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  : new feature
- : deprecated feature
* : bugfix

Version 4.17, 2020/03/24
  Cleanup of facebook plugins, moved -album_url to main album options
  xy_cache plugin now respects -force and -force_html

Version 4.16, 20??/??/??
  Workaround for ImageMagick bug 'Thread creation failed'

Version 4.15, 2016/04/19
  Update for a new, new way to handle animated gifs
* Big fixes for plugins social/facebook-comments and social/facebook-like
  Change for captions.txt: "[file][tab][tab][caption]" no longer upgrades caption to name

Version 4.14, 2015/03/02
* Small change for galbum (-crf -v)

Version 4.13, 2015/03/02
  Fixed some options and usage for galbum
  Many UI improvements to galbum
  New plugin:  captions/exif/strftime.alp  (Thanks Steven Schubiger)

Version 4.12, 2014/02/23
* Small bugfix for specifying clip time for movie thumbnails: "[thumb=3.2s]"

Version 4.11, 2014/02/03
  New plugins: social/facebook-comments and social/facebook-like
  New plugins: images/exactimage (Thanks F. Breitling)
  Plugin speedup:  images/autorot (Thanks Simon Oosthoek)
* Small 'has_thumb' bugfix (Thanks Brian Carlstrom, bdc carlstrom com)
* Small fix for 'modify_caption' hook so it only gets called once.

Version 4.10, 2013/05/30
* Cleaned up much of the 'perl -cw' warnings

Version 4.09, 2013/05/04
  New plugin: utils/keynavigation.alp (Thanks Matti Laitala, matti.laitala gmail com)
  Added 'album::add_image_head' for image specific head code
* Updated 'write_image_page' hook so that is was consistent for theme/notheme
  Updated to avconv instead of deprecated ffmpeg
  (To keep using ffmpeg:  '-ffmpeg ffmpeg')
* Cleaned up much of the 'perl -cw' warnings

Version 4.08, 2012/09/27
[[[update digikam at thebarters with new modify_caption plugin format]]]
[[update google_analytics plugin]]
  Updated simmer_theme (3.11) and updated all themes (RSS support!)
  Updated plugin: extra/rss (Thanks Guy Albertelli II - from 2007, sorry it got lost!)
  New option: -theme_full_info - major speedups for themes (when not used)
  -sort exif for exif date sorting (Thanks Mihkel Ader, nodscytale gmail com)
  New plugin: social/flattr (Thanks Volker Sauer)
  New plugin: format/piwik (Thanks Volker Sauer)
  New plugin: images/exactimage (Thanks Frank Breitling)
  Can now have multiple hooks for 'do_album' (things like 'google_analytics')
  as well as modify_caption and modify_dir_caption
  Can specify clip time for movies in captions.txt (i.e. "[thumb=3.2s]");
  (May need to use -force and -force_html)
* Handling of multi-page pdf/ps files (Thanks Matthew Probst)

Version 4.07, 2010/08/12
  New plugin: images/annotate-medium (Thanks Joe Botha)
  Plugins can call back the function that hooked them without a recursive loop
* jhead used for 'JPG' as well as 'jpg' (Thanks Kevin Barter)
  Russian language support (Thanks Stas Degteff)
  New theme: hover (Thanks Todd Foster)
* Fixed man page missing NAME (Thanks Eriberto, debian maintainer!)

Version 4.06, 2009/08/12
  No longer fatals out on corrupted images
  (Thanks Alex Roper, alexr ugcs caltech edu)
* Fixed missing files in packages

Version 4.05, 2008/12/21
  WINDOWS GUI (galbum)
  Windows ActiveState Perl theme support!
  New hooks added for media style plugins (like media/flv)
  Added media/flv plugin for FLV support!
  Added album:: routines for plugins add_head, add_header, add_footer
  Added piclens plugin for piclens slideshow support!
  (Thanks Reidar D. Midtun, reidar midtun dyndns org)
  Added exif/gps plugin for gps exif support
  (Thanks Andreas K Huettel,
  New plugin: format/google_analytics
  Added Hungarian docs (Thanks György Károly
* digikam.alp fix for finding top directory (Thanks Kevin Barter)
* Overlay type (Thanks again Laura Baldwin, boojum mit edu)
* Now checking for -medium changes to deciding if we need to rewrite img pages
  (Thanks Rick Baartman, baartman lin12 triumf ca)
  Added -crf and -license options for GUI support

