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>From: David Jeske <[email protected]>
>I propose the following idea for making a block of code which runs
>inside the local-scope of the caller, but is otherwise similar to a
>function and evaluates as such:
>macro for(from,to,code)
>   local i = from
>   while (i<to) do
>      code(i);
>      i = i   1;
>   end
>for(1,2, macro (x)
>  print("iteration: ".. tostring(x));

I'm probably missing something here, but how is this different from a function?
What you can write right now (and it works!) is just

 function for(from,to,code)
    local i = from

    while (i<to) do
       i = i   1;

 for(1,2, function (x)
   print("iteration: ".. tostring(x));

How would macros be different?