Wikipedia:Articles for creation/2007-01-09
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This term apeared in late 1980. and was used to define new stream in polish music, wich had been raising in Gdansk and Bydgoszcz. The name's author was Tymon Tymański, double-bass and guitar player from Gdansk, who wanted to stress a novelty of new style, which he and surounding him artist proposed. Sources[edit]Above was a part of article about yass from polish wikipedia ( in translation of mine. 00:12, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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Pirate Jokes are jokes which play on the typical grunt of a stereotypical pirate--"Arr!" where any king of "ar" sound in a feasible answer to the question is replaced by a much more stressed and accented "Arr!". The classic example being: Q: Why are pirates pirates? A: Because they Arrrr! This type of joke is popular, particularly among students as it is easy to improvise new variants. Sources[edit] 00:21, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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Sources[edit]Listed for sale here:
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Listed on page 289 of this master list of furniture companies: 00:30, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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Patton Design, Inc. is an industrial design, engineering, software and hardware, and prototyping consultancy based out of Orange County, California. The firm was founded in 1983 by California State University at Long Beach alum Doug Patton. Patton Design began with the idea of fusing design and engineering together for the seamless integration of product development. Some notable projects include the first Mac Classic computer by Apple, the Stylewriter by Apple, and the Mitsubishi Pen Remote which is in a permanent collection at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Patton Design was also featured on ABC's American Inventor and represented the million dollar winner with the "Anecia Survival Capsule", the second place winner with "The WordAce", as well as the third place winner with "The Catch Elite". Patton Design is a patron member of the Industrial Designers Society of America and has won seventeen Industrial Design Excellence Awards. Sources[edit]
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Sources[edit] 01:16, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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Spofford Pond School is located in Boxford, MA. The School principle is Kevin Soragon. It's 31 Spofford Pond Rd. The shcool is a one story heigh school. It's very famous libary teacher is Mrs.Patch. The school has good education and good phisycal education. The sixth grade goes to project adventure each year. They also do many social studies reports and fun math and lots of experinces in science. Spofford Pond also has a fairly well band. The 6th grade concert band does many concerts even one at the state house. The 6th grade jazz band has an awesome drummer named John. Mrs. Monty the 5th and 6th grade band director. One lunch tickedt is worth $2.00. It serves hot lunch that always changes, a bagel, pizza or alternate. If you buy lunch you get milk or juice, apples, oranges, salad, and sometimes popcicles. The school has a playground, basketball nets, baseball fields, and soccer fields. There is usually 20 kids per class. 3rd,4th,5th graders usually have only one teacher but the sixth graders have two or more. The shcool grades go form 3rd to 6th grade
Sources[edit] 01:34, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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Gaia Industries, Inc. a videogame design and development studio. The studio is focused on bringing captivating new concepts to the interactive media industry. Designers emphasize rich characters and game-play for mobile and Xbox 360 Live Arcade platforms. Past Mobile titles include Super Puzzle Pack, Word Heaven, Sex & The City. Their first console game, Street Trace NYC, is to be published by Microsoft on Xbox 360 Live Arcade. The game will be released in February of 2007. Gaia Industries is amongst the first studios to develop console games in New York City.