Version 4.04, 2008/03/13
* Fixed overlay of images (now needs "px"?) (Thanks Laura Baldwin, boojum mit edu)
  Added wmv to movie types (Thanks Kevin Walton, kevin unseen org)

Version 4.03, 2007/12/20
  Fixed up album for CygWin changes - files are no longer quoted, no spaces in filenames!
  (Thanks to the patient Amarsena Reddy, Amarsena.Reddy varian com)
  Added -usage for seeing as many options as you want
  Added -thumb_post (Thanks Dave Hansen, dave sr71 net)
  Added -folder_count (Thanks Dave Hansen, dave sr71 net)
  Added hidden -dtheme and -Dtheme options
* Fixed deprecated option output
* Fixed dependency checking for image HTML lost in v4.00
* exif/mouseover plugin now works for child albums
  (Thanks George Hansper, georgeh anstat com au)
* Improved XHTML output (replaced 'td background=...')
  Language: French is mostly complete, as well as docs
  Better handling of convert animated gif file renaming bugs (Thanks Jon Daley)
* Proper handling of thumbs in other dirs (due to plugins) (Thanks Dave Hansen)

Version 4.02, 2007/01/19
  Language: German now 100%, added Spanish and Catalan
* Bugfix for new installs (two subs named 'install_language')

Version 4.01, 2007/01/08
  New languages: fr, zh-cn, cs, it, ko, de
  Themes can now support multi-lingual images.
  (Easy using update of simmer_theme)  See example: Themes/Blue/lang/nl/
  Themes have more translations (number of images, More albums, etc..)
  Added -check_lang and -list_html_trans support
  New plugin: images/xy_cache
* Fixed empty directory thumbnail bug
* Fixed/improved _curr_plugin/_curr_hook API.
* Plugged captions/db/digikam db resource leak (Thanks Anders Bolager, anders bolager com)
* Fixed '\\' bug with -make_lang
* Small get_option fix for plugins (and option_changed)

Version 4.00, 2006/12/17
  Full language/i18n support!  See -lang, -list_langs, and -lang_path
  New languages: (en), he, nl, pl as well as banner, l33t and swedish_chef
  Option -make_lang for creating easy language templates
  New plugin: captions/exif/mouseover
  New plugin: org/link
  (Thanks Matt Forrest, mforrest scs ryerson ca)
  Added 3gp support using ffmpeg.  Another other movie formats people need?
  Added -nothumbs support (Thanks Marten van Wezel, marten arago utwente nl)
  Changed -hash_width option to -screen_width
* Fixed save_conf multiple-saving of multiple array/code values
* Errors now pass non-zero exit value
* Fixed -noknown_images (Thanks Dougie Nisbet, album highmoor co uk)
* Return to XHTML valid (Thanks Markus Mayer, mmayer blastwave org)

Version 3.13, 2006/10/10
  New plugin: format/meta
  Cleaned up image preloading and added "AddOnload" javascript for plugins
  (Update your themes for proper image preloading)
  Themes can now do num(This_Image) (Thanks Daniel K, DKml xs4all nl)
* Better fix for double exif captioning (Thanks Joseph Dery, joedery gmail com)
* Fix for medium_scale_opts (Thanks Glyn Davies, agdavies gmail com)
* Removed unnecessary zips and tars in Themes packaging

Version 3.12, 2006/06/14
  Added -create_plugin plugin code
  New -slideshow support (for most themes)
  Added overlay thumbnail support.  Themes are simpler and cooler!
  See FunLand as an example.  Also updated simmer_theme.
  Added 'album -mv' syntax (just a shortcut for the 'utils/mv' plugin)
  Added -credit (global footer) (Thanks Dave Hansen, dave sr71 net)
  Added -case_sort option (used to be default!)
  (Thanks Samuel Denis D'Ortun,
* Changed ImageMagick calls to handle new syntax (~v6.25)
  (Thanks John Westlund, john.westlund gmail com)
  Added -follow_symlinks (Thanks Dave Hansen, dave sr71 net)
  Added hide_album hook (Thanks Dave Hansen, dave sr71 net)
  Add hook 'end_handle_file' (needed for plugin: format/hide_regex)
* Fixed handling of -no_* in plugin options.
* Fixed caption_edit.cgi directory caption problem (upgrade to CGI v1.07!)
  (Thanks Kathryn Hogg, kjh flyballdogs com)
* Moved dir_thumb hook so it still counts images/folders
  Patches: full path to find files
  (Thanks Scott Bertin, scottbertin yahoo com)
  Added data-> head and body_tag

