Updated Python script for NLP-based link assessment (more false positives, no false negatives)
[edit]#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import MWETokenizer, RegexpTokenizer
import pywikibot
from datetime import datetime
import sys
import os
import re #
# FYI: The loop in this script generates a lot of output and lists every bluelinked-pagename (if not a redirect) and bluelinked-redirect target
# on a specified set of pages. This is not actually relevant to the purpose of this script; it merely shows the progress.
# The desired output is saved to a text file titled "mistargetedLinks.txt" in the same directory where you run the .py file containing this script.
# Set path to script location and print the working directory where the text files will be created
path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
print("Current working directory: ", os.getcwd(), "\n")
# Create empty list and dictionary to append unrelated page links to
# Page and word lists
site = pywikibot.Site('en', 'wikipedia')
listOfPages= ["List of human protein-coding genes 1",
"List of human protein-coding genes 2",
"List of human protein-coding genes 3",
"List of human protein-coding genes 4"]
testWords=["gene", "genes", "protein", "proteins", "infobox_gene"]
redirectTestPhrases=["gene", "genes", "protein", "proteins", "enzyme", "enzymes", "(gene)", "(enzyme)", "(protein)"]
# Custom multi-word-expression tokenizers:
('(', 'gene', ')'),
('(', 'enzyme', ')'),
('(', 'protein', ')')], separator="")
# Defining functions below
def pause():
return input("Press Enter to continue ...")
# Function to run 3 tokenizers in series on a block of text
def sequentialTokenizer(inputText):
# Word-tokenize the input text, then concatenate all predefined unspaced groups of word defined in the tokenizer above
tokenizedText = concatenationTokenizer.tokenize(nltk.word_tokenize(inputText))
return tokenizedText
# Function to cut the page content below the lead. Returns the tokenized lead only.
def leadSection(pagename):
splitPage=re.split(r"==", text, maxsplit=1, flags=0)
return splitPage[0]
# This function determines whether the strings in the testWords list are present on the page where a list's wikilink takes you.
# If no strings in testWords are found on the page, the page is marked as mistargeted in the text files.
# If any strings in testWords are found on the page, it then looks for {{redirect|1=|2=|3=}} templates on the page.
# If that template is found, it determines whether the strings in redirectTestPhrases are inputs for the 2nd/3rd template parameters.
# If any strings in redirectTestPhrases are found in the 2 parameter inputs, the page is marked as mistargeted in the text files.
def genePageTest(pagename, redirect, processLeads):
# Get page or lead section text
if processLeads==True:
# Word-tokenize the page text
# This analyzes the relevance of the word-tokenized page text by checking if gene(s) or protein(s) are included in the list of word strings from the page
for word in testWords:
if word in wordList:
i =1
# This code block looks for and analyzes words in redirect templates list on the page
if i>0:
templateList = pagename.templatesWithParams()
if len(templateList)>0:
for entry in templateList:'redir', str.lower(entry[0].title()))'RDR', str(entry[0].title()))'for', str.lower(entry[0].title()))'about', str.lower(entry[0].title()))'(distinguish|confus)', str.lower(entry[0].title()))
print(str(entry[0].title()), end='\t')
if redirMatch or RDRmatch or forMatch or aboutMatch or distinguishMatch:
print("Redirect template found.\t")
# Append parameter inputs of the redirect template to a list
for k in range(len(entry[1])):
# Print the list
print("redirectStrings:", redirectStrings)
for phrase in redirectTestPhrases:
if phrase in redirectStrings:
j =1
# Write to gene file on this line. Cut the print function that follows. Rm else that follows.
print("Found ", '\'', phrase, '\'', " in redirectStrings;", sep='', end=" ")
print("Phrase \'",phrase, "\' not found;", end=" ", sep='')
# Stop outer for loop in the event there's multiple redirect/for/about templates on the page in different sections
if j>0:
print("\n",pagename.title(), '\ti=' , i , '\tj=' , j, end="\n\n", sep='')
if j>0:
PageDict.update({str(pagename) : "Mistargeted"})
if redirect =="":
print(pagename, "; i=", i, ", j=", j, sep="", file=links)
print(pagename, file=retargetlinks)
elif redirect!="":
print(redirect, " → ", pagename, "; i=", i, ", j=", j, sep="", file=links)
print(redirect, file=retargetlinks)
elif j==0:
PageDict.update({str(pagename) : "Correct"})
# This is the important part of the script since it deals with mistargeted pages:
if i==0:
print("\n",pagename.title(), '\ti=' , i , '\tj=' , j, end="\n\n", sep='')
PageDict.update({str(pagename) : "Mistargeted"})
# This part writes "mistargetedLinks.txt"
if redirect =="":
print(pagename, "; i=", i, ", j=", j, sep="", file=links)
print(pagename, file=retargetlinks)
elif redirect!="":
print(redirect, " → ", pagename, "; i=", i, ", j=", j, sep="", file=links)
print(redirect, file=retargetlinks)
return PageDict, unrelatedPages
def processLinkedPages(pageList, processLeads):
for pages in pageList:
page = pywikibot.Page(site,pages)
linkGen=page.linkedPages(0, None, True)
for linkedpages in linkGen:
# This excludes redlinks from the page test function
if linkedpages.exists() == True:
print("Page title: ", linkedpages.title(), sep="")
if linkedpages.is_filepage() == False:
# This excludes redirect pages from the page test function and uses the redirect target instead
# The redirect-target pair is reported together by the page test function
if linkedpages.isRedirectPage() == True:
redirectFrom = linkedpages
print(linkedpages, " is a redirect to ", linkedpages.getRedirectTarget(), ";", sep="", end=" ")
print("redirectFrom=", redirectFrom, "; linkedpages=", linkedpages, sep="")
# This just does the same thing for links to pages that are not redirects.
elif linkedpages.isRedirectPage()== False:
print(linkedpages, "is not a redirect.")
redirectFrom = ""
# And finally, this calls the function that uses NLP to analyze the links and write the list of mistargeted ones to a file
print("Number of unrelated pages:", len(unrelatedPages))
print("List of unrelated pages:")
for entry in unrelatedPages:
print("Time to execute script",,"\n")
print("See the mistargetedLinks.txt file for mistargeted gene symbol links targets and, if applicable, their corresponding redirects.")
return unrelatedPages, PageDict
def printSortedDict(dict):
for entry in sorted(dict.keys()):
print("\t\'" entry "\' : \'" dict[entry] "\',")
def main(processLeads=False):
unrelatedPages, PageDict = processLinkedPages(listOfPages,processLeads)
return unrelatedPages, PageDict
# Calling the functions defined above
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Open text files
links=open('mistargetedLinks.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
retargetlinks=open('retargetLinks.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
# Run functions
unrelatedPages, PageDict = main(processLeads=True)
# printSortedDict(PageDict)
# Close text files
Original Python script for NLP-based link assessment (false positives limited to enzyme pages)
[edit]#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import nltk
import pywikibot
from datetime import datetime
import sys
import os
# FYI: The loop in this script generates a lot of output and lists every bluelinked-pagename (if not a redirect) and bluelinked-redirect target
# on a specified set of pages. This is not actually relevant to the purpose of this script; it merely shows the progress.
# The desired output is saved to a text file titled "mistargetedLinks.txt" in the same directory where you run the .py file containing this script.
# Setting the directory to the script file location
path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
print("Current working directory: ", os.getcwd(), "\n")
site = pywikibot.Site('en', 'wikipedia')
# Create empty list and dictionary to append unrelated page links to
# Enter one or more pages on which you want to assess the the correctness/relevance of the links on each page.
listOfPages=["List of human protein-coding genes 1", "List of human protein-coding genes 2","List of human protein-coding genes 3","List of human protein-coding genes 4"]
# Open text file
links=open('mistargetedLinks.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
retargetlinks=open('retargetLinks.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8')
# Defining functions below
def genePageTest(pagename, redirect):
# Get page text
# Word-tokenize the page text
# This analyzes the relevance of the word-tokenized page text by checking if gene(s) or protein(s) are included in the list of word strings from the page
if ("protein" in wordList) or ("proteins" in wordList) or ("gene" in wordList) or ("genes" in wordList):
PageDict.update({pagename : "Correct"})
# This is the important part of the script since it deals with mistargeted pages:
PageDict.update({pagename : "Mistargeted"})
# This part writes "mistargetedLinks.txt"
if redirect =="":
print(pagename, sep="", file=links)
print(pagename, file=retargetlinks)
elif redirect!="":
print(redirect, ": ", pagename, sep="", file=links)
print(redirect, file=retargetlinks)
return PageDict, unrelatedPages
def main(pageList):
for pages in pageList:
page = pywikibot.Page(site,pages)
linkGen=page.linkedPages(0, None, True)
for linkedpages in linkGen:
# This excludes redlinks from the page test function
if linkedpages.exists() == True:
# This excludes redirect pages from the page test function and uses the redirect target instead
# The redirect-target pair is reported together by the page test function
if linkedpages.isRedirectPage() == True:
redirectFrom = linkedpages
print(linkedpages, " is a redirect to ", linkedpages.getRedirectTarget(), ";", sep="", end=" ")
print("redirectFrom=", redirectFrom, "; linkedpages=", linkedpages, sep="")
# This just does the same thing for links to pages that are not redirects.
elif linkedpages.isRedirectPage()== False:
print(linkedpages, "is not a redirect.")
redirectFrom = ""
# And finally, this calls the function that uses NLP to analyze the links and write the list of mistargeted ones to a file
print("Number of unrelated pages:", len(unrelatedPages))
print("List of unrelated pages:")
for entry in unrelatedPages:
print("Time to execute script",,"\n")
print("See the mistargetedLinks.txt file for mistargeted gene symbol links targets and, if applicable, their corresponding redirects.")
return unrelatedPages, PageDict
# Run the algorithm
Output from first run of the original script
[edit]- Resetting Python state.
- Running C:\Users\Joseph Mickel\source\repos\Human protein-coding genes\
- The interactive Python process has exited.
- Current working directory: C:\Users\Joseph Mickel\source\repos\Human protein-coding genes
- en:A1CF is not a redirect.
- en:A2ML1 is not a redirect.
- en:A4GALT is not a redirect.
- en:AAAS (gene) is a redirect to en:Aladin (protein); redirectFrom=en:AAAS (gene); linkedpages=en:Aladin (protein)
- en:AADAC is not a redirect.
- en:AADACL3 is not a redirect.
- en:AADACL4 is not a redirect.
- en:AADAT is not a redirect.
- en:AAGAB is not a redirect.
- en:AAK1 is not a redirect.
- en:AAMP is a redirect to en:African American Museum in Philadelphia; redirectFrom=en:AAMP; linkedpages=en:African American Museum in Philadelphia
- en:AANAT is a redirect to en:Aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:AANAT; linkedpages=en:Aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase
- en:AARD is a redirect to en:AARD code; redirectFrom=en:AARD; linkedpages=en:AARD code
- en:AARS2 is not a redirect.
- en:AASDHPPT is not a redirect.
- en:AASS (gene) is a redirect to en:Alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde synthase, mitochondrial; redirectFrom=en:AASS (gene); linkedpages=en:Alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde synthase, mitochondrial
- en:AATF (gene) is a redirect to en:Apoptosis-antagonizing transcription factor; redirectFrom=en:AATF (gene); linkedpages=en:Apoptosis-antagonizing transcription factor
- en:AATK is not a redirect.
- en:ABAT is not a redirect.
- en:ABCA1 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCA10 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCA12 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCA13 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCA2 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCA3 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCA4 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCA5 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCA7 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCA8 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCA9 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCB1 is a redirect to en:P-glycoprotein; redirectFrom=en:ABCB1; linkedpages=en:P-glycoprotein
- en:ABCB11 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCB4 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCB5 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCB6 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCB7 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCB8 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCB9 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCC1 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCC10 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCC11 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCC12 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCC2 is a redirect to en:Multidrug resistance-associated protein 2; redirectFrom=en:ABCC2; linkedpages=en:Multidrug resistance-associated protein 2
- en:ABCC3 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCC4 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCC5 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCC6 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCC8 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCC9 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCD1 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCD2 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCD3 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCD4 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCE1 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCF1 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCF2 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCG1 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCG2 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCG4 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCG5 is not a redirect.
- en:ABCG8 is not a redirect.
- en:ABHD11 is not a redirect.
- en:ABHD12 is not a redirect.
- en:ABHD18 is not a redirect.
- en:ABHD2 is not a redirect.
- en:ABHD3 is not a redirect.
- en:ABHD5 is not a redirect.
- en:ABHD6 is not a redirect.
- en:ABI1 is not a redirect.
- en:ABI2 is not a redirect.
- en:ABI3 is a redirect to en:ABI gene family member 3; redirectFrom=en:ABI3; linkedpages=en:ABI gene family member 3
- en:ABI3BP is not a redirect.
- en:ABL1 is a redirect to en:ABL (gene); redirectFrom=en:ABL1; linkedpages=en:ABL (gene)
- en:ABL2 is not a redirect.
- en:ABLIM1 is not a redirect.
- en:ABLIM3 is not a redirect.
- en:ABO is a redirect to en:ABO blood group system; redirectFrom=en:ABO; linkedpages=en:ABO blood group system
- en:ABRA (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:ABTB1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACAA1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACAA2 is not a redirect.
- en:ACACA is not a redirect.
- en:ACACB is not a redirect.
- en:ACAD10 is not a redirect.
- en:ACAD8 is not a redirect.
- en:ACAD9 is not a redirect.
- en:ACADL is not a redirect.
- en:ACADM is not a redirect.
- en:ACADS is not a redirect.
- en:ACADSB is not a redirect.
- en:ACADVL is not a redirect.
- en:ACAN (gene) is a redirect to en:Aggrecan; redirectFrom=en:ACAN (gene); linkedpages=en:Aggrecan
- en:ACAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACAT2 is not a redirect.
- en:ACBD3 is not a redirect.
- en:ACD (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:ACE2 is a redirect to en:Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2; redirectFrom=en:ACE2; linkedpages=en:Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2
- en:ACER1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACER2 is not a redirect.
- en:ACER3 is not a redirect.
- en:ACE (gene) is a redirect to en:Angiotensin-converting enzyme; redirectFrom=en:ACE (gene); linkedpages=en:Angiotensin-converting enzyme
- en:ACHE is a redirect to en:Acetylcholinesterase; redirectFrom=en:ACHE; linkedpages=en:Acetylcholinesterase
- en:ACIN1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACKR3 is not a redirect.
- en:ACLY is a redirect to en:ATP citrate lyase; redirectFrom=en:ACLY; linkedpages=en:ATP citrate lyase
- en:ACO1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACO2 is not a redirect.
- en:ACOT1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACOT11 is not a redirect.
- en:ACOT12 is not a redirect.
- en:ACOT13 is not a redirect.
- en:ACOT2 is not a redirect.
- en:ACOT4 is not a redirect.
- en:ACOT6 is not a redirect.
- en:ACOT7 is not a redirect.
- en:ACOT8 is not a redirect.
- en:ACOT9 is a redirect to en:Acyl-CoA thioesterase 9; redirectFrom=en:ACOT9; linkedpages=en:Acyl-CoA thioesterase 9
- en:ACOX1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACOX3 is not a redirect.
- en:ACP1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACP2 is not a redirect.
- en:ACP3 is a redirect to en:Prostatic acid phosphatase; redirectFrom=en:ACP3; linkedpages=en:Prostatic acid phosphatase
- en:ACP5 is a redirect to en:Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase; redirectFrom=en:ACP5; linkedpages=en:Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase
- en:ACP6 is a redirect to en:Lysophosphatidic acid phosphatase type 6; redirectFrom=en:ACP6; linkedpages=en:Lysophosphatidic acid phosphatase type 6
- en:ACRV1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACR (gene) is a redirect to en:Acrosin; redirectFrom=en:ACR (gene); linkedpages=en:Acrosin
- en:ACSBG1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACSBG2 is not a redirect.
- en:ACSF3 is not a redirect.
- en:ACSL1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACSL3 is not a redirect.
- en:ACSL4 is not a redirect.
- en:ACSL5 is not a redirect.
- en:ACSL6 is not a redirect.
- en:ACSM2B is not a redirect.
- en:ACSM3 is not a redirect.
- en:ACSS2 is not a redirect.
- en:ACSS3 is not a redirect.
- en:ACTA1 is a redirect to en:Actin, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:ACTA1; linkedpages=en:Actin, alpha 1
- en:ACTA2 is not a redirect.
- en:ACTB is a redirect to en:Beta-actin; redirectFrom=en:ACTB; linkedpages=en:Beta-actin
- en:ACTC1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACTG1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACTG2 is not a redirect.
- en:ACTL6A is not a redirect.
- en:ACTL6B is not a redirect.
- en:ACTL7A is not a redirect.
- en:ACTL8 is not a redirect.
- en:ACTN1 is a redirect to en:Actinin alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:ACTN1; linkedpages=en:Actinin alpha 1
- en:ACTN2 is a redirect to en:Actinin alpha 2; redirectFrom=en:ACTN2; linkedpages=en:Actinin alpha 2
- en:ACTN3 is a redirect to en:Actinin alpha 3; redirectFrom=en:ACTN3; linkedpages=en:Actinin alpha 3
- en:ACTN4 is a redirect to en:Actinin alpha 4; redirectFrom=en:ACTN4; linkedpages=en:Actinin alpha 4
- en:ACTR1A is not a redirect.
- en:ACTR1B is not a redirect.
- en:ACTR2 is not a redirect.
- en:ACTR3 is not a redirect.
- en:ACTR3B is not a redirect.
- en:ACVR1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACVR1B is not a redirect.
- en:ACVR1C is not a redirect.
- en:ACVR2A is not a redirect.
- en:ACVR2B is not a redirect.
- en:ACVRL1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACY1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACYP1 is not a redirect.
- en:ACYP2 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAM10 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAM11 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAM12 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAM15 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAM17 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAM18 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAM19 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAM2 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAM20 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAM22 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAM23 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAM28 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAM33 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAM7 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAM8 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAM9 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAMDEC1 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAMTS1 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAMTS10 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAMTS12 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAMTS13 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAMTS17 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAMTS2 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAMTS3 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAMTS4 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAMTS5 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAMTS6 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAMTS7 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAMTS8 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAMTS9 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAMTSL1 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAMTSL4 is not a redirect.
- en:ADAR is not a redirect.
- en:ADARB1 is not a redirect.
- en:ADARB2 is not a redirect.
- en:ADA (gene) is a redirect to en:Adenosine deaminase; redirectFrom=en:ADA (gene); linkedpages=en:Adenosine deaminase
- en:ADCY1 is not a redirect.
- en:ADCY10 is not a redirect.
- en:ADCY2 is not a redirect.
- en:ADCY3 is not a redirect.
- en:ADCY4 is not a redirect.
- en:ADCY5 is not a redirect.
- en:ADCY6 is not a redirect.
- en:ADCY7 is not a redirect.
- en:ADCY8 is not a redirect.
- en:ADCY9 is not a redirect.
- en:ADCYAP1 is a redirect to en:Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide; redirectFrom=en:ADCYAP1; linkedpages=en:Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide
- en:ADCYAP1R1 is not a redirect.
- en:ADD1 is not a redirect.
- en:ADD2 is not a redirect.
- en:ADD3 is not a redirect.
- en:ADGRG7 is a redirect to en:GPR128; redirectFrom=en:ADGRG7; linkedpages=en:GPR128
- en:ADH1A is not a redirect.
- en:ADH1B is not a redirect.
- en:ADH1C is not a redirect.
- en:ADH4 is not a redirect.
- en:ADH5 is not a redirect.
- en:ADH6 is not a redirect.
- en:ADH7 is not a redirect.
- en:ADHFE1 is a redirect to en:Alcohol dehydrogenase, iron containing 1; redirectFrom=en:ADHFE1; linkedpages=en:Alcohol dehydrogenase, iron containing 1
- en:ADI1 is not a redirect.
- en:ADIPOQ is a redirect to en:Adiponectin; redirectFrom=en:ADIPOQ; linkedpages=en:Adiponectin
- en:ADIPOR1 is a redirect to en:Adiponectin receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:ADIPOR1; linkedpages=en:Adiponectin receptor 1
- en:ADIPOR2 is a redirect to en:Adiponectin receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:ADIPOR2; linkedpages=en:Adiponectin receptor 2
- en:ADK (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:ADM2 is not a redirect.
- en:ADM (gene) is a redirect to en:Adrenomedullin; redirectFrom=en:ADM (gene); linkedpages=en:Adrenomedullin
- en:ADNP (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:ADORA1 is a redirect to en:Adenosine A1 receptor; redirectFrom=en:ADORA1; linkedpages=en:Adenosine A1 receptor
- en:ADORA2A is a redirect to en:Adenosine A2A receptor; redirectFrom=en:ADORA2A; linkedpages=en:Adenosine A2A receptor
- en:ADORA2B is a redirect to en:Adenosine A2B receptor; redirectFrom=en:ADORA2B; linkedpages=en:Adenosine A2B receptor
- en:ADORA3 is a redirect to en:Adenosine A3 receptor; redirectFrom=en:ADORA3; linkedpages=en:Adenosine A3 receptor
- en:ADPRHL1 is not a redirect.
- en:ADRA1A is a redirect to en:Alpha-1A adrenergic receptor; redirectFrom=en:ADRA1A; linkedpages=en:Alpha-1A adrenergic receptor
- en:ADRA1B is a redirect to en:Alpha-1B adrenergic receptor; redirectFrom=en:ADRA1B; linkedpages=en:Alpha-1B adrenergic receptor
- en:ADRA1D is a redirect to en:Alpha-1D adrenergic receptor; redirectFrom=en:ADRA1D; linkedpages=en:Alpha-1D adrenergic receptor
- en:ADRA2A is a redirect to en:Alpha-2A adrenergic receptor; redirectFrom=en:ADRA2A; linkedpages=en:Alpha-2A adrenergic receptor
- en:ADRA2B is a redirect to en:Alpha-2B adrenergic receptor; redirectFrom=en:ADRA2B; linkedpages=en:Alpha-2B adrenergic receptor
- en:ADRA2C is a redirect to en:Alpha-2C adrenergic receptor; redirectFrom=en:ADRA2C; linkedpages=en:Alpha-2C adrenergic receptor
- en:ADRB1 is a redirect to en:Beta-1 adrenergic receptor; redirectFrom=en:ADRB1; linkedpages=en:Beta-1 adrenergic receptor
- en:ADRB2 is a redirect to en:Beta-2 adrenergic receptor; redirectFrom=en:ADRB2; linkedpages=en:Beta-2 adrenergic receptor
- en:ADRB3 is a redirect to en:Beta-3 adrenergic receptor; redirectFrom=en:ADRB3; linkedpages=en:Beta-3 adrenergic receptor
- en:ADRM1 is not a redirect.
- en:ADSL is a redirect to en:Asymmetric digital subscriber line; redirectFrom=en:ADSL; linkedpages=en:Asymmetric digital subscriber line
- en:AEBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:AFAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:AFF1 is not a redirect.
- en:AFF2 is not a redirect.
- en:AFF3 is not a redirect.
- en:AFG3L2 is not a redirect.
- en:AFM (gene) is a redirect to en:Afamin; redirectFrom=en:AFM (gene); linkedpages=en:Afamin
- en:AFP (gene) is a redirect to en:Alpha-fetoprotein; redirectFrom=en:AFP (gene); linkedpages=en:Alpha-fetoprotein
- en:AFTPH is not a redirect.
- en:AGA (gene) is a redirect to en:Aspartylglucosaminidase; redirectFrom=en:AGA (gene); linkedpages=en:Aspartylglucosaminidase
- en:AGBL4 is not a redirect.
- en:AGER is a redirect to en:RAGE (receptor); redirectFrom=en:AGER; linkedpages=en:RAGE (receptor)
- en:AGGF1 is not a redirect.
- en:AGK (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:AGL (gene) is a redirect to en:Glycogen debranching enzyme; redirectFrom=en:AGL (gene); linkedpages=en:Glycogen debranching enzyme
- en:AGMAT is a redirect to en:Agmatinase; redirectFrom=en:AGMAT; linkedpages=en:Agmatinase
- en:AGO1 is a redirect to en:Argonaute; redirectFrom=en:AGO1; linkedpages=en:Argonaute
- en:AGO2 is a redirect to en:Argonaute; redirectFrom=en:AGO2; linkedpages=en:Argonaute
- en:AGO3 is a redirect to en:Argonaute; redirectFrom=en:AGO3; linkedpages=en:Argonaute
- en:AGO4 is a redirect to en:Argonaute; redirectFrom=en:AGO4; linkedpages=en:Argonaute
- en:AGPAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:AGPAT2 is not a redirect.
- en:AGPAT3 is not a redirect.
- en:AGPAT5 is not a redirect.
- en:AGPS (gene) is a redirect to en:Alkylglycerone phosphate synthase; redirectFrom=en:AGPS (gene); linkedpages=en:Alkylglycerone phosphate synthase
- en:AGR2 is not a redirect.
- en:AGR3 is not a redirect.
- en:AGRP (gene) is a redirect to en:Agouti-related peptide; redirectFrom=en:AGRP (gene); linkedpages=en:Agouti-related peptide
- en:AGTR1 is a redirect to en:Angiotensin II receptor type 1; redirectFrom=en:AGTR1; linkedpages=en:Angiotensin II receptor type 1
- en:AGTR2 is a redirect to en:Angiotensin II receptor type 2; redirectFrom=en:AGTR2; linkedpages=en:Angiotensin II receptor type 2
- en:AGTRAP is not a redirect.
- en:AGT (gene) is a redirect to en:Angiotensin; redirectFrom=en:AGT (gene); linkedpages=en:Angiotensin
- en:AGXT is not a redirect.
- en:AGXT2 is not a redirect.
- en:AHCTF1 is not a redirect.
- en:AHCYL1 is not a redirect.
- en:AHDC1 is not a redirect.
- en:AHI1 is not a redirect.
- en:AHNAK is not a redirect.
- en:AHR is a redirect to en:Aryl hydrocarbon receptor; redirectFrom=en:AHR; linkedpages=en:Aryl hydrocarbon receptor
- en:AHSA1 is not a redirect.
- en:AHSG is a redirect to en:Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein; redirectFrom=en:AHSG; linkedpages=en:Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein
- en:AICDA is a redirect to en:Activation-induced cytidine deaminase; redirectFrom=en:AICDA; linkedpages=en:Activation-induced cytidine deaminase
- en:AIF1 is a redirect to en:Allograft inflammatory factor 1; redirectFrom=en:AIF1; linkedpages=en:Allograft inflammatory factor 1
- en:AIF1L is a redirect to en:Allograft inflammatory factor 1-like; redirectFrom=en:AIF1L; linkedpages=en:Allograft inflammatory factor 1-like
- en:AIFM1 is not a redirect.
- en:AIFM2 is not a redirect.
- en:AIFM3 is a redirect to en:Apoptosis inducing factor, mitochondria associated 3; redirectFrom=en:AIFM3; linkedpages=en:Apoptosis inducing factor, mitochondria associated 3
- en:AIG1 is not a redirect.
- en:AIM2 is not a redirect.
- en:AIPL1 is not a redirect.
- en:AIP (gene) is a redirect to en:AH receptor-interacting protein; redirectFrom=en:AIP (gene); linkedpages=en:AH receptor-interacting protein
- en:AIRE is a redirect to en:Autoimmune regulator; redirectFrom=en:AIRE; linkedpages=en:Autoimmune regulator
- en:AK1 (gene) is a redirect to en:Adenylate kinase 1; redirectFrom=en:AK1 (gene); linkedpages=en:Adenylate kinase 1
- en:AK2 is not a redirect.
- en:AK3 is not a redirect.
- en:AK4 is a redirect to en:AK-4; redirectFrom=en:AK4; linkedpages=en:AK-4
- en:AK5 is a redirect to en:Ak 5; redirectFrom=en:AK5; linkedpages=en:Ak 5
- en:AK9 is a redirect to en:AK-9; redirectFrom=en:AK9; linkedpages=en:AK-9
- en:AKAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:AKAP10 is not a redirect.
- en:AKAP11 is not a redirect.
- en:AKAP12 is not a redirect.
- en:AKAP13 is not a redirect.
- en:AKAP3 is not a redirect.
- en:AKAP4 is not a redirect.
- en:AKAP5 is not a redirect.
- en:AKAP6 is not a redirect.
- en:AKAP7 is not a redirect.
- en:AKAP8 is not a redirect.
- en:AKAP8L is not a redirect.
- en:AKAP9 is not a redirect.
- en:AKIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:AKIRIN2 is not a redirect.
- en:AKNA is not a redirect.
- en:AKR1A1 is a redirect to en:Aldo-keto reductase family 1, member A1; redirectFrom=en:AKR1A1; linkedpages=en:Aldo-keto reductase family 1, member A1
- en:AKR1B1 is not a redirect.
- en:AKR1B10 is not a redirect.
- en:AKR1C1 is not a redirect.
- en:AKR1C2 is not a redirect.
- en:AKR1C3 is not a redirect.
- en:AKR1C4 is a redirect to en:3α-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase; redirectFrom=en:AKR1C4; linkedpages=en:3α-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
- en:AKR1D1 is a redirect to en:5β-Reductase; redirectFrom=en:AKR1D1; linkedpages=en:5β-Reductase
- en:AKR7A2 is not a redirect.
- en:AKR7A3 is not a redirect.
- en:AKT1 is not a redirect.
- en:AKT1S1 is not a redirect.
- en:AKT2 is not a redirect.
- en:AKT3 is not a redirect.
- en:AKTIP is not a redirect.
- en:ALAD is a redirect to en:Delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase; redirectFrom=en:ALAD; linkedpages=en:Delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase
- en:ALAS1 is not a redirect.
- en:ALAS2 is not a redirect.
- en:ALB (gene) is a redirect to en:Serum albumin; redirectFrom=en:ALB (gene); linkedpages=en:Serum albumin
- en:ALCAM is not a redirect.
- en:ALDH16A1 is not a redirect.
- en:ALDH18A1 is a redirect to en:Aldehyde dehydrogenase 18 family, member A1; redirectFrom=en:ALDH18A1; linkedpages=en:Aldehyde dehydrogenase 18 family, member A1
- en:ALDH1A1 is not a redirect.
- en:ALDH1A2 is not a redirect.
- en:ALDH1A3 is not a redirect.
- en:ALDH1B1 is not a redirect.
- en:ALDH1L1 is not a redirect.
- en:ALDH1L2 is not a redirect.
- en:ALDH2 is not a redirect.
- en:ALDH3A1 is a redirect to en:Aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family, member A1; redirectFrom=en:ALDH3A1; linkedpages=en:Aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family, member A1
- en:ALDH3A2 is a redirect to en:Long-chain-aldehyde dehydrogenase; redirectFrom=en:ALDH3A2; linkedpages=en:Long-chain-aldehyde dehydrogenase
- en:ALDH3B1 is not a redirect.
- en:ALDH3B2 is not a redirect.
- en:ALDH4A1 is a redirect to en:Aldehyde dehydrogenase 4 family, member A1; redirectFrom=en:ALDH4A1; linkedpages=en:Aldehyde dehydrogenase 4 family, member A1
- en:ALDH5A1 is a redirect to en:Aldehyde dehydrogenase 5 family, member A1; redirectFrom=en:ALDH5A1; linkedpages=en:Aldehyde dehydrogenase 5 family, member A1
- en:ALDH6A1 is a redirect to en:Aldehyde dehydrogenase 6 family, member A1; redirectFrom=en:ALDH6A1; linkedpages=en:Aldehyde dehydrogenase 6 family, member A1
- en:ALDH7A1 is not a redirect.
- en:ALDH8A1 is not a redirect.
- en:ALDH9A1 is a redirect to en:Aldehyde dehydrogenase 9 family, member A1; redirectFrom=en:ALDH9A1; linkedpages=en:Aldehyde dehydrogenase 9 family, member A1
- en:ALDOA is a redirect to en:Aldolase A; redirectFrom=en:ALDOA; linkedpages=en:Aldolase A
- en:ALDOB is a redirect to en:Aldolase B; redirectFrom=en:ALDOB; linkedpages=en:Aldolase B
- en:ALDOC is a redirect to en:Aldolase C; redirectFrom=en:ALDOC; linkedpages=en:Aldolase C
- en:ALG1 is not a redirect.
- en:ALG10 is a redirect to en:ALG10 (enzyme class); redirectFrom=en:ALG10; linkedpages=en:ALG10 (enzyme class)
- en:ALG11 is not a redirect.
- en:ALG12 is not a redirect.
- en:ALG13 is not a redirect.
- en:ALG14 is not a redirect.
- en:ALG2 is not a redirect.
- en:ALG3 is not a redirect.
- en:ALG6 is not a redirect.
- en:ALG8 is not a redirect.
- en:ALG9 is not a redirect.
- en:ALKBH8 is a redirect to en:TRNA (carboxymethyluridine34-5-O)-methyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:ALKBH8; linkedpages=en:TRNA (carboxymethyluridine34-5-O)-methyltransferase
- en:ALK (gene) is a redirect to en:Anaplastic lymphoma kinase; redirectFrom=en:ALK (gene); linkedpages=en:Anaplastic lymphoma kinase
- en:ALLC is a redirect to en:European Association for Digital Humanities; redirectFrom=en:ALLC; linkedpages=en:European Association for Digital Humanities
- en:ALMS1 is not a redirect.
- en:ALOX12 is not a redirect.
- en:ALOX12B is not a redirect.
- en:ALOX15 is not a redirect.
- en:ALOX15B is not a redirect.
- en:ALOX5 is a redirect to en:Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase; redirectFrom=en:ALOX5; linkedpages=en:Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase
- en:ALOXE3 is not a redirect.
- en:ALPI is not a redirect.
- en:ALPK1 is not a redirect.
- en:ALPL is not a redirect.
- en:ALPP is a redirect to en:Placental alkaline phosphatase; redirectFrom=en:ALPP; linkedpages=en:Placental alkaline phosphatase
- en:ALS2 is not a redirect.
- en:ALX1 is not a redirect.
- en:ALX3 is not a redirect.
- en:ALX4 is not a redirect.
- en:ALYREF is not a redirect.
- en:AMACR is a redirect to en:Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase; redirectFrom=en:AMACR; linkedpages=en:Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase
- en:AMBN is a redirect to en:Ameloblastin; redirectFrom=en:AMBN; linkedpages=en:Ameloblastin
- en:AMBP is a redirect to en:Alpha-1-microglobulin/bikunin precursor; redirectFrom=en:AMBP; linkedpages=en:Alpha-1-microglobulin/bikunin precursor
- en:AMELX is not a redirect.
- en:AMELY is not a redirect.
- en:AMFR is not a redirect.
- en:AMHR2 is a redirect to en:Anti-Mullerian hormone receptor type 2; redirectFrom=en:AMHR2; linkedpages=en:Anti-Mullerian hormone receptor type 2
- en:AMMECR1 is not a redirect.
- en:AMN (gene) is a redirect to en:Amnionless; redirectFrom=en:AMN (gene); linkedpages=en:Amnionless
- en:AMOT is a redirect to en:Angiomotin; redirectFrom=en:AMOT; linkedpages=en:Angiomotin
- en:AMOTL1 is a redirect to en:Angiomotin-like protein 1; redirectFrom=en:AMOTL1; linkedpages=en:Angiomotin-like protein 1
- en:AMOTL2 is not a redirect.
- en:AMPD1 is a redirect to en:AMP deaminase; redirectFrom=en:AMPD1; linkedpages=en:AMP deaminase
- en:AMPD2 is a redirect to en:AMP deaminase 2; redirectFrom=en:AMPD2; linkedpages=en:AMP deaminase 2
- en:AMPD3 is not a redirect.
- en:AMPH is a redirect to en:Amphiphysin; redirectFrom=en:AMPH; linkedpages=en:Amphiphysin
- en:AMT (gene) is a redirect to en:Aminomethyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:AMT (gene); linkedpages=en:Aminomethyltransferase
- en:AMY1A is not a redirect.
- en:AMY1C is not a redirect.
- en:AMY2A is not a redirect.
- en:AMY2B is not a redirect.
- en:ANAPC1 is not a redirect.
- en:ANAPC10 is not a redirect.
- en:ANAPC11 is not a redirect.
- en:ANAPC2 is not a redirect.
- en:ANAPC4 is not a redirect.
- en:ANAPC5 is not a redirect.
- en:ANAPC7 is not a redirect.
- en:ANGPT1 is a redirect to en:Angiopoietin 1; redirectFrom=en:ANGPT1; linkedpages=en:Angiopoietin 1
- en:ANGPT2 is not a redirect.
- en:ANGPT4 is not a redirect.
- en:ANGPTL1 is a redirect to en:Angiopoietin-related protein 1; redirectFrom=en:ANGPTL1; linkedpages=en:Angiopoietin-related protein 1
- en:ANGPTL2 is a redirect to en:Angiopoietin-related protein 2; redirectFrom=en:ANGPTL2; linkedpages=en:Angiopoietin-related protein 2
- en:ANGPTL3 is not a redirect.
- en:ANGPTL4 is not a redirect.
- en:ANGPTL7 is a redirect to en:Angiopoietin-related protein 7; redirectFrom=en:ANGPTL7; linkedpages=en:Angiopoietin-related protein 7
- en:ANGPTL8 is not a redirect.
- en:ANG (gene) is a redirect to en:Angiogenin; redirectFrom=en:ANG (gene); linkedpages=en:Angiogenin
- en:ANK1 is not a redirect.
- en:ANK2 is not a redirect.
- en:ANK3 is not a redirect.
- en:ANKFY1 is not a redirect.
- en:ANKH is not a redirect.
- en:ANKHD1 is not a redirect.
- en:ANKK1 is not a redirect.
- en:ANKRD1 is not a redirect.
- en:ANKRD11 is a redirect to en:Ankyrin repeat domain 11; redirectFrom=en:ANKRD11; linkedpages=en:Ankyrin repeat domain 11
- en:ANKRD13C is not a redirect.
- en:ANKRD17 is not a redirect.
- en:ANKRD2 is not a redirect.
- en:ANKRD23 is not a redirect.
- en:ANKRD24 is not a redirect.
- en:ANKRD26 is not a redirect.
- en:ANKRD27 is not a redirect.
- en:ANKRD31 is not a redirect.
- en:ANKRD35 is not a redirect.
- en:ANKS1A is not a redirect.
- en:ANKS1B is not a redirect.
- en:ANKS4B is not a redirect.
- en:ANKZF1 is not a redirect.
- en:ANLN is not a redirect.
- en:ANO1 is not a redirect.
- en:ANO3 is not a redirect.
- en:ANO5 is not a redirect.
- en:ANOS1 is not a redirect.
- en:ANP32A is a redirect to en:Acidic leucine-rich nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member A; redirectFrom=en:ANP32A; linkedpages=en:Acidic leucine-rich nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member A
- en:ANP32B is not a redirect.
- en:ANP32D is not a redirect.
- en:ANP32E is not a redirect.
- en:ANPEP is a redirect to en:Alanine aminopeptidase; redirectFrom=en:ANPEP; linkedpages=en:Alanine aminopeptidase
- en:ANTXR1 is not a redirect.
- en:ANTXR2 is not a redirect.
- en:ANXA1 is a redirect to en:Annexin A1; redirectFrom=en:ANXA1; linkedpages=en:Annexin A1
- en:ANXA11 is a redirect to en:Annexin A11; redirectFrom=en:ANXA11; linkedpages=en:Annexin A11
- en:ANXA13 is a redirect to en:Annexin A13; redirectFrom=en:ANXA13; linkedpages=en:Annexin A13
- en:ANXA2 is a redirect to en:Annexin A2; redirectFrom=en:ANXA2; linkedpages=en:Annexin A2
- en:ANXA3 is a redirect to en:Annexin A3; redirectFrom=en:ANXA3; linkedpages=en:Annexin A3
- en:ANXA4 is a redirect to en:Annexin A4; redirectFrom=en:ANXA4; linkedpages=en:Annexin A4
- en:ANXA5 is a redirect to en:Annexin A5; redirectFrom=en:ANXA5; linkedpages=en:Annexin A5
- en:ANXA6 is a redirect to en:Annexin A6; redirectFrom=en:ANXA6; linkedpages=en:Annexin A6
- en:ANXA7 is a redirect to en:Annexin A7; redirectFrom=en:ANXA7; linkedpages=en:Annexin A7
- en:ANXA9 is a redirect to en:Annexin A9; redirectFrom=en:ANXA9; linkedpages=en:Annexin A9
- en:AOAH is not a redirect.
- en:AOC1 is a redirect to en:Diamine oxidase; redirectFrom=en:AOC1; linkedpages=en:Diamine oxidase
- en:AOC2 is not a redirect.
- en:AOC3 is not a redirect.
- en:AOX1 is a redirect to en:Aldehyde oxidase 1; redirectFrom=en:AOX1; linkedpages=en:Aldehyde oxidase 1
- en:AP1AR is not a redirect.
- en:AP1B1 is not a redirect.
- en:AP1G1 is not a redirect.
- en:AP1G2 is not a redirect.
- en:AP1M1 is not a redirect.
- en:AP1M2 is not a redirect.
- en:AP1S1 is not a redirect.
- en:AP1S2 is not a redirect.
- en:AP2A1 is a redirect to en:Adaptor-related protein complex 2, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:AP2A1; linkedpages=en:Adaptor-related protein complex 2, alpha 1
- en:AP2A2 is not a redirect.
- en:AP2B1 is not a redirect.
- en:AP2M1 is not a redirect.
- en:AP2S1 is not a redirect.
- en:AP3B1 is not a redirect.
- en:AP3B2 is not a redirect.
- en:AP3D1 is not a redirect.
- en:AP3M1 is not a redirect.
- en:AP3S1 is not a redirect.
- en:AP3S2 is not a redirect.
- en:AP4B1 is not a redirect.
- en:AP4E1 is not a redirect.
- en:AP4M1 is not a redirect.
- en:AP4S1 is not a redirect.
- en:APAF1 is not a redirect.
- en:APBA1 is not a redirect.
- en:APBA2 is not a redirect.
- en:APBA3 is not a redirect.
- en:APBB1 is not a redirect.
- en:APBB1IP is not a redirect.
- en:APBB2 is not a redirect.
- en:APBB3 is not a redirect.
- en:APC2 is a redirect to en:Adenomatous polyposis coli; redirectFrom=en:APC2; linkedpages=en:Adenomatous polyposis coli
- en:APCS (gene) is a redirect to en:Serum amyloid P component; redirectFrom=en:APCS (gene); linkedpages=en:Serum amyloid P component
- en:APC (gene) is a redirect to en:Adenomatous polyposis coli; redirectFrom=en:APC (gene); linkedpages=en:Adenomatous polyposis coli
- en:APEH is a redirect to en:AP European History; redirectFrom=en:APEH; linkedpages=en:AP European History
- en:APEX1 is not a redirect.
- en:API5 is not a redirect.
- en:APIP is not a redirect.
- en:APLP1 is not a redirect.
- en:APLP2 is not a redirect.
- en:APMAP is not a redirect.
- en:APOA1 is a redirect to en:Apolipoprotein A1; redirectFrom=en:APOA1; linkedpages=en:Apolipoprotein A1
- en:APOA2 is not a redirect.
- en:APOA4 is not a redirect.
- en:APOA5 is not a redirect.
- en:APOB is a redirect to en:Apolipoprotein B; redirectFrom=en:APOB; linkedpages=en:Apolipoprotein B
- en:APOBEC1 is not a redirect.
- en:APOBEC2 is not a redirect.
- en:APOBEC3A is not a redirect.
- en:APOBEC3B is not a redirect.
- en:APOBEC3C is not a redirect.
- en:APOBEC3D is not a redirect.
- en:APOBEC3F is not a redirect.
- en:APOBEC3G is not a redirect.
- en:APOBEC3H is not a redirect.
- en:APOBEC4 is not a redirect.
- en:APOC1 is a redirect to en:Apolipoprotein C1; redirectFrom=en:APOC1; linkedpages=en:Apolipoprotein C1
- en:APOC2 is a redirect to en:Apolipoprotein C2; redirectFrom=en:APOC2; linkedpages=en:Apolipoprotein C2
- en:APOC3 is a redirect to en:Apolipoprotein C3; redirectFrom=en:APOC3; linkedpages=en:Apolipoprotein C3
- en:APOD is a redirect to en:Astronomy Picture of the Day; redirectFrom=en:APOD; linkedpages=en:Astronomy Picture of the Day
- en:APOE (gene) is a redirect to en:Apolipoprotein E; redirectFrom=en:APOE (gene); linkedpages=en:Apolipoprotein E
- en:APOF is not a redirect.
- en:APOH is a redirect to en:Apolipoprotein H; redirectFrom=en:APOH; linkedpages=en:Apolipoprotein H
- en:APOL1 is a redirect to en:Apolipoprotein L1; redirectFrom=en:APOL1; linkedpages=en:Apolipoprotein L1
- en:APOL2 is not a redirect.
- en:APOL3 is not a redirect.
- en:APOL6 is not a redirect.
- en:APOLD1 is not a redirect.
- en:APOM is not a redirect.
- en:APPBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:APPL1 is not a redirect.
- en:APPL2 is not a redirect.
- en:APP (gene) is a redirect to en:Amyloid precursor protein; redirectFrom=en:APP (gene); linkedpages=en:Amyloid precursor protein
- en:APRT (gene) is a redirect to en:Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:APRT (gene); linkedpages=en:Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
- en:APTX is a redirect to en:Aprataxin; redirectFrom=en:APTX; linkedpages=en:Aprataxin
- en:AQP1 is a redirect to en:Aquaporin 1; redirectFrom=en:AQP1; linkedpages=en:Aquaporin 1
- en:AQP2 is a redirect to en:Aquaporin 2; redirectFrom=en:AQP2; linkedpages=en:Aquaporin 2
- en:AQP5 is not a redirect.
- en:AQP6 is not a redirect.
- en:AQP7 is not a redirect.
- en:AQP8 is not a redirect.
- en:AQP9 is not a redirect.
- en:ARAF is not a redirect.
- en:AREG is a redirect to en:Amphiregulin; redirectFrom=en:AREG; linkedpages=en:Amphiregulin
- en:ARF1 is not a redirect.
- en:ARF3 is not a redirect.
- en:ARF4 is not a redirect.
- en:ARF5 is not a redirect.
- en:ARF6 is not a redirect.
- en:ARFGAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:ARFGAP3 is not a redirect.
- en:ARFGEF1 is not a redirect.
- en:ARFGEF2 is not a redirect.
- en:ARFIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:ARFIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:ARFRP1 is not a redirect.
- en:ARG1 is a redirect to en:ARG1 (gene); redirectFrom=en:ARG1; linkedpages=en:ARG1 (gene)
- en:ARG2 is not a redirect.
- en:ARGLU1 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGAP18 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGAP19 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGAP24 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGAP25 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGAP26 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGAP27 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGAP29 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGAP31 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGAP4 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGAP44 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGAP5 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGAP8 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGAP9 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGDIA is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGDIB is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGDIG is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGEF1 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGEF10 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGEF11 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGEF12 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGEF2 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGEF3 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGEF35 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGEF4 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGEF5 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGEF6 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGEF7 is not a redirect.
- en:ARHGEF9 is not a redirect.
- en:ARID1A is not a redirect.
- en:ARID1B is not a redirect.
- en:ARID2 is not a redirect.
- en:ARID3A is not a redirect.
- en:ARID3B is not a redirect.
- en:ARID4A is not a redirect.
- en:ARID4B is not a redirect.
- en:ARID5B is not a redirect.
- en:ARIH1 is not a redirect.
- en:ARIH2 is not a redirect.
- en:ARL1 is not a redirect.
- en:ARL11 is not a redirect.
- en:ARL13A is not a redirect.
- en:ARL13B is not a redirect.
- en:ARL15 is not a redirect.
- en:ARL2 is not a redirect.
- en:ARL3 is not a redirect.
- en:ARL4A is not a redirect.
- en:ARL4D is not a redirect.
- en:ARL6 is not a redirect.
- en:ARL6IP1 is not a redirect.
- en:ARL6IP4 is not a redirect.
- en:ARL6IP5 is not a redirect.
- en:ARL8A is not a redirect.
- en:ARL8B is not a redirect.
- en:ARMC5 is not a redirect.
- en:ARMC6 is not a redirect.
- en:ARMC9 is not a redirect.
- en:ARMCX1 is not a redirect.
- en:ARMCX3 is not a redirect.
- en:ARMCX5 is not a redirect.
- en:ARMCX6 is not a redirect.
- en:ARMS2 is not a redirect.
- en:ARNT2 is not a redirect.
- en:ARNTL is not a redirect.
- en:ARNTL2 is not a redirect.
- en:ARNT (gene) is a redirect to en:Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator; redirectFrom=en:ARNT (gene); linkedpages=en:Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator
- en:ARPC1A is not a redirect.
- en:ARPC1B is not a redirect.
- en:ARPC2 is not a redirect.
- en:ARPC3 is not a redirect.
- en:ARPC4 is not a redirect.
- en:ARPC5 is not a redirect.
- en:ARR3 is not a redirect.
- en:ARRB1 is a redirect to en:Arrestin beta 1; redirectFrom=en:ARRB1; linkedpages=en:Arrestin beta 1
- en:ARRB2 is a redirect to en:Arrestin beta 2; redirectFrom=en:ARRB2; linkedpages=en:Arrestin beta 2
- en:ARSA (gene) is a redirect to en:Arylsulfatase A; redirectFrom=en:ARSA (gene); linkedpages=en:Arylsulfatase A
- en:ARSB is a redirect to en:Arylsulfatase B; redirectFrom=en:ARSB; linkedpages=en:Arylsulfatase B
- en:ARSF is a redirect to en:Natural Environment Research Council; redirectFrom=en:ARSF; linkedpages=en:Natural Environment Research Council
- en:ART3 is not a redirect.
- en:ART4 is not a redirect.
- en:ARTN is a redirect to en:Artemin; redirectFrom=en:ARTN; linkedpages=en:Artemin
- en:ARV1 is not a redirect.
- en:ARVCF is not a redirect.
- en:ARX (gene) is a redirect to en:Aristaless related homeobox; redirectFrom=en:ARX (gene); linkedpages=en:Aristaless related homeobox
- en:AR (gene) is a redirect to en:Androgen receptor; redirectFrom=en:AR (gene); linkedpages=en:Androgen receptor
- en:AS3MT is not a redirect.
- en:ASAH1 is not a redirect.
- en:ASAH2 is not a redirect.
- en:ASAH2B is not a redirect.
- en:ASB1 is not a redirect.
- en:ASB13 is not a redirect.
- en:ASB2 is not a redirect.
- en:ASB3 is not a redirect.
- en:ASB6 is not a redirect.
- en:ASCC2 is not a redirect.
- en:ASCC3 is not a redirect.
- en:ASCL1 is not a redirect.
- en:ASCL2 is not a redirect.
- en:ASF1A is not a redirect.
- en:ASF1B is not a redirect.
- en:ASGR1 is a redirect to en:Asialoglycoprotein receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:ASGR1; linkedpages=en:Asialoglycoprotein receptor 1
- en:ASGR2 is a redirect to en:Asialoglycoprotein receptor; redirectFrom=en:ASGR2; linkedpages=en:Asialoglycoprotein receptor
- en:ASH1L is not a redirect.
- en:ASH2L is not a redirect.
- en:ASIC1 is not a redirect.
- en:ASIC2 is not a redirect.
- en:ASIC3 is not a redirect.
- en:ASIC4 is not a redirect.
- en:ASIC5 is not a redirect.
- en:ASL is a redirect to en:American Sign Language; redirectFrom=en:ASL; linkedpages=en:American Sign Language
- en:ASMT is a redirect to en:Acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:ASMT; linkedpages=en:Acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase
- en:ASMTL is a redirect to en:N-acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase-like protein; redirectFrom=en:ASMTL; linkedpages=en:N-acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase-like protein
- en:ASNS is a redirect to en:Asparagine synthetase; redirectFrom=en:ASNS; linkedpages=en:Asparagine synthetase
- en:ASPA (gene) is a redirect to en:Aspartoacylase; redirectFrom=en:ASPA (gene); linkedpages=en:Aspartoacylase
- en:ASPH is not a redirect.
- en:ASPM (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:ASPN is a redirect to en:Asporin; redirectFrom=en:ASPN; linkedpages=en:Asporin
- en:ASPRV1 is a redirect to en:Retroviral aspartyl protease; redirectFrom=en:ASPRV1; linkedpages=en:Retroviral aspartyl protease
- en:ASPSCR1 is not a redirect.
- en:ASRGL1 is not a redirect.
- en:ASS1 is a redirect to en:Argininosuccinate synthetase 1; redirectFrom=en:ASS1; linkedpages=en:Argininosuccinate synthetase 1
- en:ASTE1 is not a redirect.
- en:ASTL is not a redirect.
- en:ASXL1 is not a redirect.
- en:ASXL3 is not a redirect.
- en:ASZ1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATF1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATF2 is a redirect to en:Activating transcription factor 2; redirectFrom=en:ATF2; linkedpages=en:Activating transcription factor 2
- en:ATF3 is not a redirect.
- en:ATF4 is not a redirect.
- en:ATF5 is not a redirect.
- en:ATF6 is not a redirect.
- en:ATF7 is not a redirect.
- en:ATF7IP is not a redirect.
- en:ATG10 is not a redirect.
- en:ATG101 is a redirect to en:Autophagy-related protein 101; redirectFrom=en:ATG101; linkedpages=en:Autophagy-related protein 101
- en:ATG12 is not a redirect.
- en:ATG16L1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATG3 is not a redirect.
- en:ATG4A is not a redirect.
- en:ATG4B is not a redirect.
- en:ATG4D is not a redirect.
- en:ATG5 is not a redirect.
- en:ATG7 is not a redirect.
- en:ATG9A is not a redirect.
- en:ATG9B is not a redirect.
- en:ATIC (gene) is a redirect to en:Inosine monophosphate synthase; redirectFrom=en:ATIC (gene); linkedpages=en:Inosine monophosphate synthase
- en:ATL1 is a redirect to en:Atlastin; redirectFrom=en:ATL1; linkedpages=en:Atlastin
- en:ATM (gene) is a redirect to en:ATM serine/threonine kinase; redirectFrom=en:ATM (gene); linkedpages=en:ATM serine/threonine kinase
- en:ATN1 is a redirect to en:Atrophin 1; redirectFrom=en:ATN1; linkedpages=en:Atrophin 1
- en:ATOH1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATOX1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP10A is not a redirect.
- en:ATP11B is not a redirect.
- en:ATP11C is not a redirect.
- en:ATP12A is not a redirect.
- en:ATP13A2 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP13A3 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP1A1 is a redirect to en:ATPase, Na /K transporting, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:ATP1A1; linkedpages=en:ATPase, Na /K transporting, alpha 1
- en:ATP1A2 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP1A3 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP1A4 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP1B1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP1B3 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP2A1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP2A2 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP2A3 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP2B1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP2B2 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP2B3 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP2B4 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP2C1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP5F1A is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6AP1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6AP2 is a redirect to en:Renin receptor; redirectFrom=en:ATP6AP2; linkedpages=en:Renin receptor
- en:ATP6V0A1 is a redirect to en:ATPase, H transporting, lysosomal V0 subunit a1; redirectFrom=en:ATP6V0A1; linkedpages=en:ATPase, H transporting, lysosomal V0 subunit a1
- en:ATP6V0A2 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V0A4 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V0B is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V0C is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V0D1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V0D2 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V0E1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V1A is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V1B1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V1B2 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V1C1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V1C2 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V1D is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V1E1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V1E2 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V1F is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V1G1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V1G2 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V1G3 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP6V1H is not a redirect.
- en:ATP7A is not a redirect.
- en:ATP7B is a redirect to en:Wilson disease protein; redirectFrom=en:ATP7B; linkedpages=en:Wilson disease protein
- en:ATP8B1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP8B3 is not a redirect.
- en:ATP9A is not a redirect.
- en:ATPAF1 is not a redirect.
- en:ATPAF2 is not a redirect.
- en:ATRAID is not a redirect.
- en:ATRIP is a redirect to en:International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property; redirectFrom=en:ATRIP; linkedpages=en:International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property
- en:ATRN is a redirect to en:Attractin; redirectFrom=en:ATRN; linkedpages=en:Attractin
- en:ATRX is not a redirect.
- en:ATR (gene) is a redirect to en:Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 related; redirectFrom=en:ATR (gene); linkedpages=en:Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3 related
- en:ATXN1 is a redirect to en:Ataxin 1; redirectFrom=en:ATXN1; linkedpages=en:Ataxin 1
- en:ATXN10 is a redirect to en:Ataxin 10; redirectFrom=en:ATXN10; linkedpages=en:Ataxin 10
- en:ATXN2 is a redirect to en:Ataxin-2; redirectFrom=en:ATXN2; linkedpages=en:Ataxin-2
- en:ATXN2L is not a redirect.
- en:ATXN3 is a redirect to en:Ataxin 3; redirectFrom=en:ATXN3; linkedpages=en:Ataxin 3
- en:ATXN7 is a redirect to en:Ataxin 7; redirectFrom=en:ATXN7; linkedpages=en:Ataxin 7
- en:ATXN7L2 is not a redirect.
- en:AUH (gene) is a redirect to en:Methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase; redirectFrom=en:AUH (gene); linkedpages=en:Methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase
- en:AUP1 is not a redirect.
- en:AURKA is a redirect to en:Aurora A kinase; redirectFrom=en:AURKA; linkedpages=en:Aurora A kinase
- en:AURKB is a redirect to en:Aurora B kinase; redirectFrom=en:AURKB; linkedpages=en:Aurora B kinase
- en:AURKC is not a redirect.
- en:AUTS2 is not a redirect.
- en:AVEN is a redirect to en:Asexuality#Community; redirectFrom=en:AVEN; linkedpages=en:Asexuality#Community
- en:AVIL is a redirect to en:Pheniramine; redirectFrom=en:AVIL; linkedpages=en:Pheniramine
- en:AVPI1 is not a redirect.
- en:AVPR1A is a redirect to en:Vasopressin receptor 1A; redirectFrom=en:AVPR1A; linkedpages=en:Vasopressin receptor 1A
- en:AVPR1B is a redirect to en:Vasopressin receptor 1B; redirectFrom=en:AVPR1B; linkedpages=en:Vasopressin receptor 1B
- en:AVPR2 is a redirect to en:Vasopressin receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:AVPR2; linkedpages=en:Vasopressin receptor 2
- en:AVP (gene) is a redirect to en:Vasopressin; redirectFrom=en:AVP (gene); linkedpages=en:Vasopressin
- en:AXIN1 is not a redirect.
- en:AXIN2 is not a redirect.
- en:AXL (gene) is a redirect to en:AXL receptor tyrosine kinase; redirectFrom=en:AXL (gene); linkedpages=en:AXL receptor tyrosine kinase
- en:AZGP1 is not a redirect.
- en:AZI2 is not a redirect.
- en:AZIN1 is not a redirect.
- en:AZIN2 is not a redirect.
- en:AZU1 is a redirect to en:Azurocidin 1; redirectFrom=en:AZU1; linkedpages=en:Azurocidin 1
- en:B2M (gene) is a redirect to en:Beta-2 microglobulin; redirectFrom=en:B2M (gene); linkedpages=en:Beta-2 microglobulin
- en:B3GALNT1 is not a redirect.
- en:B3GALNT2 is not a redirect.
- en:B3GALT4 is not a redirect.
- en:B3GALT5 is not a redirect.
- en:B3GAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:B3GAT2 is not a redirect.
- en:B3GAT3 is not a redirect.
- en:B3GLCT is a redirect to en:B3GALTL; redirectFrom=en:B3GLCT; linkedpages=en:B3GALTL
- en:B3GNT2 is not a redirect.
- en:B3GNT3 is a redirect to en:Beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 3; redirectFrom=en:B3GNT3; linkedpages=en:Beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 3
- en:B3GNT7 is not a redirect.
- en:B4GALNT1 is not a redirect.
- en:B4GALNT2 is not a redirect.
- en:B4GALT1 is not a redirect.
- en:B4GALT2 is not a redirect.
- en:B4GALT3 is not a redirect.
- en:B4GALT4 is not a redirect.
- en:B4GALT5 is not a redirect.
- en:B4GALT7 is not a redirect.
- en:BAALC is not a redirect.
- en:BAAT is not a redirect.
- en:BABAM1 is not a redirect.
- en:BACE1 is a redirect to en:Beta-secretase 1; redirectFrom=en:BACE1; linkedpages=en:Beta-secretase 1
- en:BACE2 is a redirect to en:Beta-secretase 2; redirectFrom=en:BACE2; linkedpages=en:Beta-secretase 2
- en:BACH1 is not a redirect.
- en:BACH2 is not a redirect.
- en:BAD (gene) is a redirect to en:Bcl-2-associated death promoter; redirectFrom=en:BAD (gene); linkedpages=en:Bcl-2-associated death promoter
- en:BAG1 is not a redirect.
- en:BAG2 is not a redirect.
- en:BAG3 is not a redirect.
- en:BAG4 is not a redirect.
- en:BAG5 is not a redirect.
- en:BAIAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:BAIAP2L1 is not a redirect.
- en:BAIAP3 is not a redirect.
- en:BAK1 is a redirect to en:Bcl-2 homologous antagonist killer; redirectFrom=en:BAK1; linkedpages=en:Bcl-2 homologous antagonist killer
- en:BAMBI is not a redirect.
- en:BANF1 is a redirect to en:Barrier to autointegration factor 1; redirectFrom=en:BANF1; linkedpages=en:Barrier to autointegration factor 1
- en:BANP is not a redirect.
- en:BAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:BARD1 is not a redirect.
- en:BARHL2 is not a redirect.
- en:BASP1 is not a redirect.
- en:BATF is a redirect to en:Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; redirectFrom=en:BATF; linkedpages=en:Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
- en:BATF2 is not a redirect.
- en:BAX (gene) is a redirect to en:Bcl-2-associated X protein; redirectFrom=en:BAX (gene); linkedpages=en:Bcl-2-associated X protein
- en:BAZ1A is not a redirect.
- en:BAZ1B is not a redirect.
- en:BAZ2A is not a redirect.
- en:BBC3 is a redirect to en:BBC Three; redirectFrom=en:BBC3; linkedpages=en:BBC Three
- en:BBOX1 is a redirect to en:Gamma-butyrobetaine dioxygenase; redirectFrom=en:BBOX1; linkedpages=en:Gamma-butyrobetaine dioxygenase
- en:BBS1 is not a redirect.
- en:BBS10 is not a redirect.
- en:BBS12 is not a redirect.
- en:BBS2 is not a redirect.
- en:BBS4 is not a redirect.
- en:BBS5 is not a redirect.
- en:BBS7 is not a redirect.
- en:BBS9 is not a redirect.
- en:BBX (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:BCAM is a redirect to en:Basal cell adhesion molecule; redirectFrom=en:BCAM; linkedpages=en:Basal cell adhesion molecule
- en:BCAN is a redirect to en:Brevican; redirectFrom=en:BCAN; linkedpages=en:Brevican
- en:BCAP29 is not a redirect.
- en:BCAP31 is not a redirect.
- en:BCAR1 is not a redirect.
- en:BCAR3 is not a redirect.
- en:BCAS1 is not a redirect.
- en:BCAS2 is not a redirect.
- en:BCAS3 is not a redirect.
- en:BCCIP is not a redirect.
- en:BCHE is a redirect to en:Butyrylcholinesterase; redirectFrom=en:BCHE; linkedpages=en:Butyrylcholinesterase
- en:BCKDHA is not a redirect.
- en:BCKDHB is not a redirect.
- en:BCKDK is not a redirect.
- en:BCL10 is not a redirect.
- en:BCL11A is not a redirect.
- en:BCL11B is not a redirect.
- en:BCL2 is a redirect to en:Bcl-2; redirectFrom=en:BCL2; linkedpages=en:Bcl-2
- en:BCL2A1 is a redirect to en:BCL2-related protein A1; redirectFrom=en:BCL2A1; linkedpages=en:BCL2-related protein A1
- en:BCL2L1 is a redirect to en:BCL2-like 1; redirectFrom=en:BCL2L1; linkedpages=en:BCL2-like 1
- en:BCL2L10 is not a redirect.
- en:BCL2L11 is not a redirect.
- en:BCL2L12 is not a redirect.
- en:BCL2L13 is not a redirect.
- en:BCL2L14 is not a redirect.
- en:BCL2L2 is not a redirect.
- en:BCL3 is not a redirect.
- en:BCL6 is not a redirect.
- en:BCL6B is not a redirect.
- en:BCL7A is not a redirect.
- en:BCL9 is not a redirect.
- en:BCL9L is not a redirect.
- en:BCLAF1 is not a redirect.
- en:BCOR (gene) is a redirect to en:BCL-6 corepressor; redirectFrom=en:BCOR (gene); linkedpages=en:BCL-6 corepressor
- en:BCR (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:BCS1L is not a redirect.
- en:BDH1 is not a redirect.
- en:BDKRB1 is a redirect to en:Bradykinin receptor B1; redirectFrom=en:BDKRB1; linkedpages=en:Bradykinin receptor B1
- en:BDKRB2 is a redirect to en:Bradykinin receptor B2; redirectFrom=en:BDKRB2; linkedpages=en:Bradykinin receptor B2
- en:BDNF is a redirect to en:Brain-derived neurotrophic factor; redirectFrom=en:BDNF; linkedpages=en:Brain-derived neurotrophic factor
- en:BDP1 is not a redirect.
- en:BECN1 is not a redirect.
- en:BEGAIN is not a redirect.
- en:BEST1 is a redirect to en:Bestrophin 1; redirectFrom=en:BEST1; linkedpages=en:Bestrophin 1
- en:BEST2 is a redirect to en:Bestrophin-2; redirectFrom=en:BEST2; linkedpages=en:Bestrophin-2
- en:BET1 is not a redirect.
- en:BET1L is not a redirect.
- en:BEX1 is a redirect to en:Protein BEX1; redirectFrom=en:BEX1; linkedpages=en:Protein BEX1
- en:BEX2 is a redirect to en:Protein BEX2; redirectFrom=en:BEX2; linkedpages=en:Protein BEX2
- en:BEX4 is not a redirect.
- en:BFSP1 is not a redirect.
- en:BFSP2 is not a redirect.
- en:BGN (gene) is a redirect to en:Biglycan; redirectFrom=en:BGN (gene); linkedpages=en:Biglycan
- en:BHLHA9 is not a redirect.
- en:BHLHE41 is not a redirect.
- en:BHMT is a redirect to en:Betaine—homocysteine S-methyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:BHMT; linkedpages=en:Betaine—homocysteine S-methyltransferase
- en:BHMT2 is a redirect to en:Betaine—homocysteine S-methyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:BHMT2; linkedpages=en:Betaine—homocysteine S-methyltransferase
- en:BICD1 is not a redirect.
- en:BICD2 is not a redirect.
- en:BID (gene) is a redirect to en:BH3 interacting-domain death agonist; redirectFrom=en:BID (gene); linkedpages=en:BH3 interacting-domain death agonist
- en:BIK (gene) is a redirect to en:Bcl-2-interacting killer; redirectFrom=en:BIK (gene); linkedpages=en:Bcl-2-interacting killer
- en:BIN1 is not a redirect.
- en:BIN3 is a redirect to en:Bridging integrator 3; redirectFrom=en:BIN3; linkedpages=en:Bridging integrator 3
- en:BIRC2 is a redirect to en:Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 2; redirectFrom=en:BIRC2; linkedpages=en:Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 2
- en:BIRC3 is a redirect to en:Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 3; redirectFrom=en:BIRC3; linkedpages=en:Baculoviral IAP repeat-containing protein 3
- en:BIRC5 is a redirect to en:Survivin; redirectFrom=en:BIRC5; linkedpages=en:Survivin
- en:BIRC6 is not a redirect.
- en:BIRC7 is not a redirect.
- en:BIVM is a redirect to en:Vestmannaeyjar Airport; redirectFrom=en:BIVM; linkedpages=en:Vestmannaeyjar Airport
- en:BLCAP is not a redirect.
- en:BLK (gene) is a redirect to en:Tyrosine-protein kinase BLK; redirectFrom=en:BLK (gene); linkedpages=en:Tyrosine-protein kinase BLK
- en:BLMH is a redirect to en:Bleomycin hydrolase; redirectFrom=en:BLMH; linkedpages=en:Bleomycin hydrolase
- en:BLM (gene) is a redirect to en:Bloom syndrome protein; redirectFrom=en:BLM (gene); linkedpages=en:Bloom syndrome protein
- en:BLNK is a redirect to en:B-cell linker; redirectFrom=en:BLNK; linkedpages=en:B-cell linker
- en:BLOC1S1 is not a redirect.
- en:BLOC1S2 is not a redirect.
- en:BLVRA is a redirect to en:Biliverdin reductase A; redirectFrom=en:BLVRA; linkedpages=en:Biliverdin reductase A
- en:BLVRB is a redirect to en:Biliverdin reductase B; redirectFrom=en:BLVRB; linkedpages=en:Biliverdin reductase B
- en:BLZF1 is not a redirect.
- en:BMF (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:BMI1 is not a redirect.
- en:BMP10 is a redirect to en:Bone morphogenetic protein 10; redirectFrom=en:BMP10; linkedpages=en:Bone morphogenetic protein 10
- en:BMP15 is a redirect to en:Bone morphogenetic protein 15; redirectFrom=en:BMP15; linkedpages=en:Bone morphogenetic protein 15
- en:BMP1 (gene) is a redirect to en:Bone morphogenetic protein 1; redirectFrom=en:BMP1 (gene); linkedpages=en:Bone morphogenetic protein 1
- en:BMP2K is not a redirect.
- en:BMP2 (gene) is a redirect to en:Bone morphogenetic protein 2; redirectFrom=en:BMP2 (gene); linkedpages=en:Bone morphogenetic protein 2
- en:BMP3 (gene) is a redirect to en:Bone morphogenetic protein 3; redirectFrom=en:BMP3 (gene); linkedpages=en:Bone morphogenetic protein 3
- en:BMP4 is a redirect to en:Bone morphogenetic protein 4; redirectFrom=en:BMP4; linkedpages=en:Bone morphogenetic protein 4
- en:BMP5 is a redirect to en:Bone morphogenetic protein 5; redirectFrom=en:BMP5; linkedpages=en:Bone morphogenetic protein 5
- en:BMP6 is a redirect to en:Bone morphogenetic protein 6; redirectFrom=en:BMP6; linkedpages=en:Bone morphogenetic protein 6
- en:BMP7 is a redirect to en:Bone morphogenetic protein 7; redirectFrom=en:BMP7; linkedpages=en:Bone morphogenetic protein 7
- en:BMP8A is a redirect to en:Bone morphogenetic protein 8A; redirectFrom=en:BMP8A; linkedpages=en:Bone morphogenetic protein 8A
- en:BMP8B is a redirect to en:Bone morphogenetic protein 8B; redirectFrom=en:BMP8B; linkedpages=en:Bone morphogenetic protein 8B
- en:BMPER is a redirect to en:BMP binding endothelial regulator; redirectFrom=en:BMPER; linkedpages=en:BMP binding endothelial regulator
- en:BMPR1A is not a redirect.
- en:BMPR1B is not a redirect.
- en:BMPR2 is not a redirect.
- en:BMX is not a redirect.
- en:BNC1 is not a redirect.
- en:BNC2 is a redirect to en:Zinc finger protein basonuclin-2; redirectFrom=en:BNC2; linkedpages=en:Zinc finger protein basonuclin-2
- en:BNIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:BNIP3 is not a redirect.
- en:BNIP3L is not a redirect.
