FreeSRP Alpha

open source software-defined radio

FreeSRP Alpha

Available now on Crowd Supply starting at 420 USD

The FreeSRP project is joining Myriad-RF! Myriad-RF is home to many open source hardware and software projects involving software-defined radio -- this includes the LimeSDR platform, and the SDR driver and framework packaging projects. By joining MyriadRF, I hope to bring the FreeSRP to a wider community and make the project more accessible to external contributors and to end users. I also hope that the FreeSRP will be able to add more diversity to the available Myriad-RF hardware platforms.

Software defined radio (SDR) allows you to use one single but completely programmable transceiver device for modulating and demodulating many different types of RF signals. A wideband device such as the FreeSRP can thus be programmed and used to interact with lots of different wireless protocols like FM radio, TV, GSM, 802.11 or GNSS.

Powerful hardware

  • 70 MHz to 6 GHz center frequency
  • 61.44 megasamples per second
  • 12 bit resolution
  • Full duplex operation
  • Artix 7 FPGA and USB 3.0 interface
  • High speed expansion connector

Free and open source

  • C and C libraries and GNU Radio integration
  • Firmware and FPGA design
  • Schematics and layout
    • Available now in the CircuitMaker repository
    • KiCad files coming soon!

The FreeSRP is fully compatible with GNU Radio and Pothos/SoapySDR! The open source FreeSRP library includes useful command-line tools and allows you to write your own applications.

Learn more about the project's development

 Building an SDR from scratch
 Post on the GNU Radio blog
 Official documentation

FreeSRP in action

2.4 GHz WiFi activity

WiFi Activity

GSM decoding with gr-gsm

GSM decoding with gr-gsm

802.15.4 transceiver

Communicating with an XBeeLearn more

Baudline using freesrp-io

baudline with freesrp-ioLearn more

FM demodulation in Pothos SDR

FM demodulation in Pothos

FreeSRP with CubicSDR

FreeSRP support in CubicSDR