Version 3.11, 2006/04/09
  Changed ffmpeg option from singlejpeg to mjpeg, ffmpeg also now handles mp4
  Changed 'do_album*' hooks to skip album generation on false
  Added hooks:  gather_contents, gather_contents_item
* Patches: Fix stop_hashes hook, thumbnail/medium hooks, -burn 'index.html'
  (Thanks Scott Bertin, scottbertin yahoo com)
* Double exif captioning (Thanks Roland Rosenfeld, roenv spinnaker de
   and John Sellens, jsellens generalconcepts com)
  Plugin: images/epeg (Thanks Scott J. Bertin, scottbertin yahoo com)
  New theme: Stamp.  Updated theme: W_Peterman
* Change for themes: Get($dir, 'dir') -> Get($dir, 'file')
* Fixed issue with old 'medium *\\>' album.conf options.
  (Thanks Waldy Wisniewski, waldy wizfamily co uk)
* Fixed -h/-plugin_usage bug
* Fixed -clean to also include commented out images.

Version 3.10, 2005/11/01
  Plugin support
  New plugins: utils/mv, many others
  Massively improved/corrected/clarified arg saving in conf files
  Improved dependency checking
  Use (fast!) Image::Size if available (Thanks Dave Hansen, dave sr71 net)
  Can now clear array options with -no
* -transform_url fix for %s
* diff_path now handles ActiveState windows paths for all cases
  Added image overlay support for themes (see simmer_theme.3.03 & OldPhoto)
  Added "Indexes:" progress bar for slower machines (like mine!)
  Added -no_virgin_check option (for caption_edit and other CGI)
  Added -image_headers for no_theme output (and set default to 0)
  Medium/thumbnail images regenerated only when -medium/-geometry changed.
  (Thanks Andy Somerville, andy.somerville gmail com)
* -no_image_loop now works with no_theme output
* Default output is now Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional
  (Thanks Goran Sandin, Goran.Sandin abc se)
* Fixed poor quoting of img alt and title tags
  Added link tags for First/Last and album Up
* Improved -name_length shortening algorithm to avoid bad HTML
  Replaced -date_sort and -name_sort with -sort [captions,name,date]
  Added perldocs to caption_edit.cgi
* Fixed saving '#' in config files (Thanks Diego Liziero, diegoliz gmail com)
* Fixed problem with using movies as directory thumbnails
* Fixed inability to add non-images with -no_known_images
* Small path fix for "Your album has moved" false negative
* Fixed stupid split_path bug that disliked the letter 'Q'.  The shame..
  (also fixed StoryCaption bug and alignment problem)
* Initial config menus now support ~/path (Thanks Dylan G., dylang thock com)
  (Thanks Friedrich Pukelsheim, pukelsheim math uni-augsburg de)
* Can handle '# commented' captions with spaces after '#'
  (Thanks Matt Roberts, matt.roberts bigfoot com)
* Fixed clean case-sensitivity, -medium_type and parentheses bugs
  (Thanks Matthew J. Probst, mprobst probst org)
* Fixed incorrect "Your album has been moved" trigger
  (Thanks Dwight Dover, dwidov alltel net)
* Default theme now supports -no_album_captions
* Fixed attempt_require for Cwd so that it doesn't error (nobody told me!)

Version 3.07, 2004/12/30
  Name shortening (-name_length) no longer splits html tags and &chars;
  img title tags now same as alt tags
* Fixed problem with multiple -exif evaluations
* Fix saving of -medium in conf files.