Sources[edit]Grace812 02:29, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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Sources[edit] 04:49, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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Nicole Salem is the traffic anchor for Detroti radio station WKRK,besides keeping listeners informed and safe,Nicole is also part of two radio shows, Demenski and Doyle weekday afternoons 3-7pm, and Hamtramack House Party Saturday afternoon noon-3pm Nicole also does Lions Post-Gams shows and commercial voice overs as well
Sources[edit]WKRK FM Detroit
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Seoul Guarantee Insurance Company (Hangul:서울보증보험; is the leading surety and credit insurance company headquartered in Seoul, South Korea with a new income of 673.3 million USD. Originally established in 1969 as Korea Fidelity & Surety Company, the company merged with Hankuk Fidelity & Surety Company in 1998 to form the SGIC. The company is currently wholly owned by Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (KDIC), a Korean government corporation. The company is among the world's top 10 guarantee insurance companies with a current risk exposure greater than US$101 billion. SGIC recently received a credit rating of “A”from Fitch and "BBB ”from S&P and plays a dominant role in Korea's guarantee insurance market. External links[edit]
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قريتي الهويشلي. . في الذاكرة حتى الابد
واعرفك بها هي قرية بسيطة تقع على نهر الفرات ابعد قرية في محافظة المثنى واول قرية عند دخولك محافظة ذي قار. امتازت بالزراعة وتربية الحيوانات وصيد الاسماك. وعانت كشقيقاتها من قرى العراق في ظل النظام السابق. تبددت احلام الفلاحين فيها بسبب انقطاع الكهرباء من جهة ومن جهة اخرى لايحق للفلاح بعد معاناة سنة كاملة ان يتصرف بمحصوله بل يجب عليه ان يخول امره للمسؤول الزراعي وينطبق على الفلاح المثل الذي يقول حنطته تاكل شعيرة رغم انه يعرف تدابيره جيدا ولكن لاحول ولاقوه له ويبلغ عدد فلاحي قريتي هم خمسه وخمسونفلاح ورغم ما مرو به من ظروف صعبه جدا الا انهم بقوا متماسكين ورغم قسوة الظروف السابقه التي لاتخفي على احد الا انهم فضلو ان يسيرو بخط انما المومنون اخوة فهم يجتمعون دائما للتعاون ومن مبدء اليد الواحده لاتصفق عندما يخرجون لتشغيل وادامة الماكنة (الماطور) فيعطون مصطلح لهذا التجمع يسمونه حشر) ( اى بمعنى تجمع الكل ويبلغ احدهم الاخر بهذا التجمع ويجب علىاي احد منهم ان لا يتخلف. وليس الفلاحين فيها عانوا بل كذلك صيادي الاسماك بعد ان جف الفرات ومربي الحيوانات شاركوا ماساة اخوانهم لعدم توفر الاعلاف اللازمة. وكانت هذه القرية بجميع اصحاب المهن فيها الا انهم يتمسكون بتعاونوهم على البر والتقوى. ورغم اني تركتها لسنوات طويلة الا ان تلك التقاليد الجميلة التي . يمارسها اهل هذه القرية بقيت تعيش معي وتجري في عروقي طوال هذه السنين ففي الايام العادية يكون برنامجهم بالاتقاء الساعة السابعة صباحا كل يوم في المضيف. والمضيف له مكانة خاصه في قلوبنا ليس لشكله وطوله وتاريخه فحسب بل لما يتمتع به من قدسيه خاصة في نفوسنا ومن ابرز من وضع اساسه هوالشيخ نايف ال عاجل ابرز شيوخ بني حجيم العراقيه المعروفه بمواقفها الوطنيه ومقاومتها الاحتلال البريطاني. وبعد ان يشربوا القهوة تبدء الاحاديث في كل مجالات الحياة واغلب هذه الاحاديث تكون من الارشيف اي يتكلمون فقط عن ايام الخير وقصص كلها تهدف الى الحكمة والموعظة والادب والشعر والكرم وغيرها من الصفات الحميدة. اما قبل سقوط النظام فكانوا يستطيعون ان يتهجموا ويتكلموا على النظام بشرط ان لا يوجد بينهم غريب لايعرفونه. اما اذا كانوا من اهل الهويشلي فابواب الديمقراطيه مفتوحه وتستطيع ان تدلي برايك بحرية تامة. هذا في الصباح اما عند المساء يتغير المكان فقط. وهذه المرة يكون شرب القهوة عند سيد موسى ويتناول الحديث كافة المستجدات اما في شهر محرم فقد اعتدنا على سماع المحاضرات الدينية ويحكي لي والدي ان اهل القرية يذهبون الى النجف ليختاروا خطيب ياتي لهذه القرية ويبقي خلال محرم يقرء ويلتزم بالعقد المتفق عليه حيث اول محاضرة صباحا في المضيف وثاني محاضرة في المساء امامحاضرة الليل هي المهمة لانها فيها وجبة عشاء لكل افراد القرية ويوميا يكون الشيخ عند احد بيوت القرية. وقد انفرد الشيخ عبد الكاظم بهذا المنصب طوال ثلاثين سنة وهو ياتي كل سنة والغريب في الامر ان محاظراته طوال هذه السنين استطيع ان اقول هي نفس المحاضرة تعاد على مسامعنا صباحا ومساء وفي الليل وبكلمات بسيطة واسلوب واضح. ومن الطبيعي ان طوال هذه الفترة يعيد نفس المعلومات فقد حفظتها على ظهر القلب ومن ابرز ما كان يقوله اعمل (لدنياك وكانك تعيش ابدا، واعمل لاخرتك وكانك تموت غداوكل ابن انثى وان طالت سلامته لابد يوما على الة الحدباء محمول) اما مجال القصص فهي قصة واحدة ساختصرها. ان نبي اللة موسىعليه السلام عندما قدم ملك الموت قال له: هل جئت زائرا ام قابضا ؟ فقال له قابضا فبكى نبي اللة موسى فقال له لماذا ياموسى تبكي. فقال له لا ابكي من الموت بل لي بنات من يتكفل معيشتهن فقال له اضرب بعصاك البحر فخرجت من بطن البحر صخرة وبداخلها دودة وفي فمها قطعة خضراء تاكل منها. فقال له يا موسى ان اللة بعث رزق لهذه الدودة وهي في بطن البحر وبداخل صخرة. فكيف تخافعلى عيالك واللة الرازق. هكذا كان يروي لنا الشيخ عبد الكاظم باسلوبه البسيط فهي قصة جميلة وذات دلالة عندما تسمعها اول مرة او ثاني مرة ولكن صدقوني ان الشيخ عبدالكاظم اصر طوال ثلاثين عاما على هذه القصة حتى راح بعض الشباب من القرية عندما كانوا اطفال يسمعونها واليوم هم شباب ويؤتون باطفالهم للمجالسيسمعونها ايظا فبدء الملل عند الاباء والابناء على حد سواء. وبعضهم راح يلعنتلك الدودة لانه لايتجرء لنقد الشيخ. ولحدكتابة هذا الموضوع الشيخ موجود والقصة موجودة واطال اللة في عمره. وكما اسلفت سابقا ان كل يوم محجوز مسبقالاستضافة المجلس والليلة التاسعة ذات طعم خاص لانها تكون عند الحاج لفته وهذه الليلة خاصة وتختلف عن بعض الليالي لسبب بسيط لان الحاج لفته صاحب اغنام وكلما قدم محرم يزيد عدد الذبائح واحدة اي عندما كنت في العراق لاخر محرم ذبح خمسة عشر ذبيحة وفي العام التالي يزيد واحدة فيصبح العدد ستة عشر! ولاادري كم وصل العدد الان. ورحمك اللة يا حاتم الطائي لان العرب تكلموا عن كرمك لانك ذبحت تلك الفرس في ظروف اعتيادية جدا اما الحاج لفته فهو يقيم الليلةالتاسعة بهذا الكرم لاحياء ذكرى واقعة الطف في ظروف صعبة جدا فيجب عليه ان يدفع الضريبة وتذهب احدى الذبائح الى الفرقةالحزبية في خلسات الليل ولعله يستثاب الحاج رغم انفه! وهذه الذبيحة قد تكون فيها تقية لاقامة المجلس والا سيتهم باقامة التجمعات وهي ممنوعة. من المهم ان تعرفوا ان هذا الحاج عندما يريد ان يزور الامام الحسين عليه السلام مجرد ان يقف على الشارع العام يصعد في سيارة تنوي الذهاب الى كربلاء مباشرة اي من بيت اهله ولا ادري هل هي صدفة ولكن هذه الحادثة حصلت عدة مرات والحاج حي يرزق وهذا الخبر موثوق لانه ليس من احد القنوات الفضائية. الدراسة تتوسط قريتي مدرسة الرشاد الابتدائية فتحت عام ورغم ماتعرض له بلدنا من احداث اكلت الاخضر واليابس وتمزقت كل السجلات 1957 وحتى التي تحفظ في الكمبيوتر احترقت وضاعت الا ان السجل الرئيسي محفوظ وصورة وصورة والدي موجودة في بداية السجل والفضل 1957 ودرجات كل طالب موجودة من عام لهذا الانجاز مدير المدرسة الاستاد عواد عريبي ابن القرية درست في هذه المدرسة وبعد ان تخرجت من معهد المعلمين تعينت في نفس المدرسة وعملت مع الاستاذ عواد كزميل له هذه المرة وليس كتلميذ وبعد ان غادرت العراق كبقية الملاين الاربع الذين غادروا بقيت على اتصال مع الاستاذ عواد لانه استاذ واخ وصديق وابن هذه القرية. واعد العدة لدخول ابنتي الوحيدة مريم للدخول لتلك المدرسة ولا اخاف عليها لان الاستاد عواد سيدرسها مثلما درس ابيها. وهذا واقع قريتنا الذي تعيشه وبعيدا عن الرومانسية. الوضع الصحي ننتقل من الجانب التربوي ونذهب الى جانب اخر مهم وهو الجانب الصحي كان الحاج حنون رحمه الله هو طبيب هذه القرية يمارس الطب المعروف بطب العرب وكثير من الجلسات التي يعقدها لمرضاه حضرت معه بل احضرت عدد من المرضى له ناهيك اني احد مراجعيه عندما كان عمري سنة واحدة فالحاج يقوم بفحص المريض بطريقة بسيطة جدا حيث يقوم بشم يد الطفل فيعرف ما هو مرضه واي نوع من العلاج يحتاج وعندما تظهر الابتسامة على وجه الحاج يعني هذا عرف نوع المرض عند الطفل وبعيدا عن ضوضاء المختبر ات والاشعة التي دائما تخلف مضاعفات لايحمد عقباها اما العلاج لايوجد به مضادحيوي ولا اقراص قد تسبب الحساسية التي نحن في غنى عنها بفضل ما تعرضت له بيئتنا. بل يقوم باخراج قطعة قماش يلفها ثم يحرق طرفها وهناك اماكن في الراس معدة لهذا الغرض ودائما . قطعة القماش موجودة في جيب الحجي وهذا الجيب تستطيع ان تقول صيدلية متنقلةعزيزي القارئ بالتاكيد انت الان متلهف لتعرف تكاليف الفحص والمختبر والعلاج واجاوبك باختصار كل هذه المراحل تكون مجانا واوقات الدوام مفتوحة. واهل القرية تقديرا له اتفقوا عندما يطيب المريض فيجب ان يبعثوا للحاج ديك او دجاجة ولكن بعد ان يكتسب المريض درجة الشفاء التام على عكس المستشفيات الاهلية عندما يموت المريض تحت ايديهم يريدون بخشيش ايضا وحتى لاانسى عندما ياتي طبيب او صيدلاني بابنه يعرضه على الحاج ليراه فاهل القرية يشعرون بالفخر لهذا الانجازالذي يحققونه ببركة يد الحاج والانجاز يعتبرونه اكبر من ما حققته ناسا الفضائية بل ما توصل اليه علم الاستنساخ! في الذاكرة بعد ان عشت في اجواء قرية الهويشلي اعتقد انك تعطيني الحق لماذا اكتب هذا الموضوع ولماذا اخواننا المصريون يكتبون عن حارة باب الشعرية والزقازيق وغيرها ومع كل هذا الفخر بهذه القرية الا اني لسوء حظي تركتها ونويت اشد الرحال الى مستقبل مجهول وبعد ان كنت لااجرء ان افارق قريتي لكن هذه المرة تجرات وتركت العراق فقصدت بعض الدول العربية المجاورة لم يعطوني فرصة للعمل لكوني عراقي. وتجرات اكثر فقصدت اوربا وتنقلت بين اسماء دول كبيرة كنت اراها فقط على خارطة الجغرافية ولم اتصور اني اصعد على متن طائرة روسية تدخل في مطبات هوائية تجعلها تهتز وتذكرني بالطريق الترابيالوعر عندما كنت اذهب الى ناحية بصية الحدودية ولم اتصور في يوم من الايام ان قدماي ينزلن في مطار احد جمهوريات الاتحاد السوفيتي السابق لاجد درجة تحت الصفر واستطعت ان اصرف الدولار بالروبل وتكلمت معهم بلغة 15 الحرارة حتى انا لا اعرفها المهم بدات التنقل من مكان الى اخر وانا جالس اطرش بالزفة فكل رئيس مافيا يستلمنا ويبيعنا على اخر وكما يقول المثل البدوي لذة الدنيا اعلومها