This page is part of the FHIR Specification (v5.0.0: R5 - STU). This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Orders and Observations Work Group | Maturity Level: 1 | Trial Use | Security Category: Patient | Compartments: No defined compartments |
Record of transport of item.
This resource is an event resource from a FHIR workflow perspective - see Workflow. It is the intent of the Orders and Observation Workgroup to align this resource with the workflow pattern for event resources.
The Transport resource captures the requested movement and movement history of persons and items in the healthcare spectrum. The Transport resource documents the movement of a person or item. Since it follows the event pattern, it can be used in the request of a transport event, but it can be used in conjunction with the Task resource to operationalize a movement event in a workflow. While the current use cases are focused on the lab and the movement of patients, this resource will be easily extensible to handle the movement of anything in healthcare. Sample use cases for the laboratory are as follows:
With the emergence of IHE profiles on the movement of laboratory specimens (SET ) and the growing needs around the movement of patients (documentation, scheduling, real-time updates), there is a need to capture the data around the movement of a patient or item in the healthcare setting. While the Task resource captures some of the data generated around an event, the Transport resource is built to capture the documentation along with the request/fulfillment of a transport event.
The Transport resource can be requested by a ServiceRequest or by a Task, as shown in the diagram below. Also, this resource is only for the documentation of the physical movement of material items (people, animals, things). To operationalize the movement of people and things, Task should be used. Provenance can be used to document the steps but that is for the resource aspect, not the actual movement history of the item. During the movement of a patient, the business status (change in the level of care/patient class) might change. To allow for the capture of the current business status of the patient, the reason element should be used.
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
Transport | TU | DomainResource | Delivery of item Elements defined in Ancestors: id, meta, implicitRules, language, text, contained, extension, modifierExtension | |
identifier | 0..* | Identifier | External identifier | |
instantiatesCanonical | Σ | 0..1 | canonical(ActivityDefinition) | Formal definition of transport |
instantiatesUri | Σ | 0..1 | uri | Formal definition of transport |
basedOn | Σ | 0..* | Reference(Any) | Request fulfilled by this transport |
groupIdentifier | Σ | 0..1 | Identifier | Requisition or grouper id |
partOf | Σ | 0..* | Reference(Transport) | Part of referenced event |
status | ?!Σ | 0..1 | code | in-progress | completed | abandoned | cancelled | planned | entered-in-error Binding: Transport Status (Required) |
statusReason | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Reason for current status Binding: Transport Status Reason (Example) |
intent | Σ | 1..1 | code | unknown | proposal | plan | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option Binding: Transport Intent (Required) |
priority | 0..1 | code | routine | urgent | asap | stat Binding: RequestPriority (Required) | |
code | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Transport Type Binding: Transport Codes (Example) |
description | Σ | 0..1 | string | Human-readable explanation of transport |
focus | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Any) | What transport is acting on |
for | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Any) | Beneficiary of the Transport |
encounter | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Encounter) | Healthcare event during which this transport originated |
completionTime | Σ | 0..1 | dateTime | Completion time of the event (the occurrence) |
authoredOn | 0..1 | dateTime | Transport Creation Date | |
lastModified | Σ | 0..1 | dateTime | Transport Last Modified Date |
requester | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Device | Organization | Patient | Practitioner | PractitionerRole | RelatedPerson) | Who is asking for transport to be done |
performerType | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Requested performer Binding: Procedure Performer Role Codes (Preferred) | |
owner | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | HealthcareService | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson) | Responsible individual |
location | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Location) | Where transport occurs |
insurance | 0..* | Reference(Coverage | ClaimResponse) | Associated insurance coverage | |
note | 0..* | Annotation | Comments made about the transport | |
relevantHistory | 0..* | Reference(Provenance) | Key events in history of the Transport | |
restriction | 0..1 | BackboneElement | Constraints on fulfillment transports | |
repetitions | 0..1 | positiveInt | How many times to repeat | |
period | 0..1 | Period | When fulfillment sought | |
recipient | 0..* | Reference(Patient | Practitioner | PractitionerRole | RelatedPerson | Group | Organization) | For whom is fulfillment sought? | |
input | 0..* | BackboneElement | Information used to perform transport | |
type | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Label for the input Binding: TransportInputParameterType (Example) | |
value[x] | 1..1 | * | Content to use in performing the transport | |
output | 0..* | BackboneElement | Information produced as part of transport | |
type | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Label for output Binding: TransportOutputParameterType (Example) | |
value[x] | 1..1 | * | Result of output | |
requestedLocation | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Location) | The desired location |
currentLocation | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Location) | The entity current location |
reason | 0..1 | CodeableReference(Any) | Why transport is needed Binding: TransportReason (Example) | |
history | 0..1 | Reference(Transport) | Parent (or preceding) transport | |
Documentation for this format |
See the Extensions for this resource
UML Diagram (Legend)
XML Template
