal limits.
§ 11-22-120. Public health, hospitals, quarantine, and environmental hazards.
§ 11-22-121. Nuisances.
§ 11-22-122. Trees.
§ 11-22-123. Vagrancy.
§ 11-22-124. Commercial development projects, market houses and marketplaces - Municipal buildings.
§ 11-22-125. Gifts to institutions in state system of higher education or to school districts.
§ 11-22-126. Participation in federal programs.
§ 11-22-127. Establishing residency requirements.
§ 11-22-128. Authority for public improvements - Borrowing money - Bond issues.
§ 11-22-129. Tax warrants against lots for special assessments or for abatement of public nuisance.
§ 11-22-130. Reassessments for void or illegal assessments.
§ 11-22-131. Municipal records - Destruction, sale or disposition after certain time limitations.
§ 11-22-132. Authority to have records photographed or reproduced on film or stored on optical disk - Original record - Storage.
§ 11-22-132.1. Municipal Records - Maintenance and protection - Availability.
§ 11-22-133. Contesting reasonableness of oil and gas drilling fee.
§ 11-22-134. Purchasing or accounts payable - Approval by electronic process.
§ 11-22-135. National disaster leave.
§ 11-22-136. Intangible property held for owner or apparent owner by municipality or municipal public trust - Abandonment - Notice - Definitions.
§ 11-22-137. Denial of excess leave due to extraordinary circumstances - Compensation.
§ 11-22-138. Municipal collection agency contracts.
§ 11-22-150. Short title.
§ 11-22-151. Purpose and construction of act.
§ 11-22-152. Definitions.
§ 11-22-153. Authority to issue certain revenue bonds and obligations - Limitations.
§ 11-22-154. Additional sources of security for utility revenue obligations.
§ 11-22-155. Submission of question of issuance of revenue obligations to finance acquisition, purchase or construction of public utility to voters.
§ 11-22-156. Submission of question of issuance of revenue obligations to finance improvement of public utility to voters.
§ 11-22-157. Approval issuance, sale and delivery of revenue obligations.
§ 11-22-158. General obligation bonds not authorized without vote of citizens.
§ 11-22-159. Municipal support of public school systems.
§ 11-22-161. Short title.
§ 11-22-162. Definitions.
§ 11-22-163. Racing event permit.
§ 11-23-101. Municipality to defend municipal employees in certain legal actions.
§ 11-23-102. Defense of municipal employees - Procedure for request and defense.
§ 11-23-103. Cost of litigation when municipality defends municipal employee.
§ 11-23-103.1. Employee defined.
§ 11-23-105. Ambulance service - Liability insurance - Employee benefits.
§ 11-23-108. Hospital, health, life and accident insurance for municipal employees.
§ 11-24-101. Short Title.
§ 11-24-102. Legislative Findings and Declaration of Necessity.
§ 11-24-103. Creation of the Authority.
§ 11-24-104. Members.
§ 11-24-105. Definitions.
§ 11-24-105.1. Electric generation project - Joint interest - Exception.
§ 11-24-106. Public Property.
§ 11-24-107. Powers, rights and privileges of Authority.
§ 11-24-108. Issuance of bonds.
§ 11-24-109. Judicial Determination by Supreme Court of Validity of Bonds, Contracts and Other Acts - Notice.
§ 11-24-110. Eminent Domain.
§ 11-24-111. Legal Investments.
§ 11-24-112. Powers of Eligible Public Agencies and Public Trusts.
§ 11-24-113. Rents, Rates and Other Charges; Corporation Commission Exemption.
§ 11-24-114. Acquisition and Construction Contracts.
§ 11-24-115. Financial statements - Filing.
§ 11-24-116. Meetings and Records.
§ 11-24-117. Construction.
§ 11-24-118. Powers Declared Supplementary.
§ 11-24-119. Irrevocable Contracts.
§ 11-24-120. Personnel to be Included in Unclassified Service.
§ 11-24-121. Partial Invalidity.
§ 11-25-101. Oklahoma Municipal Energy Independence Act.
§ 11-25-102. Municipal energy district authority - Trustees.
§ 11-25-103. Trustees’ meetings.
§ 11-25-104. Trustees’ powers and duties.
§ 11-25-105. Application of act.
§ 11-25-106. Energy-efficiency audits or retrofits.
§ 11-25-107. Participation in program - Requirements.
§ 11-26-101. Authority to purchase and regulate.
§ 11-26-102. Power to acquire and control land for cemeteries.
§ 11-26-103. Conveyance of cemetery lots - Abandoned lots.
§ 11-26-104. Conveyance or devise of lot in trust.
§ 11-26-105. Rules and ordinances - Penalties and fines.
§ 11-26-106. Board of cemetery trustees - Appointment and creation.
§ 11-26-107. Powers and duties of cemetery trustees.
§ 11-26-108. Cemetery expenses and collections.
§ 11-26-109. Cemetery Care Fund - Purchase of lands - Investment of fund.
§ 11-26-110. Reports of the cemetery board of trustees.
§ 11-26-111. Lien on cemetery lots for upkeep charges - Enforcement.
§ 11-26-112. Removal of remains to other gravesites - Unmarked graves.
§ 11-26-201. Trusts for special care of specified lots - Perpetual care fund - Use.
§ 11-26-202. Trustee of perpetual care fund - Appointment - Duties.
§ 11-26-203. Perpetual care fund receipts - Cemetery records.
§ 11-26-204. Perpetual care fund loans - Approval.
§ 11-26-205. Bond and oath of perpetual care fund trustee.
§ 11-26-206. Clerk to advise court on sufficiency of trustee's bond.
§ 11-26-207. Payment of trustee's expenses.
§ 11-26-208. Trustee reports.
§ 11-26-209. Removal or death of trustee.
§ 11-27-101. Creation of municipal court not of record.
§ 11-27-102. Resolution of governing body.
§ 11-27-103. Jurisdiction.
§ 11-27-104. Judges.
§ 11-27-105. Prohibition on change of venue - Disqualification of judge.
§ 11-27-106. Acting judge - Alternate judge - Compensation.
§ 11-27-107. Vacancies in office of judge.
§ 11-27-108. Municipal attorney as prosecutor.
§ 11-27-109. Clerk of court - Duties.
§ 11-27-110. Court marshal - Duties.
§ 11-27-111. Bond of clerk and judge - Form.
§ 11-27-111.1. Repealed by Laws 2006, c. 255, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 2006.