فالحمد لله تجولت في سلوفاكيا واوكرانيا والجيك والمانياوالدنماركولكن شاء القدر ان تكون نهاية المطاف بالقطب الشمالي من كوكب الارض اي في السويد وبذلك طبقت المثل مئة بالمئة. والحق يقال ان السويديين ذو انسانية وصدق واخلاص وتعاون يصعب شرحه وفروا لي كل الاحتياجات الازمة الا اكلتي المفضلة لم اجدها في اسواقهم الراقية وهي عبارة عن نوع من الاسماك يترك للشمس فترة طويلة جدا وبعد ان يجف يصبح اسمه (مغلي) او يسميه البعض مسموطة مما اضطر لتوصية اصدقائى وعندما حمل صديقي القادم من العراق في حقيبته الاكلة المفظلةواذا يفاجئ في مطار كوبنهاكن وقد احاطته الكلاب البوليسية من كل جانب وبعدالتفتيش الدقيق وجدو المغلي وليس كوكائين. ولان اجهل الجهال من يعثر بحجر مرتين فسافر رفيق دربي وصديقي داخل للعراق ونحن نتحدث يوميا على الاكلة المرتقبة فاوصيته ان يضع المغلي امام انظار المفتشين خوفامن اي تهمه او ارهاب. ونرجع للسويد وبعد ان امضيت ما يقارب السنتين وانا ادرس وطوال هذه المدة اطلعت على عدد من القوانين والتقاليد والاعياد وغيرها ولكن ماشدني جملةكتبتها معلمتي على السبورة باللغة السويدية orta bra men hemma bäst وهذه الجملة معناها ان الغربة جيدة ولكن الوطن افضل سارعت لانقل هذه الجملة في دفتري الخاص وبدات اتطلع للعودة لحبيبتي قرية الهويشلي وخاصة هذه الايام تابع اخبارها عن طريق الانترنيت فاصبح صديقي جميل يراسلني ويبشرني باستلامه منصب جديد بعد ان امضى ثلاثة ارباع حياته هاربا من الخدمة العسكرية وشائت الدنيا ان تحول الهروب جزء من نضال واخي الذي يتصل كل ثلاثة ايام على تليفون الثريا عرفت فيما بعد ان كل الاتصالات مجانا من احد الجنود الهولنديين ويبقى السؤال الذي لم اجد له اجابه هل ما قدمت عليه صحيح؟ احيانا اتذكر الحديث الشريف الخلق كلهم عيال اللة واحبهم اليه انفعهم لعياله وتستحق عائلتي ما قدمته وان كان بسيطا واحيانا اقول لم استفد من محاضرة الشيخ عبد الكاظم طوال ثلاثين عاما التي اكد فيها ان اللة بعث لتلك الدودة رزقها وهي في بطن البحر وداخل صخرة Sources[edit]عمران موسى الياسري ـ السويد alyaseriamran@hotmail. Com 05:03, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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Auto component out sourcing Activity from India TATA Auto Comp Systems Ltd.Pune India(020-66085471)
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Sources[edit] 05:03, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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Sources[edit] 06:07, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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Phantaman is a Japanese and Korean superhero from the 60s who starred in his own comic and cartoon, as well as a live-action movie starring Sonny Chiba. He came from the stars in a flying saucer and with the power of his magical, colorful bats, he seeks to rid the world of the evil mastermind Doctor Zero. Phantaman also had other names, including 黄金バット or Golden Bat. He looks like a skeleton, and has a black and red cape, and a wand. He destroys Zero's henchmen with his laughter. A new, unlicensed video game for the Nintendo Entertainment System is currently in the works based on this character. The theme song in Portugeuse is reminiscent of the old Spiderman cartoon theme. He has nothing to do with the Fanta soft drink, but he looks a little bit like Skeletor from He-Man. Sources[edit] |
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Expedition to Mt Margherita Through the Democratic Republic of Congo
2. On 15th December 06, we started off from BENI to MUTSORA, a three hour journey. We reached MUTSORA by 1530 hrs and met the officials at the ICCN office. We discussed the various modalities of the expedition. The chief guide Mr Mbaka who speaks english told us that the entire expedition would take 6 days. We completed the formalities (details i will give u later). We also hired the high quality equipment present at the ICCN office like walking sticks, snow goggles, snow gloves,etc. 3.The climb began on 16th at 0900hrs. The porters we hired took our heavy stuff whereas we carried our immediate change of clothes in a smaller rucksack. 