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  I just noticed in the Lua Wiki that there is a patch to allow function
definitions of this type within a table.  An excerpt from :

Enhanced table constructors
The record part of table constructors (field=value) is modified so that
function statements are allowed and the comma is optional now. So this
becomes valid:

x = {
  function foo() end
  function bar() end

and is the same as:

x = {
  foo=function() end,
  bar=function() end,

  Dan East

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Dan East
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 12:48 PM
To: Lua list
Subject: Multiple Questions

  Hi.  I have a few small questions.

1) Why is only one function declaration syntax supported in tables?  This

MyClass = {
  MyFunc = function() end;

This does not:

MyClass = {
  function MyFunc() end;

2) In C it possible to determine the number of elements in a table without
iterating it.

3) My C function is called from LUA and passed a table.  How can I find the
name of the table?  lua_tostring returns nil.  In LUA I have
"library.RegisterClass(MyClass)", in C I need the string "MyClass".

4) I could not find any forums discussing the API side of LUA (all were pure
scripting discussion).  If there is a better place to pose rudimentary
questions of the sort I've been asking then please let me know.  You guys
seem to be discussing some pretty hard core stuff and I hate to waste your


  Dan East