§ 11-27-112. Fees, fines and forfeitures - Dispositions.
§ 11-27-113. Procedure - Judicial notice of statutes and ordinances - Writs and process - Service of arrest warrant.
§ 11-27-114. Rules for conduct of court business.
§ 11-27-115. Prosecutions by verified complaint - Style.
§ 11-27-115.1. Prosecutions by verified complaint - Means of verification.
§ 11-27-116. Arraignment - Fines in lieu of appearance.
§ 11-27-117. Arrests - Release by signing citation - Bail - Amount and conditions - Temporary cash bond.
§ 11-27-117.1. Arrest for misdemeanor traffic violation other than parking or standing - Bail.
§ 11-27-118. Failure to appear according to terms of bond - Forfeiture.
§ 11-27-119. Jury trials - Qualifications of jurors.
§ 11-27-120. Selection and summons of jurors.
§ 11-27-121. Fees and mileage of jurors and witnesses.
§ 11-27-122. Enforcement of payment of fines or costs by imprisonment - Persons unable to pay.
§ 11-27-122.1. Execution of sentences of municipal court.
§ 11-27-122.2. Community service in lieu of fine or in conjunction with imprisonment - Violation of community service conditions.
§ 11-27-123. Suspension of judgment or costs - Reconfinement.
§ 11-27-124. Supervision of juveniles on parole or probation.
§ 11-27-125. Contempt of court.
§ 11-27-126. Costs and fees.
§ 11-27-127. Prosecution for same offense in another court prohibited.
§ 11-27-128. Writs of mandamus, prohibition and certiorari.
§ 11-27-129. Appeals.
§ 11-27-130. District attorney to defend appeals in certain cases.
§ 11-27-131. Orders relative to procedures and practices by Supreme Court.
§ 11-27-132. Appeal to Court of Criminal Appeals.
§ 11-28-101. Municipal criminal courts of record - Cities with population over 65,000 - Resolution.
§ 11-28-102. Jurisdiction of criminal court of record - Jury trial - Maximum punishment - Double jeopardy.
§ 11-28-102a. Fines for violations relating to prostitution - Percentage forwarded to city - county health department.
§ 11-28-102b. Alcohol and drug abuse evaluation and assessment program.
§ 11-28-103. Judges and clerks.
§ 11-28-104. Powers and duties of judge.
§ 11-28-105. Disqualification, disability or absence of judge.
§ 11-28-106. Duties of clerk - Certificate as prima facie proof.
§ 11-28-107. Marshal of court.
§ 11-28-108. Reporter.
§ 11-28-109. Prosecuting officers.
§ 11-28-110. Office of public defender.
§ 11-28-111. Qualifications of public defender - Appointment and tenure - Salary - Legal aid.
§ 11-28-112. Determination of need for public defense - Appeals.
§ 11-28-113. Commencement of prosecution - Style – Procedure – Schedule of fines.
§ 11-28-113.1. Prosecutions by verified complaint - Means of verification - Signature.
§ 11-28-114. Procedures upon arrest.
§ 11-28-114.1. Arrest for misdemeanor traffic violation other than parking or standing - Bail.
§ 11-28-115. Composition of jury - Selection, empanelling and qualification.
§ 11-28-116. Jury list and jury boxes.
§ 11-28-117. Drawing of panel.
§ 11-28-118. When regular panel drawn.
§ 11-28-119. Special panel.
§ 11-28-120. Compliance with criminal code of procedure.
§ 11-28-121. Process - Searches, seizures and confiscation - Service of arrest warrant.
§ 11-28-122. Trial Docket - Criminal courts to observe certain holidays.
§ 11-28-123. Execution of sentence - Modification, reduction or suspension - Probation - Deferred sentence.
§ 11-28-124. Imprisonment for nonpayment of fine and costs - Persons unable to pay.
§ 11-28-125. Costs.
§ 11-28-126. Fines and costs - Disposition.
§ 11-28-127. Bond forfeiture.
§ 11-28-128. Appeals.
§ 11-29-101. General powers.
§ 11-29-102. Fire chief - Duties - Qualifications - Activity report forms.
§ 11-29-103. Firefighters - How appointed.
§ 11-29-103.1. Firefighters – Criminal history records check - Fingerprints.
§ 11-29-104. Tenure of office.
§ 11-29-104.1. Paid fire department - Definition.
§ 11-29-105. Municipalities and fire protection districts - Contracts.
§ 11-29-106. Contracts respecting fire protection.
§ 11-29-107. Firefighters working outside limits - Compensation - Pension fund.
§ 11-29-108. Fire department answering calls outside corporate limits considered agent of state - Liability for damages.
§ 11-29-109. Municipalities permitted to contract for fire protection.
§ 11-29-110. Election on question of contracting for fire protection services.
§ 11-29-111. Ballot - Canvass of returns and resolution of governing body.
§ 11-29-112. Recording and filing of resolutions.
§ 11-29-113. Fire protection services to meet or exceed current level of service.
§ 11-29-114. Certain firefighters governmental employees and members of the Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System.
§ 11-29-115. Publication of income or loss statement and balance sheet.
§ 11-29-201. Oklahoma Volunteer Firefighters Act - Purpose.
§ 11-29-202. Definitions.
§ 11-29-203. Size of volunteer department.
§ 11-29-204. Minimum rules and regulations of volunteer fire department.
§ 11-29-205. Repealed by Laws 2010, c. 222, § 63, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§ 11-29-301. Definitions.
§ 11-29-302. Application of other provisions of law.
§ 11-29-303. Duties of volunteer firefighters of combination fire department.
§ 11-29-304. Volunteer Firefighter Recognition Program.
§ 11-30-101. Establishment of municipal hospitals - Financial statement and estimate.
§ 11-30-102. Hospital board of control.
§ 11-30-103. Organization of board.
§ 11-30-104. Rules and regulations - Expenditures and receipts - Hospital fund - Personnel.
§ 11-30-105. Meetings - Examinations - Pecuniary interest.
§ 11-30-106. Qualifications of nurses and attendants - Physicians and surgeons.
§ 11-30-107. Donations.
§ 11-30-108. Grounds and building.
§ 11-30-109. Annual report of board of control.
§ 11-31-101. Establishment of municipal libraries - Financial statement and estimate.
§ 11-31-102. Library board of directors.
§ 11-31-103. Organization of library board.
§ 11-31-104. Powers and duties of library board - Fixing of fees.