4. At approximately 1130hrs we reached Kondilire camp and further moved ahead to the first base camp at Kalonge (2138Mtrs). We reached kalonge at 1430 hrs. It was a strenous climb through typical dense african jungles. There was too much of dense blogs and undergrowth. the going was muddy. Our jungle boots and clothes were all drenched due to the mud and the numerous small streams enroute. We refilled all our water bottles from the clean water flowing in the streams. The halt at Kalonge was in a small hut built by the Belgians from 1938 to 1947. The huts are still in very good condition. There is ample firewood available for cooking and drying your clothes at this camp. 5. We started our hike further uphill from Kalonge base camp to Mahangu Base camp at 0745hrs on 17 December 06. It was an exhaustive climb with steep slopes with a gradient of 45 to 70 degrees at an average. After crossing a big stream at a short distance from Kalonge there were no more streams. However because of the rain the route was very muddy and damp. Moreover the slopes were very slippery and wet.After walking for about 2 hours, we passed through a Bamboo plantation which was very pleasant. Then started the phase of roots. It was more like tree climbing rather than mountain climbing with decaying roots from trees intertwined all over the place. This stretch extended to more than 3 hours. The going was uncomfortable with rains and showers drenching our clothes and equipment. Enroute we rested at a small temple made out of grass which the porters adorn with their cultural music and dance. We proceeded further ahead and reached Mahangu Base Camp (3310 Mtrs) at 1400hrs. Firewood was available at this place too helping us to cook our food and dry our clothes. 6. The next day 18 Dec 06, we moved to the final base camp Moraine at 0700hrs. After about 2 hours of walk in a stretch of decaying roots, the route eased up. There was a lot of undergrowth however the slopes were rocky and steep. We reached Kiondo Base Camp (4200Mts)at 1120hrs and had a quick lunch here.There was a scarcity of firewood at this place. We again began our progress ahead at 1150hrs and reached the final bade camp Moraine (4500Mtrs) at 1430 hrs. Enroute from Kiondo to Moraine, are steep rocky cliffs. These cliffs we crossed over using 03 cable bridges. The ropes are very well fastened and it is really worth the experience. After crossing over, we witnessed three beautiful lakes - The Black Lake, Green Lake and Grey Lake. These lakes are in a very pictursque location and its a sight worth cherishing. After absorbing the beauty, we moved further ahead through the rocky surface to Moraine(4500Mts)and reached. The chief guide showed us the route to the final peak. The visibility was very poor and we could hardly see the snow capped peaks. The porters left us at Moraine and returned back to Kiondo. This is largely due to porters not owning snow equipment, lack of warm clothing and being untrained in ice craft. The temperature at Moraine is between 1 to 2 degrees and there is no firewood. We prepared the food using the stove and kerosene we had carried. 7. The next morning,19 Dec 06, we commenced our final summit at 0530hrs. The initial climb was through rocky terrain for the first 1 hour. This was followed by climbing through snow. After navigating through the snow terrain for 4 and a half hours through poor visibility conditions, we finally spotted a rope way. Following the general direction and negotiating through the rocky slopes being roped up, we finally reached the peak at 1040hrs. The route through the snow was taxing. Effective use of the crampons and iceaxe and walking sticks was done enroute. We reached back Moraine Base Camp after our successful summit at 1430hrs and rested for the entire day. 8. The next day ;ie;20 Dec 06 ,we started descending at 0900hrs due to heavy snowfall through out the night and early morning and reached Kalonge Base Camp at 1600hrs. Our final descent to Mutsora commenced on 21 Dec 06 at 0730hrs and we finally returned back at 1100hrs. The entire route downhill was very taxing on the knees alongwith the after effects of lack of acclamatisation. However being in good physical condition helped us overcome the same. 9. Approximate Costing for the Expedition*: $50 per person - Park Entry Fee Charges. $5 per person per night - Accomodation Charges for the huts enroute. $3 per porter per day - Porter ration charges. $5 per porter per day - Porter Fees. $10 per porter - Porter Risk Allowance Charges for crossing cable bridge. Equipment Hire Charges * - These charges are subject to change as per the existing policy of ICCN. Kindly confirm the same. 10. The entire summit was a great experience with dense tropical african jungles, decaying roots, dense undergrowth and blogs, steep slopes, rock face and rock climbing and soft and hard snow capped peaks. It is physically and mentally taxing. I am not a professional mountaineer myself but professionals who have summitted the peak also opine that the expedition is not an easy one. 11. I would like to thank my senior