
October 2021 Quicklisp dist update now available

 New projects

  • alexandria-plus — A conservative set of extensions to Alexandria utilities — Microsoft Public License
  • autoexport — A small library to automatically export definitions — BSD-3-Clause
  • cephes.cl — Wrapper for the Cephes Mathematical Library — Microsoft Public License
  • cl-apertium-stream-parser — Apertium stream parser written in Common Lisp — Apache-2.0
  • cl-bus — A(n almost) referentially transparent interface for streams — BSD-3
  • cl-cram — A simple, Progress bar for Common Lisp — MIT
  • cl-earley-parser — Natural language parser using Jay Earleys well-known algorithm — MIT
  • cl-etcd — Run etcd as an asynchronous inferior process. — AGPL3
  • cl-gcrypt — Common Lisp bindings for libgcrypt — LGPLv2.1
  • cl-termbox — Bindings for termbox library, a minimalistic library for building text-mode applications without curses — MIT license
  • cl-with — WITH- group with- macros, allocate objects and rebind slots — BSD 3-clause
  • cl-yxorp — A reverse proxy server that supports WebSocket, HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP to HTTPS redirecting, port and host forwarding configuration using a real programming language, HTTP header and body manipulation (also using a real programming language). — AGPL3
  • claxy — Simple proxy middleware for clack — Apache License, version 2.0
  • clerk — A cron-like scheduler with sane DSL — MIT
  • clingon — Command-line options parser system for Common Lisp — BSD 2-Clause
  • clutter — Cluttering classes and slots with annotations/decorators/attributes metadata — LGPL
  • commondoc-markdown — Converter from Markdown to CommonDoc. — Unlicense
  • compiler-macro-notes — Provides a macro and some conditions for use within macros and compiler-macros. — MIT
  • ctype — An implementation of the Common Lisp type system. — BSD
  • docs-builder — A meta documentation builder for Common Lisp projects. — Unlicense
  • funds — portable, purely functional data structures in Common Lisp — Apache 2.0
  • geodesic — Library for geodesic calculations. — ISC
  • hashtrie — An implementation of the Hash Trie datastructure, based on Clojure's — Eclipse 2.0
  • mcase — Control frow macros with case comprehensiveness checking. — Public domain
  • mnas-path — Describe mnas-path here — GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 or later
  • parsnip — Parser combinator library — BSD 3-Clause
  • promise — A small, independent promise library for asynchronous frameworks — zlib
  • quick-patch — Easily override quicklisp projects without using git submodules — Mozilla Public License 2.0
  • strict-function — Utility of function definition — MIT
  • vivid-colors — colored object printer — MIT
  • vivid-diff — Colored object diff viewer. — MIT

Updated projects: 3d-matrices, also-alsa, april, architecture.builder-protocol, bdef, beast, bike, bnf, bp, chameleon, check-bnf, chirp, ci-utils, cl ssl, cl-ana, cl-ansi-term, cl-ansi-text, cl-async, cl-bloggy, cl-collider, cl-colors2, cl-cron, cl-data-structures, cl-dbi, cl-digraph, cl-environments, cl-form-types, cl-forms, cl-gearman, cl-gserver, cl-info, cl-kraken, cl-liballegro-nuklear, cl-libsvm, cl-marshal, cl-megolm, cl-mixed, cl-opencl, cl-opencl-utils, cl-patterns, cl-pdf, cl-permutation, cl-png, cl-readline, cl-schedule, cl-sdl2-mixer, cl-ses4, cl-telebot, cl-utils, cl-wave-file-writer, cl-webdriver-client, cl-webkit, cletris, clj-re, clog, closer-mop, cluffer, clunit2, clx, cmd, colored, common-lisp-jupyter, concrete-syntax-tree, consfigurator, core-reader, croatoan, cytoscape-clj, dartsclhashtree, data-frame, defmain, dfio, djula, dns-client, doc, doplus, easy-routes, eclector, esrap, fare-scripts, fof, fresnel, functional-trees, gadgets, gendl, generic-cl, glacier, gtirb-capstone, gute, harmony, hash-table-ext, helambdap, hunchenissr, imago, ironclad, jingoh, kekule-clj, lack, lambda-fiddle, lass, legit, lisp-namespace, lisp-stat, literate-lisp, log4cl, log4cl-extras, lsx, maiden, markup, math, matrix-case, mcclim, messagebox, mgl-pax, micmac, millet, mito, mnas-graph, mnas-hash-table, mnas-package, mnas-string, mutility, null-package, numerical-utilities, nyxt, omglib, osicat, parachute, petalisp, physical-quantities, plot, portal, postmodern, pp-toml, prompt-for, qlot, query-repl, quilc, read-as-string, resignal-bind, rove, rpcq, salza2, sel, serapeum, sha1, shasht, shop3, sketch, slite, smart-buffer, spinneret, staple, static-dispatch, stealth-mixin, structure-ext, swank-protocol, sycamore, tfeb-lisp-hax, tfeb-lisp-tools, tooter, trace-db, trestrul, trivia, trivial-with-current-source-form, uax-15, uncursed, vellum, vellum-postmodern, vgplot, vk, whirlog, with-c-syntax, zippy.

Removed projects: adw-charting, cl-batis, cl-bunny, cl-dbi-connection-pool, cl-reddit, cl-server-manager, corona, gordon, hemlock, hunchenissr-routes, prepl, s-protobuf, submarine, torta, trivial-swank, weblocks-examples, weblocks-prototype-js, weblocks-tree-widget, weblocks-utils.

To get this update, use (ql:update-dist "quicklisp").

There are a lot of removed projects this month. These projects no longer build with recent SBCLs, and all bug reports have gone ignored for many months. If one of these projects is important to you, consider contributing to its maintenance and help it work again.

Incidentally, this is the eleventh anniversary of the first Quicklisp dist release back in October 2010.