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On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 12:40 PM, Lorenzo Donati
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Well, I never tried parsing dir /B, so I suppose there could be problem only
> if filenames contained 8-bit non-ASCII chars.

And then you might get the mess Gmail made of your accented characters...

> with setting the codepage to a Reader class in Java, but discovering the
> codepage code was a matter of trial and error (had to try more than
> 20something codepages!!!)

There must be a simpler solution!  But, maybe there isn"t?

> And does it allow installation without luarocks?

No luarocks dependency, just a single monster 2,000 line script.

But beta is a good description for now ... of course, it will not move
out of beta until I can find users to kick it around the block and
abuse it constructively.

steve d.