officers of IndBatt-1/IV (MONUC) for their encouragement, IndBatt-2/V (MONUC) for their assisatnce, the Porters for their indomitable spirit and my team -viz- Capt Sandesh Kadam, Lt Aashish Ashta,Nk Rajendar Bhatia and Ptr Jeevan for their unflinching support. (rmv personal e-mail address) Capt Arun Iyer - IndBatt-1/IV (MONUC) Sources[edit]Information on Ruwenzori Peaks in Wikipedia - 13k - 21k 11:26, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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Kevin Prior is a rugby union player currently playing for Chelmsford RFU. His previous clubs include Thurrock RFU. Since the age of thirteen he has been selected to play represntative rugby for his county, Essex. Kevin is also well known throughout Chelmsford for working as a Doorsupervisor for many years.
Sources[edit] 13:51, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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(remove copyrighted text) Sources[edit] 14:25, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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Sources[edit] Sheila Moss 14:37, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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DJ Luke was first known for releasing music in January 2007. He has made many remixes of songs by other famous Djs such as DJ Cammy. His music can be found on Limewire, and will be realeased on other websites shortly Sources[edit] 14:46, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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---| The City Of Joy.) is a new website about barisal its all about barisal city upazilas & other its a nice site & its first website about barisal
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The concept of proportional limit should not be confused with the elastic limit, which is the maximum stress a material can undergo at which all strains are recoverable. Ordinarily, the elastic limit is greater than the proportional limit; however, for many materials (such as steel), the two are close enough to be identical for all practical purposes. Sources[edit] 15:17, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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Sources[edit] 16:13, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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Rato Bangala School is a private co-educational school in Lalitpur, Nepal. It is an institution with a creative curriculum, up-to-date teaching methods, good facilities, and teachers who are trained and confident. It is a co-educational day school which believes in child-centered education. The curriculum is developmentally appropriate and focuses on hands-on activities catering to all learners. The School believes in working closely with the parents and the community in order to make learning meaningful and to foster overall growth and development of children. Rato Bangala students perform excellent in the University of Cambridge's Advanced Level examination as shown by the recent Nepal and World toppers in Advanced Levels coming for Rato Bangala. Moreover, Rato Bangala graduates go to very good academic institutions in Nepal and abroad. The list of colleges that their graduates go to( as of 2004, their fourth batch) is Amherst College (USA), Assumption College (Bangkok), Bates College (USA), Carleton College (USA), Center College (USA), Colby University (USA), Wooster College (USA), Clark University (USA), Columbia University (USA), Dickinson College (USA) Georgetown University (USA), Gettysburg University (USA), Grinnell College (USA), Hamilton College (USA), Harvard University (USA), Hobart and William Smith (USA), Ithaca (USA), IUB (West Germany), Kathmandu University (Nepal), Knox College (USA), Lake Forest (USA), Luther College (USA), Medical Colleges in Pakistan and Bangladesh, Middlebury College (USA), Monash University (Australia), Mt. Holyoke College (USA), National University of Singapore, Pomona College (USA), Randolph Macon Women’s College (USA), Salem College (USA), Sarah Lawrence College (USA), St Lawrence (USA), Smith College (USA), Stanford University (USA), St. Stephen’s College (Delhi), Swarthmore College (USA), Trinity College (USA), University of Canterbury (New Zealand), University of Sussex (United Kingdom), Vassar College (USA), Wabash College (USA ), Wadia College (India), Webster College (Thailand), Williams College (USA) and Yale University (USA).