<Transport xmlns=""> <!-- from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language --> <!-- from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension --> <identifier><!-- 0..* Identifier External identifier --></identifier> <instantiatesCanonical><!-- 0..1 canonical(ActivityDefinition) Formal definition of transport --></instantiatesCanonical> <instantiatesUri value="[uri]"/><!-- 0..1 Formal definition of transport --> <basedOn><!-- 0..* Reference(Any) Request fulfilled by this transport --></basedOn> <groupIdentifier><!-- 0..1 Identifier Requisition or grouper id --></groupIdentifier> <partOf><!-- 0..* Reference(Transport) Part of referenced event --></partOf> <status value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 in-progress | completed | abandoned | cancelled | planned | entered-in-error --> <statusReason><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Reason for current status --></statusReason> <intent value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 unknown | proposal | plan | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option --> <priority value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 routine | urgent | asap | stat --> <code><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Transport Type --></code> <description value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Human-readable explanation of transport --> <focus><!-- 0..1 Reference(Any) What transport is acting on --></focus> <for><!-- 0..1 Reference(Any) Beneficiary of the Transport --></for> <encounter><!-- 0..1 Reference(Encounter) Healthcare event during which this transport originated --></encounter> <completionTime value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 Completion time of the event (the occurrence) --> <authoredOn value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 Transport Creation Date --> <lastModified value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 Transport Last Modified Date --> <requester><!-- 0..1 Reference(Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner| PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) Who is asking for transport to be done --></requester> <performerType><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Requested performer --></performerType> <owner><!-- 0..1 Reference(CareTeam|Device|HealthcareService|Organization| Patient|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) Responsible individual --></owner> <location><!-- 0..1 Reference(Location) Where transport occurs --></location> <insurance><!-- 0..* Reference(ClaimResponse|Coverage) Associated insurance coverage --></insurance> <note><!-- 0..* Annotation Comments made about the transport --></note> <relevantHistory><!-- 0..* Reference(Provenance) Key events in history of the Transport --></relevantHistory> <restriction> <!-- 0..1 Constraints on fulfillment transports --> <repetitions value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 0..1 How many times to repeat --> <period><!-- 0..1 Period When fulfillment sought --></period> <recipient><!-- 0..* Reference(Group|Organization|Patient|Practitioner| PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) For whom is fulfillment sought? --></recipient> </restriction> <input> <!-- 0..* Information used to perform transport --> <type><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Label for the input --></type> <value[x]><!-- 1..1 * Content to use in performing the transport --></value[x]> </input> <output> <!-- 0..* Information produced as part of transport --> <type><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Label for output --></type> <value[x]><!-- 1..1 * Result of output --></value[x]> </output> <requestedLocation><!-- 1..1 Reference(Location) The desired location --></requestedLocation> <currentLocation><!-- 1..1 Reference(Location) The entity current location --></currentLocation> <reason><!-- 0..1 CodeableReference(Any) Why transport is needed --></reason> <history><!-- 0..1 Reference(Transport) Parent (or preceding) transport --></history> </Transport>
JSON Template
{ "resourceType" : "Transport", // from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language // from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension "identifier" : [{ Identifier }], // External identifier "instantiatesCanonical" : "<canonical(ActivityDefinition)>", // Formal definition of transport "instantiatesUri" : "<uri>", // Formal definition of transport "basedOn" : [{ Reference(Any) }], // Request fulfilled by this transport "groupIdentifier" : { Identifier }, // Requisition or grouper id "partOf" : [{ Reference(Transport) }], // Part of referenced event "status" : "<code>", // in-progress | completed | abandoned | cancelled | planned | entered-in-error "statusReason" : { CodeableConcept }, // Reason for current status "intent" : "<code>", // R! unknown | proposal | plan | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option "priority" : "<code>", // routine | urgent | asap | stat "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // Transport Type "description" : "<string>", // Human-readable explanation of transport "focus" : { Reference(Any) }, // What transport is acting on "for" : { Reference(Any) }, // Beneficiary of the Transport "encounter" : { Reference(Encounter) }, // Healthcare event during which this transport originated "completionTime" : "<dateTime>", // Completion time of the event (the occurrence) "authoredOn" : "<dateTime>", // Transport Creation Date "lastModified" : "<dateTime>", // Transport Last Modified Date "requester" : { Reference(Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner| PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) }, // Who is asking for transport to be done "performerType" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Requested performer "owner" : { Reference(CareTeam|Device|HealthcareService|Organization| Patient|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) }, // Responsible individual "location" : { Reference(Location) }, // Where transport occurs "insurance" : [{ Reference(ClaimResponse|Coverage) }], // Associated insurance coverage "note" : [{ Annotation }], // Comments made about the transport "relevantHistory" : [{ Reference(Provenance) }], // Key events in history of the Transport "restriction" : { // Constraints on fulfillment transports "repetitions" : "<positiveInt>", // How many times to repeat "period" : { Period }, // When fulfillment sought "recipient" : [{ Reference(Group|Organization|Patient|Practitioner| PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) }] // For whom is fulfillment sought? }, "input" : [{ // Information used to perform transport "type" : { CodeableConcept }, // R! Label for the input // value[x]: Content to use in performing the transport. One of these 54: "valueBase64Binary" : "<base64Binary>" "valueBoolean" : <boolean>, "valueCanonical" : "<canonical>", "valueCode" : "<code>", "valueDate" : "<date>", "valueDateTime" : "<dateTime>", "valueDecimal" : <decimal>, "valueId" : "<id>", "valueInstant" : "<instant>", "valueInteger" : <integer>, "valueInteger64" : "<integer64>", "valueMarkdown" : "<markdown>", "valueOid" : "<oid>", "valuePositiveInt" : "<positiveInt>", "valueString" : "<string>", "valueTime" : "<time>", "valueUnsignedInt" : "<unsignedInt>", "valueUri" : "<uri>", "valueUrl" : "<url>", "valueUuid" : "<uuid>", "valueAddress" : { Address }, "valueAge" : { Age }, "valueAnnotation" : { Annotation }, "valueAttachment" : { Attachment }, "valueCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept }, "valueCodeableReference" : { CodeableReference }, "valueCoding" : { Coding }, "valueContactPoint" : { ContactPoint }, "valueCount" : { Count }, "valueDistance" : { Distance }, "valueDuration" : { Duration }, "valueHumanName" : { HumanName }, "valueIdentifier" : { Identifier }, "valueMoney" : { Money }, "valuePeriod" : { Period }, "valueQuantity" : { Quantity }, "valueRange" : { Range }, "valueRatio" : { Ratio }, "valueRatioRange" : { RatioRange }, "valueReference" : { Reference }, "valueSampledData" : { SampledData }, "valueSignature" : { Signature }, "valueTiming" : { Timing }, "valueContactDetail" : { ContactDetail }, "valueDataRequirement" : { DataRequirement }, "valueExpression" : { Expression }, "valueParameterDefinition" : { ParameterDefinition }, "valueRelatedArtifact" : { RelatedArtifact }, "valueTriggerDefinition" : { TriggerDefinition }, "valueUsageContext" : { UsageContext }, "valueAvailability" : { Availability }, "valueExtendedContactDetail" : { ExtendedContactDetail }, "valueDosage" : { Dosage }, "valueMeta" : { Meta }, }], "output" : [{ // Information produced as part of transport "type" : { CodeableConcept }, // R! Label for output // value[x]: Result of output. One of these 54: "valueBase64Binary" : "<base64Binary>" "valueBoolean" : <boolean>, "valueCanonical" : "<canonical>", "valueCode" : "<code>", "valueDate" : "<date>", "valueDateTime" : "<dateTime>", "valueDecimal" : <decimal>, "valueId" : "<id>", "valueInstant" : "<instant>", "valueInteger" : <integer>, "valueInteger64" : "<integer64>", "valueMarkdown" : "<markdown>", "valueOid" : "<oid>", "valuePositiveInt" : "<positiveInt>", "valueString" : "<string>", "valueTime" : "<time>", "valueUnsignedInt" : "<unsignedInt>", "valueUri" : "<uri>", "valueUrl" : "<url>", "valueUuid" : "<uuid>", "valueAddress" : { Address }, "valueAge" : { Age }, "valueAnnotation" : { Annotation }, "valueAttachment" : { Attachment }, "valueCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept }, "valueCodeableReference" : { CodeableReference }, "valueCoding" : { Coding }, "valueContactPoint" : { ContactPoint }, "valueCount" : { Count }, "valueDistance" : { Distance }, "valueDuration" : { Duration }, "valueHumanName" : { HumanName }, "valueIdentifier" : { Identifier }, "valueMoney" : { Money }, "valuePeriod" : { Period }, "valueQuantity" : { Quantity }, "valueRange" : { Range }, "valueRatio" : { Ratio }, "valueRatioRange" : { RatioRange }, "valueReference" : { Reference }, "valueSampledData" : { SampledData }, "valueSignature" : { Signature }, "valueTiming" : { Timing }, "valueContactDetail" : { ContactDetail }, "valueDataRequirement" : { DataRequirement }, "valueExpression" : { Expression }, "valueParameterDefinition" : { ParameterDefinition }, "valueRelatedArtifact" : { RelatedArtifact }, "valueTriggerDefinition" : { TriggerDefinition }, "valueUsageContext" : { UsageContext }, "valueAvailability" : { Availability }, "valueExtendedContactDetail" : { ExtendedContactDetail }, "valueDosage" : { Dosage }, "valueMeta" : { Meta }, }], "requestedLocation" : { Reference(Location) }, // R! The desired location "currentLocation" : { Reference(Location) }, // R! The entity current location "reason" : { CodeableReference(Any) }, // Why transport is needed "history" : { Reference(Transport) } // Parent (or preceding) transport }
Turtle Template
@prefix fhir: <> . [ a fhir:Transport; fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root # from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language # from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension fhir:identifier ( [ Identifier ] ... ) ; # 0..* External identifier fhir:instantiatesCanonical [ canonical(ActivityDefinition) ] ; # 0..1 Formal definition of transport fhir:instantiatesUri [ uri ] ; # 0..1 Formal definition of transport fhir:basedOn ( [ Reference(Any) ] ... ) ; # 0..* Request fulfilled by this transport fhir:groupIdentifier [ Identifier ] ; # 0..1 Requisition or grouper id fhir:partOf ( [ Reference(Transport) ] ... ) ; # 0..* Part of referenced event fhir:status [ code ] ; # 0..1 in-progress | completed | abandoned | cancelled | planned | entered-in-error fhir:statusReason [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 Reason for current status fhir:intent [ code ] ; # 1..1 unknown | proposal | plan | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option fhir:priority [ code ] ; # 0..1 routine | urgent | asap | stat fhir:code [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 Transport Type fhir:description [ string ] ; # 0..1 Human-readable explanation of transport fhir:focus [ Reference(Any) ] ; # 0..1 What transport is acting on fhir:for [ Reference(Any) ] ; # 0..1 Beneficiary of the Transport fhir:encounter [ Reference(Encounter) ] ; # 0..1 Healthcare event during which this transport originated fhir:completionTime [ dateTime ] ; # 0..1 Completion time of the event (the occurrence) fhir:authoredOn [ dateTime ] ; # 0..1 Transport Creation Date fhir:lastModified [ dateTime ] ; # 0..1 Transport Last Modified Date fhir:requester [ Reference(Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) ] ; # 0..1 Who is asking for transport to be done fhir:performerType ( [ CodeableConcept ] ... ) ; # 0..* Requested performer fhir:owner [ Reference(CareTeam|Device|HealthcareService|Organization|Patient|Practitioner| PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) ] ; # 0..1 Responsible individual fhir:location [ Reference(Location) ] ; # 0..1 Where transport occurs fhir:insurance ( [ Reference(ClaimResponse|Coverage) ] ... ) ; # 0..* Associated insurance coverage fhir:note ( [ Annotation ] ... ) ; # 0..* Comments made about the transport fhir:relevantHistory ( [ Reference(Provenance) ] ... ) ; # 0..* Key events in history of the Transport fhir:restriction [ # 0..1 Constraints on fulfillment transports fhir:repetitions [ positiveInt ] ; # 0..1 How many times to repeat fhir:period [ Period ] ; # 0..1 When fulfillment sought fhir:recipient ( [ Reference(Group|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) ] ... ) ; # 0..* For whom is fulfillment sought? ] ; fhir:input ( [ # 0..