§ 11-31-105. Grounds and building.
§ 11-31-106. Library board may impose fines or penalties.
§ 11-31-107. Donations.
§ 11-31-108. Annual report of board.
§ 11-32-101. Definitions.
§ 11-32-102. General powers of municipality.
§ 11-32-103. Acquiring land for parking stations - Title.
§ 11-32-104. Rights of common carriers and utilities.
§ 11-32-105. Establishing parking station improvement district - Restrictions on cost.
§ 11-32-106. Surveys and plans of proposed parking stations.
§ 11-32-107. Public hearing on improvement - Notice.
§ 11-32-108. Resolution authorizing improvement - Notice.
§ 11-32-109. Protest.
§ 11-32-110. Petition for improvement - Contents.
§ 11-32-111. Rules applicable to a petition for improvement.
§ 11-32-112. Limitation on suits contesting establishment of the district.
§ 11-32-113. Apportionment of costs - Assessing ordinance - Limitation on suits.
§ 11-32-114. Levy and collection of costs - Installments - Issuance of bonds.
§ 11-32-115. Cost of maintaining or operating parking stations - Charges.
§ 11-32-116. Easements on streets and alleys for parking stations - Lease of parking stations by municipality.
§ 11-32-117. Disposal of parking station property.
§ 11-33-101. Purpose of Oklahoma public parks and recreation law.
§ 11-33-102. Definitions.
§ 11-33-103. Powers of cities, towns, counties and school districts.
§ 11-33-104. Joint establishment and conduct of system of recreation.
§ 11-33-105. Powers of governing body - Creation and powers of recreation board or commission.
§ 11-33-106. Public recreation board or commission - Membership - Appointment.
§ 11-33-107. Public recreation board or commission - Functions - Superintendent.
§ 11-33-108. Parallel systems within same area not authorized.
§ 11-33-109. Grants and devises of real property - Gifts and bequests.
§ 11-33-110. Bonds - Power to issue - Manner of issuance.
§ 11-33-111. Petition for recreation programs - Submission of question to voters.
§ 11-33-112. Limitation of indebtedness - Approval of bonds and proceedings by Attorney General.
§ 11-33-113. Buildings - Tax levy.
§ 11-33-114. Department of Tourism and Recreation - Aid and assistance - Existing authority not impaired.
§ 11-33-115. Public recreation law cumulative.
§ 11-33-201. Municipality may lease or grant fishing and hunting privileges or licenses.
§ 11-33-202. Terms of leases - Exclusion of commercial propagation of fish.
§ 11-33-203. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 124, § 35, eff. July 1, 1991.
§ 11-33-204. Docks, boathouses and boats - Powers of municipalities.
§ 11-33-205. Establishment of fish and game commission - Appointment - Powers.
§ 11-34-101. Police officers.
§ 11-34-101.1. Certification of police officers – Psychological evaluation.
§ 11-34-102. Chief of police - Powers, duties and functions - Qualifications.
§ 11 34 103. Performance of police functions outside employing municipality.
§ 11-34-104. Disposition of personal property or money or legal tender.
§ 11-34-105. Management and operation of jail facilities by Department of Corrections or private prison contractor.
§ 11-34-106. Use of unmarked vehicle prohibited – Official uniform required.
§ 11-34-107. Safety and liability policies.
§ 11-35-101. Extension of utility lines and service beyond corporate limits.
§ 11-35-102. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 124, § 35, eff. July 1, 1991.
§ 11-35-102.1. Disposition of proceeds from investment of meter deposit funds.
§ 11-35-103. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 124, § 35, eff. July 1, 1991.
§ 11-35-104. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 124, § 35, eff. July 1, 1991.
§ 11-35-105. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 124, § 35, eff. July 1, 1991.
§ 11-35-106. Repealed by Laws 1991, c. 124, § 35, eff. July 1, 1991.
§ 11-35-107. Utility deposit - Refund - Notice - Forfeiture.
§ 11-35-201. Sale or lease of municipally owned public utility - Applicability - Charters.
§ 11-35-202. Necessity of voter authorization prior to sale or lease of public utility.
§ 11-35-203. Procedure for sale or lease of public utility - Notice - Election.
§ 11-35-204. Sale to be for cash - Bids - Payment.
§ 11-35-205. Conveyance.
§ 11-35-206. Expenditures for conservation of electricity or natural gas by public agencies.
§ 11-36-101. Powers of municipalities.
§ 11-36-101A. Physically disabled parking and access - Construction and signage.
§ 11-36-102. Resurfacing streets - Procedures and payment of cost.
§ 11-36-103. Sidewalk improvements generally.
§ 11-36-104. Emergency sidewalk repairs - How made - Notice to owner.
§ 11-36-105. Granting right to close, alter or appropriate roads or streets for certain purposes.
§ 11-36-106. Title to trees, shrubbery and parking abutting streets - Injury to - Powers of municipality.
§ 11-36-107. Encroachments and obstructions in streets.
§ 11-36-108. Encroachments not exceeding twenty-four inches - Quitclaim deed.
§ 11-36-109. Ordinances and rules for making assessments for improvements - Expense of connections.
§ 11-36-110. Contract for service of engineers for making improvements.
§ 11-36-111. Change of grade - Compensation to abutting owners.
§ 11-36-112. Intersections and crossings - Participation by counties and state highway commission in street improvements.
§ 11-36-113. Construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of municipal streets.
§ 11-36-114. Use of money from motor fuel excise tax and motor vehicle license and registration tax.
§ 11-36-115. Lighting of state and federal highways in unincorporated areas.
§ 11-36-116. Duties of railways as to paving and street improvements.
§ 11-36-117. Sidewalks - Construction by railroad - Maintenance of improvements.
§ 11-36-118. Noncompliance by railway - Doing work at railway's expense - Lien on railway property.
§ 11-36-119. Waiver of penalties on delinquent assessments.
§ 11-36-120. Compromise of assessments and penalties.
§ 11-36-121. Resolution waiving penalties - Entries on record.
§ 11-36-201. Definitions of terms used.
§ 11-36-202. Petition for street improvements by owners.
§ 11-36-203. Preliminary plans and costs of improvement - Governing body action.
§ 11-36-204. Examination and approval of plans - Resolution of necessity.
§ 11-36-205. Notice of resolution of necessity - Publication and mailing.
§ 11-36-206. Protests - Determination of sufficiency - Effect of protests on the improvement.
