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2013/11/27 Justin Cormack <[email protected]>:
> On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 10:36 AM, Dirk Laurie <[email protected]> wrote:
>> 2013/11/27 Justin Cormack <[email protected]>:
>>> We are going to brutally decide on a best interface and officialize it.
>>> Somehow. But its going to happen...
>> 1. Who are "we"?
> Any interested parties.
>> 2. Please define "officialize".
> Approved by said interested parties.

The existing ecosystem has LuaRocks. While not "official", it has
several things in its favour.

1. It is actively being maintained.
2. New rocks are being added at a fair rate.
3. A certain amount of quality control is in effect.
4. The project developer currently uses the work
address LabLua, which is part of the computer science
department at PUC-Rio.

> If you don't like, ignore or fork.

Now we know what "brutally decide" means.