Version 3.06, 2004/12/07
  Updated Story, StoryCaption themes to v3 API
  Small cleanup to BigMaste
* Fixed font-date-/font stuff once and for all.
* Fixed difference between no_album and hide_album
* Fixes release typo in Minimalist theme

Version 3.05, 2004/07/23
* -notop now works with most themes.
* scale_opts typos
* Fixed pImage_Src bug in deprecated theme API code for older style themes.
* No longer ignores "_files"
* Gracefully handles missing thumbnail/ffmpeg errors
  Added New_Row() support routine
  Initial plugin infrastructure (not really being used yet..)
  Maste theme improvements including dir_thumbs

Version 3.04, 2004/07/14
* Fixed dependency problem with exif_image/album

Version 3.03, 2004/07/13
  Theme API and conversion docs, simmer_theme docs.
* Fixed problem with top/back link
* No more 'Skipping unknown HTML' on .no_album dirs
* No more font tags inserted in titles.

Version 3.02, 2004/07/05
  Cleaned up output "Read conf:"
* -add doesn't include default directory
* Added dependency check to movie_frame generation
* Added image page dependency check on -exif option
* conf, -add and usage updates.
* -clean and -index work together now.

Version 3.01, 2004/06/29
* Fixed small problem with -clean and empty dirs
* Differentiated betwen dir/.no_album and dir/.hide_album

Version 3.00, 2004/06/28
  Theme and theme API cleanup
  Directory thumbnails
  Configuration files
  New installation process
  Lock images for .htaccess albums, theme cleanup
  All new documentation
  Better Windows support
  Ability to use separate exif captions for album/image pages
  (Thanks Joel Emer, joel emer org)
  Many, many more features/additions

Version 2.53, 2004/04/25?
* Thumbnails for similar filenames are different (a.jpg vs a.gif)
  (Thanks Robert Lange, robert.lange s1999 tu-chemnitz de)

Version 2.52, 2004/01/28
  Clarified credit line

Version 2.51, 2003/11/15
  Album directories can have captions (only some themes)
  (Thanks Chris Lawson, cl tinfoilhat ca)
  Better handling of animated gifs
* Small exif bugfix
* Fixed small diff_path problem

Version 2.50, 2003/11/11
  Can now add EXIF info using jhead
  (Thanks Vin Scarlata, vincent.r.scarlata intel com
          & Zainul zainul ee iitb ac in
          & Durval Menezes durval tmp com br
          & Rudolph van der Merwe rvdmerwe ece ogi edu
          & Neal McBurnett neal bcn boulder co us
          & Marcell Lengyel marcell.lengyel solidtech com
          & Philippe Duperron pduperron seditel fr
          & countless others...)

Version 2.49, 2003/11/03
  Added -noembed option

Version 2.48, 2003/09/11
  Commented (#) captions are the same as .no_album
  (Thanks Juergen, js ub uni-marburg de)
  Option -index now allows postfix as well (default is .html)
  (Thanks Jan Hnatek,

Version 2.47, 2003/06/19
  Update to support major changes in caption_edit.cgi
  (Thanks for inspiration, Jason Dufair,

Version 2.46, 2003/05/31
  Added -add option so you don't have to regenerate entire albums

Version 2.45, 2003/04/07
  Added -no_image_loop
  (Thanks Todd Foster, tefrsf bronxfellowship org)

Version 2.44, 2003/01/21
  Added -just_medium option to not link to full size images
* Improved theme error output

Version 2.43, 2003/01/15
* Files are properly quoted and fix_urls now covers everything it should
  (Thanks Vaclav Dvorak,
* .mov files now work
  Directory name in captions.txt can just be "."
  (Thanks bernhard.nebel gmx de)
  Added javascript to preload prev/next images (Thanks tbjorkman charter net)

Version 2.42, 2003/01/08
* Fixed some bugs, added jhead feature for getting jpeg size
  (Thanks Carl Schott, cschott charter net)

Version 2.41, 2003/01/08
  Added -caption_edit and caption_edit.cgi script
  (Thanks Bennemann Christoph TB, BennemannC swe-gmbh de)

Version 2.40, 2002/10/29
  No more "Broken Pipe" messages (Thanks Quentin Dunchue: que qnr biz)
  Added theme_url option for specifying absolute path to themes

Version 2.39, 2002/09/21
  Switched to ffmpeg for movie frame extractor
  (Thanks Vaclav Dvorak,

Version 2.38, 2002/09/12
* Proper handling for images with negative co-ordinates [Jim Dinan]

Version 2.37, 2002/08/17
  New charset option for non-themed output
* Doesn't try to clean /path/names of captions (oops)

Version 2.36, 2002/06/18
  Changed Back() in themes to be quoted like other theme functions
! You will need to update your theme to upgrade to v2.36 !