§ 11-36-207. Right of property owner to institute action in district court - Waiver of objections.
§ 11-36-208. Resolution ordering improvement - Detailed plans, etc. - Contractor's bonds.
§ 11-36-209. Advertisement and notice for proposals - Filing date for suits or actions.
§ 11-36-210. Award of contract - Aggregate cost.
§ 11-36-211. Final statement of cost - Designation of land in improvement district - Roster.
§ 11-36-212. Appointment of appraisers - Duties - Preparation of assessment roll - Conclusiveness.
§ 11-36-213. Property chargeable with cost - Rules for apportioning costs.
§ 11-36-214. Hearing of objections on assessments - Time of hearing - Notice.
§ 11-36-215. Hearing - Correction and confirmation of apportionment.
§ 11-36-216. Assessing ordinance - Interest on installments - Lien.
§ 11-36-217. Treatment of property owned by municipality, counties or schools.
§ 11-36-218. Assessment record.
§ 11-36-219. Due date of first installment - Payment of assessment - Interest on delinquent installments.
§ 11-36-220. Notice of maturity of installments.
§ 11-36-221. Collection of payments - Bond of clerk - Special fund.
§ 11-36-222. Delinquent installments - Certification to county treasurer - Collection of taxes and penalties.
§ 11-36-223. Setting aside assessments - Limitation on suits.
§ 11-36-224. Accepting improvements.
§ 11-36-225. Replacement bonds - Repairs.
§ 11-36-226. Renewing improvements.
§ 11-36-227. Street improvement districts - Written consent of landowners.
§ 11-36-301. Issuance of negotiable coupon bonds.
§ 11-36-302. Registration of bonds.
§ 11-36-303. Bond payment and cancellation.
§ 11-36-304. Delivery of bonds to contractor.
§ 11-36-305. Consent to use bonds as payment for assessments.
§ 11-36-306. Payment of delinquent assessments by endorsement on bonds.
§ 11-36-307. Settlement between property owner and bondholder - Ratification.
§ 11-36-308. Right of action of bondholder.
§ 11-36-309. Refunding street improvement bonds - Authority.
§ 11-36-310. Limitation of bondholder actions on street improvement bonds.
§ 11-36-311. Notice to bondholders - Holder may accept street improvement refunding bonds.
§ 11-36-312. Limitation of actions to enforce lien of bonds by holder not receiving refunding bonds.
§ 11-36-401. Widening streets - Acquisition of real estate - Payment of cost.
§ 11-36-402. Preliminary plans - Examination and approval - Proposed assessment roll.
§ 11-36-403. Resolution of necessity - Assessment of cost - Notice of hearing.
§ 11-36-404. Hearing - Correction and confirmation of apportionment - Right of action.
§ 11-36-405. Assessing ordinance - Interest on installments - Lien.
§ 11-36-406. Issuance of negotiable coupon bonds.
§ 11-36-407. Additional improvements on widened streets - Surface waters, etc. - Assessment.
§ 11-36-408. Excess of cost over benefits.
§ 11-36-409. Limitation on certain collections and bond sales for widening streets.
§ 11-36-410. Laying out or widening across public property - Declaration of necessity - Exceptions.
§ 11-36-411. Description of property - Delivery of copy of ordinance - Making improvements.
§ 11-36-412. Compensation to owner - How ascertained - Exempting land from assessment.
§ 11-36-413. Dedication of public property for street purposes.
§ 11-36-414. Authority and control over property taken.
§ 11-37-101. Definitions.
§ 11-37-102. General powers as to waterworks and water supply.
§ 11-37-103. Appropriation of land and water rights.
§ 11-37-104. Acquiring lands - Protection from contamination.
§ 11-37-105. Condemnation procedure for acquiring land for waterworks.
§ 11-37-106. Issuing bonds - Election.
§ 11-37-107. Bonds for waterworks - Form.
§ 11-37-108. Employment of engineers - Acts necessary for erection, operation and repair.
§ 11-37-109. Water charges - Enforcement.
§ 11-37-110. Establishing water districts - Regulations to protect water supply.
§ 11-37-111. Publication of rules and ordinances affecting water district - Service.
§ 11-37-112. Making and enforcement of regulations - Expenses.
§ 11-37-113. Highways crossing reservoir sites - Power to close.
§ 11-37-114. Punishment for injuries to reservoir fences.
§ 11-37-115. Pollution of municipal water supply unlawful.
§ 11-37-116. Action for damages for pollution of municipal water supply.
§ 11-37-117. Acquiring lands and water for future needs - Sale outside corporate limits no defense.
§ 11-37-118. Acquisition of title or interest of land or water in adjoining states.
§ 11-37-119. Contracts for water - Provision for modification of rates - Outside users subject to rationing program of municipality.
§ 11-37-119a. Sale of water outside corporate limits - Failure to implement enterprise accounting system - Liability to purchaser.
§ 11-37-120. Extension of lines beyond limits - Contracts for furnishing water outside limits.
§ 11-37-121. Contract or lease for purchase, sale and distribution of water - Extensions.
§ 11-37-122. Contract with United States - Provisions authorized - Validation of existing contracts.
§ 11-37-123. Use of water outside corporate limits for park purposes.
§ 11-37-124. Joint construction and operation of waterworks - Election.
§ 11-37-125. Joint financing of waterworks.
§ 11-37-126. Joint construction deemed supplemental.
§ 11-37-127. Municipalities outside Oklahoma - Purchase of lands for water in Oklahoma.
§ 11-37-128. Public water trusts – Supervision by municipalities – Penalties - Exceptions.
§ 11-37-201. Authorization to establish lines and facilities - Joint efforts - Acceptance of grants.
§ 11-37-202. Public and district sewers - Public and district water distribution lines.
§ 11-37-203. Location of public sewers - Dimensions - Regulations.
§ 11-37-204. Location of public water distribution system - Main lines of conveyance.
§ 11-37-205. Payment of construction and maintenance of public sewers and water lines - Petition.
§ 11-37-206. Establishment of district sewer and water distribution lines - Petition.
§ 11-37-207. Costs of district sewer and water distribution lines.
§ 11-37-208. Construction of lines through private property - Condemnation.
§ 11-37-209. District sewer or water lines without petition - Preliminary plans and costs.
§ 11-37-210. Special attorneys, auditors or consulting engineers.
§ 11-37-211. Examination and approval of plans - Resolution of necessity.
