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True enough, and I agree with that 200% (after wishing to choke
several people who use configure to make my life "better" and assuming
hard coded locations for things). I didn't mention that since that's
how configure should work, despite obvious experiences to the
contrary. My bad.

I also forgot to mention, if you're doing it this way, you have to
watch for both link errors and compiler errors, to make sure you know
the location of the include AND lib files. Which I sorta glossed in my
original mail.

Maybe it would be cool if the lua distribution was modified to provide
a lua-config script, like some other projects do. It should be
triviual to get make install to write that file out based on where
it's doing the installations. Though I'm not entirely convinced such
is actually neccesary. 


On Tue, 8 Oct 2002 22:49:37  0100
Daniel Silverstone <[email protected]> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 02:42:20PM -0700, Terence Martin wrote:
> [snip]
> > and test the return value or see if it generates a link error of
> > some type.
> As a comment -- that won't work on Debian systems with the lua40
> packages installed since he'd have to include <lua40/lua.h> and link
> with -llua40
> What you ought to do is choose a sensible set of defaults, and then
> add a--with-lua flag which says where lua.h is and a --with-lua-lib
> flag to say where the lua library file is (either .a or .so)
> I'd far rather a configure script let me say where it was than
> assumed it was in some particular place and needed me to hit it over
> the head with a spanner in order to get it to accept that Lua might
> be somewhere else.
> If you're using a configure script to assist users in getting your
> code working, then do it well and assist them rather than hinder
> them :)
> If all else fails, get the user to tell you where lua.h and
> liblua.{a,so} is
> D.
> -- 
> Daniel Silverstone                              
> Hostmaster, Webmaster, and Chief Code Wibbler          Digital-Scurf
> Unlimited GPG Public key available from          
>     KeyId: 20687895
> Fine day for friends.
> So-so day for you.