Sources[edit] 17:33, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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The Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve in Peru is based on an alluvial plane at the head of the River Amazon, just downstream of the Ucayali and Maranon rivers, the two main confluences of the Amazon. It is a protected wilderness area spanning over 2,000 km², and home to some of the greatest diversity of animals and plants anywhere on earth. There are 449 species of tropcial birds present in the reserve, and at least 256 known species of fish. The Pacaya-Samiria is also home to mammals such as pink and grey river dolphins, giant river otters, manatees and many different primates. The type of forest in the reserve is varzea (flooded), so during the wet season much of the reserve is underwater. It is the largest protected flooded forest in the world, and accessible only by boat. The main reserve is also only open to scientifically-recognised research programmes. Its conservation and management are key priorities.
Sources[edit] 19:08, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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Lev Natochenny is an artist who defies simple classification. Described as a "real genius in his creativity" by European critics and a "rare master of his instrument" by New York critics, he combines innovation and intelligence, technical brilliance and attention to details of the musical text, and above all emerges with an astonishingly independent musical personality. Influenced by the greatest artists as Sviatoslav Richter and David Oistrakh, Lev Natochenny received his formal education from the famed Moscow Conservatory in the class of eminent professors Lev Oborin and Boris Zemliansky. Having been recognized early for his unusually mature and inspired interpretations and mastery of the instrument Mr. Natochenny became the Assistant to Prof. Lev Oborin at an unheard of age of 19. He went on to receive his Diploma with Honors from the same Conservatory, where he continued to develop his taste for uncommonly independent style recognized by critics and audiences alike. Subsequent honors, including Gold Medal “with particular distinction” in a scandal-marred 1981 F. Busoni International Piano Competition, First Prize in Young Artists International Piano Competition and Gina Bachauer Award, led to concert appearances in major halls throughout Europe and the United States with major American orchestras and most recently with Russian National Orchestra as both pianist and conductor. During these concert tours Lev Natochenny developed a particular affinity for chamber music with its special refinement and delicate intimacy. Performances with other world-class artists including cellist Mischa Maisky, clarinettist Stanley Drucker, violist Toby Hoffman, pianist Vladimir Feltsman, bassist Rustem Gabdullin, Penderecki, Cuirlionis Quartets and collaborations with major orchestras such as New York Philharmonic, Baltimore and Indianapolis Symphonies followed. In addition to concertizing, Mr. Natochenny maintains a rigorous teaching schedule, with his students ranging from exceptionally talented youngsters to accomplished young professionals, most of them winners of national and international competitions. Prof. Natochenny’s class is a rare, if not the only piano class where current students have contracts with 3 major recording labels: EMI Classics, SONY/BMG Classical and Deutsche Grammophon. Deeply scholarly, with a keen and comprehensive mind, Professor Natochenny has gained recognition for his spontaneous and personal approach to music and for his absolute dedication to his students, which has led to appointments to piano faculties of Manhattan School of Music, The Mannes College of Music, professorial position at City University of New York and a position of Distinguished Professor of Piano at the Hochschule für Musik (Music Academy) in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in addition to master classes in the U.S., Canada and in Europe, including such Eastern European countries as Yugoslavia, Lithuania, Hungary and adjudications in national and major international competitions such as “Busoni”/Bolzano, “Sydney”, “Cincinnati”, “Ennio Porrino”/Cagliari, “Yerevan” and others. In 1990 Lev Natochenny created a unique music forum for the most creative artists of all generations - Meranofest International Music Festival and Academy for Superior Piano Performance Studies - where the highest level of music making and preparation of young talent go hand in hand. After only two seasons Meranofest was already recognized as an important festival and listed in Milan's "Guide to 100 most important festivals" with over 200 rave reviews of its concerts and master classes. For the "Edizione Meranofest" Lev Natochenny has recorded an unusual combination of Schubert Piano Sonata and Brahms Piano Quintet, a compact disc, critical acclaim of which led to a second disc for "Marquis Classics" with baritone Kevin McMillan. This disc received a JUNO Nomination for the best classical disc of 1994. The next CD for “Marquis Classic” was released in 1996 with music of Schnittke and Schostakovich. In addition to these recordings Lev Natochenny has previously recorded for "Nuova Era" and "Newport Classic" labels. RAI, Italian TV made a portrait of Lev Natochenny in 2004 and HR, German TV made a portrait of the artist in 2005. He can also be heard on WQXR, WNYC and RAI, Italian Radio and Television Network.|