Version 2.35, 2002/05/08
  Win98/Win2k should be working
  (Thanks Michael Mayer, Michael.Mayer enerflex com,
          & Don Roebuck, don1two hotmail com,
          & Christof Brandauer, cbrand poseidon newmedia at,
          & Watson, watson_dd yahoo com,
          & countless others...)

Version 2.34, 2002/04/11
  All sorts of new Windows code
  (Thanks Magnus von Koeller,
  Fix for unknown images in album
  Handle umlauts, etc.. in filenames
  Added -name_sort to ignore order in caption file

Version 2.33, 2002/03/29
  Added -reverse_sort option
  (Thanks jay johnston, j shambolic com)

Version 2.32, 2002/03/18
  Removed ePerl dependency, *massive* 300% speedups!

Version 2.31, 2002/02/08
  Can sort dir/images by date (-date_sort)
  Can limit printed name length (-name_length)
  Improved Windows functionality - works on most Windows variants!
  alt tags now default to name

Version 2.30, 2002/02/06
* Oops!  Regeneration of album with medium images was screwing up!
  (Thanks Ryan Mack, rmack mackman net)

Version 2.29, 2002/01/23
* Fixed loss of .no_album feature

Version 2.28, 2002/01/22
  New option: -medium_type

Version 2.27, 2002/01/17
  Properly orders files listed without captions in captions.txt
  (Thanks Robert-Jan Oosterloo, robertjan frettenflat nl)

Version 2.26, 2002/01/14
  Works easier for Windows folks

Version 2.25, 2001/12/27
  Directories can now rename themselves in their own captions txt

Version 2.24, 2001/12/12
  New option -CROP (top|bottom|left|right)
  (Thanks Shane Bouslough, Shane.Bouslough eurekaggn com)

Version 2.23, 2001/11/29
  Nifty progress 'thermometer' printed during thumbnail generation
  (Thanks DKL,

Version 2.22, 2001/11/27
  (Security improvement) Theme path saved in HTML is no longer absolute
  (Thanks DKL,,
          & Kyushima Masahiro, kyushima_masahiro hosp pref okinawa jp)

Version 2.21, 2001/11/06
  Switched default thumbnail to jpg because it looks better and because
  convert -> gif format is buggy.
  You will probably need to run -clean once to get rid of all the .gif thumbnails.
* Improved sizing of mpg files
  Fixed small date bug in non-theme index files

Version 2.20, 2001/10/22
  Added -depth feature to limit descending of directories.
  Added .not_img as well as .no_album tags
  Added --med_scale_opts and --ful_scale_opts
* Name of image page for non-themes now uses captions
  Fixed -known_images problem that was missing images
  (Thanks Salim Idriss, sfi aiki mc duke edu)

Version 2.19, 2001/10/04
  Improved ability to find relative theme path anywhere inside web root
  (Thanks Caleb Storms, CalebStorms com)

Version 2.18, 2001/09/25
  Non-tab separator for caption files is now a double colon
  Added mpg support (Thanks Peter Chow, PeterChow com)
  Ignores CVS,SCCS,RCS directories
  (Thanks Dylan R. E. Moonfire, dmoonfire yahoo com)

Version 2.17, 2001/09/04
  Sorts images/directories according to the order in the captions file
  (Thanks Nancy Mazur, Nancy.Mazur cs kuleuven ac be
          & Gabriel Burca, gburca yahoo com)

Version 2.16, 2001/08/07
  If -index specifies the default index, then it will use it in the URLs
  Default captions file changed from Captions to captions.txt
  Captions file can be split with colons if no tabs are found in the file.
  Added docs, created .tar.gz download
  Added --full_scale_opts and --med_scale_opts
* Fixed image name in Maste theme
* Fixed Column Film Maste dkl frames simple simple2 to work with -medium

Version 2.15, 2001/07/18
* Added quoting to -medium, so spaces and whatnot will work

Version 2.14, 2001/07/13
* -medium now works for themes
  (Thanks Dr. Hendrik G. Seliger, Hendrik.Seliger gmx net,
          & Joseph E. Mainusch, Joseph.Mainusch osa com)

Version 2.13, 2001/07/10
  (Somewhat) improved output for non-theme -nocrop option
  Completely update Captions file parsing

Version 2.12, 2001/07/04
  Can now generate medium size images for web viewing as well as keeping
  the fullsize raw images.
  (Thanks Stephan Skrodzki, skrodzki stevelap convergence de,
          & Aron Atkins, aron sidehack sat gweep net,
          & Guido Schade, schade pixelpark com,
          & countless others)
  Happy Fourth of July!