- en:BNIPL is not a redirect.
- en:BOC (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:BOK (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:BOLL is not a redirect.
- en:BOP1 is not a redirect.
- en:BPGM is a redirect to en:Bisphosphoglycerate mutase; redirectFrom=en:BPGM; linkedpages=en:Bisphosphoglycerate mutase
- en:BPIFA3 is not a redirect.
- en:BPIFB1 is not a redirect.
- en:BPIFB4 is not a redirect.
- en:BPTF is not a redirect.
- en:BPY2 is not a redirect.
- en:BRAF (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:BRAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:BRCA1 is not a redirect.
- en:BRCA2 is not a redirect.
- en:BRCC3 is not a redirect.
- en:BRD2 is not a redirect.
- en:BRD3 is a redirect to en:Bromodomain-containing protein 3; redirectFrom=en:BRD3; linkedpages=en:Bromodomain-containing protein 3
- en:BRD4 is not a redirect.
- en:BRD7 is not a redirect.
- en:BRD8 is not a redirect.
- en:BRD9 is not a redirect.
- en:BRDT is not a redirect.
- en:BRF1 is a redirect to en:Belgischer Rundfunk; redirectFrom=en:BRF1; linkedpages=en:Belgischer Rundfunk
- en:BRF2 is a redirect to en:Belgischer Rundfunk; redirectFrom=en:BRF2; linkedpages=en:Belgischer Rundfunk
- en:BRINP3 is not a redirect.
- en:BRIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:BRK1 is not a redirect.
- en:BRMS1 is not a redirect.
- en:BRS3 is a redirect to en:Bombesin-like receptor 3; redirectFrom=en:BRS3; linkedpages=en:Bombesin-like receptor 3
- en:BRSK1 is not a redirect.
- en:BRSK2 is not a redirect.
- en:BRWD1 is a redirect to en:Bromodomain and WD repeat-containing protein 1; redirectFrom=en:BRWD1; linkedpages=en:Bromodomain and WD repeat-containing protein 1
- en:BRWD3 is a redirect to en:Bromodomain and WD repeat-containing protein 3; redirectFrom=en:BRWD3; linkedpages=en:Bromodomain and WD repeat-containing protein 3
- en:BSCL2 is not a redirect.
- en:BSG (gene) is a redirect to en:Basigin; redirectFrom=en:BSG (gene); linkedpages=en:Basigin
- en:BSND is not a redirect.
- en:BST1 is not a redirect.
- en:BST2 is a redirect to en:Tetherin; redirectFrom=en:BST2; linkedpages=en:Tetherin
- en:BTAF1 is not a redirect.
- en:BTBD1 is not a redirect.
- en:BTBD2 is not a redirect.
- en:BTBD9 is not a redirect.
- en:BTC (gene) is a redirect to en:Betacellulin; redirectFrom=en:BTC (gene); linkedpages=en:Betacellulin
- en:BTD is a redirect to en:Biotinidase; redirectFrom=en:BTD; linkedpages=en:Biotinidase
- en:BTF3 is not a redirect.
- en:BTG1 is not a redirect.
- en:BTG2 is not a redirect.
- en:BTG3 is not a redirect.
- en:BTG4 is not a redirect.
- en:BTK (gene) is a redirect to en:Bruton's tyrosine kinase; redirectFrom=en:BTK (gene); linkedpages=en:Bruton's tyrosine kinase
- en:BTLA is not a redirect.
- en:BTN1A1 is a redirect to en:Butyrophilin, subfamily 1, member A1; redirectFrom=en:BTN1A1; linkedpages=en:Butyrophilin, subfamily 1, member A1
- en:BTN2A2 is a redirect to en:Butyrophilin, subfamily 2, member A2; redirectFrom=en:BTN2A2; linkedpages=en:Butyrophilin, subfamily 2, member A2
- en:BTN3A1 is a redirect to en:Butyrophilin, subfamily 3, member A1; redirectFrom=en:BTN3A1; linkedpages=en:Butyrophilin, subfamily 3, member A1
- en:BTN3A3 is not a redirect.
- en:BTNL2 is not a redirect.
- en:BTRC (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:BUB1 is not a redirect.
- en:BUB1B is not a redirect.
- en:BUB3 is not a redirect.
- en:BVES is a redirect to en:Blood vessel epicardial substance; redirectFrom=en:BVES; linkedpages=en:Blood vessel epicardial substance
- en:BYSL is not a redirect.
- en:BZW1 is not a redirect.
- en:BZW2 is a redirect to en:Basic leucine zipper and W2 domain-containing protein 2; redirectFrom=en:BZW2; linkedpages=en:Basic leucine zipper and W2 domain-containing protein 2
- en:C10orf67 is not a redirect.
- en:C10orf71 is not a redirect.
- en:C10orf99 is not a redirect.
- en:C11orf1 is not a redirect.
- en:C11orf16 is not a redirect.
- en:C11orf42 is not a redirect.
- en:C11orf49 is not a redirect.
- en:C11orf52 is not a redirect.
- en:C11orf54 is not a redirect.
- en:C11orf58 is a redirect to en:Small acidic protein; redirectFrom=en:C11orf58; linkedpages=en:Small acidic protein
- en:C11orf86 is not a redirect.
- en:C11orf87 is not a redirect.
- en:C12orf40 is not a redirect.
- en:C12orf42 is not a redirect.
- en:C12orf43 is not a redirect.
- en:C12orf60 is not a redirect.
- en:C12orf66 is not a redirect.
- en:C14orf93 is not a redirect.
- en:C15orf39 is not a redirect.
- en:C15orf48 is not a redirect.
- en:C16orf46 is not a redirect.
- en:C16orf58 is not a redirect.
- en:C16orf71 is not a redirect.
- en:C16orf78 is not a redirect.
- en:C16orf82 is not a redirect.
- en:C16orf86 is not a redirect.
- en:C16orf95 is not a redirect.
- en:C16orf96 is not a redirect.
- en:C17orf50 is not a redirect.
- en:C17orf98 is not a redirect.
- en:C18orf63 is not a redirect.
- en:C19orf18 is not a redirect.
- en:C19orf25 is not a redirect.
- en:C19orf44 is not a redirect.
- en:C19orf67 is not a redirect.
- en:C1D is not a redirect.
- en:C1GALT1 is not a redirect.
- en:C1QA is not a redirect.
- en:C1QB is a redirect to en:Complement component 1q; redirectFrom=en:C1QB; linkedpages=en:Complement component 1q
- en:C1QBP is not a redirect.
- en:C1QC is a redirect to en:Complement component 1q#C1QA, C1QB, C1QC; redirectFrom=en:C1QC; linkedpages=en:Complement component 1q#C1QA, C1QB, C1QC
- en:C1QL1 is not a redirect.
- en:C1QTNF1 is not a redirect.
- en:C1QTNF3 is not a redirect.
- en:C1QTNF5 is not a redirect.
- en:C1R is a redirect to en:Complement component 1r; redirectFrom=en:C1R; linkedpages=en:Complement component 1r
- en:C1S is a redirect to en:Complement component 1s; redirectFrom=en:C1S; linkedpages=en:Complement component 1s
- en:C1orf109 is not a redirect.
- en:C1orf127 is not a redirect.
- en:C1orf131 is not a redirect.
- en:C1orf141 is not a redirect.
- en:C1orf167 is not a redirect.
- en:C1orf194 is a redirect to en:Chromosome 1 open reading frame 194; redirectFrom=en:C1orf194; linkedpages=en:Chromosome 1 open reading frame 194
- en:C1orf198 is not a redirect.
- en:C1orf21 is not a redirect.
- en:C1orf35 is not a redirect.
- en:C1orf74 is not a redirect.
- en:C20orf27 is not a redirect.
- en:C20orf96 is not a redirect.
- en:C21orf58 is not a redirect.
- en:C21orf62 is not a redirect.
- en:C22orf23 is not a redirect.
- en:C2CD4D is not a redirect.
- en:C2 (gene) is a redirect to en:Complement component 2; redirectFrom=en:C2 (gene); linkedpages=en:Complement component 2
- en:C2orf16 is not a redirect.
- en:C2orf73 is not a redirect.
- en:C2orf81 is not a redirect.
- en:C3AR1 is a redirect to en:C3a receptor; redirectFrom=en:C3AR1; linkedpages=en:C3a receptor
- en:C3 (gene) is a redirect to en:Complement component 3; redirectFrom=en:C3 (gene); linkedpages=en:Complement component 3
- en:C3orf14 is not a redirect.
- en:C3orf62 is not a redirect.
- en:C3orf67 is not a redirect.
- en:C3orf70 is not a redirect.
- en:C4A is not a redirect.
- en:C4B is a redirect to en:Complement component 4B; redirectFrom=en:C4B; linkedpages=en:Complement component 4B
- en:C4orf51 is not a redirect.
- en:C5AR1 is a redirect to en:C5a receptor; redirectFrom=en:C5AR1; linkedpages=en:C5a receptor
- en:C5AR2 is a redirect to en:GPR77; redirectFrom=en:C5AR2; linkedpages=en:GPR77
- en:C5 (gene) is a redirect to en:Complement component 5; redirectFrom=en:C5 (gene); linkedpages=en:Complement component 5
- en:C5orf34 is not a redirect.
- en:C6 (gene) is a redirect to en:Complement component 6; redirectFrom=en:C6 (gene); linkedpages=en:Complement component 6
- en:C6orf201 is not a redirect.
- en:C6orf58 is not a redirect.
- en:C6orf62 is not a redirect.
- en:C6orf89 is not a redirect.
- en:C7orf25 is not a redirect.
- en:C7orf26 is not a redirect.
- en:C7orf31 is not a redirect.
- en:C7orf57 is not a redirect.
- en:C7orf61 is not a redirect.
- en:C8orf33 is a redirect to en:UPF0488; redirectFrom=en:C8orf33; linkedpages=en:UPF0488
- en:C8orf34 is not a redirect.
- en:C8orf48 is not a redirect.
- en:C8orf58 is not a redirect.
- en:C8orf82 is not a redirect.
- en:C9orf135 is not a redirect.
- en:C9orf152 is not a redirect.
- en:C9orf16 is not a redirect.
- en:C9orf50 is not a redirect.
- en:C9orf64 is not a redirect.
- en:C9orf72 is not a redirect.
- en:C9orf78 is not a redirect.
- en:CA10 is not a redirect.
- en:CA11 is not a redirect.
- en:CA12 is not a redirect.
- en:CA14 is not a redirect.
- en:CA1 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CA2 (gene) is a redirect to en:Carbonic anhydrase II; redirectFrom=en:CA2 (gene); linkedpages=en:Carbonic anhydrase II
- en:CA3 (gene) is a redirect to en:Carbonic anhydrase III, muscle specific; redirectFrom=en:CA3 (gene); linkedpages=en:Carbonic anhydrase III, muscle specific
- en:CA4 (gene) is a redirect to en:Carbonic anhydrase 4; redirectFrom=en:CA4 (gene); linkedpages=en:Carbonic anhydrase 4
- en:CA5B is not a redirect.
- en:CA6 (gene) is a redirect to en:Carbonic anhydrase VI; redirectFrom=en:CA6 (gene); linkedpages=en:Carbonic anhydrase VI
- en:CA7 (gene) is a redirect to en:Carbonic anhydrase 7; redirectFrom=en:CA7 (gene); linkedpages=en:Carbonic anhydrase 7
- en:CA8 is not a redirect.
- en:CA9 is a redirect to en:Carbonic anhydrase 9; redirectFrom=en:CA9; linkedpages=en:Carbonic anhydrase 9
- en:CAAP1 is a redirect to en:Caspase activity and apoptosis inhibitor 1; redirectFrom=en:CAAP1; linkedpages=en:Caspase activity and apoptosis inhibitor 1
- en:CAB39 is not a redirect.
- en:CAB39L is not a redirect.
- en:CABIN1 is not a redirect.
- en:CABLES1 is not a redirect.
- en:CABP1 is a redirect to en:Calcium-binding protein 1; redirectFrom=en:CABP1; linkedpages=en:Calcium-binding protein 1
- en:CABYR is not a redirect.
- en:CACHD1 is not a redirect.
- en:CACNA1A is a redirect to en:Cav2.1; redirectFrom=en:CACNA1A; linkedpages=en:Cav2.1
- en:CACNA1B is not a redirect.
- en:CACNA1C is a redirect to en:Cav1.2; redirectFrom=en:CACNA1C; linkedpages=en:Cav1.2
- en:CACNA1D is a redirect to en:Cav1.3; redirectFrom=en:CACNA1D; linkedpages=en:Cav1.3
- en:CACNA1E is a redirect to en:R-type calcium channel; redirectFrom=en:CACNA1E; linkedpages=en:R-type calcium channel
- en:CACNA1F is a redirect to en:Cav1.4; redirectFrom=en:CACNA1F; linkedpages=en:Cav1.4
- en:CACNA1G is not a redirect.
- en:CACNA1H is not a redirect.
- en:CACNA1I is not a redirect.
- en:CACNA1S is a redirect to en:Cav1.1; redirectFrom=en:CACNA1S; linkedpages=en:Cav1.1
- en:CACNA2D1 is not a redirect.
- en:CACNA2D2 is not a redirect.
- en:CACNA2D3 is not a redirect.
- en:CACNA2D4 is not a redirect.
- en:CACNB1 is not a redirect.
- en:CACNB2 is not a redirect.
- en:CACNB3 is not a redirect.
- en:CACNB4 is not a redirect.
- en:CACNG1 is not a redirect.
- en:CACNG2 is not a redirect.
- en:CACNG3 is not a redirect.
- en:CACNG4 is not a redirect.
- en:CACTIN is not a redirect.
- en:CACUL1 is not a redirect.
- en:CACYBP is not a redirect.
- en:CAD is a redirect to en:Computer-aided design; redirectFrom=en:CAD; linkedpages=en:Computer-aided design
- en:CADM1 is a redirect to en:Cell adhesion molecule 1; redirectFrom=en:CADM1; linkedpages=en:Cell adhesion molecule 1
- en:CADM3 is not a redirect.
- en:CADPS is not a redirect.
- en:CADPS2 is not a redirect.
- en:CALB1 is a redirect to en:Calbindin 1; redirectFrom=en:CALB1; linkedpages=en:Calbindin 1
- en:CALB2 is a redirect to en:Calretinin; redirectFrom=en:CALB2; linkedpages=en:Calretinin
- en:CALCA is a redirect to en:Calcitonin; redirectFrom=en:CALCA; linkedpages=en:Calcitonin
- en:CALCB is a redirect to en:Calcitonin gene-related peptide; redirectFrom=en:CALCB; linkedpages=en:Calcitonin gene-related peptide
- en:CALCOCO1 is not a redirect.
- en:CALCOCO2 is not a redirect.
- en:CALCR is a redirect to en:Calcitonin receptor; redirectFrom=en:CALCR; linkedpages=en:Calcitonin receptor
- en:CALCRL is not a redirect.
- en:CALD1 is a redirect to en:Caldesmon; redirectFrom=en:CALD1; linkedpages=en:Caldesmon
- en:CALHM1 is not a redirect.
- en:CALM1 is a redirect to en:Calmodulin 1; redirectFrom=en:CALM1; linkedpages=en:Calmodulin 1
- en:CALM2 is not a redirect.
- en:CALM3 is not a redirect.
- en:CALML3 is not a redirect.
- en:CALML5 is not a redirect.
- en:CALN1 is not a redirect.
- en:CALR is a redirect to en:Calreticulin; redirectFrom=en:CALR; linkedpages=en:Calreticulin
- en:CALU is a redirect to en:Calumenin; redirectFrom=en:CALU; linkedpages=en:Calumenin
- en:CAMK1 is not a redirect.
- en:CAMK1D is not a redirect.
- en:CAMK2A is a redirect to en:Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit alpha; redirectFrom=en:CAMK2A; linkedpages=en:Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit alpha
- en:CAMK2B is not a redirect.
- en:CAMK2D is not a redirect.
- en:CAMK2G is not a redirect.
- en:CAMK4 is not a redirect.
- en:CAMKK1 is not a redirect.
- en:CAMKK2 is not a redirect.
- en:CAMLG is a redirect to en:Calcium modulating ligand; redirectFrom=en:CAMLG; linkedpages=en:Calcium modulating ligand
- en:CAMP (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CAMTA1 is a redirect to en:Calmodulin-binding transcription activator 1; redirectFrom=en:CAMTA1; linkedpages=en:Calmodulin-binding transcription activator 1
- en:CAND1 is not a redirect.
- en:CANT1 is not a redirect.
- en:CANX is a redirect to en:Calnexin; redirectFrom=en:CANX; linkedpages=en:Calnexin
- en:CAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:CAPG is a redirect to en:Macrophage-capping protein; redirectFrom=en:CAPG; linkedpages=en:Macrophage-capping protein
- en:CAPN1 is not a redirect.
- en:CAPN10 is not a redirect.
- en:CAPN2 is not a redirect.
- en:CAPN3 is not a redirect.
- en:CAPN5 is not a redirect.
- en:CAPN6 is not a redirect.
- en:CAPN8 is not a redirect.
- en:CAPN9 is not a redirect.
- en:CAPNS1 is not a redirect.
- en:CAPRIN1 is a redirect to en:Caprin-1; redirectFrom=en:CAPRIN1; linkedpages=en:Caprin-1
- en:CAPRIN2 is not a redirect.
- en:CAPS (gene) is a redirect to en:Calcyphosin; redirectFrom=en:CAPS (gene); linkedpages=en:Calcyphosin
- en:CAPZA1 is a redirect to en:Capping protein (actin filament) muscle Z-line, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:CAPZA1; linkedpages=en:Capping protein (actin filament) muscle Z-line, alpha 1
- en:CAPZA2 is not a redirect.
- en:CAPZB is not a redirect.
- en:CARD10 is not a redirect.
- en:CARD11 is not a redirect.
- en:CARD14 is not a redirect.
- en:CARD8 is a redirect to en:Caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 8; redirectFrom=en:CARD8; linkedpages=en:Caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 8
- en:CARD9 is not a redirect.
- en:CARHSP1 is a redirect to en:Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1; redirectFrom=en:CARHSP1; linkedpages=en:Calcium-regulated heat stable protein 1
- en:CARM1 is not a redirect.
- en:CARTPT is a redirect to en:Cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript; redirectFrom=en:CARTPT; linkedpages=en:Cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript
- en:CASC3 is not a redirect.
- en:CASK is not a redirect.
- en:CASP1 is a redirect to en:Caspase 1; redirectFrom=en:CASP1; linkedpages=en:Caspase 1
- en:CASP10 is a redirect to en:Caspase 10; redirectFrom=en:CASP10; linkedpages=en:Caspase 10
- en:CASP12 is a redirect to en:Caspase 12; redirectFrom=en:CASP12; linkedpages=en:Caspase 12
- en:CASP14 is a redirect to en:Caspase 14; redirectFrom=en:CASP14; linkedpages=en:Caspase 14
- en:CASP2 is a redirect to en:Caspase 2; redirectFrom=en:CASP2; linkedpages=en:Caspase 2
- en:CASP3 is a redirect to en:Caspase 3; redirectFrom=en:CASP3; linkedpages=en:Caspase 3
- en:CASP4 is a redirect to en:Caspase 4; redirectFrom=en:CASP4; linkedpages=en:Caspase 4
- en:CASP5 is a redirect to en:Caspase 5; redirectFrom=en:CASP5; linkedpages=en:Caspase 5
- en:CASP6 is a redirect to en:Caspase 6; redirectFrom=en:CASP6; linkedpages=en:Caspase 6
- en:CASP7 is a redirect to en:Caspase 7; redirectFrom=en:CASP7; linkedpages=en:Caspase 7
- en:CASP8 is a redirect to en:Caspase 8; redirectFrom=en:CASP8; linkedpages=en:Caspase 8
- en:CASP8AP2 is not a redirect.
- en:CASP9 is a redirect to en:Caspase-9; redirectFrom=en:CASP9; linkedpages=en:Caspase-9
- en:CASQ2 is a redirect to en:Calsequestrin; redirectFrom=en:CASQ2; linkedpages=en:Calsequestrin
- en:CASR (gene) is a redirect to en:Calcium-sensing receptor; redirectFrom=en:CASR (gene); linkedpages=en:Calcium-sensing receptor
- en:CASS4 is not a redirect.
- en:CAST (gene) is a redirect to en:Calpastatin; redirectFrom=en:CAST (gene); linkedpages=en:Calpastatin
- en:CASZ1 is not a redirect.
- en:CATSPER1 is a redirect to en:CatSper1; redirectFrom=en:CATSPER1; linkedpages=en:CatSper1
- en:CATSPER2 is a redirect to en:CatSper2; redirectFrom=en:CATSPER2; linkedpages=en:CatSper2
- en:CATSPER3 is a redirect to en:CatSper3; redirectFrom=en:CATSPER3; linkedpages=en:CatSper3
- en:CATSPER4 is a redirect to en:CatSper4; redirectFrom=en:CATSPER4; linkedpages=en:CatSper4
- en:CATSPERE is not a redirect.
- en:CAT (gene) is a redirect to en:Catalase; redirectFrom=en:CAT (gene); linkedpages=en:Catalase
- en:CAV1 (gene) is a redirect to en:Caveolin 1; redirectFrom=en:CAV1 (gene); linkedpages=en:Caveolin 1
- en:CAV2 is a redirect to en:Caveolin 2; redirectFrom=en:CAV2; linkedpages=en:Caveolin 2
- en:CAV3 (gene) is a redirect to en:Caveolin 3; redirectFrom=en:CAV3 (gene); linkedpages=en:Caveolin 3
- en:CBFA2T2 is not a redirect.
- en:CBFA2T3 is not a redirect.
- en:CBFB is not a redirect.
- en:CBLB (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CBLC is not a redirect.
- en:CBLL1 is not a redirect.
- en:CBL (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CBR1 is not a redirect.
- en:CBR3 is not a redirect.
- en:CBS is not a redirect.
- en:CBSL is a redirect to en:Central Bank of Sri Lanka; redirectFrom=en:CBSL; linkedpages=en:Central Bank of Sri Lanka
- en:CBWD1 is not a redirect.
- en:CBWD2 is not a redirect.
- en:CBX1 is not a redirect.
- en:CBX2 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CBX3 is not a redirect.
- en:CBX5 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CBX7 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CBX8 is not a redirect.
- en:CBY1 is not a redirect.
- en:CC2D1A is not a redirect.
- en:CC2D2A is not a redirect.
- en:CCAR1 is not a redirect.
- en:CCBE1 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC113 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC116 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC120 is a redirect to en:Coiled-coil domain containing protein 120; redirectFrom=en:CCDC120; linkedpages=en:Coiled-coil domain containing protein 120
- en:CCDC130 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC137 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC138 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC144A is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC151 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC166 is a redirect to en:Coiled-coil domain containing 166; redirectFrom=en:CCDC166; linkedpages=en:Coiled-coil domain containing 166
- en:CCDC180 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC181 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC186 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC198 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC22 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC28B is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC3 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC40 is a redirect to en:CCDC40 (gene); redirectFrom=en:CCDC40; linkedpages=en:CCDC40 (gene)
- en:CCDC47 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC50 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC57 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC6 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC70 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC8 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC80 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC82 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC85B is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC88A is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC90B is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC92 is not a redirect.
- en:CCDC93 is not a redirect.
- en:CCHCR1 is not a redirect.
- en:CCKAR is a redirect to en:Cholecystokinin A receptor; redirectFrom=en:CCKAR; linkedpages=en:Cholecystokinin A receptor
- en:CCKBR is a redirect to en:Cholecystokinin B receptor; redirectFrom=en:CCKBR; linkedpages=en:Cholecystokinin B receptor
- en:CCK (gene) is a redirect to en:Cholecystokinin; redirectFrom=en:CCK (gene); linkedpages=en:Cholecystokinin
- en:CCL1 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL11 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL13 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL14 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL15 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL16 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL17 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL18 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL19 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL2 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL20 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL21 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL22 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL23 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL24 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL25 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL26 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL27 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL28 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL3 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL4 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL5 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL7 is not a redirect.
- en:CCL8 is not a redirect.
- en:CCM2 is not a redirect.
- en:CCN2 is a redirect to en:Grand Manan Airport; redirectFrom=en:CCN2; linkedpages=en:Grand Manan Airport
- en:CCN3 is a redirect to en:Caroline Aerodrome; redirectFrom=en:CCN3; linkedpages=en:Caroline Aerodrome
- en:CCN4 is a redirect to en:Conn Aerodrome; redirectFrom=en:CCN4; linkedpages=en:Conn Aerodrome
- en:CCNA1 is a redirect to en:Cyclin A1; redirectFrom=en:CCNA1; linkedpages=en:Cyclin A1
- en:CCNA2 is a redirect to en:Cyclin A2; redirectFrom=en:CCNA2; linkedpages=en:Cyclin A2
- en:CCNB1 is a redirect to en:Cyclin B1; redirectFrom=en:CCNB1; linkedpages=en:Cyclin B1
- en:CCNB1IP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CCNB2 is a redirect to en:Cyclin B2; redirectFrom=en:CCNB2; linkedpages=en:Cyclin B2
- en:CCNC is a redirect to en:Chinese Canadian National Council; redirectFrom=en:CCNC; linkedpages=en:Chinese Canadian National Council
- en:CCND1 is a redirect to en:Cyclin D1; redirectFrom=en:CCND1; linkedpages=en:Cyclin D1
- en:CCND2 is a redirect to en:Cyclin D2; redirectFrom=en:CCND2; linkedpages=en:Cyclin D2
- en:CCND3 is a redirect to en:Cyclin D3; redirectFrom=en:CCND3; linkedpages=en:Cyclin D3
- en:CCNDBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CCNE1 is a redirect to en:Cyclin E1; redirectFrom=en:CCNE1; linkedpages=en:Cyclin E1
- en:CCNE2 is a redirect to en:Cyclin E2; redirectFrom=en:CCNE2; linkedpages=en:Cyclin E2
- en:CCNF is not a redirect.
- en:CCNG1 is not a redirect.
- en:CCNG2 is not a redirect.
- en:CCNH is a redirect to en:Cyclin H; redirectFrom=en:CCNH; linkedpages=en:Cyclin H
- en:CCNI (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CCNK is a redirect to en:Cyclin K; redirectFrom=en:CCNK; linkedpages=en:Cyclin K
- en:CCNL1 is not a redirect.
- en:CCNL2 is not a redirect.
- en:CCNO is a redirect to en:Cyclin O; redirectFrom=en:CCNO; linkedpages=en:Cyclin O
- en:CCNT1 is a redirect to en:Cyclin T1; redirectFrom=en:CCNT1; linkedpages=en:Cyclin T1
- en:CCNT2 is a redirect to en:Cyclin T2; redirectFrom=en:CCNT2; linkedpages=en:Cyclin T2
- en:CCNY is a redirect to en:City College of New York; redirectFrom=en:CCNY; linkedpages=en:City College of New York
- en:CCP110 is not a redirect.
- en:CCR1 is not a redirect.
- en:CCR10 is not a redirect.
- en:CCR2 is not a redirect.
- en:CCR3 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CCR4 is not a redirect.
- en:CCR5 is not a redirect.
- en:CCR6 is a redirect to en:C-C chemokine receptor type 6; redirectFrom=en:CCR6; linkedpages=en:C-C chemokine receptor type 6
- en:CCR7 is a redirect to en:C-C chemokine receptor type 7; redirectFrom=en:CCR7; linkedpages=en:C-C chemokine receptor type 7
- en:CCR8 is a redirect to en:CCR8 (gene); redirectFrom=en:CCR8; linkedpages=en:CCR8 (gene)
- en:CCR9 is not a redirect.
- en:CCRL2 is not a redirect.
- en:CCSAP is a redirect to en:Srikrishna Committee on Telangana; redirectFrom=en:CCSAP; linkedpages=en:Srikrishna Committee on Telangana
- en:CCS (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CCT2 is a redirect to en:Cookstown Airport; redirectFrom=en:CCT2; linkedpages=en:Cookstown Airport
- en:CCT3 is not a redirect.
- en:CCT4 is not a redirect.
- en:CCT5 is a redirect to en:South Brook Water Aerodrome; redirectFrom=en:CCT5; linkedpages=en:South Brook Water Aerodrome
- en:CCT6A is not a redirect.
- en:CCT6B is not a redirect.
- en:CCT7 is not a redirect.
- en:CCT8 is not a redirect.
- en:CD101 is a redirect to en:IGSF2; redirectFrom=en:CD101; linkedpages=en:IGSF2
- en:CD109 is not a redirect.
- en:CD14 is not a redirect.
- en:CD151 is not a redirect.
- en:CD160 is not a redirect.
- en:CD163 is not a redirect.
- en:CD164 is not a redirect.
- en:CD177 is not a redirect.
- en:CD180 is not a redirect.
- en:CD19 is not a redirect.
- en:CD1A is not a redirect.
- en:CD1D is not a redirect.
- en:CD1E is not a redirect.
- en:CD2 is not a redirect.
- en:CD200 is not a redirect.
- en:CD200R1 is not a redirect.
- en:CD207 is a redirect to en:Langerin; redirectFrom=en:CD207; linkedpages=en:Langerin
- en:CD209 is a redirect to en:DC-SIGN; redirectFrom=en:CD209; linkedpages=en:DC-SIGN
- en:CD22 is not a redirect.
- en:CD226 is not a redirect.
- en:CD24 is not a redirect.
- en:CD244 is not a redirect.
- en:CD247 is not a redirect.
- en:CD248 is not a redirect.
- en:CD27 is not a redirect.
- en:CD274 is a redirect to en:PD-L1; redirectFrom=en:CD274; linkedpages=en:PD-L1
- en:CD276 is not a redirect.
- en:CD28 is not a redirect.
- en:CD2AP is not a redirect.
- en:CD2BP2 is not a redirect.
- en:CD300A is not a redirect.
- en:CD300C is not a redirect.
- en:CD300LF is not a redirect.
- en:CD302 is not a redirect.
- en:CD320 is not a redirect.
- en:CD33 is not a redirect.
- en:CD34 is not a redirect.
- en:CD36 is not a redirect.
- en:CD37 is not a redirect.
- en:CD38 is not a redirect.
- en:CD3D is not a redirect.
- en:CD3E is a redirect to en:T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 epsilon chain; redirectFrom=en:CD3E; linkedpages=en:T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 epsilon chain
- en:CD3EAP is not a redirect.
- en:CD3G is not a redirect.
- en:CD4 is not a redirect.
- en:CD40 is a redirect to en:CD40 (protein); redirectFrom=en:CD40; linkedpages=en:CD40 (protein)
- en:CD40LG is a redirect to en:CD154; redirectFrom=en:CD40LG; linkedpages=en:CD154
- en:CD44 is not a redirect.
- en:CD46 is not a redirect.
- en:CD47 is not a redirect.
- en:CD48 is not a redirect.
- en:CD52 is not a redirect.
- en:CD53 is not a redirect.
- en:CD55 is a redirect to en:Decay-accelerating factor; redirectFrom=en:CD55; linkedpages=en:Decay-accelerating factor
- en:CD58 is not a redirect.
- en:CD59 is not a redirect.
- en:CD5L is not a redirect.
- en:CD5 (gene) is a redirect to en:CD5 (protein); redirectFrom=en:CD5 (gene); linkedpages=en:CD5 (protein)
- en:CD6 is not a redirect.
- en:CD63 is not a redirect.
- en:CD68 is not a redirect.
- en:CD69 is not a redirect.
- en:CD7 is not a redirect.
- en:CD70 is not a redirect.
- en:CD72 is not a redirect.
- en:CD74 is not a redirect.
- en:CD79A is not a redirect.
- en:CD79B is not a redirect.
- en:CD80 is not a redirect.
- en:CD81 is not a redirect.
- en:CD82 is a redirect to en:CD82 (gene); redirectFrom=en:CD82; linkedpages=en:CD82 (gene)
- en:CD83 is not a redirect.
- en:CD84 is not a redirect.
- en:CD86 is not a redirect.
- en:CD8A is not a redirect.
- en:CD8B is a redirect to en:CD8; redirectFrom=en:CD8B; linkedpages=en:CD8
- en:CD9 is not a redirect.
- en:CD93 is not a redirect.
- en:CD96 is not a redirect.
- en:CD99 is not a redirect.
- en:CD99L2 is not a redirect.
- en:CDAN1 is not a redirect.
- en:CDA (gene) is a redirect to en:Cytidine deaminase; redirectFrom=en:CDA (gene); linkedpages=en:Cytidine deaminase
- en:CDC123 is not a redirect.
- en:CDC14A is not a redirect.
- en:CDC14B is not a redirect.
- en:CDC16 is not a redirect.
- en:CDC20 is not a redirect.
- en:CDC23 is not a redirect.
- en:CDC25A is not a redirect.
- en:CDC25B is not a redirect.
- en:CDC25C is not a redirect.
- en:CDC26 is not a redirect.
- en:CDC27 is not a redirect.
- en:CDC34 is not a redirect.
- en:CDC37 is not a redirect.
- en:CDC40 is not a redirect.
- en:CDC42 is not a redirect.
- en:CDC42BPA is not a redirect.
- en:CDC42EP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CDC42EP2 is not a redirect.
- en:CDC42EP3 is not a redirect.
- en:CDC42EP4 is not a redirect.
- en:CDC5L is not a redirect.
- en:CDC6 is not a redirect.
- en:CDC7 is a redirect to en:Cell division cycle 7-related protein kinase; redirectFrom=en:CDC7; linkedpages=en:Cell division cycle 7-related protein kinase
- en:CDC73 is not a redirect.
- en:CDCA3 is not a redirect.
- en:CDCA5 is not a redirect.
- en:CDCA7 is not a redirect.
- en:CDCA7L is not a redirect.
- en:CDCA8 is not a redirect.
- en:CDCP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CDH10 is not a redirect.
- en:CDH11 is not a redirect.
- en:CDH12 is not a redirect.
- en:CDH13 is a redirect to en:T-cadherin; redirectFrom=en:CDH13; linkedpages=en:T-cadherin
- en:CDH15 is not a redirect.
- en:CDH16 is not a redirect.
- en:CDH17 is not a redirect.
- en:CDH1 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CDH2 is not a redirect.
- en:CDH23 is not a redirect.
- en:CDH3 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CDH4 is not a redirect.
- en:CDH5 is a redirect to en:VE-cadherin; redirectFrom=en:CDH5; linkedpages=en:VE-cadherin
- en:CDH6 is not a redirect.
- en:CDH8 is not a redirect.
- en:CDH9 is not a redirect.
- en:CDHR3 is a redirect to en:Cadherin related family member 3; redirectFrom=en:CDHR3; linkedpages=en:Cadherin related family member 3
- en:CDIPT is not a redirect.
- en:CDK1 is a redirect to en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 1; redirectFrom=en:CDK1; linkedpages=en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 1
- en:CDK10 is a redirect to en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 10; redirectFrom=en:CDK10; linkedpages=en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 10
- en:CDK12 is not a redirect.
- en:CDK2 is a redirect to en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 2; redirectFrom=en:CDK2; linkedpages=en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 2
- en:CDK2AP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CDK3 is a redirect to en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 3; redirectFrom=en:CDK3; linkedpages=en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 3
- en:CDK4 is a redirect to en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 4; redirectFrom=en:CDK4; linkedpages=en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 4
- en:CDK5 is a redirect to en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 5; redirectFrom=en:CDK5; linkedpages=en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 5
- en:CDK5R1 is not a redirect.
- en:CDK5R2 is not a redirect.
- en:CDK5RAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CDK5RAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:CDK5RAP3 is not a redirect.
- en:CDK6 is a redirect to en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 6; redirectFrom=en:CDK6; linkedpages=en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 6
- en:CDK7 is a redirect to en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 7; redirectFrom=en:CDK7; linkedpages=en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 7
- en:CDK8 is a redirect to en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 8; redirectFrom=en:CDK8; linkedpages=en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 8
- en:CDK9 is a redirect to en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 9; redirectFrom=en:CDK9; linkedpages=en:Cyclin-dependent kinase 9
- en:CDKAL1 is not a redirect.
- en:CDKL2 is not a redirect.
- en:CDKL5 is not a redirect.
- en:CDKN1A is a redirect to en:P21; redirectFrom=en:CDKN1A; linkedpages=en:P21
- en:CDKN1B is not a redirect.
- en:CDKN1C is a redirect to en:Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C; redirectFrom=en:CDKN1C; linkedpages=en:Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C
- en:CDKN2A is not a redirect.
- en:CDKN2B is not a redirect.
- en:CDKN2C is not a redirect.
- en:CDKN2D is not a redirect.
- en:CDKN3 is not a redirect.
- en:CDNF (gene) is a redirect to en:Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor; redirectFrom=en:CDNF (gene); linkedpages=en:Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor
- en:CDON is not a redirect.
- en:CDR1 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CDR2 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CDS1 is a redirect to en:CDS1 (gene); redirectFrom=en:CDS1; linkedpages=en:CDS1 (gene)
- en:CDS2 is not a redirect.
- en:CDSN is a redirect to en:Corneodesmosin; redirectFrom=en:CDSN; linkedpages=en:Corneodesmosin
- en:CDT1 is a redirect to en:DNA replication factor CDT1; redirectFrom=en:CDT1; linkedpages=en:DNA replication factor CDT1
- en:CDV3 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CDX1 is not a redirect.
- en:CDX2 is not a redirect.
- en:CDX4 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CDY1 is not a redirect.
- en:CDYL2 is not a redirect.
- en:CEACAM1 is not a redirect.
- en:CEACAM16 is not a redirect.
- en:CEACAM18 is not a redirect.
- en:CEACAM19 is not a redirect.
- en:CEACAM20 is not a redirect.
- en:CEACAM21 is not a redirect.
- en:CEACAM3 is not a redirect.
- en:CEACAM4 is not a redirect.
- en:CEACAM5 is not a redirect.
- en:CEACAM6 is not a redirect.
- en:CEACAM7 is not a redirect.
- en:CEACAM8 is not a redirect.
- en:CEBPA is not a redirect.
- en:CEBPB is not a redirect.
- en:CEBPD is not a redirect.
- en:CEBPE is not a redirect.
- en:CEBPG is not a redirect.
- en:CEBPZ is a redirect to en:CCAAT/enhancer binding protein zeta; redirectFrom=en:CEBPZ; linkedpages=en:CCAAT/enhancer binding protein zeta
- en:CELA1 is not a redirect.
- en:CELA2A is not a redirect.
- en:CELA2B is not a redirect.
- en:CELA3A is not a redirect.
- en:CELA3B is not a redirect.
- en:CELSR1 is not a redirect.
- en:CELSR2 is not a redirect.
- en:CELSR3 is not a redirect.
- en:CEL (gene) is a redirect to en:Bile salt-dependent lipase; redirectFrom=en:CEL (gene); linkedpages=en:Bile salt-dependent lipase
- en:CEMIP is not a redirect.
- en:CENPA is not a redirect.
- en:CENPB is a redirect to en:Centromere protein B; redirectFrom=en:CENPB; linkedpages=en:Centromere protein B
- en:CENPE is a redirect to en:Centromere protein E; redirectFrom=en:CENPE; linkedpages=en:Centromere protein E
- en:CENPF is not a redirect.
- en:CENPH is not a redirect.
- en:CENPI is not a redirect.
- en:CENPJ is not a redirect.
- en:CENPK is not a redirect.
- en:CENPL is not a redirect.
- en:CENPM is not a redirect.
- en:CENPN is not a redirect.
- en:CENPO is not a redirect.
- en:CENPT is not a redirect.
- en:CEP104 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP120 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP128 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP131 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP135 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP152 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP164 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP170 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP192 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP250 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP290 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP350 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP55 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP57 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP63 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP68 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP70 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP72 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP76 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP78 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP85L is not a redirect.
- en:CEP89 is not a redirect.
- en:CEP97 is not a redirect.
- en:CEPT1 is a redirect to en:CEPT Recommendation T/CD 06-01; redirectFrom=en:CEPT1; linkedpages=en:CEPT Recommendation T/CD 06-01
- en:CER1 (gene) is a redirect to en:Cerberus (protein); redirectFrom=en:CER1 (gene); linkedpages=en:Cerberus (protein)
- en:CERK is a redirect to en:Ceramide kinase; redirectFrom=en:CERK; linkedpages=en:Ceramide kinase
- en:CES1 is a redirect to en:Carboxylesterase 1; redirectFrom=en:CES1; linkedpages=en:Carboxylesterase 1
- en:CES2 is a redirect to en:Carboxylesterase 2; redirectFrom=en:CES2; linkedpages=en:Carboxylesterase 2
- en:CES3 is a redirect to en:List of heliports in Canada#55; redirectFrom=en:CES3; linkedpages=en:List of heliports in Canada#55
- en:CETN1 is a redirect to en:Centrin 1; redirectFrom=en:CETN1; linkedpages=en:Centrin 1
- en:CETN2 is a redirect to en:Centrin 2; redirectFrom=en:CETN2; linkedpages=en:Centrin 2
- en:CETN3 is a redirect to en:Centrin 3; redirectFrom=en:CETN3; linkedpages=en:Centrin 3
- en:CETP is a redirect to en:Cholesterylester transfer protein; redirectFrom=en:CETP; linkedpages=en:Cholesterylester transfer protein
- en:CFAP157 is not a redirect.
- en:CFAP299 is not a redirect.
- en:CFAP47 is not a redirect.
- en:CFAP53 is not a redirect.
- en:CFB (gene) is a redirect to en:Complement factor B; redirectFrom=en:CFB (gene); linkedpages=en:Complement factor B
- en:CFC1 is not a redirect.
- en:CFDP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CFHR1 is not a redirect.
- en:CFHR2 is not a redirect.
- en:CFHR3 is not a redirect.
- en:CFHR4 is not a redirect.
- en:CFHR5 is not a redirect.
- en:CFH (gene) is a redirect to en:Factor H; redirectFrom=en:CFH (gene); linkedpages=en:Factor H
- en:CFI (gene) is a redirect to en:Complement factor I; redirectFrom=en:CFI (gene); linkedpages=en:Complement factor I
- en:CFL1 is a redirect to en:Cofilin 1; redirectFrom=en:CFL1; linkedpages=en:Cofilin 1
- en:CFL2 (gene) is a redirect to en:Cofilin-2; redirectFrom=en:CFL2 (gene); linkedpages=en:Cofilin-2
- en:CFLAR is not a redirect.
- en:CFTR is a redirect to en:Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; redirectFrom=en:CFTR; linkedpages=en:Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator
- en:CGAS is a redirect to en:Children's Global Assessment Scale; redirectFrom=en:CGAS; linkedpages=en:Children's Global Assessment Scale
- en:CGA (gene) is a redirect to en:Glycoprotein hormones, alpha polypeptide; redirectFrom=en:CGA (gene); linkedpages=en:Glycoprotein hormones, alpha polypeptide
- en:CGB1 is not a redirect.
- en:CGB2 is a redirect to en:Carstairs/Bishell's Airport; redirectFrom=en:CGB2; linkedpages=en:Carstairs/Bishell's Airport
- en:CGB3 is a redirect to en:Picton (Greenbush) Aerodrome; redirectFrom=en:CGB3; linkedpages=en:Picton (Greenbush) Aerodrome
- en:CGB5 is not a redirect.
- en:CGB7 is not a redirect.
- en:CGGBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CGN (gene) is a redirect to en:Cingulin; redirectFrom=en:CGN (gene); linkedpages=en:Cingulin
- en:CHAF1A is not a redirect.
- en:CHAF1B is not a redirect.
- en:CHAMP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CHAT (gene) is a redirect to en:Choline acetyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:CHAT (gene); linkedpages=en:Choline acetyltransferase
- en:CHCHD10 is not a redirect.
- en:CHCHD2 is not a redirect.
- en:CHD1 is not a redirect.
- en:CHD1L is not a redirect.
- en:CHD2 is not a redirect.
- en:CHD3 is not a redirect.
- en:CHD4 is not a redirect.
- en:CHD5 is not a redirect.
- en:CHD7 is not a redirect.
- en:CHD8 is not a redirect.
- en:CHD9 is not a redirect.
- en:CHEK1 is not a redirect.
- en:CHEK2 is not a redirect.
- en:CHFR is not a redirect.
- en:CHGA is a redirect to en:Commission on HIV/AIDS and Governance in Africa; redirectFrom=en:CHGA; linkedpages=en:Commission on HIV/AIDS and Governance in Africa
- en:CHGB (gene) is a redirect to en:Secretoneurin; redirectFrom=en:CHGB (gene); linkedpages=en:Secretoneurin
- en:CHI3L1 is not a redirect.
- en:CHIA is a redirect to en:Children's Hope In Action; redirectFrom=en:CHIA; linkedpages=en:Children's Hope In Action
- en:CHKA is not a redirect.
- en:CHKB (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CHL1 is not a redirect.
- en:CHML is not a redirect.
- en:CHMP1A is not a redirect.
- en:CHMP1B is not a redirect.
- en:CHMP2A is not a redirect.
- en:CHMP2B is not a redirect.
- en:CHMP4A is not a redirect.
- en:CHMP4B is not a redirect.
- en:CHMP4C is not a redirect.
- en:CHMP5 is not a redirect.
- en:CHMP6 is not a redirect.
- en:CHM (gene) is a redirect to en:Rab escort protein 1; redirectFrom=en:CHM (gene); linkedpages=en:Rab escort protein 1
- en:CHN1 is a redirect to en:Chimerin 1; redirectFrom=en:CHN1; linkedpages=en:Chimerin 1
- en:CHN2 is a redirect to en:Chimerin 2; redirectFrom=en:CHN2; linkedpages=en:Chimerin 2
- en:CHODL is not a redirect.
- en:CHP2 is a redirect to en:Belwood (Heurisko Pond) Water Aerodrome; redirectFrom=en:CHP2; linkedpages=en:Belwood (Heurisko Pond) Water Aerodrome
- en:CHPF is not a redirect.
- en:CHRDL1 is a redirect to en:Chordin-like 1; redirectFrom=en:CHRDL1; linkedpages=en:Chordin-like 1
- en:CHRFAM7A is not a redirect.
- en:CHRM1 is a redirect to en:Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1; redirectFrom=en:CHRM1; linkedpages=en:Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M1
- en:CHRM2 is a redirect to en:Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2; redirectFrom=en:CHRM2; linkedpages=en:Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M2
- en:CHRM3 is a redirect to en:Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3; redirectFrom=en:CHRM3; linkedpages=en:Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3
- en:CHRM4 is a redirect to en:Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M4; redirectFrom=en:CHRM4; linkedpages=en:Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M4
- en:CHRM5 is a redirect to en:Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M5; redirectFrom=en:CHRM5; linkedpages=en:Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M5
- en:CHRNA1 is not a redirect.
- en:CHRNA10 is not a redirect.
- en:CHRNA2 is not a redirect.
- en:CHRNA3 is not a redirect.
- en:CHRNA4 is not a redirect.
- en:CHRNA5 is not a redirect.
- en:CHRNA6 is not a redirect.
- en:CHRNA7 is not a redirect.
- en:CHRNA9 is not a redirect.
- en:CHRNB1 is not a redirect.
- en:CHRNB2 is not a redirect.
- en:CHRNB3 is not a redirect.
- en:CHRNB4 is not a redirect.
- en:CHRND is not a redirect.
- en:CHRNE is not a redirect.
- en:CHRNG is not a redirect.
- en:CHST1 is not a redirect.
- en:CHST10 is not a redirect.
- en:CHST11 is not a redirect.
- en:CHST12 is not a redirect.
- en:CHST14 is not a redirect.
- en:CHST15 is not a redirect.
- en:CHST2 is not a redirect.
- en:CHST4 is not a redirect.
- en:CHST5 is not a redirect.
- en:CHST6 is not a redirect.
- en:CHST7 is not a redirect.
- en:CHSY1 is not a redirect.
- en:CHTF18 is not a redirect.
- en:CHUK is not a redirect.
- en:CIAO1 is not a redirect.
- en:CIAPIN1 is not a redirect.
- en:CIB1 is not a redirect.
- en:CIC (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CIDEA is not a redirect.
- en:CIDEB is not a redirect.
- en:CIITA is not a redirect.
- en:CILP is not a redirect.
- en:CINP is a redirect to en:Christmas Island National Park; redirectFrom=en:CINP; linkedpages=en:Christmas Island National Park
- en:CIP2A is a redirect to en:KIAA1524; redirectFrom=en:CIP2A; linkedpages=en:KIAA1524
- en:CIPC is a redirect to en:CIPC-FM; redirectFrom=en:CIPC; linkedpages=en:CIPC-FM
- en:CIRBP is not a redirect.
- en:CISD2 is not a redirect.
- en:CISH is not a redirect.
- en:CITED1 is not a redirect.
- en:CITED2 is not a redirect.
- en:CIT (gene) is a redirect to en:Citron kinase; redirectFrom=en:CIT (gene); linkedpages=en:Citron kinase
- en:CIZ1 is not a redirect.
- en:CKAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:CKAP4 is not a redirect.
- en:CKAP5 is not a redirect.
- en:CKB (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CKLF is a redirect to en:CKLF-FM; redirectFrom=en:CKLF; linkedpages=en:CKLF-FM
- en:CKMT1A is not a redirect.
- en:CKMT1B is not a redirect.
- en:CKMT2 is not a redirect.
- en:CKM (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CKS1B is not a redirect.
- en:CKS2 is not a redirect.
- en:CLASP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CLASP2 is not a redirect.
- en:CLBA1 is not a redirect.
- en:CLCA1 is not a redirect.
- en:CLCA2 is not a redirect.
- en:CLCA4 is not a redirect.
- en:CLCC1 is not a redirect.
- en:CLCF1 is not a redirect.
- en:CLCN1 is not a redirect.
- en:CLCN2 is not a redirect.
- en:CLCN3 is not a redirect.
- en:CLCN4 is not a redirect.
- en:CLCN5 is not a redirect.
- en:CLCN6 is not a redirect.
- en:CLCN7 is not a redirect.
- en:CLCNKA is not a redirect.
- en:CLCNKB is not a redirect.
- en:CLC (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN1 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN10 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN11 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN12 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN14 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN15 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN16 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN17 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN18 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN19 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN2 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN20 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN22 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN3 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN4 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN5 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN6 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN7 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN8 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDN9 is not a redirect.
- en:CLDND1 is not a redirect.
- en:CLEC10A is not a redirect.
- en:CLEC11A is not a redirect.
- en:CLEC12A is not a redirect.
- en:CLEC16A is not a redirect.
- en:CLEC1A is not a redirect.
- en:CLEC1B is not a redirect.
- en:CLEC2B is not a redirect.
- en:CLEC2D is not a redirect.
- en:CLEC3B is not a redirect.
- en:CLEC4A is not a redirect.
- en:CLEC4C is not a redirect.
- en:CLEC4E is a redirect to en:Mincle receptor; redirectFrom=en:CLEC4E; linkedpages=en:Mincle receptor
- en:CLEC4M is not a redirect.
- en:CLEC5A is not a redirect.
- en:CLEC7A is not a redirect.
- en:CLEC9A is not a redirect.
- en:CLGN is a redirect to en:Calmegin; redirectFrom=en:CLGN; linkedpages=en:Calmegin
- en:CLIC1 is not a redirect.
- en:CLIC2 is not a redirect.
- en:CLIC3 is not a redirect.
- en:CLIC4 is not a redirect.
- en:CLIC5 is not a redirect.
- en:CLIC6 is not a redirect.
- en:CLINT1 is not a redirect.
- en:CLIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CLIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:CLK1 is not a redirect.
- en:CLK2 is not a redirect.
- en:CLK3 is a redirect to en:Lucknow Airpark; redirectFrom=en:CLK3; linkedpages=en:Lucknow Airpark
- en:CLK4 is a redirect to en:Saint-Michel-des-Saints/Lac Kaiagamac Water Aerodrome; redirectFrom=en:CLK4; linkedpages=en:Saint-Michel-des-Saints/Lac Kaiagamac Water Aerodrome
- en:CLMP is a redirect to en:Council of Literary Magazines and Presses; redirectFrom=en:CLMP; linkedpages=en:Council of Literary Magazines and Presses
- en:CLN3 is not a redirect.
- en:CLN5 is not a redirect.
- en:CLN6 is not a redirect.
- en:CLN8 is not a redirect.
- en:CLNS1A is not a redirect.
- en:CLOCK is not a redirect.
- en:CLPB is not a redirect.
- en:CLPP (gene) is a redirect to en:ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunit; redirectFrom=en:CLPP (gene); linkedpages=en:ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunit
- en:CLPS (gene) is a redirect to en:Colipase; redirectFrom=en:CLPS (gene); linkedpages=en:Colipase
- en:CLPTM1 is a redirect to en:Cleft lip and palate transmembrane protein 1; redirectFrom=en:CLPTM1; linkedpages=en:Cleft lip and palate transmembrane protein 1
- en:CLPTM1L is not a redirect.
- en:CLRN1 is not a redirect.
- en:CLSPN is not a redirect.
- en:CLSTN1 is not a redirect.
- en:CLTA is a redirect to en:Chinese Language Teachers Association; redirectFrom=en:CLTA; linkedpages=en:Chinese Language Teachers Association
- en:CLTB is not a redirect.
- en:CLTC is not a redirect.
- en:CLUAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CLUH is not a redirect.
- en:CLU (gene) is a redirect to en:Clusterin; redirectFrom=en:CLU (gene); linkedpages=en:Clusterin
- en:CMA1 is not a redirect.
- en:CMAS (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CMC2 is a redirect to en:Misericordia Community Hospital; redirectFrom=en:CMC2; linkedpages=en:Misericordia Community Hospital
- en:CMKLR1 is not a redirect.
- en:CMTM2 is not a redirect.
- en:CMTM3 is not a redirect.
- en:CNBP is not a redirect.
- en:CNDP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CNGA1 is a redirect to en:Cyclic nucleotide-gated channel alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:CNGA1; linkedpages=en:Cyclic nucleotide-gated channel alpha 1
- en:CNGA2 is a redirect to en:Cyclic nucleotide-gated channel alpha 2; redirectFrom=en:CNGA2; linkedpages=en:Cyclic nucleotide-gated channel alpha 2
- en:CNGA3 is a redirect to en:Cyclic nucleotide-gated channel alpha 3; redirectFrom=en:CNGA3; linkedpages=en:Cyclic nucleotide-gated channel alpha 3
- en:CNGA4 is a redirect to en:Cyclic nucleotide-gated channel alpha 4; redirectFrom=en:CNGA4; linkedpages=en:Cyclic nucleotide-gated channel alpha 4
- en:CNGB1 is not a redirect.
- en:CNGB3 is a redirect to en:Cyclic nucleotide gated channel beta 3; redirectFrom=en:CNGB3; linkedpages=en:Cyclic nucleotide gated channel beta 3
- en:CNIH4 is not a redirect.
- en:CNKSR1 is not a redirect.
- en:CNKSR2 is not a redirect.
- en:CNKSR3 is not a redirect.
- en:CNN1 is a redirect to en:Calponin 1; redirectFrom=en:CNN1; linkedpages=en:Calponin 1
- en:CNN2 is a redirect to en:Calponin 2; redirectFrom=en:CNN2; linkedpages=en:Calponin 2
- en:CNN3 is a redirect to en:Shelburne/Fisher Field Aerodrome; redirectFrom=en:CNN3; linkedpages=en:Shelburne/Fisher Field Aerodrome
- en:CNNM2 is not a redirect.
- en:CNOT1 is not a redirect.
- en:CNOT2 is not a redirect.
- en:CNOT3 is not a redirect.
- en:CNOT4 is not a redirect.
- en:CNOT6 is not a redirect.
- en:CNOT7 is not a redirect.
- en:CNOT8 is not a redirect.
- en:CNPY2 is not a redirect.
- en:CNP (gene) is a redirect to en:2',3'-Cyclic-nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase; redirectFrom=en:CNP (gene); linkedpages=en:2',3'-Cyclic-nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase
- en:CNR1 is a redirect to en:Cannabinoid receptor type 1; redirectFrom=en:CNR1; linkedpages=en:Cannabinoid receptor type 1
- en:CNR2 is a redirect to en:Cannabinoid receptor type 2; redirectFrom=en:CNR2; linkedpages=en:Cannabinoid receptor type 2
- en:CNTF is a redirect to en:Ciliary neurotrophic factor; redirectFrom=en:CNTF; linkedpages=en:Ciliary neurotrophic factor
- en:CNTFR is a redirect to en:Ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor; redirectFrom=en:CNTFR; linkedpages=en:Ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor
- en:CNTLN is not a redirect.
- en:CNTN1 is a redirect to en:Contactin 1; redirectFrom=en:CNTN1; linkedpages=en:Contactin 1
- en:CNTN2 is a redirect to en:Contactin 2; redirectFrom=en:CNTN2; linkedpages=en:Contactin 2
- en:CNTN3 is a redirect to en:Contactin 3; redirectFrom=en:CNTN3; linkedpages=en:Contactin 3
- en:CNTN4 is a redirect to en:Contactin 4; redirectFrom=en:CNTN4; linkedpages=en:Contactin 4
- en:CNTN6 is a redirect to en:Contactin 6; redirectFrom=en:CNTN6; linkedpages=en:Contactin 6
- en:CNTNAP1 is a redirect to en:CASPR; redirectFrom=en:CNTNAP1; linkedpages=en:CASPR
- en:CNTNAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:CNTNAP4 is not a redirect.
- en:CNTRL is not a redirect.
- en:CNTROB is not a redirect.
- en:COA3 is not a redirect.
- en:COA5 is not a redirect.
- en:COA6 is not a redirect.
- en:COA7 is not a redirect.
- en:COASY is not a redirect.
- en:COBL is a redirect to en:Cordon-bleu protein; redirectFrom=en:COBL; linkedpages=en:Cordon-bleu protein
- en:COBLL1 is a redirect to en:Cordon-bleu protein-like 1; redirectFrom=en:COBLL1; linkedpages=en:Cordon-bleu protein-like 1
- en:COCH (gene) is a redirect to en:Cochlin; redirectFrom=en:COCH (gene); linkedpages=en:Cochlin
- en:COG1 is not a redirect.
- en:COG2 is not a redirect.
- en:COG3 is not a redirect.
- en:COG4 is not a redirect.
- en:COG5 is not a redirect.
- en:COG7 is not a redirect.
- en:COG8 is not a redirect.
- en:COIL (gene) is a redirect to en:Coilin; redirectFrom=en:COIL (gene); linkedpages=en:Coilin
- en:COL10A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type X, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL10A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type X, alpha 1
- en:COL11A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type XI, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL11A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type XI, alpha 1
- en:COL11A2 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type XI, alpha 2; redirectFrom=en:COL11A2; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type XI, alpha 2
- en:COL12A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type XII, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL12A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type XII, alpha 1
- en:COL13A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type XIII, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL13A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type XIII, alpha 1
- en:COL14A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type XIV, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL14A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type XIV, alpha 1
- en:COL15A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type XV, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL15A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type XV, alpha 1
- en:COL16A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type XVI, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL16A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type XVI, alpha 1
- en:COL17A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type XVII, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL17A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type XVII, alpha 1
- en:COL18A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type XVIII, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL18A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type XVIII, alpha 1
- en:COL19A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type XIX, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL19A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type XIX, alpha 1
- en:COL1A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type I, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL1A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type I, alpha 1
- en:COL1A2 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type I, alpha 2; redirectFrom=en:COL1A2; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type I, alpha 2
- en:COL20A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type XX, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL20A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type XX, alpha 1
- en:COL21A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type XXI, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL21A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type XXI, alpha 1
- en:COL22A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type XXII, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL22A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type XXII, alpha 1
- en:COL23A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type XXIII, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL23A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type XXIII, alpha 1
- en:COL24A1 is not a redirect.
- en:COL25A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type XXV, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL25A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type XXV, alpha 1
- en:COL26A1 is a redirect to en:EMID2; redirectFrom=en:COL26A1; linkedpages=en:EMID2
- en:COL27A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type XXVII, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL27A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type XXVII, alpha 1
- en:COL28A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type XXVIII, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL28A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type XXVIII, alpha 1
- en:COL2A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type II, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL2A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type II, alpha 1
- en:COL3A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type III, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL3A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type III, alpha 1
- en:COL4A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type IV, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL4A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type IV, alpha 1
- en:COL4A2 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type IV, alpha 2; redirectFrom=en:COL4A2; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type IV, alpha 2
- en:COL4A3 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type IV, alpha 3; redirectFrom=en:COL4A3; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type IV, alpha 3
- en:COL4A4 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type IV, alpha 4; redirectFrom=en:COL4A4; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type IV, alpha 4
- en:COL4A5 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type IV, alpha 5; redirectFrom=en:COL4A5; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type IV, alpha 5
- en:COL4A6 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type IV, alpha 6; redirectFrom=en:COL4A6; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type IV, alpha 6
- en:COL5A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type V, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL5A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type V, alpha 1
- en:COL5A2 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type V, alpha 2; redirectFrom=en:COL5A2; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type V, alpha 2
- en:COL5A3 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type V, alpha 3; redirectFrom=en:COL5A3; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type V, alpha 3
- en:COL6A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type VI, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL6A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type VI, alpha 1
- en:COL6A2 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type VI, alpha 2; redirectFrom=en:COL6A2; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type VI, alpha 2
- en:COL6A3 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type VI, alpha 3; redirectFrom=en:COL6A3; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type VI, alpha 3
- en:COL6A5 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type VI, alpha 5; redirectFrom=en:COL6A5; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type VI, alpha 5
- en:COL7A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type VII, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL7A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type VII, alpha 1
- en:COL8A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type VIII, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL8A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type VIII, alpha 1
- en:COL8A2 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type VIII, alpha 2; redirectFrom=en:COL8A2; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type VIII, alpha 2
- en:COL9A1 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type IX, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:COL9A1; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type IX, alpha 1
- en:COL9A2 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type IX, alpha 2; redirectFrom=en:COL9A2; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type IX, alpha 2
- en:COL9A3 is a redirect to en:Collagen, type IX, alpha 3; redirectFrom=en:COL9A3; linkedpages=en:Collagen, type IX, alpha 3
- en:COLEC12 is a redirect to en:Collectin; redirectFrom=en:COLEC12; linkedpages=en:Collectin
- en:COLQ is not a redirect.
- en:COMMD1 is not a redirect.
- en:COMMD4 is not a redirect.
- en:COMMD9 is not a redirect.
- en:COMP (gene) is a redirect to en:Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein; redirectFrom=en:COMP (gene); linkedpages=en:Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein
- en:COMT is a redirect to en:Catechol-O-methyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:COMT; linkedpages=en:Catechol-O-methyltransferase
- en:COP1 is not a redirect.
- en:COPA (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:COPB1 is not a redirect.
- en:COPB2 is not a redirect.
- en:COPE (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:COPG2 is not a redirect.
- en:COPS2 is not a redirect.
- en:COPS3 is a redirect to en:COP9 signalosome complex subunit 3; redirectFrom=en:COPS3; linkedpages=en:COP9 signalosome complex subunit 3
- en:COPS4 is not a redirect.
- en:COPS5 is a redirect to en:COP9 constitutive photomorphogenic homolog subunit 5; redirectFrom=en:COPS5; linkedpages=en:COP9 constitutive photomorphogenic homolog subunit 5
- en:COPS6 is not a redirect.
- en:COPS7A is not a redirect.
- en:COPS7B is not a redirect.
- en:COPS8 is not a redirect.
- en:COPZ1 is not a redirect.
- en:COQ2 is not a redirect.
- en:COQ3 (gene) is a redirect to en:COQ3; redirectFrom=en:COQ3 (gene); linkedpages=en:COQ3
- en:COQ4 is not a redirect.
- en:COQ6 is not a redirect.
- en:COQ7 is not a redirect.
- en:COQ9 is not a redirect.
- en:CORIN is not a redirect.
- en:CORO1A is not a redirect.
- en:CORO1B is not a redirect.
- en:CORO1C is not a redirect.
- en:CORO2A is not a redirect.
- en:CORO6 is not a redirect.
- en:CORT is a redirect to en:Cortistatin (neuropeptide); redirectFrom=en:CORT; linkedpages=en:Cortistatin (neuropeptide)
- en:COTL1 is not a redirect.
- en:COX10 is not a redirect.
- en:COX14 is not a redirect.
- en:COX15 is not a redirect.
- en:COX17 is not a redirect.
- en:COX20 is not a redirect.
- en:COX4I1 is not a redirect.
- en:COX4I2 is not a redirect.
- en:COX5A is not a redirect.
- en:COX5B is not a redirect.
- en:COX6A1 is not a redirect.
- en:COX6A2 is not a redirect.
- en:COX6B1 is not a redirect.
- en:COX6B2 is not a redirect.
- en:COX6C is not a redirect.
- en:COX7A1 is not a redirect.
- en:COX7A2 is not a redirect.
- en:COX7A2L is not a redirect.
- en:COX7B is not a redirect.
- en:COX7C is not a redirect.
- en:COX8A is not a redirect.
- en:CPA1 is a redirect to en:Carboxypeptidase A1; redirectFrom=en:CPA1; linkedpages=en:Carboxypeptidase A1
- en:CPA2 is a redirect to en:Carboxypeptidase A2; redirectFrom=en:CPA2; linkedpages=en:Carboxypeptidase A2
- en:CPA3 is not a redirect.
- en:CPA4 is a redirect to en:Simcoe (Dennison Field) Airport; redirectFrom=en:CPA4; linkedpages=en:Simcoe (Dennison Field) Airport
- en:CPA5 is not a redirect.
- en:CPA6 is a redirect to en:Carboxypeptidase A6; redirectFrom=en:CPA6; linkedpages=en:Carboxypeptidase A6
- en:CPB2 is a redirect to en:Carboxypeptidase B2; redirectFrom=en:CPB2; linkedpages=en:Carboxypeptidase B2
- en:CPD (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CPEB1 is not a redirect.
- en:CPED1 is not a redirect.
- en:CPE (gene) is a redirect to en:Carboxypeptidase E; redirectFrom=en:CPE (gene); linkedpages=en:Carboxypeptidase E
- en:CPLX1 is not a redirect.
- en:CPLX2 is not a redirect.
- en:CPM (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CPN1 is not a redirect.
- en:CPN2 is not a redirect.
- en:CPNE1 is not a redirect.
- en:CPNE4 is not a redirect.
- en:CPNE6 is not a redirect.
- en:CPNE8 is not a redirect.
- en:CPOX (gene) is a redirect to en:Coproporphyrinogen III oxidase; redirectFrom=en:CPOX (gene); linkedpages=en:Coproporphyrinogen III oxidase
- en:CPQ (gene) is a redirect to en:Cucurbitadienol synthase; redirectFrom=en:CPQ (gene); linkedpages=en:Cucurbitadienol synthase
- en:CPSF1 is not a redirect.
- en:CPSF2 is not a redirect.
- en:CPSF3 is not a redirect.
- en:CPSF4 is not a redirect.
- en:CPSF6 is not a redirect.
- en:CPSF7 is not a redirect.
- en:CPT1A is a redirect to en:Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I; redirectFrom=en:CPT1A; linkedpages=en:Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I
- en:CPT1B is a redirect to en:Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I; redirectFrom=en:CPT1B; linkedpages=en:Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I
- en:CPT1C is a redirect to en:Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I; redirectFrom=en:CPT1C; linkedpages=en:Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I
- en:CPT2 (gene) is a redirect to en:Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II; redirectFrom=en:CPT2 (gene); linkedpages=en:Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II
- en:CPVL is not a redirect.
- en:CPXM1 is not a redirect.
- en:CPZ (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CP (gene) is a redirect to en:Ceruloplasmin; redirectFrom=en:CP (gene); linkedpages=en:Ceruloplasmin
- en:CR1 (gene) is a redirect to en:Complement receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:CR1 (gene); linkedpages=en:Complement receptor 1
- en:CR2 (gene) is a redirect to en:Complement receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:CR2 (gene); linkedpages=en:Complement receptor 2
- en:CRABP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CRABP2 is not a redirect.
- en:CRACR2A is not a redirect.
- en:CRADD is not a redirect.
- en:CRAT (gene) is a redirect to en:Carnitine O-acetyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:CRAT (gene); linkedpages=en:Carnitine O-acetyltransferase
- en:CRB1 is not a redirect.
- en:CRB2 is a redirect to en:Cottam Airport; redirectFrom=en:CRB2; linkedpages=en:Cottam Airport
- en:CRB3 is not a redirect.
- en:CRBN is a redirect to en:Cereblon; redirectFrom=en:CRBN; linkedpages=en:Cereblon
- en:CRCP is a redirect to en:Consumer Rights Commission of Pakistan; redirectFrom=en:CRCP; linkedpages=en:Consumer Rights Commission of Pakistan
- en:CREB1 is not a redirect.
- en:CREB3 is not a redirect.
- en:CREB3L1 is not a redirect.
- en:CREB5 is not a redirect.
- en:CREBBP is a redirect to en:CREB-binding protein; redirectFrom=en:CREBBP; linkedpages=en:CREB-binding protein
- en:CREBRF is not a redirect.
- en:CREG1 is not a redirect.
- en:CRELD1 is not a redirect.
- en:CRELD2 is not a redirect.
- en:CREM (gene) is a redirect to en:CAMP responsive element modulator; redirectFrom=en:CREM (gene); linkedpages=en:CAMP responsive element modulator
- en:CRHBP is not a redirect.
- en:CRHR1 is a redirect to en:Corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:CRHR1; linkedpages=en:Corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1
- en:CRHR2 is a redirect to en:Corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:CRHR2; linkedpages=en:Corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 2
- en:CRH (gene) is a redirect to en:Corticotropin-releasing hormone; redirectFrom=en:CRH (gene); linkedpages=en:Corticotropin-releasing hormone
- en:CRIM1 is not a redirect.
- en:CRIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CRIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:CRIPT is not a redirect.
- en:CRISP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CRISP2 is not a redirect.
- en:CRISP3 is not a redirect.
- en:CRISPLD2 is not a redirect.
- en:CRKL is not a redirect.
- en:CRK (gene) is a redirect to en:Adapter molecule crk; redirectFrom=en:CRK (gene); linkedpages=en:Adapter molecule crk
- en:CRLF1 is not a redirect.
- en:CRLF2 is not a redirect.
- en:CRLF3 is not a redirect.
- en:CRMP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CROCC is a redirect to en:Rootletin; redirectFrom=en:CROCC; linkedpages=en:Rootletin
- en:CROT is a redirect to en:Controlled NOT gate#C-ROT gate; redirectFrom=en:CROT; linkedpages=en:Controlled NOT gate#C-ROT gate
- en:CRP (gene) is a redirect to en:C-reactive protein; redirectFrom=en:CRP (gene); linkedpages=en:C-reactive protein
- en:CRTAP is a redirect to en:Cartilage associated protein; redirectFrom=en:CRTAP; linkedpages=en:Cartilage associated protein
- en:CRTC1 is not a redirect.
- en:CRTC2 is not a redirect.
- en:CRTC3 is not a redirect.
- en:CRX (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CRY1 is a redirect to en:Cryptochrome; redirectFrom=en:CRY1; linkedpages=en:Cryptochrome
- en:CRY2 is a redirect to en:Cryptochrome; redirectFrom=en:CRY2; linkedpages=en:Cryptochrome
- en:CRYAA is not a redirect.
- en:CRYAB is not a redirect.
- en:CRYBA1 is a redirect to en:Crystallin, beta A1; redirectFrom=en:CRYBA1; linkedpages=en:Crystallin, beta A1
- en:CRYBA4 is not a redirect.
- en:CRYBB1 is not a redirect.
- en:CRYBB2 is not a redirect.
- en:CRYBB3 is not a redirect.
- en:CRYGA is not a redirect.
- en:CRYGB is not a redirect.
- en:CRYGC is not a redirect.
