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Whiteknight521 is a chemistry student from Michigan, United States.

Likes: Quantum Electrodynamics, String Theory, Anything to do with Photons.

Dislikes: Big headed physicians, med students who dont know their job description.

since This user dislikes the use of since to mean because.
This user thinks that too many people have no idea how to use words that they should have learned in grade two.
Latin Plurals: "Data is are..." This user uses "data", "media", "memoranda", "criteria", and "agenda" as the plurals of "datum", "medium", "memorandum", "criterion", and "agendum".
cpp-2This user is an intermediate C programmer.
Java-2This user is an intermediate Java programmer.
This user is an advanced mathematician.
This user has a keen interest in learning about Chemistry.
This user is interested in
Molecular Biology.
This user is interested in
DNA and genetics.