§ 11-37-212. Notice of resolution of necessity - Publication and mailing.
§ 11-37-213. Protests - Hearing - Findings as conclusive and binding.
§ 11-37-214. Rules regarding protests - Sufficiency.
§ 11-37-215. Right of property owner to institute action in district court.
§ 11-37-216. Resolution ordering improvement - Detailed plans, etc. - Contractor's bonds.
§ 11-37-217. Advertisement and notice for proposals - Filing date for suits and actions.
§ 11-37-218. Awarding of contract - Aggregate cost.
§ 11-37-219. Final statement of cost - Preparing assessment roll.
§ 11-37-220. Hearing of objections on assessments - Time of hearing - Notice.
§ 11-37-221. Correction and confirmation of apportionment.
§ 11-37-222. Assessing ordinance - Interest on installments - Liens.
§ 11-37-223. Treatment of property owned by municipality, counties or schools.
§ 11-37-224. Assessment record.
§ 11-37-225. Due date of first installment - Payment of assessments - Interest on delinquent installments.
§ 11-37-226. Collection of payments - Bond of clerk - Special fund.
§ 11-37-227. Delinquent installments - Certification to county treasurer - Collection of taxes and penalties.
§ 11-37-228. Acceptance of work after completion in accordance with plans.
§ 11-37-229. Issuance of negotiable coupon books.
§ 11-37-230. Registration of bonds.
§ 11-37-231. Bond payment and cancellation.
§ 11-37-232. Delivery of bonds to contractor.
§ 11-37-233. Right of action of bondholder.
§ 11-37-234. Limitation on suits to set aside assessments or issuance of bonds.
§ 11-38-101. Definitions and applicability.
§ 11-38-102. Declarations and findings.
§ 11-38-103. Workable program for utilization of private and public resources.
§ 11-38-104. Maximum rehabilitation and redevelopment by private enterprise - Public housing facilities.
§ 11-38-105. Authorization by resolution of governing body.
§ 11-38-106. Urban renewal plan - Public hearings - Approval and modification - Disaster areas.
§ 11-38-107. Urban Renewal Authority.
§ 11-38-108. Enumerated Authority powers - Powers and duties excluded.
§ 11-38-109. Powers of municipalities or other public bodies.
§ 11-38-110. Powers of redevelopment corporations or other private persons or corporations.
§ 11-38-111. Condemnation powers.
§ 11-38-112. Exemption of property from judicial process and taxation.
§ 11-38-113. Acquisition of property other than by means of eminent domain - Payment of taxes - Excess property.
§ 11-38-114. Sale or lease of real property - Obligations of purchasers or lessees - Owner participation agreements.
§ 11-38-115. Notes or bonds.
§ 11-38-116. Notes or other obligations as legal investments.
§ 11-38-117. Organization of urban redevelopment corporations - Powers, duties and obligations.
§ 11-38-118. Personal interest of public officials or employees in project or property.
§ 11-38-119. Law governing.
§ 11-38-120. Designation of tax increment allocation district.
§ 11-38-121. Costs of urban renewal or redevelopment projects and repayment of interest and principal interest on bonds.
§ 11-38-122. Certain documents to be transmitted to county clerk, assessor and treasurer - Valuation of real property.
§ 11-38-123. Apportionment of mileage.
§ 11-39-101. Citation.
§ 11-39-102. Definitions.
§ 11-39-103. Creation of improvement districts - Purpose - Contents.
§ 11-39-103.1. Additional improvement districts - Assessments - Objections - Termination.
§ 11-39-104. Number of streets or areas included - Property assessed for improvement.
§ 11-39-105. Assessments against property wholly within, partly within or wholly without or partly without boundary of city levying assessment - Contracts for improvements.
§ 11-39-106. Petitions - Preliminary plans and estimates of cost - Resolutions.
§ 11-39-107. Notice of creation of improvement district.
§ 11-39-108. Hearings on creation of district - Protests and objections.
§ 11-39-109. Award of contract - Payment of contractor.
§ 11-39-110. Apportionment of cost - Funding sources - Limitation of assessment - Assessment roll - Hearings on assessments.
§ 11-39-111. Filing of objections to assessment - Waiver of objection - Hearings - Levy of assessment - Ordinance.
§ 11-39-112. Assessments - Rate - Interest - Delinquent payments - Liens.
§ 11-39-113. Use of revenues.
§ 11-39-114. Transfer of revenues to general fund.
§ 11-39-115. Bonds.
§ 11-39-116. Duty of city relative to assessments and bonds - Personal liability.
§ 11-39-117. Delinquent assessment or installment - Rights and remedies for collection of assessment.
§ 11-39-118. Duties of trustees in foreclosure actions.
§ 11-39-119. Title to property in trustee.
§ 11-39-120. Sale of property by trustee.
§ 11-39-121. Purpose of act.
§ 11-40-101. Short title.
§ 11-40-102. Purpose of act.
§ 11-40-103. Procedure for application of act - Limitations.
§ 11-40-104. Redevelopment plan - Procedure for adoption.
§ 11-40-105. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 247, § 12, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§ 11-40-105.1. Proposed program plan - Resolution - Notice and hearing - Approval by municipality.
§ 11-40-106. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 247, § 12, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§ 11-40-106.1. Powers of redevelopment trust.
§ 11-40-107. Application of Title 60, Section 178.4.
§ 11-40-108. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 247, § 12, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§ 11-40-108.1. Bonds or notes - Pledge of revenues.
§ 11-40-109. Relocation assistance plan.
§ 11-40-110. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 247, § 12, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§ 11-40-111. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 247, § 12, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§ 11-40-112. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 247, § 12, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§ 11-40-113. Definitions.
§ 11-40-114. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 247, § 12, eff. Nov. 1, 1998.
§ 11-40-115. Eminent domain - Lien foreclosure.
§ 11-41-101. Survey and plat for subdivisions or proposed municipality.
§ 11-41-102. Lots to be numbered and described in plat.
§ 11-41-103. Base line - How formed.
§ 11-41-104. Plats must be certified and acknowledged.
§ 11-41-105. Certificate as to payment of taxes required before plat is recorded.
§ 11-41-106. Approval by municipal governing body before plat is recorded.
§ 11-41-107. Fees of surveyor and register - Where recorded.
§ 11-41-108. Plat record specifications.
§ 11-41-109. Donations and grants shown on plat deemed conveyances - Title to streets, alleys, etc.
§ 11-41-110. Lands already laid out under prior law.
