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On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 12:37:54AM  0200, Lorenzo Donati wrote:
> I had the same problem, I just discovered what broke my filter. The
> subject of the confirmation messages changed subtly.
> Now it is:
> lua-l post acknowledgment
> Before it was
> lua-l post acknowledgement
> Note the additional "e" in "acknowledg/e/ment". And they are both
> correct English spellings, so it cannot even be considered a "typo"
> (no chance a spell checker could have spotted it)!

It never occured to me that the former would be a valid spelling, but it
appears that the version with the extra e is International English
(read: English as she is spoke in the UK and where she is taught
elsewhere) vs. the sans-extra e which is tje North American spelling.

Given where my chair is, I can't say I disagree with the change. :)

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