
From WikiFur, the furry encyclopedia.
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Furry Weekend Atlanta.png This user has attended
Furry Weekend Atlanta.
Anthrocon.gif This user has attended
MFFglobe-50px.png This user has attended
Midwest FurFest.
MFM-Small-Logo.jpg This user has attended
Mephit Furmeet.
FurAffinityFenderBadge.jpg This user has an account at Fur Affinity.

Facebooklogo.png This user has an account at Facebook.

LiveJournallogo.png This user has an account at LiveJournal.

AdultSimba.jpg This user is a fan of
The Lion King.
Califur.gif This user has attended
FF This user has attended
Further Confusion logo.png This user has attended
Further Confusion.
LiveJournallogo.png This user has an account at LiveJournal.

Twitter.jpg This user is on Twitter.

MFM-Small-Logo.jpg This user has attended
Mephit Furmeet.
SecondLifeHand.png This user has a Second Life account.
See the article about White Wolf. WikiFur User