- en:CRYGD is a redirect to en:Crystallin, gamma D; redirectFrom=en:CRYGD; linkedpages=en:Crystallin, gamma D
- en:CRYGS is not a redirect.
- en:CRYL1 is not a redirect.
- en:CRYM is not a redirect.
- en:CRYZ is not a redirect.
- en:CRYZL1 is not a redirect.
- en:CSDC2 is not a redirect.
- en:CSDE1 is not a redirect.
- en:CSF1 is a redirect to en:Macrophage colony-stimulating factor; redirectFrom=en:CSF1; linkedpages=en:Macrophage colony-stimulating factor
- en:CSF1R is a redirect to en:Colony stimulating factor 1 receptor; redirectFrom=en:CSF1R; linkedpages=en:Colony stimulating factor 1 receptor
- en:CSF2 is a redirect to en:Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor; redirectFrom=en:CSF2; linkedpages=en:Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor
- en:CSF2RA is a redirect to en:Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor; redirectFrom=en:CSF2RA; linkedpages=en:Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor
- en:CSF2RB is not a redirect.
- en:CSF3 is a redirect to en:Poste Montagnais Airport; redirectFrom=en:CSF3; linkedpages=en:Poste Montagnais Airport
- en:CSF3R is a redirect to en:Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor; redirectFrom=en:CSF3R; linkedpages=en:Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor
- en:CSH1 is a redirect to en:Human placental lactogen; redirectFrom=en:CSH1; linkedpages=en:Human placental lactogen
- en:CSH2 is a redirect to en:Isle-aux-Grues Airport; redirectFrom=en:CSH2; linkedpages=en:Isle-aux-Grues Airport
- en:CSK (gene) is a redirect to en:Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK; redirectFrom=en:CSK (gene); linkedpages=en:Tyrosine-protein kinase CSK
- en:CSMD1 is not a redirect.
- en:CSMD2 is not a redirect.
- en:CSN1S1 is not a redirect.
- en:CSN2 is not a redirect.
- en:CSN3 is a redirect to en:Saint-Jérôme Aerodrome; redirectFrom=en:CSN3; linkedpages=en:Saint-Jérôme Aerodrome
- en:CSNK1A1 is a redirect to en:Casein kinase 1, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:CSNK1A1; linkedpages=en:Casein kinase 1, alpha 1
- en:CSNK1D is not a redirect.
- en:CSNK1E is not a redirect.
- en:CSNK2A1 is a redirect to en:Casein kinase 2, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:CSNK2A1; linkedpages=en:Casein kinase 2, alpha 1
- en:CSNK2A2 is not a redirect.
- en:CSNK2B is not a redirect.
- en:CSPG4 is not a redirect.
- en:CSPG5 is not a redirect.
- en:CSRP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CSRP2 is not a redirect.
- en:CSRP3 is not a redirect.
- en:CST1 is not a redirect.
- en:CST11 is not a redirect.
- en:CST2 is not a redirect.
- en:CST3 (gene) is a redirect to en:Cystatin C; redirectFrom=en:CST3 (gene); linkedpages=en:Cystatin C
- en:CST4 is not a redirect.
- en:CST5 is not a redirect.
- en:CST6 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CST7 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CST8 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CST9 is a redirect to en:Mont-Tremblant/Lac Ouimet Water Aerodrome; redirectFrom=en:CST9; linkedpages=en:Mont-Tremblant/Lac Ouimet Water Aerodrome
- en:CST9L is not a redirect.
- en:CSTA (gene) is a redirect to en:Cystatin A; redirectFrom=en:CSTA (gene); linkedpages=en:Cystatin A
- en:CSTB is a redirect to en:Cystatin B; redirectFrom=en:CSTB; linkedpages=en:Cystatin B
- en:CSTF1 is not a redirect.
- en:CSTF2 is not a redirect.
- en:CSTF2T is not a redirect.
- en:CSTF3 is not a redirect.
- en:CSTL1 is not a redirect.
- en:CS (gene) is a redirect to en:Citrate synthase; redirectFrom=en:CS (gene); linkedpages=en:Citrate synthase
- en:CTAG1B is not a redirect.
- en:CTBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CTBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:CTBS is not a redirect.
- en:CTCF is not a redirect.
- en:CTCFL is not a redirect.
- en:CTDNEP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CTDP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CTDSP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CTDSP2 is not a redirect.
- en:CTDSPL is not a redirect.
- en:CTLA4 is a redirect to en:CTLA-4; redirectFrom=en:CTLA4; linkedpages=en:CTLA-4
- en:CTNNA1 is a redirect to en:Catenin alpha-1; redirectFrom=en:CTNNA1; linkedpages=en:Catenin alpha-1
- en:CTNNAL1 is not a redirect.
- en:CTNNB1 is a redirect to en:Beta-catenin; redirectFrom=en:CTNNB1; linkedpages=en:Beta-catenin
- en:CTNNBIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CTNNBL1 is not a redirect.
- en:CTNND1 is not a redirect.
- en:CTNND2 is a redirect to en:Delta catenin; redirectFrom=en:CTNND2; linkedpages=en:Delta catenin
- en:CTNS (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CTPS2 is not a redirect.
- en:CTR9 is not a redirect.
- en:CTRB2 is not a redirect.
- en:CTRC (gene) is a redirect to en:Chymotrypsin-C; redirectFrom=en:CTRC (gene); linkedpages=en:Chymotrypsin-C
- en:CTRL (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CTSA (gene) is a redirect to en:Cathepsin A; redirectFrom=en:CTSA (gene); linkedpages=en:Cathepsin A
- en:CTSB is a redirect to en:Cathepsin B; redirectFrom=en:CTSB; linkedpages=en:Cathepsin B
- en:CTSC (gene) is a redirect to en:Cathepsin C; redirectFrom=en:CTSC (gene); linkedpages=en:Cathepsin C
- en:CTSD is a redirect to en:Cathepsin D; redirectFrom=en:CTSD; linkedpages=en:Cathepsin D
- en:CTSE is a redirect to en:Cathepsin E; redirectFrom=en:CTSE; linkedpages=en:Cathepsin E
- en:CTSF is a redirect to en:Cathepsin F; redirectFrom=en:CTSF; linkedpages=en:Cathepsin F
- en:CTSG is a redirect to en:Cathepsin G; redirectFrom=en:CTSG; linkedpages=en:Cathepsin G
- en:CTSH is a redirect to en:Cognizant; redirectFrom=en:CTSH; linkedpages=en:Cognizant
- en:CTSK is a redirect to en:Cathepsin K; redirectFrom=en:CTSK; linkedpages=en:Cathepsin K
- en:CTSL is a redirect to en:Cathepsin L; redirectFrom=en:CTSL; linkedpages=en:Cathepsin L
- en:CTSO is a redirect to en:Cathepsin O; redirectFrom=en:CTSO; linkedpages=en:Cathepsin O
- en:CTSS (gene) is a redirect to en:Cathepsin S; redirectFrom=en:CTSS (gene); linkedpages=en:Cathepsin S
- en:CTSV is a redirect to en:Cathepsin L2; redirectFrom=en:CTSV; linkedpages=en:Cathepsin L2
- en:CTSW is a redirect to en:Flight Design CT; redirectFrom=en:CTSW; linkedpages=en:Flight Design CT
- en:CTSZ is a redirect to en:Cathepsin Z; redirectFrom=en:CTSZ; linkedpages=en:Cathepsin Z
- en:CTTN is a redirect to en:Cortactin; redirectFrom=en:CTTN; linkedpages=en:Cortactin
- en:CTTNBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:CTTNBP2NL is not a redirect.
- en:CTU2 is a redirect to en:Fontages Airport; redirectFrom=en:CTU2; linkedpages=en:Fontages Airport
- en:CUBN is a redirect to en:Cubilin; redirectFrom=en:CUBN; linkedpages=en:Cubilin
- en:CUL1 is not a redirect.
- en:CUL2 is not a redirect.
- en:CUL3 is not a redirect.
- en:CUL4A is not a redirect.
- en:CUL4B is not a redirect.
- en:CUL5 is not a redirect.
- en:CUL7 is not a redirect.
- en:CUL9 is a redirect to en:PARC (gene); redirectFrom=en:CUL9; linkedpages=en:PARC (gene)
- en:CUTA is a redirect to en:Canadian Urban Transit Association; redirectFrom=en:CUTA; linkedpages=en:Canadian Urban Transit Association
- en:CUTC (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CUZD1 is not a redirect.
- en:CWC15 is not a redirect.
- en:CX3CL1 is not a redirect.
- en:CX3CR1 is not a redirect.
- en:CXADR is a redirect to en:Coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor; redirectFrom=en:CXADR; linkedpages=en:Coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor
- en:CXCL1 is not a redirect.
- en:CXCL10 is not a redirect.
- en:CXCL11 is not a redirect.
- en:CXCL12 is a redirect to en:Stromal cell-derived factor 1; redirectFrom=en:CXCL12; linkedpages=en:Stromal cell-derived factor 1
- en:CXCL13 is not a redirect.
- en:CXCL14 is not a redirect.
- en:CXCL16 is not a redirect.
- en:CXCL17 is not a redirect.
- en:CXCL2 is not a redirect.
- en:CXCL3 is not a redirect.
- en:CXCL5 is not a redirect.
- en:CXCL6 is not a redirect.
- en:CXCL8 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 8; redirectFrom=en:CXCL8; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 8
- en:CXCL9 is not a redirect.
- en:CXCR1 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 8 receptor, alpha; redirectFrom=en:CXCR1; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 8 receptor, alpha
- en:CXCR2 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 8 receptor, beta; redirectFrom=en:CXCR2; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 8 receptor, beta
- en:CXCR3 is not a redirect.
- en:CXCR4 is not a redirect.
- en:CXCR5 is not a redirect.
- en:CXCR6 is not a redirect.
- en:CXXC1 is not a redirect.
- en:CXXC5 is not a redirect.
- en:CXorf49 is not a redirect.
- en:CXorf66 is not a redirect.
- en:CYB561 is not a redirect.
- en:CYB5A is a redirect to en:Cytochrome b5, type A; redirectFrom=en:CYB5A; linkedpages=en:Cytochrome b5, type A
- en:CYB5B is a redirect to en:MT-CYB; redirectFrom=en:CYB5B; linkedpages=en:MT-CYB
- en:CYB5R1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYB5R2 is not a redirect.
- en:CYB5R3 is not a redirect.
- en:CYB5R4 is not a redirect.
- en:CYBA (gene) is a redirect to en:Cytochrome b-245, alpha polypeptide; redirectFrom=en:CYBA (gene); linkedpages=en:Cytochrome b-245, alpha polypeptide
- en:CYBB is a redirect to en:NOX2; redirectFrom=en:CYBB; linkedpages=en:NOX2
- en:CYC1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYCS (gene) is a redirect to en:Cytochrome c; redirectFrom=en:CYCS (gene); linkedpages=en:Cytochrome c
- en:CYFIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYFIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:CYGB (gene) is a redirect to en:Cytoglobin; redirectFrom=en:CYGB (gene); linkedpages=en:Cytoglobin
- en:CYLD (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:CYP11A1 is a redirect to en:Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme; redirectFrom=en:CYP11A1; linkedpages=en:Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme
- en:CYP11B1 is a redirect to en:Steroid 11β-hydroxylase; redirectFrom=en:CYP11B1; linkedpages=en:Steroid 11β-hydroxylase
- en:CYP11B2 is a redirect to en:Aldosterone synthase; redirectFrom=en:CYP11B2; linkedpages=en:Aldosterone synthase
- en:CYP17A1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP19A1 is a redirect to en:Aromatase; redirectFrom=en:CYP19A1; linkedpages=en:Aromatase
- en:CYP1A1 is a redirect to en:Cytochrome P450, family 1, member A1; redirectFrom=en:CYP1A1; linkedpages=en:Cytochrome P450, family 1, member A1
- en:CYP1A2 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP1B1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP20A1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP21A2 is a redirect to en:21-Hydroxylase; redirectFrom=en:CYP21A2; linkedpages=en:21-Hydroxylase
- en:CYP24A1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP26A1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP26B1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP26C1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP27A1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP27B1 is a redirect to en:25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 1-alpha-hydroxylase; redirectFrom=en:CYP27B1; linkedpages=en:25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 1-alpha-hydroxylase
- en:CYP27C1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP2A13 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP2A6 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP2A7 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP2B6 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP2C18 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP2C19 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP2C8 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP2C9 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP2D6 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP2E1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP2F1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP2J2 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP2R1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP2S1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP2U1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP2W1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP39A1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP3A4 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP3A43 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP3A5 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP3A7 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP46A1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP4A11 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP4A22 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP4B1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP4F11 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP4F12 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP4F2 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP4F22 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP4F3 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP4F8 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP4V2 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP4X1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP4Z1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP51A1 is a redirect to en:Lanosterol 14 alpha-demethylase; redirectFrom=en:CYP51A1; linkedpages=en:Lanosterol 14 alpha-demethylase
- en:CYP7A1 is a redirect to en:Cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase; redirectFrom=en:CYP7A1; linkedpages=en:Cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase
- en:CYP7B1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYP8B1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYREN is not a redirect.
- en:CYSLTR1 is a redirect to en:Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:CYSLTR1; linkedpages=en:Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 1
- en:CYSLTR2 is a redirect to en:Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:CYSLTR2; linkedpages=en:Cysteinyl leukotriene receptor 2
- en:CYTH1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYTH2 is not a redirect.
- en:CYTH3 is not a redirect.
- en:CYTH4 is not a redirect.
- en:CYTIP is a redirect to en:PSCDBP; redirectFrom=en:CYTIP; linkedpages=en:PSCDBP
- en:CYTL1 is not a redirect.
- en:CYYR1 is not a redirect.
- en:D2HGDH is not a redirect.
- en:DAAM1 is not a redirect.
- en:DAB1 is not a redirect.
- en:DAB2 is not a redirect.
- en:DAB2IP is not a redirect.
- en:DACH1 is not a redirect.
- en:DACH2 is not a redirect.
- en:DAD1 is not a redirect.
- en:DAG1 is a redirect to en:Dystroglycan; redirectFrom=en:DAG1; linkedpages=en:Dystroglycan
- en:DAOA is a redirect to en:D-amino acid oxidase activator; redirectFrom=en:DAOA; linkedpages=en:D-amino acid oxidase activator
- en:DAP3 is not a redirect.
- en:DAPK1 is not a redirect.
- en:DAPK2 is not a redirect.
- en:DAPK3 is not a redirect.
- en:DAPP1 is not a redirect.
- en:DAP (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:DAXX is a redirect to en:Death-associated protein 6; redirectFrom=en:DAXX; linkedpages=en:Death-associated protein 6
- en:DAZ1 is not a redirect.
- en:DAZ2 is not a redirect.
- en:DAZ3 is not a redirect.
- en:DAZAP1 is a redirect to en:DAZ associated protein 1; redirectFrom=en:DAZAP1; linkedpages=en:DAZ associated protein 1
- en:DAZAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:DAZL is not a redirect.
- en:DBF4 is not a redirect.
- en:DBH (gene) is a redirect to en:Dopamine beta-hydroxylase; redirectFrom=en:DBH (gene); linkedpages=en:Dopamine beta-hydroxylase
- en:DBI (gene) is a redirect to en:Diazepam binding inhibitor; redirectFrom=en:DBI (gene); linkedpages=en:Diazepam binding inhibitor
- en:DBN1 is not a redirect.
- en:DBNDD2 is not a redirect.
- en:DBNL (gene) is a redirect to en:Drebrin-like; redirectFrom=en:DBNL (gene); linkedpages=en:Drebrin-like
- en:DBP (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:DBR1 is not a redirect.
- en:DBT (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:DBX1 is not a redirect.
- en:DBX2 is not a redirect.
- en:DCAF15 is not a redirect.
- en:DCAF17 is not a redirect.
- en:DCAF8 is not a redirect.
- en:DCBLD2 is not a redirect.
- en:DCC (gene) is a redirect to en:Deleted in Colorectal Cancer; redirectFrom=en:DCC (gene); linkedpages=en:Deleted in Colorectal Cancer
- en:DCDC2 is not a redirect.
- en:DCD (gene) is a redirect to en:Dermcidin; redirectFrom=en:DCD (gene); linkedpages=en:Dermcidin
- en:DCHS1 is not a redirect.
- en:DCHS2 is not a redirect.
- en:DCK (gene) is a redirect to en:Deoxycytidine kinase; redirectFrom=en:DCK (gene); linkedpages=en:Deoxycytidine kinase
- en:DCLK1 is not a redirect.
- en:DCLRE1A is not a redirect.
- en:DCLRE1B is not a redirect.
- en:DCLRE1C is a redirect to en:Artemis (protein); redirectFrom=en:DCLRE1C; linkedpages=en:Artemis (protein)
- en:DCN (gene) is a redirect to en:Decorin; redirectFrom=en:DCN (gene); linkedpages=en:Decorin
- en:DCP1A is not a redirect.
- en:DCP1B is not a redirect.
- en:DCP2 is not a redirect.
- en:DCPS (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:DCTN1 is not a redirect.
- en:DCTN2 is not a redirect.
- en:DCTN3 is not a redirect.
- en:DCTN4 is not a redirect.
- en:DCTN5 is not a redirect.
- en:DCTN6 is not a redirect.
- en:DCT (gene) is a redirect to en:Dopachrome tautomerase; redirectFrom=en:DCT (gene); linkedpages=en:Dopachrome tautomerase
- en:DCUN1D1 is not a redirect.
- en:DCUN1D4 is not a redirect.
- en:DCXR is a redirect to en:L-xylulose reductase; redirectFrom=en:DCXR; linkedpages=en:L-xylulose reductase
- en:DCX (gene) is a redirect to en:Doublecortin; redirectFrom=en:DCX (gene); linkedpages=en:Doublecortin
- en:DDB1 is not a redirect.
- en:DDB2 is not a redirect.
- en:DDI1 is not a redirect.
- en:DDIT3 is a redirect to en:DNA damage-inducible transcript 3; redirectFrom=en:DDIT3; linkedpages=en:DNA damage-inducible transcript 3
- en:DDIT4 is not a redirect.
- en:DDOST is not a redirect.
- en:DDO (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:DDR1 is not a redirect.
- en:DDR2 (gene) is a redirect to en:Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:DDR2 (gene); linkedpages=en:Discoidin domain-containing receptor 2
- en:DDT is not a redirect.
- en:DDX1 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX10 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX11 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX17 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX19B is not a redirect.
- en:DDX20 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX21 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX23 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX24 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX25 is a redirect to en:Helicase; redirectFrom=en:DDX25; linkedpages=en:Helicase
- en:DDX27 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX31 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX3X is not a redirect.
- en:DDX3Y is not a redirect.
- en:DDX4 is a redirect to en:Helicase; redirectFrom=en:DDX4; linkedpages=en:Helicase
- en:DDX41 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX42 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX43 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX46 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX47 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX5 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX50 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX52 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX53 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX56 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX58 is a redirect to en:RIG-I; redirectFrom=en:DDX58; linkedpages=en:RIG-I
- en:DDX59 is not a redirect.
- en:DDX6 is not a redirect.
- en:DEAF1 is not a redirect.
- en:DECR2 is not a redirect.
- en:DEDD is not a redirect.
- en:DEF6 is not a redirect.
- en:DEFA1 is not a redirect.
- en:DEFA1B is not a redirect.
- en:DEFA3 is not a redirect.
- en:DEFA4 is not a redirect.
- en:DEFA5 is not a redirect.
- en:DEFA6 is not a redirect.
- en:DEFB1 is a redirect to en:Beta defensin 1; redirectFrom=en:DEFB1; linkedpages=en:Beta defensin 1
- en:DEFB103A is not a redirect.
- en:DEFB104A is not a redirect.
- en:DEFB105A is not a redirect.
- en:DEFB106A is not a redirect.
- en:DEFB118 is not a redirect.
- en:DEFB119 is not a redirect.
- en:DEFB126 is not a redirect.
- en:DEFB127 is not a redirect.
- en:DEFB129 is not a redirect.
- en:DEGS2 is not a redirect.
- en:DEK (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:DENND1A is not a redirect.
- en:DENND4A is not a redirect.
- en:DENR (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:DEPDC1 is not a redirect.
- en:DEPDC1B is not a redirect.
- en:DEPDC5 is not a redirect.
- en:DEPTOR is not a redirect.
- en:DERL1 is a redirect to en:Derlin-1; redirectFrom=en:DERL1; linkedpages=en:Derlin-1
- en:DERL2 is a redirect to en:Derlin-2; redirectFrom=en:DERL2; linkedpages=en:Derlin-2
- en:DES (gene) is a redirect to en:Desmin; redirectFrom=en:DES (gene); linkedpages=en:Desmin
- en:DFFA is not a redirect.
- en:DFFB is a redirect to en:Caspase-activated DNase; redirectFrom=en:DFFB; linkedpages=en:Caspase-activated DNase
- en:DGAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:DGCR2 is not a redirect.
- en:DGCR6 is not a redirect.
- en:DGCR8 is not a redirect.
- en:DGKA is not a redirect.
- en:DGKB is not a redirect.
- en:DGKD is not a redirect.
- en:DGKG is not a redirect.
- en:DGKQ is not a redirect.
- en:DGKZ is not a redirect.
- en:DGLUCY is not a redirect.
- en:DGUOK is not a redirect.
- en:DHCR24 is a redirect to en:24-Dehydrocholesterol reductase; redirectFrom=en:DHCR24; linkedpages=en:24-Dehydrocholesterol reductase
- en:DHCR7 is a redirect to en:7-Dehydrocholesterol reductase; redirectFrom=en:DHCR7; linkedpages=en:7-Dehydrocholesterol reductase
- en:DHDDS is a redirect to en:Dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase; redirectFrom=en:DHDDS; linkedpages=en:Dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase
- en:DHFR is a redirect to en:Dihydrofolate reductase; redirectFrom=en:DHFR; linkedpages=en:Dihydrofolate reductase
- en:DHH (gene) is a redirect to en:Desert hedgehog (protein); redirectFrom=en:DHH (gene); linkedpages=en:Desert hedgehog (protein)
- en:DHODH is a redirect to en:Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase; redirectFrom=en:DHODH; linkedpages=en:Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase
- en:DHPS is not a redirect.
- en:DHRS1 is not a redirect.
- en:DHRS2 is not a redirect.
- en:DHRS3 is not a redirect.
- en:DHRS4 is not a redirect.
- en:DHRS7 is not a redirect.
- en:DHRS7B is not a redirect.
- en:DHRS9 is not a redirect.
- en:DHRSX is not a redirect.
- en:DHTKD1 is not a redirect.
- en:DHX15 is not a redirect.
- en:DHX16 is not a redirect.
- en:DHX29 is not a redirect.
- en:DHX32 is not a redirect.
- en:DHX36 is not a redirect.
- en:DHX38 is not a redirect.
- en:DHX57 is not a redirect.
- en:DHX58 is a redirect to en:LGP2; redirectFrom=en:DHX58; linkedpages=en:LGP2
- en:DHX9 is a redirect to en:RNA Helicase A; redirectFrom=en:DHX9; linkedpages=en:RNA Helicase A
- en:DIABLO (gene) is a redirect to en:Diablo homolog; redirectFrom=en:DIABLO (gene); linkedpages=en:Diablo homolog
- en:DIAPH1 is not a redirect.
- en:DIAPH2 is not a redirect.
- en:DICER1 is a redirect to en:Dicer; redirectFrom=en:DICER1; linkedpages=en:Dicer
- en:DIDO1 is not a redirect.
- en:DIO1 is a redirect to en:Iodothyronine deiodinase; redirectFrom=en:DIO1; linkedpages=en:Iodothyronine deiodinase
- en:DIO2 is not a redirect.
- en:DIO3 is a redirect to en:Thyroxine 5-deiodinase; redirectFrom=en:DIO3; linkedpages=en:Thyroxine 5-deiodinase
- en:DIP2A is not a redirect.
- en:DIP2B is not a redirect.
- en:DIRAS3 is a redirect to en:DIRAS3 (gene); redirectFrom=en:DIRAS3; linkedpages=en:DIRAS3 (gene)
- en:DIS3 is not a redirect.
- en:DIS3L is not a redirect.
- en:DIS3L2 is not a redirect.
- en:DISC1 is not a redirect.
- en:DIXDC1 is not a redirect.
- en:DKC1 is a redirect to en:Dyskerin; redirectFrom=en:DKC1; linkedpages=en:Dyskerin
- en:DKK1 is not a redirect.
- en:DKK2 is not a redirect.
- en:DKK3 is not a redirect.
- en:DLAT is a redirect to en:Dihydrolipoyl transacetylase; redirectFrom=en:DLAT; linkedpages=en:Dihydrolipoyl transacetylase
- en:DLC1 is not a redirect.
- en:DLD (gene) is a redirect to en:Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase; redirectFrom=en:DLD (gene); linkedpages=en:Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase
- en:DLG1 is not a redirect.
- en:DLG2 is not a redirect.
- en:DLG3 is not a redirect.
- en:DLG4 is not a redirect.
- en:DLG5 is not a redirect.
- en:DLGAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:DLGAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:DLGAP4 is not a redirect.
- en:DLGAP5 is not a redirect.
- en:DLK1 is not a redirect.
- en:DLL1 is a redirect to en:Delta-like 1; redirectFrom=en:DLL1; linkedpages=en:Delta-like 1
- en:DLL3 is not a redirect.
- en:DLL4 is not a redirect.
- en:DLST is not a redirect.
- en:DLX1 is not a redirect.
- en:DLX2 is not a redirect.
- en:DLX3 is not a redirect.
- en:DLX4 is not a redirect.
- en:DLX5 is not a redirect.
- en:DLX6 is not a redirect.
- en:DMAC1 is not a redirect.
- en:DMAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:DMBT1 is not a redirect.
- en:DMC1 is a redirect to en:DMC1 (gene); redirectFrom=en:DMC1; linkedpages=en:DMC1 (gene)
- en:DMD (gene) is a redirect to en:Dystrophin; redirectFrom=en:DMD (gene); linkedpages=en:Dystrophin
- en:DMP1 is not a redirect.
- en:DMPK (gene) is a redirect to en:Myotonin-protein kinase; redirectFrom=en:DMPK (gene); linkedpages=en:Myotonin-protein kinase
- en:DMRT1 is not a redirect.
- en:DMTF1 is not a redirect.
- en:DMTN is not a redirect.
- en:DMWD is a redirect to en:Department of Miscellaneous Weapons Development; redirectFrom=en:DMWD; linkedpages=en:Department of Miscellaneous Weapons Development
- en:DMXL2 is not a redirect.
- en:DNA2 is a redirect to en:DNA²; redirectFrom=en:DNA2; linkedpages=en:DNA²
- en:DNAAF2 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAH1 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAH11 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAH5 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAH7 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAH9 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAI1 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAI2 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJA1 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJA2 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJA3 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJA4 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJB1 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJB11 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJB2 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJB4 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJB6 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJB9 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJC1 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJC10 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJC11 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJC13 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJC14 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJC19 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJC28 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJC3 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJC30 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJC5 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAJC6 is a redirect to en:Auxilin; redirectFrom=en:DNAJC6; linkedpages=en:Auxilin
- en:DNAJC7 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAL1 is not a redirect.
- en:DNAL4 is not a redirect.
- en:DNASE1 is a redirect to en:Deoxyribonuclease I; redirectFrom=en:DNASE1; linkedpages=en:Deoxyribonuclease I
- en:DNASE1L1 is not a redirect.
- en:DNASE1L2 is not a redirect.
- en:DNASE1L3 is not a redirect.
- en:DNER is not a redirect.
- en:DNM1 is not a redirect.
- en:DNM1L is not a redirect.
- en:DNM2 is not a redirect.
- en:DNM3 is not a redirect.
- en:DNMT1 is not a redirect.
- en:DNMT3A is a redirect to en:DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 3A; redirectFrom=en:DNMT3A; linkedpages=en:DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 3A
- en:DNMT3B is not a redirect.
- en:DNMT3L is not a redirect.
- en:DNPEP is not a redirect.
- en:DNTTIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:DOC2A is not a redirect.
- en:DOC2B is not a redirect.
- en:DOCK1 is a redirect to en:Dock180; redirectFrom=en:DOCK1; linkedpages=en:Dock180
- en:DOCK10 is a redirect to en:Dock10; redirectFrom=en:DOCK10; linkedpages=en:Dock10
- en:DOCK2 is a redirect to en:Dock2; redirectFrom=en:DOCK2; linkedpages=en:Dock2
- en:DOCK3 is a redirect to en:Dock3; redirectFrom=en:DOCK3; linkedpages=en:Dock3
- en:DOCK4 is a redirect to en:Dock4; redirectFrom=en:DOCK4; linkedpages=en:Dock4
- en:DOCK6 is a redirect to en:Dock6; redirectFrom=en:DOCK6; linkedpages=en:Dock6
- en:DOCK7 is a redirect to en:Dock7; redirectFrom=en:DOCK7; linkedpages=en:Dock7
- en:DOCK8 is a redirect to en:Dock8; redirectFrom=en:DOCK8; linkedpages=en:Dock8
- en:DOCK9 is a redirect to en:Dock9; redirectFrom=en:DOCK9; linkedpages=en:Dock9
- en:DOK1 is not a redirect.
- en:DOK2 is not a redirect.
- en:DOK3 is not a redirect.
- en:DOK4 is not a redirect.
- en:DOK5 is not a redirect.
- en:DOLK (gene) is a redirect to en:Dolichol kinase; redirectFrom=en:DOLK (gene); linkedpages=en:Dolichol kinase
- en:DOT1L is not a redirect.
- en:DPAGT1 is not a redirect.
- en:DPEP1 is a redirect to en:Dipeptidase 1; redirectFrom=en:DPEP1; linkedpages=en:Dipeptidase 1
- en:DPEP2 is a redirect to en:Dipeptidase 2; redirectFrom=en:DPEP2; linkedpages=en:Dipeptidase 2
- en:DPEP3 is a redirect to en:Dipeptidase 3; redirectFrom=en:DPEP3; linkedpages=en:Dipeptidase 3
- en:DPF1 is not a redirect.
- en:DPF2 is not a redirect.
- en:DPH1 is not a redirect.
- en:DPH5 is not a redirect.
- en:DPM1 is not a redirect.
- en:DPM2 is not a redirect.
- en:DPM3 is not a redirect.
- en:DPP10 is not a redirect.
- en:DPP3 is not a redirect.
- en:DPP4 is a redirect to en:Dipeptidyl peptidase-4; redirectFrom=en:DPP4; linkedpages=en:Dipeptidyl peptidase-4
- en:DPP6 is not a redirect.
- en:DPP7 is not a redirect.
- en:DPP8 is not a redirect.
- en:DPP9 is not a redirect.
- en:DPPA2 is a redirect to en:Developmental pluripotency associated 2; redirectFrom=en:DPPA2; linkedpages=en:Developmental pluripotency associated 2
- en:DPPA3 is not a redirect.
- en:DPT (gene) is a redirect to en:Dermatopontin; redirectFrom=en:DPT (gene); linkedpages=en:Dermatopontin
- en:DPY19L2 is not a redirect.
- en:DPYD is a redirect to en:Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase; redirectFrom=en:DPYD; linkedpages=en:Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase
- en:DPYS is not a redirect.
- en:DPYSL2 is not a redirect.
- en:DPYSL3 is not a redirect.
- en:DPYSL4 is not a redirect.
- en:DPYSL5 is not a redirect.
- en:DR1 is not a redirect.
- en:DRAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:DRD1 is a redirect to en:Dopamine receptor D1; redirectFrom=en:DRD1; linkedpages=en:Dopamine receptor D1
- en:DRD2 is a redirect to en:Dopamine receptor D2; redirectFrom=en:DRD2; linkedpages=en:Dopamine receptor D2
- en:DRD3 is a redirect to en:Dopamine receptor D3; redirectFrom=en:DRD3; linkedpages=en:Dopamine receptor D3
- en:DRD4 is a redirect to en:Dopamine receptor D4; redirectFrom=en:DRD4; linkedpages=en:Dopamine receptor D4
- en:DRD5 is a redirect to en:Dopamine receptor D5; redirectFrom=en:DRD5; linkedpages=en:Dopamine receptor D5
- en:DRG1 is not a redirect.
- en:DRG2 is not a redirect.
- en:DROSHA is a redirect to en:Drosha; redirectFrom=en:DROSHA; linkedpages=en:Drosha
- en:DSC1 is not a redirect.
- en:DSC2 is not a redirect.
- en:DSC3 is not a redirect.
- en:DSCAM is not a redirect.
- en:DSEL is a redirect to en:Domain-specific language#Usage patterns; redirectFrom=en:DSEL; linkedpages=en:Domain-specific language#Usage patterns
- en:DSE (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:DSG1 is a redirect to en:Desmoglein-1; redirectFrom=en:DSG1; linkedpages=en:Desmoglein-1
- en:DSG2 is a redirect to en:Desmoglein-2; redirectFrom=en:DSG2; linkedpages=en:Desmoglein-2
- en:DSG3 is a redirect to en:Desmoglein-3; redirectFrom=en:DSG3; linkedpages=en:Desmoglein-3
- en:DSG4 is a redirect to en:Desmoglein-4; redirectFrom=en:DSG4; linkedpages=en:Desmoglein-4
- en:DSN1 is not a redirect.
- en:DSPP is a redirect to en:Dentin sialophosphoprotein; redirectFrom=en:DSPP; linkedpages=en:Dentin sialophosphoprotein
- en:DSP (gene) is a redirect to en:Desmoplakin; redirectFrom=en:DSP (gene); linkedpages=en:Desmoplakin
- en:DST is a redirect to en:Daylight saving time; redirectFrom=en:DST; linkedpages=en:Daylight saving time
- en:DSTN is a redirect to en:Dual Scan; redirectFrom=en:DSTN; linkedpages=en:Dual Scan
- en:DTL is a redirect to en:Diode–transistor logic; redirectFrom=en:DTL; linkedpages=en:Diode–transistor logic
- en:DTNA is not a redirect.
- en:DTNB is not a redirect.
- en:DTNBP1 is a redirect to en:Dysbindin; redirectFrom=en:DTNBP1; linkedpages=en:Dysbindin
- en:DTWD1 is not a redirect.
- en:DTX1 is not a redirect.
- en:DTX2 is not a redirect.
- en:DTYMK is not a redirect.
- en:DUOX1 is a redirect to en:Dual oxidase 1; redirectFrom=en:DUOX1; linkedpages=en:Dual oxidase 1
- en:DUOX2 is a redirect to en:Dual oxidase 2; redirectFrom=en:DUOX2; linkedpages=en:Dual oxidase 2
- en:DUSP1 is not a redirect.
- en:DUSP10 is not a redirect.
- en:DUSP12 is not a redirect.
- en:DUSP13 is not a redirect.
- en:DUSP15 is not a redirect.
- en:DUSP16 is not a redirect.
- en:DUSP18 is not a redirect.
- en:DUSP19 is not a redirect.
- en:DUSP2 is not a redirect.
- en:DUSP22 is not a redirect.
- en:DUSP23 is not a redirect.
- en:DUSP27 is not a redirect.
- en:DUSP3 is not a redirect.
- en:DUSP4 is not a redirect.
- en:DUSP5 is not a redirect.
- en:DUSP6 is not a redirect.
- en:DUSP7 is not a redirect.
- en:DUT (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:DUX4 is not a redirect.
- en:DVL1 is not a redirect.
- en:DVL2 is not a redirect.
- en:DVL3 is not a redirect.
- en:DXO is a redirect to en:Dextrorphan; redirectFrom=en:DXO; linkedpages=en:Dextrorphan
- en:DYM is not a redirect.
- en:DYNC1H1 is not a redirect.
- en:DYNC1I1 is not a redirect.
- en:DYNC1I2 is not a redirect.
- en:DYNC1LI1 is not a redirect.
- en:DYNC1LI2 is not a redirect.
- en:DYNC2H1 is not a redirect.
- en:DYNLL1 is not a redirect.
- en:DYNLL2 is not a redirect.
- en:DYNLRB1 is not a redirect.
- en:DYNLT1 is not a redirect.
- en:DYNLT3 is not a redirect.
- en:DYRK1A is not a redirect.
- en:DYRK1B is not a redirect.
- en:DYRK2 is not a redirect.
- en:DYRK3 is not a redirect.
- en:DYSF is a redirect to en:Dysferlin; redirectFrom=en:DYSF; linkedpages=en:Dysferlin
- en:DZIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:E2F1 is not a redirect.
- en:E2F2 is not a redirect.
- en:E2F3 is not a redirect.
- en:E2F4 is not a redirect.
- en:E2F5 is not a redirect.
- en:E2F7 is not a redirect.
- en:E4F1 is not a redirect.
- en:EAF1 is not a redirect.
- en:EAF2 is not a redirect.
- en:EAPP is not a redirect.
- en:EBAG9 is not a redirect.
- en:EBF1 is not a redirect.
- en:EBF3 is a redirect to en:Electron-beam freeform fabrication; redirectFrom=en:EBF3; linkedpages=en:Electron-beam freeform fabrication
- en:EBI3 is not a redirect.
- en:EBLN1 is not a redirect.
- en:EBNA1BP2 is not a redirect.
- en:EBP (gene) is a redirect to en:Emopamil binding protein; redirectFrom=en:EBP (gene); linkedpages=en:Emopamil binding protein
- en:ECD (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:ECE1 is a redirect to en:Endothelin converting enzyme 1; redirectFrom=en:ECE1; linkedpages=en:Endothelin converting enzyme 1
- en:ECEL1 is not a redirect.
- en:ECH1 is not a redirect.
- en:ECHS1 is not a redirect.
- en:ECM1 is a redirect to en:Extracellular matrix protein 1; redirectFrom=en:ECM1; linkedpages=en:Extracellular matrix protein 1
- en:ECM2 is a redirect to en:Extracellular matrix protein 2; redirectFrom=en:ECM2; linkedpages=en:Extracellular matrix protein 2
- en:ECSIT is not a redirect.
- en:ECT2 is not a redirect.
- en:ECT2L is not a redirect.
- en:EDA2R is a redirect to en:Ectodysplasin A2 receptor; redirectFrom=en:EDA2R; linkedpages=en:Ectodysplasin A2 receptor
- en:EDAR is a redirect to en:Ectodysplasin A receptor; redirectFrom=en:EDAR; linkedpages=en:Ectodysplasin A receptor
- en:EDARADD is not a redirect.
- en:EDA (gene) is a redirect to en:Ectodysplasin A; redirectFrom=en:EDA (gene); linkedpages=en:Ectodysplasin A
- en:EDC3 is not a redirect.
- en:EDEM1 is not a redirect.
- en:EDEM2 is not a redirect.
- en:EDEM3 is not a redirect.
- en:EDF1 is not a redirect.
- en:EDIL3 is not a redirect.
- en:EDN1 is a redirect to en:Endothelin 1; redirectFrom=en:EDN1; linkedpages=en:Endothelin 1
- en:EDN2 is a redirect to en:Endothelin 2; redirectFrom=en:EDN2; linkedpages=en:Endothelin 2
- en:EDN3 is a redirect to en:Endothelin 3; redirectFrom=en:EDN3; linkedpages=en:Endothelin 3
- en:EDNRA is a redirect to en:Endothelin A receptor; redirectFrom=en:EDNRA; linkedpages=en:Endothelin A receptor
- en:EDNRB is a redirect to en:Endothelin B receptor; redirectFrom=en:EDNRB; linkedpages=en:Endothelin B receptor
- en:EEA1 is not a redirect.
- en:EED (gene) is a redirect to en:Polycomb protein EED; redirectFrom=en:EED (gene); linkedpages=en:Polycomb protein EED
- en:EEF1A1 is a redirect to en:Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:EEF1A1; linkedpages=en:Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1
- en:EEF1A2 is not a redirect.
- en:EEF1B2 is not a redirect.
- en:EEF1D is not a redirect.
- en:EEF1E1 is not a redirect.
- en:EEF1G is not a redirect.
- en:EEF2 is not a redirect.
- en:EEF2K is not a redirect.
- en:EFCAB6 is not a redirect.
- en:EFCC1 is not a redirect.
- en:EFEMP1 is not a redirect.
- en:EFEMP2 is not a redirect.
- en:EFHC1 is not a redirect.
- en:EFHC2 is not a redirect.
- en:EFHD2 is not a redirect.
- en:EFNA1 is a redirect to en:Ephrin A1; redirectFrom=en:EFNA1; linkedpages=en:Ephrin A1
- en:EFNA2 is a redirect to en:Ephrin A2; redirectFrom=en:EFNA2; linkedpages=en:Ephrin A2
- en:EFNA3 is a redirect to en:Ephrin A3; redirectFrom=en:EFNA3; linkedpages=en:Ephrin A3
- en:EFNA4 is a redirect to en:Ephrin A4; redirectFrom=en:EFNA4; linkedpages=en:Ephrin A4
- en:EFNA5 is a redirect to en:Ephrin A5; redirectFrom=en:EFNA5; linkedpages=en:Ephrin A5
- en:EFNB1 is a redirect to en:Ephrin B1; redirectFrom=en:EFNB1; linkedpages=en:Ephrin B1
- en:EFNB2 is a redirect to en:Ephrin B2; redirectFrom=en:EFNB2; linkedpages=en:Ephrin B2
- en:EFNB3 is a redirect to en:Ephrin B3; redirectFrom=en:EFNB3; linkedpages=en:Ephrin B3
- en:EFTUD2 is not a redirect.
- en:EGFL7 is not a redirect.
- en:EGFR (gene) is a redirect to en:Epidermal growth factor receptor; redirectFrom=en:EGFR (gene); linkedpages=en:Epidermal growth factor receptor
- en:EGF (gene) is a redirect to en:Epidermal growth factor; redirectFrom=en:EGF (gene); linkedpages=en:Epidermal growth factor
- en:EGLN1 is not a redirect.
- en:EGLN2 is not a redirect.
- en:EGLN3 is not a redirect.
- en:EGR1 is not a redirect.
- en:EGR2 is not a redirect.
- en:EGR3 is not a redirect.
- en:EGR4 is not a redirect.
- en:EHD1 is not a redirect.
- en:EHD2 is not a redirect.
- en:EHD3 is not a redirect.
- en:EHD4 is not a redirect.
- en:EHF (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:EHHADH is not a redirect.
- en:EHMT1 is not a redirect.
- en:EHMT2 is not a redirect.
- en:EI24 is not a redirect.
- en:EID1 is not a redirect.
- en:EID2 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF1 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF1AX is not a redirect.
- en:EIF1AY is not a redirect.
- en:EIF1B is not a redirect.
- en:EIF2A is not a redirect.
- en:EIF2AK1 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF2AK2 is a redirect to en:Protein kinase R; redirectFrom=en:EIF2AK2; linkedpages=en:Protein kinase R
- en:EIF2AK3 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF2AK4 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF2B1 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF2B2 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF2B3 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF2B4 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF2B5 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF2D is a redirect to en:LGTN; redirectFrom=en:EIF2D; linkedpages=en:LGTN
- en:EIF2S1 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF2S2 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF2S3 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF3A is not a redirect.
- en:EIF3B is not a redirect.
- en:EIF3C is not a redirect.
- en:EIF3D is not a redirect.
- en:EIF3F is not a redirect.
- en:EIF3G is not a redirect.
- en:EIF3H is not a redirect.
- en:EIF3I is not a redirect.
- en:EIF3J is not a redirect.
- en:EIF3K is not a redirect.
- en:EIF3M is not a redirect.
- en:EIF4A1 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF4A2 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF4A3 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF4B is not a redirect.
- en:EIF4E is not a redirect.
- en:EIF4E1B is not a redirect.
- en:EIF4E2 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF4E3 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF4EBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF4EBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF4EBP3 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF4ENIF1 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF4G1 is a redirect to en:Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 1; redirectFrom=en:EIF4G1; linkedpages=en:Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 1
- en:EIF4G2 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF4G3 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF4H is not a redirect.
- en:EIF5 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF5A is not a redirect.
- en:EIF5A2 is not a redirect.
- en:EIF5B is not a redirect.
- en:EIF6 is not a redirect.
- en:ELAC1 is not a redirect.
- en:ELAC2 is not a redirect.
- en:ELAVL1 is a redirect to en:ELAV-like protein 1; redirectFrom=en:ELAVL1; linkedpages=en:ELAV-like protein 1
- en:ELAVL2 is a redirect to en:ELAV-like protein 2; redirectFrom=en:ELAVL2; linkedpages=en:ELAV-like protein 2
- en:ELAVL3 is a redirect to en:ELAV-like protein 3; redirectFrom=en:ELAVL3; linkedpages=en:ELAV-like protein 3
- en:ELAVL4 is a redirect to en:HuD (protein); redirectFrom=en:ELAVL4; linkedpages=en:HuD (protein)
- en:ELF1 is not a redirect.
- en:ELF2 is not a redirect.
- en:ELF4 is not a redirect.
- en:ELF5 is not a redirect.
- en:ELK1 is not a redirect.
- en:ELK3 is not a redirect.
- en:ELK4 is not a redirect.
- en:ELL2 is a redirect to en:Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics; redirectFrom=en:ELL2; linkedpages=en:Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics
- en:ELL3 is not a redirect.
- en:ELL (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:ELMO1 is not a redirect.
- en:ELMO2 is not a redirect.
- en:ELMO3 is not a redirect.
- en:ELN (gene) is a redirect to en:Elastin; redirectFrom=en:ELN (gene); linkedpages=en:Elastin
- en:ELOA is not a redirect.
- en:ELOB is not a redirect.
- en:ELOC is not a redirect.
- en:ELOVL4 is not a redirect.
- en:ELOVL5 is not a redirect.
- en:ELP2 is not a redirect.
- en:ELP3 is not a redirect.
- en:ELP4 is not a redirect.
- en:EMC2 (gene) is a redirect to en:TTC35; redirectFrom=en:EMC2 (gene); linkedpages=en:TTC35
- en:EMCN is not a redirect.
- en:EMD (gene) is a redirect to en:Emerin; redirectFrom=en:EMD (gene); linkedpages=en:Emerin
- en:EME1 is not a redirect.
- en:EME2 is a redirect to en:European Movement for Efficient Energy; redirectFrom=en:EME2; linkedpages=en:European Movement for Efficient Energy
- en:EMG1 is not a redirect.
- en:EMID1 is not a redirect.
- en:EMILIN1 is not a redirect.
- en:EML1 is not a redirect.
- en:EML4 is not a redirect.
- en:EMP1 is not a redirect.
- en:EMP2 is not a redirect.
- en:EMP3 is not a redirect.
- en:EMSY is not a redirect.
- en:EMX1 is not a redirect.
- en:EMX2 is not a redirect.
- en:EN1 is a redirect to en:EN postcode area; redirectFrom=en:EN1; linkedpages=en:EN postcode area
- en:EN2 is a redirect to en:EN postcode area; redirectFrom=en:EN2; linkedpages=en:EN postcode area
- en:ENAH (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:ENAM is a redirect to en:Enamelin; redirectFrom=en:ENAM; linkedpages=en:Enamelin
- en:ENC1 is not a redirect.
- en:ENDOG is not a redirect.
- en:ENG (gene) is a redirect to en:Endoglin; redirectFrom=en:ENG (gene); linkedpages=en:Endoglin
- en:ENKD1 is not a redirect.
- en:ENKUR is a redirect to en:Enkurin; redirectFrom=en:ENKUR; linkedpages=en:Enkurin
- en:ENO1 is a redirect to en:Alpha-enolase; redirectFrom=en:ENO1; linkedpages=en:Alpha-enolase
- en:ENO2 is a redirect to en:Enolase 2; redirectFrom=en:ENO2; linkedpages=en:Enolase 2
- en:ENO3 is not a redirect.
- en:ENOX2 is not a redirect.
- en:ENPEP is a redirect to en:Glutamyl aminopeptidase; redirectFrom=en:ENPEP; linkedpages=en:Glutamyl aminopeptidase
- en:ENPP1 is a redirect to en:Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1; redirectFrom=en:ENPP1; linkedpages=en:Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1
- en:ENPP2 is a redirect to en:Autotaxin; redirectFrom=en:ENPP2; linkedpages=en:Autotaxin
- en:ENPP3 is not a redirect.
- en:ENPP7 is not a redirect.
- en:ENSA is a redirect to en:Entertainments National Service Association; redirectFrom=en:ENSA; linkedpages=en:Entertainments National Service Association
- en:Gene symbol is a redirect to en:Gene nomenclature; redirectFrom=en:Gene symbol; linkedpages=en:Gene nomenclature
- en:HGNC is a redirect to en:HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee; redirectFrom=en:HGNC; linkedpages=en:HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
- en:Human protein-coding genes is a redirect to en:Human genome#Human protein-coding genes; redirectFrom=en:Human protein-coding genes; linkedpages=en:Human genome#Human protein-coding genes
- en:List of human protein-coding genes 2 is not a redirect.
- en:List of human protein-coding genes 3 is not a redirect.
- en:List of human protein-coding genes 4 is not a redirect.
- en:Locus (genetics) is not a redirect.
- en:UniProt is not a redirect.
- en:ENTPD1 is not a redirect.
- en:ENTPD2 is not a redirect.
- en:ENTPD3 is not a redirect.
- en:ENTPD5 is not a redirect.
- en:ENTPD6 is not a redirect.
- en:ENTPD7 is a redirect to en:Ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 7; redirectFrom=en:ENTPD7; linkedpages=en:Ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 7
- en:EP300 is not a redirect.
- en:EP400 is not a redirect.
- en:EPAS1 is not a redirect.
- en:EPB41 is not a redirect.
- en:EPB41L1 is not a redirect.
- en:EPB41L2 is not a redirect.
- en:EPB41L3 is not a redirect.
- en:EPB41L5 is not a redirect.
- en:EPB42 is a redirect to en:Protein 4.2; redirectFrom=en:EPB42; linkedpages=en:Protein 4.2
- en:EPC1 is not a redirect.
- en:EPGN is a redirect to en:Epigen; redirectFrom=en:EPGN; linkedpages=en:Epigen
- en:EPHA1 is a redirect to en:EPH receptor A1; redirectFrom=en:EPHA1; linkedpages=en:EPH receptor A1
- en:EPHA10 is not a redirect.
- en:EPHA2 is a redirect to en:EPH receptor A2; redirectFrom=en:EPHA2; linkedpages=en:EPH receptor A2
- en:EPHA3 is a redirect to en:EPH receptor A3; redirectFrom=en:EPHA3; linkedpages=en:EPH receptor A3
- en:EPHA4 is a redirect to en:EPH receptor A4; redirectFrom=en:EPHA4; linkedpages=en:EPH receptor A4
- en:EPHA5 is a redirect to en:EPH receptor A5; redirectFrom=en:EPHA5; linkedpages=en:EPH receptor A5
- en:EPHA6 is not a redirect.
- en:EPHA7 is not a redirect.
- en:EPHA8 is not a redirect.
- en:EPHB1 is a redirect to en:EPH receptor B1; redirectFrom=en:EPHB1; linkedpages=en:EPH receptor B1
- en:EPHB2 is a redirect to en:EPH receptor B2; redirectFrom=en:EPHB2; linkedpages=en:EPH receptor B2
- en:EPHB3 is not a redirect.
- en:EPHB4 is a redirect to en:EPH receptor B4; redirectFrom=en:EPHB4; linkedpages=en:EPH receptor B4
- en:EPHB6 is not a redirect.
- en:EPHX1 is not a redirect.
- en:EPHX2 is a redirect to en:Epoxide hydrolase 2; redirectFrom=en:EPHX2; linkedpages=en:Epoxide hydrolase 2
- en:EPHX4 is a redirect to en:Epoxide hydrolase; redirectFrom=en:EPHX4; linkedpages=en:Epoxide hydrolase
- en:EPN1 is not a redirect.
- en:EPN2 is not a redirect.
- en:EPOP is a redirect to en:Employment-to-population ratio; redirectFrom=en:EPOP; linkedpages=en:Employment-to-population ratio
- en:EPOR (gene) is a redirect to en:Erythropoietin receptor; redirectFrom=en:EPOR (gene); linkedpages=en:Erythropoietin receptor
- en:EPO (gene) is a redirect to en:Erythropoietin; redirectFrom=en:EPO (gene); linkedpages=en:Erythropoietin
- en:EPPK1 is a redirect to en:Epiplakin; redirectFrom=en:EPPK1; linkedpages=en:Epiplakin
- en:EPS15 is not a redirect.
- en:EPS15L1 is not a redirect.
- en:EPS8 is not a redirect.
- en:EPS8L1 is not a redirect.
- en:EPS8L2 is not a redirect.
- en:EPS8L3 is not a redirect.
- en:EPX (gene) is a redirect to en:Eosinophil peroxidase; redirectFrom=en:EPX (gene); linkedpages=en:Eosinophil peroxidase
- en:EPYC is a redirect to en:Epyc; redirectFrom=en:EPYC; linkedpages=en:Epyc
- en:EQTN is not a redirect.
- en:ERAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:ERAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:ERBB2 is a redirect to en:HER2/neu; redirectFrom=en:ERBB2; linkedpages=en:HER2/neu
- en:ERBB3 is not a redirect.
- en:ERBB4 is not a redirect.
- en:ERC1 is not a redirect.
- en:ERC2 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:ERCC1 is not a redirect.
- en:ERCC2 is not a redirect.
- en:ERCC3 is a redirect to en:XPB; redirectFrom=en:ERCC3; linkedpages=en:XPB
- en:ERCC4 is not a redirect.
- en:ERCC5 is not a redirect.
- en:ERCC6 is not a redirect.
- en:ERCC8 is a redirect to en:ERCC8 (gene); redirectFrom=en:ERCC8; linkedpages=en:ERCC8 (gene)
- en:EREG is a redirect to en:Epiregulin; redirectFrom=en:EREG; linkedpages=en:Epiregulin
- en:ERF (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:ERG28 is not a redirect.
- en:ERGIC2 is not a redirect.
- en:ERGIC3 is not a redirect.
- en:ERG (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:ERH (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:ERICH2 is not a redirect.
- en:ERICH3 is a redirect to en:C1orf173; redirectFrom=en:ERICH3; linkedpages=en:C1orf173
- en:ERLEC1 is not a redirect.
- en:ERLIN1 is not a redirect.
- en:ERLIN2 is not a redirect.
- en:ERMAP is not a redirect.
- en:ERN1 is not a redirect.
- en:ERP29 is not a redirect.
- en:ERP44 is not a redirect.
- en:ERRFI1 is not a redirect.
- en:ERVW-1 is a redirect to en:Syncytin-1; redirectFrom=en:ERVW-1; linkedpages=en:Syncytin-1
- en:ESAM (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:ESCO1 is not a redirect.
- en:ESCO2 is not a redirect.
- en:ESD (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:ESF1 is not a redirect.
- en:ESM1 is not a redirect.
- en:ESPN is not a redirect.
- en:ESR1 is a redirect to en:Estrogen receptor alpha; redirectFrom=en:ESR1; linkedpages=en:Estrogen receptor alpha
- en:ESR2 is a redirect to en:Estrogen receptor beta; redirectFrom=en:ESR2; linkedpages=en:Estrogen receptor beta
- en:ESRRA is a redirect to en:Estrogen-related receptor alpha; redirectFrom=en:ESRRA; linkedpages=en:Estrogen-related receptor alpha
- en:ESRRB is a redirect to en:Estrogen-related receptor beta; redirectFrom=en:ESRRB; linkedpages=en:Estrogen-related receptor beta
- en:ESRRG is a redirect to en:Estrogen-related receptor gamma; redirectFrom=en:ESRRG; linkedpages=en:Estrogen-related receptor gamma
- en:ESX1 is not a redirect.
- en:ETDA is a redirect to en:Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; redirectFrom=en:ETDA; linkedpages=en:Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
- en:ETF1 is a redirect to en:Eukaryotic translation termination factor 1; redirectFrom=en:ETF1; linkedpages=en:Eukaryotic translation termination factor 1
- en:ETFA is not a redirect.
- en:ETFB is not a redirect.
- en:ETFDH is not a redirect.
- en:ETHE1 is not a redirect.
- en:ETS1 is not a redirect.
- en:ETS2 is not a redirect.
- en:ETV1 is not a redirect.
- en:ETV4 is not a redirect.
- en:ETV6 is not a redirect.
- en:ETV7 is not a redirect.
- en:EVA1A is not a redirect.
- en:EVC2 is a redirect to en:Limbin; redirectFrom=en:EVC2; linkedpages=en:Limbin
- en:EVC (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:EVI2B is not a redirect.
- en:EVI5 is not a redirect.
- en:EVI5L is not a redirect.
- en:EVL (gene) is a redirect to en:Enah/Vasp-like; redirectFrom=en:EVL (gene); linkedpages=en:Enah/Vasp-like
- en:EVPL (gene) is a redirect to en:Envoplakin; redirectFrom=en:EVPL (gene); linkedpages=en:Envoplakin
- en:EWSR1 is a redirect to en:Ewing sarcoma breakpoint region 1; redirectFrom=en:EWSR1; linkedpages=en:Ewing sarcoma breakpoint region 1
- en:EXO1 is a redirect to en:Exonuclease 1; redirectFrom=en:EXO1; linkedpages=en:Exonuclease 1
- en:EXOC1 is not a redirect.
- en:EXOC2 is not a redirect.
- en:EXOC3 is not a redirect.
- en:EXOC3L2 is not a redirect.
- en:EXOC4 is not a redirect.
- en:EXOC5 is not a redirect.
- en:EXOC6 is not a redirect.
- en:EXOC7 is not a redirect.
- en:EXOC8 is not a redirect.
- en:EXOSC1 is a redirect to en:Exosome component 1; redirectFrom=en:EXOSC1; linkedpages=en:Exosome component 1
- en:EXOSC10 is a redirect to en:Exosome component 10; redirectFrom=en:EXOSC10; linkedpages=en:Exosome component 10
- en:EXOSC2 is a redirect to en:Exosome component 2; redirectFrom=en:EXOSC2; linkedpages=en:Exosome component 2
- en:EXOSC3 is a redirect to en:Exosome component 3; redirectFrom=en:EXOSC3; linkedpages=en:Exosome component 3
- en:EXOSC4 is a redirect to en:Exosome component 4; redirectFrom=en:EXOSC4; linkedpages=en:Exosome component 4
- en:EXOSC5 is a redirect to en:Exosome component 5; redirectFrom=en:EXOSC5; linkedpages=en:Exosome component 5
- en:EXOSC6 is a redirect to en:Exosome component 6; redirectFrom=en:EXOSC6; linkedpages=en:Exosome component 6
- en:EXOSC7 is a redirect to en:Exosome component 7; redirectFrom=en:EXOSC7; linkedpages=en:Exosome component 7
- en:EXOSC8 is a redirect to en:Exosome component 8; redirectFrom=en:EXOSC8; linkedpages=en:Exosome component 8
- en:EXOSC9 is a redirect to en:Exosome component 9; redirectFrom=en:EXOSC9; linkedpages=en:Exosome component 9
- en:EXPH5 is not a redirect.
- en:EXT1 is not a redirect.
- en:EXT2 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:EXTL1 is not a redirect.
- en:EXTL2 is not a redirect.
- en:EXTL3 is not a redirect.
- en:EYA1 is not a redirect.
- en:EYA2 is not a redirect.
- en:EYA4 is not a redirect.
- en:EZH1 is not a redirect.
- en:EZH2 is not a redirect.
- en:F10 (gene) is a redirect to en:Factor X; redirectFrom=en:F10 (gene); linkedpages=en:Factor X
- en:F11R is a redirect to en:F11 receptor; redirectFrom=en:F11R; linkedpages=en:F11 receptor
- en:F11 (gene) is a redirect to en:Factor XI; redirectFrom=en:F11 (gene); linkedpages=en:Factor XI
- en:F12 (gene) is a redirect to en:Factor XII; redirectFrom=en:F12 (gene); linkedpages=en:Factor XII
- en:F13A1 is a redirect to en:Coagulation factor XIII, A1 polypeptide; redirectFrom=en:F13A1; linkedpages=en:Coagulation factor XIII, A1 polypeptide
- en:F13B is not a redirect.
- en:F2R is a redirect to en:Coagulation factor II receptor; redirectFrom=en:F2R; linkedpages=en:Coagulation factor II receptor
- en:F2RL1 is a redirect to en:Protease-activated receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:F2RL1; linkedpages=en:Protease-activated receptor 2
- en:F2RL2 is not a redirect.
- en:F2RL3 is not a redirect.
- en:F2 (gene) is a redirect to en:Thrombin; redirectFrom=en:F2 (gene); linkedpages=en:Thrombin
- en:F3 (gene) is a redirect to en:Tissue factor; redirectFrom=en:F3 (gene); linkedpages=en:Tissue factor
- en:F5 (gene) is a redirect to en:Factor V; redirectFrom=en:F5 (gene); linkedpages=en:Factor V
- en:F7 (gene) is a redirect to en:Factor VII; redirectFrom=en:F7 (gene); linkedpages=en:Factor VII
- en:F8A1 is not a redirect.
- en:F8 (gene) is a redirect to en:Factor VIII; redirectFrom=en:F8 (gene); linkedpages=en:Factor VIII
- en:F9 (gene) is a redirect to en:Factor IX; redirectFrom=en:F9 (gene); linkedpages=en:Factor IX
- en:FA2H is not a redirect.
- en:FAAH is a redirect to en:Fatty acid amide hydrolase; redirectFrom=en:FAAH; linkedpages=en:Fatty acid amide hydrolase
- en:FAAH2 is not a redirect.
- en:FABP1 is not a redirect.
- en:FABP2 is not a redirect.
- en:FABP3 is a redirect to en:Heart-type fatty acid binding protein; redirectFrom=en:FABP3; linkedpages=en:Heart-type fatty acid binding protein
- en:FABP4 is a redirect to en:Adipocyte protein 2; redirectFrom=en:FABP4; linkedpages=en:Adipocyte protein 2
- en:FABP5 is not a redirect.
- en:FABP6 is not a redirect.
- en:FABP7 is not a redirect.
- en:FABP9 is not a redirect.
- en:FADD is not a redirect.
- en:FADS1 is not a redirect.
- en:FADS2 is not a redirect.
- en:FADS6 is a redirect to en:Stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1; redirectFrom=en:FADS6; linkedpages=en:Stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1
- en:FAF1 is not a redirect.
- en:FAHD1 is not a redirect.
- en:FAH (gene) is a redirect to en:Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase; redirectFrom=en:FAH (gene); linkedpages=en:Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase
- en:FAM104A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM104B is not a redirect.
- en:FAM106A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM107A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM107B is not a redirect.
- en:FAM114A1 is not a redirect.
- en:FAM114A2 is not a redirect.
- en:FAM118B is not a redirect.
- en:FAM120A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM120C is not a redirect.
- en:FAM122B is not a redirect.
- en:FAM122C is not a redirect.
- en:FAM135A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM135B is not a redirect.
- en:FAM136A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM13C is not a redirect.
- en:FAM149A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM149B1 is not a redirect.
- en:FAM155A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM162A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM163A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM166B is not a redirect.
- en:FAM167A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM172A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM181A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM185A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM193A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM200A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM20A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM20B is not a redirect.
- en:FAM20C is not a redirect.
- en:FAM210B is not a redirect.
- en:FAM214A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM221A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM234A is a redirect to en:ITFG3; redirectFrom=en:FAM234A; linkedpages=en:ITFG3
- en:FAM32A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM3B is not a redirect.
- en:FAM3C is not a redirect.
- en:FAM3D is not a redirect.
- en:FAM43A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM50A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM71D is not a redirect.
- en:FAM71E1 is not a redirect.
- en:FAM71E2 is not a redirect.
- en:FAM71F2 is not a redirect.
- en:FAM76A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM76B is not a redirect.
- en:FAM83A is not a redirect.
- en:FAM83H is not a redirect.
- en:FAM98A is not a redirect.
- en:FAN1 is not a redirect.
- en:FANCA is not a redirect.
- en:FANCB is not a redirect.
- en:FANCC is a redirect to en:Fanconi anemia, complementation group C; redirectFrom=en:FANCC; linkedpages=en:Fanconi anemia, complementation group C
- en:FANCD2 is not a redirect.
- en:FANCD2OS is not a redirect.
- en:FANCE is not a redirect.
- en:FANCF is not a redirect.
- en:FANCG is not a redirect.
- en:FANCI is not a redirect.
- en:FANCL is not a redirect.
- en:FANCM is not a redirect.
- en:FAP (gene) is a redirect to en:Fibroblast activation protein, alpha; redirectFrom=en:FAP (gene); linkedpages=en:Fibroblast activation protein, alpha
- en:FARP1 is not a redirect.
- en:FARP2 is not a redirect.
- en:FARS2 is not a redirect.
- en:FARSA (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:FARSB is not a redirect.
- en:FASLG is a redirect to en:Fas ligand; redirectFrom=en:FASLG; linkedpages=en:Fas ligand
- en:FASN (gene) is a redirect to en:Fatty acid synthase; redirectFrom=en:FASN (gene); linkedpages=en:Fatty acid synthase
- en:FASTK is not a redirect.
- en:FASTKD1 is not a redirect.
- en:FASTKD2 is not a redirect.
- en:FASTKD3 is not a redirect.
- en:FASTKD5 is not a redirect.
- en:FAS (gene) is a redirect to en:Fas receptor; redirectFrom=en:FAS (gene); linkedpages=en:Fas receptor
- en:FAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:FAT4 is not a redirect.
- en:FATE1 is not a redirect.
- en:FAU (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:FBLIM1 is not a redirect.
- en:FBLN1 is not a redirect.
- en:FBLN2 is not a redirect.
- en:FBLN5 is not a redirect.
- en:FBL (gene) is a redirect to en:Fibrillarin; redirectFrom=en:FBL (gene); linkedpages=en:Fibrillarin
- en:FBN1 is a redirect to en:Fibrillin 1; redirectFrom=en:FBN1; linkedpages=en:Fibrillin 1
- en:FBN2 is a redirect to en:Fibrillin; redirectFrom=en:FBN2; linkedpages=en:Fibrillin
- en:FBN3 is a redirect to en:Fibrillin; redirectFrom=en:FBN3; linkedpages=en:Fibrillin
- en:FBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:FBRS is not a redirect.
- en:FBXL2 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXL3 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXL4 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXL5 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXL7 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXO11 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXO2 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXO24 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXO28 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXO31 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXO32 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXO38 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXO4 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXO5 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXO6 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXO7 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXO9 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXW10 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXW11 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXW2 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXW4 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXW5 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXW7 is not a redirect.
- en:FBXW8 is not a redirect.
- en:FCAR is not a redirect.
- en:FCER1A is not a redirect.
- en:FCER1G is not a redirect.
- en:FCER2 is a redirect to en:CD23; redirectFrom=en:FCER2; linkedpages=en:CD23
- en:FCF1 is not a redirect.
- en:FCGBP is not a redirect.
- en:FCGR1A is not a redirect.
- en:FCGR1B is a redirect to en:CD64 (biology); redirectFrom=en:FCGR1B; linkedpages=en:CD64 (biology)
- en:FCGR2A is not a redirect.
- en:FCGR2B is not a redirect.
- en:FCGR3A is not a redirect.
- en:FCGR3B is not a redirect.
- en:FCGRT is not a redirect.
- en:FCHO1 is not a redirect.
- en:FCHO2 is not a redirect.
- en:FCHSD1 is not a redirect.
- en:FCHSD2 is not a redirect.
- en:FCMR is not a redirect.
- en:FCN1 is not a redirect.
- en:FCN2 is not a redirect.
- en:FCN3 is not a redirect.
- en:FCRL1 is not a redirect.
- en:FCRL2 is not a redirect.
- en:FCRL3 is not a redirect.
- en:FCRL4 is not a redirect.
- en:FCRL5 is not a redirect.
- en:FCRLA is not a redirect.
- en:FDPS is a redirect to en:Dimethylallyltranstransferase; redirectFrom=en:FDPS; linkedpages=en:Dimethylallyltranstransferase
- en:FDX1 is a redirect to en:Adrenal ferredoxin; redirectFrom=en:FDX1; linkedpages=en:Adrenal ferredoxin
- en:FDX2 is not a redirect.
- en:FDXR is a redirect to en:Adrenodoxin reductase; redirectFrom=en:FDXR; linkedpages=en:Adrenodoxin reductase
- en:FECH (gene) is a redirect to en:Ferrochelatase; redirectFrom=en:FECH (gene); linkedpages=en:Ferrochelatase
- en:FEM1A is not a redirect.
- en:FEN1 is a redirect to en:Flap structure-specific endonuclease 1; redirectFrom=en:FEN1; linkedpages=en:Flap structure-specific endonuclease 1
- en:FERMT1 is not a redirect.
- en:FERMT2 is not a redirect.
- en:FERMT3 is not a redirect.
- en:FER (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:FES (gene) is a redirect to en:Feline sarcoma oncogene; redirectFrom=en:FES (gene); linkedpages=en:Feline sarcoma oncogene
- en:FETUB is a redirect to en:Fetuin-B; redirectFrom=en:FETUB; linkedpages=en:Fetuin-B
- en:FEZ1 is not a redirect.
- en:FEZ2 is not a redirect.
- en:FEZF1 is not a redirect.
- en:FFAR1 is a redirect to en:Free fatty acid receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:FFAR1; linkedpages=en:Free fatty acid receptor 1
- en:FFAR2 is a redirect to en:Free fatty acid receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:FFAR2; linkedpages=en:Free fatty acid receptor 2
- en:FFAR3 is a redirect to en:Free fatty acid receptor 3; redirectFrom=en:FFAR3; linkedpages=en:Free fatty acid receptor 3
- en:FFAR4 is a redirect to en:GPR120; redirectFrom=en:FFAR4; linkedpages=en:GPR120
- en:FGA (gene) is a redirect to en:Fibrinogen alpha chain; redirectFrom=en:FGA (gene); linkedpages=en:Fibrinogen alpha chain
- en:FGB (gene) is a redirect to en:Fibrinogen beta chain; redirectFrom=en:FGB (gene); linkedpages=en:Fibrinogen beta chain
- en:FGD1 is not a redirect.
- en:FGD2 is not a redirect.
- en:FGD3 is not a redirect.
- en:FGD4 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF1 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF10 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF11 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF12 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF13 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF14 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF16 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF17 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF18 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF19 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF2 is a redirect to en:Basic fibroblast growth factor; redirectFrom=en:FGF2; linkedpages=en:Basic fibroblast growth factor
- en:FGF20 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF21 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF22 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF23 is a redirect to en:Fibroblast growth factor 23; redirectFrom=en:FGF23; linkedpages=en:Fibroblast growth factor 23
- en:FGF3 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF4 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF5 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF6 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF7 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF8 is not a redirect.
- en:FGF9 is not a redirect.
- en:FGFBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:FGFR1 is a redirect to en:Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:FGFR1; linkedpages=en:Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1
- en:FGFR1OP is not a redirect.
- en:FGFR1OP2 is not a redirect.
- en:FGFR2 is a redirect to en:Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:FGFR2; linkedpages=en:Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2
- en:FGFR3 is a redirect to en:Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3; redirectFrom=en:FGFR3; linkedpages=en:Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3
- en:FGFR4 is a redirect to en:Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4; redirectFrom=en:FGFR4; linkedpages=en:Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4
- en:FGFRL1 is a redirect to en:Fibroblast growth factor receptor-like 1; redirectFrom=en:FGFRL1; linkedpages=en:Fibroblast growth factor receptor-like 1
- en:FGG (gene) is a redirect to en:Fibrinogen gamma chain; redirectFrom=en:FGG (gene); linkedpages=en:Fibrinogen gamma chain
- en:FGL1 is not a redirect.
- en:FGL2 is not a redirect.
- en:FGR (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:FHAD1 is not a redirect.
