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2016-04-19 14:15 GMT 02:00 Soni L. <[email protected]>:

On 19/04/16 08:45 AM, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:
I see. This is the only one point i assume, was the wrong design
decision: Omit the explicit statement delimitter ";"
If you want this in your version of Lua, you could add a token filter
that replaces '; .' with '; self.' and the same for `:`.

See for a similar
but simpler solution to the same problem of avoiding writting 'self'.


local function with(t, e)
  return setmetatable({}, {__index=function(t,k) return t[k] or e[k] end, __newindex = t})

do local _ENV = with(self, _ENV)
  -- do stuff that relies on the internal environment here, all assignments are done on self and _ENV is used as a fallback.
  f(x) -- basically self.f(self.x)
  f(self) -- self is a local, so it doesn't pull from self
  f(with) -- with is a local, so it doesn't pull from self
  print("test") -- prints "test" unless `self.print` exists
  -- etc
-- do stuff that relies on the external environment here

[1] - Inspired by

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If you let your methods return "self", you can do the : method call thing, it's sometimes used like this:

struct "my_struct"
 : int "x"
 : int "y"
 : string "name

In this example, "struct" is a function returning the struct object and its member functions "int" and "string" that declare variables return the same object. 

However I don't find that writing "self" before a function call or such a thing is wasting my time. And as Soni wrote, you can use the environment table to quick access values (albeit, when doing a function call, you'll have to pass "self" as first argument anyway, therefore it only safes you from writing ":"). 
As for field access, I'd assign often used members to variables instead

local x,y = self.x, self.y