* Information used to perform transport fhir:type [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 1..1 Label for the input # value[x] : 1..1 Content to use in performing the transport. One of these 54 fhir:value [ a fhir:base64Binary ; base64Binary ] fhir:value [ a fhir:boolean ; boolean ] fhir:value [ a fhir:canonical ; canonical ] fhir:value [ a fhir:code ; code ] fhir:value [ a fhir:date ; date ] fhir:value [ a fhir:dateTime ; dateTime ] fhir:value [ a fhir:decimal ; decimal ] fhir:value [ a fhir:id ; id ] fhir:value [ a fhir:instant ; instant ] fhir:value [ a fhir:integer ; integer ] fhir:value [ a fhir:integer64 ; integer64 ] fhir:value [ a fhir:markdown ; markdown ] fhir:value [ a fhir:oid ; oid ] fhir:value [ a fhir:positiveInt ; positiveInt ] fhir:value [ a fhir:string ; string ] fhir:value [ a fhir:time ; time ] fhir:value [ a fhir:unsignedInt ; unsignedInt ] fhir:value [ a fhir:uri ; uri ] fhir:value [ a fhir:url ; url ] fhir:value [ a fhir:uuid ; uuid ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Address ; Address ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Age ; Age ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Annotation ; Annotation ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Attachment ; Attachment ] fhir:value [ a fhir:CodeableConcept ; CodeableConcept ] fhir:value [ a fhir:CodeableReference ; CodeableReference ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Coding ; Coding ] fhir:value [ a fhir:ContactPoint ; ContactPoint ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Count ; Count ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Distance ; Distance ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Duration ; Duration ] fhir:value [ a fhir:HumanName ; HumanName ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Identifier ; Identifier ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Money ; Money ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Period ; Period ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Quantity ; Quantity ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Range ; Range ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Ratio ; Ratio ] fhir:value [ a fhir:RatioRange ; RatioRange ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Reference ; Reference ] fhir:value [ a fhir:SampledData ; SampledData ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Signature ; Signature ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Timing ; Timing ] fhir:value [ a fhir:ContactDetail ; ContactDetail ] fhir:value [ a fhir:DataRequirement ; DataRequirement ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Expression ; Expression ] fhir:value [ a fhir:ParameterDefinition ; ParameterDefinition ] fhir:value [ a fhir:RelatedArtifact ; RelatedArtifact ] fhir:value [ a fhir:TriggerDefinition ; TriggerDefinition ] fhir:value [ a fhir:UsageContext ; UsageContext ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Availability ; Availability ] fhir:value [ a fhir:ExtendedContactDetail ; ExtendedContactDetail ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Dosage ; Dosage ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Meta ; Meta ] ] ... ) ; fhir:output ( [ # 0..* Information produced as part of transport fhir:type [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 1..1 Label for output # value[x] : 1..1 Result of output. One of these 54 fhir:value [ a fhir:base64Binary ; base64Binary ] fhir:value [ a fhir:boolean ; boolean ] fhir:value [ a fhir:canonical ; canonical ] fhir:value [ a fhir:code ; code ] fhir:value [ a fhir:date ; date ] fhir:value [ a fhir:dateTime ; dateTime ] fhir:value [ a fhir:decimal ; decimal ] fhir:value [ a fhir:id ; id ] fhir:value [ a fhir:instant ; instant ] fhir:value [ a fhir:integer ; integer ] fhir:value [ a fhir:integer64 ; integer64 ] fhir:value [ a fhir:markdown ; markdown ] fhir:value [ a fhir:oid ; oid ] fhir:value [ a fhir:positiveInt ; positiveInt ] fhir:value [ a fhir:string ; string ] fhir:value [ a fhir:time ; time ] fhir:value [ a fhir:unsignedInt ; unsignedInt ] fhir:value [ a fhir:uri ; uri ] fhir:value [ a fhir:url ; url ] fhir:value [ a fhir:uuid ; uuid ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Address ; Address ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Age ; Age ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Annotation ; Annotation ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Attachment ; Attachment ] fhir:value [ a fhir:CodeableConcept ; CodeableConcept ] fhir:value [ a fhir:CodeableReference ; CodeableReference ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Coding ; Coding ] fhir:value [ a fhir:ContactPoint ; ContactPoint ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Count ; Count ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Distance ; Distance ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Duration ; Duration ] fhir:value [ a fhir:HumanName ; HumanName ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Identifier ; Identifier ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Money ; Money ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Period ; Period ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Quantity ; Quantity ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Range ; Range ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Ratio ; Ratio ] fhir:value [ a fhir:RatioRange ; RatioRange ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Reference ; Reference ] fhir:value [ a fhir:SampledData ; SampledData ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Signature ; Signature ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Timing ; Timing ] fhir:value [ a fhir:ContactDetail ; ContactDetail ] fhir:value [ a fhir:DataRequirement ; DataRequirement ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Expression ; Expression ] fhir:value [ a fhir:ParameterDefinition ; ParameterDefinition ] fhir:value [ a fhir:RelatedArtifact ; RelatedArtifact ] fhir:value [ a fhir:TriggerDefinition ; TriggerDefinition ] fhir:value [ a fhir:UsageContext ; UsageContext ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Availability ; Availability ] fhir:value [ a fhir:ExtendedContactDetail ; ExtendedContactDetail ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Dosage ; Dosage ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Meta ; Meta ] ] ... ) ; fhir:requestedLocation [ Reference(Location) ] ; # 1..1 The desired location fhir:currentLocation [ Reference(Location) ] ; # 1..1 The entity current location fhir:reason [ CodeableReference(Any) ] ; # 0..1 Why transport is needed fhir:history [ Reference(Transport) ] ; # 0..1 Parent (or preceding) transport ]
Changes from both R4 and R4B
This resource did not exist in Release R4
See the Full Difference for further information
This analysis is available for R4 as XML or JSON and for R4B as XML or JSON.