- en:FHIT is not a redirect.
- en:FHL1 is not a redirect.
- en:FHL2 is not a redirect.
- en:FHL3 is not a redirect.
- en:FHL5 is not a redirect.
- en:FHOD1 is not a redirect.
- en:FIBP is not a redirect.
- en:FIG4 is a redirect to en:Fig4; redirectFrom=en:FIG4; linkedpages=en:Fig4
- en:FIGLA is not a redirect.
- en:FILIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:FIP1L1 is not a redirect.
- en:FIS1 is not a redirect.
- en:FITM1 is a redirect to en:Fat storage inducing transmembrane protein 1; redirectFrom=en:FITM1; linkedpages=en:Fat storage inducing transmembrane protein 1
- en:FITM2 is not a redirect.
- en:FJX1 is not a redirect.
- en:FKBP10 is not a redirect.
- en:FKBP14 is not a redirect.
- en:FKBP1A is not a redirect.
- en:FKBP1B is not a redirect.
- en:FKBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:FKBP3 is not a redirect.
- en:FKBP4 is a redirect to en:FKBP52; redirectFrom=en:FKBP4; linkedpages=en:FKBP52
- en:FKBP5 is not a redirect.
- en:FKBP6 is not a redirect.
- en:FKBP7 is not a redirect.
- en:FKBP8 is not a redirect.
- en:FKBP9 is not a redirect.
- en:FKBPL is not a redirect.
- en:FKRP is a redirect to en:Fukutin-related protein; redirectFrom=en:FKRP; linkedpages=en:Fukutin-related protein
- en:FKTN is a redirect to en:Fukutin; redirectFrom=en:FKTN; linkedpages=en:Fukutin
- en:FLCN is a redirect to en:Folliculin; redirectFrom=en:FLCN; linkedpages=en:Folliculin
- en:FLG (gene) is a redirect to en:Filaggrin; redirectFrom=en:FLG (gene); linkedpages=en:Filaggrin
- en:FLI1 is not a redirect.
- en:FLII is not a redirect.
- en:FLNA is not a redirect.
- en:FLNB is not a redirect.
- en:FLNC (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:FLOT1 is not a redirect.
- en:FLOT2 is not a redirect.
- en:FLRT1 is not a redirect.
- en:FLRT2 is not a redirect.
- en:FLRT3 is not a redirect.
- en:FLT1 is a redirect to en:VEGFR1; redirectFrom=en:FLT1; linkedpages=en:VEGFR1
- en:FLT3 is a redirect to en:CD135; redirectFrom=en:FLT3; linkedpages=en:CD135
- en:FLT3LG is not a redirect.
- en:FLT4 is not a redirect.
- en:FLVCR1 is not a redirect.
- en:FLVCR2 is not a redirect.
- en:FMN1 is a redirect to en:Formins; redirectFrom=en:FMN1; linkedpages=en:Formins
- en:FMNL1 is not a redirect.
- en:FMNL2 is not a redirect.
- en:FMNL3 is not a redirect.
- en:FMO1 is a redirect to en:Flavin containing monooxygenase 1; redirectFrom=en:FMO1; linkedpages=en:Flavin containing monooxygenase 1
- en:FMO2 is not a redirect.
- en:FMO3 is a redirect to en:Flavin-containing monooxygenase 3; redirectFrom=en:FMO3; linkedpages=en:Flavin-containing monooxygenase 3
- en:FMO4 is not a redirect.
- en:FMO5 is not a redirect.
- en:FMOD is not a redirect.
- en:FMR1 is not a redirect.
- en:FN1 is a redirect to en:Fibronectin; redirectFrom=en:FN1; linkedpages=en:Fibronectin
- en:FN3KRP is not a redirect.
- en:FN3K (gene) is a redirect to en:Fructosamine-3-kinase; redirectFrom=en:FN3K (gene); linkedpages=en:Fructosamine-3-kinase
- en:FNBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:FNBP1L is not a redirect.
- en:FNBP4 is not a redirect.
- en:FNDC3A is not a redirect.
- en:FNDC5 is not a redirect.
- en:FNIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:FNTA is not a redirect.
- en:FNTB is not a redirect.
- en:FOLH1 is a redirect to en:Glutamate carboxypeptidase II; redirectFrom=en:FOLH1; linkedpages=en:Glutamate carboxypeptidase II
- en:FOLR1 is a redirect to en:Folate receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:FOLR1; linkedpages=en:Folate receptor 1
- en:FOLR2 is not a redirect.
- en:FOSB is not a redirect.
- en:FOSL1 is not a redirect.
- en:FOSL2 is not a redirect.
- en:FOS (gene) is a redirect to en:C-Fos; redirectFrom=en:FOS (gene); linkedpages=en:C-Fos
- en:FOXA1 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXA2 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXA3 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXC1 is a redirect to en:Forkhead box C1; redirectFrom=en:FOXC1; linkedpages=en:Forkhead box C1
- en:FOXC2 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXD1 is a redirect to en:Forkhead box d1; redirectFrom=en:FOXD1; linkedpages=en:Forkhead box d1
- en:FOXD3 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXD4 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXE1 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXE3 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXF1 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXG1 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXH1 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXI1 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXI3 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXJ1 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXJ2 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXK1 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXK2 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXL2 is a redirect to en:Forkhead box L2; redirectFrom=en:FOXL2; linkedpages=en:Forkhead box L2
- en:FOXM1 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXN1 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXN3 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXO1 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXO3 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXO4 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXO6 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXP1 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXP2 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXP3 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXP4 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXQ1 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXRED1 is not a redirect.
- en:FOXS1 is not a redirect.
- en:FPGS (gene) is a redirect to en:Folylpolyglutamate synthase; redirectFrom=en:FPGS (gene); linkedpages=en:Folylpolyglutamate synthase
- en:FPGT is not a redirect.
- en:FPR1 is a redirect to en:Formyl peptide receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:FPR1; linkedpages=en:Formyl peptide receptor 1
- en:FPR2 is a redirect to en:Formyl peptide receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:FPR2; linkedpages=en:Formyl peptide receptor 2
- en:FPR3 is a redirect to en:Formyl peptide receptor 3; redirectFrom=en:FPR3; linkedpages=en:Formyl peptide receptor 3
- en:FRA10AC1 is not a redirect.
- en:FRAS1 is not a redirect.
- en:FRAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:FRAT2 is not a redirect.
- en:FREM1 is not a redirect.
- en:FREM2 is not a redirect.
- en:FRG1 is not a redirect.
- en:FRK (gene) is a redirect to en:Fyn-related kinase; redirectFrom=en:FRK (gene); linkedpages=en:Fyn-related kinase
- en:FRMD4B is not a redirect.
- en:FRMD6 is not a redirect.
- en:FRMD7 is not a redirect.
- en:FRMPD3 is not a redirect.
- en:FRS2 is not a redirect.
- en:FRS3 is not a redirect.
- en:FSCB is not a redirect.
- en:FSCN1 is not a redirect.
- en:FSCN2 is not a redirect.
- en:FSCN3 is not a redirect.
- en:FSHB is not a redirect.
- en:FSHR is a redirect to en:Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor; redirectFrom=en:FSHR; linkedpages=en:Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor
- en:FSTL1 is not a redirect.
- en:FSTL3 is not a redirect.
- en:FST (gene) is a redirect to en:Follistatin; redirectFrom=en:FST (gene); linkedpages=en:Follistatin
- en:FTCD is a redirect to en:Formimidoyltransferase cyclodeaminase; redirectFrom=en:FTCD; linkedpages=en:Formimidoyltransferase cyclodeaminase
- en:FTH1 is not a redirect.
- en:FTL (gene) is a redirect to en:Ferritin light chain; redirectFrom=en:FTL (gene); linkedpages=en:Ferritin light chain
- en:FTO (gene) is a redirect to en:FTO gene; redirectFrom=en:FTO (gene); linkedpages=en:FTO gene
- en:FTSJ1 is not a redirect.
- en:FTSJ3 is not a redirect.
- en:FUBP1 is a redirect to en:Far upstream element-binding protein 1; redirectFrom=en:FUBP1; linkedpages=en:Far upstream element-binding protein 1
- en:FUCA1 is a redirect to en:Fucosidase; redirectFrom=en:FUCA1; linkedpages=en:Fucosidase
- en:FUCA2 is not a redirect.
- en:FUNDC1 is not a redirect.
- en:FUNDC2 is not a redirect.
- en:FURIN is a redirect to en:Furin; redirectFrom=en:FURIN; linkedpages=en:Furin
- en:FUS (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:FUT1 is not a redirect.
- en:FUT2 is not a redirect.
- en:FUT3 is a redirect to en:Fucosyltransferase 3; redirectFrom=en:FUT3; linkedpages=en:Fucosyltransferase 3
- en:FUT4 is not a redirect.
- en:FUT5 is not a redirect.
- en:FUT6 is not a redirect.
- en:FUT7 is not a redirect.
- en:FUT8 is not a redirect.
- en:FUT9 is not a redirect.
- en:FXN is a redirect to en:Frataxin; redirectFrom=en:FXN; linkedpages=en:Frataxin
- en:FXR1 is not a redirect.
- en:FXR2 is not a redirect.
- en:FXYD1 is not a redirect.
- en:FXYD2 is not a redirect.
- en:FXYD3 is not a redirect.
- en:FXYD4 is a redirect to en:Channel-inducing factor 4; redirectFrom=en:FXYD4; linkedpages=en:Channel-inducing factor 4
- en:FXYD5 is not a redirect.
- en:FXYD6 is not a redirect.
- en:FYN is not a redirect.
- en:FZD1 is not a redirect.
- en:FZD10 is not a redirect.
- en:FZD2 is not a redirect.
- en:FZD3 is not a redirect.
- en:FZD4 is not a redirect.
- en:FZD5 is not a redirect.
- en:FZD6 is not a redirect.
- en:FZD7 is not a redirect.
- en:FZD8 is not a redirect.
- en:FZD9 is not a redirect.
- en:FZR1 is not a redirect.
- en:G3BP1 is not a redirect.
- en:G3BP2 is not a redirect.
- en:G6PC is not a redirect.
- en:G6PC2 is not a redirect.
- en:G6PC3 is not a redirect.
- en:G6PD is a redirect to en:Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; redirectFrom=en:G6PD; linkedpages=en:Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
- en:GAA (gene) is a redirect to en:Acid alpha-glucosidase; redirectFrom=en:GAA (gene); linkedpages=en:Acid alpha-glucosidase
- en:GAB1 is not a redirect.
- en:GAB2 is not a redirect.
- en:GAB3 is a redirect to en:Grb2 associated binding protein 3; redirectFrom=en:GAB3; linkedpages=en:Grb2 associated binding protein 3
- en:GABARAP is not a redirect.
- en:GABARAPL2 is not a redirect.
- en:GABBR1 is not a redirect.
- en:GABBR2 is not a redirect.
- en:GABPA is not a redirect.
- en:GABPB2 is not a redirect.
- en:GABRA1 is a redirect to en:Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-1; redirectFrom=en:GABRA1; linkedpages=en:Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit alpha-1
- en:GABRA2 is not a redirect.
- en:GABRA3 is not a redirect.
- en:GABRA4 is not a redirect.
- en:GABRA5 is not a redirect.
- en:GABRA6 is not a redirect.
- en:GABRB1 is not a redirect.
- en:GABRB2 is not a redirect.
- en:GABRB3 is not a redirect.
- en:GABRD is not a redirect.
- en:GABRE is not a redirect.
- en:GABRG1 is not a redirect.
- en:GABRG2 is not a redirect.
- en:GABRG3 is not a redirect.
- en:GABRP is not a redirect.
- en:GABRQ is not a redirect.
- en:GABRR1 is not a redirect.
- en:GABRR2 is not a redirect.
- en:GABRR3 is not a redirect.
- en:GAD1 is not a redirect.
- en:GAD2 is not a redirect.
- en:GADD45A is not a redirect.
- en:GADD45B is not a redirect.
- en:GADD45G is not a redirect.
- en:GADD45GIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:GAGE12F is not a redirect.
- en:GAGE2A is not a redirect.
- en:GAK (gene) is a redirect to en:GAK (protein); redirectFrom=en:GAK (gene); linkedpages=en:GAK (protein)
- en:GAL3ST1 is not a redirect.
- en:GAL3ST2 is not a redirect.
- en:GAL3ST3 is not a redirect.
- en:GAL3ST4 is not a redirect.
- en:GALC is a redirect to en:Galactosylceramidase; redirectFrom=en:GALC; linkedpages=en:Galactosylceramidase
- en:GALE is a redirect to en:UDP-glucose 4-epimerase; redirectFrom=en:GALE; linkedpages=en:UDP-glucose 4-epimerase
- en:GALK1 is a redirect to en:Galactokinase; redirectFrom=en:GALK1; linkedpages=en:Galactokinase
- en:GALM is a redirect to en:Galactose mutarotase; redirectFrom=en:GALM; linkedpages=en:Galactose mutarotase
- en:GALNS is a redirect to en:Galactosamine-6 sulfatase; redirectFrom=en:GALNS; linkedpages=en:Galactosamine-6 sulfatase
- en:GALNT1 is not a redirect.
- en:GALNT11 is not a redirect.
- en:GALNT13 is not a redirect.
- en:GALNT14 is not a redirect.
- en:GALNT2 is not a redirect.
- en:GALNT3 is not a redirect.
- en:GALNT6 is not a redirect.
- en:GALP is a redirect to en:Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate; redirectFrom=en:GALP; linkedpages=en:Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
- en:GALR1 is a redirect to en:Galanin receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:GALR1; linkedpages=en:Galanin receptor 1
- en:GALR2 is a redirect to en:Galanin receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:GALR2; linkedpages=en:Galanin receptor 2
- en:GALR3 is a redirect to en:Galanin receptor 3; redirectFrom=en:GALR3; linkedpages=en:Galanin receptor 3
- en:GALT (gene) is a redirect to en:Galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:GALT (gene); linkedpages=en:Galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase
- en:GAL (gene) is a redirect to en:Galanin; redirectFrom=en:GAL (gene); linkedpages=en:Galanin
- en:GAMT is a redirect to en:Guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:GAMT; linkedpages=en:Guanidinoacetate N-methyltransferase
- en:GANAB is not a redirect.
- en:GANC is not a redirect.
- en:GAN (gene) is a redirect to en:Gigaxonin; redirectFrom=en:GAN (gene); linkedpages=en:Gigaxonin
- en:GAP43 is a redirect to en:Gap-43 protein; redirectFrom=en:GAP43; linkedpages=en:Gap-43 protein
- en:GAPDH is a redirect to en:Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase; redirectFrom=en:GAPDH; linkedpages=en:Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase
- en:GAPDHS is not a redirect.
- en:GAPVD1 is not a redirect.
- en:GART (gene) is a redirect to en:Trifunctional purine biosynthetic protein adenosine-3; redirectFrom=en:GART (gene); linkedpages=en:Trifunctional purine biosynthetic protein adenosine-3
- en:GAS1 is not a redirect.
- en:GAS2 is not a redirect.
- en:GAS2L1 is not a redirect.
- en:GAS6 is not a redirect.
- en:GAS7 is not a redirect.
- en:GAST is a redirect to en:Gastrin; redirectFrom=en:GAST; linkedpages=en:Gastrin
- en:GATA1 is not a redirect.
- en:GATA2 is not a redirect.
- en:GATA3 is not a redirect.
- en:GATA4 is not a redirect.
- en:GATA5 is not a redirect.
- en:GATA6 is not a redirect.
- en:GATAD2B is not a redirect.
- en:GATC (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:GATM (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:GBA2 is not a redirect.
- en:GBA3 is not a redirect.
- en:GBA (gene) is a redirect to en:Glucocerebrosidase; redirectFrom=en:GBA (gene); linkedpages=en:Glucocerebrosidase
- en:GBE1 is a redirect to en:Glycogen branching enzyme; redirectFrom=en:GBE1; linkedpages=en:Glycogen branching enzyme
- en:GBF1 is not a redirect.
- en:GBGT1 is not a redirect.
- en:GBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:GBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:GBP5 is not a redirect.
- en:GBX2 is not a redirect.
- en:GCAT is not a redirect.
- en:GCA (gene) is a redirect to en:Grancalcin; redirectFrom=en:GCA (gene); linkedpages=en:Grancalcin
- en:GCC1 is not a redirect.
- en:GCC2 is not a redirect.
- en:GCDH is a redirect to en:Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase; redirectFrom=en:GCDH; linkedpages=en:Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase
- en:GCFC2 is not a redirect.
- en:GCGR is a redirect to en:Glucagon receptor; redirectFrom=en:GCGR; linkedpages=en:Glucagon receptor
- en:GCG (gene) is a redirect to en:Proglucagon; redirectFrom=en:GCG (gene); linkedpages=en:Proglucagon
- en:GCH1 is a redirect to en:GTP cyclohydrolase I; redirectFrom=en:GCH1; linkedpages=en:GTP cyclohydrolase I
- en:GCHFR is not a redirect.
- en:GCKR is a redirect to en:Glucokinase regulatory protein; redirectFrom=en:GCKR; linkedpages=en:Glucokinase regulatory protein
- en:GCK (gene) is a redirect to en:Glucokinase; redirectFrom=en:GCK (gene); linkedpages=en:Glucokinase
- en:GCLC is not a redirect.
- en:GCLM is not a redirect.
- en:GCM1 is not a redirect.
- en:GCM2 is not a redirect.
- en:GCNT1 is not a redirect.
- en:GCNT2 is not a redirect.
- en:GCSH is not a redirect.
- en:GC (gene) is a redirect to en:Vitamin D-binding protein; redirectFrom=en:GC (gene); linkedpages=en:Vitamin D-binding protein
- en:GDAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:GDA (gene) is a redirect to en:Guanine deaminase; redirectFrom=en:GDA (gene); linkedpages=en:Guanine deaminase
- en:GDF1 is not a redirect.
- en:GDF10 is not a redirect.
- en:GDF11 is not a redirect.
- en:GDF15 is not a redirect.
- en:GDF2 is not a redirect.
- en:GDF3 is not a redirect.
- en:GDF5 is not a redirect.
- en:GDF6 is not a redirect.
- en:GDF7 is not a redirect.
- en:GDF9 is a redirect to en:Growth differentiation factor-9; redirectFrom=en:GDF9; linkedpages=en:Growth differentiation factor-9
- en:GDI1 is not a redirect.
- en:GDI2 is not a redirect.
- en:GDNF is a redirect to en:Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor; redirectFrom=en:GDNF; linkedpages=en:Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor
- en:GEMIN4 is a redirect to en:Gem-associated protein 4; redirectFrom=en:GEMIN4; linkedpages=en:Gem-associated protein 4
- en:GEMIN5 is a redirect to en:Gem-associated protein 5; redirectFrom=en:GEMIN5; linkedpages=en:Gem-associated protein 5
- en:GEMIN6 is a redirect to en:Gem-associated protein 6; redirectFrom=en:GEMIN6; linkedpages=en:Gem-associated protein 6
- en:GEMIN7 is a redirect to en:Gem-associated protein 7; redirectFrom=en:GEMIN7; linkedpages=en:Gem-associated protein 7
- en:GEMIN8 is not a redirect.
- en:GEM (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:GET4 is not a redirect.
- en:GFAP (gene) is a redirect to en:Glial fibrillary acidic protein; redirectFrom=en:GFAP (gene); linkedpages=en:Glial fibrillary acidic protein
- en:GFER is not a redirect.
- en:GFI1 is not a redirect.
- en:GFI1B is not a redirect.
- en:GFM1 is not a redirect.
- en:GFM2 is not a redirect.
- en:GFPT1 is not a redirect.
- en:GFRA1 is not a redirect.
- en:GFRA2 is a redirect to en:GFRA2 (gene); redirectFrom=en:GFRA2; linkedpages=en:GFRA2 (gene)
- en:GFRA3 is not a redirect.
- en:GFRA4 is not a redirect.
- en:GFRAL is not a redirect.
- en:GFY is not a redirect.
- en:GGA1 is not a redirect.
- en:GGA2 is not a redirect.
- en:GGA3 is not a redirect.
- en:GGCT is a redirect to en:Gyan Ganga College Of Technology; redirectFrom=en:GGCT; linkedpages=en:Gyan Ganga College Of Technology
- en:GGCX is a redirect to en:Gamma-glutamyl carboxylase; redirectFrom=en:GGCX; linkedpages=en:Gamma-glutamyl carboxylase
- en:GGH (gene) is a redirect to en:Gamma-glutamyl hydrolase; redirectFrom=en:GGH (gene); linkedpages=en:Gamma-glutamyl hydrolase
- en:GGPS1 is not a redirect.
- en:GGT1 is a redirect to en:Gamma-glutamyltransferase 1; redirectFrom=en:GGT1; linkedpages=en:Gamma-glutamyltransferase 1
- en:GGT5 is a redirect to en:Gamma-glutamyltransferase 5; redirectFrom=en:GGT5; linkedpages=en:Gamma-glutamyltransferase 5
- en:GH1 (gene) is a redirect to en:Growth hormone 1; redirectFrom=en:GH1 (gene); linkedpages=en:Growth hormone 1
- en:GH2 is a redirect to en:Growth hormone 2; redirectFrom=en:GH2; linkedpages=en:Growth hormone 2
- en:GHITM is not a redirect.
- en:GHRH is a redirect to en:Growth hormone–releasing hormone; redirectFrom=en:GHRH; linkedpages=en:Growth hormone–releasing hormone
- en:GHRHR is a redirect to en:Growth-hormone-releasing hormone receptor; redirectFrom=en:GHRHR; linkedpages=en:Growth-hormone-releasing hormone receptor
- en:GHRL is a redirect to en:Ghrelin; redirectFrom=en:GHRL; linkedpages=en:Ghrelin
- en:GHR (gene) is a redirect to en:Growth hormone receptor; redirectFrom=en:GHR (gene); linkedpages=en:Growth hormone receptor
- en:GHSR is a redirect to en:Growth hormone secretagogue receptor; redirectFrom=en:GHSR; linkedpages=en:Growth hormone secretagogue receptor
- en:GIMAP4 is not a redirect.
- en:GIMAP5 is not a redirect.
- en:GINS1 is not a redirect.
- en:GINS2 is not a redirect.
- en:GIPC1 is not a redirect.
- en:GIPC2 is not a redirect.
- en:GIPC3 is not a redirect.
- en:GIPR is a redirect to en:Gastric inhibitory polypeptide receptor; redirectFrom=en:GIPR; linkedpages=en:Gastric inhibitory polypeptide receptor
- en:GIT1 is not a redirect.
- en:GIT2 is not a redirect.
- en:GJA1 is not a redirect.
- en:GJA10 is not a redirect.
- en:GJA3 is not a redirect.
- en:GJA4 is not a redirect.
- en:GJA5 is not a redirect.
- en:GJA8 is not a redirect.
- en:GJA9 is a redirect to en:GJD2; redirectFrom=en:GJA9; linkedpages=en:GJD2
- en:GJB1 is not a redirect.
- en:GJB2 is not a redirect.
- en:GJB3 is not a redirect.
- en:GJB4 is not a redirect.
- en:GJB5 is not a redirect.
- en:GJB6 is not a redirect.
- en:GJB7 is not a redirect.
- en:GJC1 is not a redirect.
- en:GJC2 is not a redirect.
- en:GJC3 is not a redirect.
- en:GJD2 is not a redirect.
- en:GJD3 is not a redirect.
- en:GJD4 is not a redirect.
- en:GJE1 is a redirect to en:GJC3; redirectFrom=en:GJE1; linkedpages=en:GJC3
- en:GKN1 is not a redirect.
- en:GLA (gene) is a redirect to en:Fabry disease; redirectFrom=en:GLA (gene); linkedpages=en:Fabry disease
- en:GLB1 is not a redirect.
- en:GLB1L3 is not a redirect.
- en:GLCCI1 is not a redirect.
- en:GLCE is not a redirect.
- en:GLDC is a redirect to en:Glycine dehydrogenase (decarboxylating); redirectFrom=en:GLDC; linkedpages=en:Glycine dehydrogenase (decarboxylating)
- en:GLG1 is not a redirect.
- en:GLI1 is not a redirect.
- en:GLI2 is not a redirect.
- en:GLI3 is not a redirect.
- en:GLIPR1 is not a redirect.
- en:GLIS1 is not a redirect.
- en:GLIS2 is not a redirect.
- en:GLMN is not a redirect.
- en:GLO1 is a redirect to en:Lactoylglutathione lyase; redirectFrom=en:GLO1; linkedpages=en:Lactoylglutathione lyase
- en:GLOD4 is not a redirect.
- en:GLP1R is a redirect to en:Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor; redirectFrom=en:GLP1R; linkedpages=en:Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor
- en:GLP2R is a redirect to en:Glucagon-like peptide-2 receptor; redirectFrom=en:GLP2R; linkedpages=en:Glucagon-like peptide-2 receptor
- en:GLRA1 is a redirect to en:Glycine receptor, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:GLRA1; linkedpages=en:Glycine receptor, alpha 1
- en:GLRA2 is not a redirect.
- en:GLRA3 is not a redirect.
- en:GLRB is not a redirect.
- en:GLRX is not a redirect.
- en:GLRX2 is not a redirect.
- en:GLRX3 is not a redirect.
- en:GLRX5 is not a redirect.
- en:GLS2 is not a redirect.
- en:GLTP is not a redirect.
- en:GLUD1 is a redirect to en:Glutamate dehydrogenase 1; redirectFrom=en:GLUD1; linkedpages=en:Glutamate dehydrogenase 1
- en:GLUD2 is not a redirect.
- en:GLYAT is not a redirect.
- en:GM2A is not a redirect.
- en:GMCL1 is not a redirect.
- en:GMDS is a redirect to en:Generalized multidimensional scaling; redirectFrom=en:GMDS; linkedpages=en:Generalized multidimensional scaling
- en:GMEB1 is not a redirect.
- en:GMEB2 is not a redirect.
- en:GMFB is a redirect to en:Glia maturation factor; redirectFrom=en:GMFB; linkedpages=en:Glia maturation factor
- en:GMIP is a redirect to en:Gerakan Mujahidin Islam Patani; redirectFrom=en:GMIP; linkedpages=en:Gerakan Mujahidin Islam Patani
- en:GMNN is a redirect to en:Geminin; redirectFrom=en:GMNN; linkedpages=en:Geminin
- en:GMPPB is not a redirect.
- en:GMPS is a redirect to en:GMP synthase; redirectFrom=en:GMPS; linkedpages=en:GMP synthase
- en:GNA11 is not a redirect.
- en:GNA12 is not a redirect.
- en:GNA13 is not a redirect.
- en:GNA14 is not a redirect.
- en:GNA15 is not a redirect.
- en:GNAI1 is not a redirect.
- en:GNAI2 is not a redirect.
- en:GNAI3 is not a redirect.
- en:GNAL is not a redirect.
- en:GNAO1 is not a redirect.
- en:GNAQ is not a redirect.
- en:GNAS (gene) is a redirect to en:GNAS complex locus; redirectFrom=en:GNAS (gene); linkedpages=en:GNAS complex locus
- en:GNAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:GNAT2 is not a redirect.
- en:GNAT3 is not a redirect.
- en:GNAZ is not a redirect.
- en:GNB1 is not a redirect.
- en:GNB1L is not a redirect.
- en:GNB2 is not a redirect.
- en:GNB3 is not a redirect.
- en:GNB4 is not a redirect.
- en:GNB5 is not a redirect.
- en:GNE (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:GNG11 is not a redirect.
- en:GNG12 is not a redirect.
- en:GNG13 is not a redirect.
- en:GNG2 is not a redirect.
- en:GNG3 is not a redirect.
- en:GNG4 is not a redirect.
- en:GNG5 is not a redirect.
- en:GNG7 is not a redirect.
- en:GNGT1 is not a redirect.
- en:GNGT2 is not a redirect.
- en:GNL2 is not a redirect.
- en:GNL3 is not a redirect.
- en:GNLY is not a redirect.
- en:GNMT is not a redirect.
- en:GNPAT is a redirect to en:Glyceronephosphate O-acyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:GNPAT; linkedpages=en:Glyceronephosphate O-acyltransferase
- en:GNPDA1 is not a redirect.
- en:GNPDA2 is not a redirect.
- en:GNPTAB is a redirect to en:N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase; redirectFrom=en:GNPTAB; linkedpages=en:N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase
- en:GNPTG is not a redirect.
- en:GNRH1 is a redirect to en:Gonadotropin-releasing hormone; redirectFrom=en:GNRH1; linkedpages=en:Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
- en:GNRH2 is not a redirect.
- en:GNRHR is not a redirect.
- en:GNS (gene) is a redirect to en:N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase; redirectFrom=en:GNS (gene); linkedpages=en:N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase
- en:GOLGA1 is not a redirect.
- en:GOLGA2 is not a redirect.
- en:GOLGA3 is not a redirect.
- en:GOLGA4 is not a redirect.
- en:GOLGA5 is not a redirect.
- en:GOLGA7 is a redirect to en:Golgin a7; redirectFrom=en:GOLGA7; linkedpages=en:Golgin a7
- en:GOLGA8A is not a redirect.
- en:GOLGA8B is not a redirect.
- en:GOLGA8H is not a redirect.
- en:GOLGB1 is a redirect to en:Giantin; redirectFrom=en:GOLGB1; linkedpages=en:Giantin
- en:GOLM1 is not a redirect.
- en:GOLT1B is not a redirect.
- en:GON4L is not a redirect.
- en:GOPC is not a redirect.
- en:GORAB is not a redirect.
- en:GORASP1 is a redirect to en:GRASP65; redirectFrom=en:GORASP1; linkedpages=en:GRASP65
- en:GORASP2 is a redirect to en:GRASP55; redirectFrom=en:GORASP2; linkedpages=en:GRASP55
- en:GOSR1 is not a redirect.
- en:GOSR2 is not a redirect.
- en:GOT1 is not a redirect.
- en:GOT2 is not a redirect.
- en:GP1BA is not a redirect.
- en:GP1BB is not a redirect.
- en:GP2 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:GP5 is not a redirect.
- en:GP6 is a redirect to en:GPVI; redirectFrom=en:GP6; linkedpages=en:GPVI
- en:GP9 (gene) is a redirect to en:Glycoprotein IX; redirectFrom=en:GP9 (gene); linkedpages=en:Glycoprotein IX
- en:GPA33 is not a redirect.
- en:GPAA1 is not a redirect.
- en:GPAM is not a redirect.
- en:GPAT4 is not a redirect.
- en:GPATCH11 is not a redirect.
- en:GPATCH8 is not a redirect.
- en:GPBAR1 is a redirect to en:G protein-coupled bile acid receptor; redirectFrom=en:GPBAR1; linkedpages=en:G protein-coupled bile acid receptor
- en:GPBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:GPC1 is a redirect to en:Glypican 1; redirectFrom=en:GPC1; linkedpages=en:Glypican 1
- en:GPC2 is a redirect to en:Glypican 2; redirectFrom=en:GPC2; linkedpages=en:Glypican 2
- en:GPC3 is a redirect to en:Glypican 3; redirectFrom=en:GPC3; linkedpages=en:Glypican 3
- en:GPC4 is a redirect to en:Glypican 4; redirectFrom=en:GPC4; linkedpages=en:Glypican 4
- en:GPC5 is a redirect to en:Glypican 5; redirectFrom=en:GPC5; linkedpages=en:Glypican 5
- en:GPC6 is a redirect to en:Glypican 6; redirectFrom=en:GPC6; linkedpages=en:Glypican 6
- en:GPD1L is not a redirect.
- en:GPHA2 is not a redirect.
- en:GPHB5 is not a redirect.
- en:GPHN is a redirect to en:Gephyrin; redirectFrom=en:GPHN; linkedpages=en:Gephyrin
- en:GPIHBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:GPI (gene) is a redirect to en:Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase; redirectFrom=en:GPI (gene); linkedpages=en:Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase
- en:GPLD1 is not a redirect.
- en:GPM6A is not a redirect.
- en:GPM6B is not a redirect.
- en:GPNMB is not a redirect.
- en:GPR1 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR101 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR107 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR119 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR12 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR132 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR135 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR137B is not a redirect.
- en:GPR139 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR141 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR142 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR143 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR146 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR148 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR149 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR15 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR150 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR151 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR152 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR153 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR155 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR156 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR157 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR158 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR160 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR161 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR162 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR17 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR171 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR173 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR174 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR176 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR179 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR18 is a redirect to en:NAGly receptor; redirectFrom=en:GPR18; linkedpages=en:NAGly receptor
- en:GPR182 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR183 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR19 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR20 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR21 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR22 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR25 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR26 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR27 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR3 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR31 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR32 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR33 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR34 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR35 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR37 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR37L1 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR39 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR4 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR42 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR45 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR50 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR52 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR55 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR6 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR61 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR62 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR63 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR65 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR68 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR75 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR78 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR82 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR83 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR84 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR85 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR87 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR88 is not a redirect.
- en:GPR89B is not a redirect.
- en:GPRASP1 is not a redirect.
- en:GPRASP2 is not a redirect.
- en:GPRC5A is not a redirect.
- en:GPRC5B is not a redirect.
- en:GPRC5C is not a redirect.
- en:GPRC5D is not a redirect.
- en:GPRC6A is not a redirect.
- en:GPRIN2 is not a redirect.
- en:GPS1 is not a redirect.
- en:GPS2 is a redirect to en:Global Positioning System; redirectFrom=en:GPS2; linkedpages=en:Global Positioning System
- en:GPSM1 is not a redirect.
- en:GPSM2 is not a redirect.
- en:GPX1 is not a redirect.
- en:GPX2 is a redirect to en:GP2X; redirectFrom=en:GPX2; linkedpages=en:GP2X
- en:GPX3 is not a redirect.
- en:GPX4 is not a redirect.
- en:GPX5 is not a redirect.
- en:GPX6 is not a redirect.
- en:GPX7 is not a redirect.
- en:GPX8 is not a redirect.
- en:GRAMD1B is a redirect to en:Gram domain containing 1b; redirectFrom=en:GRAMD1B; linkedpages=en:Gram domain containing 1b
- en:GRAMD1C is not a redirect.
- en:GRAMD4 is not a redirect.
- en:GRAP is not a redirect.
- en:GRAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:GRB10 is not a redirect.
- en:GRB14 is not a redirect.
- en:GRB2 is not a redirect.
- en:GRB7 is not a redirect.
- en:GREB1 is not a redirect.
- en:GREB1L is not a redirect.
- en:GREM1 is a redirect to en:Gremlin (protein); redirectFrom=en:GREM1; linkedpages=en:Gremlin (protein)
- en:GRHPR is not a redirect.
- en:GRIA1 is not a redirect.
- en:GRIA2 is not a redirect.
- en:GRIA3 is not a redirect.
- en:GRIA4 is not a redirect.
- en:GRID1 is not a redirect.
- en:GRID2 is not a redirect.
- en:GRIK1 is not a redirect.
- en:GRIK2 is not a redirect.
- en:GRIK3 is not a redirect.
- en:GRIK4 is not a redirect.
- en:GRIK5 is not a redirect.
- en:GRIN1 is not a redirect.
- en:GRIN2A is not a redirect.
- en:GRIN2B is not a redirect.
- en:GRIN2C is not a redirect.
- en:GRIN2D is not a redirect.
- en:GRIN3A is not a redirect.
- en:GRIN3B is not a redirect.
- en:GRINA is not a redirect.
- en:GRIP1 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:GRIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:GRIPAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:GRK1 is a redirect to en:Rhodopsin kinase; redirectFrom=en:GRK1; linkedpages=en:Rhodopsin kinase
- en:GRK2 is a redirect to en:G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2; redirectFrom=en:GRK2; linkedpages=en:G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2
- en:GRK3 is a redirect to en:G protein-coupled receptor kinase 3; redirectFrom=en:GRK3; linkedpages=en:G protein-coupled receptor kinase 3
- en:GRK4 is not a redirect.
- en:GRK5 is not a redirect.
- en:GRK6 is not a redirect.
- en:GRK7 is a redirect to en:G protein-coupled receptor kinase 7; redirectFrom=en:GRK7; linkedpages=en:G protein-coupled receptor kinase 7
- en:GRM1 is a redirect to en:Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:GRM1; linkedpages=en:Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1
- en:GRM2 is a redirect to en:Metabotropic glutamate receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:GRM2; linkedpages=en:Metabotropic glutamate receptor 2
- en:GRM3 is a redirect to en:Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3; redirectFrom=en:GRM3; linkedpages=en:Metabotropic glutamate receptor 3
- en:GRM4 is a redirect to en:Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4; redirectFrom=en:GRM4; linkedpages=en:Metabotropic glutamate receptor 4
- en:GRM5 is a redirect to en:Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5; redirectFrom=en:GRM5; linkedpages=en:Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5
- en:GRM6 is a redirect to en:Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6; redirectFrom=en:GRM6; linkedpages=en:Metabotropic glutamate receptor 6
- en:GRM7 is a redirect to en:Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7; redirectFrom=en:GRM7; linkedpages=en:Metabotropic glutamate receptor 7
- en:GRM8 is a redirect to en:Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8; redirectFrom=en:GRM8; linkedpages=en:Metabotropic glutamate receptor 8
- en:GRN (gene) is a redirect to en:Granulin; redirectFrom=en:GRN (gene); linkedpages=en:Granulin
- en:GRPR is a redirect to en:Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor; redirectFrom=en:GRPR; linkedpages=en:Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor
- en:GRP (gene) is a redirect to en:Gastrin-releasing peptide; redirectFrom=en:GRP (gene); linkedpages=en:Gastrin-releasing peptide
- en:GRWD1 is not a redirect.
- en:GRXCR1 is not a redirect.
- en:GSAP is a redirect to en:Protein pigeon homolog; redirectFrom=en:GSAP; linkedpages=en:Protein pigeon homolog
- en:GSC (gene) is a redirect to en:Goosecoid protein; redirectFrom=en:GSC (gene); linkedpages=en:Goosecoid protein
- en:GSDMA is a redirect to en:Gasdermin A; redirectFrom=en:GSDMA; linkedpages=en:Gasdermin A
- en:GSDMB is not a redirect.
- en:GSDMC is not a redirect.
- en:GSDMD is not a redirect.
- en:GSK3A is not a redirect.
- en:GSK3B is not a redirect.
- en:GSN (gene) is a redirect to en:Gelsolin; redirectFrom=en:GSN (gene); linkedpages=en:Gelsolin
- en:GSPT1 is not a redirect.
- en:GSPT2 is not a redirect.
- en:GSR (gene) is a redirect to en:Glutathione reductase; redirectFrom=en:GSR (gene); linkedpages=en:Glutathione reductase
- en:GSTA1 is a redirect to en:Glutathione S-transferase A1; redirectFrom=en:GSTA1; linkedpages=en:Glutathione S-transferase A1
- en:GSTA2 is not a redirect.
- en:GSTA3 is not a redirect.
- en:GSTA4 is not a redirect.
- en:GSTK1 is not a redirect.
- en:GSTM1 is a redirect to en:Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1; redirectFrom=en:GSTM1; linkedpages=en:Glutathione S-transferase Mu 1
- en:GSTM2 is not a redirect.
- en:GSTM3 is not a redirect.
- en:GSTM4 is not a redirect.
- en:GSTO1 is not a redirect.
- en:GSTO2 is not a redirect.
- en:GSTP1 is not a redirect.
- en:GSTT2 is not a redirect.
- en:GSTZ1 is not a redirect.
- en:GTF2A1 is not a redirect.
- en:GTF2A1L is not a redirect.
- en:GTF2B is a redirect to en:Transcription factor II B; redirectFrom=en:GTF2B; linkedpages=en:Transcription factor II B
- en:GTF2E1 is not a redirect.
- en:GTF2E2 is not a redirect.
- en:GTF2F1 is not a redirect.
- en:GTF2F2 is not a redirect.
- en:GTF2H1 is not a redirect.
- en:GTF2H2 is not a redirect.
- en:GTF2H4 is not a redirect.
- en:GTF2H5 is not a redirect.
- en:GTF2I is not a redirect.
- en:GTF2IRD1 is not a redirect.
- en:GTF3A is not a redirect.
- en:GTF3C1 is not a redirect.
- en:GTF3C2 is not a redirect.
- en:GTF3C4 is not a redirect.
- en:GTF3C5 is not a redirect.
- en:GTPBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:GTPBP3 is not a redirect.
- en:GTPBP4 is not a redirect.
- en:GTPBP6 is not a redirect.
- en:GTSE1 is not a redirect.
- en:GUCA1A is not a redirect.
- en:GUCA1B is not a redirect.
- en:GUCY1A2 is not a redirect.
- en:GUCY2C is a redirect to en:Guanylate cyclase 2C; redirectFrom=en:GUCY2C; linkedpages=en:Guanylate cyclase 2C
- en:GUCY2D is not a redirect.
- en:GUCY2F is not a redirect.
- en:GUF1 is not a redirect.
- en:GUK1 is not a redirect.
- en:GUSB is a redirect to en:Beta-glucuronidase; redirectFrom=en:GUSB; linkedpages=en:Beta-glucuronidase
- en:GYG1 is a redirect to en:Glycogenin; redirectFrom=en:GYG1; linkedpages=en:Glycogenin
- en:GYPA is a redirect to en:Glycophorin A; redirectFrom=en:GYPA; linkedpages=en:Glycophorin A
- en:GYPB is not a redirect.
- en:GYPE is not a redirect.
- en:GYS2 is a redirect to en:Glycogen synthase; redirectFrom=en:GYS2; linkedpages=en:Glycogen synthase
- en:GZMA is not a redirect.
- en:GZMB is not a redirect.
- en:GZMH is not a redirect.
- en:GZMK is not a redirect.
- en:GZMM is not a redirect.
- en:Gene symbol is a redirect to en:Gene nomenclature; redirectFrom=en:Gene symbol; linkedpages=en:Gene nomenclature
- en:H2AX is a redirect to en:H2AFX; redirectFrom=en:H2AX; linkedpages=en:H2AFX
- en:H6PD is not a redirect.
- en:HABP2 is not a redirect.
- en:HABP4 is not a redirect.
- en:HACD2 is a redirect to en:3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase 2; redirectFrom=en:HACD2; linkedpages=en:3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase 2
- en:HACE1 is not a redirect.
- en:HADH is not a redirect.
- en:HADHA is not a redirect.
- en:HADHB is not a redirect.
- en:HAGH is not a redirect.
- en:HAL (gene) is a redirect to en:Histidine ammonia-lyase; redirectFrom=en:HAL (gene); linkedpages=en:Histidine ammonia-lyase
- en:HAMP is a redirect to en:Hepcidin; redirectFrom=en:HAMP; linkedpages=en:Hepcidin
- en:HAND1 is not a redirect.
- en:HAND2 is not a redirect.
- en:HAO1 is a redirect to en:Hydroxyacid oxidase (glycolate oxidase) 1; redirectFrom=en:HAO1; linkedpages=en:Hydroxyacid oxidase (glycolate oxidase) 1
- en:HAP1 is a redirect to en:Huntingtin-associated protein 1; redirectFrom=en:HAP1; linkedpages=en:Huntingtin-associated protein 1
- en:HAPLN1 is not a redirect.
- en:HAPLN2 is not a redirect.
- en:HARS2 is not a redirect.
- en:HAS1 is not a redirect.
- en:HAS2 is not a redirect.
- en:HAS3 is not a redirect.
- en:HAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:HAUS1 is not a redirect.
- en:HAUS3 is not a redirect.
- en:HAUS6 is not a redirect.
- en:HAVCR1 is not a redirect.
- en:HAVCR2 is not a redirect.
- en:HAX1 is not a redirect.
- en:HBA1 is a redirect to en:Hemoglobin, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:HBA1; linkedpages=en:Hemoglobin, alpha 1
- en:HBA2 is a redirect to en:Hemoglobin, alpha 2; redirectFrom=en:HBA2; linkedpages=en:Hemoglobin, alpha 2
- en:HBB is not a redirect.
- en:HBD is not a redirect.
- en:HBE1 is not a redirect.
- en:HBEGF is a redirect to en:Heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor; redirectFrom=en:HBEGF; linkedpages=en:Heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor
- en:HBG1 is not a redirect.
- en:HBG2 is not a redirect.
- en:HBM (gene) is a redirect to en:Mu hemoglobin; redirectFrom=en:HBM (gene); linkedpages=en:Mu hemoglobin
- en:HBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:HBQ1 is not a redirect.
- en:HBZ (gene) is a redirect to en:Hemoglobin subunit zeta; redirectFrom=en:HBZ (gene); linkedpages=en:Hemoglobin subunit zeta
- en:HCAR1 is a redirect to en:Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:HCAR1; linkedpages=en:Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 1
- en:HCAR2 is a redirect to en:Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:HCAR2; linkedpages=en:Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 2
- en:HCAR3 is a redirect to en:Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 3; redirectFrom=en:HCAR3; linkedpages=en:Hydroxycarboxylic acid receptor 3
- en:HCCS (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:HCFC1 is a redirect to en:Host cell factor C1; redirectFrom=en:HCFC1; linkedpages=en:Host cell factor C1
- en:HCK is not a redirect.
- en:HCLS1 is not a redirect.
- en:HCN1 is not a redirect.
- en:HCN2 is not a redirect.
- en:HCN3 is not a redirect.
- en:HCN4 is not a redirect.
- en:HCRT is a redirect to en:Orexin; redirectFrom=en:HCRT; linkedpages=en:Orexin
- en:HCRTR1 is a redirect to en:Hypocretin (orexin) receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:HCRTR1; linkedpages=en:Hypocretin (orexin) receptor 1
- en:HCRTR2 is a redirect to en:Hypocretin (orexin) receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:HCRTR2; linkedpages=en:Hypocretin (orexin) receptor 2
- en:HCST (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:HDAC1 is not a redirect.
- en:HDAC10 is not a redirect.
- en:HDAC11 is not a redirect.
- en:HDAC2 is a redirect to en:Histone deacetylase 2; redirectFrom=en:HDAC2; linkedpages=en:Histone deacetylase 2
- en:HDAC3 is not a redirect.
- en:HDAC4 is not a redirect.
- en:HDAC5 is a redirect to en:Histone deacetylase 5; redirectFrom=en:HDAC5; linkedpages=en:Histone deacetylase 5
- en:HDAC6 is not a redirect.
- en:HDAC7 is not a redirect.
- en:HDAC8 is not a redirect.
- en:HDAC9 is not a redirect.
- en:HDC (gene) is a redirect to en:Histidine decarboxylase; redirectFrom=en:HDC (gene); linkedpages=en:Histidine decarboxylase
- en:HDGF (gene) is a redirect to en:Hepatoma-derived growth factor; redirectFrom=en:HDGF (gene); linkedpages=en:Hepatoma-derived growth factor
- en:HDHD2 is not a redirect.
- en:HDLBP is not a redirect.
- en:HEATR1 is not a redirect.
- en:HEBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:HEBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:HECA is a redirect to en:Cairo International Airport; redirectFrom=en:HECA; linkedpages=en:Cairo International Airport
- en:HECTD4 is not a redirect.
- en:HECW1 is not a redirect.
- en:HECW2 is not a redirect.
- en:HELLS is not a redirect.
- en:HEMGN is not a redirect.
- en:HEMK1 is not a redirect.
- en:HEPACAM is not a redirect.
- en:HEPACAM2 is not a redirect.
- en:HEPN1 is not a redirect.
- en:HERC1 is not a redirect.
- en:HERC2 is a redirect to en:E3 ubiquitin ligase HERC2; redirectFrom=en:HERC2; linkedpages=en:E3 ubiquitin ligase HERC2
- en:HERC3 is not a redirect.
- en:HERC5 is not a redirect.
- en:HERPUD1 is not a redirect.
- en:HES1 is not a redirect.
- en:HES2 is a redirect to en:Hes family bhlh transcription factor 2; redirectFrom=en:HES2; linkedpages=en:Hes family bhlh transcription factor 2
- en:HES3 is not a redirect.
- en:HES5 is not a redirect.
- en:HES6 is not a redirect.
- en:HESX1 is not a redirect.
- en:HEXA is not a redirect.
- en:HEXB is not a redirect.
- en:HEXIM1 is not a redirect.
- en:HEXIM2 is not a redirect.
- en:HEY1 is not a redirect.
- en:HEY2 is not a redirect.
- en:HEYL is not a redirect.
- en:HFE (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:HFM1 is not a redirect.
- en:HGD (gene) is a redirect to en:Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase; redirectFrom=en:HGD (gene); linkedpages=en:Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase
- en:HGFAC is not a redirect.
- en:HGF (gene) is a redirect to en:Hepatocyte growth factor; redirectFrom=en:HGF (gene); linkedpages=en:Hepatocyte growth factor
- en:HGNC is a redirect to en:HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee; redirectFrom=en:HGNC; linkedpages=en:HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
- en:HGSNAT is not a redirect.
- en:HGS (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:HHAT is not a redirect.
- en:HHEX is not a redirect.
- en:HHIP is not a redirect.
- en:HHIPL1 is not a redirect.
- en:HIBADH is a redirect to en:3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase; redirectFrom=en:HIBADH; linkedpages=en:3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase
- en:HIBCH is a redirect to en:3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase; redirectFrom=en:HIBCH; linkedpages=en:3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase
- en:HIC1 is not a redirect.
- en:HIC2 is not a redirect.
- en:HID1 is not a redirect.
- en:HIF1A is not a redirect.
- en:HIF1AN is not a redirect.
- en:HIF3A is not a redirect.
- en:HIGD1A is not a redirect.
- en:HIKESHI is not a redirect.
- en:HINT1 is not a redirect.
- en:HINT2 is not a redirect.
- en:HIP1 is a redirect to en:Huntingtin-interacting protein 1; redirectFrom=en:HIP1; linkedpages=en:Huntingtin-interacting protein 1
- en:HIP1R is not a redirect.
- en:HIPK1 is not a redirect.
- en:HIPK2 is not a redirect.
- en:HIPK3 is not a redirect.
- en:HIRA is not a redirect.
- en:HIRIP3 is not a redirect.
- en:HIVEP1 is not a redirect.
- en:HIVEP2 is not a redirect.
- en:HIVEP3 is not a redirect.
- en:HJURP is not a redirect.
- en:HK1 is not a redirect.
- en:HK2 is not a redirect.
- en:HK3 is not a redirect.
- en:HKDC1 is not a redirect.
- en:HLA-A is not a redirect.
- en:HLA-B is not a redirect.
- en:HLA-C is not a redirect.
- en:HLA-DMA is not a redirect.
- en:HLA-DMB is not a redirect.
- en:HLA-DOA is not a redirect.
- en:HLA-DOB is not a redirect.
- en:HLA-DPA1 is a redirect to en:Major histocompatibility complex, class II, DP alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:HLA-DPA1; linkedpages=en:Major histocompatibility complex, class II, DP alpha 1
- en:HLA-DPB1 is not a redirect.
- en:HLA-DQA1 is a redirect to en:Major histocompatibility complex, class II, DQ alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:HLA-DQA1; linkedpages=en:Major histocompatibility complex, class II, DQ alpha 1
- en:HLA-DQA2 is not a redirect.
- en:HLA-DQB1 is not a redirect.
- en:HLA-DQB2 is not a redirect.
- en:HLA-DRA is not a redirect.
- en:HLA-DRB1 is not a redirect.
- en:HLA-DRB5 is not a redirect.
- en:HLA-E is not a redirect.
- en:HLA-F is not a redirect.
- en:HLA-G is not a redirect.
- en:HLCS is a redirect to en:Holocarboxylase synthetase; redirectFrom=en:HLCS; linkedpages=en:Holocarboxylase synthetase
- en:HLF (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:HLTF is not a redirect.
- en:HLX (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:HM13 is not a redirect.
- en:HMBOX1 is not a redirect.
- en:HMBS (gene) is a redirect to en:Porphobilinogen deaminase; redirectFrom=en:HMBS (gene); linkedpages=en:Porphobilinogen deaminase
- en:HMCES is not a redirect.
- en:HMCN1 is a redirect to en:Hemicentin 1; redirectFrom=en:HMCN1; linkedpages=en:Hemicentin 1
- en:HMCN2 is a redirect to en:Hemicentin 2; redirectFrom=en:HMCN2; linkedpages=en:Hemicentin 2
- en:HMG20A is not a redirect.
- en:HMG20B is not a redirect.
- en:HMGA1 is not a redirect.
- en:HMGA2 is not a redirect.
- en:HMGB1 is not a redirect.
- en:HMGB2 is not a redirect.
- en:HMGB3 is not a redirect.
- en:HMGB4 is not a redirect.
- en:HMGCL is a redirect to en:3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase; redirectFrom=en:HMGCL; linkedpages=en:3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase
- en:HMGCR is a redirect to en:HMG-CoA reductase; redirectFrom=en:HMGCR; linkedpages=en:HMG-CoA reductase
- en:HMGCS2 is not a redirect.
- en:HMGN1 is not a redirect.
- en:HMGN2 is not a redirect.
- en:HMGN3 is not a redirect.
- en:HMGN4 is not a redirect.
- en:HMGXB3 is not a redirect.
- en:HMMR is a redirect to en:Hyaluronan-mediated motility receptor; redirectFrom=en:HMMR; linkedpages=en:Hyaluronan-mediated motility receptor
- en:HMOX1 is not a redirect.
- en:HMOX2 is not a redirect.
- en:HNF1A is not a redirect.
- en:HNF1B is not a redirect.
- en:HNF4A is a redirect to en:Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha; redirectFrom=en:HNF4A; linkedpages=en:Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha
- en:HNF4G is a redirect to en:Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 gamma; redirectFrom=en:HNF4G; linkedpages=en:Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 gamma
- en:HNMT is a redirect to en:Histamine N-methyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:HNMT; linkedpages=en:Histamine N-methyltransferase
- en:HNRNPA0 is not a redirect.
- en:HNRNPA1 is not a redirect.
- en:HNRNPA2B1 is not a redirect.
- en:HNRNPC is not a redirect.
- en:HNRNPD is a redirect to en:HNRPD; redirectFrom=en:HNRNPD; linkedpages=en:HNRPD
- en:HNRNPL is not a redirect.
- en:HNRNPLL is not a redirect.
- en:HNRNPR is not a redirect.
- en:HOGA1 is not a redirect.
- en:HOMER1 is not a redirect.
- en:HOMER2 is not a redirect.
- en:HOMER3 is not a redirect.
- en:HOOK1 is not a redirect.
- en:HOOK2 is not a redirect.
- en:HOOK3 is not a redirect.
- en:HOPX is not a redirect.
- en:HORMAD1 is not a redirect.
- en:HORMAD2 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXA1 is a redirect to en:Homeobox A1; redirectFrom=en:HOXA1; linkedpages=en:Homeobox A1
- en:HOXA10 is a redirect to en:Homeobox A10; redirectFrom=en:HOXA10; linkedpages=en:Homeobox A10
- en:HOXA11 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXA13 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXA2 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXA3 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXA4 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXA5 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXA6 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXA7 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXA9 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXB1 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXB13 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXB2 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXB3 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXB4 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXB5 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXB6 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXB7 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXB8 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXB9 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXC10 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXC11 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXC12 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXC13 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXC4 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXC5 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXC6 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXC8 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXC9 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXD1 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXD10 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXD11 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXD12 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXD13 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXD3 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXD4 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXD8 is not a redirect.
- en:HOXD9 is not a redirect.
- en:HP1BP3 is not a redirect.
- en:HPCA is a redirect to en:High Performance Computing Act of 1991; redirectFrom=en:HPCA; linkedpages=en:High Performance Computing Act of 1991
- en:HPCAL1 is a redirect to en:Hippocalcin-like protein 1; redirectFrom=en:HPCAL1; linkedpages=en:Hippocalcin-like protein 1
- en:HPCAL4 is a redirect to en:Hippocalcin-like protein 4; redirectFrom=en:HPCAL4; linkedpages=en:Hippocalcin-like protein 4
- en:HPD (gene) is a redirect to en:4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase; redirectFrom=en:HPD (gene); linkedpages=en:4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase
- en:HPGD is not a redirect.
- en:HPN (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:HPRT1 is a redirect to en:Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:HPRT1; linkedpages=en:Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase
- en:HPR (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:HPS1 is not a redirect.
- en:HPS3 is not a redirect.
- en:HPS4 is not a redirect.
- en:HPS5 is not a redirect.
- en:HPS6 is not a redirect.
- en:HPSE2 is not a redirect.
- en:HPSE (gene) is a redirect to en:Heparanase; redirectFrom=en:HPSE (gene); linkedpages=en:Heparanase
- en:HPX is not a redirect.
- en:HP (gene) is a redirect to en:Haptoglobin; redirectFrom=en:HP (gene); linkedpages=en:Haptoglobin
- en:HRAS is not a redirect.
- en:HRC (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:HRG (gene) is a redirect to en:Histidine-rich glycoprotein; redirectFrom=en:HRG (gene); linkedpages=en:Histidine-rich glycoprotein
- en:HRH1 is a redirect to en:Histamine H1 receptor; redirectFrom=en:HRH1; linkedpages=en:Histamine H1 receptor
- en:HRH2 is a redirect to en:Histamine H2 receptor; redirectFrom=en:HRH2; linkedpages=en:Histamine H2 receptor
- en:HRH3 is a redirect to en:Histamine H3 receptor; redirectFrom=en:HRH3; linkedpages=en:Histamine H3 receptor
- en:HRH4 is a redirect to en:Histamine H4 receptor; redirectFrom=en:HRH4; linkedpages=en:Histamine H4 receptor
- en:HRK (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:HR (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:HS1BP3 is not a redirect.
- en:HS2ST1 is not a redirect.
- en:HS3ST1 is not a redirect.
- en:HS3ST2 is not a redirect.
- en:HS3ST3A1 is not a redirect.
- en:HS3ST3B1 is not a redirect.
- en:HSD11B1 is a redirect to en:11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1; redirectFrom=en:HSD11B1; linkedpages=en:11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1
- en:HSD11B2 is a redirect to en:Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase isozyme 2; redirectFrom=en:HSD11B2; linkedpages=en:Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase isozyme 2
- en:HSD17B1 is not a redirect.
- en:HSD17B10 is not a redirect.
- en:HSD17B11 is not a redirect.
- en:HSD17B12 is not a redirect.
- en:HSD17B13 is not a redirect.
- en:HSD17B14 is not a redirect.
- en:HSD17B2 is not a redirect.
- en:HSD17B3 is not a redirect.
- en:HSD17B4 is not a redirect.
- en:HSD17B6 is not a redirect.
- en:HSD17B7 is not a redirect.
- en:HSD17B8 is not a redirect.
- en:HSD3B1 is not a redirect.
- en:HSD3B2 is not a redirect.
- en:HSD3B7 is a redirect to en:Cholest-5-ene-3beta,7alpha-diol 3beta-dehydrogenase; redirectFrom=en:HSD3B7; linkedpages=en:Cholest-5-ene-3beta,7alpha-diol 3beta-dehydrogenase
- en:HSF1 is not a redirect.
- en:HSF2 is not a redirect.
- en:HSF4 is not a redirect.
- en:HSF5 is not a redirect.
- en:HSH2D is not a redirect.
- en:HSP90AA1 is a redirect to en:Heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cytosolic), member A1; redirectFrom=en:HSP90AA1; linkedpages=en:Heat shock protein 90kDa alpha (cytosolic), member A1
- en:HSP90AB1 is not a redirect.
- en:HSP90B1 is not a redirect.
- en:HSPA12A is not a redirect.
- en:HSPA14 is not a redirect.
- en:HSPA1A is not a redirect.
- en:HSPA1B is not a redirect.
- en:HSPA1L is not a redirect.
- en:HSPA2 is not a redirect.
- en:HSPA4 is not a redirect.
- en:HSPA4L is not a redirect.
- en:HSPA5 is a redirect to en:Binding immunoglobulin protein; redirectFrom=en:HSPA5; linkedpages=en:Binding immunoglobulin protein
- en:HSPA6 is not a redirect.
- en:HSPA8 is not a redirect.
- en:HSPA9 is not a redirect.
- en:HSPB1 is a redirect to en:Hsp27; redirectFrom=en:HSPB1; linkedpages=en:Hsp27
- en:HSPB2 is not a redirect.
- en:HSPB3 is not a redirect.
- en:HSPB6 is not a redirect.
- en:HSPB8 is not a redirect.
- en:HSPBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:HSPD1 is a redirect to en:GroEL; redirectFrom=en:HSPD1; linkedpages=en:GroEL
- en:HSPE1 is a redirect to en:GroES; redirectFrom=en:HSPE1; linkedpages=en:GroES
- en:HSPG2 is a redirect to en:Perlecan; redirectFrom=en:HSPG2; linkedpages=en:Perlecan
- en:HSPH1 is not a redirect.
- en:HTATIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:HTATSF1 is not a redirect.
- en:HTN1 is a redirect to en:Histatin 1; redirectFrom=en:HTN1; linkedpages=en:Histatin 1
- en:HTN3 is a redirect to en:Histatin 3; redirectFrom=en:HTN3; linkedpages=en:Histatin 3
- en:HTR1A is a redirect to en:5-HT1A receptor; redirectFrom=en:HTR1A; linkedpages=en:5-HT1A receptor
- en:HTR1B is a redirect to en:5-HT1B receptor; redirectFrom=en:HTR1B; linkedpages=en:5-HT1B receptor
- en:HTR1D is a redirect to en:5-HT1D receptor; redirectFrom=en:HTR1D; linkedpages=en:5-HT1D receptor
- en:HTR1E is a redirect to en:5-HT1E receptor; redirectFrom=en:HTR1E; linkedpages=en:5-HT1E receptor
- en:HTR1F is a redirect to en:5-HT1F receptor; redirectFrom=en:HTR1F; linkedpages=en:5-HT1F receptor
- en:HTR2A is a redirect to en:5-HT2A receptor; redirectFrom=en:HTR2A; linkedpages=en:5-HT2A receptor
- en:HTR2B is a redirect to en:5-HT2B receptor; redirectFrom=en:HTR2B; linkedpages=en:5-HT2B receptor
- en:HTR2C is a redirect to en:5-HT2C receptor; redirectFrom=en:HTR2C; linkedpages=en:5-HT2C receptor
- en:HTR3A is not a redirect.
- en:HTR3B is not a redirect.
- en:HTR3C is not a redirect.
- en:HTR3D is not a redirect.
- en:HTR3E is not a redirect.
- en:HTR4 is a redirect to en:5-HT4 receptor; redirectFrom=en:HTR4; linkedpages=en:5-HT4 receptor
- en:HTR5A is a redirect to en:5-HT5A receptor; redirectFrom=en:HTR5A; linkedpages=en:5-HT5A receptor
- en:HTR6 is a redirect to en:5-HT6 receptor; redirectFrom=en:HTR6; linkedpages=en:5-HT6 receptor
- en:HTR7 is a redirect to en:5-HT7 receptor; redirectFrom=en:HTR7; linkedpages=en:5-HT7 receptor
- en:HTRA1 is not a redirect.
- en:HTRA2 is a redirect to en:HtrA serine peptidase 2; redirectFrom=en:HTRA2; linkedpages=en:HtrA serine peptidase 2
- en:HTT (gene) is a redirect to en:Huntingtin; redirectFrom=en:HTT (gene); linkedpages=en:Huntingtin
- en:HUS1 is not a redirect.
- en:HUWE1 is not a redirect.
- en:HVCN1 is not a redirect.
- en:HYAL1 is not a redirect.
- en:HYAL2 is not a redirect.
- en:HYAL3 is not a redirect.
- en:HYLS1 is not a redirect.
- en:HYOU1 is not a redirect.
- en:Human protein-coding genes is a redirect to en:Human genome#Human protein-coding genes; redirectFrom=en:Human protein-coding genes; linkedpages=en:Human genome#Human protein-coding genes
- en:IAPP (gene) is a redirect to en:Amylin; redirectFrom=en:IAPP (gene); linkedpages=en:Amylin
- en:ICA1 is not a redirect.
- en:ICAM1 is a redirect to en:ICAM-1; redirectFrom=en:ICAM1; linkedpages=en:ICAM-1
- en:ICAM2 is not a redirect.
- en:ICAM3 is not a redirect.
- en:ICAM4 is not a redirect.
- en:ICAM5 is not a redirect.
- en:ICMT is not a redirect.
- en:ICOS is a redirect to en:Icos; redirectFrom=en:ICOS; linkedpages=en:Icos
- en:ICOSLG is not a redirect.
- en:ID1 is not a redirect.
- en:ID2 is not a redirect.
- en:ID3 is not a redirect.
- en:ID4 is not a redirect.
- en:IDE (gene) is a redirect to en:Insulin-degrading enzyme; redirectFrom=en:IDE (gene); linkedpages=en:Insulin-degrading enzyme
- en:IDH1 is not a redirect.
- en:IDH2 is not a redirect.
- en:IDH3A is not a redirect.
- en:IDH3B is not a redirect.
- en:IDH3G is not a redirect.
- en:IDO2 is a redirect to en:Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 2; redirectFrom=en:IDO2; linkedpages=en:Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 2
- en:IDS (gene) is a redirect to en:Iduronate-2-sulfatase; redirectFrom=en:IDS (gene); linkedpages=en:Iduronate-2-sulfatase
- en:IDUA is a redirect to en:Iduronidase; redirectFrom=en:IDUA; linkedpages=en:Iduronidase
- en:IER3 is not a redirect.
- en:IER3IP1 is not a redirect.
- en:IFFO1 is not a redirect.
- en:IFI16 is not a redirect.
- en:IFI27 is not a redirect.
- en:IFI30 is not a redirect.
- en:IFI35 is not a redirect.
- en:IFI6 is not a redirect.
- en:IFIH1 is a redirect to en:MDA5; redirectFrom=en:IFIH1; linkedpages=en:MDA5
- en:IFIT1 is not a redirect.
- en:IFIT2 is not a redirect.
- en:IFIT3 is not a redirect.
- en:IFITM1 is not a redirect.
- en:IFITM3 is not a redirect.
- en:IFITM5 is a redirect to en:Interferon-induced transmembrane protein 5; redirectFrom=en:IFITM5; linkedpages=en:Interferon-induced transmembrane protein 5
- en:IFNA1 is a redirect to en:Interferon alpha-1; redirectFrom=en:IFNA1; linkedpages=en:Interferon alpha-1
- en:IFNA10 is not a redirect.
- en:IFNA13 is not a redirect.
- en:IFNA14 is not a redirect.
- en:IFNA16 is not a redirect.
- en:IFNA17 is not a redirect.
- en:IFNA2 is not a redirect.
- en:IFNA21 is not a redirect.
- en:IFNA4 is not a redirect.
- en:IFNA5 is not a redirect.
- en:IFNA6 is not a redirect.
- en:IFNA7 is not a redirect.
- en:IFNA8 is not a redirect.
- en:IFNAR1 is not a redirect.
- en:IFNAR2 is not a redirect.
- en:IFNB1 is not a redirect.
- en:IFNG is a redirect to en:Interferon gamma; redirectFrom=en:IFNG; linkedpages=en:Interferon gamma
- en:IFNGR1 is a redirect to en:Interferon gamma receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:IFNGR1; linkedpages=en:Interferon gamma receptor 1
- en:IFNGR2 is a redirect to en:Interferon gamma receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:IFNGR2; linkedpages=en:Interferon gamma receptor 2
- en:IFNK is not a redirect.
- en:IFNL3 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 28B; redirectFrom=en:IFNL3; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 28B
- en:IFNL4 is not a redirect.
- en:IFNLR1 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 28 receptor, alpha subunit; redirectFrom=en:IFNLR1; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 28 receptor, alpha subunit
- en:IFNW1 is not a redirect.
- en:IFRD1 is not a redirect.
- en:IFT140 is not a redirect.
- en:IFT20 is not a redirect.
- en:IFT57 is not a redirect.
- en:IFT74 is not a redirect.
- en:IFT80 is not a redirect.
- en:IFT81 is not a redirect.
- en:IFT88 is not a redirect.
- en:IGBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:IGF1 is a redirect to en:Insulin-like growth factor 1; redirectFrom=en:IGF1; linkedpages=en:Insulin-like growth factor 1
- en:IGF1R is a redirect to en:Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor; redirectFrom=en:IGF1R; linkedpages=en:Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor
- en:IGF2 is a redirect to en:Insulin-like growth factor 2; redirectFrom=en:IGF2; linkedpages=en:Insulin-like growth factor 2
- en:IGF2BP1 is not a redirect.
- en:IGF2BP2 is not a redirect.
- en:IGF2BP3 is not a redirect.
- en:IGF2R is a redirect to en:Insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor; redirectFrom=en:IGF2R; linkedpages=en:Insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor
- en:IGFALS is not a redirect.
- en:IGFBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:IGFBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:IGFBP3 is not a redirect.
- en:IGFBP4 is not a redirect.
- en:IGFBP5 is not a redirect.
- en:IGFBP6 is not a redirect.
- en:IGFBP7 is not a redirect.
- en:IGFLR1 is not a redirect.
- en:IGHMBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:IGLL1 is not a redirect.
- en:IGSF1 is not a redirect.
- en:IGSF3 is a redirect to en:Immunoglobulin superfamily member 3; redirectFrom=en:IGSF3; linkedpages=en:Immunoglobulin superfamily member 3
- en:IGSF8 is not a redirect.
- en:IHH (gene) is a redirect to en:Indian hedgehog (protein); redirectFrom=en:IHH (gene); linkedpages=en:Indian hedgehog (protein)
- en:IKBKB is a redirect to en:IKK2; redirectFrom=en:IKBKB; linkedpages=en:IKK2
- en:IKBKE is not a redirect.
- en:IKBKG is not a redirect.
- en:IKZF1 is not a redirect.
- en:IKZF2 is not a redirect.
- en:IKZF3 is not a redirect.
- en:IKZF4 is not a redirect.
- en:IK (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:IL10RA is a redirect to en:Interleukin 10 receptor, alpha subunit; redirectFrom=en:IL10RA; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 10 receptor, alpha subunit
- en:IL10RB is a redirect to en:Interleukin 10 receptor, beta subunit; redirectFrom=en:IL10RB; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 10 receptor, beta subunit
- en:IL10 (gene) is a redirect to en:Interleukin 10; redirectFrom=en:IL10 (gene); linkedpages=en:Interleukin 10
- en:IL11 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 11; redirectFrom=en:IL11; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 11
- en:IL11RA is a redirect to en:Interleukin 11 receptor alpha subunit; redirectFrom=en:IL11RA; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 11 receptor alpha subunit
- en:IL12A is not a redirect.
- en:IL12B is a redirect to en:Interleukin-12 subunit beta; redirectFrom=en:IL12B; linkedpages=en:Interleukin-12 subunit beta
- en:IL12RB1 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 12 receptor, beta 1 subunit; redirectFrom=en:IL12RB1; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 12 receptor, beta 1 subunit
- en:IL12RB2 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 12 receptor, beta 2 subunit; redirectFrom=en:IL12RB2; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 12 receptor, beta 2 subunit
- en:IL13RA1 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 13 receptor, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:IL13RA1; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 13 receptor, alpha 1
- en:IL13RA2 is not a redirect.
- en:IL13 (gene) is a redirect to en:Interleukin 13; redirectFrom=en:IL13 (gene); linkedpages=en:Interleukin 13
- en:IL15RA is a redirect to en:Interleukin 15 receptor, alpha subunit; redirectFrom=en:IL15RA; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 15 receptor, alpha subunit
- en:IL15 (gene) is a redirect to en:Interleukin 15; redirectFrom=en:IL15 (gene); linkedpages=en:Interleukin 15
- en:IL16 (gene) is a redirect to en:Interleukin 16; redirectFrom=en:IL16 (gene); linkedpages=en:Interleukin 16
- en:IL17A is not a redirect.