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The sensational Silver Medal Winner of the 2003 Leeds International Pianoforte Competition Evgenia Rubinova has been hailed as an artist of “enormous power and imagination”. Critics rave. “Rubinova is larger than life” states The Washington Post. Andrew Clements of The Guardian: “Rubinova had the audience on the edge of the seat! Stephen Pollard of The Independent: “Rubinova has spark engendered by real personality and musical imagination ...a performance which took off and left everything else behind!" While Howard Williamson of the ‘Yorkshire Post' and Arthur Pizzaro (BBC) put it simply: "An amazing artist! Rubinova is beyond competition prizes!" After her debut with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic at Royal Albert Hall Glynom Hughes of the ‘Daily Post’ wrote: “It was Evgenia Rubinova’s quite incredible performance of Tchaikovsky’s First Piano Concerto which made the evening..” This universal recognition by critics and public alike brought Ms. Rubinova an EMI Classics contract. Her EMI Debut CD will be released worldwide in May 2006. In recent seasons Ms. Rubinova appeared as orchestral soloist with Royal Liverpool Philharmonic at the sold out Royal Albert Hall, London (and is reengaged in Liverpool for 2005), with London Philharmonic Orchestra at the sold out Royal Festival Hall, Hallé Opera Orchestra, Germany, Opera North Orchestra, Hallé Orchestra under Mark Elder and Kees Bakels and the Wiener Kammerorchester under Philippe Entremont.Ms. Rubinova’s current seasons include recitals in Germany at Ludwigsburg Schlossfestspiele, Rheingau Musik Festival, Mosel Festwochen and Weilburger Schlosskonzerte. In the United States she performed in New York City, West Palm Beach Kravis Center, Chicago with national broadcast and Washington D.C. Her concerts are broadcast on the following radio and TV networks: RAI, Italy , BBC 3, BBC 4, Classic FM London, NDR, Hannover and HR, Frankfurt. In 2006/07 Ms. Rubinova also makes her orchestral debut at Alte Oper Frankfurt with Museumsorchester under the baton of Maestro Paolo Carigniani. The highlights of Ms Rubinova's previous concert seasons included performances at Birmingham Symphony Hall for BBC with national broadcast, of Rachmaninoff’s Third Piano Concerto, Mozart’s Piano Concerto K.271 and Beethoven’s Third Piano Concerto under B. Mettke in Germany. She gave her solo recital debut at the esteemed “Bocconi University” concert series in Milan, Italy and was invited back to perform Tchaikovsky’s First Concerto under Mark Elder with the Hallé Orchestra in Bradford, England. Ms. Rubinova was heard in both recital and orchestral performance with Ensemble Orchestral de Paris at the Lille Piano Festival in France. Born in Tashkent into a family of professional musicians Evgenia was the winner of the International Piano Competition in Russia at the age of 12. Several years later she received a “Diploma and Special Prize” at the International Chopin Competition for Young Talents in Moscow and graduated with honors from both Gnessin Music School and Academy, partaking in master classes with prominent musicians such as V. Krainev and A. Lubimov. She also concertized with various symphony orchestras, in addition to playing solo recitals in major concert halls in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk, Novosibirsk and Tashkent. Evgenia Rubinova moved to Frankfurt/Main where in 1999 she was accepted into the masters class of renowned Prof. Lev Natochenny, formerly student of legendary Lev Oborin, where she continues to hone her artistic skills today. In 2002 Ms. Rubinova began to establish herself in the West winning the DAAD competition in Germany and several competitions in Italy including the “Citta di Cantù” International Piano Competition and the “Casagrande” International Piano Competition in Terni. She further won the “Meranofest Solo Recital Award” for three consecutive years (2000 - 2002). Sources[edit] 20:26, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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(remove copyrighted text) Sources[edit] 22:12, 9 January 2007 (UTC)[reply]
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