Name | Flags | Card. | Type | Description & Constraints |
Transport | TU | DomainResource | Delivery of item Elements defined in Ancestors: id, meta, implicitRules, language, text, contained, extension, modifierExtension | |
identifier | 0..* | Identifier | External identifier | |
instantiatesCanonical | Σ | 0..1 | canonical(ActivityDefinition) | Formal definition of transport |
instantiatesUri | Σ | 0..1 | uri | Formal definition of transport |
basedOn | Σ | 0..* | Reference(Any) | Request fulfilled by this transport |
groupIdentifier | Σ | 0..1 | Identifier | Requisition or grouper id |
partOf | Σ | 0..* | Reference(Transport) | Part of referenced event |
status | ?!Σ | 0..1 | code | in-progress | completed | abandoned | cancelled | planned | entered-in-error Binding: Transport Status (Required) |
statusReason | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Reason for current status Binding: Transport Status Reason (Example) |
intent | Σ | 1..1 | code | unknown | proposal | plan | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option Binding: Transport Intent (Required) |
priority | 0..1 | code | routine | urgent | asap | stat Binding: RequestPriority (Required) | |
code | Σ | 0..1 | CodeableConcept | Transport Type Binding: Transport Codes (Example) |
description | Σ | 0..1 | string | Human-readable explanation of transport |
focus | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Any) | What transport is acting on |
for | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Any) | Beneficiary of the Transport |
encounter | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Encounter) | Healthcare event during which this transport originated |
completionTime | Σ | 0..1 | dateTime | Completion time of the event (the occurrence) |
authoredOn | 0..1 | dateTime | Transport Creation Date | |
lastModified | Σ | 0..1 | dateTime | Transport Last Modified Date |
requester | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Device | Organization | Patient | Practitioner | PractitionerRole | RelatedPerson) | Who is asking for transport to be done |
performerType | 0..* | CodeableConcept | Requested performer Binding: Procedure Performer Role Codes (Preferred) | |
owner | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | HealthcareService | Patient | Device | RelatedPerson) | Responsible individual |
location | Σ | 0..1 | Reference(Location) | Where transport occurs |
insurance | 0..* | Reference(Coverage | ClaimResponse) | Associated insurance coverage | |
note | 0..* | Annotation | Comments made about the transport | |
relevantHistory | 0..* | Reference(Provenance) | Key events in history of the Transport | |
restriction | 0..1 | BackboneElement | Constraints on fulfillment transports | |
repetitions | 0..1 | positiveInt | How many times to repeat | |
period | 0..1 | Period | When fulfillment sought | |
recipient | 0..* | Reference(Patient | Practitioner | PractitionerRole | RelatedPerson | Group | Organization) | For whom is fulfillment sought? | |
input | 0..* | BackboneElement | Information used to perform transport | |
type | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Label for the input Binding: TransportInputParameterType (Example) | |
value[x] | 1..1 | * | Content to use in performing the transport | |
output | 0..* | BackboneElement | Information produced as part of transport | |
type | 1..1 | CodeableConcept | Label for output Binding: TransportOutputParameterType (Example) | |
value[x] | 1..1 | * | Result of output | |
requestedLocation | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Location) | The desired location |
currentLocation | Σ | 1..1 | Reference(Location) | The entity current location |
reason | 0..1 | CodeableReference(Any) | Why transport is needed Binding: TransportReason (Example) | |
history | 0..1 | Reference(Transport) | Parent (or preceding) transport | |
Documentation for this format |
See the Extensions for this resource
XML Template
<Transport xmlns=""> <!-- from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language --> <!-- from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension --> <identifier><!-- 0..* Identifier External identifier --></identifier> <instantiatesCanonical><!-- 0..1 canonical(ActivityDefinition) Formal definition of transport --></instantiatesCanonical> <instantiatesUri value="[uri]"/><!-- 0..1 Formal definition of transport --> <basedOn><!-- 0..* Reference(Any) Request fulfilled by this transport --></basedOn> <groupIdentifier><!-- 0..1 Identifier Requisition or grouper id --></groupIdentifier> <partOf><!-- 0..* Reference(Transport) Part of referenced event --></partOf> <status value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 in-progress | completed | abandoned | cancelled | planned | entered-in-error --> <statusReason><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Reason for current status --></statusReason> <intent value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 unknown | proposal | plan | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option --> <priority value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 routine | urgent | asap | stat --> <code><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Transport Type --></code> <description value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Human-readable explanation of transport --> <focus><!-- 0..1 Reference(Any) What transport is acting on --></focus> <for><!-- 0..1 Reference(Any) Beneficiary of the Transport --></for> <encounter><!-- 0..1 Reference(Encounter) Healthcare event during which this transport originated --></encounter> <completionTime value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 Completion time of the event (the occurrence) --> <authoredOn value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 Transport Creation Date --> <lastModified value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 Transport Last Modified Date --> <requester><!-- 0..1 Reference(Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner| PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) Who is asking for transport to be done --></requester> <performerType><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Requested performer --></performerType> <owner><!-- 0..1 Reference(CareTeam|Device|HealthcareService|Organization| Patient|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) Responsible individual --></owner> <location><!-- 0..1 Reference(Location) Where transport occurs --></location> <insurance><!-- 0..