- en:IL17RA is not a redirect.
- en:IL17RB is not a redirect.
- en:IL17RC is not a redirect.
- en:IL17RD is not a redirect.
- en:IL18BP is not a redirect.
- en:IL18R1 is not a redirect.
- en:IL18RAP is not a redirect.
- en:IL18 (gene) is a redirect to en:Interleukin 18; redirectFrom=en:IL18 (gene); linkedpages=en:Interleukin 18
- en:IL1A is not a redirect.
- en:IL1B is a redirect to en:Interleukin 1 beta; redirectFrom=en:IL1B; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 1 beta
- en:IL1F10 is not a redirect.
- en:IL1R1 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 1 receptor, type I; redirectFrom=en:IL1R1; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 1 receptor, type I
- en:IL1R2 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 1 receptor, type II; redirectFrom=en:IL1R2; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 1 receptor, type II
- en:IL1RAP is not a redirect.
- en:IL1RAPL1 is not a redirect.
- en:IL1RAPL2 is not a redirect.
- en:IL1RL1 is not a redirect.
- en:IL1RL2 is not a redirect.
- en:IL1RN is a redirect to en:Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist; redirectFrom=en:IL1RN; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist
- en:IL20RA is a redirect to en:Interleukin 20 receptor, alpha subunit; redirectFrom=en:IL20RA; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 20 receptor, alpha subunit
- en:IL20RB is a redirect to en:Interleukin 20 receptor, beta subunit; redirectFrom=en:IL20RB; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 20 receptor, beta subunit
- en:IL21R is a redirect to en:Interleukin-21 receptor; redirectFrom=en:IL21R; linkedpages=en:Interleukin-21 receptor
- en:IL21 (gene) is a redirect to en:Interleukin 21; redirectFrom=en:IL21 (gene); linkedpages=en:Interleukin 21
- en:IL22RA1 is not a redirect.
- en:IL22RA2 is not a redirect.
- en:IL22 (gene) is a redirect to en:Interleukin 22; redirectFrom=en:IL22 (gene); linkedpages=en:Interleukin 22
- en:IL23A is a redirect to en:Interleukin 23 subunit alpha; redirectFrom=en:IL23A; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 23 subunit alpha
- en:IL23R is a redirect to en:Interleukin-23 receptor; redirectFrom=en:IL23R; linkedpages=en:Interleukin-23 receptor
- en:IL24 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 24; redirectFrom=en:IL24; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 24
- en:IL25 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 25; redirectFrom=en:IL25; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 25
- en:IL26 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 26; redirectFrom=en:IL26; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 26
- en:IL27 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 27; redirectFrom=en:IL27; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 27
- en:IL27RA is a redirect to en:Interleukin 27 receptor, alpha subunit; redirectFrom=en:IL27RA; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 27 receptor, alpha subunit
- en:IL2RA is not a redirect.
- en:IL2RB is not a redirect.
- en:IL2RG is a redirect to en:Common gamma chain; redirectFrom=en:IL2RG; linkedpages=en:Common gamma chain
- en:IL2 (gene) is a redirect to en:Interleukin 2; redirectFrom=en:IL2 (gene); linkedpages=en:Interleukin 2
- en:IL31 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 31; redirectFrom=en:IL31; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 31
- en:IL31RA is not a redirect.
- en:IL32 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 32; redirectFrom=en:IL32; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 32
- en:IL33 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 33; redirectFrom=en:IL33; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 33
- en:IL34 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 34; redirectFrom=en:IL34; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 34
- en:IL36A is not a redirect.
- en:IL36B is not a redirect.
- en:IL36G is not a redirect.
- en:IL37 is a redirect to en:Interleukin 37; redirectFrom=en:IL37; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 37
- en:IL3RA is not a redirect.
- en:IL3 (gene) is a redirect to en:Interleukin 3; redirectFrom=en:IL3 (gene); linkedpages=en:Interleukin 3
- en:IL4R is a redirect to en:Interleukin-4 receptor; redirectFrom=en:IL4R; linkedpages=en:Interleukin-4 receptor
- en:IL4 (gene) is a redirect to en:Interleukin 4; redirectFrom=en:IL4 (gene); linkedpages=en:Interleukin 4
- en:IL5RA is a redirect to en:Interleukin 5 receptor alpha subunit; redirectFrom=en:IL5RA; linkedpages=en:Interleukin 5 receptor alpha subunit
- en:IL5 (gene) is a redirect to en:Interleukin 5; redirectFrom=en:IL5 (gene); linkedpages=en:Interleukin 5
- en:IL6R is a redirect to en:Interleukin-6 receptor; redirectFrom=en:IL6R; linkedpages=en:Interleukin-6 receptor
- en:IL6ST is a redirect to en:Glycoprotein 130; redirectFrom=en:IL6ST; linkedpages=en:Glycoprotein 130
- en:IL6 (gene) is a redirect to en:Interleukin 6; redirectFrom=en:IL6 (gene); linkedpages=en:Interleukin 6
- en:IL7R is a redirect to en:Interleukin-7 receptor; redirectFrom=en:IL7R; linkedpages=en:Interleukin-7 receptor
- en:IL7 (gene) is a redirect to en:Interleukin 7; redirectFrom=en:IL7 (gene); linkedpages=en:Interleukin 7
- en:IL9R is a redirect to en:Interleukin-9 receptor; redirectFrom=en:IL9R; linkedpages=en:Interleukin-9 receptor
- en:IL9 (gene) is a redirect to en:Interleukin 9; redirectFrom=en:IL9 (gene); linkedpages=en:Interleukin 9
- en:ILF2 is not a redirect.
- en:ILF3 is not a redirect.
- en:ILK is a redirect to en:Integrin-linked kinase; redirectFrom=en:ILK; linkedpages=en:Integrin-linked kinase
- en:ILKAP is not a redirect.
- en:IMMP2L is not a redirect.
- en:IMMT is not a redirect.
- en:IMP3 is not a redirect.
- en:IMP4 is not a redirect.
- en:IMPA1 is a redirect to en:Inositol monophosphatase 1; redirectFrom=en:IMPA1; linkedpages=en:Inositol monophosphatase 1
- en:IMPA2 is a redirect to en:Inositol monophosphatase 2; redirectFrom=en:IMPA2; linkedpages=en:Inositol monophosphatase 2
- en:IMPDH1 is not a redirect.
- en:IMPDH2 is not a redirect.
- en:IMPG1 is not a redirect.
- en:INAVA is not a redirect.
- en:INCENP is not a redirect.
- en:INF2 is not a redirect.
- en:ING1 is not a redirect.
- en:ING2 is not a redirect.
- en:ING3 is not a redirect.
- en:ING4 is not a redirect.
- en:ING5 is not a redirect.
- en:INHA is not a redirect.
- en:INHBA is not a redirect.
- en:INHBB is not a redirect.
- en:INHBC is not a redirect.
- en:INMT is a redirect to en:Amine N-methyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:INMT; linkedpages=en:Amine N-methyltransferase
- en:INPP1 is not a redirect.
- en:INPP4A is not a redirect.
- en:INPP4B is not a redirect.
- en:INPP5A is not a redirect.
- en:INPP5B is not a redirect.
- en:INPP5D is not a redirect.
- en:INPP5E is not a redirect.
- en:INPP5F is not a redirect.
- en:INPPL1 is not a redirect.
- en:INSIG1 is a redirect to en:Insulin-induced gene 1 protein; redirectFrom=en:INSIG1; linkedpages=en:Insulin-induced gene 1 protein
- en:INSIG2 is not a redirect.
- en:INSL3 is not a redirect.
- en:INSL4 is not a redirect.
- en:INSL5 is not a redirect.
- en:INSL6 is a redirect to en:Insulin like 6; redirectFrom=en:INSL6; linkedpages=en:Insulin like 6
- en:INSM1 is not a redirect.
- en:INSR is a redirect to en:Insulin receptor; redirectFrom=en:INSR; linkedpages=en:Insulin receptor
- en:INSRR is not a redirect.
- en:INS (gene) is a redirect to en:Insulin; redirectFrom=en:INS (gene); linkedpages=en:Insulin
- en:INTS1 is not a redirect.
- en:INTS11 is not a redirect.
- en:INTS12 is not a redirect.
- en:INTS3 is not a redirect.
- en:INTS6 is not a redirect.
- en:INTS7 is not a redirect.
- en:INTS8 is not a redirect.
- en:INTS9 is not a redirect.
- en:INVS is not a redirect.
- en:IPMK is a redirect to en:Inositol-polyphosphate multikinase; redirectFrom=en:IPMK; linkedpages=en:Inositol-polyphosphate multikinase
- en:IPO11 is not a redirect.
- en:IPO13 is not a redirect.
- en:IPO4 is not a redirect.
- en:IPO5 is not a redirect.
- en:IPO7 is not a redirect.
- en:IPO8 is not a redirect.
- en:IPO9 is not a redirect.
- en:IQCB1 is not a redirect.
- en:IQCE is not a redirect.
- en:IQGAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:IQGAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:IQSEC1 is not a redirect.
- en:IQSEC2 is not a redirect.
- en:IQSEC3 is not a redirect.
- en:IRAK1 is not a redirect.
- en:IRAK2 is not a redirect.
- en:IRAK3 is not a redirect.
- en:IRAK4 is not a redirect.
- en:IRF1 is not a redirect.
- en:IRF2 is not a redirect.
- en:IRF2BPL is not a redirect.
- en:IRF3 is not a redirect.
- en:IRF4 is not a redirect.
- en:IRF5 is not a redirect.
- en:IRF6 is not a redirect.
- en:IRF7 is not a redirect.
- en:IRF8 is not a redirect.
- en:IRF9 is not a redirect.
- en:IRGC is a redirect to en:Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps; redirectFrom=en:IRGC; linkedpages=en:Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
- en:IRGM is not a redirect.
- en:IRS1 is not a redirect.
- en:IRS2 is not a redirect.
- en:IRS4 is not a redirect.
- en:IRX1 is not a redirect.
- en:IRX2 is not a redirect.
- en:IRX3 is not a redirect.
- en:IRX4 is not a redirect.
- en:IRX5 is not a redirect.
- en:IRX6 is not a redirect.
- en:ISCA1 is not a redirect.
- en:ISCU is not a redirect.
- en:ISG15 is not a redirect.
- en:ISG20 is not a redirect.
- en:ISL1 is not a redirect.
- en:ISX is a redirect to en:Iraq Stock Exchange; redirectFrom=en:ISX; linkedpages=en:Iraq Stock Exchange
- en:ITCH is not a redirect.
- en:ITGA1 is a redirect to en:Integrin alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:ITGA1; linkedpages=en:Integrin alpha 1
- en:ITGA10 is a redirect to en:Integrin alpha 10; redirectFrom=en:ITGA10; linkedpages=en:Integrin alpha 10
- en:ITGA11 is a redirect to en:Integrin alpha 11; redirectFrom=en:ITGA11; linkedpages=en:Integrin alpha 11
- en:ITGA2 is a redirect to en:Integrin alpha 2; redirectFrom=en:ITGA2; linkedpages=en:Integrin alpha 2
- en:ITGA2B is a redirect to en:Integrin alpha 2b; redirectFrom=en:ITGA2B; linkedpages=en:Integrin alpha 2b
- en:ITGA3 is a redirect to en:Integrin alpha 3; redirectFrom=en:ITGA3; linkedpages=en:Integrin alpha 3
- en:ITGA4 is a redirect to en:Integrin alpha 4; redirectFrom=en:ITGA4; linkedpages=en:Integrin alpha 4
- en:ITGA5 is a redirect to en:Integrin alpha 5; redirectFrom=en:ITGA5; linkedpages=en:Integrin alpha 5
- en:ITGA6 is a redirect to en:Integrin alpha 6; redirectFrom=en:ITGA6; linkedpages=en:Integrin alpha 6
- en:ITGA7 is a redirect to en:Integrin alpha 7; redirectFrom=en:ITGA7; linkedpages=en:Integrin alpha 7
- en:ITGA8 is a redirect to en:Integrin alpha 8; redirectFrom=en:ITGA8; linkedpages=en:Integrin alpha 8
- en:ITGA9 is a redirect to en:Integrin alpha 9; redirectFrom=en:ITGA9; linkedpages=en:Integrin alpha 9
- en:ITGAD is a redirect to en:Integrin alpha D; redirectFrom=en:ITGAD; linkedpages=en:Integrin alpha D
- en:ITGAE is not a redirect.
- en:ITGAL is a redirect to en:Integrin alpha L; redirectFrom=en:ITGAL; linkedpages=en:Integrin alpha L
- en:ITGAM is a redirect to en:Integrin alpha M; redirectFrom=en:ITGAM; linkedpages=en:Integrin alpha M
- en:ITGAV is a redirect to en:Integrin alpha V; redirectFrom=en:ITGAV; linkedpages=en:Integrin alpha V
- en:ITGAX is a redirect to en:Integrin alpha X; redirectFrom=en:ITGAX; linkedpages=en:Integrin alpha X
- en:ITGB1 is a redirect to en:Integrin beta 1; redirectFrom=en:ITGB1; linkedpages=en:Integrin beta 1
- en:ITGB1BP1 is not a redirect.
- en:ITGB2 is a redirect to en:Integrin beta 2; redirectFrom=en:ITGB2; linkedpages=en:Integrin beta 2
- en:ITGB3 is a redirect to en:Integrin beta 3; redirectFrom=en:ITGB3; linkedpages=en:Integrin beta 3
- en:ITGB3BP is not a redirect.
- en:ITGB4 is a redirect to en:Integrin beta 4; redirectFrom=en:ITGB4; linkedpages=en:Integrin beta 4
- en:ITGB5 is a redirect to en:Integrin beta 5; redirectFrom=en:ITGB5; linkedpages=en:Integrin beta 5
- en:ITGB6 is a redirect to en:Integrin beta 6; redirectFrom=en:ITGB6; linkedpages=en:Integrin beta 6
- en:ITGB7 is a redirect to en:Integrin beta 7; redirectFrom=en:ITGB7; linkedpages=en:Integrin beta 7
- en:ITGB8 is a redirect to en:Integrin beta 8; redirectFrom=en:ITGB8; linkedpages=en:Integrin beta 8
- en:ITIH1 is not a redirect.
- en:ITIH2 is not a redirect.
- en:ITIH3 is not a redirect.
- en:ITIH4 is not a redirect.
- en:ITK (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:ITLN1 is a redirect to en:Intelectin-1; redirectFrom=en:ITLN1; linkedpages=en:Intelectin-1
- en:ITM2A is not a redirect.
- en:ITM2B is not a redirect.
- en:ITM2C is not a redirect.
- en:ITPA is not a redirect.
- en:ITPK1 is not a redirect.
- en:ITPKA is not a redirect.
- en:ITPKB is not a redirect.
- en:ITPKC is not a redirect.
- en:ITPR1 is not a redirect.
- en:ITPR2 is not a redirect.
- en:ITPR3 is not a redirect.
- en:ITSN1 is a redirect to en:Intersectin 1; redirectFrom=en:ITSN1; linkedpages=en:Intersectin 1
- en:ITSN2 is a redirect to en:Intersectin 2; redirectFrom=en:ITSN2; linkedpages=en:Intersectin 2
- en:IVD (gene) is a redirect to en:Isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase; redirectFrom=en:IVD (gene); linkedpages=en:Isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase
- en:IVL (gene) is a redirect to en:Involucrin; redirectFrom=en:IVL (gene); linkedpages=en:Involucrin
- en:IVNS1ABP is not a redirect.
- en:IWS1 is not a redirect.
- en:IYD is a redirect to en:Iodotyrosine deiodinase; redirectFrom=en:IYD; linkedpages=en:Iodotyrosine deiodinase
- en:IZUMO1 is not a redirect.
- en:IZUMO1R is a redirect to en:Juno (protein); redirectFrom=en:IZUMO1R; linkedpages=en:Juno (protein)
- en:JADE1 is not a redirect.
- en:JAG1 is not a redirect.
- en:JAG2 is not a redirect.
- en:JAK1 is a redirect to en:Janus kinase 1; redirectFrom=en:JAK1; linkedpages=en:Janus kinase 1
- en:JAK2 is a redirect to en:Janus kinase 2; redirectFrom=en:JAK2; linkedpages=en:Janus kinase 2
- en:JAK3 is a redirect to en:Janus kinase 3; redirectFrom=en:JAK3; linkedpages=en:Janus kinase 3
- en:JAKMIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:JAKMIP3 is not a redirect.
- en:JAM2 is not a redirect.
- en:JAM3 is not a redirect.
- en:JAML is not a redirect.
- en:JARID2 is not a redirect.
- en:JAZF1 is not a redirect.
- en:JDP2 is a redirect to en:Jun dimerization protein; redirectFrom=en:JDP2; linkedpages=en:Jun dimerization protein
- en:JKAMP is not a redirect.
- en:JMJD1C is not a redirect.
- en:JMJD6 is not a redirect.
- en:JPH1 is not a redirect.
- en:JPH2 is not a redirect.
- en:JPH3 is not a redirect.
- en:JPH4 is not a redirect.
- en:JTB (gene) is a redirect to en:Jumping translocation breakpoint; redirectFrom=en:JTB (gene); linkedpages=en:Jumping translocation breakpoint
- en:JUNB is not a redirect.
- en:JUND is a redirect to en:JunD; redirectFrom=en:JUND; linkedpages=en:JunD
- en:JUN (gene) is a redirect to en:C-jun; redirectFrom=en:JUN (gene); linkedpages=en:C-jun
- en:JUP (gene) is a redirect to en:Plakoglobin; redirectFrom=en:JUP (gene); linkedpages=en:Plakoglobin
- en:KAAG1 is not a redirect.
- en:KALRN is a redirect to en:Kalirin; redirectFrom=en:KALRN; linkedpages=en:Kalirin
- en:KANSL3 is not a redirect.
- en:KAT2A is not a redirect.
- en:KAT2B is a redirect to en:PCAF; redirectFrom=en:KAT2B; linkedpages=en:PCAF
- en:KAT5 is not a redirect.
- en:KAT6B is a redirect to en:MYST4; redirectFrom=en:KAT6B; linkedpages=en:MYST4
- en:KAT7 is a redirect to en:KAT-7; redirectFrom=en:KAT7; linkedpages=en:KAT-7
- en:KATNA1 is not a redirect.
- en:KATNB1 is not a redirect.
- en:KATNBL1 is not a redirect.
- en:KAZALD1 is not a redirect.
- en:KAZN is not a redirect.
- en:KBTBD7 is not a redirect.
- en:KCMF1 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNA1 is a redirect to en:Kv1.1; redirectFrom=en:KCNA1; linkedpages=en:Kv1.1
- en:KCNA10 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNA2 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNA3 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNA4 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNA5 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNA6 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNA7 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNAB1 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNAB2 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNAB3 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNB1 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNB2 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNC1 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNC2 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNC3 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNC4 is not a redirect.
- en:KCND1 is not a redirect.
- en:KCND2 is not a redirect.
- en:KCND3 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNE1 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNE2 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNE3 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNE4 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNE5 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNF1 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNG1 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNG2 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNG3 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNG4 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNH1 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNH2 is a redirect to en:HERG; redirectFrom=en:KCNH2; linkedpages=en:HERG
- en:KCNH3 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNH4 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNH5 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNH6 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNH7 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNH8 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNIP3 is a redirect to en:Calsenilin; redirectFrom=en:KCNIP3; linkedpages=en:Calsenilin
- en:KCNIP4 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNJ1 is a redirect to en:ROMK; redirectFrom=en:KCNJ1; linkedpages=en:ROMK
- en:KCNJ10 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNJ11 is a redirect to en:Kir6.2; redirectFrom=en:KCNJ11; linkedpages=en:Kir6.2
- en:KCNJ12 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNJ13 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNJ14 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNJ15 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNJ16 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNJ18 is a redirect to en:Kir2.6; redirectFrom=en:KCNJ18; linkedpages=en:Kir2.6
- en:KCNJ2 is a redirect to en:Kir2.1; redirectFrom=en:KCNJ2; linkedpages=en:Kir2.1
- en:KCNJ3 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNJ4 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNJ5 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNJ6 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNJ8 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNJ9 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNK1 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNK10 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNK12 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNK13 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNK15 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNK16 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNK17 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNK18 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNK2 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNK3 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNK4 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNK5 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNK6 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNK7 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNK9 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNMA1 is a redirect to en:Calcium-activated potassium channel subunit alpha-1; redirectFrom=en:KCNMA1; linkedpages=en:Calcium-activated potassium channel subunit alpha-1
- en:KCNMB1 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNMB2 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNMB3 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNMB4 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNN1 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNN2 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNN3 is a redirect to en:SK3; redirectFrom=en:KCNN3; linkedpages=en:SK3
- en:KCNN4 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNQ1 is a redirect to en:KvLQT1; redirectFrom=en:KCNQ1; linkedpages=en:KvLQT1
- en:KCNQ2 is a redirect to en:KvLQT2; redirectFrom=en:KCNQ2; linkedpages=en:KvLQT2
- en:KCNQ3 is a redirect to en:KvLQT3; redirectFrom=en:KCNQ3; linkedpages=en:KvLQT3
- en:KCNQ4 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNQ5 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNRG is not a redirect.
- en:KCNS1 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNS2 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNS3 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNT1 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNT2 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNU1 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNV1 is not a redirect.
- en:KCNV2 is not a redirect.
- en:KCTD12 is not a redirect.
- en:KCTD13 is not a redirect.
- en:KCTD15 is not a redirect.
- en:KCTD7 is not a redirect.
- en:KCTD8 is not a redirect.
- en:KCTD9 is not a redirect.
- en:KDELR1 is not a redirect.
- en:KDELR2 is not a redirect.
- en:KDELR3 is not a redirect.
- en:KDM1A is not a redirect.
- en:KDM1B is not a redirect.
- en:KDM2A is not a redirect.
- en:KDM2B is not a redirect.
- en:KDM3A is not a redirect.
- en:KDM3B is not a redirect.
- en:KDM4A is not a redirect.
- en:KDM4B is not a redirect.
- en:KDM4C is not a redirect.
- en:KDM4D is not a redirect.
- en:KDM5A is not a redirect.
- en:KDM5B is a redirect to en:JARID1B; redirectFrom=en:KDM5B; linkedpages=en:JARID1B
- en:KDM5C is not a redirect.
- en:KDM5D is not a redirect.
- en:KDM6A is a redirect to en:UTX (gene); redirectFrom=en:KDM6A; linkedpages=en:UTX (gene)
- en:KDM6B is not a redirect.
- en:KDM7A is not a redirect.
- en:KDM8 is not a redirect.
- en:KDR (gene) is a redirect to en:Kinase insert domain receptor; redirectFrom=en:KDR (gene); linkedpages=en:Kinase insert domain receptor
- en:KDSR is not a redirect.
- en:KEAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:KEL is a redirect to en:Kiel Airport; redirectFrom=en:KEL; linkedpages=en:Kiel Airport
- en:KERA (gene) is a redirect to en:Keratocan; redirectFrom=en:KERA (gene); linkedpages=en:Keratocan
- en:KHDRBS1 is not a redirect.
- en:KHDRBS3 is not a redirect.
- en:KHSRP is not a redirect.
- en:KIAA0232 is not a redirect.
- en:KIAA0319 is a redirect to en:Dyslexia-associated protein; redirectFrom=en:KIAA0319; linkedpages=en:Dyslexia-associated protein
- en:KIAA0408 is not a redirect.
- en:KIAA0753 is not a redirect.
- en:KIAA0825 is not a redirect.
- en:KIAA0895 is not a redirect.
- en:KIAA0895L is not a redirect.
- en:KIAA0930 is not a redirect.
- en:KIAA1109 is not a redirect.
- en:KIAA1211L is not a redirect.
- en:KIAA1257 is not a redirect.
- en:KIAA1841 is not a redirect.
- en:KIAA1958 is not a redirect.
- en:KIDINS220 is not a redirect.
- en:KIF11 is a redirect to en:Kinesin family member 11; redirectFrom=en:KIF11; linkedpages=en:Kinesin family member 11
- en:KIF13A is not a redirect.
- en:KIF14 is not a redirect.
- en:KIF15 is not a redirect.
- en:KIF16B is not a redirect.
- en:KIF17 is not a redirect.
- en:KIF18A is not a redirect.
- en:KIF1A is not a redirect.
- en:KIF1B is not a redirect.
- en:KIF1C is not a redirect.
- en:KIF20A is not a redirect.
- en:KIF21A is not a redirect.
- en:KIF22 is not a redirect.
- en:KIF23 is not a redirect.
- en:KIF24 is not a redirect.
- en:KIF2A is not a redirect.
- en:KIF2C is not a redirect.
- en:KIF3A is not a redirect.
- en:KIF3B is not a redirect.
- en:KIF3C is not a redirect.
- en:KIF4A is not a redirect.
- en:KIF5A is not a redirect.
- en:KIF5B is not a redirect.
- en:KIF5C is not a redirect.
- en:KIF6 is not a redirect.
- en:KIFAP3 is not a redirect.
- en:KIFC1 is not a redirect.
- en:KIFC3 is not a redirect.
- en:KIN (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:KIR2DL1 is not a redirect.
- en:KIR2DL4 is not a redirect.
- en:KIR2DS4 is not a redirect.
- en:KIR3DL1 is not a redirect.
- en:KIR3DL2 is not a redirect.
- en:KIR3DL3 is not a redirect.
- en:KIRREL2 is not a redirect.
- en:KIRREL3 is not a redirect.
- en:KISS1 is a redirect to en:Kisspeptin; redirectFrom=en:KISS1; linkedpages=en:Kisspeptin
- en:KISS1R is a redirect to en:KiSS1-derived peptide receptor; redirectFrom=en:KISS1R; linkedpages=en:KiSS1-derived peptide receptor
- en:KITLG is a redirect to en:Stem cell factor; redirectFrom=en:KITLG; linkedpages=en:Stem cell factor
- en:KIT (gene) is a redirect to en:CD117; redirectFrom=en:KIT (gene); linkedpages=en:CD117
- en:KIZ is not a redirect.
- en:KLB is not a redirect.
- en:KLC1 is not a redirect.
- en:KLC2 is not a redirect.
- en:KLC3 is not a redirect.
- en:KLC4 is not a redirect.
- en:KLF1 is not a redirect.
- en:KLF10 is not a redirect.
- en:KLF11 is not a redirect.
- en:KLF12 is not a redirect.
- en:KLF13 is not a redirect.
- en:KLF14 is not a redirect.
- en:KLF15 is not a redirect.
- en:KLF17 is not a redirect.
- en:KLF2 is not a redirect.
- en:KLF3 is not a redirect.
- en:KLF4 is not a redirect.
- en:KLF5 is not a redirect.
- en:KLF6 is not a redirect.
- en:KLF7 is not a redirect.
- en:KLF8 is not a redirect.
- en:KLF9 is not a redirect.
- en:KLHDC3 is not a redirect.
- en:KLHL1 is a redirect to en:Kelch-like protein 1; redirectFrom=en:KLHL1; linkedpages=en:Kelch-like protein 1
- en:KLHL12 is a redirect to en:Kelch-like protein 12; redirectFrom=en:KLHL12; linkedpages=en:Kelch-like protein 12
- en:KLHL18 is a redirect to en:Kelch-like protein 18; redirectFrom=en:KLHL18; linkedpages=en:Kelch-like protein 18
- en:KLHL2 is a redirect to en:Kelch-like protein 2; redirectFrom=en:KLHL2; linkedpages=en:Kelch-like protein 2
- en:KLHL20 is a redirect to en:Kelch-like protein 20; redirectFrom=en:KLHL20; linkedpages=en:Kelch-like protein 20
- en:KLHL25 is a redirect to en:Kelch-like protein 25; redirectFrom=en:KLHL25; linkedpages=en:Kelch-like protein 25
- en:KLHL3 is a redirect to en:Kelch-like protein 3; redirectFrom=en:KLHL3; linkedpages=en:Kelch-like protein 3
- en:KLHL7 is a redirect to en:Kelch-like protein 7; redirectFrom=en:KLHL7; linkedpages=en:Kelch-like protein 7
- en:KLHL8 is a redirect to en:Kelch-like protein 8; redirectFrom=en:KLHL8; linkedpages=en:Kelch-like protein 8
- en:KLK1 is not a redirect.
- en:KLK10 is not a redirect.
- en:KLK11 is not a redirect.
- en:KLK12 is not a redirect.
- en:KLK13 is not a redirect.
- en:KLK14 is not a redirect.
- en:KLK15 is not a redirect.
- en:KLK2 is not a redirect.
- en:KLK3 is a redirect to en:Prostate-specific antigen; redirectFrom=en:KLK3; linkedpages=en:Prostate-specific antigen
- en:KLK4 is not a redirect.
- en:KLK5 is not a redirect.
- en:KLK6 is not a redirect.
- en:KLK7 is not a redirect.
- en:KLK8 is not a redirect.
- en:KLK9 is not a redirect.
- en:KLKB1 is not a redirect.
- en:KLLN is not a redirect.
- en:KLRB1 is not a redirect.
- en:KLRC2 is not a redirect.
- en:KLRC4 is not a redirect.
- en:KLRD1 is not a redirect.
- en:KLRG1 is not a redirect.
- en:KLRK1 is a redirect to en:NKG2D; redirectFrom=en:KLRK1; linkedpages=en:NKG2D
- en:KL (gene) is a redirect to en:Klotho (biology); redirectFrom=en:KL (gene); linkedpages=en:Klotho (biology)
- en:KMO is a redirect to en:Knowledge Master Open; redirectFrom=en:KMO; linkedpages=en:Knowledge Master Open
- en:KMT2A is not a redirect.
- en:KMT2C is not a redirect.
- en:KMT2D is not a redirect.
- en:KMT2E is not a redirect.
- en:KMT5A is not a redirect.
- en:KNCN is not a redirect.
- en:KNG1 is a redirect to en:High-molecular-weight kininogen; redirectFrom=en:KNG1; linkedpages=en:High-molecular-weight kininogen
- en:KNL1 is not a redirect.
- en:KPNA1 is a redirect to en:Karyopherin alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:KPNA1; linkedpages=en:Karyopherin alpha 1
- en:KPNA2 is a redirect to en:Karyopherin alpha 2; redirectFrom=en:KPNA2; linkedpages=en:Karyopherin alpha 2
- en:KPNA3 is not a redirect.
- en:KPNA4 is not a redirect.
- en:KPNA5 is not a redirect.
- en:KPNA6 is not a redirect.
- en:KPNB1 is not a redirect.
- en:KPTN (gene) is a redirect to en:Kaptin (actin binding protein); redirectFrom=en:KPTN (gene); linkedpages=en:Kaptin (actin binding protein)
- en:KRAS is not a redirect.
- en:KRBA2 is not a redirect.
- en:KREMEN1 is not a redirect.
- en:KRIT1 is not a redirect.
- en:KRR1 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT1 is a redirect to en:Keratin 1; redirectFrom=en:KRT1; linkedpages=en:Keratin 1
- en:KRT10 is a redirect to en:Keratin 10; redirectFrom=en:KRT10; linkedpages=en:Keratin 10
- en:KRT12 is a redirect to en:Keratin 12; redirectFrom=en:KRT12; linkedpages=en:Keratin 12
- en:KRT13 is a redirect to en:Keratin 13; redirectFrom=en:KRT13; linkedpages=en:Keratin 13
- en:KRT14 is a redirect to en:Keratin 14; redirectFrom=en:KRT14; linkedpages=en:Keratin 14
- en:KRT16 is a redirect to en:Keratin 16; redirectFrom=en:KRT16; linkedpages=en:Keratin 16
- en:KRT17 is a redirect to en:Keratin 17; redirectFrom=en:KRT17; linkedpages=en:Keratin 17
- en:KRT18 is a redirect to en:Keratin 18; redirectFrom=en:KRT18; linkedpages=en:Keratin 18
- en:KRT19 is a redirect to en:Keratin 19; redirectFrom=en:KRT19; linkedpages=en:Keratin 19
- en:KRT2 is a redirect to en:Keratin 2A; redirectFrom=en:KRT2; linkedpages=en:Keratin 2A
- en:KRT23 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT24 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT25 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT26 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT27 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT28 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT3 is a redirect to en:Keratin 3; redirectFrom=en:KRT3; linkedpages=en:Keratin 3
- en:KRT31 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT32 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT33A is not a redirect.
- en:KRT33B is not a redirect.
- en:KRT34 is a redirect to en:Keratin 34; redirectFrom=en:KRT34; linkedpages=en:Keratin 34
- en:KRT35 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT36 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT37 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT38 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT39 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT4 is a redirect to en:Keratin 4; redirectFrom=en:KRT4; linkedpages=en:Keratin 4
- en:KRT40 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT5 is a redirect to en:Keratin 5; redirectFrom=en:KRT5; linkedpages=en:Keratin 5
- en:KRT6A is a redirect to en:Keratin 6A; redirectFrom=en:KRT6A; linkedpages=en:Keratin 6A
- en:KRT6B is a redirect to en:Keratin 6B; redirectFrom=en:KRT6B; linkedpages=en:Keratin 6B
- en:KRT6C is a redirect to en:Keratin 6C; redirectFrom=en:KRT6C; linkedpages=en:Keratin 6C
- en:KRT7 is a redirect to en:Keratin 7; redirectFrom=en:KRT7; linkedpages=en:Keratin 7
- en:KRT71 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT72 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT73 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT74 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT75 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT76 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT77 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT78 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT79 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT8 is a redirect to en:Keratin 8; redirectFrom=en:KRT8; linkedpages=en:Keratin 8
- en:KRT80 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT81 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT82 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT83 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT84 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT85 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT86 is not a redirect.
- en:KRT9 is a redirect to en:Keratin 9; redirectFrom=en:KRT9; linkedpages=en:Keratin 9
- en:KRTDAP is not a redirect.
- en:KSR1 is not a redirect.
- en:KSR2 is not a redirect.
- en:KTN1 is not a redirect.
- en:KYAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:KYAT3 is not a redirect.
- en:KYNU is not a redirect.
- en:L1CAM is a redirect to en:L1 (protein); redirectFrom=en:L1CAM; linkedpages=en:L1 (protein)
- en:L1TD1 is not a redirect.
- en:L2HGDH is not a redirect.
- en:L3MBTL2 is not a redirect.
- en:LACC1 is not a redirect.
- en:LACRT is a redirect to en:Lacritin; redirectFrom=en:LACRT; linkedpages=en:Lacritin
- en:LACTB is not a redirect.
- en:LACTB2 is not a redirect.
- en:LAD1 is a redirect to en:Ladinin 1; redirectFrom=en:LAD1; linkedpages=en:Ladinin 1
- en:LAG3 is not a redirect.
- en:LAIR1 is not a redirect.
- en:LAIR2 is not a redirect.
- en:LALBA is a redirect to en:Alpha-lactalbumin; redirectFrom=en:LALBA; linkedpages=en:Alpha-lactalbumin
- en:LAMA1 is a redirect to en:Laminin, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:LAMA1; linkedpages=en:Laminin, alpha 1
- en:LAMA2 is a redirect to en:Laminin, alpha 2; redirectFrom=en:LAMA2; linkedpages=en:Laminin, alpha 2
- en:LAMA3 is a redirect to en:Laminin, alpha 3; redirectFrom=en:LAMA3; linkedpages=en:Laminin, alpha 3
- en:LAMA4 is a redirect to en:Laminin, alpha 4; redirectFrom=en:LAMA4; linkedpages=en:Laminin, alpha 4
- en:LAMA5 is a redirect to en:Laminin, alpha 5; redirectFrom=en:LAMA5; linkedpages=en:Laminin, alpha 5
- en:LAMB1 is a redirect to en:Laminin, beta 1; redirectFrom=en:LAMB1; linkedpages=en:Laminin, beta 1
- en:LAMB2 is a redirect to en:Laminin, beta 2; redirectFrom=en:LAMB2; linkedpages=en:Laminin, beta 2
- en:LAMB3 is a redirect to en:Laminin, beta 3; redirectFrom=en:LAMB3; linkedpages=en:Laminin, beta 3
- en:LAMB4 is a redirect to en:Laminin, beta 4; redirectFrom=en:LAMB4; linkedpages=en:Laminin, beta 4
- en:LAMC1 is a redirect to en:Laminin, gamma 1; redirectFrom=en:LAMC1; linkedpages=en:Laminin, gamma 1
- en:LAMC2 is a redirect to en:Laminin, gamma 2; redirectFrom=en:LAMC2; linkedpages=en:Laminin, gamma 2
- en:LAMC3 is a redirect to en:Laminin, gamma 3; redirectFrom=en:LAMC3; linkedpages=en:Laminin, gamma 3
- en:LAMP1 is not a redirect.
- en:LAMP2 is not a redirect.
- en:LAMP3 is not a redirect.
- en:LAMTOR1 is a redirect to en:Late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor, mapk and mtor activator 1; redirectFrom=en:LAMTOR1; linkedpages=en:Late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor, mapk and mtor activator 1
- en:LAMTOR3 is a redirect to en:MAP2K1IP1; redirectFrom=en:LAMTOR3; linkedpages=en:MAP2K1IP1
- en:LAMTOR4 is not a redirect.
- en:LAMTOR5 is a redirect to en:HBXIP; redirectFrom=en:LAMTOR5; linkedpages=en:HBXIP
- en:LANCL1 is not a redirect.
- en:LANCL2 is not a redirect.
- en:LAPTM4A is not a redirect.
- en:LAPTM4B is not a redirect.
- en:LARP1 is not a redirect.
- en:LARP4 is not a redirect.
- en:LARP6 is not a redirect.
- en:LARS2 is not a redirect.
- en:LAS1L is not a redirect.
- en:LASP1 is not a redirect.
- en:LAT2 is not a redirect.
- en:LATS1 is not a redirect.
- en:LATS2 is not a redirect.
- en:LAT (gene) is a redirect to en:Linker for activation of T cells; redirectFrom=en:LAT (gene); linkedpages=en:Linker for activation of T cells
- en:LAYN is a redirect to en:Layilin; redirectFrom=en:LAYN; linkedpages=en:Layilin
- en:LBH (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:LBP (gene) is a redirect to en:Lipopolysaccharide binding protein; redirectFrom=en:LBP (gene); linkedpages=en:Lipopolysaccharide binding protein
- en:LBR (gene) is a redirect to en:Lamin B receptor; redirectFrom=en:LBR (gene); linkedpages=en:Lamin B receptor
- en:LBX1 is not a redirect.
- en:LCA5 is not a redirect.
- en:LCAT (gene) is a redirect to en:Lecithin–cholesterol acyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:LCAT (gene); linkedpages=en:Lecithin–cholesterol acyltransferase
- en:LCK (gene) is a redirect to en:Lck; redirectFrom=en:LCK (gene); linkedpages=en:Lck
- en:LCMT1 is not a redirect.
- en:LCMT2 is not a redirect.
- en:LCN1 is a redirect to en:Lipocalin 1; redirectFrom=en:LCN1; linkedpages=en:Lipocalin 1
- en:LCN2 is a redirect to en:Lipocalin-2; redirectFrom=en:LCN2; linkedpages=en:Lipocalin-2
- en:LCOR is not a redirect.
- en:LCORL is not a redirect.
- en:LCP1 is not a redirect.
- en:LCP2 is a redirect to en:Lymphocyte cytosolic protein 2; redirectFrom=en:LCP2; linkedpages=en:Lymphocyte cytosolic protein 2
- en:LCTL is not a redirect.
- en:LDB1 is not a redirect.
- en:LDB2 is not a redirect.
- en:LDB3 is not a redirect.
- en:LDHA is a redirect to en:Lactate dehydrogenase A; redirectFrom=en:LDHA; linkedpages=en:Lactate dehydrogenase A
- en:LDLR is a redirect to en:LDL receptor; redirectFrom=en:LDLR; linkedpages=en:LDL receptor
- en:LDLRAP1 is a redirect to en:Low-density lipoprotein receptor adapter protein 1; redirectFrom=en:LDLRAP1; linkedpages=en:Low-density lipoprotein receptor adapter protein 1
- en:LDOC1 is not a redirect.
- en:LECT2 is not a redirect.
- en:LEF1 is a redirect to en:Lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1; redirectFrom=en:LEF1; linkedpages=en:Lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1
- en:LEFTY2 is not a redirect.
- en:LEMD3 is a redirect to en:LEM domain-containing protein 3; redirectFrom=en:LEMD3; linkedpages=en:LEM domain-containing protein 3
- en:LENG9 is not a redirect.
- en:LEO1 is not a redirect.
- en:LEP is a redirect to en:Large Electron–Positron Collider; redirectFrom=en:LEP; linkedpages=en:Large Electron–Positron Collider
- en:LEPR is a redirect to en:Leptin receptor; redirectFrom=en:LEPR; linkedpages=en:Leptin receptor
- en:LETM1 is not a redirect.
- en:LETMD1 is not a redirect.
- en:LFNG is not a redirect.
- en:LGALS1 is a redirect to en:Galectin-1; redirectFrom=en:LGALS1; linkedpages=en:Galectin-1
- en:LGALS13 is not a redirect.
- en:LGALS2 is a redirect to en:Galectin-2; redirectFrom=en:LGALS2; linkedpages=en:Galectin-2
- en:LGALS3 is a redirect to en:Galectin-3; redirectFrom=en:LGALS3; linkedpages=en:Galectin-3
- en:LGALS3BP is not a redirect.
- en:LGALS4 is a redirect to en:Galectin-4; redirectFrom=en:LGALS4; linkedpages=en:Galectin-4
- en:LGALS7 is a redirect to en:Galectin-7; redirectFrom=en:LGALS7; linkedpages=en:Galectin-7
- en:LGALS8 is a redirect to en:Galectin-8; redirectFrom=en:LGALS8; linkedpages=en:Galectin-8
- en:LGALS9 is a redirect to en:Galectin-9; redirectFrom=en:LGALS9; linkedpages=en:Galectin-9
- en:LGI1 is not a redirect.
- en:LGI2 is not a redirect.
- en:LGMN is not a redirect.
- en:LGR4 is not a redirect.
- en:LGR5 is not a redirect.
- en:LGR6 is not a redirect.
- en:LHB (gene) is a redirect to en:Luteinizing hormone beta polypeptide; redirectFrom=en:LHB (gene); linkedpages=en:Luteinizing hormone beta polypeptide
- en:LHCGR is a redirect to en:Luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor; redirectFrom=en:LHCGR; linkedpages=en:Luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor
- en:LHFPL1 is not a redirect.
- en:LHFPL2 is not a redirect.
- en:LHX1 is not a redirect.
- en:LHX2 is not a redirect.
- en:LHX3 is not a redirect.
- en:LHX4 is not a redirect.
- en:LHX6 is not a redirect.
- en:LIAS (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:LIFR is a redirect to en:Leukemia inhibitory factor receptor; redirectFrom=en:LIFR; linkedpages=en:Leukemia inhibitory factor receptor
- en:LIF (gene) is a redirect to en:Leukemia inhibitory factor; redirectFrom=en:LIF (gene); linkedpages=en:Leukemia inhibitory factor
- en:LIG1 is not a redirect.
- en:LIG3 is not a redirect.
- en:LIG4 is not a redirect.
- en:LILRA1 is not a redirect.
- en:LILRA2 is not a redirect.
- en:LILRA4 is not a redirect.
- en:LILRB1 is not a redirect.
- en:LILRB2 is not a redirect.
- en:LILRB3 is not a redirect.
- en:LILRB4 is not a redirect.
- en:LILRB5 is not a redirect.
- en:LIM2 is not a redirect.
- en:LIMA1 is not a redirect.
- en:LIMCH1 is not a redirect.
- en:LIMD1 is not a redirect.
- en:LIME1 is not a redirect.
- en:LIMK1 is not a redirect.
- en:LIMK2 is not a redirect.
- en:LIMS1 is not a redirect.
- en:LIMS2 is not a redirect.
- en:LIN7A is not a redirect.
- en:LIN7B is not a redirect.
- en:LIN7C is not a redirect.
- en:LIN9 is not a redirect.
- en:LINGO1 is not a redirect.
- en:LINGO2 is not a redirect.
- en:LIPC (gene) is a redirect to en:Hepatic lipase; redirectFrom=en:LIPC (gene); linkedpages=en:Hepatic lipase
- en:LIPE (gene) is a redirect to en:Hormone-sensitive lipase; redirectFrom=en:LIPE (gene); linkedpages=en:Hormone-sensitive lipase
- en:LIPG is a redirect to en:Endothelial lipase; redirectFrom=en:LIPG; linkedpages=en:Endothelial lipase
- en:LIPH is not a redirect.
- en:LIPI is a redirect to en:Indonesian Institute of Sciences; redirectFrom=en:LIPI; linkedpages=en:Indonesian Institute of Sciences
- en:LIPK is a redirect to en:Forlì Airport; redirectFrom=en:LIPK; linkedpages=en:Forlì Airport
- en:LIPN is a redirect to en:Lamellar ichthyosis; redirectFrom=en:LIPN; linkedpages=en:Lamellar ichthyosis
- en:LITAF is not a redirect.
- en:LIX1L is not a redirect.
- en:LLGL1 is not a redirect.
- en:LMAN1 is not a redirect.
- en:LMAN2 is not a redirect.
- en:LMAN2L is not a redirect.
- en:LMBR1 is not a redirect.
- en:LMBR1L is not a redirect.
- en:LMBRD1 is not a redirect.
- en:LMLN is not a redirect.
- en:LMNA is not a redirect.
- en:LMNB1 is a redirect to en:Lamin B1; redirectFrom=en:LMNB1; linkedpages=en:Lamin B1
- en:LMNB2 is a redirect to en:Lamin B2; redirectFrom=en:LMNB2; linkedpages=en:Lamin B2
- en:LMO1 is not a redirect.
- en:LMO2 is not a redirect.
- en:LMO3 is not a redirect.
- en:LMO4 is not a redirect.
- en:LMO7 is not a redirect.
- en:LMOD3 is not a redirect.
- en:LMTK2 is not a redirect.
- en:LMTK3 is not a redirect.
- en:LMX1A is not a redirect.
- en:LMX1B is not a redirect.
- en:LNPEP is a redirect to en:Leucyl/cystinyl aminopeptidase; redirectFrom=en:LNPEP; linkedpages=en:Leucyl/cystinyl aminopeptidase
- en:LNX1 is not a redirect.
- en:LONP1 is not a redirect.
- en:LOX is a redirect to en:Liquid oxygen; redirectFrom=en:LOX; linkedpages=en:Liquid oxygen
- en:LOXHD1 is not a redirect.
- en:LOXL1 is not a redirect.
- en:LOXL2 is not a redirect.
- en:LOXL3 is not a redirect.
- en:LOXL4 is not a redirect.
- en:LPAR1 is not a redirect.
- en:LPAR2 is not a redirect.
- en:LPAR3 is not a redirect.
- en:LPAR4 is not a redirect.
- en:LPAR5 is not a redirect.
- en:LPAR6 is not a redirect.
- en:LPA (gene) is a redirect to en:Lipoprotein(a); redirectFrom=en:LPA (gene); linkedpages=en:Lipoprotein(a)
- en:LPCAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:LPIN1 is not a redirect.
- en:LPL (gene) is a redirect to en:Lipoprotein lipase; redirectFrom=en:LPL (gene); linkedpages=en:Lipoprotein lipase
- en:LPO (gene) is a redirect to en:Lactoperoxidase; redirectFrom=en:LPO (gene); linkedpages=en:Lactoperoxidase
- en:LPP (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:LPXN is not a redirect.
- en:LRAT (gene) is a redirect to en:Lecithin retinol acyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:LRAT (gene); linkedpages=en:Lecithin retinol acyltransferase
- en:LRBA is not a redirect.
- en:LRCH4 is not a redirect.
- en:LRG1 is not a redirect.
- en:LRIF1 is a redirect to en:RIF1; redirectFrom=en:LRIF1; linkedpages=en:RIF1
- en:LRIG1 is not a redirect.
- en:LRIT3 is not a redirect.
- en:LRP1 is not a redirect.
- en:LRP10 is not a redirect.
- en:LRP11 is not a redirect.
- en:LRP1B is not a redirect.
- en:LRP2 is not a redirect.
- en:LRP3 is not a redirect.
- en:LRP4 (gene) is a redirect to en:Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4; redirectFrom=en:LRP4 (gene); linkedpages=en:Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4
- en:LRP5 is not a redirect.
- en:LRP6 is not a redirect.
- en:LRP8 is a redirect to en:Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8; redirectFrom=en:LRP8; linkedpages=en:Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8
- en:LRPAP1 is a redirect to en:LDL-receptor-related protein-associated protein; redirectFrom=en:LRPAP1; linkedpages=en:LDL-receptor-related protein-associated protein
- en:LRPPRC is not a redirect.
- en:LRRC17 is not a redirect.
- en:LRRC23 is not a redirect.
- en:LRRC24 is not a redirect.
- en:LRRC26 is not a redirect.
- en:LRRC37A is not a redirect.
- en:LRRC39 is not a redirect.
- en:LRRC3B is not a redirect.
- en:LRRC4 is not a redirect.
- en:LRRC40 is not a redirect.
- en:LRRC41 is not a redirect.
- en:LRRC57 is not a redirect.
- en:LRRC7 is not a redirect.
- en:LRRC8A is not a redirect.
- en:LRRC8B is not a redirect.
- en:LRRC8C is not a redirect.
- en:LRRC8D is not a redirect.
- en:LRRC8E is not a redirect.
- en:LRRFIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:LRRIQ3 is not a redirect.
- en:LRRK1 is not a redirect.
- en:LRRK2 is not a redirect.
- en:LRRN1 is not a redirect.
- en:LRRN2 is not a redirect.
- en:LRRN3 is not a redirect.
- en:LRRTM1 is not a redirect.
- en:LRSAM1 is not a redirect.
- en:LRTOMT is not a redirect.
- en:LSG1 is not a redirect.
- en:LSM1 is not a redirect.
- en:LSM10 is not a redirect.
- en:LSM2 is not a redirect.
- en:LSM3 is not a redirect.
- en:LSM4 is not a redirect.
- en:LSM5 is not a redirect.
- en:LSM6 is not a redirect.
- en:LSM7 is not a redirect.
- en:LSM8 is not a redirect.
- en:LSMEM1 is not a redirect.
- en:LSP1 is not a redirect.
- en:LSR (gene) is a redirect to en:Lipolysis-stimulated lipoprotein receptor; redirectFrom=en:LSR (gene); linkedpages=en:Lipolysis-stimulated lipoprotein receptor
- en:LSS (gene) is a redirect to en:Lanosterol synthase; redirectFrom=en:LSS (gene); linkedpages=en:Lanosterol synthase
- en:LST1 is not a redirect.
- en:LTA (gene) is a redirect to en:Lymphotoxin alpha; redirectFrom=en:LTA (gene); linkedpages=en:Lymphotoxin alpha
- en:LTB is a redirect to en:Lymphotoxin beta; redirectFrom=en:LTB; linkedpages=en:Lymphotoxin beta
- en:LTB4R is a redirect to en:Leukotriene B4 receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:LTB4R; linkedpages=en:Leukotriene B4 receptor 1
- en:LTB4R2 is a redirect to en:Leukotriene B4 receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:LTB4R2; linkedpages=en:Leukotriene B4 receptor 2
- en:LTBP1 is a redirect to en:Latent TGF-beta binding protein; redirectFrom=en:LTBP1; linkedpages=en:Latent TGF-beta binding protein
- en:LTBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:LTBP3 is not a redirect.
- en:LTBP4 is a redirect to en:Latent TGF-beta binding protein; redirectFrom=en:LTBP4; linkedpages=en:Latent TGF-beta binding protein
- en:LTBR is a redirect to en:Lymphotoxin beta receptor; redirectFrom=en:LTBR; linkedpages=en:Lymphotoxin beta receptor
- en:LTC4S is a redirect to en:Leukotriene C4 synthase; redirectFrom=en:LTC4S; linkedpages=en:Leukotriene C4 synthase
- en:LTF (gene) is a redirect to en:Lactoferrin; redirectFrom=en:LTF (gene); linkedpages=en:Lactoferrin
- en:LTK (gene) is a redirect to en:Leukocyte receptor tyrosine kinase; redirectFrom=en:LTK (gene); linkedpages=en:Leukocyte receptor tyrosine kinase
- en:LTN1 is not a redirect.
- en:LTV1 is a redirect to en:Latvijas Televīzija; redirectFrom=en:LTV1; linkedpages=en:Latvijas Televīzija
- en:LUC7L is not a redirect.
- en:LUC7L2 is not a redirect.
- en:LUC7L3 is not a redirect.
- en:LUM (gene) is a redirect to en:Lumican; redirectFrom=en:LUM (gene); linkedpages=en:Lumican
- en:LVRN is a redirect to en:LoveRenaissance; redirectFrom=en:LVRN; linkedpages=en:LoveRenaissance
- en:LXN is a redirect to en:Jim Kelly Field; redirectFrom=en:LXN; linkedpages=en:Jim Kelly Field
- en:LY6E is not a redirect.
- en:LY75 is not a redirect.
- en:LY9 is not a redirect.
- en:LY96 is a redirect to en:Lymphocyte antigen 96; redirectFrom=en:LY96; linkedpages=en:Lymphocyte antigen 96
- en:LYAR is not a redirect.
- en:LYL1 is not a redirect.
- en:LYN is not a redirect.
- en:LYNX1 is not a redirect.
- en:LYPD1 is not a redirect.
- en:LYPD3 is not a redirect.
- en:LYPD8 is not a redirect.
- en:LYPLA1 is not a redirect.
- en:LYPLAL1 is not a redirect.
- en:LYRM7 is not a redirect.
- en:LYSMD3 is not a redirect.
- en:LYST is a redirect to en:Lysosomal trafficking regulator; redirectFrom=en:LYST; linkedpages=en:Lysosomal trafficking regulator
- en:LYVE1 is not a redirect.
- en:LYZ is a redirect to en:Lysozyme; redirectFrom=en:LYZ; linkedpages=en:Lysozyme
- en:LZTR1 is not a redirect.
- en:LZTS1 is not a redirect.
- en:LZTS3 is not a redirect.
- en:List of human protein-coding genes 1 is not a redirect.
- en:List of human protein-coding genes 3 is not a redirect.
- en:List of human protein-coding genes 4 is not a redirect.
- en:Locus (genetics) is not a redirect.
- en:MAATS1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAB21L2 is not a redirect.
- en:MACF1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAD1L1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAD2L1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAD2L1BP is not a redirect.
- en:MAD2L2 is not a redirect.
- en:MADCAM1 is a redirect to en:Addressin; redirectFrom=en:MADCAM1; linkedpages=en:Addressin
- en:MADD (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MAF1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAFA is not a redirect.
- en:MAFB (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MAFF (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MAFG is not a redirect.
- en:MAFK is not a redirect.
- en:MAF (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MAGEA1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAGEA10 is not a redirect.
- en:MAGEA11 is not a redirect.
- en:MAGEA12 is not a redirect.
- en:MAGEA2 is not a redirect.
- en:MAGEA3 is not a redirect.
- en:MAGEA4 is not a redirect.
- en:MAGEA9 is not a redirect.
- en:MAGEB2 is not a redirect.
- en:MAGEC2 is not a redirect.
- en:MAGED1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAGED2 is not a redirect.
- en:MAGED4B is not a redirect.
- en:MAGEH1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAGI1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAGI2 is not a redirect.
- en:MAGI3 is not a redirect.
- en:MAGIX is a redirect to en:Magix; redirectFrom=en:MAGIX; linkedpages=en:Magix
- en:MAGOH is not a redirect.
- en:MAG (gene) is a redirect to en:Myelin-associated glycoprotein; redirectFrom=en:MAG (gene); linkedpages=en:Myelin-associated glycoprotein
- en:MAK16 is not a redirect.
- en:MAK (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MAL2 is a redirect to en:Western Mallee; redirectFrom=en:MAL2; linkedpages=en:Western Mallee
- en:MALL is not a redirect.
- en:MALSU1 is not a redirect.
- en:MALT1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAL (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MAML1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAML2 is not a redirect.
- en:MAN1A1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAN1A2 is not a redirect.
- en:MAN1B1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAN2A1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAN2B2 is not a redirect.
- en:MANBA (gene) is a redirect to en:Beta-mannosidase; redirectFrom=en:MANBA (gene); linkedpages=en:Beta-mannosidase
- en:MANEA is not a redirect.
- en:MAOA is a redirect to en:Monoamine oxidase A; redirectFrom=en:MAOA; linkedpages=en:Monoamine oxidase A
- en:MAOB is a redirect to en:Monoamine oxidase B; redirectFrom=en:MAOB; linkedpages=en:Monoamine oxidase B
- en:MAP1A is not a redirect.
- en:MAP1B is not a redirect.
- en:MAP1LC3A is not a redirect.
- en:MAP1LC3B is not a redirect.
- en:MAP1S is not a redirect.
- en:MAP2 is a redirect to en:Microtubule-associated protein 2; redirectFrom=en:MAP2; linkedpages=en:Microtubule-associated protein 2
- en:MAP2K1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP2K2 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP2K3 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP2K4 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP2K5 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP2K6 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP2K7 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP3K1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP3K10 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP3K11 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP3K12 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP3K13 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP3K14 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP3K19 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP3K2 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP3K3 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP3K4 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP3K5 is a redirect to en:ASK1; redirectFrom=en:MAP3K5; linkedpages=en:ASK1
- en:MAP3K7 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP3K7CL is not a redirect.
- en:MAP3K8 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP3K9 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP4 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP4K1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP4K2 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP4K3 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP4K4 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP4K5 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP6 is not a redirect.
- en:MAP7 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPK1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPK10 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPK11 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPK12 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPK13 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPK14 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPK15 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPK1IP1L is not a redirect.
- en:MAPK3 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPK4 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPK6 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPK7 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPK8 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPK8IP1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPK8IP2 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPK8IP3 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPK9 is a redirect to en:Mitogen-activated protein kinase 9; redirectFrom=en:MAPK9; linkedpages=en:Mitogen-activated protein kinase 9
- en:MAPKAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPKAPK2 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPKAPK3 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPKAPK5 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPRE1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPRE2 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPRE3 is not a redirect.
- en:MAPT is a redirect to en:Tau protein; redirectFrom=en:MAPT; linkedpages=en:Tau protein
- en:MARCKS is not a redirect.
- en:MARCKSL1 is not a redirect.
- en:MARCO is not a redirect.
- en:MARK1 is not a redirect.
- en:MARK2 is not a redirect.
- en:MARK3 is not a redirect.
- en:MARK4 is not a redirect.
- en:MARVELD2 is not a redirect.
- en:MAS1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAS1L is not a redirect.
- en:MASP2 (gene) is a redirect to en:MASP2 (protein); redirectFrom=en:MASP2 (gene); linkedpages=en:MASP2 (protein)
- en:MAST1 is not a redirect.
- en:MAST2 is not a redirect.
- en:MASTL is not a redirect.
- en:MATK (gene) is a redirect to en:Megakaryocyte-associated tyrosine kinase; redirectFrom=en:MATK (gene); linkedpages=en:Megakaryocyte-associated tyrosine kinase
- en:MATN1 is a redirect to en:Matrilin-1; redirectFrom=en:MATN1; linkedpages=en:Matrilin-1
- en:MATN2 is a redirect to en:Matrilin-2; redirectFrom=en:MATN2; linkedpages=en:Matrilin-2
- en:MATN3 is a redirect to en:Matrilin-3; redirectFrom=en:MATN3; linkedpages=en:Matrilin-3
- en:MATR3 is not a redirect.
- en:MAVS is a redirect to en:Dallas Mavericks; redirectFrom=en:MAVS; linkedpages=en:Dallas Mavericks
- en:MAX (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MAZ (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MBD1 is not a redirect.
- en:MBD2 is a redirect to en:Methyl-CpG-binding domain protein 2; redirectFrom=en:MBD2; linkedpages=en:Methyl-CpG-binding domain protein 2
- en:MBD3 is not a redirect.
- en:MBD4 is not a redirect.
- en:MBIP is a redirect to en:Iskandar Puteri City Council; redirectFrom=en:MBIP; linkedpages=en:Iskandar Puteri City Council
- en:MBL2 is a redirect to en:Mannan-binding lectin; redirectFrom=en:MBL2; linkedpages=en:Mannan-binding lectin
- en:MBNL1 is not a redirect.
- en:MBNL2 is not a redirect.
- en:MBNL3 is not a redirect.
- en:MBOAT4 is a redirect to en:Ghrelin O-acyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:MBOAT4; linkedpages=en:Ghrelin O-acyltransferase
- en:MBOAT7 is not a redirect.
- en:MBP (gene) is a redirect to en:Myelin basic protein; redirectFrom=en:MBP (gene); linkedpages=en:Myelin basic protein
- en:MBTD1 is not a redirect.
- en:MBTPS1 is a redirect to en:Membrane-bound transcription factor site-1 protease; redirectFrom=en:MBTPS1; linkedpages=en:Membrane-bound transcription factor site-1 protease
- en:MBTPS2 is a redirect to en:Membrane-bound transcription factor site-2 protease; redirectFrom=en:MBTPS2; linkedpages=en:Membrane-bound transcription factor site-2 protease
- en:MB (gene) is a redirect to en:Myoglobin; redirectFrom=en:MB (gene); linkedpages=en:Myoglobin
- en:MC1R is a redirect to en:Melanocortin 1 receptor; redirectFrom=en:MC1R; linkedpages=en:Melanocortin 1 receptor
- en:MC2R is a redirect to en:ACTH receptor; redirectFrom=en:MC2R; linkedpages=en:ACTH receptor
- en:MC3R is a redirect to en:Melanocortin 3 receptor; redirectFrom=en:MC3R; linkedpages=en:Melanocortin 3 receptor
- en:MC4R is a redirect to en:Melanocortin 4 receptor; redirectFrom=en:MC4R; linkedpages=en:Melanocortin 4 receptor
- en:MC5R is a redirect to en:Melanocortin 5 receptor; redirectFrom=en:MC5R; linkedpages=en:Melanocortin 5 receptor
- en:MCAM is a redirect to en:CD146; redirectFrom=en:MCAM; linkedpages=en:CD146
- en:MCAT is a redirect to en:Medical College Admission Test; redirectFrom=en:MCAT; linkedpages=en:Medical College Admission Test
- en:MCCC1 is a redirect to en:Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase; redirectFrom=en:MCCC1; linkedpages=en:Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase
- en:MCCC2 is a redirect to en:Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase; redirectFrom=en:MCCC2; linkedpages=en:Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase
- en:MCC (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MCF2 is not a redirect.
- en:MCF2L is not a redirect.
- en:MCFD2 is not a redirect.
- en:MCHR1 is a redirect to en:Melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:MCHR1; linkedpages=en:Melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1
- en:MCHR2 is a redirect to en:Melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:MCHR2; linkedpages=en:Melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 2
- en:MCL1 is not a redirect.
- en:MCM10 is not a redirect.
- en:MCM2 is not a redirect.
- en:MCM3 is not a redirect.
- en:MCM3AP is not a redirect.
- en:MCM4 is not a redirect.
- en:MCM5 is not a redirect.
- en:MCM6 is not a redirect.
- en:MCM7 is not a redirect.
- en:MCM8 is not a redirect.
- en:MCOLN1 is not a redirect.
- en:MCOLN2 is not a redirect.
- en:MCOLN3 is not a redirect.
- en:MCPH1 is a redirect to en:Microcephalin; redirectFrom=en:MCPH1; linkedpages=en:Microcephalin
- en:MCRS1 is not a redirect.
- en:MDC1 is not a redirect.
- en:MDFI is not a redirect.
- en:MDGA2 is not a redirect.
- en:MDH1 is not a redirect.
- en:MDH2 is a redirect to en:Malate dehydrogenase 2; redirectFrom=en:MDH2; linkedpages=en:Malate dehydrogenase 2
- en:MDK (gene) is a redirect to en:Midkine; redirectFrom=en:MDK (gene); linkedpages=en:Midkine
- en:MDM2 is a redirect to en:Mdm2; redirectFrom=en:MDM2; linkedpages=en:Mdm2
- en:MDM4 is not a redirect.
- en:MDN1 is not a redirect.
- en:ME1 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:ME2 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MEAF6 is not a redirect.
- en:MECOM is not a redirect.
- en:MECP2 is not a redirect.
- en:MECR is not a redirect.
- en:MED1 is not a redirect.
- en:MED10 is not a redirect.
- en:MED11 is not a redirect.
- en:MED12 is not a redirect.
- en:MED12L is not a redirect.
- en:MED13 is not a redirect.
- en:MED14 is not a redirect.
- en:MED15 is not a redirect.
- en:MED16 is not a redirect.
- en:MED17 is not a redirect.
- en:MED18 is not a redirect.
- en:MED19 is not a redirect.
- en:MED20 is not a redirect.
- en:MED21 is not a redirect.
- en:MED22 is not a redirect.
- en:MED23 is a redirect to en:CRSP3; redirectFrom=en:MED23; linkedpages=en:CRSP3
- en:MED24 is not a redirect.
- en:MED25 is not a redirect.
- en:MED26 is not a redirect.
- en:MED27 is not a redirect.
- en:MED28 is not a redirect.
- en:MED29 is not a redirect.
- en:MED30 is not a redirect.
- en:MED31 is not a redirect.
- en:MED4 is not a redirect.
- en:MED6 is not a redirect.
- en:MED7 is not a redirect.
- en:MED8 is not a redirect.
- en:MED9 is not a redirect.
- en:MEF2A is a redirect to en:Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2A; redirectFrom=en:MEF2A; linkedpages=en:Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2A
- en:MEF2B is not a redirect.
- en:MEF2C is not a redirect.
- en:MEF2D is not a redirect.
- en:MEFV is not a redirect.
- en:MEGF10 is not a redirect.
- en:MEGF6 is not a redirect.
- en:MEGF8 is a redirect to en:Multiple Epidermal Growth Factor-like Domains 8; redirectFrom=en:MEGF8; linkedpages=en:Multiple Epidermal Growth Factor-like Domains 8
- en:MEI1 is not a redirect.
- en:MEIS1 is not a redirect.
- en:MEIS2 is not a redirect.
- en:MELK is not a redirect.
- en:MEMO1 is not a redirect.
- en:MEN1 is not a redirect.
- en:MEOX1 is not a redirect.
- en:MEOX2 is not a redirect.
- en:MEP1A is not a redirect.
- en:MEP1B is not a redirect.
- en:MEPE is not a redirect.
- en:MERTK is not a redirect.
- en:MESP1 is not a redirect.
- en:MESP2 is not a redirect.
- en:MEST (gene) is a redirect to en:Mesoderm-specific transcript homolog protein; redirectFrom=en:MEST (gene); linkedpages=en:Mesoderm-specific transcript homolog protein
- en:METAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:METAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:METRN is not a redirect.
- en:METTL1 is not a redirect.
- en:METTL14 is not a redirect.
- en:METTL16 is not a redirect.
- en:METTL24 is not a redirect.
- en:METTL2B is not a redirect.
- en:METTL3 is not a redirect.
- en:MET (gene) is a redirect to en:C-Met; redirectFrom=en:MET (gene); linkedpages=en:C-Met
- en:MEX3B is not a redirect.
- en:MEX3D is not a redirect.
- en:MFAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:MFAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:MFAP5 is not a redirect.
- en:MFF (gene) is a redirect to en:Mitochondrial fission factor; redirectFrom=en:MFF (gene); linkedpages=en:Mitochondrial fission factor
- en:MFGE8 is not a redirect.
- en:MFN1 is not a redirect.
- en:MFN2 is not a redirect.
- en:MFNG is not a redirect.
- en:MFRP is not a redirect.
- en:MFSD1 is not a redirect.
- en:MFSD2A is a redirect to en:MFSD2; redirectFrom=en:MFSD2A; linkedpages=en:MFSD2
- en:MFSD4A is not a redirect.
- en:MFSD8 is not a redirect.
- en:MFSD9 is a redirect to en:Major facilitator superfamily domain-containing protein 9; redirectFrom=en:MFSD9; linkedpages=en:Major facilitator superfamily domain-containing protein 9
- en:MGAM is a redirect to en:Maltase-glucoamylase; redirectFrom=en:MGAM; linkedpages=en:Maltase-glucoamylase
- en:MGAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:MGAT2 is not a redirect.
- en:MGAT3 is not a redirect.
- en:MGAT4A is a redirect to en:Alpha-1,3-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase A; redirectFrom=en:MGAT4A; linkedpages=en:Alpha-1,3-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase A
- en:MGAT4B is not a redirect.
- en:MGAT5 is not a redirect.
- en:MGAT5B is not a redirect.
- en:MGLL is a redirect to en:Monoacylglycerol lipase; redirectFrom=en:MGLL; linkedpages=en:Monoacylglycerol lipase
- en:MGME1 is not a redirect.
- en:MGMT is not a redirect.
- en:MGP (gene) is a redirect to en:Matrix gla protein; redirectFrom=en:MGP (gene); linkedpages=en:Matrix gla protein
- en:MGST1 is a redirect to en:Microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1; redirectFrom=en:MGST1; linkedpages=en:Microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1
- en:MGST2 is not a redirect.
- en:MGST3 is not a redirect.
- en:MIA2 is not a redirect.
- en:MIA3 is a redirect to en:TANGO1/MIA3; redirectFrom=en:MIA3; linkedpages=en:TANGO1/MIA3
- en:MIA (gene) is a redirect to en:Melanoma inhibitory activity; redirectFrom=en:MIA (gene); linkedpages=en:Melanoma inhibitory activity
- en:MIB1 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MIB2 is a redirect to en:Men in Black II; redirectFrom=en:MIB2; linkedpages=en:Men in Black II
- en:MICAL1 is not a redirect.
- en:MICAL2 is not a redirect.
- en:MICAL3 is not a redirect.
- en:MICALL1 is not a redirect.
- en:MICA (gene) is a redirect to en:MHC class I polypeptide-related sequence A; redirectFrom=en:MICA (gene); linkedpages=en:MHC class I polypeptide-related sequence A
- en:MICB is a redirect to en:MHC class I polypeptide-related sequence B; redirectFrom=en:MICB; linkedpages=en:MHC class I polypeptide-related sequence B
- en:MID1 is not a redirect.
- en:MID2 is not a redirect.
- en:MIDN is a redirect to en:Midshipman; redirectFrom=en:MIDN; linkedpages=en:Midshipman
- en:MIER1 is not a redirect.
- en:MIF (gene) is a redirect to en:Macrophage migration inhibitory factor; redirectFrom=en:MIF (gene); linkedpages=en:Macrophage migration inhibitory factor
- en:MINDY4 is not a redirect.
- en:MINK1 is not a redirect.
- en:MINPP1 is not a redirect.
- en:MIOS is not a redirect.
- en:MIPEP is not a redirect.
- en:MIP (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MIS12 is not a redirect.
- en:MIS18A is not a redirect.
- en:MIS18BP1 is not a redirect.
- en:MITF is a redirect to en:Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor; redirectFrom=en:MITF; linkedpages=en:Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor
- en:MIXL1 is not a redirect.
- en:MKI67 is a redirect to en:Ki-67 (protein); redirectFrom=en:MKI67; linkedpages=en:Ki-67 (protein)
- en:MKKS is not a redirect.
- en:MKLN1 is a redirect to en:Muskelin; redirectFrom=en:MKLN1; linkedpages=en:Muskelin
- en:MKNK1 is not a redirect.
- en:MKNK2 is not a redirect.
- en:MKRN3 is not a redirect.
- en:MKS1 is not a redirect.
- en:MKX is not a redirect.
- en:MLANA is not a redirect.
- en:MLC1 is not a redirect.
- en:MLEC is a redirect to en:Movement for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda; redirectFrom=en:MLEC; linkedpages=en:Movement for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda
- en:MLF1 is not a redirect.