§ 11-41-111. Penalty for sale of lots before compliance.
§ 11-41-112. Correction of errors in plats and conveyances - Petition to district court.
§ 11-41-113. Parties to suit in correcting plat errors.
§ 11-41-114. Action to correct plat errors - Service of summons and notice.
§ 11-41-115. Correction of errors and defects in recorded plats - Procedure.
§ 11-42-101. Definitions.
§ 11-42-102. Application by owner for vacation of platted tract, street, alley, easement or public way - Power of district court.
§ 11-42-103. Notice of application to court for vacation - Right to resist.
§ 11-42-104. Hearing and determination - Extent of relief.
§ 11-42-105. Rights of municipal utilities and transmission companies.
§ 11-42-106. Vacation of plat by written agreement of owners.
§ 11-42-106.1. Amendment of restrictive covenant on property in residential addition – Creation of neighborhood association.
§ 11-42-107. Record of vacation.
§ 11-42-108. Vacating part of a plat - Closing highways.
§ 11-42-109. Replatting of vacated plat - Effect on rights-of-way and restrictive covenants - Reversion of fee.
§ 11-42-110. Power to close public ways or easements by ordinance - Reopening - Rights of utilities.
§ 11-42-111. Court action by owners to foreclose or reopen public way - Petition.
§ 11-42-112. Notice of court action by owners to foreclose or reopen.
§ 11-42-113. Hearing and disposition of petition to foreclose or reopen.
§ 11-42-114. Limitation on claims for damages.
§ 11-42-115. Validation.
§ 11-43-101. General powers of municipalities.
§ 11-43-101.1. Restriction of use of or prohibition of future use of property within certain military installation areas.
§ 11-43-101.2. Potential state taxes list issued to building permit applicants.
§ 11-43-102. Establishing districts within municipality - Erection, etc. of buildings - Uniformity of regulations - Sale for consumption of low-point beer.
§ 11-43-103. Purpose of regulations - Comprehensive plan.
§ 11-43-104. Notice and public hearing of proposed regulations.
§ 11-43-105. Amendments or changes of regulations, restrictions and boundaries - Protests.
§ 11-43-106. Additional notice requirements for proposed zoning changes and reclassifications.
§ 11-43-107. Injunction for violations of regulations.
§ 11-43-108. Governing act in case of conflict.
§ 11-43-109. Appointment of zoning commission.
§ 11-43-109.1. Suit to challenge action, decision, ruling or order of municipal governing body – Timing.
§ 11-43-109.2. Residential building permits - Verification of contractor's insurance - Fees - Liability.
§ 11-43-110. Planned unit developments - Zoning ordinances - Required regulations - Notice and hearing - Consideration of requests - Incorporation of other land development ordinances and statutes.
§ 11-43-111. Conditions of approval - Standards of evaluation - Record of conditions.
§ 11-43-112. Site plans - Submission, review and approval - Changes - Validity of prior approved developments.
§ 11-43-113. Specific use permits - List of uses - Conditions for use of land - Public hearing.
§ 11-43-114. Decision-making regulations and standards - Conditions of approval.
§ 11-43-115. Site plans - Submission and approval.
§ 11-44-101. Board of adjustment - Appointment.
§ 11-44-102. Meetings and rules.
§ 11-44-103. Board of adjustment in cities over 200,000 population - Hearings and compensation.
§ 11-44-104. Powers.
§ 11-44-105. Extent of relief.
§ 11-44-106. Special exceptions.
§ 11-44-107. Variances.
§ 11-44-107.1. Nonconforming use - Termination - Exception.
§ 11-44-108. Notice and hearings - Contents of notice - Minor variances or exceptions.
§ 11-44-109. Procedure for appeals to the board of adjustment.
§ 11-44-110. Appeals from the board of adjustment.
§ 11-45-101. Municipal planning commissions - Appointment authorized - Ordinances.
§ 11-45-102. Members of municipal planning commission - Compensation.
§ 11-45-103. Duties and powers of the planning commission - Employees.
§ 11-45-104. Public improvements and plats of land - Planning commission review - Subdivision regulations - Rural land not served by municipal water and sewer facilities.
§ 11-45-106. Suit to challenge action, decision, ruling or order of municipal planning commission – Timing.
§ 11-46-101. Regional planning commissions - Appointment authorized - Members - Compensation.
§ 11-46-102. Jurisdiction of regional planning commission.
§ 11-46-103. Duties and powers of regional planning commission - Employees and expenses.
§ 11-46-104. Public improvements and plats of land - Regional planning commission review - Rural land not served by municipal water and sewer facilities - Punishment for violation.
§ 11-46-105. Suit to challenge action, decision, ruling or order of regional planning commission – Timing.
§ 11-47-101. Application and definitions.
§ 11-47-102. Grant of power to municipality.
§ 11-47-103. City planning commission - Membership.
§ 11-47-104. Organization and rules.
§ 11-47-105. Staff and finances.
§ 11-47-106. General powers and duties.
§ 11-47-107. Purposes of the plan.
§ 11-47-108. Procedure of commission in adopting the plan.
§ 11-47-109. Legal status of official plan - Approval by commission.
§ 11-47-110. Overruling planning commission action by council.
§ 11-47-111. Miscellaneous powers and duties of commission.
§ 11-47-112. Transfer of zoning powers and duties to planning commission.
§ 11-47-113. Scope of control of subdivisions - Review of plats.
§ 11-47-114. Subdivision regulations.
§ 11-47-115. Procedure for approval of plats.
§ 11-47-116. Unapproved plats not entitled to record.
§ 11-47-117. Improvements in unapproved streets.
§ 11-47-118. Erection of buildings.
§ 11-47-119. Use of certain private roadways - Dedication, repair and maintenance of roadways - Building permits.
§ 11-47-120. Status of existing platting statutes.
§ 11-47-121. Building line ordinance.
§ 11-47-122. Enforcement of building line ordinance - Board of adjustment - Appeals.
§ 11-47-123. Saving vested rights.
§ 11-47-124. Judicial review.
§ 11-48-101. Authorization to provide retirement fund and system.
§ 11-48-102. Control and management of system.
§ 11-48-103. Fund required in every municipality - Payments exempt from attachment, etc. - Exception of qualified domestic orders.
§ 11-48-104. Annual appropriations.
§ 11-48-105. Prorating of fund in event of insufficiency.
§ 11-48-106. Authorization to enact necessary ordinances.