Version 2.11, 2001/06/25
  Only generates image pages when necessary, big speedup!
  (*First* run of new album will take full time, though)
  Cleaned up index page writing code, only starts writing page when all
  images are generated (to reduce chance of viewers getting a blank page)
* Fixed "double-theme" writing bug (when more than one theme was specified)
* Changed URL: "/to/some/dir"  to:  "/to/some/dir/"   (notice '/')

Version ?.??, ????/??/??
  Somewhere in here I released Windows support, though I forgot to log it.
  (Thanks many, including Torben Jensen tdj dds nl)

Version 2.10, 2001/05/23
* Fixed 'next' instead of 'return' that was causing perl5.6 to segfault :(

Version 2.09, 2001/05/22
* Fixed header/footer printing problem (depended on where album was run)
  (Thanks Andrew M. Bishop, amb gedanken demon co uk)
  If -nocrop is used, images aren't stretched inside thumbnail
* Fixed bug where META (previous) theme was ignored if no args supplied

Version 2.08, 2001/04/25
  Added -all and stopped descending .directories by default
  (Thanks Sujeetharan,
  Added --scale_opts ability to specify things like -profile and -quality
  (Thanks Dustin Travis, dustin acceleration net)

Version 2.07, 2001/04/17
  Maintains theme settings for next album generation
  Added -no_theme option to override above feature

Version 2.06, 2001/04/13
  Improved thumbnail generation (Thanks Alan Stein,
  Added -sample and -body

Version 2.05, 2001/03/23
  Added isHeader, pHeader, isFooter, pFooter to theme support, updated themes
  (Thanks Ed Lawson, elawson lawson-philpot com)

Version 2.04, 2001/03/18
  Added -top option (though not in usage)
  Added Back() and Index() to theme support functions

Version 2.03, 2001/03/09
* Workaround perlbug that screwed up image size in image pages

Version 2.02, 2001/03/05
  Added parsing of CROP directives in filenames

Version 2.01, 2001/03/05
* Fixed alt= tags so they don't convert spaces
  (Thanks Ed Maste, e2maste engmail uwaterloo ca)

Version 2.00, 2001/02/25
  IMAGE PAGE creation
  known_images now completely ignores non-images
  Ignore zero-length files
  Usage now shows defaults
  (Thanks DKL,

Version 1.16, 2001/02/11
  Ignore .htaccess files
  (Thanks Veli-Pekka Lehtosaari, vplehto ww iki fi)

Version 1.15, 2001/02/07
* Fixed typo in meta tags (missing '>')
  (Thanks Erik O'Shaughnessy, eriko schwa central sun com)

Version 1.14, 2001/02/05
  Added -known_images
  (Thanks DKL,

Version 1.13, 2001/01/30
* Fixed quotes in filenames (all filename characters should be okay now)
  (Thanks DKL,

Version 1.12, 2001/01/23
  Added fix_urls option (should probably improve this)
* Fixed handling of files with shell characters (spaces, brackets..)
  (Thanks Stefan Recksiegel, stefan post kek jp)

Version 1.11, 2001/01/22
  Added ability to ignore directories/files
  identify option no longer needed, now automated
* nosizes option applies to non-images as well
* Fixed: -clean was improperly comparing files with regex in them

Version 1.10, 2001/01/08
  Integrated thumb into album
  Added many options, cleaned up option handling and usage
  New Meta-Generator string for recognizing which HTML is safe to overwrite
  Now can regenerate sub-trees of an album without losing album path info
  Added -clean to remove unused images from thumbnail directories
  Ignores files that end in ~ for emacs folks
  Captions support for people who don't want to rename all their files
  Fixed spacing between img tag and image name
  Output now XHTML conformant
  (Thanks Leigh L. Klotz, Jr, klotz graflex org)
  Added -sizes/-nosizes options

Version 1.01
* links to previous albums were broken
  Started revisioning, created CHANGELOG 

Version 1.00
  Public release
These pages were, of course, generated by a perl script with this source