- en:MLH1 is not a redirect.
- en:MLH3 is not a redirect.
- en:MLIP is a redirect to en:Mackenzie Large Igneous Province; redirectFrom=en:MLIP; linkedpages=en:Mackenzie Large Igneous Province
- en:MLKL is a redirect to en:Mixed lineage kinase domain like pseudokinase; redirectFrom=en:MLKL; linkedpages=en:Mixed lineage kinase domain like pseudokinase
- en:MLLT1 is not a redirect.
- en:MLLT10 is not a redirect.
- en:MLLT3 is not a redirect.
- en:MLNR is a redirect to en:Motilin receptor; redirectFrom=en:MLNR; linkedpages=en:Motilin receptor
- en:MLPH is a redirect to en:Melanophilin; redirectFrom=en:MLPH; linkedpages=en:Melanophilin
- en:MLST8 is not a redirect.
- en:MLXIPL is a redirect to en:Carbohydrate-responsive element-binding protein; redirectFrom=en:MLXIPL; linkedpages=en:Carbohydrate-responsive element-binding protein
- en:MLX (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MLYCD is a redirect to en:Malonyl-CoA decarboxylase; redirectFrom=en:MLYCD; linkedpages=en:Malonyl-CoA decarboxylase
- en:MMAA is not a redirect.
- en:MMAB is not a redirect.
- en:MMACHC is not a redirect.
- en:MMADHC is not a redirect.
- en:MMEL1 is not a redirect.
- en:MME (gene) is a redirect to en:Neprilysin; redirectFrom=en:MME (gene); linkedpages=en:Neprilysin
- en:MMP1 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP10 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP11 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP12 is a redirect to en:Matrix metallopeptidase 12; redirectFrom=en:MMP12; linkedpages=en:Matrix metallopeptidase 12
- en:MMP13 is a redirect to en:Matrix metallopeptidase 13; redirectFrom=en:MMP13; linkedpages=en:Matrix metallopeptidase 13
- en:MMP14 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP15 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP16 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP17 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP19 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP2 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP20 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP21 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP23B is not a redirect.
- en:MMP24 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP25 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP26 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP27 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP28 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP3 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP7 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP8 is not a redirect.
- en:MMP9 is not a redirect.
- en:MMRN1 is a redirect to en:Multimerin 1; redirectFrom=en:MMRN1; linkedpages=en:Multimerin 1
- en:MMS19 is not a redirect.
- en:MMS22L is not a redirect.
- en:MN1 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MNAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:MNDA is not a redirect.
- en:MNT (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MNX1 is not a redirect.
- en:MOAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:MOB1A is not a redirect.
- en:MOB1B is a redirect to en:MOBKL1A; redirectFrom=en:MOB1B; linkedpages=en:MOBKL1A
- en:MOCOS is not a redirect.
- en:MOCS1 is not a redirect.
- en:MOCS2 is not a redirect.
- en:MOCS3 is not a redirect.
- en:MOGAT2 is not a redirect.
- en:MOGAT3 is not a redirect.
- en:MOG (gene) is a redirect to en:Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein; redirectFrom=en:MOG (gene); linkedpages=en:Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein
- en:MOK is not a redirect.
- en:MON2 is not a redirect.
- en:MORC2 is not a redirect.
- en:MORC3 is not a redirect.
- en:MORF4L1 is not a redirect.
- en:MORF4L2 is not a redirect.
- en:MOS (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MOV10 is not a redirect.
- en:MOXD1 is a redirect to en:Monooxygenase DBH-like 1; redirectFrom=en:MOXD1; linkedpages=en:Monooxygenase DBH-like 1
- en:MPDU1 is not a redirect.
- en:MPDZ is not a redirect.
- en:MPEG1 is a redirect to en:MPEG-1; redirectFrom=en:MPEG1; linkedpages=en:MPEG-1
- en:MPG (gene) is a redirect to en:DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase; redirectFrom=en:MPG (gene); linkedpages=en:DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase
- en:MPHOSPH10 is not a redirect.
- en:MPHOSPH6 is not a redirect.
- en:MPHOSPH8 is not a redirect.
- en:MPLKIP is not a redirect.
- en:MPL (gene) is a redirect to en:Thrombopoietin receptor; redirectFrom=en:MPL (gene); linkedpages=en:Thrombopoietin receptor
- en:MPO (gene) is a redirect to en:Myeloperoxidase; redirectFrom=en:MPO (gene); linkedpages=en:Myeloperoxidase
- en:MPP1 is not a redirect.
- en:MPP2 is not a redirect.
- en:MPP5 is not a redirect.
- en:MPP6 is not a redirect.
- en:MPST is a redirect to en:3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase; redirectFrom=en:MPST; linkedpages=en:3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase
- en:MPV17 is not a redirect.
- en:MPZ is a redirect to en:Myelin protein zero; redirectFrom=en:MPZ; linkedpages=en:Myelin protein zero
- en:MPZL1 is not a redirect.
- en:MR1 (gene) is a redirect to en:Major histocompatibility complex, class I-related; redirectFrom=en:MR1 (gene); linkedpages=en:Major histocompatibility complex, class I-related
- en:MRAP is not a redirect.
- en:MRAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:MRAS is not a redirect.
- en:MRC1 is a redirect to en:Mannose receptor; redirectFrom=en:MRC1; linkedpages=en:Mannose receptor
- en:MRC2 is a redirect to en:Mannose receptor; redirectFrom=en:MRC2; linkedpages=en:Mannose receptor
- en:MRE11 is a redirect to en:MRE11A; redirectFrom=en:MRE11; linkedpages=en:MRE11A
- en:MRFAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:MRGPRD is not a redirect.
- en:MRGPRE is not a redirect.
- en:MRGPRF is not a redirect.
- en:MRGPRG is not a redirect.
- en:MRGPRX1 is not a redirect.
- en:MRGPRX2 is not a redirect.
- en:MRGPRX3 is not a redirect.
- en:MRGPRX4 is not a redirect.
- en:MRM1 is a redirect to en:Rassvet (ISS module); redirectFrom=en:MRM1; linkedpages=en:Rassvet (ISS module)
- en:MRM2 (gene) is a redirect to en:21S rRNA (uridine2791-2'-O)-methyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:MRM2 (gene); linkedpages=en:21S rRNA (uridine2791-2'-O)-methyltransferase
- en:MROH8 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL1 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL10 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL11 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL12 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL15 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL17 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL18 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL19 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL20 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL22 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL23 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL24 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL28 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL3 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL30 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL32 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL33 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL37 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL39 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL4 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL40 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPL41 is a redirect to en:Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L41; redirectFrom=en:MRPL41; linkedpages=en:Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L41
- en:MRPL42 is a redirect to en:Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L42; redirectFrom=en:MRPL42; linkedpages=en:Mitochondrial ribosomal protein L42
- en:MRPL55 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS11 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS12 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS16 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS17 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS18A is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS18B is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS2 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS21 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS22 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS24 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS25 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS26 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS28 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS30 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS33 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS35 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS5 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS6 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS7 is not a redirect.
- en:MRPS9 is not a redirect.
- en:MRVI1 is not a redirect.
- en:MS4A1 is a redirect to en:CD20; redirectFrom=en:MS4A1; linkedpages=en:CD20
- en:MS4A2 is not a redirect.
- en:MS4A3 is not a redirect.
- en:MS4A7 is not a redirect.
- en:MSC (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MSH2 is not a redirect.
- en:MSH3 is not a redirect.
- en:MSH4 is not a redirect.
- en:MSH5 is not a redirect.
- en:MSH6 is not a redirect.
- en:MSI1 is a redirect to en:Musashi-1; redirectFrom=en:MSI1; linkedpages=en:Musashi-1
- en:MSI2 is a redirect to en:Musashi-2; redirectFrom=en:MSI2; linkedpages=en:Musashi-2
- en:MSLN is a redirect to en:Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha; redirectFrom=en:MSLN; linkedpages=en:Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
- en:MSMB is not a redirect.
- en:MSMO1 is not a redirect.
- en:MSN is not a redirect.
- en:MSR1 is not a redirect.
- en:MSRA (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MSRB2 is not a redirect.
- en:MST1 is not a redirect.
- en:MST1R is not a redirect.
- en:MSTN is a redirect to en:Myostatin; redirectFrom=en:MSTN; linkedpages=en:Myostatin
- en:MSTO1 is not a redirect.
- en:MSX1 is not a redirect.
- en:MSX2 is a redirect to en:MSX; redirectFrom=en:MSX2; linkedpages=en:MSX
- en:MT-ATP6 is not a redirect.
- en:MT-ATP8 is not a redirect.
- en:MT-CO1 is a redirect to en:Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I; redirectFrom=en:MT-CO1; linkedpages=en:Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I
- en:MT-CO2 is a redirect to en:Cytochrome c oxidase subunit II; redirectFrom=en:MT-CO2; linkedpages=en:Cytochrome c oxidase subunit II
- en:MT-CO3 is a redirect to en:Cytochrome c oxidase subunit III; redirectFrom=en:MT-CO3; linkedpages=en:Cytochrome c oxidase subunit III
- en:MT-CYB is not a redirect.
- en:MT-ND1 is not a redirect.
- en:MT-ND2 is not a redirect.
- en:MT-ND3 is not a redirect.
- en:MT-ND4 is not a redirect.
- en:MT-ND4L is not a redirect.
- en:MT-ND5 is not a redirect.
- en:MT-ND6 is not a redirect.
- en:MT1A is a redirect to en:Metallothionein 1A; redirectFrom=en:MT1A; linkedpages=en:Metallothionein 1A
- en:MT1B is not a redirect.
- en:MT1E is not a redirect.
- en:MT1F is not a redirect.
- en:MT1G is a redirect to en:Metallothionein 1G; redirectFrom=en:MT1G; linkedpages=en:Metallothionein 1G
- en:MT1H is not a redirect.
- en:MT1M is not a redirect.
- en:MT1X is not a redirect.
- en:MT2A is a redirect to en:Metallothionein 2A; redirectFrom=en:MT2A; linkedpages=en:Metallothionein 2A
- en:MT3 (gene) is a redirect to en:Metallothionein-3; redirectFrom=en:MT3 (gene); linkedpages=en:Metallothionein-3
- en:MT4 is a redirect to en:MetaTrader 4; redirectFrom=en:MT4; linkedpages=en:MetaTrader 4
- en:MTA1 is not a redirect.
- en:MTA2 is not a redirect.
- en:MTA3 is not a redirect.
- en:MTAP is not a redirect.
- en:MTCH1 is not a redirect.
- en:MTCH2 is not a redirect.
- en:MTCP1 is not a redirect.
- en:MTDH is not a redirect.
- en:MTF1 is not a redirect.
- en:MTFMT is not a redirect.
- en:MTFR1L is not a redirect.
- en:UniProt is not a redirect.
- en:Gene symbol is a redirect to en:Gene nomenclature; redirectFrom=en:Gene symbol; linkedpages=en:Gene nomenclature
- en:HGNC is a redirect to en:HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee; redirectFrom=en:HGNC; linkedpages=en:HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
- en:Human protein-coding genes is a redirect to en:Human genome#Human protein-coding genes; redirectFrom=en:Human protein-coding genes; linkedpages=en:Human genome#Human protein-coding genes
- en:List of human protein-coding genes 1 is not a redirect.
- en:List of human protein-coding genes 2 is not a redirect.
- en:List of human protein-coding genes 4 is not a redirect.
- en:Locus (genetics) is not a redirect.
- en:MTG1 is not a redirect.
- en:MTHFD1 is not a redirect.
- en:MTHFD1L is not a redirect.
- en:MTHFD2 is not a redirect.
- en:MTHFD2L is not a redirect.
- en:MTHFR is a redirect to en:Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase; redirectFrom=en:MTHFR; linkedpages=en:Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
- en:MTHFS is a redirect to en:5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase; redirectFrom=en:MTHFS; linkedpages=en:5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase
- en:MTIF2 is not a redirect.
- en:MTM1 is a redirect to en:Myotubularin 1; redirectFrom=en:MTM1; linkedpages=en:Myotubularin 1
- en:MTMR1 is not a redirect.
- en:MTMR12 is not a redirect.
- en:MTMR14 is not a redirect.
- en:MTMR2 is not a redirect.
- en:MTMR3 is not a redirect.
- en:MTMR6 is not a redirect.
- en:MTMR9 is not a redirect.
- en:MTNR1A is a redirect to en:Melatonin receptor 1A; redirectFrom=en:MTNR1A; linkedpages=en:Melatonin receptor 1A
- en:MTNR1B is a redirect to en:Melatonin receptor 1B; redirectFrom=en:MTNR1B; linkedpages=en:Melatonin receptor 1B
- en:MTO1 is not a redirect.
- en:MTOR is not a redirect.
- en:MTPN is not a redirect.
- en:MTR is not a redirect.
- en:MTRF1 is a redirect to en:Mitochondrial translational release factor 1; redirectFrom=en:MTRF1; linkedpages=en:Mitochondrial translational release factor 1
- en:MTRF1L is not a redirect.
- en:MTRNR2L6 is not a redirect.
- en:MTRNR2L8 is not a redirect.
- en:MTRR (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MTSS1 is not a redirect.
- en:MTTP is a redirect to en:Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein; redirectFrom=en:MTTP; linkedpages=en:Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein
- en:MTUS1 is not a redirect.
- en:MTX1 is not a redirect.
- en:MUC1 is not a redirect.
- en:MUC12 is a redirect to en:Mucin; redirectFrom=en:MUC12; linkedpages=en:Mucin
- en:MUC13 is a redirect to en:Mucin; redirectFrom=en:MUC13; linkedpages=en:Mucin
- en:MUC15 is a redirect to en:Mucin; redirectFrom=en:MUC15; linkedpages=en:Mucin
- en:MUC16 is a redirect to en:CA-125; redirectFrom=en:MUC16; linkedpages=en:CA-125
- en:MUC17 is a redirect to en:Mucin 17; redirectFrom=en:MUC17; linkedpages=en:Mucin 17
- en:MUC19 is a redirect to en:Mucin; redirectFrom=en:MUC19; linkedpages=en:Mucin
- en:MUC2 is a redirect to en:Mucin 2; redirectFrom=en:MUC2; linkedpages=en:Mucin 2
- en:MUC20 is a redirect to en:Mucin 20; redirectFrom=en:MUC20; linkedpages=en:Mucin 20
- en:MUC3A is a redirect to en:Mucin 3A; redirectFrom=en:MUC3A; linkedpages=en:Mucin 3A
- en:MUC3B is a redirect to en:Mucin; redirectFrom=en:MUC3B; linkedpages=en:Mucin
- en:MUC4 is a redirect to en:Mucin 4; redirectFrom=en:MUC4; linkedpages=en:Mucin 4
- en:MUC5AC is a redirect to en:Mucin 5AC; redirectFrom=en:MUC5AC; linkedpages=en:Mucin 5AC
- en:MUC5B is a redirect to en:Mucin 5B; redirectFrom=en:MUC5B; linkedpages=en:Mucin 5B
- en:MUC6 is a redirect to en:Mucin 6; redirectFrom=en:MUC6; linkedpages=en:Mucin 6
- en:MUC7 is a redirect to en:Mucin 7; redirectFrom=en:MUC7; linkedpages=en:Mucin 7
- en:MUC8 is a redirect to en:Mucin; redirectFrom=en:MUC8; linkedpages=en:Mucin
- en:MUCL1 is not a redirect.
- en:MUL1 is not a redirect.
- en:MUS81 is not a redirect.
- en:MUTYH is not a redirect.
- en:MVD is a redirect to en:Ministry of Internal Affairs (Russia); redirectFrom=en:MVD; linkedpages=en:Ministry of Internal Affairs (Russia)
- en:MVK is a redirect to en:Methyl vinyl ketone; redirectFrom=en:MVK; linkedpages=en:Methyl vinyl ketone
- en:MVP is a redirect to en:Most valuable player; redirectFrom=en:MVP; linkedpages=en:Most valuable player
- en:MX1 is not a redirect.
- en:MX2 is not a redirect.
- en:MXD1 is not a redirect.
- en:MXD3 is not a redirect.
- en:MXD4 is not a redirect.
- en:MXI1 is not a redirect.
- en:MXRA5 is not a redirect.
- en:MXRA7 is not a redirect.
- en:MXRA8 is not a redirect.
- en:MYADM is not a redirect.
- en:MYBBP1A is not a redirect.
- en:MYBL2 is not a redirect.
- en:MYBPC1 is not a redirect.
- en:MYBPC2 is not a redirect.
- en:MYBPC3 is a redirect to en:Myosin binding protein C, cardiac; redirectFrom=en:MYBPC3; linkedpages=en:Myosin binding protein C, cardiac
- en:MYB (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:MYC is a redirect to en:Myc; redirectFrom=en:MYC; linkedpages=en:Myc
- en:MYCBP is not a redirect.
- en:MYCBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:MYCL is not a redirect.
- en:MYCN is a redirect to en:N-Myc; redirectFrom=en:MYCN; linkedpages=en:N-Myc
- en:MYD88 is not a redirect.
- en:MYEF2 is not a redirect.
- en:MYF5 is not a redirect.
- en:MYF6 is not a redirect.
- en:MYH1 is not a redirect.
- en:MYH10 is not a redirect.
- en:MYH11 is not a redirect.
- en:MYH13 is not a redirect.
- en:MYH14 is not a redirect.
- en:MYH15 is not a redirect.
- en:MYH2 is not a redirect.
- en:MYH3 is not a redirect.
- en:MYH4 is not a redirect.
- en:MYH6 is not a redirect.
- en:MYH7 is not a redirect.
- en:MYH7B is not a redirect.
- en:MYH8 is not a redirect.
- en:MYH9 is not a redirect.
- en:MYL1 is not a redirect.
- en:MYL12B is not a redirect.
- en:MYL2 is not a redirect.
- en:MYL3 is not a redirect.
- en:MYL4 is not a redirect.
- en:MYL6 is not a redirect.
- en:MYL6B is not a redirect.
- en:MYL7 is not a redirect.
- en:MYL9 is not a redirect.
- en:MYLIP is not a redirect.
- en:MYLK is not a redirect.
- en:MYLK2 is not a redirect.
- en:MYLK3 is not a redirect.
- en:MYLK4 is not a redirect.
- en:MYLPF is not a redirect.
- en:MYNN is a redirect to en:Lynden Pindling International Airport; redirectFrom=en:MYNN; linkedpages=en:Lynden Pindling International Airport
- en:MYO10 is not a redirect.
- en:MYO15A is not a redirect.
- en:MYO18A is not a redirect.
- en:MYO18B is not a redirect.
- en:MYO1A is not a redirect.
- en:MYO1B is not a redirect.
- en:MYO1C is not a redirect.
- en:MYO1E is not a redirect.
- en:MYO1F is not a redirect.
- en:MYO1G is not a redirect.
- en:MYO3A is not a redirect.
- en:MYO5A is not a redirect.
- en:MYO5B is not a redirect.
- en:MYO6 is not a redirect.
- en:MYO7A is not a redirect.
- en:MYO9B is not a redirect.
- en:MYOC is a redirect to en:Myocilin; redirectFrom=en:MYOC; linkedpages=en:Myocilin
- en:MYOCD is a redirect to en:Myocardin; redirectFrom=en:MYOCD; linkedpages=en:Myocardin
- en:MYOD1 is a redirect to en:MyoD; redirectFrom=en:MYOD1; linkedpages=en:MyoD
- en:MYOF is a redirect to en:Myoferlin; redirectFrom=en:MYOF; linkedpages=en:Myoferlin
- en:MYOG is a redirect to en:Myogenin; redirectFrom=en:MYOG; linkedpages=en:Myogenin
- en:MYOM1 is not a redirect.
- en:MYOM2 is not a redirect.
- en:MYOT is not a redirect.
- en:MYOZ1 is not a redirect.
- en:MYOZ2 is not a redirect.
- en:MYPN is not a redirect.
- en:MYT1 is not a redirect.
- en:MYT1L is not a redirect.
- en:MZB1 is not a redirect.
- en:MZF1 is not a redirect.
- en:N6AMT1 is not a redirect.
- en:NAA15 is not a redirect.
- en:NAA35 is not a redirect.
- en:NAB1 is not a redirect.
- en:NAB2 is not a redirect.
- en:NABP1 is not a redirect.
- en:NACA is a redirect to en:National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics; redirectFrom=en:NACA; linkedpages=en:National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
- en:NACC1 is a redirect to en:BTBD14B; redirectFrom=en:NACC1; linkedpages=en:BTBD14B
- en:NADK (gene) is a redirect to en:NAD kinase; redirectFrom=en:NADK (gene); linkedpages=en:NAD kinase
- en:NADSYN1 is not a redirect.
- en:NAGA is a redirect to en:North American Grappling Association; redirectFrom=en:NAGA; linkedpages=en:North American Grappling Association
- en:NAGK is a redirect to en:N-acetyl-D-glucosamine kinase; redirectFrom=en:NAGK; linkedpages=en:N-acetyl-D-glucosamine kinase
- en:NAGLU is not a redirect.
- en:NAGPA is not a redirect.
- en:NAGS is a redirect to en:N-Acetylglutamate synthase; redirectFrom=en:NAGS; linkedpages=en:N-Acetylglutamate synthase
- en:NAIP (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:NAMPT is a redirect to en:Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:NAMPT; linkedpages=en:Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase
- en:NANOG (gene) is a redirect to en:Homeobox protein NANOG; redirectFrom=en:NANOG (gene); linkedpages=en:Homeobox protein NANOG
- en:NANOS1 is not a redirect.
- en:NANP is a redirect to en:North American Numbering Plan; redirectFrom=en:NANP; linkedpages=en:North American Numbering Plan
- en:NANS is not a redirect.
- en:NAP1L1 is not a redirect.
- en:NAP1L4 is not a redirect.
- en:NAPA (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:NAPB is not a redirect.
- en:NAPEPLD is a redirect to en:N-acyl phosphatidylethanolamine-specific phospholipase D; redirectFrom=en:NAPEPLD; linkedpages=en:N-acyl phosphatidylethanolamine-specific phospholipase D
- en:NAPG is not a redirect.
- en:NAPSA is not a redirect.
- en:NARF (gene) is a redirect to en:Nuclear prelamin A recognition factor; redirectFrom=en:NARF (gene); linkedpages=en:Nuclear prelamin A recognition factor
- en:NASP (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:NAT1 is a redirect to en:N-acetyltransferase 1; redirectFrom=en:NAT1; linkedpages=en:N-acetyltransferase 1
- en:NAT10 is not a redirect.
- en:NAT2 is a redirect to en:N-acetyltransferase 2; redirectFrom=en:NAT2; linkedpages=en:N-acetyltransferase 2
- en:NAT8 is not a redirect.
- en:NAT9 is not a redirect.
- en:NAV1 is not a redirect.
- en:NAV2 is not a redirect.
- en:NBEAL1 is not a redirect.
- en:NBEAL2 is not a redirect.
- en:NBL1 is not a redirect.
- en:NBN (gene) is a redirect to en:Nibrin; redirectFrom=en:NBN (gene); linkedpages=en:Nibrin
- en:NBPF1 is not a redirect.
- en:NBPF10 is not a redirect.
- en:NBPF15 is not a redirect.
- en:NBPF19 is not a redirect.
- en:NBPF3 is not a redirect.
- en:NBR1 is not a redirect.
- en:NCAM1 is a redirect to en:Neural cell adhesion molecule; redirectFrom=en:NCAM1; linkedpages=en:Neural cell adhesion molecule
- en:NCAM2 is a redirect to en:Neural cell adhesion molecule; redirectFrom=en:NCAM2; linkedpages=en:Neural cell adhesion molecule
- en:NCAN is a redirect to en:Neurocan; redirectFrom=en:NCAN; linkedpages=en:Neurocan
- en:NCAPD2 is not a redirect.
- en:NCAPD3 is not a redirect.
- en:NCAPG is not a redirect.
- en:NCAPG2 is not a redirect.
- en:NCAPH is not a redirect.
- en:NCAPH2 is not a redirect.
- en:NCDN is not a redirect.
- en:NCEH1 is a redirect to en:Neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase 1; redirectFrom=en:NCEH1; linkedpages=en:Neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase 1
- en:NCF1 is a redirect to en:Neutrophil cytosolic factor 1; redirectFrom=en:NCF1; linkedpages=en:Neutrophil cytosolic factor 1
- en:NCF2 is a redirect to en:Neutrophil cytosolic factor 2; redirectFrom=en:NCF2; linkedpages=en:Neutrophil cytosolic factor 2
- en:NCF4 is a redirect to en:Neutrophil cytosolic factor 4; redirectFrom=en:NCF4; linkedpages=en:Neutrophil cytosolic factor 4
- en:NCK1 is not a redirect.
- en:NCK2 is not a redirect.
- en:NCKAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:NCKIPSD is not a redirect.
- en:NCLN is not a redirect.
- en:NCL (gene) is a redirect to en:Nucleolin; redirectFrom=en:NCL (gene); linkedpages=en:Nucleolin
- en:NCOA1 is a redirect to en:Nuclear receptor coactivator 1; redirectFrom=en:NCOA1; linkedpages=en:Nuclear receptor coactivator 1
- en:NCOA2 is a redirect to en:Nuclear receptor coactivator 2; redirectFrom=en:NCOA2; linkedpages=en:Nuclear receptor coactivator 2
- en:NCOA3 is a redirect to en:Nuclear receptor coactivator 3; redirectFrom=en:NCOA3; linkedpages=en:Nuclear receptor coactivator 3
- en:NCOA4 is not a redirect.
- en:NCOA5 is not a redirect.
- en:NCOA6 is not a redirect.
- en:NCOA7 is not a redirect.
- en:NCOR1 is a redirect to en:Nuclear receptor co-repressor 1; redirectFrom=en:NCOR1; linkedpages=en:Nuclear receptor co-repressor 1
- en:NCOR2 is a redirect to en:Nuclear receptor co-repressor 2; redirectFrom=en:NCOR2; linkedpages=en:Nuclear receptor co-repressor 2
- en:NCR1 is not a redirect.
- en:NCR2 is not a redirect.
- en:NCR3 is not a redirect.
- en:NCS1 (gene) is a redirect to en:Neuronal calcium sensor-1; redirectFrom=en:NCS1 (gene); linkedpages=en:Neuronal calcium sensor-1
- en:NCSTN is a redirect to en:Nicastrin; redirectFrom=en:NCSTN; linkedpages=en:Nicastrin
- en:NDC1 is not a redirect.
- en:NDC80 is not a redirect.
- en:NDE1 is not a redirect.
- en:NDEL1 is not a redirect.
- en:NDFIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:NDFIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:NDN (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:NDOR1 is not a redirect.
- en:NDP (gene) is a redirect to en:Norrin; redirectFrom=en:NDP (gene); linkedpages=en:Norrin
- en:NDRG1 is not a redirect.
- en:NDRG2 is not a redirect.
- en:NDRG4 is not a redirect.
- en:NDST1 is not a redirect.
- en:NDST2 is not a redirect.
- en:NDST3 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFA1 is a redirect to en:NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone), alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:NDUFA1; linkedpages=en:NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone), alpha 1
- en:NDUFA10 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFA11 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFA12 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFA13 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFA2 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFA3 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFA4 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFA4L2 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFA5 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFA6 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFA7 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFA8 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFA9 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFAB1 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFAF1 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFAF2 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFAF3 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFAF4 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFAF5 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFAF6 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFAF7 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFAF8 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFB1 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFB10 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFB11 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFB2 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFB3 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFB4 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFB5 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFB6 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFB7 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFB8 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFB9 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFC1 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFC2 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFS1 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFS2 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFS3 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFS4 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFS5 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFS6 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFS7 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFS8 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFV1 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFV2 is not a redirect.
- en:NDUFV3 is not a redirect.
- en:NEBL is a redirect to en:North European Basketball League; redirectFrom=en:NEBL; linkedpages=en:North European Basketball League
- en:NECAB2 is a redirect to en:EFCBP2; redirectFrom=en:NECAB2; linkedpages=en:EFCBP2
- en:NECAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:NEDD1 is not a redirect.
- en:NEDD4 is not a redirect.
- en:NEDD4L is not a redirect.
- en:NEDD8 is not a redirect.
- en:NEDD9 is not a redirect.
- en:NEFH is not a redirect.
- en:NEFL is a redirect to en:Neurofilament light polypeptide; redirectFrom=en:NEFL; linkedpages=en:Neurofilament light polypeptide
- en:NEFM is not a redirect.
- en:NEGR1 is not a redirect.
- en:NEIL1 is not a redirect.
- en:NEIL2 is not a redirect.
- en:NEIL3 is not a redirect.
- en:NEK1 is a redirect to en:NIMA-related kinase 1; redirectFrom=en:NEK1; linkedpages=en:NIMA-related kinase 1
- en:NEK2 is not a redirect.
- en:NEK3 is not a redirect.
- en:NEK6 is not a redirect.
- en:NEK8 is not a redirect.
- en:NEK9 is not a redirect.
- en:NELL1 is not a redirect.
- en:NELL2 is not a redirect.
- en:NEMF is a redirect to en:New England Motor Freight; redirectFrom=en:NEMF; linkedpages=en:New England Motor Freight
- en:NEO1 is not a redirect.
- en:NES is a redirect to en:Nintendo Entertainment System; redirectFrom=en:NES; linkedpages=en:Nintendo Entertainment System
- en:NET1 is not a redirect.
- en:NETO1 is not a redirect.
- en:NEU1 is not a redirect.
- en:NEU2 is not a redirect.
- en:NEU3 is not a redirect.
- en:NEU4 is not a redirect.
- en:NEURL2 is not a redirect.
- en:NEUROD1 is not a redirect.
- en:NEUROD2 is not a redirect.
- en:NEUROG1 is a redirect to en:Neurogenin-1; redirectFrom=en:NEUROG1; linkedpages=en:Neurogenin-1
- en:NEUROG2 is a redirect to en:Neurogenin-2; redirectFrom=en:NEUROG2; linkedpages=en:Neurogenin-2
- en:NEUROG3 is a redirect to en:Neurogenin-3; redirectFrom=en:NEUROG3; linkedpages=en:Neurogenin-3
- en:NF1 (gene) is a redirect to en:Neurofibromin 1; redirectFrom=en:NF1 (gene); linkedpages=en:Neurofibromin 1
- en:NF2 (gene) is a redirect to en:Merlin (protein); redirectFrom=en:NF2 (gene); linkedpages=en:Merlin (protein)
- en:NFAM1 is not a redirect.
- en:NFASC is not a redirect.
- en:NFAT5 is not a redirect.
- en:NFATC1 is not a redirect.
- en:NFATC2 is not a redirect.
- en:NFATC2IP is not a redirect.
- en:NFATC3 is not a redirect.
- en:NFATC4 is not a redirect.
- en:NFE2 is not a redirect.
- en:NFE2L1 is not a redirect.
- en:NFE2L2 is not a redirect.
- en:NFE2L3 is not a redirect.
- en:NFIA is not a redirect.
- en:NFIB (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:NFIC is a redirect to en:National Fire Information Council; redirectFrom=en:NFIC; linkedpages=en:National Fire Information Council
- en:NFIL3 is not a redirect.
- en:NFIX is not a redirect.
- en:NFKB1 is not a redirect.
- en:NFKB2 is not a redirect.
- en:NFKBIA is a redirect to en:IκBα; redirectFrom=en:NFKBIA; linkedpages=en:IκBα
- en:NFKBIB is not a redirect.
- en:NFKBID is not a redirect.
- en:NFKBIE is not a redirect.
- en:NFKBIL1 is not a redirect.
- en:NFKBIZ is not a redirect.
- en:NFRKB is not a redirect.
- en:NFS1 is not a redirect.
- en:NFX1 is not a redirect.
- en:NFYA is not a redirect.
- en:NFYB is not a redirect.
- en:NFYC is not a redirect.
- en:NGEF is not a redirect.
- en:NGFR is a redirect to en:Low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor; redirectFrom=en:NGFR; linkedpages=en:Low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor
- en:NGF (gene) is a redirect to en:Nerve growth factor; redirectFrom=en:NGF (gene); linkedpages=en:Nerve growth factor
- en:NGLY1 is not a redirect.
- en:NHEJ1 is a redirect to en:Non-homologous end-joining factor 1; redirectFrom=en:NHEJ1; linkedpages=en:Non-homologous end-joining factor 1
- en:NHLH1 is not a redirect.
- en:NHLRC1 is not a redirect.
- en:NHLRC2 is not a redirect.
- en:NHS is a redirect to en:National Health Service; redirectFrom=en:NHS; linkedpages=en:National Health Service
- en:NID1 is a redirect to en:Nidogen-1; redirectFrom=en:NID1; linkedpages=en:Nidogen-1
- en:NID2 is a redirect to en:Nidogen-2; redirectFrom=en:NID2; linkedpages=en:Nidogen-2
- en:NIF3L1 is not a redirect.
- en:NINJ1 is not a redirect.
- en:NINL is a redirect to en:Ninein-like protein; redirectFrom=en:NINL; linkedpages=en:Ninein-like protein
- en:NIN (gene) is a redirect to en:Ninein; redirectFrom=en:NIN (gene); linkedpages=en:Ninein
- en:NIP7 is not a redirect.
- en:NIPA1 is not a redirect.
- en:NIPA2 is not a redirect.
- en:NIPBL is not a redirect.
- en:NISCH is not a redirect.
- en:NKAIN1 is not a redirect.
- en:NKAP is a redirect to en:NF-kappa-B-activating protein; redirectFrom=en:NKAP; linkedpages=en:NF-kappa-B-activating protein
- en:NKG7 is not a redirect.
- en:NKIRAS2 is not a redirect.
- en:NKRF is a redirect to en:Kidney Research UK; redirectFrom=en:NKRF; linkedpages=en:Kidney Research UK
- en:NKTR is not a redirect.
- en:NKX2-1 is a redirect to en:NK2 homeobox 1; redirectFrom=en:NKX2-1; linkedpages=en:NK2 homeobox 1
- en:NKX2-2 is not a redirect.
- en:NKX2-3 is not a redirect.
- en:NKX2-5 is a redirect to en:Homeobox protein Nkx-2.5; redirectFrom=en:NKX2-5; linkedpages=en:Homeobox protein Nkx-2.5
- en:NKX3-1 is not a redirect.
- en:NKX3-2 is not a redirect.
- en:NKX6-1 is not a redirect.
- en:NKX6-2 is not a redirect.
- en:NLE1 is not a redirect.
- en:NLGN1 is not a redirect.
- en:NLGN2 is not a redirect.
- en:NLGN3 is not a redirect.
- en:NLGN4X is not a redirect.
- en:NLGN4Y is a redirect to en:Neuroligin; redirectFrom=en:NLGN4Y; linkedpages=en:Neuroligin
- en:NLK is not a redirect.
- en:NLN (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:NLRC3 is not a redirect.
- en:NLRC4 is not a redirect.
- en:NLRC5 is not a redirect.
- en:NLRP1 is not a redirect.
- en:NLRP10 is not a redirect.
- en:NLRP11 is not a redirect.
- en:NLRP12 is not a redirect.
- en:NLRP13 is not a redirect.
- en:NLRP14 is not a redirect.
- en:NLRP2 is not a redirect.
- en:NLRP3 is a redirect to en:NALP3; redirectFrom=en:NLRP3; linkedpages=en:NALP3
- en:NLRP4 is not a redirect.
- en:NLRP5 is not a redirect.
- en:NLRP6 is not a redirect.
- en:NLRP7 is not a redirect.
- en:NLRP8 is not a redirect.
- en:NLRP9 is not a redirect.
- en:NLRX1 is not a redirect.
- en:NMBR is a redirect to en:Neuromedin B receptor; redirectFrom=en:NMBR; linkedpages=en:Neuromedin B receptor
- en:NMD3 is not a redirect.
- en:NME1 is not a redirect.
- en:NME2 is not a redirect.
- en:NME3 is not a redirect.
- en:NME4 is not a redirect.
- en:NME8 is not a redirect.
- en:NMI (gene) is a redirect to en:N-myc-interactor; redirectFrom=en:NMI (gene); linkedpages=en:N-myc-interactor
- en:NMNAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:NMNAT2 is not a redirect.
- en:NMT1 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:NMT2 is not a redirect.
- en:NMUR1 is a redirect to en:Neuromedin U receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:NMUR1; linkedpages=en:Neuromedin U receptor 1
- en:NMUR2 is a redirect to en:Neuromedin U receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:NMUR2; linkedpages=en:Neuromedin U receptor 2
- en:NNAT is a redirect to en:Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test; redirectFrom=en:NNAT; linkedpages=en:Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test
- en:NNMT is not a redirect.
- en:NNT (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:NOA1 is not a redirect.
- en:NOB1 is not a redirect.
- en:NOBOX is not a redirect.
- en:NOC2L is not a redirect.
- en:NOD1 is not a redirect.
- en:NOD2 is not a redirect.
- en:NODAL is not a redirect.
- en:NOG (gene) is a redirect to en:Noggin (protein); redirectFrom=en:NOG (gene); linkedpages=en:Noggin (protein)
- en:NOL12 is not a redirect.
- en:NOL3 is not a redirect.
- en:NOL4 is not a redirect.
- en:NOL6 is not a redirect.
- en:NOL7 is not a redirect.
- en:NOL8 is not a redirect.
- en:NOL9 is not a redirect.
- en:NOLC1 is a redirect to en:Nucleolar phosphoprotein p130; redirectFrom=en:NOLC1; linkedpages=en:Nucleolar phosphoprotein p130
- en:NOM1 is not a redirect.
- en:NOMO1 is not a redirect.
- en:NONO is a redirect to en:NONO (protein); redirectFrom=en:NONO; linkedpages=en:NONO (protein)
- en:NOP58 is not a redirect.
- en:NOS1 is not a redirect.
- en:NOS1AP is not a redirect.
- en:NOS2 is a redirect to en:Nitric oxide synthase 2 (inducible); redirectFrom=en:NOS2; linkedpages=en:Nitric oxide synthase 2 (inducible)
- en:NOS3 is a redirect to en:Endothelial NOS; redirectFrom=en:NOS3; linkedpages=en:Endothelial NOS
- en:NOSIP is not a redirect.
- en:NOTCH1 is a redirect to en:Notch 1; redirectFrom=en:NOTCH1; linkedpages=en:Notch 1
- en:NOTCH2 is a redirect to en:Notch 2; redirectFrom=en:NOTCH2; linkedpages=en:Notch 2
- en:NOTCH3 is a redirect to en:Notch 3; redirectFrom=en:NOTCH3; linkedpages=en:Notch 3
- en:NOTCH4 is a redirect to en:Neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 4; redirectFrom=en:NOTCH4; linkedpages=en:Neurogenic locus notch homolog protein 4
- en:NOVA1 is not a redirect.
- en:NOVA2 is not a redirect.
- en:NOX1 is not a redirect.
- en:NOX3 is not a redirect.
- en:NOX4 is not a redirect.
- en:NOX5 is not a redirect.
- en:NOXA1 is not a redirect.
- en:NOXO1 is not a redirect.
- en:NPAS1 is not a redirect.
- en:NPAS2 is not a redirect.
- en:NPAS3 is not a redirect.
- en:NPAS4 is a redirect to en:Neuronal PAS domain protein 4; redirectFrom=en:NPAS4; linkedpages=en:Neuronal PAS domain protein 4
- en:NPAT (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:NPB is a redirect to en:Nippon Professional Baseball; redirectFrom=en:NPB; linkedpages=en:Nippon Professional Baseball
- en:NPBWR1 is a redirect to en:Neuropeptides B/W receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:NPBWR1; linkedpages=en:Neuropeptides B/W receptor 1
- en:NPBWR2 is a redirect to en:Neuropeptides B/W receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:NPBWR2; linkedpages=en:Neuropeptides B/W receptor 2
- en:NPC1 is not a redirect.
- en:NPC1L1 is not a redirect.
- en:NPC2 is a redirect to en:Epididymal secretory protein E1; redirectFrom=en:NPC2; linkedpages=en:Epididymal secretory protein E1
- en:NPDC1 is not a redirect.
- en:NPEPPS is not a redirect.
- en:NPFF is a redirect to en:Neuropeptide FF; redirectFrom=en:NPFF; linkedpages=en:Neuropeptide FF
- en:NPFFR1 is a redirect to en:Neuropeptide FF receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:NPFFR1; linkedpages=en:Neuropeptide FF receptor 1
- en:NPFFR2 is a redirect to en:Neuropeptide FF receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:NPFFR2; linkedpages=en:Neuropeptide FF receptor 2
- en:NPHP1 is not a redirect.
- en:NPHP3 is not a redirect.
- en:NPHP4 is not a redirect.
- en:NPHS1 is a redirect to en:Nephrin; redirectFrom=en:NPHS1; linkedpages=en:Nephrin
- en:NPHS2 is not a redirect.
- en:NPLOC4 is not a redirect.
- en:NPM1 is not a redirect.
- en:NPM3 is not a redirect.
- en:NPPA (gene) is a redirect to en:Atrial natriuretic peptide; redirectFrom=en:NPPA (gene); linkedpages=en:Atrial natriuretic peptide
- en:NPPB is a redirect to en:Brain natriuretic peptide; redirectFrom=en:NPPB; linkedpages=en:Brain natriuretic peptide
- en:NPPC (gene) is a redirect to en:Natriuretic peptide precursor C; redirectFrom=en:NPPC (gene); linkedpages=en:Natriuretic peptide precursor C
- en:NPR1 is not a redirect.
- en:NPR2 is not a redirect.
- en:NPR3 is not a redirect.
- en:NPRL2 is not a redirect.
- en:NPRL3 is not a redirect.
- en:NPSR1 is a redirect to en:Neuropeptide S receptor; redirectFrom=en:NPSR1; linkedpages=en:Neuropeptide S receptor
- en:NPS (gene) is a redirect to en:Neuropeptide S; redirectFrom=en:NPS (gene); linkedpages=en:Neuropeptide S
- en:NPTN is not a redirect.
- en:NPTX1 is not a redirect.
- en:NPTX2 is not a redirect.
- en:NPTXR is not a redirect.
- en:NPVF is a redirect to en:Neuropeptide VF precursor; redirectFrom=en:NPVF; linkedpages=en:Neuropeptide VF precursor
- en:NPW is not a redirect.
- en:NPY is a redirect to en:Neuropeptide Y; redirectFrom=en:NPY; linkedpages=en:Neuropeptide Y
- en:NPY1R is a redirect to en:Neuropeptide Y receptor Y1; redirectFrom=en:NPY1R; linkedpages=en:Neuropeptide Y receptor Y1
- en:NPY2R is a redirect to en:Neuropeptide Y receptor Y2; redirectFrom=en:NPY2R; linkedpages=en:Neuropeptide Y receptor Y2
- en:NPY5R is a redirect to en:Neuropeptide Y receptor Y5; redirectFrom=en:NPY5R; linkedpages=en:Neuropeptide Y receptor Y5
- en:NQO1 is a redirect to en:NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone 1); redirectFrom=en:NQO1; linkedpages=en:NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (quinone 1)
- en:NQO2 (gene) is a redirect to en:NAD(P)H dehydrogenase, quinone 2; redirectFrom=en:NQO2 (gene); linkedpages=en:NAD(P)H dehydrogenase, quinone 2
- en:NR0B1 is a redirect to en:DAX1; redirectFrom=en:NR0B1; linkedpages=en:DAX1
- en:NR0B2 is a redirect to en:Small heterodimer partner; redirectFrom=en:NR0B2; linkedpages=en:Small heterodimer partner
- en:NR1D1 is a redirect to en:Rev-ErbA alpha; redirectFrom=en:NR1D1; linkedpages=en:Rev-ErbA alpha
- en:NR1D2 is a redirect to en:Rev-ErbA beta; redirectFrom=en:NR1D2; linkedpages=en:Rev-ErbA beta
- en:NR1H2 is a redirect to en:Liver X receptor beta; redirectFrom=en:NR1H2; linkedpages=en:Liver X receptor beta
- en:NR1H3 is a redirect to en:Liver X receptor alpha; redirectFrom=en:NR1H3; linkedpages=en:Liver X receptor alpha
- en:NR1H4 is a redirect to en:Farnesoid X receptor; redirectFrom=en:NR1H4; linkedpages=en:Farnesoid X receptor
- en:NR1I2 is a redirect to en:Pregnane X receptor; redirectFrom=en:NR1I2; linkedpages=en:Pregnane X receptor
- en:NR1I3 is a redirect to en:Constitutive androstane receptor; redirectFrom=en:NR1I3; linkedpages=en:Constitutive androstane receptor
- en:NR2C1 is a redirect to en:Testicular receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:NR2C1; linkedpages=en:Testicular receptor 2
- en:NR2C2 is a redirect to en:Testicular receptor 4; redirectFrom=en:NR2C2; linkedpages=en:Testicular receptor 4
- en:NR2E1 is a redirect to en:TLX; redirectFrom=en:NR2E1; linkedpages=en:TLX
- en:NR2E3 is a redirect to en:Photoreceptor cell-specific nuclear receptor; redirectFrom=en:NR2E3; linkedpages=en:Photoreceptor cell-specific nuclear receptor
- en:NR2F1 is a redirect to en:COUP-TFI; redirectFrom=en:NR2F1; linkedpages=en:COUP-TFI
- en:NR2F2 is a redirect to en:COUP-TFII; redirectFrom=en:NR2F2; linkedpages=en:COUP-TFII
- en:NR2F6 is a redirect to en:V-erbA-related gene; redirectFrom=en:NR2F6; linkedpages=en:V-erbA-related gene
- en:NR3C1 is a redirect to en:Glucocorticoid receptor; redirectFrom=en:NR3C1; linkedpages=en:Glucocorticoid receptor
- en:NR3C2 is a redirect to en:Mineralocorticoid receptor; redirectFrom=en:NR3C2; linkedpages=en:Mineralocorticoid receptor
- en:NR4A1 is a redirect to en:Nerve growth factor IB; redirectFrom=en:NR4A1; linkedpages=en:Nerve growth factor IB
- en:NR4A2 is a redirect to en:Nuclear receptor related-1 protein; redirectFrom=en:NR4A2; linkedpages=en:Nuclear receptor related-1 protein
- en:NR4A3 is a redirect to en:Neuron-derived orphan receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:NR4A3; linkedpages=en:Neuron-derived orphan receptor 1
- en:NR5A1 is a redirect to en:Steroidogenic factor 1; redirectFrom=en:NR5A1; linkedpages=en:Steroidogenic factor 1
- en:NR5A2 is a redirect to en:Liver receptor homolog-1; redirectFrom=en:NR5A2; linkedpages=en:Liver receptor homolog-1
- en:NR6A1 is a redirect to en:Germ cell nuclear factor; redirectFrom=en:NR6A1; linkedpages=en:Germ cell nuclear factor
- en:NRAP is not a redirect.
- en:NRARP is not a redirect.
- en:NRAS (gene) is a redirect to en:Neuroblastoma RAS viral oncogene homolog; redirectFrom=en:NRAS (gene); linkedpages=en:Neuroblastoma RAS viral oncogene homolog
- en:NRBF2 is not a redirect.
- en:NRBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:NRCAM is not a redirect.
- en:NREP is not a redirect.
- en:NRF1 is not a redirect.
- en:NRG1 is a redirect to en:Neuregulin 1; redirectFrom=en:NRG1; linkedpages=en:Neuregulin 1
- en:NRG2 is a redirect to en:Neuregulin 2; redirectFrom=en:NRG2; linkedpages=en:Neuregulin 2
- en:NRG3 is a redirect to en:Neuregulin 3; redirectFrom=en:NRG3; linkedpages=en:Neuregulin 3
- en:NRG4 is a redirect to en:Neuregulin 4; redirectFrom=en:NRG4; linkedpages=en:Neuregulin 4
- en:NRGN is a redirect to en:Neurogranin; redirectFrom=en:NRGN; linkedpages=en:Neurogranin
- en:NRIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:NRIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:NRK is not a redirect.
- en:NRL is a redirect to en:National Rugby League; redirectFrom=en:NRL; linkedpages=en:National Rugby League
- en:NRN1 is not a redirect.
- en:NRP1 is a redirect to en:Neuropilin 1; redirectFrom=en:NRP1; linkedpages=en:Neuropilin 1
- en:NRP2 is a redirect to en:Neuropilin 2; redirectFrom=en:NRP2; linkedpages=en:Neuropilin 2
- en:NRSN1 is not a redirect.
- en:NRSN2 is not a redirect.
- en:NRTN is a redirect to en:Neurturin; redirectFrom=en:NRTN; linkedpages=en:Neurturin
- en:NRXN1 is not a redirect.
- en:NRXN2 is not a redirect.
- en:NRXN3 is not a redirect.
- en:NSD1 is not a redirect.
- en:NSD3 is a redirect to en:WHSC1L1; redirectFrom=en:NSD3; linkedpages=en:WHSC1L1
- en:NSDHL is not a redirect.
- en:NSFL1C is not a redirect.
- en:NSF (gene) is a redirect to en:N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein; redirectFrom=en:NSF (gene); linkedpages=en:N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein
- en:NSL1 is not a redirect.
- en:NSMCE4A is not a redirect.
- en:NSUN2 is not a redirect.
- en:NSUN5 is not a redirect.
- en:NT5C is not a redirect.
- en:NT5C1A is not a redirect.
- en:NT5E is not a redirect.
- en:NT5M is not a redirect.
- en:NTF3 is a redirect to en:Neurotrophin-3; redirectFrom=en:NTF3; linkedpages=en:Neurotrophin-3
- en:NTHL1 is not a redirect.
- en:NTM (gene) is a redirect to en:Neurotrimin; redirectFrom=en:NTM (gene); linkedpages=en:Neurotrimin
- en:NTN1 is a redirect to en:Netrin 1; redirectFrom=en:NTN1; linkedpages=en:Netrin 1
- en:NTNG1 is a redirect to en:Netrin G1; redirectFrom=en:NTNG1; linkedpages=en:Netrin G1
- en:NTNG2 is a redirect to en:Netrin G2; redirectFrom=en:NTNG2; linkedpages=en:Netrin G2
- en:NTRK1 is a redirect to en:Tropomyosin receptor kinase A; redirectFrom=en:NTRK1; linkedpages=en:Tropomyosin receptor kinase A
- en:NTRK2 is a redirect to en:Tropomyosin receptor kinase B; redirectFrom=en:NTRK2; linkedpages=en:Tropomyosin receptor kinase B
- en:NTRK3 is a redirect to en:Tropomyosin receptor kinase C; redirectFrom=en:NTRK3; linkedpages=en:Tropomyosin receptor kinase C
- en:NTSR1 is a redirect to en:Neurotensin receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:NTSR1; linkedpages=en:Neurotensin receptor 1
- en:NTSR2 is a redirect to en:Neurotensin receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:NTSR2; linkedpages=en:Neurotensin receptor 2
- en:NTS (gene) is a redirect to en:Neurotensin; redirectFrom=en:NTS (gene); linkedpages=en:Neurotensin
- en:NUAK1 is not a redirect.
- en:NUAK2 is not a redirect.
- en:NUB1 is not a redirect.
- en:NUBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:NUBPL is not a redirect.
- en:NUCB1 is a redirect to en:Nucleobindin 1; redirectFrom=en:NUCB1; linkedpages=en:Nucleobindin 1
- en:NUCB2 is a redirect to en:Nucleobindin 2; redirectFrom=en:NUCB2; linkedpages=en:Nucleobindin 2
- en:NUCKS1 is not a redirect.
- en:NUDC is not a redirect.
- en:NUDCD2 is not a redirect.
- en:NUDCD3 is not a redirect.
- en:NUDT1 is a redirect to en:2-hydroxy-dATP diphosphatase; redirectFrom=en:NUDT1; linkedpages=en:2-hydroxy-dATP diphosphatase
- en:NUDT10 is a redirect to en:Diadenosine hexaphosphate hydrolase (AMP-forming); redirectFrom=en:NUDT10; linkedpages=en:Diadenosine hexaphosphate hydrolase (AMP-forming)
- en:NUDT11 is not a redirect.
- en:NUDT12 is not a redirect.
- en:NUDT15 is not a redirect.
- en:NUDT16 is a redirect to en:M7GpppN-mRNA hydrolase; redirectFrom=en:NUDT16; linkedpages=en:M7GpppN-mRNA hydrolase
- en:NUDT17 is not a redirect.
- en:NUDT2 is not a redirect.
- en:NUDT21 is not a redirect.
- en:NUDT3 is not a redirect.
- en:NUDT4 is not a redirect.
- en:NUDT5 is not a redirect.
- en:NUDT6 is not a redirect.
- en:NUDT9 is not a redirect.
- en:NUF2 is not a redirect.
- en:NUFIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:NUFIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:NUMA1 is a redirect to en:Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1; redirectFrom=en:NUMA1; linkedpages=en:Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1
- en:NUMBL is not a redirect.
- en:NUMB (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:NUP107 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 107; redirectFrom=en:NUP107; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 107
- en:NUP133 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 133; redirectFrom=en:NUP133; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 133
- en:NUP153 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 153; redirectFrom=en:NUP153; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 153
- en:NUP155 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 155; redirectFrom=en:NUP155; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 155
- en:NUP160 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 160; redirectFrom=en:NUP160; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 160
- en:NUP188 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 188; redirectFrom=en:NUP188; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 188
- en:NUP205 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 205; redirectFrom=en:NUP205; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 205
- en:NUP210 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 210kDa; redirectFrom=en:NUP210; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 210kDa
- en:NUP214 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 214; redirectFrom=en:NUP214; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 214
- en:NUP35 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 35; redirectFrom=en:NUP35; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 35
- en:NUP37 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 37; redirectFrom=en:NUP37; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 37
- en:NUP43 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 43; redirectFrom=en:NUP43; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 43
- en:NUP50 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 50; redirectFrom=en:NUP50; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 50
- en:NUP54 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 54; redirectFrom=en:NUP54; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 54
- en:NUP62 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 62; redirectFrom=en:NUP62; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 62
- en:NUP85 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 85; redirectFrom=en:NUP85; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 85
- en:NUP88 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 88; redirectFrom=en:NUP88; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 88
- en:NUP93 is a redirect to en:Nucleoporin 93; redirectFrom=en:NUP93; linkedpages=en:Nucleoporin 93
- en:NUP98 is not a redirect.
- en:NUPR1 is not a redirect.
- en:NUTF2 is not a redirect.
- en:NVL is a redirect to en:Null (SQL)#NVL; redirectFrom=en:NVL; linkedpages=en:Null (SQL)#NVL
- en:NWD1 is not a redirect.
- en:NXF1 is not a redirect.
- en:NXF2 is not a redirect.
- en:NXN is a redirect to en:Nike Cross Nationals; redirectFrom=en:NXN; linkedpages=en:Nike Cross Nationals
- en:NXPH1 is not a redirect.
- en:NXPH3 is not a redirect.
- en:NXT1 is not a redirect.
- en:NYX (gene) is a redirect to en:Nyctalopin; redirectFrom=en:NYX (gene); linkedpages=en:Nyctalopin
- en:OAS1 is not a redirect.
- en:OAS2 is not a redirect.
- en:OAS3 is not a redirect.
- en:OASL is not a redirect.
- en:OAZ1 is not a redirect.
- en:OAZ2 is not a redirect.
- en:OBP2A is a redirect to en:Odorant-binding protein 2A; redirectFrom=en:OBP2A; linkedpages=en:Odorant-binding protein 2A
- en:OBP2B is a redirect to en:Odorant-binding protein 2B; redirectFrom=en:OBP2B; linkedpages=en:Odorant-binding protein 2B
- en:OBSCN is a redirect to en:Obscurin; redirectFrom=en:OBSCN; linkedpages=en:Obscurin
- en:OBSL1 is not a redirect.
- en:OCA2 is not a redirect.
- en:OCLN is a redirect to en:Occludin; redirectFrom=en:OCLN; linkedpages=en:Occludin
- en:OCM (gene) is a redirect to en:Oncomodulin 2; redirectFrom=en:OCM (gene); linkedpages=en:Oncomodulin 2
- en:OCRL is not a redirect.
- en:ODAM is a redirect to en:International Strategic Research Organization; redirectFrom=en:ODAM; linkedpages=en:International Strategic Research Organization
- en:ODC1 is not a redirect.
- en:ODF1 is not a redirect.
- en:ODF2 is not a redirect.
- en:OFD1 is not a redirect.
- en:OGDH is not a redirect.
- en:OGFOD1 is not a redirect.
- en:OGFR is a redirect to en:OGFr; redirectFrom=en:OGFR; linkedpages=en:OGFr
- en:OGG1 is a redirect to en:Oxoguanine glycosylase; redirectFrom=en:OGG1; linkedpages=en:Oxoguanine glycosylase
- en:OGN (gene) is a redirect to en:Osteoglycin; redirectFrom=en:OGN (gene); linkedpages=en:Osteoglycin
- en:OGT (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:OLA1 is not a redirect.
- en:OLFM1 is a redirect to en:Olfactomedin 1; redirectFrom=en:OLFM1; linkedpages=en:Olfactomedin 1
- en:OLFM2 is a redirect to en:Olfactomedin 2; redirectFrom=en:OLFM2; linkedpages=en:Olfactomedin 2
- en:OLFM3 is a redirect to en:Olfactomedin 3; redirectFrom=en:OLFM3; linkedpages=en:Olfactomedin 3
- en:OLFML3 is a redirect to en:Olfactomedin-like 3; redirectFrom=en:OLFML3; linkedpages=en:Olfactomedin-like 3
- en:OLIG1 is not a redirect.
- en:OLIG2 is not a redirect.
- en:OLR1 is not a redirect.
- en:OMA1 is not a redirect.
- en:OMD (gene) is a redirect to en:Osteomodulin; redirectFrom=en:OMD (gene); linkedpages=en:Osteomodulin
- en:OMG (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:ONECUT1 is not a redirect.
- en:OPA1 is a redirect to en:Dynamin-like 120 kDa protein; redirectFrom=en:OPA1; linkedpages=en:Dynamin-like 120 kDa protein
- en:OPA3 is not a redirect.
- en:OPALIN is a redirect to en:Opalin; redirectFrom=en:OPALIN; linkedpages=en:Opalin
- en:OPCML is not a redirect.
- en:OPHN1 is not a redirect.
- en:OPN1LW is not a redirect.
- en:OPN1MW is not a redirect.
- en:OPN1MW2 is not a redirect.
- en:OPN1SW is not a redirect.
- en:OPN3 is not a redirect.
- en:OPN4 is a redirect to en:Melanopsin; redirectFrom=en:OPN4; linkedpages=en:Melanopsin
- en:OPN5 is not a redirect.
- en:OPRD1 is a redirect to en:Δ-opioid receptor; redirectFrom=en:OPRD1; linkedpages=en:Δ-opioid receptor
- en:OPRK1 is a redirect to en:Κ-opioid receptor; redirectFrom=en:OPRK1; linkedpages=en:Κ-opioid receptor
- en:OPRL1 is a redirect to en:Nociceptin receptor; redirectFrom=en:OPRL1; linkedpages=en:Nociceptin receptor
- en:OPRM1 is a redirect to en:Μ-opioid receptor; redirectFrom=en:OPRM1; linkedpages=en:Μ-opioid receptor
- en:OPTC is a redirect to en:Opticin; redirectFrom=en:OPTC; linkedpages=en:Opticin
- en:OPTN (gene) is a redirect to en:Optineurin; redirectFrom=en:OPTN (gene); linkedpages=en:Optineurin
- en:OR10A3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10A4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10A5 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10A6 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10A7 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10AD1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10AG1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10C1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10G2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10G3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10G4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10G6 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10G7 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10G8 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10G9 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10H1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10H2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10H3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10H4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10J1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10J3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10J5 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10K1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10K2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10P1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10Q1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10R2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10S1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10T2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10V1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10W1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10X1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR10Z1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR11A1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR11G2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR11H1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR11H4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR11H6 is not a redirect.
- en:OR11L1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR12D2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR12D3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR13A1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR13C2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR13C3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR13C4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR13C5 is not a redirect.
- en:OR13C8 is not a redirect.
- en:OR13C9 is not a redirect.
- en:OR13D1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR13F1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR13G1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR13H1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR13J1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1A1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1A2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1B1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1C1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1D2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1D4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1D5 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1E1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1E2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1F1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1G1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1I1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1J1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1J2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1J4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1K1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1L1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1L3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1L4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1L6 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1L8 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1M1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1N1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1N2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1Q1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1S1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR1S2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2A1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2A12 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2A14 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2A2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2A4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2A5 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2AE1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2AG1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2AJ1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2AK2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2AP1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2B11 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2B2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2B3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2B6 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2C1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2C3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2D2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2D3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2F1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2F2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2G2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2G3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2G6 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2H1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2H2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2J1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2J2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2J3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2K2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2L13 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2L2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2L8 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2M2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2M3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2M4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2M7 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2S2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2T1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2T10 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2T11 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2T12 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2T2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2T27 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2T33 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2T34 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2T4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2T6 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2V2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2W1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2W3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2Y1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR2Z1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR3A1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR3A2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR3A3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4A15 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4A16 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4A47 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4A5 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4B1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4C11 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4C12 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4C13 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4C15 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4C16 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4C3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4C6 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4D1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4D10 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4D11 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4D2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4D5 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4D6 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4D9 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4E2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4F15 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4F16 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4F3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4F4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4F5 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4F6 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4K1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4K13 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4K14 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4K15 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4K17 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4K2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4K5 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4L1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4M1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4M2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4N2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4N4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4N5 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4P4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4Q3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4S1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4S2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4X1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR4X2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51A7 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51B2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51B4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51B5 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51B6 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51D1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51E1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51E2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51F2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51G1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51G2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51I1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51I2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51L1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51M1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51Q1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51S1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51T1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR51V1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52A1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52A5 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52B2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52B4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52B6 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52D1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52E2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52E4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52E5 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52E6 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52E8 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52H1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52I1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52I2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52J3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52K1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52K2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52L1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52M1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52N1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52N2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52N4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52N5 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52R1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR52W1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR56A1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR56A3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR56A4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR56B1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR56B4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5A1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5A2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5AC2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5AK2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5AN1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5AR1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5AS1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5AU1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5B12 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5B17 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5B2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5B3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5C1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5D13 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5D14 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5D16 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5D18 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5F1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5H2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5H6 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5I1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5J2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5K1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5K2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5L1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5L2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5M1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5M10 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5M11 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5M3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5M8 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5M9 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5P2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5P3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5R1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5T1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5T2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5T3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5V1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR5W2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6A2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6B1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6B2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6B3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6C1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6C2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6C3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6C4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6C75 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6F1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6K2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6K6 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6M1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6N1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6N2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6P1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6Q1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6S1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6T1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6V1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6X1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR6Y1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR7A10 is not a redirect.
- en:OR7A17 is not a redirect.
- en:OR7A5 is not a redirect.
- en:OR7C1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR7C2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR7D2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR7D4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR7G1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR7G2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR7G3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8A1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8B12 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8B2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8B4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8B8 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8D1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8D2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8D4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8G1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8G5 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8H1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8H2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8H3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8I2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8J1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8J3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8K1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8K3 is not a redirect.
- en:OR8K5 is not a redirect.
- en:OR9A2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR9A4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR9G1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR9G4 is not a redirect.
- en:OR9I1 is not a redirect.
- en:OR9K2 is not a redirect.
- en:OR9Q1 is not a redirect.
- en:ORAI1 is not a redirect.
- en:ORAI2 is not a redirect.
- en:ORC1 is not a redirect.
- en:ORC2 is not a redirect.
- en:ORC3 is not a redirect.
- en:ORC4 is not a redirect.
- en:ORC5 is not a redirect.
- en:ORC6 is not a redirect.
- en:ORM1 is not a redirect.
- en:OS9 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:OSBP is not a redirect.
- en:OSBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:OSBPL11 is not a redirect.
- en:OSBPL1A is not a redirect.
- en:OSBPL2 is not a redirect.
- en:OSBPL3 is not a redirect.
- en:OSBPL5 is not a redirect.
- en:OSBPL8 is not a redirect.
- en:OSBPL9 is not a redirect.
- en:OSCAR is a redirect to en:Amateur radio satellite; redirectFrom=en:OSCAR; linkedpages=en:Amateur radio satellite
- en:OSER1 is not a redirect.
- en:OSGEP is not a redirect.
- en:OSMR is a redirect to en:Oncostatin M receptor; redirectFrom=en:OSMR; linkedpages=en:Oncostatin M receptor
- en:OSM (gene) is a redirect to en:Oncostatin M; redirectFrom=en:OSM (gene); linkedpages=en:Oncostatin M
- en:OSR1 is not a redirect.
- en:OSR2 is a redirect to en:Windows 95#Editions; redirectFrom=en:OSR2; linkedpages=en:Windows 95#Editions
- en:OST4 is a redirect to en:Oligosaccaryltransferase; redirectFrom=en:OST4; linkedpages=en:Oligosaccaryltransferase
- en:OSTF1 is not a redirect.
- en:OSTM1 is not a redirect.
- en:OSTN is a redirect to en:Open Student Television Network; redirectFrom=en:OSTN; linkedpages=en:Open Student Television Network
- en:OTC (gene) is a redirect to en:Ornithine transcarbamylase; redirectFrom=en:OTC (gene); linkedpages=en:Ornithine transcarbamylase
- en:OTOF is a redirect to en:Otoferlin; redirectFrom=en:OTOF; linkedpages=en:Otoferlin
- en:OTOR is not a redirect.
- en:OTUB1 is not a redirect.
- en:OTUB2 is not a redirect.
- en:OTUD1 is not a redirect.
- en:OTUD4 is not a redirect.
- en:OTUD6B is not a redirect.
- en:OTUD7B is not a redirect.
- en:OTX1 is not a redirect.
- en:OTX2 is a redirect to en:Orthodenticle homeobox 2; redirectFrom=en:OTX2; linkedpages=en:Orthodenticle homeobox 2
- en:OVGP1 is not a redirect.
- en:OXA1L is not a redirect.
- en:OXCT1 is not a redirect.
- en:OXER1 is a redirect to en:Oxoeicosanoid receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:OXER1; linkedpages=en:Oxoeicosanoid receptor 1
- en:OXGR1 is not a redirect.
- en:OXR1 is not a redirect.
- en:OXSR1 is not a redirect.
- en:OXTR is a redirect to en:Oxytocin receptor; redirectFrom=en:OXTR; linkedpages=en:Oxytocin receptor
- en:OXT (gene) is a redirect to en:Oxytocin#Synthesis, storage, and release; redirectFrom=en:OXT (gene); linkedpages=en:Oxytocin#Synthesis, storage, and release
- en:P2RX1 is not a redirect.
- en:P2RX2 is not a redirect.
- en:P2RX3 is not a redirect.
- en:P2RX4 is not a redirect.
- en:P2RX5 is not a redirect.
- en:P2RX6 is not a redirect.
- en:P2RX7 is not a redirect.
- en:P2RY1 is not a redirect.
- en:P2RY10 is not a redirect.
- en:P2RY11 is not a redirect.
- en:P2RY12 is a redirect to en:P2Y12; redirectFrom=en:P2RY12; linkedpages=en:P2Y12
- en:P2RY13 is not a redirect.
- en:P2RY14 is not a redirect.
- en:P2RY2 is not a redirect.
- en:P2RY4 is not a redirect.
- en:P2RY6 is not a redirect.
- en:P2RY8 is not a redirect.
- en:P4HA1 is not a redirect.
- en:P4HA2 is not a redirect.
- en:P4HB is not a redirect.
- en:P4HTM is not a redirect.
- en:PA2G4 is not a redirect.
- en:PAAF1 is not a redirect.
- en:PABPC1 is not a redirect.
- en:PABPC3 is not a redirect.
- en:PABPC4 is not a redirect.
- en:PABPC4L is not a redirect.
- en:PABPN1 is not a redirect.
- en:PACRG is not a redirect.
- en:PACS1 is not a redirect.
- en:PACSIN1 is not a redirect.
- en:PACSIN2 is not a redirect.
- en:PACSIN3 is not a redirect.
- en:PADI1 is not a redirect.
- en:PADI2 is not a redirect.
- en:PADI3 is not a redirect.
- en:PADI4 is not a redirect.
- en:PAEP is not a redirect.
- en:PAFAH1B1 is not a redirect.
- en:PAFAH1B2 is not a redirect.
- en:PAFAH1B3 is not a redirect.
- en:PAFAH2 is not a redirect.
- en:PAG1 is not a redirect.
- en:PAGE1 is not a redirect.
- en:PAH (gene) is a redirect to en:Phenylalanine hydroxylase; redirectFrom=en:PAH (gene); linkedpages=en:Phenylalanine hydroxylase
- en:PAICS is a redirect to en:Phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase; redirectFrom=en:PAICS; linkedpages=en:Phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase
- en:PAIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PAIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:PAK1 is not a redirect.
- en:PAK1IP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PAK2 is not a redirect.
- en:PAK3 is not a redirect.
- en:PAK4 is not a redirect.
- en:PAK5 is not a redirect.
- en:PAK6 is not a redirect.
- en:PALB2 is not a redirect.
- en:PALLD is a redirect to en:Palladin; redirectFrom=en:PALLD; linkedpages=en:Palladin
- en:PALM is not a redirect.
- en:PAM16 is not a redirect.
- en:PAM (gene) is a redirect to en:Peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase; redirectFrom=en:PAM (gene); linkedpages=en:Peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase
- en:PAN3 is not a redirect.
- en:PANK1 is not a redirect.
- en:PANK2 is a redirect to en:PANK2 (gene); redirectFrom=en:PANK2; linkedpages=en:PANK2 (gene)
- en:PANK4 is not a redirect.
- en:PANX1 is not a redirect.
- en:PAOX is not a redirect.
- en:PAPLN is not a redirect.
- en:PAPOLA is not a redirect.
- en:PAPOLG is not a redirect.
- en:PAPPA is a redirect to en:Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A; redirectFrom=en:PAPPA; linkedpages=en:Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A
- en:PAPPA2 is not a redirect.
- en:PAPSS1 is not a redirect.
- en:PAPSS2 is not a redirect.
- en:PAQR5 is not a redirect.
- en:PAQR6 is not a redirect.
- en:PAQR7 is not a redirect.
- en:PAQR8 is not a redirect.
- en:PAQR9 is not a redirect.
- en:PARD3 is not a redirect.
- en:PARD3B is not a redirect.
- en:PARD6A is not a redirect.
- en:PARD6B is not a redirect.
- en:PARG is not a redirect.
- en:PARK7 is not a redirect.
- en:PARL is not a redirect.
- en:PARM1 is not a redirect.
- en:PARN is a redirect to en:Poly(A)-specific ribonuclease; redirectFrom=en:PARN; linkedpages=en:Poly(A)-specific ribonuclease
- en:PARP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PARP10 is not a redirect.
- en:PARP12 is not a redirect.
- en:PARP16 is not a redirect.
- en:PARP2 is not a redirect.
- en:PARP3 is not a redirect.
- en:PARP4 is not a redirect.
- en:PARP8 is not a redirect.
- en:PARVA is not a redirect.
- en:PARVB is not a redirect.
- en:PARVG is not a redirect.
- en:PASD1 is not a redirect.
- en:PASK is not a redirect.
- en:PATJ is a redirect to en:Tok Airport; redirectFrom=en:PATJ; linkedpages=en:Tok Airport
- en:PATZ1 is not a redirect.
- en:PAWR is not a redirect.
- en:PAX1 is not a redirect.
- en:PAX2 is not a redirect.
- en:PAX3 is not a redirect.
- en:PAX4 is not a redirect.
- en:PAX5 is not a redirect.