§ 11-49-100.1. Definitions.
§ 11-49-100.2. Firefighters Pension and Retirement System - Creation - Powers and duties.
§ 11-49-100.3. Firefighters Pension and Retirement Board.
§ 11-49-100.4. Meetings - Special meetings - Notice - Quorum - Per diem - Expenses.
§ 11-49-100.5. Office facilities - Records - Inspection - Financial statement - Audits.
§ 11-49-100.6. Executive Director - Employees - Acceptance of gifts and gratuities - Actuary - Legal services.
§ 11-49-100.7. Administration of System - Rules and regulations - Accounts and records - Open meetings - Actuarial tables - Decisions of Board - Actions - Electronic media use.
§ 11-49-100.8. Certified estimate of rate of contribution required, accumulated contributions and other assets of System.
§ 11-49-100.9. Duties of Board.
§ 11-49-100.10. Duties of fiduciaries.
§ 11-49-100.11. Deposits of contributions and dedicated revenues - Warrants and vouchers.
§ 11-49-101. Right to pension - Amount.
§ 11-49-101.1. Purchase of credited service.
§ 11-49-101.2. Certain volunteers to be considered paid firefighters - Physical and agility requirements - Fire chief qualifications.
§ 11-49-102. Consolidation or annexation - Pension rights.
§ 11-49-103. Local firefighter pension and retirement boards.
§ 11-49-104. Organization of board - Officers - Rules and other offices.
§ 11-49-105. Meetings of local board - Record of proceedings - Quorum.
§ 11-49-105.1. Responsibility of local board to review certain applications.
§ 11-49-105.2. Joining system - Application for affiliation - Consolidation of systems.
§ 11-49-105.3. Municipalities contracting with private entities to provide fire protection.
§ 11-49-106. Retirement benefits - Waiver of benefits - Direct payment to insurer.
§ 11-49-106.1. Oklahoma Firefighters Deferred Option Plan.
§ 11-49-106.2. Limitations on benefits relating to section 415 of Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
§ 11-49-106.3. Payment of distribution to retirement plan.
§ 11-49-106.4. Trustee-to-trustee transfer - Rules.
§ 11-49-106.5. Written election for direct payments - Definitions - Rules.
§ 11-49-108. Volunteer fire fighters with less than 10 years' service - Pension rights.
§ 11-49-109. Retirement for disability - Restoration to service - Disability not in line of duty.
§ 11-49-110. Certificates of disability - Presumptions – Medical evidence and records.
§ 11-49-111. Temporary sickness or disability.
§ 11-49-112. Pensions for loss of life.
§ 11-49-113. Death of firefighter for any cause - Payment of benefits to beneficiaries.
§ 11-49-113.2. Death benefit.
§ 11-49-114. Members entitled to benefits for disability or loss of life.
§ 11-49-116. Physical performance/agility test and examination – Retired disabled persons.
§ 11-49-117. Forfeiture of pensions and allowances.
§ 11-49-117.1. Termination of service before normal retirement date - Refunds - Vested benefits - Retirement annuity - Rejoining System.
§ 11-49-117.2. Transfer of credited service from or to other retirement system.
§ 11-49-117.3. Transferred credited service - Computation of purchase price.
§ 11-49-118. Additional powers of State Board.
§ 11-49-119. Tax on insurance premiums for benefit of fund - Appropriations.
§ 11-49-120. Account of tax paid by insurance companies - Warrants.
§ 11-49-121. Amount of first warrant pursuant to Section 49-120 - Eligibility of receive funds.
§ 11-49-122. Deductions from salaries of fire department members - Picked up contributions - Deposit of funds - City charters superceded.
§ 11-49-122.1. Firefighters Pension and Retirement Fund - Establishment - Deposit and investment of contributions.
§ 11-49-122.2. Transfer of assets to State Board.
§ 11-49-122.3. Assets of funds - Right to assets - Valuation.
§ 11-49-122.4. Costs and expenses - Supplies and equipment.
§ 11-49-122.5. Operation, administration and management of System - Responsibilities.
§ 11-49-122.6. Confidentiality of records.
§ 11-49-123. Moneys to be paid over to State Board.
§ 11-49-124. Report by clerk of statistics as to fire department.
§ 11-49-126. Pensions and allowances exempt from claims - Assignments or transfers void - Exceptions.
§ 11-49-128. Appeals.
§ 11-49-132. Use of moneys for payment of pensions and other benefits and administration of System.
§ 11-49-133. Use of money for unauthorized purposes.
§ 11-49-134. Mandatory retirement at age sixty-five - Exception.
§ 11-49-135. Employment of persons over forty-five prohibited - Exceptions - Reemployment.
§ 11-49-138. Military service credit.
§ 11-49-139. Persons carried on roll of members during military absence - Advancements and promotions - Reinstatement - Reduction of compensation or dismissal.
§ 11-49-140. Rejection for reinstatement - Examination by physicians.
§ 11-49-141. Participation in independent insurance or other benefits.
§ 11-49-142. Refusal to comply with act - Petition to district court - District attorney to represent applicant - Fees and costs.
§ 11-49-143. Increase in pension benefits.
§ 11-49-143.1. Increase in benefits - Amount - Offset.
§ 11-49-143.2. Additional retirement benefit.
§ 11-49-143.3. Benefit adjustment - Restoration of Initial COLA Benefit.
§ 11-49-143.4. Firefighters Pension and Retirement System - Increase in benefits - Offset.
§ 11-49-143.5. Increase in benefits - July 1, 2006 - Offset.
§ 11-49-143.6. Increase in benefits - July 1, 2008 - Offset.
§ 11-50-101. Definitions.
§ 11-50-102. Repealed by Laws 1980, c. 356, § 42, eff. Jan. 1, 1981.
§ 11-50-102.1. Police Pension and Retirement System - Creation - Status - Powers and duties.
§ 11-50-103. Board of trustees - Membership - Election - Vacancy - Duties.
§ 11-50-103.1. Police Pension and Retirement Board - Composition - Areas of representation - Terms - Vacancies - Selection criteria - Officers.
§ 11-50-104. Organization of Board of Trustees - Chairman - Secretary - Annual financial report.
§ 11-50-104.1. Meetings of State Board - Special meetings - Notice - Quorum - Travel expenses.
§ 11-50-104.2. Office facilities - Record of proceedings - Financial statement - Audits.