* Reference(ClaimResponse|Coverage) Associated insurance coverage --></insurance> <note><!-- 0..* Annotation Comments made about the transport --></note> <relevantHistory><!-- 0..* Reference(Provenance) Key events in history of the Transport --></relevantHistory> <restriction> <!-- 0..1 Constraints on fulfillment transports --> <repetitions value="[positiveInt]"/><!-- 0..1 How many times to repeat --> <period><!-- 0..1 Period When fulfillment sought --></period> <recipient><!-- 0..* Reference(Group|Organization|Patient|Practitioner| PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) For whom is fulfillment sought? --></recipient> </restriction> <input> <!-- 0..* Information used to perform transport --> <type><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Label for the input --></type> <value[x]><!-- 1..1 * Content to use in performing the transport --></value[x]> </input> <output> <!-- 0..* Information produced as part of transport --> <type><!-- 1..1 CodeableConcept Label for output --></type> <value[x]><!-- 1..1 * Result of output --></value[x]> </output> <requestedLocation><!-- 1..1 Reference(Location) The desired location --></requestedLocation> <currentLocation><!-- 1..1 Reference(Location) The entity current location --></currentLocation> <reason><!-- 0..1 CodeableReference(Any) Why transport is needed --></reason> <history><!-- 0..1 Reference(Transport) Parent (or preceding) transport --></history> </Transport>
JSON Template
{ "resourceType" : "Transport", // from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language // from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension "identifier" : [{ Identifier }], // External identifier "instantiatesCanonical" : "<canonical(ActivityDefinition)>", // Formal definition of transport "instantiatesUri" : "<uri>", // Formal definition of transport "basedOn" : [{ Reference(Any) }], // Request fulfilled by this transport "groupIdentifier" : { Identifier }, // Requisition or grouper id "partOf" : [{ Reference(Transport) }], // Part of referenced event "status" : "<code>", // in-progress | completed | abandoned | cancelled | planned | entered-in-error "statusReason" : { CodeableConcept }, // Reason for current status "intent" : "<code>", // R! unknown | proposal | plan | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option "priority" : "<code>", // routine | urgent | asap | stat "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // Transport Type "description" : "<string>", // Human-readable explanation of transport "focus" : { Reference(Any) }, // What transport is acting on "for" : { Reference(Any) }, // Beneficiary of the Transport "encounter" : { Reference(Encounter) }, // Healthcare event during which this transport originated "completionTime" : "<dateTime>", // Completion time of the event (the occurrence) "authoredOn" : "<dateTime>", // Transport Creation Date "lastModified" : "<dateTime>", // Transport Last Modified Date "requester" : { Reference(Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner| PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) }, // Who is asking for transport to be done "performerType" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Requested performer "owner" : { Reference(CareTeam|Device|HealthcareService|Organization| Patient|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) }, // Responsible individual "location" : { Reference(Location) }, // Where transport occurs "insurance" : [{ Reference(ClaimResponse|Coverage) }], // Associated insurance coverage "note" : [{ Annotation }], // Comments made about the transport "relevantHistory" : [{ Reference(Provenance) }], // Key events in history of the Transport "restriction" : { // Constraints on fulfillment transports "repetitions" : "<positiveInt>", // How many times to repeat "period" : { Period }, // When fulfillment sought "recipient" : [{ Reference(Group|Organization|Patient|Practitioner| PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) }] // For whom is fulfillment sought? }, "input" : [{ // Information used to perform transport "type" : { CodeableConcept }, // R! Label for the input // value[x]: Content to use in performing the transport. One of these 54: "valueBase64Binary" : "<base64Binary>" "valueBoolean" : <boolean>, "valueCanonical" : "<canonical>", "valueCode" : "<code>", "valueDate" : "<date>", "valueDateTime" : "<dateTime>", "valueDecimal" : <decimal>, "valueId" : "<id>", "valueInstant" : "<instant>", "valueInteger" : <integer>, "valueInteger64" : "<integer64>", "valueMarkdown" : "<markdown>", "valueOid" : "<oid>", "valuePositiveInt" : "<positiveInt>", "valueString" : "<string>", "valueTime" : "<time>", "valueUnsignedInt" : "<unsignedInt>", "valueUri" : "<uri>", "valueUrl" : "<url>", "valueUuid" : "<uuid>", "valueAddress" : { Address }, "valueAge" : { Age }, "valueAnnotation" : { Annotation }, "valueAttachment" : { Attachment }, "valueCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept }, "valueCodeableReference" : { CodeableReference }, "valueCoding" : { Coding }, "valueContactPoint" : { ContactPoint }, "valueCount" : { Count }, "valueDistance" : { Distance }, "valueDuration" : { Duration }, "valueHumanName" : { HumanName }, "valueIdentifier" : { Identifier }, "valueMoney" : { Money }, "valuePeriod" : { Period }, "valueQuantity" : { Quantity }, "valueRange" : { Range }, "valueRatio" : { Ratio }, "valueRatioRange" : { RatioRange }, "valueReference" : { Reference }, "valueSampledData" : { SampledData }, "valueSignature" : { Signature }, "valueTiming" : { Timing }, "valueContactDetail" : { ContactDetail }, "valueDataRequirement" : { DataRequirement }, "valueExpression" : { Expression }, "valueParameterDefinition" : { ParameterDefinition }, "valueRelatedArtifact" : { RelatedArtifact }, "valueTriggerDefinition" : { TriggerDefinition }, "valueUsageContext" : { UsageContext }, "valueAvailability" : { Availability }, "valueExtendedContactDetail" : { ExtendedContactDetail }, "valueDosage" : { Dosage }, "valueMeta" : { Meta }, }], "output" : [{ // Information produced as part of transport "type" : { CodeableConcept }, // R! Label for output // value[x]: Result of output. One of these 54: "valueBase64Binary" : "<base64Binary>" "valueBoolean" : <boolean>, "valueCanonical" : "<canonical>", "valueCode" : "<code>", "valueDate" : "<date>", "valueDateTime" : "<dateTime>", "valueDecimal" : <decimal>, "valueId" : "<id>", "valueInstant" : "<instant>", "valueInteger" : <integer>, "valueInteger64" : "<integer64>", "valueMarkdown" : "<markdown>", "valueOid" : "<oid>", "valuePositiveInt" : "<positiveInt>", "valueString" : "<string>", "valueTime" : "<time>", "valueUnsignedInt" : "<unsignedInt>", "valueUri" : "<uri>", "valueUrl" : "<url>", "valueUuid" : "<uuid>", "valueAddress" : { Address }, "valueAge" : { Age }, "valueAnnotation" : { Annotation }, "valueAttachment" : { Attachment }, "valueCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept }, "valueCodeableReference" : { CodeableReference }, "valueCoding" : { Coding }, "valueContactPoint" : { ContactPoint }, "valueCount" : { Count }, "valueDistance" : { Distance }, "valueDuration" : { Duration }, "valueHumanName" : { HumanName }, "valueIdentifier" : { Identifier }, "valueMoney" : { Money }, "valuePeriod" : { Period }, "valueQuantity" : { Quantity }, "valueRange" : { Range }, "valueRatio" : { Ratio }, "valueRatioRange" : { RatioRange }, "valueReference" : { Reference }, "valueSampledData" : { SampledData }, "valueSignature" : { Signature }, "valueTiming" : { Timing }, "valueContactDetail" : { ContactDetail }, "valueDataRequirement" : { DataRequirement }, "valueExpression" : { Expression }, "valueParameterDefinition" : { ParameterDefinition }, "valueRelatedArtifact" : { RelatedArtifact }, "valueTriggerDefinition" : { TriggerDefinition }, "valueUsageContext" : { UsageContext }, "valueAvailability" : { Availability }, "valueExtendedContactDetail" : { ExtendedContactDetail }, "valueDosage" : { Dosage }, "valueMeta" : { Meta }, }], "requestedLocation" : { Reference(Location) }, // R! The desired location "currentLocation" : { Reference(Location) }, // R! The entity current location "reason" : { CodeableReference(Any) }, // Why transport is needed "history" : { Reference(Transport) } // Parent (or preceding) transport }
Turtle Template
@prefix fhir: <> . [ a fhir:Transport; fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root # from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language # from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension fhir:identifier ( [ Identifier ] ... ) ; # 0..* External identifier fhir:instantiatesCanonical [ canonical(ActivityDefinition) ] ; # 0..1 Formal definition of transport fhir:instantiatesUri [ uri ] ; # 0..1 Formal definition of transport fhir:basedOn ( [ Reference(Any) ] ... ) ; # 0..* Request fulfilled by this transport fhir:groupIdentifier [ Identifier ] ; # 0..1 Requisition or grouper id fhir:partOf ( [ Reference(Transport) ] ... ) ; # 0..* Part of referenced event fhir:status [ code ] ; # 0..1 in-progress | completed | abandoned | cancelled | planned | entered-in-error fhir:statusReason [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 Reason for current status fhir:intent [ code ] ; # 1..1 unknown | proposal | plan | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option fhir:priority [ code ] ; # 0..1 routine | urgent | asap | stat fhir:code [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 Transport Type fhir:description [ string ] ; # 0..1 Human-readable explanation of transport fhir:focus [ Reference(Any) ] ; # 0..1 What transport is acting on fhir:for [ Reference(Any) ] ; # 0..1 Beneficiary of the Transport fhir:encounter [ Reference(Encounter) ] ; # 0..1 Healthcare event during which this transport originated fhir:completionTime [ dateTime ] ; # 0..1 Completion time of the event (the occurrence) fhir:authoredOn [ dateTime ] ; # 0..1 Transport Creation Date fhir:lastModified [ dateTime ] ; # 0..1 Transport Last Modified Date fhir:requester [ Reference(Device|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) ] ; # 0..1 Who is asking for transport to be done fhir:performerType ( [ CodeableConcept ] ... ) ; # 0..* Requested performer fhir:owner [ Reference(CareTeam|Device|HealthcareService|Organization|Patient|Practitioner| PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) ] ; # 0..1 Responsible individual fhir:location [ Reference(Location) ] ; # 0..1 Where transport occurs fhir:insurance ( [ Reference(ClaimResponse|Coverage) ] ... ) ; # 0..* Associated insurance coverage fhir:note ( [ Annotation ] ... ) ; # 0..* Comments made about the transport fhir:relevantHistory ( [ Reference(Provenance) ] ... ) ; # 0..* Key events in history of the Transport fhir:restriction [ # 0..1 Constraints on fulfillment transports fhir:repetitions [ positiveInt ] ; # 0..1 How many times to repeat fhir:period [ Period ] ; # 0..1 When fulfillment sought fhir:recipient ( [ Reference(Group|Organization|Patient|Practitioner|PractitionerRole|RelatedPerson) ] ... ) ; # 0..* For whom is fulfillment sought? ] ; fhir:input ( [ # 0..* Information used to perform transport fhir:type [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 1..1 Label for the input # value[x] : 1..1 Content to use in performing the transport. One of these 54 fhir:value [ a fhir:base64Binary ; base64Binary ] fhir:value [ a fhir:boolean ; boolean ] fhir:value [ a fhir:canonical ; canonical ] fhir:value [ a fhir:code ; code ] fhir:value [ a fhir:date ; date ] fhir:value [ a fhir:dateTime ; dateTime ] fhir:value [ a fhir:decimal ; decimal ] fhir:value [ a fhir:id ; id ] fhir:value [ a fhir:instant ; instant ] fhir:value [ a fhir:integer ; integer ] fhir:value [ a fhir:integer64 ; integer64 ] fhir:value [ a fhir:markdown ; markdown ] fhir:value [ a fhir:oid ; oid ] fhir:value [ a fhir:positiveInt ; positiveInt ] fhir:value [ a fhir:string ; string ] fhir:value [ a fhir:time ; time ] fhir:value [ a fhir:unsignedInt ; unsignedInt ] fhir:value [ a fhir:uri ; uri ] fhir:value [ a fhir:url ; url ] fhir:value [ a fhir:uuid ; uuid ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Address ; Address ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Age ; Age ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Annotation ; Annotation ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Attachment ; Attachment ] fhir:value [ a fhir:CodeableConcept ; CodeableConcept ] fhir:value [ a fhir:CodeableReference ; CodeableReference ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Coding ; Coding ] fhir:value [ a fhir:ContactPoint ; ContactPoint ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Count ; Count ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Distance ; Distance ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Duration ; Duration ] fhir:value [ a fhir:HumanName ; HumanName ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Identifier ; Identifier ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Money ; Money ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Period ; Period ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Quantity ; Quantity ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Range ; Range ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Ratio ; Ratio ] fhir:value [ a fhir:RatioRange ; RatioRange ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Reference ; Reference ] fhir:value [ a fhir:SampledData ; SampledData ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Signature ; Signature ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Timing ; Timing ] fhir:value [ a fhir:ContactDetail ; ContactDetail ] fhir:value [ a fhir:DataRequirement ; DataRequirement ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Expression ; Expression ] fhir:value [ a fhir:ParameterDefinition ; ParameterDefinition ] fhir:value [ a fhir:RelatedArtifact ; RelatedArtifact ] fhir:value [ a fhir:TriggerDefinition ; TriggerDefinition ] fhir:value [ a fhir:UsageContext ; UsageContext ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Availability ; Availability ] fhir:value [ a fhir:ExtendedContactDetail ; ExtendedContactDetail ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Dosage ; Dosage ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Meta ; Meta ] ] ... ) ; fhir:output ( [ # 0..* Information produced as part of transport fhir:type [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 1..1 Label for output # value[x] : 1..1 Result of output. One of these 54 fhir:value [ a fhir:base64Binary ; base64Binary ] fhir:value [ a fhir:boolean ; boolean ] fhir:value [ a fhir:canonical ; canonical ] fhir:value [ a fhir:code ; code ] fhir:value [ a fhir:date ; date ] fhir:value [ a fhir:dateTime ; dateTime ] fhir:value [ a fhir:decimal ; decimal ] fhir:value [ a fhir:id ; id ] fhir:value [ a fhir:instant ; instant ] fhir:value [ a fhir:integer ; integer ] fhir:value [ a fhir:integer64 ; integer64 ] fhir:value [ a fhir:markdown ; markdown ] fhir:value [ a fhir:oid ; oid ] fhir:value [ a fhir:positiveInt ; positiveInt ] fhir:value [ a fhir:string ; string ] fhir:value [ a fhir:time ; time ] fhir:value [ a fhir:unsignedInt ; unsignedInt ] fhir:value [ a fhir:uri ; uri ] fhir:value [ a fhir:url ; url ] fhir:value [ a fhir:uuid ; uuid ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Address ; Address ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Age ; Age ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Annotation ; Annotation ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Attachment ; Attachment ] fhir:value [ a fhir:CodeableConcept ; CodeableConcept ] fhir:value [ a fhir:CodeableReference ; CodeableReference ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Coding ; Coding ] fhir:value [ a fhir:ContactPoint ; ContactPoint ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Count ; Count ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Distance ; Distance ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Duration ; Duration ] fhir:value [ a fhir:HumanName ; HumanName ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Identifier ; Identifier ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Money ; Money ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Period ; Period ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Quantity ; Quantity ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Range ; Range ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Ratio ; Ratio ] fhir:value [ a fhir:RatioRange ; RatioRange ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Reference ; Reference ] fhir:value [ a fhir:SampledData ; SampledData ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Signature ; Signature ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Timing ; Timing ] fhir:value [ a fhir:ContactDetail ; ContactDetail ] fhir:value [ a fhir:DataRequirement ; DataRequirement ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Expression ; Expression ] fhir:value [ a fhir:ParameterDefinition ; ParameterDefinition ] fhir:value [ a fhir:RelatedArtifact ; RelatedArtifact ] fhir:value [ a fhir:TriggerDefinition ; TriggerDefinition ] fhir:value [ a fhir:UsageContext ; UsageContext ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Availability ; Availability ] fhir:value [ a fhir:ExtendedContactDetail ; ExtendedContactDetail ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Dosage ; Dosage ] fhir:value [ a fhir:Meta ; Meta ] ] ... ) ; fhir:requestedLocation [ Reference(Location) ] ; # 1..1 The desired location fhir:currentLocation [ Reference(Location) ] ; # 1..1 The entity current location fhir:reason [ CodeableReference(Any) ] ; # 0..1 Why transport is needed fhir:history [ Reference(Transport) ] ; # 0..1 Parent (or preceding) transport ]
Changes from both R4 and R4B
This resource did not exist in Release R4
See the Full Difference for further information
This analysis is available for R4 as XML or JSON and for R4B as XML or JSON.
Additional definitions: Master Definition XML JSON, XML Schema/Schematron JSON Schema, ShEx (for Turtle) see the extensions, the spreadsheet version & the dependency analysis
Path | ValueSet | Type | Documentation |
Transport.status | TransportStatus | Required | Status of the transport |
Transport.statusReason | TransportStatusReason (a valid code from Transport Status) | Example | Status reason of the transport. |
Transport.intent | TransportIntent | Required | Distinguishes whether the transport is a proposal, plan or full order. |
Transport.priority | RequestPriority | Required | Identifies the level of importance to be assigned to actioning the request. |
Transport.code | TransportCode (a valid code from Transport Codes) | Example | Codes indicating the type of action that is expected to be performed |
Transport.performerType | ProcedurePerformerRoleCodes | Preferred | This example value set defines the set of codes that can be used to indicate a role of a procedure performer. |
Transport.input.type | ?? | Example | |
Transport.output.type | ?? | Example | |
Transport.reason | ?? | Example |
Search parameters for this resource. See also the full list of search parameters for this resource, and check the Extensions registry for search parameters on extensions related to this resource. The common parameters also apply. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.
Name | Type | Description | Expression | In Common |
identifier | token | External identifier | Transport.identifier | |
status | token | in-progress | completed | entered-in-error | Transport.status |