- en:PAX6 is not a redirect.
- en:PAX7 is not a redirect.
- en:PAX8 is not a redirect.
- en:PAX9 is not a redirect.
- en:PAXBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PAXIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PBDC1 is not a redirect.
- en:PBK (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:PBRM1 is not a redirect.
- en:PBX1 is not a redirect.
- en:PBX2 is not a redirect.
- en:PBX3 is not a redirect.
- en:PCBD1 is not a redirect.
- en:PCBD2 is not a redirect.
- en:PCBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PCBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:PCBP3 is not a redirect.
- en:PCBP4 is not a redirect.
- en:PCCB is a redirect to en:Propionyl-CoA carboxylase; redirectFrom=en:PCCB; linkedpages=en:Propionyl-CoA carboxylase
- en:PCDH1 is not a redirect.
- en:PCDH10 is not a redirect.
- en:PCDH11X is not a redirect.
- en:PCDH11Y is not a redirect.
- en:PCDH12 is not a redirect.
- en:PCDH15 is not a redirect.
- en:PCDH17 is not a redirect.
- en:PCDH18 is not a redirect.
- en:PCDH20 is not a redirect.
- en:PCDH7 is not a redirect.
- en:PCDH8 is not a redirect.
- en:PCGF1 is not a redirect.
- en:PCGF2 is not a redirect.
- en:PCGF5 is not a redirect.
- en:PCGF6 is not a redirect.
- en:PCID2 is not a redirect.
- en:PCK1 is not a redirect.
- en:PCK2 is not a redirect.
- en:PCLO is not a redirect.
- en:PCM1 is not a redirect.
- en:PCMT1 is not a redirect.
- en:PCNA is a redirect to en:Proliferating cell nuclear antigen; redirectFrom=en:PCNA; linkedpages=en:Proliferating cell nuclear antigen
- en:PCNT is not a redirect.
- en:PCOLCE is not a redirect.
- en:PCOLCE2 is not a redirect.
- en:PCP2 is a redirect to en:PCP site 2; redirectFrom=en:PCP2; linkedpages=en:PCP site 2
- en:PCP4 is not a redirect.
- en:PCSK1 is a redirect to en:Proprotein convertase 1; redirectFrom=en:PCSK1; linkedpages=en:Proprotein convertase 1
- en:PCSK2 is a redirect to en:Proprotein convertase 2; redirectFrom=en:PCSK2; linkedpages=en:Proprotein convertase 2
- en:PCSK4 is not a redirect.
- en:PCSK5 is not a redirect.
- en:PCSK6 is not a redirect.
- en:PCSK7 is not a redirect.
- en:PCSK9 is not a redirect.
- en:PCTP is a redirect to en:Portuguese Workers' Communist Party; redirectFrom=en:PCTP; linkedpages=en:Portuguese Workers' Communist Party
- en:PCYOX1 is not a redirect.
- en:PCYT1A is not a redirect.
- en:PCYT1B is not a redirect.
- en:PDAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PDCD1 is a redirect to en:Programmed cell death protein 1; redirectFrom=en:PDCD1; linkedpages=en:Programmed cell death protein 1
- en:PDCD10 is not a redirect.
- en:PDCD1LG2 is not a redirect.
- en:PDCD2 is not a redirect.
- en:PDCD4 is not a redirect.
- en:PDCD5 is not a redirect.
- en:PDCD6 is not a redirect.
- en:PDCD6IP is not a redirect.
- en:PDCD7 is not a redirect.
- en:PDCL is a redirect to en:Phosducin-like; redirectFrom=en:PDCL; linkedpages=en:Phosducin-like
- en:PDC (gene) is a redirect to en:Phosducin; redirectFrom=en:PDC (gene); linkedpages=en:Phosducin
- en:PDE10A is not a redirect.
- en:PDE11A is not a redirect.
- en:PDE1A is not a redirect.
- en:PDE1B is not a redirect.
- en:PDE1C is not a redirect.
- en:PDE2A is not a redirect.
- en:PDE3A is a redirect to en:Phosphodiesterase 3; redirectFrom=en:PDE3A; linkedpages=en:Phosphodiesterase 3
- en:PDE4A is not a redirect.
- en:PDE4B is not a redirect.
- en:PDE4C is not a redirect.
- en:PDE4D is not a redirect.
- en:PDE4DIP is a redirect to en:Myomegalin; redirectFrom=en:PDE4DIP; linkedpages=en:Myomegalin
- en:PDE5A is a redirect to en:CGMP-specific phosphodiesterase type 5; redirectFrom=en:PDE5A; linkedpages=en:CGMP-specific phosphodiesterase type 5
- en:PDE6A is not a redirect.
- en:PDE6B is not a redirect.
- en:PDE6C is not a redirect.
- en:PDE6D is not a redirect.
- en:PDE6G is not a redirect.
- en:PDE7A is not a redirect.
- en:PDE7B is not a redirect.
- en:PDE8A is not a redirect.
- en:PDE8B is not a redirect.
- en:PDE9A is not a redirect.
- en:PDF is not a redirect.
- en:PDGFA is not a redirect.
- en:PDGFB is not a redirect.
- en:PDGFC is not a redirect.
- en:PDGFD is not a redirect.
- en:PDGFRA is not a redirect.
- en:PDGFRB is not a redirect.
- en:PDHA1 is a redirect to en:Pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:PDHA1; linkedpages=en:Pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) alpha 1
- en:PDHB is a redirect to en:Pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) beta; redirectFrom=en:PDHB; linkedpages=en:Pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) beta
- en:PDIA2 is not a redirect.
- en:PDIA3 is not a redirect.
- en:PDK1 is a redirect to en:Pyruvate dehydrogenase lipoamide kinase isozyme 1; redirectFrom=en:PDK1; linkedpages=en:Pyruvate dehydrogenase lipoamide kinase isozyme 1
- en:PDK2 is not a redirect.
- en:PDK3 is not a redirect.
- en:PDK4 is not a redirect.
- en:PDLIM1 is not a redirect.
- en:PDLIM2 is not a redirect.
- en:PDLIM3 is not a redirect.
- en:PDLIM4 is not a redirect.
- en:PDLIM5 is not a redirect.
- en:PDLIM7 is not a redirect.
- en:PDPK1 is a redirect to en:Phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1; redirectFrom=en:PDPK1; linkedpages=en:Phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1
- en:PDPN is not a redirect.
- en:PDPR is not a redirect.
- en:PDS5A is not a redirect.
- en:PDS5B is not a redirect.
- en:PDSS1 is not a redirect.
- en:PDSS2 is not a redirect.
- en:PDX1 is not a redirect.
- en:PDXK is not a redirect.
- en:PDZD11 is not a redirect.
- en:PDZD2 is not a redirect.
- en:PDZD4 is not a redirect.
- en:PDZK1 is not a redirect.
- en:PDZK1IP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PDZRN3 is not a redirect.
- en:PEA15 is not a redirect.
- en:PEBP1 is a redirect to en:Phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein 1; redirectFrom=en:PEBP1; linkedpages=en:Phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein 1
- en:PECAM1 is a redirect to en:CD31; redirectFrom=en:PECAM1; linkedpages=en:CD31
- en:PECR is not a redirect.
- en:PEF1 is a redirect to en:Peflin; redirectFrom=en:PEF1; linkedpages=en:Peflin
- en:PEG10 is not a redirect.
- en:PEG3 is not a redirect.
- en:PELI1 is not a redirect.
- en:PELI2 is not a redirect.
- en:PELO is not a redirect.
- en:PELP1 is a redirect to en:PELP-1; redirectFrom=en:PELP1; linkedpages=en:PELP-1
- en:PEMT (gene) is a redirect to en:Phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:PEMT (gene); linkedpages=en:Phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase
- en:PENK is a redirect to en:Proenkephalin; redirectFrom=en:PENK; linkedpages=en:Proenkephalin
- en:PEPD is not a redirect.
- en:PER1 is not a redirect.
- en:PER2 is not a redirect.
- en:PER3 is not a redirect.
- en:PERP is not a redirect.
- en:PES1 is not a redirect.
- en:PET100 is not a redirect.
- en:PET117 is not a redirect.
- en:PEX1 is not a redirect.
- en:PEX10 is not a redirect.
- en:PEX11A is not a redirect.
- en:PEX11B is not a redirect.
- en:PEX11G is not a redirect.
- en:PEX12 is not a redirect.
- en:PEX13 is not a redirect.
- en:PEX14 is not a redirect.
- en:PEX16 is not a redirect.
- en:PEX19 is not a redirect.
- en:PEX2 is a redirect to en:Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 2; redirectFrom=en:PEX2; linkedpages=en:Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 2
- en:PEX26 is not a redirect.
- en:PEX3 is not a redirect.
- en:PEX5 is not a redirect.
- en:PEX6 is not a redirect.
- en:PEX7 is a redirect to en:Peroxin-7; redirectFrom=en:PEX7; linkedpages=en:Peroxin-7
- en:PF4 is a redirect to en:Platelet factor 4; redirectFrom=en:PF4; linkedpages=en:Platelet factor 4
- en:PFDN1 is not a redirect.
- en:PFDN2 is not a redirect.
- en:PFDN4 is not a redirect.
- en:PFDN5 is not a redirect.
- en:PFDN6 is a redirect to en:Prefoldin subunit 6; redirectFrom=en:PFDN6; linkedpages=en:Prefoldin subunit 6
- en:PFKFB1 is not a redirect.
- en:PFKFB2 is not a redirect.
- en:PFKFB3 is not a redirect.
- en:PFKFB4 is not a redirect.
- en:PFKL is not a redirect.
- en:PFKM is not a redirect.
- en:PFKP is not a redirect.
- en:PFN1 is a redirect to en:Profilin 1; redirectFrom=en:PFN1; linkedpages=en:Profilin 1
- en:PFN2 is not a redirect.
- en:PGA5 is not a redirect.
- en:PGAM1 is a redirect to en:Phosphoglycerate mutase; redirectFrom=en:PGAM1; linkedpages=en:Phosphoglycerate mutase
- en:PGAM2 is not a redirect.
- en:PGAM5 is not a redirect.
- en:PGAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PGC (gene) is a redirect to en:Gastricsin; redirectFrom=en:PGC (gene); linkedpages=en:Gastricsin
- en:PGF (gene) is a redirect to en:Placental growth factor; redirectFrom=en:PGF (gene); linkedpages=en:Placental growth factor
- en:PGK1 is not a redirect.
- en:PGLYRP1 is a redirect to en:Peptidoglycan recognition protein 1; redirectFrom=en:PGLYRP1; linkedpages=en:Peptidoglycan recognition protein 1
- en:PGLYRP2 is a redirect to en:Peptidoglycan recognition protein 2; redirectFrom=en:PGLYRP2; linkedpages=en:Peptidoglycan recognition protein 2
- en:PGM1 is not a redirect.
- en:PGM2 is not a redirect.
- en:PGM3 is a redirect to en:Phosphoglucomutase 3; redirectFrom=en:PGM3; linkedpages=en:Phosphoglucomutase 3
- en:PGM5 is not a redirect.
- en:PGPEP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PGRMC1 is not a redirect.
- en:PGRMC2 is not a redirect.
- en:PGR (gene) is a redirect to en:Progesterone receptor; redirectFrom=en:PGR (gene); linkedpages=en:Progesterone receptor
- en:PHACTR1 is not a redirect.
- en:PHACTR3 is not a redirect.
- en:PHAX is not a redirect.
- en:PHB2 is not a redirect.
- en:PHB (gene) is a redirect to en:Prohibitin; redirectFrom=en:PHB (gene); linkedpages=en:Prohibitin
- en:PHC1 is not a redirect.
- en:PHC2 is not a redirect.
- en:PHC3 is not a redirect.
- en:PHEX is not a redirect.
- en:PHF1 is not a redirect.
- en:PHF10 is not a redirect.
- en:PHF12 is not a redirect.
- en:PHF2 is not a redirect.
- en:PHF20 is not a redirect.
- en:PHF21A is not a redirect.
- en:PHF3 is not a redirect.
- en:PHF6 is not a redirect.
- en:PHF8 is not a redirect.
- en:PHGDH is a redirect to en:Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase; redirectFrom=en:PHGDH; linkedpages=en:Phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase
- en:PHKA1 is a redirect to en:Phosphorylase kinase, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:PHKA1; linkedpages=en:Phosphorylase kinase, alpha 1
- en:PHKA2 is not a redirect.
- en:PHKB is not a redirect.
- en:PHKG1 is not a redirect.
- en:PHKG2 is not a redirect.
- en:PHLDA1 is not a redirect.
- en:PHLDA2 is not a redirect.
- en:PHLDB1 is not a redirect.
- en:PHLDB2 is not a redirect.
- en:PHLPP2 is a redirect to en:PHLPP; redirectFrom=en:PHLPP2; linkedpages=en:PHLPP
- en:PHOSPHO1 is a redirect to en:Phosphoethanolamine/phosphocholine phosphatase; redirectFrom=en:PHOSPHO1; linkedpages=en:Phosphoethanolamine/phosphocholine phosphatase
- en:PHOX2A is not a redirect.
- en:PHOX2B is not a redirect.
- en:PHPT1 is not a redirect.
- en:PHTF2 is not a redirect.
- en:PHYH is a redirect to en:Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase; redirectFrom=en:PHYH; linkedpages=en:Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase
- en:PHYHIP is not a redirect.
- en:PHYHIPL is not a redirect.
- en:PI16 is a redirect to en:Peptidase inhibitor 16; redirectFrom=en:PI16; linkedpages=en:Peptidase inhibitor 16
- en:PI3 (gene) is a redirect to en:Elafin; redirectFrom=en:PI3 (gene); linkedpages=en:Elafin
- en:PI4K2A is not a redirect.
- en:PI4K2B is not a redirect.
- en:PI4KA is not a redirect.
- en:PI4KB is not a redirect.
- en:PIAS1 is not a redirect.
- en:PIAS2 is a redirect to en:Protein inhibitor of activated STAT2; redirectFrom=en:PIAS2; linkedpages=en:Protein inhibitor of activated STAT2
- en:PIAS3 is not a redirect.
- en:PIAS4 is not a redirect.
- en:PIBF1 is not a redirect.
- en:PICALM is not a redirect.
- en:PICK1 is not a redirect.
- en:PIEZO1 is not a redirect.
- en:PIEZO2 is not a redirect.
- en:PIF1 is a redirect to en:Helicase; redirectFrom=en:PIF1; linkedpages=en:Helicase
- en:PIFO is a redirect to en:Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University; redirectFrom=en:PIFO; linkedpages=en:Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University
- en:PIGA is not a redirect.
- en:PIGB is not a redirect.
- en:PIGC is not a redirect.
- en:PIGF is not a redirect.
- en:PIGH is not a redirect.
- en:PIGK is not a redirect.
- en:PIGN is a redirect to en:Acute proliferative glomerulonephritis; redirectFrom=en:PIGN; linkedpages=en:Acute proliferative glomerulonephritis
- en:PIGP is not a redirect.
- en:PIGQ is not a redirect.
- en:PIGR is a redirect to en:Polymeric immunoglobulin receptor; redirectFrom=en:PIGR; linkedpages=en:Polymeric immunoglobulin receptor
- en:PIGS (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:PIGT is not a redirect.
- en:PIGU is not a redirect.
- en:PIGV is not a redirect.
- en:PIGW is not a redirect.
- en:PIK3AP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PIK3C2A is not a redirect.
- en:PIK3C2B is not a redirect.
- en:PIK3C2G is not a redirect.
- en:PIK3C3 is not a redirect.
- en:PIK3CA is a redirect to en:P110α; redirectFrom=en:PIK3CA; linkedpages=en:P110α
- en:PIK3CB is not a redirect.
- en:PIK3CD is a redirect to en:P110δ; redirectFrom=en:PIK3CD; linkedpages=en:P110δ
- en:PIK3CG is not a redirect.
- en:PIK3IP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PIK3R1 is not a redirect.
- en:PIK3R2 is not a redirect.
- en:PIK3R3 is not a redirect.
- en:PIK3R4 is not a redirect.
- en:PIK3R5 is not a redirect.
- en:PIKFYVE is not a redirect.
- en:PILRA is not a redirect.
- en:PILRB is not a redirect.
- en:PIM1 is not a redirect.
- en:PIM2 is not a redirect.
- en:PIN1 is not a redirect.
- en:PIN4 is not a redirect.
- en:PINK1 is not a redirect.
- en:PINX1 is not a redirect.
- en:PIP4K2A is not a redirect.
- en:PIP4K2B is not a redirect.
- en:PIP4K2C is not a redirect.
- en:PIP5K1A is not a redirect.
- en:PIP5K1B is not a redirect.
- en:PIP5K1C is not a redirect.
- en:PIP (gene) is a redirect to en:Prolactin-induced protein; redirectFrom=en:PIP (gene); linkedpages=en:Prolactin-induced protein
- en:PIR (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:PISD (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:PITPNA is a redirect to en:Phosphatidylinositol transfer protein, alpha; redirectFrom=en:PITPNA; linkedpages=en:Phosphatidylinositol transfer protein, alpha
- en:PITPNB is not a redirect.
- en:PITPNC1 is a redirect to en:Phosphatidylinositol transfer protein, cytoplasmic 1; redirectFrom=en:PITPNC1; linkedpages=en:Phosphatidylinositol transfer protein, cytoplasmic 1
- en:PITPNM1 is not a redirect.
- en:PITRM1 is not a redirect.
- en:PITX1 is not a redirect.
- en:PITX2 is not a redirect.
- en:PITX3 is not a redirect.
- en:PIWIL1 is not a redirect.
- en:PJA1 is not a redirect.
- en:PJA2 is not a redirect.
- en:PKD1 is a redirect to en:Polycystin 1; redirectFrom=en:PKD1; linkedpages=en:Polycystin 1
- en:PKD1L1 is not a redirect.
- en:PKD2 is a redirect to en:Polycystin 2; redirectFrom=en:PKD2; linkedpages=en:Polycystin 2
- en:PKD2L1 is not a redirect.
- en:PKD2L2 is a redirect to en:TRPP3; redirectFrom=en:PKD2L2; linkedpages=en:TRPP3
- en:PKHD1 is a redirect to en:Fibrocystin; redirectFrom=en:PKHD1; linkedpages=en:Fibrocystin
- en:PKIA is not a redirect.
- en:PKIB is not a redirect.
- en:PKIG is not a redirect.
- en:PKLR is not a redirect.
- en:PKMYT1 is not a redirect.
- en:PKM (gene) is a redirect to en:PKM2; redirectFrom=en:PKM (gene); linkedpages=en:PKM2
- en:PKN1 is a redirect to en:Protein kinase N1; redirectFrom=en:PKN1; linkedpages=en:Protein kinase N1
- en:PKN2 is not a redirect.
- en:PKN3 is a redirect to en:PKN3 (gene); redirectFrom=en:PKN3; linkedpages=en:PKN3 (gene)
- en:PKNOX1 is not a redirect.
- en:PKP1 is a redirect to en:Plakophilin-1; redirectFrom=en:PKP1; linkedpages=en:Plakophilin-1
- en:PKP2 is a redirect to en:Plakophilin-2; redirectFrom=en:PKP2; linkedpages=en:Plakophilin-2
- en:PKP3 is a redirect to en:Plakophilin-3; redirectFrom=en:PKP3; linkedpages=en:Plakophilin-3
- en:PKP4 is a redirect to en:Plakophilin-4; redirectFrom=en:PKP4; linkedpages=en:Plakophilin-4
- en:PLA2G10 is not a redirect.
- en:PLA2G12A is not a redirect.
- en:PLA2G1B is not a redirect.
- en:PLA2G2A is not a redirect.
- en:PLA2G2D is not a redirect.
- en:PLA2G4A is not a redirect.
- en:PLA2G4B is not a redirect.
- en:PLA2G4C is not a redirect.
- en:PLA2G5 is not a redirect.
- en:PLA2G6 is not a redirect.
- en:PLA2G7 is a redirect to en:Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2; redirectFrom=en:PLA2G7; linkedpages=en:Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2
- en:PLA2R1 is not a redirect.
- en:PLAA is a redirect to en:Poor Law Amendment Act 1834; redirectFrom=en:PLAA; linkedpages=en:Poor Law Amendment Act 1834
- en:PLAC1 is not a redirect.
- en:PLAG1 is not a redirect.
- en:PLAGL1 is not a redirect.
- en:PLAGL2 is not a redirect.
- en:PLAT (gene) is a redirect to en:Tissue plasminogen activator; redirectFrom=en:PLAT (gene); linkedpages=en:Tissue plasminogen activator
- en:PLAU is a redirect to en:Urokinase; redirectFrom=en:PLAU; linkedpages=en:Urokinase
- en:PLAUR is a redirect to en:Urokinase receptor; redirectFrom=en:PLAUR; linkedpages=en:Urokinase receptor
- en:PLBD1 is not a redirect.
- en:PLCB1 is not a redirect.
- en:PLCB2 is not a redirect.
- en:PLCB3 is not a redirect.
- en:PLCB4 is not a redirect.
- en:PLCD1 is not a redirect.
- en:PLCD3 is not a redirect.
- en:PLCD4 is not a redirect.
- en:PLCE1 is not a redirect.
- en:PLCG1 is not a redirect.
- en:PLCG2 is not a redirect.
- en:PLCXD1 is a redirect to en:PI-PLC X domain-containing protein 1; redirectFrom=en:PLCXD1; linkedpages=en:PI-PLC X domain-containing protein 1
- en:PLD1 is a redirect to en:Phospholipase D1; redirectFrom=en:PLD1; linkedpages=en:Phospholipase D1
- en:PLD2 is not a redirect.
- en:PLD3 is not a redirect.
- en:PLD5 is not a redirect.
- en:PLEK2 is not a redirect.
- en:PLEKHA1 is not a redirect.
- en:PLEKHA5 is not a redirect.
- en:PLEKHA6 is not a redirect.
- en:PLEKHA7 is not a redirect.
- en:PLEKHA8 is not a redirect.
- en:PLEKHB2 is not a redirect.
- en:PLEKHF2 is not a redirect.
- en:PLEKHG2 is not a redirect.
- en:PLEKHG4 is not a redirect.
- en:PLEKHG5 is not a redirect.
- en:PLEKHM1 is not a redirect.
- en:PLEKHM2 is not a redirect.
- en:PLEKHM3 is not a redirect.
- en:PLEKHO1 is not a redirect.
- en:PLGLB2 is not a redirect.
- en:PLG (gene) is a redirect to en:Plasmin; redirectFrom=en:PLG (gene); linkedpages=en:Plasmin
- en:PLIN1 is a redirect to en:Perilipin-1; redirectFrom=en:PLIN1; linkedpages=en:Perilipin-1
- en:PLIN4 is a redirect to en:Perilipin-4; redirectFrom=en:PLIN4; linkedpages=en:Perilipin-4
- en:PLIN5 is a redirect to en:Perilipin-5; redirectFrom=en:PLIN5; linkedpages=en:Perilipin-5
- en:PLK1 is not a redirect.
- en:PLK2 is not a redirect.
- en:PLK3 is not a redirect.
- en:PLK4 is not a redirect.
- en:PLN (gene) is a redirect to en:Phospholamban; redirectFrom=en:PLN (gene); linkedpages=en:Phospholamban
- en:PLOD1 is a redirect to en:Lysyl hydroxylase; redirectFrom=en:PLOD1; linkedpages=en:Lysyl hydroxylase
- en:PLOD3 is not a redirect.
- en:PLP1 is a redirect to en:Proteolipid protein 1; redirectFrom=en:PLP1; linkedpages=en:Proteolipid protein 1
- en:PLP2 is not a redirect.
- en:PLRG1 is not a redirect.
- en:PLS1 is a redirect to en:Fimbrin; redirectFrom=en:PLS1; linkedpages=en:Fimbrin
- en:PLS3 is not a redirect.
- en:PLSCR1 is not a redirect.
- en:PLSCR2 is not a redirect.
- en:PLSCR3 is not a redirect.
- en:PLSCR4 is not a redirect.
- en:PLSCR5 is not a redirect.
- en:PLTP is a redirect to en:Phospholipid transfer protein; redirectFrom=en:PLTP; linkedpages=en:Phospholipid transfer protein
- en:PLVAP is not a redirect.
- en:PLXDC1 is not a redirect.
- en:PLXDC2 is not a redirect.
- en:PLXNA1 is a redirect to en:Plexin A1; redirectFrom=en:PLXNA1; linkedpages=en:Plexin A1
- en:PLXNA2 is not a redirect.
- en:PLXNA3 is not a redirect.
- en:PLXNB1 is not a redirect.
- en:PLXNB2 is not a redirect.
- en:PLXNB3 is not a redirect.
- en:PLXND1 is not a redirect.
- en:PM20D1 is not a redirect.
- en:PMCH is a redirect to en:Patna Medical College and Hospital; redirectFrom=en:PMCH; linkedpages=en:Patna Medical College and Hospital
- en:PMEL (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:PMF1 is a redirect to en:Polyamine-modulated factor 1; redirectFrom=en:PMF1; linkedpages=en:Polyamine-modulated factor 1
- en:PMFBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PML (gene) is a redirect to en:Promyelocytic leukemia protein; redirectFrom=en:PML (gene); linkedpages=en:Promyelocytic leukemia protein
- en:PMM1 is not a redirect.
- en:PMM2 is not a redirect.
- en:PMP2 is not a redirect.
- en:PMP22 is a redirect to en:Peripheral myelin protein 22; redirectFrom=en:PMP22; linkedpages=en:Peripheral myelin protein 22
- en:PMPCA is not a redirect.
- en:PMPCB is not a redirect.
- en:PMS1 is not a redirect.
- en:PMS2 is not a redirect.
- en:PNISR is not a redirect.
- en:PNKD is not a redirect.
- en:PNKP is not a redirect.
- en:PNLIP is a redirect to en:Pancreatic lipase family#Human pancreatic lipase; redirectFrom=en:PNLIP; linkedpages=en:Pancreatic lipase family#Human pancreatic lipase
- en:PNMA2 is not a redirect.
- en:PNMA8A is not a redirect.
- en:PNMT is a redirect to en:Phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:PNMT; linkedpages=en:Phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase
- en:PNN (gene) is a redirect to en:Pinin; redirectFrom=en:PNN (gene); linkedpages=en:Pinin
- en:PNO1 is not a redirect.
- en:PNOC is a redirect to en:Philippine National Oil Company; redirectFrom=en:PNOC; linkedpages=en:Philippine National Oil Company
- en:PNPLA2 is a redirect to en:Adipose triglyceride lipase; redirectFrom=en:PNPLA2; linkedpages=en:Adipose triglyceride lipase
- en:PNPLA3 is not a redirect.
- en:PNPLA6 is a redirect to en:Neuropathy target esterase; redirectFrom=en:PNPLA6; linkedpages=en:Neuropathy target esterase
- en:PNPLA8 is not a redirect.
- en:PNPO is not a redirect.
- en:PNP (gene) is a redirect to en:Purine nucleoside phosphorylase; redirectFrom=en:PNP (gene); linkedpages=en:Purine nucleoside phosphorylase
- en:PNRC1 is not a redirect.
- en:PNRC2 is not a redirect.
- en:PODXL is not a redirect.
- en:PODXL2 is not a redirect.
- en:POF1B is not a redirect.
- en:POGZ is not a redirect.
- en:POLA1 is a redirect to en:DNA polymerase alpha catalytic subunit; redirectFrom=en:POLA1; linkedpages=en:DNA polymerase alpha catalytic subunit
- en:POLA2 is a redirect to en:DNA polymerase alpha subunit 2; redirectFrom=en:POLA2; linkedpages=en:DNA polymerase alpha subunit 2
- en:POLB (gene) is a redirect to en:DNA polymerase beta; redirectFrom=en:POLB (gene); linkedpages=en:DNA polymerase beta
- en:POLD1 is not a redirect.
- en:POLD2 is not a redirect.
- en:POLD3 is not a redirect.
- en:POLD4 is not a redirect.
- en:POLDIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:POLDIP3 is not a redirect.
- en:POLE2 is not a redirect.
- en:POLE3 is not a redirect.
- en:POLE4 is not a redirect.
- en:POLE (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:POLG is not a redirect.
- en:POLG2 is not a redirect.
- en:POLH is a redirect to en:DNA polymerase eta; redirectFrom=en:POLH; linkedpages=en:DNA polymerase eta
- en:POLI is not a redirect.
- en:POLK is not a redirect.
- en:POLL is a redirect to en:DNA polymerase lambda; redirectFrom=en:POLL; linkedpages=en:DNA polymerase lambda
- en:POLM is a redirect to en:DNA polymerase mu; redirectFrom=en:POLM; linkedpages=en:DNA polymerase mu
- en:POLN is a redirect to en:DNA polymerase nu; redirectFrom=en:POLN; linkedpages=en:DNA polymerase nu
- en:POLQ is not a redirect.
- en:POLR1A is not a redirect.
- en:POLR1B is not a redirect.
- en:POLR1C is not a redirect.
- en:POLR1D is not a redirect.
- en:POLR1E is not a redirect.
- en:POLR2A is not a redirect.
- en:POLR2B is not a redirect.
- en:POLR2C is not a redirect.
- en:POLR2D is a redirect to en:RNA polymerase II subunit B4; redirectFrom=en:POLR2D; linkedpages=en:RNA polymerase II subunit B4
- en:POLR2E is not a redirect.
- en:POLR2F is not a redirect.
- en:POLR2G is not a redirect.
- en:POLR2H is not a redirect.
- en:POLR2I is not a redirect.
- en:POLR2J is not a redirect.
- en:POLR2J2 is not a redirect.
- en:POLR2K is not a redirect.
- en:POLR2L is not a redirect.
- en:POLR3C is not a redirect.
- en:POLR3D is not a redirect.
- en:POLR3E is not a redirect.
- en:POLR3F is not a redirect.
- en:POLR3G is not a redirect.
- en:POLR3GL is not a redirect.
- en:POLR3K is not a redirect.
- en:POLRMT is not a redirect.
- en:POM121 is not a redirect.
- en:POMC is a redirect to en:Proopiomelanocortin; redirectFrom=en:POMC; linkedpages=en:Proopiomelanocortin
- en:POMGNT1 is not a redirect.
- en:POMP is not a redirect.
- en:POMT1 is not a redirect.
- en:POMT2 is not a redirect.
- en:PON1 is not a redirect.
- en:PON2 is not a redirect.
- en:PON3 is not a redirect.
- en:POP1 is a redirect to en:Post Office Protocol; redirectFrom=en:POP1; linkedpages=en:Post Office Protocol
- en:POP4 is a redirect to en:Post Office Protocol#POP4; redirectFrom=en:POP4; linkedpages=en:Post Office Protocol#POP4
- en:POP5 is not a redirect.
- en:POP7 is not a redirect.
- en:POPDC2 is not a redirect.
- en:POPDC3 is not a redirect.
- en:PORCN is not a redirect.
- en:POR (gene) is a redirect to en:Cytochrome P450 reductase; redirectFrom=en:POR (gene); linkedpages=en:Cytochrome P450 reductase
- en:POSTN is a redirect to en:Periostin; redirectFrom=en:POSTN; linkedpages=en:Periostin
- en:POT1 is not a redirect.
- en:POTEB is not a redirect.
- en:POU1F1 is a redirect to en:Pituitary-specific positive transcription factor 1; redirectFrom=en:POU1F1; linkedpages=en:Pituitary-specific positive transcription factor 1
- en:POU2AF1 is not a redirect.
- en:POU2F1 is not a redirect.
- en:POU2F3 is not a redirect.
- en:POU3F1 is not a redirect.
- en:POU3F2 is not a redirect.
- en:POU3F4 is not a redirect.
- en:POU4F1 is not a redirect.
- en:POU4F2 is not a redirect.
- en:POU4F3 is not a redirect.
- en:POU5F1 is a redirect to en:Oct-4; redirectFrom=en:POU5F1; linkedpages=en:Oct-4
- en:PPAN is not a redirect.
- en:PPARA is a redirect to en:Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha; redirectFrom=en:PPARA; linkedpages=en:Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha
- en:PPARD is a redirect to en:Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta; redirectFrom=en:PPARD; linkedpages=en:Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta
- en:PPARG is a redirect to en:Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma; redirectFrom=en:PPARG; linkedpages=en:Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma
- en:PPARGC1A is not a redirect.
- en:PPARGC1B is not a redirect.
- en:PPAT is a redirect to en:Amidophosphoribosyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:PPAT; linkedpages=en:Amidophosphoribosyltransferase
- en:PPBP is a redirect to en:CXCL7; redirectFrom=en:PPBP; linkedpages=en:CXCL7
- en:PPCS is a redirect to en:Post-concussion syndrome; redirectFrom=en:PPCS; linkedpages=en:Post-concussion syndrome
- en:PPEF1 is not a redirect.
- en:PPFIA1 is a redirect to en:Liprin-alpha-1; redirectFrom=en:PPFIA1; linkedpages=en:Liprin-alpha-1
- en:PPFIA4 is not a redirect.
- en:PPFIBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PPHLN1 is not a redirect.
- en:PPIA is a redirect to en:Peptidylprolyl isomerase A; redirectFrom=en:PPIA; linkedpages=en:Peptidylprolyl isomerase A
- en:PPIB is not a redirect.
- en:PPIC is not a redirect.
- en:PPID (gene) is a redirect to en:Peptidylprolyl isomerase D; redirectFrom=en:PPID (gene); linkedpages=en:Peptidylprolyl isomerase D
- en:PPIE is a redirect to en:Panama–Pacific International Exposition; redirectFrom=en:PPIE; linkedpages=en:Panama–Pacific International Exposition
- en:PPIF is not a redirect.
- en:PPIG is a redirect to en:Psychology of programming; redirectFrom=en:PPIG; linkedpages=en:Psychology of programming
- en:PPIH is not a redirect.
- en:PPIL1 is not a redirect.
- en:PPIL2 is not a redirect.
- en:PPIL3 is not a redirect.
- en:PPIL4 is not a redirect.
- en:PPIP5K2 is not a redirect.
- en:PPL is a redirect to en:PPL Corporation; redirectFrom=en:PPL; linkedpages=en:PPL Corporation
- en:PPM1A is not a redirect.
- en:PPM1B is not a redirect.
- en:PPM1D is not a redirect.
- en:PPM1F is not a redirect.
- en:PPM1G is not a redirect.
- en:PPM1K is not a redirect.
- en:PPME1 is a redirect to en:Protein phosphatase methylesterase-1; redirectFrom=en:PPME1; linkedpages=en:Protein phosphatase methylesterase-1
- en:PPOX is a redirect to en:Protoporphyrinogen oxidase; redirectFrom=en:PPOX; linkedpages=en:Protoporphyrinogen oxidase
- en:PPP1CA is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1CB is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1CC is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R10 is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R11 is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R12A is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R12B is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R13B is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R13L is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R14A is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R14B is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R14C is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R15A is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R17 is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R1B is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R2 is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R27 is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R3A is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R3C is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R3G is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R7 is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R8 is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R9A is not a redirect.
- en:PPP1R9B is not a redirect.
- en:PPP2CA is not a redirect.
- en:PPP2CB is not a redirect.
- en:PPP2R1A is not a redirect.
- en:PPP2R1B is not a redirect.
- en:PPP2R2A is not a redirect.
- en:PPP2R2B is not a redirect.
- en:PPP2R2C is not a redirect.
- en:PPP2R2D is not a redirect.
- en:PPP2R3A is not a redirect.
- en:PPP2R3B is not a redirect.
- en:PPP2R3C is not a redirect.
- en:PPP2R5A is not a redirect.
- en:PPP2R5B is not a redirect.
- en:PPP2R5C is not a redirect.
- en:PPP2R5D is not a redirect.
- en:PPP2R5E is not a redirect.
- en:PPP3CA is not a redirect.
- en:PPP3CB is not a redirect.
- en:PPP3CC is not a redirect.
- en:PPP3R1 is not a redirect.
- en:PPP3R2 is not a redirect.
- en:PPP4C is not a redirect.
- en:PPP4R1 is not a redirect.
- en:PPP5C is not a redirect.
- en:PPP6C is not a redirect.
- en:PPRC1 is not a redirect.
- en:PPT1 is not a redirect.
- en:PPT2 is not a redirect.
- en:PQBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PRAM1 is not a redirect.
- en:PRAME is not a redirect.
- en:PRAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PRB1 is not a redirect.
- en:PRB3 is not a redirect.
- en:PRB4 is not a redirect.
- en:PRC1 is not a redirect.
- en:PRCC (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:PRCD is not a redirect.
- en:PRCP is not a redirect.
- en:PRDM1 is not a redirect.
- en:PRDM12 is not a redirect.
- en:PRDM16 is not a redirect.
- en:PRDM2 is not a redirect.
- en:PRDM9 is not a redirect.
- en:PRDX1 is a redirect to en:Peroxiredoxin 1; redirectFrom=en:PRDX1; linkedpages=en:Peroxiredoxin 1
- en:PRDX2 is a redirect to en:Peroxiredoxin 2; redirectFrom=en:PRDX2; linkedpages=en:Peroxiredoxin 2
- en:PRDX3 is not a redirect.
- en:PRDX4 is not a redirect.
- en:PRDX5 is not a redirect.
- en:PRDX6 is not a redirect.
- en:PREB is not a redirect.
- en:PRELP is a redirect to en:Prolargin; redirectFrom=en:PRELP; linkedpages=en:Prolargin
- en:PREP is a redirect to en:PowerPC Reference Platform; redirectFrom=en:PREP; linkedpages=en:PowerPC Reference Platform
- en:PREPL is not a redirect.
- en:PREX1 is not a redirect.
- en:PREX2 is not a redirect.
- en:PRF1 is a redirect to en:Perforin; redirectFrom=en:PRF1; linkedpages=en:Perforin
- en:PRG2 is a redirect to en:Major basic protein; redirectFrom=en:PRG2; linkedpages=en:Major basic protein
- en:PRG4 is a redirect to en:Proteoglycan 4; redirectFrom=en:PRG4; linkedpages=en:Proteoglycan 4
- en:PRH1 is not a redirect.
- en:PRICKLE1 is not a redirect.
- en:PRICKLE4 is not a redirect.
- en:PRIM1 is not a redirect.
- en:PRIM2 is not a redirect.
- en:PRIMA1 is not a redirect.
- en:PRKAA1 is a redirect to en:Protein kinase, AMP-activated, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:PRKAA1; linkedpages=en:Protein kinase, AMP-activated, alpha 1
- en:PRKAA2 is not a redirect.
- en:PRKAB1 is not a redirect.
- en:PRKAB2 is not a redirect.
- en:PRKACA is not a redirect.
- en:PRKACB is not a redirect.
- en:PRKACG is not a redirect.
- en:PRKAG1 is not a redirect.
- en:PRKAG2 is not a redirect.
- en:PRKAG3 is not a redirect.
- en:PRKAR1A is not a redirect.
- en:PRKAR1B is not a redirect.
- en:PRKAR2A is not a redirect.
- en:PRKAR2B is not a redirect.
- en:PRKCD is not a redirect.
- en:PRKCE is not a redirect.
- en:PRKCG is not a redirect.
- en:PRKCH is not a redirect.
- en:PRKCI is not a redirect.
- en:PRKCQ is not a redirect.
- en:PRKCSH is not a redirect.
- en:PRKCZ is a redirect to en:Protein kinase C zeta type; redirectFrom=en:PRKCZ; linkedpages=en:Protein kinase C zeta type
- en:PRKD1 is a redirect to en:Protein kinase D1; redirectFrom=en:PRKD1; linkedpages=en:Protein kinase D1
- en:PRKD2 is not a redirect.
- en:PRKD3 is not a redirect.
- en:PRKDC is a redirect to en:DNA-PKcs; redirectFrom=en:PRKDC; linkedpages=en:DNA-PKcs
- en:PRKG1 is not a redirect.
- en:PRKN is a redirect to en:Parkin (ligase); redirectFrom=en:PRKN; linkedpages=en:Parkin (ligase)
- en:PRKRA is not a redirect.
- en:PRKX is not a redirect.
- en:PRLH is a redirect to en:Prolactin-releasing peptide; redirectFrom=en:PRLH; linkedpages=en:Prolactin-releasing peptide
- en:PRLHR is a redirect to en:Prolactin-releasing peptide receptor; redirectFrom=en:PRLHR; linkedpages=en:Prolactin-releasing peptide receptor
- en:PRL (gene) is a redirect to en:Prolactin; redirectFrom=en:PRL (gene); linkedpages=en:Prolactin
- en:PRMT1 is not a redirect.
- en:PRMT2 is not a redirect.
- en:PRMT3 is not a redirect.
- en:PRMT5 is a redirect to en:Protein arginine methyltransferase 5; redirectFrom=en:PRMT5; linkedpages=en:Protein arginine methyltransferase 5
- en:PRMT6 is not a redirect.
- en:PRMT7 is not a redirect.
- en:PRMT8 is not a redirect.
- en:PRND is not a redirect.
- en:PRNP is not a redirect.
- en:PROB1 is not a redirect.
- en:PROCR is a redirect to en:Endothelial protein C receptor; redirectFrom=en:PROCR; linkedpages=en:Endothelial protein C receptor
- en:PROC (gene) is a redirect to en:Protein C; redirectFrom=en:PROC (gene); linkedpages=en:Protein C
- en:PRODH is a redirect to en:Proline oxidase; redirectFrom=en:PRODH; linkedpages=en:Proline oxidase
- en:PROKR1 is a redirect to en:Prokineticin receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:PROKR1; linkedpages=en:Prokineticin receptor 1
- en:PROKR2 is a redirect to en:Prokineticin receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:PROKR2; linkedpages=en:Prokineticin receptor 2
- en:PROM1 is a redirect to en:CD133; redirectFrom=en:PROM1; linkedpages=en:CD133
- en:PROP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PROS1 is a redirect to en:Protein S; redirectFrom=en:PROS1; linkedpages=en:Protein S
- en:PROX1 is not a redirect.
- en:PRPF19 is not a redirect.
- en:PRPF3 is not a redirect.
- en:PRPF31 is not a redirect.
- en:PRPF4 is not a redirect.
- en:PRPF40A is not a redirect.
- en:PRPF40B is not a redirect.
- en:PRPF4B is not a redirect.
- en:PRPF6 is not a redirect.
- en:PRPF8 is not a redirect.
- en:PRPH2 is a redirect to en:Peripherin 2; redirectFrom=en:PRPH2; linkedpages=en:Peripherin 2
- en:PRPS1 is a redirect to en:Ribose-phosphate diphosphokinase; redirectFrom=en:PRPS1; linkedpages=en:Ribose-phosphate diphosphokinase
- en:PRPSAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PRPSAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:PRR16 is not a redirect.
- en:PRR23C is not a redirect.
- en:PRR29 is not a redirect.
- en:PRR30 is a redirect to en:Proline-rich protein 30; redirectFrom=en:PRR30; linkedpages=en:Proline-rich protein 30
- en:PRR32 is not a redirect.
- en:PRR35 is not a redirect.
- en:PRR4 is not a redirect.
- en:PRR9 is not a redirect.
- en:PRRC2A is not a redirect.
- en:PRRT2 is not a redirect.
- en:PRRX1 is not a redirect.
- en:PRRX2 is not a redirect.
- en:PRSS1 is a redirect to en:Trypsin 1; redirectFrom=en:PRSS1; linkedpages=en:Trypsin 1
- en:PRSS16 is not a redirect.
- en:PRSS2 is not a redirect.
- en:PRSS22 is not a redirect.
- en:PRSS23 is not a redirect.
- en:PRSS3 is not a redirect.
- en:PRSS55 is not a redirect.
- en:PRSS56 is not a redirect.
- en:PRSS8 is not a redirect.
- en:PRTG is a redirect to en:PRTG Network Monitor; redirectFrom=en:PRTG; linkedpages=en:PRTG Network Monitor
- en:PRTN3 is a redirect to en:Proteinase 3; redirectFrom=en:PRTN3; linkedpages=en:Proteinase 3
- en:PRUNE2 is not a redirect.
- en:PRX (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:PSAPL1 is not a redirect.
- en:PSAP (gene) is a redirect to en:Prosaposin; redirectFrom=en:PSAP (gene); linkedpages=en:Prosaposin
- en:PSAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:PSCA (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:PSD2 is a redirect to en:Payment Services Directive#Revised Directive on Payment Services (PSD2); redirectFrom=en:PSD2; linkedpages=en:Payment Services Directive#Revised Directive on Payment Services (PSD2)
- en:PSD3 is not a redirect.
- en:PSEN1 is not a redirect.
- en:PSEN2 is not a redirect.
- en:PSG1 is a redirect to en:Heckler & Koch PSG1; redirectFrom=en:PSG1; linkedpages=en:Heckler & Koch PSG1
- en:PSG2 is not a redirect.
- en:PSG3 is not a redirect.
- en:PSG4 is not a redirect.
- en:PSG5 is not a redirect.
- en:PSG6 is not a redirect.
- en:PSG9 is not a redirect.
- en:PSIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PSKH1 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMA1 is a redirect to en:Proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:PSMA1; linkedpages=en:Proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, alpha 1
- en:PSMA2 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMA3 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMA4 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMA5 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMA6 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMA7 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMA8 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMB1 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMB10 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMB2 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMB3 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMB4 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMB5 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMB6 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMB7 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMB8 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMB9 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMC1 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMC2 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMC3 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMC4 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMC5 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMC6 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMD1 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMD10 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMD11 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMD12 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMD13 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMD14 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMD2 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMD3 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMD4 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMD5 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMD6 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMD7 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMD8 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMD9 is not a redirect.
- en:PSME1 is not a redirect.
- en:PSME2 is not a redirect.
- en:PSME3 is not a redirect.
- en:PSME4 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMF1 is not a redirect.
- en:PSMG1 is not a redirect.
- en:PSPH is not a redirect.
- en:PSPN is a redirect to en:Persephin; redirectFrom=en:PSPN; linkedpages=en:Persephin
- en:PSRC1 is not a redirect.
- en:PSTK is a redirect to en:O-phosphoseryl-tRNASec kinase; redirectFrom=en:PSTK; linkedpages=en:O-phosphoseryl-tRNASec kinase
- en:PSTPIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PSTPIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:PTAFR is a redirect to en:Platelet-activating factor receptor; redirectFrom=en:PTAFR; linkedpages=en:Platelet-activating factor receptor
- en:PTBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PTBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:PTCH1 is not a redirect.
- en:PTCH2 is not a redirect.
- en:PTCHD4 is not a redirect.
- en:PTDSS2 is a redirect to en:L-serine-phosphatidylethanolamine phosphatidyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:PTDSS2; linkedpages=en:L-serine-phosphatidylethanolamine phosphatidyltransferase
- en:PTEN (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:PTF1A is not a redirect.
- en:PTGDR is a redirect to en:Prostaglandin D2 receptor; redirectFrom=en:PTGDR; linkedpages=en:Prostaglandin D2 receptor
- en:PTGDR2 is a redirect to en:Prostaglandin DP2 receptor; redirectFrom=en:PTGDR2; linkedpages=en:Prostaglandin DP2 receptor
- en:PTGDS is a redirect to en:Prostaglandin D2 synthase; redirectFrom=en:PTGDS; linkedpages=en:Prostaglandin D2 synthase
- en:PTGER1 is a redirect to en:Prostaglandin EP1 receptor; redirectFrom=en:PTGER1; linkedpages=en:Prostaglandin EP1 receptor
- en:PTGER2 is a redirect to en:Prostaglandin EP2 receptor; redirectFrom=en:PTGER2; linkedpages=en:Prostaglandin EP2 receptor
- en:PTGER3 is a redirect to en:Prostaglandin EP3 receptor; redirectFrom=en:PTGER3; linkedpages=en:Prostaglandin EP3 receptor
- en:PTGER4 is a redirect to en:Prostaglandin EP4 receptor; redirectFrom=en:PTGER4; linkedpages=en:Prostaglandin EP4 receptor
- en:PTGES is a redirect to en:MPGES-1; redirectFrom=en:PTGES; linkedpages=en:MPGES-1
- en:PTGES2 is a redirect to en:MPGES-2; redirectFrom=en:PTGES2; linkedpages=en:MPGES-2
- en:PTGES3 is not a redirect.
- en:PTGFR is a redirect to en:Prostaglandin F receptor; redirectFrom=en:PTGFR; linkedpages=en:Prostaglandin F receptor
- en:PTGFRN is not a redirect.
- en:PTGIR is a redirect to en:Prostacyclin receptor; redirectFrom=en:PTGIR; linkedpages=en:Prostacyclin receptor
- en:PTGIS is a redirect to en:Prostacyclin synthase; redirectFrom=en:PTGIS; linkedpages=en:Prostacyclin synthase
- en:PTGS1 is not a redirect.
- en:PTGS2 is a redirect to en:Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2; redirectFrom=en:PTGS2; linkedpages=en:Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2
- en:PTH1R is a redirect to en:Parathyroid hormone 1 receptor; redirectFrom=en:PTH1R; linkedpages=en:Parathyroid hormone 1 receptor
- en:PTH2R is a redirect to en:Parathyroid hormone 2 receptor; redirectFrom=en:PTH2R; linkedpages=en:Parathyroid hormone 2 receptor
- en:PTHLH is a redirect to en:Parathyroid hormone-related protein; redirectFrom=en:PTHLH; linkedpages=en:Parathyroid hormone-related protein
- en:PTH (gene) is a redirect to en:Parathyroid hormone; redirectFrom=en:PTH (gene); linkedpages=en:Parathyroid hormone
- en:PTK2 is not a redirect.
- en:PTK2B is not a redirect.
- en:PTK6 is not a redirect.
- en:PTK7 is not a redirect.
- en:PTMA is a redirect to en:Thymosin α1; redirectFrom=en:PTMA; linkedpages=en:Thymosin α1
- en:PTMS (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:PTN (gene) is a redirect to en:Pleiotrophin; redirectFrom=en:PTN (gene); linkedpages=en:Pleiotrophin
- en:PTOV1 is not a redirect.
- en:PTP4A1 is not a redirect.
- en:PTP4A2 is not a redirect.
- en:PTP4A3 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPMT1 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPN1 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPN11 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPN12 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPN13 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPN14 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPN18 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPN2 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPN21 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPN22 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPN23 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPN3 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPN4 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPN5 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPN6 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPN7 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPN9 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRA is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRB is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRC is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRCAP is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRD is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRE is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRF is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRG is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRH is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRJ is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRK is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRM is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRN is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRN2 is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRO is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRR is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRS is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRT is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRU is not a redirect.
- en:PTPRZ1 is not a redirect.
- en:PTS (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:PTTG1 is not a redirect.
- en:PTTG1IP is not a redirect.
- en:PTX3 is not a redirect.
- en:PUF60 is not a redirect.
- en:PUM1 is not a redirect.
- en:PUM2 is not a redirect.
- en:PUM3 is not a redirect.
- en:PURA is not a redirect.
- en:PURB is not a redirect.
- en:PURG is not a redirect.
- en:PUS1 is not a redirect.
- en:PUS7L is not a redirect.
- en:PVALB is a redirect to en:Parvalbumin; redirectFrom=en:PVALB; linkedpages=en:Parvalbumin
- en:PVRIG is not a redirect.
- en:PVR (gene) is a redirect to en:CD155; redirectFrom=en:PVR (gene); linkedpages=en:CD155
- en:PWP1 is not a redirect.
- en:PWP2 is not a redirect.
- en:PWWP2A is not a redirect.
- en:PXDN is not a redirect.
- en:PXK is not a redirect.
- en:PXMP4 is not a redirect.
- en:PXN is a redirect to en:Paxillin; redirectFrom=en:PXN; linkedpages=en:Paxillin
- en:PYCARD is not a redirect.
- en:PYCR1 is not a redirect.
- en:PYCR2 is not a redirect.
- en:PYGB is not a redirect.
- en:PYGL is not a redirect.
- en:PYGO1 is not a redirect.
- en:PYGO2 is not a redirect.
- en:PYROXD1 is a redirect to en:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase domain 1; redirectFrom=en:PYROXD1; linkedpages=en:Pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductase domain 1
- en:PYY is a redirect to en:Peptide YY; redirectFrom=en:PYY; linkedpages=en:Peptide YY
- en:PZP (gene) is a redirect to en:Pregnancy zone protein; redirectFrom=en:PZP (gene); linkedpages=en:Pregnancy zone protein
- en:QDPR is not a redirect.
- en:QKI is not a redirect.
- en:QPCT is not a redirect.
- en:QPRT is a redirect to en:Qualified personal residence trust; redirectFrom=en:QPRT; linkedpages=en:Qualified personal residence trust
- en:QRFP is not a redirect.
- en:QRFPR is a redirect to en:Pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide receptor; redirectFrom=en:QRFPR; linkedpages=en:Pyroglutamylated RFamide peptide receptor
- en:QRICH1 is not a redirect.
- en:QRICH2 is not a redirect.
- en:QSER1 is not a redirect.
- en:QSOX1 is not a redirect.
- en:R3HDML is not a redirect.
- en:RAB10 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB11A is not a redirect.
- en:RAB11B is not a redirect.
- en:RAB11FIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB11FIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB11FIP3 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB11FIP4 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB11FIP5 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB13 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB14 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB15 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB17 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB18 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB1A is not a redirect.
- en:RAB1B is not a redirect.
- en:RAB21 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB22A is not a redirect.
- en:RAB23 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB25 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB26 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB27A is not a redirect.
- en:RAB2A is not a redirect.
- en:RAB2B is not a redirect.
- en:RAB30 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB31 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB33A is not a redirect.
- en:RAB33B is not a redirect.
- en:RAB34 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB35 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB36 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB37 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB38 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB39B is not a redirect.
- en:RAB3A is not a redirect.
- en:RAB3B is not a redirect.
- en:RAB3C is not a redirect.
- en:RAB3D is not a redirect.
- en:RAB3GAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB3GAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:RAB3IP is not a redirect.
- en:RAB40A is not a redirect.
- en:RAB4A is not a redirect.
- en:RAB5A is not a redirect.
- en:RAB5B is not a redirect.
- en:RAB5C is not a redirect.
- en:RAB6A is not a redirect.
- en:RAB6B is not a redirect.
- en:RAB6C is not a redirect.
- en:RAB7A is not a redirect.
- en:RAB7B is not a redirect.
- en:RAB8A is not a redirect.
- en:RAB8B is not a redirect.
- en:RAB9A is not a redirect.
- en:RABAC1 is not a redirect.
- en:RABEP1 is not a redirect.
- en:RABEPK is not a redirect.
- en:RABGAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:RABGEF1 is not a redirect.
- en:RABIF is not a redirect.
- en:RABL6 is not a redirect.
- en:RAC1 is not a redirect.
- en:RAC2 is not a redirect.
- en:RAC3 is not a redirect.
- en:RACGAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:RACK1 is a redirect to en:Receptor for activated C kinase 1; redirectFrom=en:RACK1; linkedpages=en:Receptor for activated C kinase 1
- en:RAD17 is not a redirect.
- en:RAD18 is not a redirect.
- en:RAD1 (gene) is a redirect to en:RAD1 homolog; redirectFrom=en:RAD1 (gene); linkedpages=en:RAD1 homolog
- en:RAD21 is not a redirect.
- en:RAD23A is not a redirect.
- en:RAD23B is not a redirect.
- en:RAD50 (gene) is a redirect to en:Rad50; redirectFrom=en:RAD50 (gene); linkedpages=en:Rad50
- en:RAD51 is not a redirect.
- en:RAD51C is not a redirect.
- en:RAD52 is not a redirect.
- en:RAD54B is not a redirect.
- en:RAD54L is a redirect to en:DNA repair and recombination protein RAD54-like; redirectFrom=en:RAD54L; linkedpages=en:DNA repair and recombination protein RAD54-like
- en:RAD9A is not a redirect.
- en:RADIL is not a redirect.
- en:RAE1 is not a redirect.
- en:RAET1E is not a redirect.
- en:RAET1G is not a redirect.
- en:RAET1L is not a redirect.
- en:RAF1 is a redirect to en:C-Raf; redirectFrom=en:RAF1; linkedpages=en:C-Raf
- en:RAG1 is not a redirect.
- en:RAG2 is not a redirect.
- en:RAI1 is not a redirect.
- en:RAI14 is not a redirect.
- en:RAI2 is not a redirect.
- en:RALA is not a redirect.
- en:RALB is not a redirect.
- en:RALBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:RALGDS is not a redirect.
- en:RALGPS1 is not a redirect.
- en:RALY is not a redirect.
- en:RALYL is not a redirect.
- en:RAMP1 is not a redirect.
- en:RAMP2 is not a redirect.
- en:RAMP3 is not a redirect.
- en:RANBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:RANBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:RANBP3 is not a redirect.
- en:RANBP3L is not a redirect.
- en:RANBP9 is not a redirect.
- en:RANGAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:RAN (gene) is a redirect to en:Ran (protein); redirectFrom=en:RAN (gene); linkedpages=en:Ran (protein)
- en:RAP1A is not a redirect.
- en:RAP1B is not a redirect.
- en:RAP1GAP is not a redirect.
- en:RAP1GAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:RAP1GDS1 is not a redirect.
- en:RAP2A is not a redirect.
- en:RAP2B is not a redirect.
- en:RAPGEF1 is not a redirect.
- en:RAPGEF2 is not a redirect.
- en:RAPGEF3 is not a redirect.
- en:RAPGEF4 is not a redirect.
- en:RAPGEF5 is not a redirect.
- en:RAPGEF6 is not a redirect.
- en:RAPH1 is not a redirect.
- en:RAPSN is not a redirect.
- en:RARA (gene) is a redirect to en:Retinoic acid receptor alpha; redirectFrom=en:RARA (gene); linkedpages=en:Retinoic acid receptor alpha
- en:RARB (gene) is a redirect to en:Retinoic acid receptor beta; redirectFrom=en:RARB (gene); linkedpages=en:Retinoic acid receptor beta
- en:RARG is a redirect to en:Retinoic acid receptor gamma; redirectFrom=en:RARG; linkedpages=en:Retinoic acid receptor gamma
- en:RARRES1 is not a redirect.
- en:RARRES2 is a redirect to en:Chemerin; redirectFrom=en:RARRES2; linkedpages=en:Chemerin
- en:RASA1 is a redirect to en:RAS p21 protein activator 1; redirectFrom=en:RASA1; linkedpages=en:RAS p21 protein activator 1
- en:RASA3 is not a redirect.
- en:RASA4 is not a redirect.
- en:RASA4B is not a redirect.
- en:RASAL2 is not a redirect.
- en:RASAL3 is not a redirect.
- en:RASD1 is not a redirect.
- en:RASD2 is not a redirect.
- en:RASEF is not a redirect.
- en:RASGEF1A is not a redirect.
- en:RASGRF1 is not a redirect.
- en:RASGRF2 is not a redirect.
- en:RASGRP1 is not a redirect.
- en:RASGRP2 is not a redirect.
- en:RASGRP3 is not a redirect.
- en:RASGRP4 is not a redirect.
- en:RASL11B is not a redirect.
- en:RASSF1 is not a redirect.
- en:RASSF2 is not a redirect.
- en:RASSF5 is not a redirect.
- en:RASSF8 is not a redirect.
- en:RASSF9 is not a redirect.
- en:RAVER1 is not a redirect.
- en:RAX is a redirect to en:Radio Aurora Explorer; redirectFrom=en:RAX; linkedpages=en:Radio Aurora Explorer
- en:RB1 is a redirect to en:Retinoblastoma protein; redirectFrom=en:RB1; linkedpages=en:Retinoblastoma protein
- en:RB1CC1 is not a redirect.
- en:RBBP4 is not a redirect.
- en:RBBP5 is not a redirect.
- en:RBBP6 is not a redirect.
- en:RBBP7 is not a redirect.
- en:RBBP8 is not a redirect.
- en:RBBP9 is not a redirect.
- en:RBCK1 is not a redirect.
- en:RBFA is a redirect to en:Royal Belgian Football Association; redirectFrom=en:RBFA; linkedpages=en:Royal Belgian Football Association
- en:RBFOX1 is not a redirect.
- en:RBFOX2 is a redirect to en:RBM9; redirectFrom=en:RBFOX2; linkedpages=en:RBM9
- en:RBL1 is a redirect to en:Retinoblastoma-like protein 1; redirectFrom=en:RBL1; linkedpages=en:Retinoblastoma-like protein 1
- en:RBL2 is a redirect to en:Retinoblastoma-like protein 2; redirectFrom=en:RBL2; linkedpages=en:Retinoblastoma-like protein 2
- en:RBM10 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM11 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM12 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM14 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM15 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM17 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM19 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM22 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM23 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM25 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM26 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM28 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM3 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM33 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM34 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM39 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM4 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM47 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM5 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM6 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM7 is not a redirect.
- en:RBM8A is not a redirect.
- en:RBMS1 is not a redirect.
- en:RBMS3 is not a redirect.
- en:RBMX is not a redirect.
- en:RBMY1A1 is a redirect to en:RNA binding motif protein, Y-linked, family 1, member A1; redirectFrom=en:RBMY1A1; linkedpages=en:RNA binding motif protein, Y-linked, family 1, member A1
- en:RBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:RBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:RBP3 is not a redirect.
- en:RBP4 is a redirect to en:Retinol binding protein 4; redirectFrom=en:RBP4; linkedpages=en:Retinol binding protein 4
- en:RBP7 is not a redirect.
- en:RBPJ is not a redirect.
- en:RBPMS is not a redirect.
- en:RBX1 is not a redirect.
- en:RC3H1 is not a redirect.
- en:RCAN1 is a redirect to en:DSCR1; redirectFrom=en:RCAN1; linkedpages=en:DSCR1
- en:RCAN2 is not a redirect.
- en:RCAN3 is not a redirect.
- en:RCBTB1 is not a redirect.
- en:RCBTB2 is not a redirect.
- en:RCC1 is not a redirect.
- en:RCC2 is not a redirect.
- en:RCE1 is not a redirect.
- en:RCHY1 is not a redirect.
- en:RCL1 is not a redirect.
- en:RCN1 is a redirect to en:Reticulocalbin 1; redirectFrom=en:RCN1; linkedpages=en:Reticulocalbin 1
- en:RCN2 is a redirect to en:Reticulocalbin 2; redirectFrom=en:RCN2; linkedpages=en:Reticulocalbin 2
- en:RCOR1 is not a redirect.
- en:RDH11 is not a redirect.
- en:RDH12 is not a redirect.
- en:RDH13 is not a redirect.
- en:RDH14 is not a redirect.
- en:RDH16 is not a redirect.
- en:RDH5 is not a redirect.
- en:RDH8 is not a redirect.
- en:RDX is not a redirect.
- en:REC8 is not a redirect.
- en:RECK is not a redirect.
- en:RECQL is not a redirect.
- en:RECQL4 is not a redirect.
- en:RECQL5 is not a redirect.
- en:REEP1 is not a redirect.
- en:REEP2 is not a redirect.
- en:REEP5 is not a redirect.
- en:REG1A is not a redirect.
- en:REG1B is not a redirect.
- en:REG3A is not a redirect.
- en:REG3G is not a redirect.
- en:REG4 is not a redirect.
- en:REL is not a redirect.
- en:RELA is not a redirect.
- en:RELB is not a redirect.
- en:RELN is a redirect to en:Reelin; redirectFrom=en:RELN; linkedpages=en:Reelin
- en:RELT is not a redirect.
- en:RENBP is not a redirect.
- en:REN (gene) is a redirect to en:Renin; redirectFrom=en:REN (gene); linkedpages=en:Renin
- en:REPIN1 is not a redirect.
- en:REPS1 is not a redirect.
- en:REPS2 is not a redirect.
- en:RERE is not a redirect.
- en:RERG is not a redirect.
- en:REST is a redirect to en:Representational state transfer; redirectFrom=en:REST; linkedpages=en:Representational state transfer
- en:RETN is a redirect to en:Resistin; redirectFrom=en:RETN; linkedpages=en:Resistin
- en:RETNLB is not a redirect.
- en:RETSAT is not a redirect.
- en:RET (gene) is a redirect to en:RET proto-oncogene; redirectFrom=en:RET (gene); linkedpages=en:RET proto-oncogene
- en:REV1 is not a redirect.
- en:REV3L is not a redirect.
- en:REXO2 is not a redirect.
- en:REXO4 is not a redirect.
- en:RFC1 is not a redirect.
- en:RFC2 is not a redirect.
- en:RFC3 is not a redirect.
- en:RFC4 is not a redirect.
- en:RFC5 is not a redirect.
- en:RFFL is not a redirect.
- en:RFK is a redirect to en:Robert F. Kennedy; redirectFrom=en:RFK; linkedpages=en:Robert F. Kennedy
- en:RFNG is a redirect to en:Radical Fringe gene; redirectFrom=en:RFNG; linkedpages=en:Radical Fringe gene
- en:RFT1 is not a redirect.
- en:RFX1 is not a redirect.
- en:RFX2 is not a redirect.
- en:RFX3 is not a redirect.
- en:RFX4 is not a redirect.
- en:RFX5 is not a redirect.
- en:RFX6 is not a redirect.
- en:RFXANK is not a redirect.
- en:RFXAP is not a redirect.
- en:RGL2 is not a redirect.
- en:RGL4 is a redirect to en:Rhamnogalacturonan endolyase; redirectFrom=en:RGL4; linkedpages=en:Rhamnogalacturonan endolyase
- en:RGMA is a redirect to en:Repulsive guidance molecule A; redirectFrom=en:RGMA; linkedpages=en:Repulsive guidance molecule A
- en:RGMB is a redirect to en:Repulsive guidance molecule B; redirectFrom=en:RGMB; linkedpages=en:Repulsive guidance molecule B
- en:RGN (gene) is a redirect to en:Regucalcin; redirectFrom=en:RGN (gene); linkedpages=en:Regucalcin
- en:RGP1 is a redirect to en:UDP-arabinopyranose mutase; redirectFrom=en:RGP1; linkedpages=en:UDP-arabinopyranose mutase
- en:RGPD5 is not a redirect.
- en:RGR (gene) is a redirect to en:Retinal G protein coupled receptor; redirectFrom=en:RGR (gene); linkedpages=en:Retinal G protein coupled receptor
- en:RGS1 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS10 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS11 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS12 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS13 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS14 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS16 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS17 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS18 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS19 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS2 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS20 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS3 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS4 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS5 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS6 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS7 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS8 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS9 is not a redirect.
- en:RGS9BP is not a redirect.
- en:RHAG is not a redirect.
- en:RHBDF1 is not a redirect.
- en:RHBDF2 is not a redirect.
- en:RHBG is not a redirect.
- en:RHCE (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:RHCG is not a redirect.
- en:RHD (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:RHEB is not a redirect.
- en:RHO is a redirect to en:Rho; redirectFrom=en:RHO; linkedpages=en:Rho
- en:RHOA is a redirect to en:Transforming protein RhoA; redirectFrom=en:RHOA; linkedpages=en:Transforming protein RhoA
- en:RHOB is not a redirect.
- en:RHOBTB1 is not a redirect.
- en:RHOBTB2 is not a redirect.
- en:RHOBTB3 is not a redirect.
- en:RHOC is a redirect to en:RhoC; redirectFrom=en:RHOC; linkedpages=en:RhoC
- en:RHOD is a redirect to en:RhoD; redirectFrom=en:RHOD; linkedpages=en:RhoD
- en:RHOF is a redirect to en:National Radio Hall of Fame; redirectFrom=en:RHOF; linkedpages=en:National Radio Hall of Fame
- en:RHOG is a redirect to en:RhoG; redirectFrom=en:RHOG; linkedpages=en:RhoG
- en:RHOH is a redirect to en:RhoH; redirectFrom=en:RHOH; linkedpages=en:RhoH
- en:RHOJ is not a redirect.
- en:RHOQ is not a redirect.
- en:RHOT1 is not a redirect.
- en:RHOT2 is not a redirect.
- en:RHOV is a redirect to en:The Real Housewives of Vancouver; redirectFrom=en:RHOV; linkedpages=en:The Real Housewives of Vancouver
- en:RHOXF1 is not a redirect.
- en:RHOXF2 is not a redirect.
- en:RHPN1 is not a redirect.
- en:RHPN2 is not a redirect.
- en:RIC3 is not a redirect.
- en:RIC8A is not a redirect.
- en:RICTOR is not a redirect.
- en:RIF1 is not a redirect.
- en:RILP (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:RIMBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:RIMS1 is not a redirect.
- en:RIMS2 is not a redirect.
- en:RIN1 is not a redirect.
- en:RING1 is not a redirect.
- en:RINT1 is not a redirect.
- en:RIOK1 is not a redirect.
- en:RIOX1 is not a redirect.
- en:RIOX2 is not a redirect.
- en:RIPK1 is not a redirect.
- en:RIPK2 is not a redirect.
- en:RIPK3 is not a redirect.
- en:RIPK4 is not a redirect.
- en:RIPOR2 is not a redirect.
- en:RIT1 is not a redirect.
- en:RIT2 is not a redirect.
- en:RLBP1 is a redirect to en:Retinaldehyde-binding protein 1; redirectFrom=en:RLBP1; linkedpages=en:Retinaldehyde-binding protein 1
- en:RLF (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:RLN3 is a redirect to en:Relaxin-3; redirectFrom=en:RLN3; linkedpages=en:Relaxin-3
- en:RMDN3 is not a redirect.
- en:RMI1 is not a redirect.
- en:RMND5B is not a redirect.
- en:RNASE1 is not a redirect.
- en:RNASE2 is a redirect to en:Eosinophil-derived neurotoxin; redirectFrom=en:RNASE2; linkedpages=en:Eosinophil-derived neurotoxin
- en:RNASE3 is a redirect to en:Eosinophil cationic protein; redirectFrom=en:RNASE3; linkedpages=en:Eosinophil cationic protein
- en:RNASE4 is a redirect to en:Ribonuclease 4; redirectFrom=en:RNASE4; linkedpages=en:Ribonuclease 4
- en:RNASE6 is not a redirect.
- en:RNASEH1 is not a redirect.
- en:RNASEH2A is not a redirect.
- en:RNASEH2B is not a redirect.
- en:RNASEH2C is not a redirect.
- en:RNASEL is a redirect to en:Ribonuclease L; redirectFrom=en:RNASEL; linkedpages=en:Ribonuclease L
- en:RNASET2 is not a redirect.
- en:RND1 is a redirect to en:Rnd1; redirectFrom=en:RND1; linkedpages=en:Rnd1
- en:RND2 is a redirect to en:Rnd2; redirectFrom=en:RND2; linkedpages=en:Rnd2
- en:RND3 is a redirect to en:Rnd3; redirectFrom=en:RND3; linkedpages=en:Rnd3
- en:RNF10 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF11 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF111 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF113A is not a redirect.
- en:RNF115 is a redirect to en:ZNF364; redirectFrom=en:RNF115; linkedpages=en:ZNF364
- en:RNF122 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF123 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF125 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF128 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF13 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF135 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF139 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF14 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF144A is not a redirect.
- en:RNF146 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF183 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF19A is not a redirect.
- en:RNF2 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF20 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF213 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF216 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF220 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF24 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF25 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF26 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF31 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF32 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF34 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF38 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF39 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF4 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF40 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF41 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF43 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF5 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF7 is not a redirect.
- en:RNF8 is not a redirect.
- en:RNGTT is not a redirect.
- en:RNH1 is not a redirect.
- en:RNMT is a redirect to en:MRNA (guanine-N7-)-methyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:RNMT; linkedpages=en:MRNA (guanine-N7-)-methyltransferase
- en:RNPEP is not a redirect.
- en:RNPS1 is not a redirect.
- en:ROBO1 is not a redirect.
- en:ROBO2 is not a redirect.
- en:ROBO3 is not a redirect.