§ 11-50-105.1. Executive Director - Employees - Acceptance of gifts or gratuities - Actuary - Legal services.
§ 11-50-105.2. Administration of System - Rules and regulations - Accounts and records - Open meetings - Actuarial tables - Decisions of Board - Actions.
§ 11-50-105.3. Certified estimate of rate of contribution required, accumulated contributions and other assets of System.
§ 11-50-105.4. Duties of Board - Investments - Liability insurance - Investment managers - Custodial services - Reports.
§ 11-50-105.5. Duties of fiduciaries.
§ 11-50-105.6. Deposit of contributions and dedicated revenues - Warrants and vouchers.
§ 11-50-106. General powers of State Board.
§ 11-50-106.1. Repealed by Laws 2003, c. 137, § 10, emerg. eff. April 25, 2003.
§ 11-50-106.2. Repealed by Laws 2003, c. 137, § 10, emerg. eff. April 25, 2003.
§ 11-50-106.3. Joining System - Application for affiliation - Consolidation of systems - Election to participate.
§ 11-50-107. Custody and disbursement of pension funds.
§ 11-50-108. Repealed by Laws 2003, c. 137, § 10, emerg. eff. April 25, 2003.
§ 11-50-109. Appropriation of percentage of annual salary of member of System.
§ 11-50-110. Contributions by members of System - Picked up contributions.
§ 11-50-111.1. Termination of service before normal retirement date - Refund of accumulated contributions - Election of vested benefit - Monthly retirement annuity - Rejoining System - Death without named beneficiary.
§ 11-50-111.2. Transfer of credited service from or to other retirement system.
§ 11-50-111.2A. Purchase of service credit for time served with Department of Defense or military.
§ 11-50-111.3. Deferred option plans.
§ 11-50-111.4. Transferred credited service - Computation of purchase price.
§ 11-50-111.5. Written election - Employer and employee contributions and accrued earnings - Service.
§ 11-50-112. Participation in System required - Eligibility.
§ 11-50-113. Purposes of pension fund - Limitation on payments.
§ 11-50-114. Service pension to members of System - Amount - Eligibility - Delay of distribution - Death of member - Review of requests - Disability benefits in lieu of pensions - Health insurance payments.
§ 11-50-114.1. Limitations on benefits and contribution under qualified plans of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
§ 11-50-114.2. Direct rollover distributions.
§ 11-50-114.3. Trustee-to-trustee transfer - Treatment of trust - Rules.
§ 11-50-114.4. Direct payments for qualified health insurance premiums - Definitions - Rules.
§ 11-50-115. Disability benefit - Eligibility - Award - Evidence of disability - Continuance of salary - Exposure to hazardous substances - Health insurance payments.
§ 11-50-115.2. Death benefit.
§ 11-50-116.1. Sickness or temporary disability - Continuance of salary.
§ 11-50-117. Payment of pension to beneficiary of member - Amount - Eligibility - Limitations - Commencement and cessation of benefits.
§ 11-50-118. Member retired for disability - Physical examination - Emergency duty.
§ 11-50-119. Forfeiture of benefits - Grounds.
§ 11-50-121. Ordinances to accomplish purpose of article.
§ 11-50-122. Computation of pensions - Leaves of absence - Military leaves of absence or credits for military service exempted.
§ 11-50-123. Discharge of member - Board of review - Grounds - Appeal.
§ 11-50-124. Exemption of System funds from legal process - Assignment or transfer void - Exception of qualified domestic orders - Offset for offenses involving the System.
§ 11-50-125. Repealed by Laws 1996, c. 191, § 24, emerg. eff. May 16, 1996.
§ 11-50-127. Limitation on withdrawal from System.
§ 11-50-128. Credit for military service.
§ 11-50-129. Appeals.
§ 11-50-130. Police Pension and Retirement Fund.
§ 11-50-131. Transfer of assets to State Board.
§ 11-50-132. Assets of Fund - Contents - Right to assets - Valuation.
§ 11-50-133. Costs and expenses of operation, administration and management of system fund - Equipment and supplies.
§ 11-50-134. Operation, administration and management of System - Responsibilities.
§ 11-50-134.1. Confidentiality of records.
§ 11-50-135. Forfeiture of Motor Fuel Excise Tax revenues.
§ 11-50-136. Increase in pension benefits.
§ 11-50-136.1. Increase in benefits - Repealed Section 50-120.
§ 11-50-136.2. Additional retirement benefit.
§ 11-50-136.3. Benefit adjustment - Restoration of Initial COLA Benefit.
§ 11-50-136.4. Benefit increase - Offset.
§ 11-50-136.5. Increase in benefits – Amount - Offset.
§ 11-50-136.6. Police Pension and Retirement System - Increase in benefits - Offset.
§ 11-50-136.7. Increase in benefits - July 1, 2006 - Offset.
§ 11-50-136.8. Increase in benefits - July 1, 2008 - Offset.
§ 11-51-101. Public policy of fire and police arbitration law.
§ 11-51-102. Definitions.
§ 11-51-103. Collective bargaining rights - Petition - Hearing - Elections.
§ 11-51-104. Public Employees Relations Board.
§ 11-51-104a. Employees - Duties and compensation - Operating expenditures.
§ 11-51-104b. Unfair Labor practices - Prevention.
§ 11-51-105. Meet and confer - Agreements.
§ 11-51-106. Arbitration.
§ 11-51-107. Arbitrators - Selection.
§ 11-51-108. Hearing procedures - Special municipal elections - Effective date of agreements.
§ 11-51-109. Factors to be considered.
§ 11-51-110. Fees and expenses.
§ 11-51-111. Agreements - Contents.
§ 11-51-112. Matters requiring appropriation of moneys - Notice.
§ 11-51-113. Penalties.
§ 11-51-200. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-201. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-202. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-203. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-204. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-205. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-206. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-207. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-208. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-209. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-210. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-211. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-212. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-213. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-214. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-215. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-216. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-217. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-218. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-219. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-51-220. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 131, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§ 11-52-101. Purpose.
§ 11-52-102. Definitions.
§ 11-52-103. Advisory committee created - Membership - Personnel - Travel reimbursement.
§ 11-52-104. Powers and duties.
§ 11-52-104.1. Study to increase efficiency.
§ 11-52-105. Annual certificate - Renewals - Fee.
§ 11-52-107. Clerks' and Treasurers' Training Fund abolished.
§ 11-55-103. Municipal ordinances regulating amateur radio antenna, support structures.