- en:ROBO4 is not a redirect.
- en:ROCK1 is not a redirect.
- en:ROCK2 is not a redirect.
- en:ROM1 is not a redirect.
- en:ROR1 is not a redirect.
- en:ROR2 is not a redirect.
- en:RORA is a redirect to en:RAR-related orphan receptor alpha; redirectFrom=en:RORA; linkedpages=en:RAR-related orphan receptor alpha
- en:RORB is a redirect to en:RAR-related orphan receptor beta; redirectFrom=en:RORB; linkedpages=en:RAR-related orphan receptor beta
- en:RORC (gene) is a redirect to en:RAR-related orphan receptor gamma; redirectFrom=en:RORC (gene); linkedpages=en:RAR-related orphan receptor gamma
- en:ROS1 is not a redirect.
- en:RP1 is not a redirect.
- en:RP2 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:RP9 is not a redirect.
- en:RPA1 is a redirect to en:Replication protein A1; redirectFrom=en:RPA1; linkedpages=en:Replication protein A1
- en:RPA2 is a redirect to en:Replication protein A2; redirectFrom=en:RPA2; linkedpages=en:Replication protein A2
- en:RPA3 is a redirect to en:Replication protein A3; redirectFrom=en:RPA3; linkedpages=en:Replication protein A3
- en:RPA4 is not a redirect.
- en:RPAIN is not a redirect.
- en:RPAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:RPE65 is not a redirect.
- en:RPE (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:RPGR is a redirect to en:Retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator; redirectFrom=en:RPGR; linkedpages=en:Retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator
- en:RPGRIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:RPGRIP1L is not a redirect.
- en:RPH3A is not a redirect.
- en:RPH3AL is not a redirect.
- en:RPL10 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L10; redirectFrom=en:RPL10; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L10
- en:RPL10A is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L10a; redirectFrom=en:RPL10A; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L10a
- en:RPL10L is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L10-like; redirectFrom=en:RPL10L; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L10-like
- en:RPL11 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L11; redirectFrom=en:RPL11; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L11
- en:RPL12 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L12; redirectFrom=en:RPL12; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L12
- en:RPL13 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L13; redirectFrom=en:RPL13; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L13
- en:RPL13A is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L13a; redirectFrom=en:RPL13A; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L13a
- en:RPL14 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L14; redirectFrom=en:RPL14; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L14
- en:RPL15 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L15; redirectFrom=en:RPL15; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L15
- en:RPL17 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L17; redirectFrom=en:RPL17; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L17
- en:RPL18 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L18; redirectFrom=en:RPL18; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L18
- en:RPL18A is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L18a; redirectFrom=en:RPL18A; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L18a
- en:RPL19 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L19; redirectFrom=en:RPL19; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L19
- en:RPL21 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L21; redirectFrom=en:RPL21; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L21
- en:RPL22 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L22; redirectFrom=en:RPL22; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L22
- en:RPL23 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L23; redirectFrom=en:RPL23; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L23
- en:RPL23A is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L23a; redirectFrom=en:RPL23A; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L23a
- en:RPL24 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L24; redirectFrom=en:RPL24; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L24
- en:RPL26 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L26; redirectFrom=en:RPL26; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L26
- en:RPL27 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L27; redirectFrom=en:RPL27; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L27
- en:RPL27A is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L27a; redirectFrom=en:RPL27A; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L27a
- en:RPL28 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L28; redirectFrom=en:RPL28; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L28
- en:RPL29 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L29; redirectFrom=en:RPL29; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L29
- en:RPL3 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L3; redirectFrom=en:RPL3; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L3
- en:RPL30 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L30; redirectFrom=en:RPL30; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L30
- en:RPL31 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L31; redirectFrom=en:RPL31; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L31
- en:RPL32 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L32; redirectFrom=en:RPL32; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L32
- en:RPL34 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L34; redirectFrom=en:RPL34; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L34
- en:RPL35 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L35; redirectFrom=en:RPL35; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L35
- en:RPL35A is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L35a; redirectFrom=en:RPL35A; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L35a
- en:RPL36 is not a redirect.
- en:RPL36A is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L36a; redirectFrom=en:RPL36A; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L36a
- en:RPL37 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L37; redirectFrom=en:RPL37; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L37
- en:RPL37A is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L37a; redirectFrom=en:RPL37A; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L37a
- en:RPL38 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L38; redirectFrom=en:RPL38; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L38
- en:RPL39 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L39; redirectFrom=en:RPL39; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L39
- en:RPL4 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L4; redirectFrom=en:RPL4; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L4
- en:RPL41 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L41; redirectFrom=en:RPL41; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L41
- en:RPL5 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L5; redirectFrom=en:RPL5; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L5
- en:RPL6 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L6; redirectFrom=en:RPL6; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L6
- en:RPL7 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L7; redirectFrom=en:RPL7; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L7
- en:RPL7A is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L7a; redirectFrom=en:RPL7A; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L7a
- en:RPL8 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L8; redirectFrom=en:RPL8; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L8
- en:RPL9 is a redirect to en:60S ribosomal protein L9; redirectFrom=en:RPL9; linkedpages=en:60S ribosomal protein L9
- en:RPLP0 is not a redirect.
- en:RPLP1 is a redirect to en:60S acidic ribosomal protein P1; redirectFrom=en:RPLP1; linkedpages=en:60S acidic ribosomal protein P1
- en:RPLP2 is a redirect to en:60S acidic ribosomal protein P2; redirectFrom=en:RPLP2; linkedpages=en:60S acidic ribosomal protein P2
- en:RPN1 is not a redirect.
- en:RPN2 is not a redirect.
- en:RPP14 is not a redirect.
- en:RPP30 is not a redirect.
- en:RPP38 is not a redirect.
- en:RPP40 is not a redirect.
- en:RPS10 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S10; redirectFrom=en:RPS10; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S10
- en:RPS11 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S11; redirectFrom=en:RPS11; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S11
- en:RPS12 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S12; redirectFrom=en:RPS12; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S12
- en:RPS13 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S13; redirectFrom=en:RPS13; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S13
- en:RPS14 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S14; redirectFrom=en:RPS14; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S14
- en:RPS15 is not a redirect.
- en:RPS15A is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S15a; redirectFrom=en:RPS15A; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S15a
- en:RPS16 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S16; redirectFrom=en:RPS16; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S16
- en:RPS17 is not a redirect.
- en:RPS18 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S18; redirectFrom=en:RPS18; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S18
- en:RPS19 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S19; redirectFrom=en:RPS19; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S19
- en:RPS2 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S2; redirectFrom=en:RPS2; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S2
- en:RPS20 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S20; redirectFrom=en:RPS20; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S20
- en:RPS21 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S21; redirectFrom=en:RPS21; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S21
- en:RPS23 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S23; redirectFrom=en:RPS23; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S23
- en:RPS24 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S24; redirectFrom=en:RPS24; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S24
- en:RPS25 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S25; redirectFrom=en:RPS25; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S25
- en:RPS26 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S26; redirectFrom=en:RPS26; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S26
- en:RPS27 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S27; redirectFrom=en:RPS27; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S27
- en:RPS27A is not a redirect.
- en:RPS28 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S28; redirectFrom=en:RPS28; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S28
- en:RPS29 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S29; redirectFrom=en:RPS29; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S29
- en:RPS3 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S3; redirectFrom=en:RPS3; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S3
- en:RPS3A is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S3a; redirectFrom=en:RPS3A; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S3a
- en:RPS4X is not a redirect.
- en:RPS4Y1 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S4, Y isoform 1; redirectFrom=en:RPS4Y1; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S4, Y isoform 1
- en:RPS4Y2 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S4, Y isoform 2; redirectFrom=en:RPS4Y2; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S4, Y isoform 2
- en:RPS5 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S5; redirectFrom=en:RPS5; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S5
- en:RPS6 is a redirect to en:Ribosomal protein s6; redirectFrom=en:RPS6; linkedpages=en:Ribosomal protein s6
- en:RPS6KA1 is not a redirect.
- en:RPS6KA2 is not a redirect.
- en:RPS6KA3 is not a redirect.
- en:RPS6KA4 is not a redirect.
- en:RPS6KA5 is not a redirect.
- en:RPS6KA6 is not a redirect.
- en:RPS6KB1 is a redirect to en:P70-S6 Kinase 1; redirectFrom=en:RPS6KB1; linkedpages=en:P70-S6 Kinase 1
- en:RPS6KB2 is not a redirect.
- en:RPS6KC1 is not a redirect.
- en:RPS7 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S7; redirectFrom=en:RPS7; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S7
- en:RPS8 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S8; redirectFrom=en:RPS8; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S8
- en:RPS9 is a redirect to en:40S ribosomal protein S9; redirectFrom=en:RPS9; linkedpages=en:40S ribosomal protein S9
- en:RPSA is a redirect to en:Ribosomal protein SA; redirectFrom=en:RPSA; linkedpages=en:Ribosomal protein SA
- en:RPTN is a redirect to en:Repetin; redirectFrom=en:RPTN; linkedpages=en:Repetin
- en:RPTOR is not a redirect.
- en:RRAD is not a redirect.
- en:RRAGA is not a redirect.
- en:RRAGB is not a redirect.
- en:RRAGC is not a redirect.
- en:RRAS is not a redirect.
- en:RRAS2 is not a redirect.
- en:RRBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:RREB1 is not a redirect.
- en:RRH is not a redirect.
- en:RRM1 is not a redirect.
- en:RRM2 is not a redirect.
- en:RRM2B is not a redirect.
- en:RRN3 is not a redirect.
- en:RRP1 is not a redirect.
- en:RRP12 is not a redirect.
- en:RRP15 is not a redirect.
- en:RRP1B is not a redirect.
- en:RRP9 is not a redirect.
- en:RRS1 is not a redirect.
- en:RS1 is a redirect to en:Retinoschisin; redirectFrom=en:RS1; linkedpages=en:Retinoschisin
- en:RSAD2 is a redirect to en:Viperin; redirectFrom=en:RSAD2; linkedpages=en:Viperin
- en:RSF1 is not a redirect.
- en:RSL1D1 is not a redirect.
- en:RSPH1 is not a redirect.
- en:RSPH10B is not a redirect.
- en:RSPH14 is not a redirect.
- en:RSPH3 is not a redirect.
- en:RSPH4A is not a redirect.
- en:RSPH6A is not a redirect.
- en:RSPH9 is not a redirect.
- en:RSPO1 is a redirect to en:R-spondin 1; redirectFrom=en:RSPO1; linkedpages=en:R-spondin 1
- en:RSPO2 is a redirect to en:R-spondin 2; redirectFrom=en:RSPO2; linkedpages=en:R-spondin 2
- en:RSPO3 is a redirect to en:R-spondin 3; redirectFrom=en:RSPO3; linkedpages=en:R-spondin 3
- en:RSPO4 is a redirect to en:R-spondin 4; redirectFrom=en:RSPO4; linkedpages=en:R-spondin 4
- en:RSU1 is not a redirect.
- en:RTCB is not a redirect.
- en:RTF1 is not a redirect.
- en:RTKN is not a redirect.
- en:RTKN2 is not a redirect.
- en:RTL1 is not a redirect.
- en:RTL4 is a redirect to en:RTL 4; redirectFrom=en:RTL4; linkedpages=en:RTL 4
- en:RTL5 is a redirect to en:RTL 5; redirectFrom=en:RTL5; linkedpages=en:RTL 5
- en:RTL6 is not a redirect.
- en:RTL9 is not a redirect.
- en:RTN1 is not a redirect.
- en:RTN2 is not a redirect.
- en:RTN3 is not a redirect.
- en:RTN4 is a redirect to en:Reticulon 4; redirectFrom=en:RTN4; linkedpages=en:Reticulon 4
- en:RTN4R is a redirect to en:Reticulon 4 receptor; redirectFrom=en:RTN4R; linkedpages=en:Reticulon 4 receptor
- en:RTP1 is not a redirect.
- en:RTP2 is not a redirect.
- en:RTP3 is not a redirect.
- en:RTP4 is a redirect to en:Rádio e Televisão de Portugal; redirectFrom=en:RTP4; linkedpages=en:Rádio e Televisão de Portugal
- en:RTP5 is a redirect to en:Rádio e Televisão de Portugal; redirectFrom=en:RTP5; linkedpages=en:Rádio e Televisão de Portugal
- en:RTRAF is not a redirect.
- en:RUFY1 is not a redirect.
- en:RUFY2 is not a redirect.
- en:RUNDC3A is not a redirect.
- en:RUNX1 is not a redirect.
- en:RUNX1T1 is not a redirect.
- en:RUNX2 is not a redirect.
- en:RUNX3 is not a redirect.
- en:RUVBL1 is a redirect to en:RuvB-like 1; redirectFrom=en:RUVBL1; linkedpages=en:RuvB-like 1
- en:RUVBL2 is not a redirect.
- en:RWDD2B is not a redirect.
- en:RWDD3 is not a redirect.
- en:RXFP1 is a redirect to en:Relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:RXFP1; linkedpages=en:Relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 1
- en:RXFP2 is a redirect to en:Relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:RXFP2; linkedpages=en:Relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 2
- en:RXFP3 is a redirect to en:Relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 3; redirectFrom=en:RXFP3; linkedpages=en:Relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 3
- en:RXFP4 is a redirect to en:Relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 4; redirectFrom=en:RXFP4; linkedpages=en:Relaxin/insulin-like family peptide receptor 4
- en:RXRA is a redirect to en:Retinoid X receptor alpha; redirectFrom=en:RXRA; linkedpages=en:Retinoid X receptor alpha
- en:RXRB is a redirect to en:Retinoid X receptor beta; redirectFrom=en:RXRB; linkedpages=en:Retinoid X receptor beta
- en:RXRG is a redirect to en:Retinoid X receptor gamma; redirectFrom=en:RXRG; linkedpages=en:Retinoid X receptor gamma
- en:RYBP is not a redirect.
- en:RYK (gene) is a redirect to en:Related to receptor tyrosine kinase; redirectFrom=en:RYK (gene); linkedpages=en:Related to receptor tyrosine kinase
- en:RYR1 is not a redirect.
- en:RYR2 is a redirect to en:Ryanodine receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:RYR2; linkedpages=en:Ryanodine receptor 2
- en:RYR3 is not a redirect.
- en:S100A1 is not a redirect.
- en:S100A10 is not a redirect.
- en:S100A11 is not a redirect.
- en:S100A12 is not a redirect.
- en:S100A13 is not a redirect.
- en:S100A14 is not a redirect.
- en:S100A16 is not a redirect.
- en:S100A2 is not a redirect.
- en:S100A3 is not a redirect.
- en:S100A4 is not a redirect.
- en:S100A5 is not a redirect.
- en:S100A6 is not a redirect.
- en:S100A7 is not a redirect.
- en:S100A8 is not a redirect.
- en:S100A9 is not a redirect.
- en:S100B is not a redirect.
- en:S100G is not a redirect.
- en:S100P is not a redirect.
- en:S1PR1 is not a redirect.
- en:S1PR2 is not a redirect.
- en:S1PR3 is not a redirect.
- en:S1PR4 is not a redirect.
- en:S1PR5 is not a redirect.
- en:SAA1 is a redirect to en:Serum amyloid A1; redirectFrom=en:SAA1; linkedpages=en:Serum amyloid A1
- en:SAA2 is not a redirect.
- en:SAC3D1 is not a redirect.
- en:SACM1L is not a redirect.
- en:SACS (gene) is a redirect to en:Sacsin; redirectFrom=en:SACS (gene); linkedpages=en:Sacsin
- en:SAE1 is not a redirect.
- en:SAFB is not a redirect.
- en:SAFB2 is not a redirect.
- en:SAG (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:SALL1 is not a redirect.
- en:SALL2 is not a redirect.
- en:SALL3 is not a redirect.
- en:SALL4 is not a redirect.
- en:SAMD9 is not a redirect.
- en:SAMHD1 is not a redirect.
- en:SAMM50 is not a redirect.
- en:SAP130 is not a redirect.
- en:SAP18 is not a redirect.
- en:SAP30 is not a redirect.
- en:SAPCD1 is not a redirect.
- en:SAR1A is not a redirect.
- en:SAR1B is not a redirect.
- en:SARDH is not a redirect.
- en:SARNP is not a redirect.
- en:SARS2 is not a redirect.
- en:SART1 is not a redirect.
- en:SART3 is not a redirect.
- en:SASH1 is not a redirect.
- en:SASS6 is not a redirect.
- en:SAT1 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:SAT2 is not a redirect.
- en:SATB1 is not a redirect.
- en:SATB2 is not a redirect.
- en:SAV1 is not a redirect.
- en:SBDS is not a redirect.
- en:SBF1 is not a redirect.
- en:SBF2 is not a redirect.
- en:SBNO2 is not a redirect.
- en:SBSN is a redirect to en:Santarém-Maestro Wilson Fonseca Airport; redirectFrom=en:SBSN; linkedpages=en:Santarém-Maestro Wilson Fonseca Airport
- en:SCAMP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SCAMP2 is not a redirect.
- en:SCAMP3 is not a redirect.
- en:SCAMP5 is not a redirect.
- en:SCAND1 is not a redirect.
- en:SCAPER is not a redirect.
- en:SCAP (gene) is a redirect to en:SREBP cleavage-activating protein; redirectFrom=en:SCAP (gene); linkedpages=en:SREBP cleavage-activating protein
- en:SCARB1 is not a redirect.
- en:SCARB2 is not a redirect.
- en:SCD (gene) is a redirect to en:Stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1; redirectFrom=en:SCD (gene); linkedpages=en:Stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1
- en:SCEL is a redirect to en:Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport; redirectFrom=en:SCEL; linkedpages=en:Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport
- en:SCFD1 is not a redirect.
- en:SCG2 is not a redirect.
- en:SCG3 is not a redirect.
- en:SCG5 is not a redirect.
- en:SCGB1A1 is a redirect to en:Uteroglobin; redirectFrom=en:SCGB1A1; linkedpages=en:Uteroglobin
- en:SCGB1D2 is not a redirect.
- en:SCGB2A1 is a redirect to en:Mammaglobin-B; redirectFrom=en:SCGB2A1; linkedpages=en:Mammaglobin-B
- en:SCGB2A2 is a redirect to en:Mammaglobin-A; redirectFrom=en:SCGB2A2; linkedpages=en:Mammaglobin-A
- en:SCGB3A1 is not a redirect.
- en:SCGB3A2 is not a redirect.
- en:SCGN is a redirect to en:Secretagogin; redirectFrom=en:SCGN; linkedpages=en:Secretagogin
- en:SCIMP is a redirect to en:Silent Circle Instant Messaging Protocol; redirectFrom=en:SCIMP; linkedpages=en:Silent Circle Instant Messaging Protocol
- en:SCIN is not a redirect.
- en:SCLY is a redirect to en:Dom Sicily; redirectFrom=en:SCLY; linkedpages=en:Dom Sicily
- en:SCMH1 is not a redirect.
- en:SCN10A is a redirect to en:Nav1.8; redirectFrom=en:SCN10A; linkedpages=en:Nav1.8
- en:SCN11A is a redirect to en:Nav1.9; redirectFrom=en:SCN11A; linkedpages=en:Nav1.9
- en:SCN1A is a redirect to en:Nav1.1; redirectFrom=en:SCN1A; linkedpages=en:Nav1.1
- en:SCN1B is not a redirect.
- en:SCN2A is a redirect to en:Nav1.2; redirectFrom=en:SCN2A; linkedpages=en:Nav1.2
- en:SCN2B is not a redirect.
- en:SCN3A is not a redirect.
- en:SCN3B is not a redirect.
- en:SCN4A is a redirect to en:Nav1.4; redirectFrom=en:SCN4A; linkedpages=en:Nav1.4
- en:SCN4B is not a redirect.
- en:SCN5A is a redirect to en:Nav1.5; redirectFrom=en:SCN5A; linkedpages=en:Nav1.5
- en:SCN7A is not a redirect.
- en:SCN8A is not a redirect.
- en:SCN9A is a redirect to en:Nav1.7; redirectFrom=en:SCN9A; linkedpages=en:Nav1.7
- en:SCNN1A is not a redirect.
- en:SCNN1B is not a redirect.
- en:SCNN1D is not a redirect.
- en:SCNN1G is not a redirect.
- en:SCO1 is not a redirect.
- en:SCO2 is not a redirect.
- en:SCP2 is not a redirect.
- en:SCPEP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SCRIB is not a redirect.
- en:SCRN1 is not a redirect.
- en:SCTR is a redirect to en:Secretin receptor; redirectFrom=en:SCTR; linkedpages=en:Secretin receptor
- en:SCT (gene) is a redirect to en:Secretin; redirectFrom=en:SCT (gene); linkedpages=en:Secretin
- en:SCUBE1 is not a redirect.
- en:SCYL1 is not a redirect.
- en:SCYL2 is not a redirect.
- en:SCYL3 is not a redirect.
- en:SDAD1 is not a redirect.
- en:SDC1 is a redirect to en:Syndecan 1; redirectFrom=en:SDC1; linkedpages=en:Syndecan 1
- en:SDC2 is a redirect to en:Syndecan-2; redirectFrom=en:SDC2; linkedpages=en:Syndecan-2
- en:SDC3 is a redirect to en:Syndecan-3; redirectFrom=en:SDC3; linkedpages=en:Syndecan-3
- en:SDC4 is a redirect to en:Syndecan-4; redirectFrom=en:SDC4; linkedpages=en:Syndecan-4
- en:SDCBP is a redirect to en:Syntenin-1; redirectFrom=en:SDCBP; linkedpages=en:Syntenin-1
- en:SDCBP2 is a redirect to en:Syntenin-2; redirectFrom=en:SDCBP2; linkedpages=en:Syntenin-2
- en:SDCCAG8 is not a redirect.
- en:SDF4 is not a redirect.
- en:SDHA is not a redirect.
- en:SDHAF1 is not a redirect.
- en:SDHAF2 is not a redirect.
- en:SDHB is not a redirect.
- en:SDHC is a redirect to en:SD card#SDHC; redirectFrom=en:SDHC; linkedpages=en:SD card#SDHC
- en:SDHD is not a redirect.
- en:SDK1 is not a redirect.
- en:SDK2 is not a redirect.
- en:SEC13 is not a redirect.
- en:SEC14L1 is not a redirect.
- en:SEC14L2 is not a redirect.
- en:SEC16A is not a redirect.
- en:SEC16B is not a redirect.
- en:SEC22A is not a redirect.
- en:SEC22B is not a redirect.
- en:SEC23A is not a redirect.
- en:SEC23B is not a redirect.
- en:SEC23IP is not a redirect.
- en:SEC24A is not a redirect.
- en:SEC24B is not a redirect.
- en:SEC24C is not a redirect.
- en:SEC24D is not a redirect.
- en:SEC31A is not a redirect.
- en:SEC61A1 is a redirect to en:Sec61 alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:SEC61A1; linkedpages=en:Sec61 alpha 1
- en:SEC61B is not a redirect.
- en:SEC61G is not a redirect.
- en:SEC62 is not a redirect.
- en:SEC63 is not a redirect.
- en:SECISBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:SECTM1 is not a redirect.
- en:SEL1L is not a redirect.
- en:SELE is a redirect to en:E-selectin; redirectFrom=en:SELE; linkedpages=en:E-selectin
- en:SELENBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SELL is not a redirect.
- en:SELP is a redirect to en:P-selectin; redirectFrom=en:SELP; linkedpages=en:P-selectin
- en:SELPLG is a redirect to en:P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1; redirectFrom=en:SELPLG; linkedpages=en:P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1
- en:SEMA3A is not a redirect.
- en:SEMA3B is not a redirect.
- en:SEMA3C is not a redirect.
- en:SEMA3F is not a redirect.
- en:SEMA4A is not a redirect.
- en:SEMA4B is not a redirect.
- en:SEMA4C is not a redirect.
- en:SEMA4D is not a redirect.
- en:SEMA4F is not a redirect.
- en:SEMA4G is not a redirect.
- en:SEMA5A is not a redirect.
- en:SEMA6A is not a redirect.
- en:SEMA6C is not a redirect.
- en:SEMA7A is not a redirect.
- en:SEMG1 is a redirect to en:Semenogelin I; redirectFrom=en:SEMG1; linkedpages=en:Semenogelin I
- en:SEMG2 is not a redirect.
- en:SENP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SENP2 is not a redirect.
- en:SENP3 is not a redirect.
- en:SENP6 is not a redirect.
- en:SENP7 is not a redirect.
- en:SENP8 is not a redirect.
- en:SEPHS1 is a redirect to en:Selenophosphate synthetase 1; redirectFrom=en:SEPHS1; linkedpages=en:Selenophosphate synthetase 1
- en:SEPSECS is not a redirect.
- en:SERAC1 is not a redirect.
- en:SERBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SERF2 is not a redirect.
- en:SERINC1 is not a redirect.
- en:SERINC3 is not a redirect.
- en:SERP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SERPINA1 is a redirect to en:Alpha-1 antitrypsin; redirectFrom=en:SERPINA1; linkedpages=en:Alpha-1 antitrypsin
- en:SERPINA10 is a redirect to en:Protein Z-related protease inhibitor; redirectFrom=en:SERPINA10; linkedpages=en:Protein Z-related protease inhibitor
- en:SERPINA2 is not a redirect.
- en:SERPINA3 is a redirect to en:Alpha 1-antichymotrypsin; redirectFrom=en:SERPINA3; linkedpages=en:Alpha 1-antichymotrypsin
- en:SERPINA4 is a redirect to en:Kallistatin; redirectFrom=en:SERPINA4; linkedpages=en:Kallistatin
- en:SERPINA5 is a redirect to en:Protein C inhibitor; redirectFrom=en:SERPINA5; linkedpages=en:Protein C inhibitor
- en:SERPINA6 is a redirect to en:Transcortin; redirectFrom=en:SERPINA6; linkedpages=en:Transcortin
- en:SERPINA7 is a redirect to en:Thyroxine-binding globulin; redirectFrom=en:SERPINA7; linkedpages=en:Thyroxine-binding globulin
- en:SERPINA9 is not a redirect.
- en:SERPINB1 is not a redirect.
- en:SERPINB10 is not a redirect.
- en:SERPINB13 is not a redirect.
- en:SERPINB2 is a redirect to en:Plasminogen activator inhibitor-2; redirectFrom=en:SERPINB2; linkedpages=en:Plasminogen activator inhibitor-2
- en:SERPINB3 is not a redirect.
- en:SERPINB4 is not a redirect.
- en:SERPINB5 is a redirect to en:Maspin; redirectFrom=en:SERPINB5; linkedpages=en:Maspin
- en:SERPINB6 is not a redirect.
- en:SERPINB7 is not a redirect.
- en:SERPINB8 is not a redirect.
- en:SERPINB9 is not a redirect.
- en:SERPINC1 is a redirect to en:Antithrombin; redirectFrom=en:SERPINC1; linkedpages=en:Antithrombin
- en:SERPIND1 is a redirect to en:Heparin cofactor II; redirectFrom=en:SERPIND1; linkedpages=en:Heparin cofactor II
- en:SERPINE1 is a redirect to en:Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; redirectFrom=en:SERPINE1; linkedpages=en:Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
- en:SERPINE2 is not a redirect.
- en:SERPINF1 is a redirect to en:PEDF; redirectFrom=en:SERPINF1; linkedpages=en:PEDF
- en:SERPINF2 is a redirect to en:Alpha 2-antiplasmin; redirectFrom=en:SERPINF2; linkedpages=en:Alpha 2-antiplasmin
- en:SERPING1 is a redirect to en:C1-inhibitor; redirectFrom=en:SERPING1; linkedpages=en:C1-inhibitor
- en:SERPINH1 is a redirect to en:Heat shock protein 47; redirectFrom=en:SERPINH1; linkedpages=en:Heat shock protein 47
- en:SERPINI1 is not a redirect.
- en:SERPINI2 is not a redirect.
- en:SERTAD1 is not a redirect.
- en:SESN1 is not a redirect.
- en:SESN2 is not a redirect.
- en:SESN3 is not a redirect.
- en:SESTD1 is not a redirect.
- en:SETBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SETD2 is not a redirect.
- en:SETD3 is a redirect to en:SETD3 (gene); redirectFrom=en:SETD3; linkedpages=en:SETD3 (gene)
- en:SETD5 is not a redirect.
- en:SETD6 is not a redirect.
- en:SETD7 is not a redirect.
- en:SETDB1 is not a redirect.
- en:SETMAR is not a redirect.
- en:SETX is not a redirect.
- en:SET (gene) is a redirect to en:Protein SET; redirectFrom=en:SET (gene); linkedpages=en:Protein SET
- en:SEZ6 is not a redirect.
- en:SEZ6L is not a redirect.
- en:SF1 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:SF3A1 is not a redirect.
- en:SF3A2 is not a redirect.
- en:SF3A3 is not a redirect.
- en:SF3B1 is not a redirect.
- en:SF3B2 is not a redirect.
- en:SF3B3 is not a redirect.
- en:SF3B4 is not a redirect.
- en:SF3B5 is not a redirect.
- en:SFI1 is not a redirect.
- en:SFMBT1 is not a redirect.
- en:SFN (gene) is a redirect to en:Stratifin; redirectFrom=en:SFN (gene); linkedpages=en:Stratifin
- en:SFPQ is not a redirect.
- en:SFRP1 is a redirect to en:Secreted frizzled-related protein 1; redirectFrom=en:SFRP1; linkedpages=en:Secreted frizzled-related protein 1
- en:SFRP2 is not a redirect.
- en:SFRP4 is not a redirect.
- en:SFRP5 is not a redirect.
- en:SFSWAP is not a redirect.
- en:SFTPA1 is a redirect to en:Surfactant protein A1; redirectFrom=en:SFTPA1; linkedpages=en:Surfactant protein A1
- en:SFTPA2 is a redirect to en:Surfactant protein A2; redirectFrom=en:SFTPA2; linkedpages=en:Surfactant protein A2
- en:SFTPB is a redirect to en:Surfactant protein B; redirectFrom=en:SFTPB; linkedpages=en:Surfactant protein B
- en:SFTPC is a redirect to en:Surfactant protein C; redirectFrom=en:SFTPC; linkedpages=en:Surfactant protein C
- en:SFTPD is a redirect to en:Surfactant protein D; redirectFrom=en:SFTPD; linkedpages=en:Surfactant protein D
- en:SFXN1 is not a redirect.
- en:SGCA is not a redirect.
- en:SGCB is not a redirect.
- en:SGCD (gene) is a redirect to en:Delta-sarcoglycan; redirectFrom=en:SGCD (gene); linkedpages=en:Delta-sarcoglycan
- en:SGCE is not a redirect.
- en:SGCG is not a redirect.
- en:SGCZ is not a redirect.
- en:SGIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SGK1 is not a redirect.
- en:SGK2 is not a redirect.
- en:SGK3 is not a redirect.
- en:SGMS1 is not a redirect.
- en:SGPL1 is not a redirect.
- en:SGPP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SGSH is not a redirect.
- en:SGSM1 is not a redirect.
- en:SGSM2 is not a redirect.
- en:SGTA is not a redirect.
- en:SH2B1 is not a redirect.
- en:SH2B2 is not a redirect.
- en:SH2B3 is not a redirect.
- en:SH2D1A is not a redirect.
- en:SH2D1B is not a redirect.
- en:SH2D2A is not a redirect.
- en:SH2D3A is not a redirect.
- en:SH2D3C is not a redirect.
- en:SH2D4A is not a redirect.
- en:SH3BGR is not a redirect.
- en:SH3BGRL is not a redirect.
- en:SH3BGRL3 is not a redirect.
- en:SH3BP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SH3BP2 is not a redirect.
- en:SH3BP4 is not a redirect.
- en:SH3BP5 is not a redirect.
- en:SH3D21 is not a redirect.
- en:SH3GL1 is not a redirect.
- en:SH3GL2 is not a redirect.
- en:SH3GL3 is not a redirect.
- en:SH3GLB1 is not a redirect.
- en:SH3GLB2 is not a redirect.
- en:SH3KBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SH3PXD2A is not a redirect.
- en:SH3RF1 is not a redirect.
- en:SH3TC2 is not a redirect.
- en:SHANK1 is not a redirect.
- en:SHANK2 is not a redirect.
- en:SHANK3 is not a redirect.
- en:SHBG is a redirect to en:Sex hormone-binding globulin; redirectFrom=en:SHBG; linkedpages=en:Sex hormone-binding globulin
- en:SHB (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:SHC1 is not a redirect.
- en:SHC2 is not a redirect.
- en:SHC3 is not a redirect.
- en:SHCBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SHD is a redirect to en:Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport; redirectFrom=en:SHD; linkedpages=en:Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport
- en:SHH (gene) is a redirect to en:Sonic hedgehog; redirectFrom=en:SHH (gene); linkedpages=en:Sonic hedgehog
- en:SHLD1 is not a redirect.
- en:SHMT1 is a redirect to en:Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:SHMT1; linkedpages=en:Serine hydroxymethyltransferase
- en:SHMT2 is a redirect to en:Serine hydroxymethyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:SHMT2; linkedpages=en:Serine hydroxymethyltransferase
- en:SHOC2 is not a redirect.
- en:SHOX is a redirect to en:Short stature homeobox gene; redirectFrom=en:SHOX; linkedpages=en:Short stature homeobox gene
- en:SHOX2 is not a redirect.
- en:SHPK is a redirect to en:Kosovo Police; redirectFrom=en:SHPK; linkedpages=en:Kosovo Police
- en:SHPRH is not a redirect.
- en:SHROOM2 is a redirect to en:Shroom family member 2; redirectFrom=en:SHROOM2; linkedpages=en:Shroom family member 2
- en:SHROOM3 is not a redirect.
- en:SI is a redirect to en:International System of Units; redirectFrom=en:SI; linkedpages=en:International System of Units
- en:SIAE is not a redirect.
- en:SIAH1 is not a redirect.
- en:SIAH2 is not a redirect.
- en:SIDT1 is not a redirect.
- en:SIGIRR is not a redirect.
- en:SIGLEC1 is a redirect to en:Sialoadhesin; redirectFrom=en:SIGLEC1; linkedpages=en:Sialoadhesin
- en:SIGLEC10 is not a redirect.
- en:SIGLEC12 is a redirect to en:Sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 12; redirectFrom=en:SIGLEC12; linkedpages=en:Sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 12
- en:SIGLEC5 is not a redirect.
- en:SIGLEC7 is not a redirect.
- en:SIGLEC8 is not a redirect.
- en:SIGLEC9 is not a redirect.
- en:SIGMAR1 is a redirect to en:Sigma-1 receptor; redirectFrom=en:SIGMAR1; linkedpages=en:Sigma-1 receptor
- en:SIK2 is a redirect to en:SNF1LK2; redirectFrom=en:SIK2; linkedpages=en:SNF1LK2
- en:SIL1 is not a redirect.
- en:SIM1 is not a redirect.
- en:SIM2 is not a redirect.
- en:SIN3A is not a redirect.
- en:SIN3B is not a redirect.
- en:SIPA1 is not a redirect.
- en:SIPA1L1 is not a redirect.
- en:SIPA1L2 is not a redirect.
- en:SIRPA is a redirect to en:Signal-regulatory protein alpha; redirectFrom=en:SIRPA; linkedpages=en:Signal-regulatory protein alpha
- en:SIRPB1 is not a redirect.
- en:SIRPG is not a redirect.
- en:SIRT1 is a redirect to en:Sirtuin 1; redirectFrom=en:SIRT1; linkedpages=en:Sirtuin 1
- en:SIRT2 is a redirect to en:Sirtuin 2; redirectFrom=en:SIRT2; linkedpages=en:Sirtuin 2
- en:SIRT3 is a redirect to en:Sirtuin 3; redirectFrom=en:SIRT3; linkedpages=en:Sirtuin 3
- en:SIRT4 is a redirect to en:Sirtuin 4; redirectFrom=en:SIRT4; linkedpages=en:Sirtuin 4
- en:SIRT5 is a redirect to en:Sirtuin 5; redirectFrom=en:SIRT5; linkedpages=en:Sirtuin 5
- en:SIRT6 is a redirect to en:Sirtuin 6; redirectFrom=en:SIRT6; linkedpages=en:Sirtuin 6
- en:SIRT7 is a redirect to en:Sirtuin 7; redirectFrom=en:SIRT7; linkedpages=en:Sirtuin 7
- en:SIT1 is not a redirect.
- en:SIVA1 is not a redirect.
- en:SIX1 is not a redirect.
- en:SIX2 is not a redirect.
- en:SIX3 is not a redirect.
- en:SIX4 is not a redirect.
- en:SIX5 is not a redirect.
- en:SKA2 is not a redirect.
- en:SKAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SKAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:SKIDA1 is not a redirect.
- en:SKIL is not a redirect.
- en:SKIV2L is not a redirect.
- en:SKI (gene) is a redirect to en:SKI protein; redirectFrom=en:SKI (gene); linkedpages=en:SKI protein
- en:SKP1 is a redirect to en:Skp1; redirectFrom=en:SKP1; linkedpages=en:Skp1
- en:SKP2 is not a redirect.
- en:SLA2 is not a redirect.
- en:SLAMF1 is not a redirect.
- en:SLAMF6 is not a redirect.
- en:SLAMF7 is not a redirect.
- en:SLAMF8 is not a redirect.
- en:SLBP is not a redirect.
- en:SLC10A1 is a redirect to en:Sodium/bile acid cotransporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC10A1; linkedpages=en:Sodium/bile acid cotransporter
- en:SLC10A2 is a redirect to en:Ileal sodium/bile acid cotransporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC10A2; linkedpages=en:Ileal sodium/bile acid cotransporter
- en:SLC10A3 is a redirect to en:P3 protein; redirectFrom=en:SLC10A3; linkedpages=en:P3 protein
- en:SLC10A7 is a redirect to en:Sodium/bile acid cotransporter 7; redirectFrom=en:SLC10A7; linkedpages=en:Sodium/bile acid cotransporter 7
- en:SLC11A1 is a redirect to en:Natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC11A1; linkedpages=en:Natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1
- en:SLC11A2 is a redirect to en:Natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC11A2; linkedpages=en:Natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 2
- en:SLC12A1 is a redirect to en:Na-K-Cl cotransporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC12A1; linkedpages=en:Na-K-Cl cotransporter
- en:SLC12A2 is a redirect to en:Na-K-Cl cotransporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC12A2; linkedpages=en:Na-K-Cl cotransporter
- en:SLC12A3 is a redirect to en:Sodium-chloride symporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC12A3; linkedpages=en:Sodium-chloride symporter
- en:SLC12A4 is a redirect to en:Chloride potassium symporter 4; redirectFrom=en:SLC12A4; linkedpages=en:Chloride potassium symporter 4
- en:SLC12A5 is a redirect to en:Chloride potassium symporter 5; redirectFrom=en:SLC12A5; linkedpages=en:Chloride potassium symporter 5
- en:SLC12A6 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC12A7 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC12A8 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC12A9 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC13A2 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC13A3 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC13A5 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC14A1 is a redirect to en:Urea transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC14A1; linkedpages=en:Urea transporter 1
- en:SLC14A2 is a redirect to en:Urea transporter 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC14A2; linkedpages=en:Urea transporter 2
- en:SLC15A1 is a redirect to en:Peptide transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC15A1; linkedpages=en:Peptide transporter 1
- en:SLC15A2 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC15A4 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC16A1 is a redirect to en:Monocarboxylate transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC16A1; linkedpages=en:Monocarboxylate transporter 1
- en:SLC16A10 is a redirect to en:Monocarboxylate transporter 10; redirectFrom=en:SLC16A10; linkedpages=en:Monocarboxylate transporter 10
- en:SLC16A2 is a redirect to en:Monocarboxylate transporter 8; redirectFrom=en:SLC16A2; linkedpages=en:Monocarboxylate transporter 8
- en:SLC16A3 is a redirect to en:Monocarboxylate transporter 4; redirectFrom=en:SLC16A3; linkedpages=en:Monocarboxylate transporter 4
- en:SLC16A4 is a redirect to en:Monocarboxylate transporter 5; redirectFrom=en:SLC16A4; linkedpages=en:Monocarboxylate transporter 5
- en:SLC16A5 is a redirect to en:Monocarboxylate transporter 6; redirectFrom=en:SLC16A5; linkedpages=en:Monocarboxylate transporter 6
- en:SLC16A7 is a redirect to en:Monocarboxylate transporter 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC16A7; linkedpages=en:Monocarboxylate transporter 2
- en:SLC16A8 is a redirect to en:Monocarboxylate transporter 3; redirectFrom=en:SLC16A8; linkedpages=en:Monocarboxylate transporter 3
- en:SLC16A9 is a redirect to en:Monocarboxylate transporter 9; redirectFrom=en:SLC16A9; linkedpages=en:Monocarboxylate transporter 9
- en:SLC17A1 is a redirect to en:Sodium-dependent phosphate transport protein 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC17A1; linkedpages=en:Sodium-dependent phosphate transport protein 1
- en:SLC17A3 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC17A5 is a redirect to en:Sialin; redirectFrom=en:SLC17A5; linkedpages=en:Sialin
- en:SLC17A7 is a redirect to en:Vesicular glutamate transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC17A7; linkedpages=en:Vesicular glutamate transporter 1
- en:SLC17A8 is a redirect to en:Vesicular glutamate transporter 3; redirectFrom=en:SLC17A8; linkedpages=en:Vesicular glutamate transporter 3
- en:SLC18A1 is a redirect to en:Vesicular monoamine transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC18A1; linkedpages=en:Vesicular monoamine transporter 1
- en:SLC19A1 is a redirect to en:Folate transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC19A1; linkedpages=en:Folate transporter 1
- en:SLC19A2 is a redirect to en:Thiamine transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC19A2; linkedpages=en:Thiamine transporter 1
- en:SLC19A3 is a redirect to en:Thiamine transporter 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC19A3; linkedpages=en:Thiamine transporter 2
- en:SLC1A1 is a redirect to en:Excitatory amino acid transporter 3; redirectFrom=en:SLC1A1; linkedpages=en:Excitatory amino acid transporter 3
- en:SLC1A2 is a redirect to en:Excitatory amino acid transporter 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC1A2; linkedpages=en:Excitatory amino acid transporter 2
- en:SLC1A3 is a redirect to en:Excitatory amino acid transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC1A3; linkedpages=en:Excitatory amino acid transporter 1
- en:SLC1A4 is a redirect to en:Neutral amino acid transporter A; redirectFrom=en:SLC1A4; linkedpages=en:Neutral amino acid transporter A
- en:SLC1A5 is a redirect to en:Neutral amino acid transporter B(0); redirectFrom=en:SLC1A5; linkedpages=en:Neutral amino acid transporter B(0)
- en:SLC1A6 is a redirect to en:Excitatory amino acid transporter 4; redirectFrom=en:SLC1A6; linkedpages=en:Excitatory amino acid transporter 4
- en:SLC1A7 is a redirect to en:Excitatory amino acid transporter 5; redirectFrom=en:SLC1A7; linkedpages=en:Excitatory amino acid transporter 5
- en:SLC20A1 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC20A2 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC22A1 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC22A2 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC22A3 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC22A4 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC22A5 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC22A6 is a redirect to en:Organic anion transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC22A6; linkedpages=en:Organic anion transporter 1
- en:SLC22A7 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC22A8 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC2A1 is a redirect to en:GLUT1; redirectFrom=en:SLC2A1; linkedpages=en:GLUT1
- en:SLC2A10 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC2A11 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC2A12 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC2A13 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC2A14 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC2A2 is a redirect to en:GLUT2; redirectFrom=en:SLC2A2; linkedpages=en:GLUT2
- en:SLC2A3 is a redirect to en:GLUT3; redirectFrom=en:SLC2A3; linkedpages=en:GLUT3
- en:SLC2A4 is a redirect to en:GLUT4; redirectFrom=en:SLC2A4; linkedpages=en:GLUT4
- en:SLC2A4RG is not a redirect.
- en:SLC2A5 is a redirect to en:GLUT5; redirectFrom=en:SLC2A5; linkedpages=en:GLUT5
- en:SLC2A6 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC2A7 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC2A8 is a redirect to en:GLUT8; redirectFrom=en:SLC2A8; linkedpages=en:GLUT8
- en:SLC2A9 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC3A1 is a redirect to en:Neutral and basic amino acid transport protein rBAT; redirectFrom=en:SLC3A1; linkedpages=en:Neutral and basic amino acid transport protein rBAT
- en:SLC3A2 is a redirect to en:4F2 cell-surface antigen heavy chain; redirectFrom=en:SLC3A2; linkedpages=en:4F2 cell-surface antigen heavy chain
- en:SLC4A1 is a redirect to en:Band 3 anion transport protein; redirectFrom=en:SLC4A1; linkedpages=en:Band 3 anion transport protein
- en:SLC4A11 is a redirect to en:Sodium bicarbonate transporter-like protein 11; redirectFrom=en:SLC4A11; linkedpages=en:Sodium bicarbonate transporter-like protein 11
- en:SLC4A2 is a redirect to en:Anion exchange protein 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC4A2; linkedpages=en:Anion exchange protein 2
- en:SLC4A3 is a redirect to en:Anion exchange protein 3; redirectFrom=en:SLC4A3; linkedpages=en:Anion exchange protein 3
- en:SLC4A4 is a redirect to en:Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC4A4; linkedpages=en:Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1
- en:SLC4A5 is a redirect to en:Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 4; redirectFrom=en:SLC4A5; linkedpages=en:Electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 4
- en:SLC4A7 is a redirect to en:Sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 3; redirectFrom=en:SLC4A7; linkedpages=en:Sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 3
- en:SLC4A8 is a redirect to en:Electroneutral sodium bicarbonate exchanger 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC4A8; linkedpages=en:Electroneutral sodium bicarbonate exchanger 1
- en:SLC5A1 is a redirect to en:Sodium/glucose cotransporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC5A1; linkedpages=en:Sodium/glucose cotransporter 1
- en:SLC5A2 is a redirect to en:Sodium/glucose cotransporter 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC5A2; linkedpages=en:Sodium/glucose cotransporter 2
- en:SLC5A3 is a redirect to en:Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC5A3; linkedpages=en:Sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter
- en:SLC5A4 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC5A5 is a redirect to en:Sodium/iodide cotransporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC5A5; linkedpages=en:Sodium/iodide cotransporter
- en:SLC5A6 is a redirect to en:Sodium-dependent multivitamin transporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC5A6; linkedpages=en:Sodium-dependent multivitamin transporter
- en:SLC5A7 is a redirect to en:Choline transporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC5A7; linkedpages=en:Choline transporter
- en:SLC5A8 is a redirect to en:Sodium-coupled monocarboxylate transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC5A8; linkedpages=en:Sodium-coupled monocarboxylate transporter 1
- en:SLC6A1 is a redirect to en:GABA transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC6A1; linkedpages=en:GABA transporter 1
- en:SLC6A12 is a redirect to en:Sodium- and chloride-dependent betaine transporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC6A12; linkedpages=en:Sodium- and chloride-dependent betaine transporter
- en:SLC6A14 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC6A15 is a redirect to en:Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT2; redirectFrom=en:SLC6A15; linkedpages=en:Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT2
- en:SLC6A18 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC6A19 is a redirect to en:Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT1; redirectFrom=en:SLC6A19; linkedpages=en:Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT1
- en:SLC6A2 is a redirect to en:Norepinephrine transporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC6A2; linkedpages=en:Norepinephrine transporter
- en:SLC6A20 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC6A3 is a redirect to en:Dopamine transporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC6A3; linkedpages=en:Dopamine transporter
- en:SLC6A4 is a redirect to en:Serotonin transporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC6A4; linkedpages=en:Serotonin transporter
- en:SLC6A5 is a redirect to en:Sodium- and chloride-dependent glycine transporter 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC6A5; linkedpages=en:Sodium- and chloride-dependent glycine transporter 2
- en:SLC6A6 is a redirect to en:Sodium- and chloride-dependent taurine transporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC6A6; linkedpages=en:Sodium- and chloride-dependent taurine transporter
- en:SLC6A8 is a redirect to en:Sodium- and chloride-dependent creatine transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC6A8; linkedpages=en:Sodium- and chloride-dependent creatine transporter 1
- en:SLC6A9 is a redirect to en:Sodium- and chloride-dependent glycine transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC6A9; linkedpages=en:Sodium- and chloride-dependent glycine transporter 1
- en:SLC7A1 is a redirect to en:High affinity cationic amino acid transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC7A1; linkedpages=en:High affinity cationic amino acid transporter 1
- en:SLC7A10 is a redirect to en:Asc-type amino acid transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC7A10; linkedpages=en:Asc-type amino acid transporter 1
- en:SLC7A11 is a redirect to en:Cystine/glutamate transporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC7A11; linkedpages=en:Cystine/glutamate transporter
- en:SLC7A14 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC7A2 is a redirect to en:Cationic amino acid transporter 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC7A2; linkedpages=en:Cationic amino acid transporter 2
- en:SLC7A3 is a redirect to en:Cationic amino acid transporter 3; redirectFrom=en:SLC7A3; linkedpages=en:Cationic amino acid transporter 3
- en:SLC7A4 is a redirect to en:Cationic amino acid transporter 4; redirectFrom=en:SLC7A4; linkedpages=en:Cationic amino acid transporter 4
- en:SLC7A5 is a redirect to en:Large neutral amino acids transporter small subunit 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC7A5; linkedpages=en:Large neutral amino acids transporter small subunit 1
- en:SLC7A6 is a redirect to en:Y L amino acid transporter 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC7A6; linkedpages=en:Y L amino acid transporter 2
- en:SLC7A7 is a redirect to en:Y L amino acid transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC7A7; linkedpages=en:Y L amino acid transporter 1
- en:SLC7A8 is a redirect to en:Large neutral amino acids transporter small subunit 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC7A8; linkedpages=en:Large neutral amino acids transporter small subunit 2
- en:SLC7A9 is a redirect to en:B(0, )-type amino acid transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC7A9; linkedpages=en:B(0, )-type amino acid transporter 1
- en:SLC8A1 is a redirect to en:Sodium-calcium exchanger; redirectFrom=en:SLC8A1; linkedpages=en:Sodium-calcium exchanger
- en:SLC8B1 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC9A1 is a redirect to en:Sodium–hydrogen antiporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC9A1; linkedpages=en:Sodium–hydrogen antiporter 1
- en:SLC9A2 is a redirect to en:Sodium–hydrogen antiporter 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC9A2; linkedpages=en:Sodium–hydrogen antiporter 2
- en:SLC9A3 is a redirect to en:Sodium–hydrogen antiporter 3; redirectFrom=en:SLC9A3; linkedpages=en:Sodium–hydrogen antiporter 3
- en:SLC9A3R1 is a redirect to en:Sodium-hydrogen antiporter 3 regulator 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC9A3R1; linkedpages=en:Sodium-hydrogen antiporter 3 regulator 1
- en:SLC9A3R2 is a redirect to en:Sodium-hydrogen exchange regulatory cofactor 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC9A3R2; linkedpages=en:Sodium-hydrogen exchange regulatory cofactor 2
- en:SLC9A5 is a redirect to en:Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 5; redirectFrom=en:SLC9A5; linkedpages=en:Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 5
- en:SLC9A6 is a redirect to en:Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 6; redirectFrom=en:SLC9A6; linkedpages=en:Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 6
- en:SLC9A8 is a redirect to en:Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 8; redirectFrom=en:SLC9A8; linkedpages=en:Sodium/hydrogen exchanger 8
- en:SLC9B2 is not a redirect.
- en:UniProt is not a redirect.
- en:C3orf53 is a redirect to en:C3orf58; redirectFrom=en:C3orf53; linkedpages=en:C3orf58
- en:Gene symbol is a redirect to en:Gene nomenclature; redirectFrom=en:Gene symbol; linkedpages=en:Gene nomenclature
- en:HGNC is a redirect to en:HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee; redirectFrom=en:HGNC; linkedpages=en:HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
- en:Human protein-coding genes is a redirect to en:Human genome#Human protein-coding genes; redirectFrom=en:Human protein-coding genes; linkedpages=en:Human genome#Human protein-coding genes
- en:List of human protein-coding genes 1 is not a redirect.
- en:List of human protein-coding genes 2 is not a redirect.
- en:List of human protein-coding genes 3 is not a redirect.
- en:Locus (genetics) is not a redirect.
- en:SLC22A10 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC22A11 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC22A12 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC22A13 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC22A18 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC22A24 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC22A25 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC22A9 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC23A1 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC23A2 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC24A4 is a redirect to en:Sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger 4; redirectFrom=en:SLC24A4; linkedpages=en:Sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger 4
- en:SLC24A5 is a redirect to en:Sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger 5; redirectFrom=en:SLC24A5; linkedpages=en:Sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger 5
- en:SLC25A1 is a redirect to en:Tricarboxylate transport protein, mitochondrial; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A1; linkedpages=en:Tricarboxylate transport protein, mitochondrial
- en:SLC25A10 is a redirect to en:Mitochondrial dicarboxylate carrier; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A10; linkedpages=en:Mitochondrial dicarboxylate carrier
- en:SLC25A11 is a redirect to en:Mitochondrial 2-oxoglutarate/malate carrier protein; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A11; linkedpages=en:Mitochondrial 2-oxoglutarate/malate carrier protein
- en:SLC25A12 is a redirect to en:Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar1; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A12; linkedpages=en:Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein Aralar1
- en:SLC25A13 is a redirect to en:Citrin; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A13; linkedpages=en:Citrin
- en:SLC25A14 is a redirect to en:Brain mitochondrial carrier protein 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A14; linkedpages=en:Brain mitochondrial carrier protein 1
- en:SLC25A15 is a redirect to en:Ornithine translocase; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A15; linkedpages=en:Ornithine translocase
- en:SLC25A16 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC25A17 is a redirect to en:Peroxisomal membrane protein PMP34; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A17; linkedpages=en:Peroxisomal membrane protein PMP34
- en:SLC25A19 is a redirect to en:Mitochondrial thiamine pyrophosphate carrier; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A19; linkedpages=en:Mitochondrial thiamine pyrophosphate carrier
- en:SLC25A20 is a redirect to en:Carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A20; linkedpages=en:Carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase
- en:SLC25A21 is a redirect to en:Mitochondrial 2-oxodicarboxylate carrier; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A21; linkedpages=en:Mitochondrial 2-oxodicarboxylate carrier
- en:SLC25A24 is a redirect to en:Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-1; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A24; linkedpages=en:Calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein SCaMC-1
- en:SLC25A27 is a redirect to en:Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 4; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A27; linkedpages=en:Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 4
- en:SLC25A29 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC25A3 is a redirect to en:Phosphate carrier protein, mitochondrial; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A3; linkedpages=en:Phosphate carrier protein, mitochondrial
- en:SLC25A31 is a redirect to en:ADP/ATP translocase 4; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A31; linkedpages=en:ADP/ATP translocase 4
- en:SLC25A37 is a redirect to en:Mitoferrin-1; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A37; linkedpages=en:Mitoferrin-1
- en:SLC25A38 is a redirect to en:Mitochondrial glycine transporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A38; linkedpages=en:Mitochondrial glycine transporter
- en:SLC25A39 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC25A4 is a redirect to en:ADP/ATP translocase 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A4; linkedpages=en:ADP/ATP translocase 1
- en:SLC25A46 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC25A5 is a redirect to en:ADP/ATP translocase 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A5; linkedpages=en:ADP/ATP translocase 2
- en:SLC25A6 is a redirect to en:ADP/ATP translocase 3; redirectFrom=en:SLC25A6; linkedpages=en:ADP/ATP translocase 3
- en:SLC26A2 is a redirect to en:Sulfate transporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC26A2; linkedpages=en:Sulfate transporter
- en:SLC26A3 is a redirect to en:Chloride anion exchanger; redirectFrom=en:SLC26A3; linkedpages=en:Chloride anion exchanger
- en:SLC26A4 is a redirect to en:Pendrin; redirectFrom=en:SLC26A4; linkedpages=en:Pendrin
- en:SLC26A5 is a redirect to en:Prestin; redirectFrom=en:SLC26A5; linkedpages=en:Prestin
- en:SLC26A6 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC26A7 is a redirect to en:Anion exchange transporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC26A7; linkedpages=en:Anion exchange transporter
- en:SLC26A8 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC27A1 is a redirect to en:Long-chain fatty acid transport protein 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC27A1; linkedpages=en:Long-chain fatty acid transport protein 1
- en:SLC27A2 is a redirect to en:Very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase; redirectFrom=en:SLC27A2; linkedpages=en:Very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase
- en:SLC27A3 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC27A4 is a redirect to en:Long-chain fatty acid transport protein 4; redirectFrom=en:SLC27A4; linkedpages=en:Long-chain fatty acid transport protein 4
- en:SLC27A5 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC27A6 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC28A1 is a redirect to en:Concentrative nucleoside transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC28A1; linkedpages=en:Concentrative nucleoside transporter 1
- en:SLC28A2 is a redirect to en:Concentrative nucleoside transporter 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC28A2; linkedpages=en:Concentrative nucleoside transporter 2
- en:SLC29A1 is a redirect to en:Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC29A1; linkedpages=en:Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1
- en:SLC29A2 is a redirect to en:Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC29A2; linkedpages=en:Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 2
- en:SLC29A4 is a redirect to en:Plasma membrane monoamine transporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC29A4; linkedpages=en:Plasma membrane monoamine transporter
- en:SLC30A1 is a redirect to en:Zinc transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC30A1; linkedpages=en:Zinc transporter 1
- en:SLC30A3 is a redirect to en:Zinc transporter 3; redirectFrom=en:SLC30A3; linkedpages=en:Zinc transporter 3
- en:SLC30A4 is a redirect to en:Zinc transporter 4; redirectFrom=en:SLC30A4; linkedpages=en:Zinc transporter 4
- en:SLC30A7 is a redirect to en:Zinc transporter 7; redirectFrom=en:SLC30A7; linkedpages=en:Zinc transporter 7
- en:SLC30A8 is a redirect to en:Zinc transporter 8; redirectFrom=en:SLC30A8; linkedpages=en:Zinc transporter 8
- en:SLC31A1 is a redirect to en:High affinity copper uptake protein 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC31A1; linkedpages=en:High affinity copper uptake protein 1
- en:SLC31A2 is a redirect to en:Probable low affinity copper uptake protein 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC31A2; linkedpages=en:Probable low affinity copper uptake protein 2
- en:SLC32A1 is a redirect to en:Vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC32A1; linkedpages=en:Vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter
- en:SLC33A1 is a redirect to en:Acetyl-coenzyme A transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC33A1; linkedpages=en:Acetyl-coenzyme A transporter 1
- en:SLC34A1 is a redirect to en:Sodium-dependent phosphate transport protein 2A; redirectFrom=en:SLC34A1; linkedpages=en:Sodium-dependent phosphate transport protein 2A
- en:SLC34A2 is a redirect to en:Sodium-dependent phosphate transport protein 2B; redirectFrom=en:SLC34A2; linkedpages=en:Sodium-dependent phosphate transport protein 2B
- en:SLC34A3 is a redirect to en:Sodium-dependent phosphate transport protein 2C; redirectFrom=en:SLC34A3; linkedpages=en:Sodium-dependent phosphate transport protein 2C
- en:SLC35A1 is a redirect to en:CMP-sialic acid transporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC35A1; linkedpages=en:CMP-sialic acid transporter
- en:SLC35A2 is a redirect to en:UDP-galactose translocator; redirectFrom=en:SLC35A2; linkedpages=en:UDP-galactose translocator
- en:SLC35B2 is a redirect to en:Adenosine 3'-phospho 5'-phosphosulfate transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC35B2; linkedpages=en:Adenosine 3'-phospho 5'-phosphosulfate transporter 1
- en:SLC35B4 is a redirect to en:UDP-xylose and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC35B4; linkedpages=en:UDP-xylose and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transporter
- en:SLC35C1 is a redirect to en:GDP-fucose transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC35C1; linkedpages=en:GDP-fucose transporter 1
- en:SLC35C2 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC35F1 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC35F6 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC36A1 is a redirect to en:Proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC36A1; linkedpages=en:Proton-coupled amino acid transporter 1
- en:SLC36A2 is a redirect to en:Proton-coupled amino acid transporter 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC36A2; linkedpages=en:Proton-coupled amino acid transporter 2
- en:SLC37A1 is a redirect to en:Glucose-6-phosphate exchanger SLC37A1; redirectFrom=en:SLC37A1; linkedpages=en:Glucose-6-phosphate exchanger SLC37A1
- en:SLC37A2 is a redirect to en:Glucose-6-phosphate exchanger SLC37A2; redirectFrom=en:SLC37A2; linkedpages=en:Glucose-6-phosphate exchanger SLC37A2
- en:SLC37A4 is a redirect to en:Glucose-6-phosphate exchanger SLC37A4; redirectFrom=en:SLC37A4; linkedpages=en:Glucose-6-phosphate exchanger SLC37A4
- en:SLC38A1 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC38A10 is a redirect to en:Putative sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 10; redirectFrom=en:SLC38A10; linkedpages=en:Putative sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 10
- en:SLC38A2 is a redirect to en:Sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC38A2; linkedpages=en:Sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 2
- en:SLC38A3 is a redirect to en:Sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 3; redirectFrom=en:SLC38A3; linkedpages=en:Sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 3
- en:SLC38A9 is a redirect to en:Solute carrier family 38 member 9; redirectFrom=en:SLC38A9; linkedpages=en:Solute carrier family 38 member 9
- en:SLC39A1 is a redirect to en:Zinc transporter ZIP1; redirectFrom=en:SLC39A1; linkedpages=en:Zinc transporter ZIP1
- en:SLC39A10 is a redirect to en:Zinc transporter ZIP10; redirectFrom=en:SLC39A10; linkedpages=en:Zinc transporter ZIP10
- en:SLC39A12 is a redirect to en:Zinc transporter ZIP12; redirectFrom=en:SLC39A12; linkedpages=en:Zinc transporter ZIP12
- en:SLC39A2 is a redirect to en:Zinc transporter ZIP2; redirectFrom=en:SLC39A2; linkedpages=en:Zinc transporter ZIP2
- en:SLC39A3 is a redirect to en:Zinc transporter ZIP3; redirectFrom=en:SLC39A3; linkedpages=en:Zinc transporter ZIP3
- en:SLC39A4 is a redirect to en:Zinc transporter ZIP4; redirectFrom=en:SLC39A4; linkedpages=en:Zinc transporter ZIP4
- en:SLC39A6 is a redirect to en:Zinc transporter ZIP6; redirectFrom=en:SLC39A6; linkedpages=en:Zinc transporter ZIP6
- en:SLC39A7 is a redirect to en:Zinc transporter SLC39A7; redirectFrom=en:SLC39A7; linkedpages=en:Zinc transporter SLC39A7
- en:SLC39A8 is a redirect to en:Zinc transporter ZIP8; redirectFrom=en:SLC39A8; linkedpages=en:Zinc transporter ZIP8
- en:SLC39A9 is a redirect to en:Zinc transporter ZIP9; redirectFrom=en:SLC39A9; linkedpages=en:Zinc transporter ZIP9
- en:SLC40A1 is a redirect to en:Ferroportin; redirectFrom=en:SLC40A1; linkedpages=en:Ferroportin
- en:SLC41A1 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC41A3 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC43A1 is a redirect to en:Large neutral amino acids transporter small subunit 3; redirectFrom=en:SLC43A1; linkedpages=en:Large neutral amino acids transporter small subunit 3
- en:SLC44A1 is a redirect to en:Choline transporter-like protein 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC44A1; linkedpages=en:Choline transporter-like protein 1
- en:SLC44A2 is a redirect to en:Choline transporter-like protein 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC44A2; linkedpages=en:Choline transporter-like protein 2
- en:SLC44A4 is a redirect to en:Choline transporter-like protein 4; redirectFrom=en:SLC44A4; linkedpages=en:Choline transporter-like protein 4
- en:SLC45A1 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC45A2 is a redirect to en:Membrane-associated transporter protein; redirectFrom=en:SLC45A2; linkedpages=en:Membrane-associated transporter protein
- en:SLC45A3 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC45A4 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC46A1 is a redirect to en:Proton-coupled folate transporter; redirectFrom=en:SLC46A1; linkedpages=en:Proton-coupled folate transporter
- en:SLC46A3 is not a redirect.
- en:SLC47A1 is a redirect to en:Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 1; redirectFrom=en:SLC47A1; linkedpages=en:Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 1
- en:SLC47A2 is a redirect to en:Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2; redirectFrom=en:SLC47A2; linkedpages=en:Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2
- en:SLC50A1 is a redirect to en:Sugar transporter SWEET1; redirectFrom=en:SLC50A1; linkedpages=en:Sugar transporter SWEET1
- en:SLC52A3 is not a redirect.
- en:SLCO1A2 is a redirect to en:Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2; redirectFrom=en:SLCO1A2; linkedpages=en:Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1A2
- en:SLCO1B1 is a redirect to en:Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1; redirectFrom=en:SLCO1B1; linkedpages=en:Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B1
- en:SLCO1B3 is a redirect to en:Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3; redirectFrom=en:SLCO1B3; linkedpages=en:Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 1B3
- en:SLCO1C1 is a redirect to en:Organic-anion-transporting polypeptide#Proteins; redirectFrom=en:SLCO1C1; linkedpages=en:Organic-anion-transporting polypeptide#Proteins
- en:SLCO2A1 is a redirect to en:Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2A1; redirectFrom=en:SLCO2A1; linkedpages=en:Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2A1
- en:SLCO2B1 is a redirect to en:Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1; redirectFrom=en:SLCO2B1; linkedpages=en:Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2B1
- en:SLCO3A1 is a redirect to en:Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 3A1; redirectFrom=en:SLCO3A1; linkedpages=en:Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 3A1
- en:SLCO4A1 is a redirect to en:Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 4A1; redirectFrom=en:SLCO4A1; linkedpages=en:Solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 4A1
- en:SLFN11 is not a redirect.
- en:SLFN12 is not a redirect.
- en:SLIT1 is not a redirect.
- en:SLIT2 is not a redirect.
- en:SLIT3 is not a redirect.
- en:SLITRK1 is not a redirect.
- en:SLITRK2 is not a redirect.
- en:SLITRK5 is not a redirect.
- en:SLITRK6 is not a redirect.
- en:SLK (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:SLMAP is not a redirect.
- en:SLN (gene) is a redirect to en:Sarcolipin; redirectFrom=en:SLN (gene); linkedpages=en:Sarcolipin
- en:SLPI is not a redirect.
- en:SLU7 is not a redirect.
- en:SLURP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SLX4 is not a redirect.
- en:SLX4IP is not a redirect.
- en:SMAD1 is a redirect to en:Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 1; redirectFrom=en:SMAD1; linkedpages=en:Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 1
- en:SMAD2 is a redirect to en:Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 2; redirectFrom=en:SMAD2; linkedpages=en:Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 2
- en:SMAD3 is a redirect to en:Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 3; redirectFrom=en:SMAD3; linkedpages=en:Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 3
- en:SMAD4 is a redirect to en:Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 4; redirectFrom=en:SMAD4; linkedpages=en:Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 4
- en:SMAD5 is a redirect to en:Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 5; redirectFrom=en:SMAD5; linkedpages=en:Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 5
- en:SMAD6 is a redirect to en:Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 6; redirectFrom=en:SMAD6; linkedpages=en:Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 6
- en:SMAD7 is a redirect to en:Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 7; redirectFrom=en:SMAD7; linkedpages=en:Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 7
- en:SMAD9 is a redirect to en:Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 9; redirectFrom=en:SMAD9; linkedpages=en:Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 9
- en:SMAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SMARCA1 is not a redirect.
- en:SMARCA2 is not a redirect.
- en:SMARCA4 is not a redirect.
- en:SMARCA5 is not a redirect.
- en:SMARCAD1 is not a redirect.
- en:SMARCAL1 is not a redirect.
- en:SMARCB1 is not a redirect.
- en:SMARCC1 is not a redirect.
- en:SMARCC2 is not a redirect.
- en:SMARCD1 is not a redirect.
- en:SMARCD2 is not a redirect.
- en:SMARCD3 is not a redirect.
- en:SMARCE1 is not a redirect.
- en:SMC1A is not a redirect.
- en:SMC1B is not a redirect.
- en:SMC2 is not a redirect.
- en:SMC3 is not a redirect.
- en:SMC4 is not a redirect.
- en:SMC5 is not a redirect.
- en:SMC6 is not a redirect.
- en:SMCO3 is not a redirect.
- en:SMCO4 is not a redirect.
- en:SMCP is not a redirect.
- en:SMG1 is not a redirect.
- en:SMG5 is not a redirect.
- en:SMG6 is not a redirect.
- en:SMG7 is not a redirect.
- en:SMIM11A is not a redirect.
- en:SMIM20 is not a redirect.
- en:SMIM23 is not a redirect.
- en:SMN1 is not a redirect.
- en:SMN2 is not a redirect.
- en:SMNDC1 is a redirect to en:Survival motor neuron domain containing 1; redirectFrom=en:SMNDC1; linkedpages=en:Survival motor neuron domain containing 1
- en:SMOC2 is not a redirect.
- en:SMOX is not a redirect.
- en:SMO (gene) is a redirect to en:Smoothened; redirectFrom=en:SMO (gene); linkedpages=en:Smoothened
- en:SMPD1 is a redirect to en:Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 1; redirectFrom=en:SMPD1; linkedpages=en:Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 1
- en:SMPD2 is not a redirect.
- en:SMPD3 is not a redirect.
- en:SMPD4 is not a redirect.
- en:SMS is not a redirect.
- en:SMTN is not a redirect.
- en:SMU1 is not a redirect.
- en:SMUG1 is not a redirect.
- en:SMURF1 is not a redirect.
- en:SMURF2 is not a redirect.
- en:SMYD3 is not a redirect.
- en:SMYD4 is not a redirect.
- en:SNAI1 is not a redirect.
- en:SNAI2 is not a redirect.
- en:SNAP23 is not a redirect.
- en:SNAP25 is not a redirect.
- en:SNAP29 is not a redirect.
- en:SNAP91 is not a redirect.
- en:SNAPC1 is not a redirect.
- en:SNAPC2 is not a redirect.
- en:SNAPC3 is not a redirect.
- en:SNAPC4 is not a redirect.
- en:SNAPC5 is not a redirect.
- en:SNCAIP is not a redirect.
- en:SNCA (gene) is a redirect to en:Alpha-synuclein; redirectFrom=en:SNCA (gene); linkedpages=en:Alpha-synuclein
- en:SNCB is a redirect to en:National Railway Company of Belgium; redirectFrom=en:SNCB; linkedpages=en:National Railway Company of Belgium
- en:SNCG is a redirect to en:Gamma-synuclein; redirectFrom=en:SNCG; linkedpages=en:Gamma-synuclein
- en:SND1 is not a redirect.
- en:SNED1 is not a redirect.
- en:SNF8 is not a redirect.
- en:SNIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SNN (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:SNRK is not a redirect.
- en:SNRNP200 is a redirect to en:ASCC3L1; redirectFrom=en:SNRNP200; linkedpages=en:ASCC3L1
- en:SNRPA is a redirect to en:Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A; redirectFrom=en:SNRPA; linkedpages=en:Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A
- en:SNRPA1 is not a redirect.
- en:SNRPB is not a redirect.
- en:SNRPB2 is not a redirect.
- en:SNRPC is a redirect to en:Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide C; redirectFrom=en:SNRPC; linkedpages=en:Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide C
- en:SNRPD1 is a redirect to en:Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1; redirectFrom=en:SNRPD1; linkedpages=en:Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D1
- en:SNRPD2 is a redirect to en:Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2; redirectFrom=en:SNRPD2; linkedpages=en:Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D2
- en:SNRPD3 is not a redirect.
- en:SNRPE is a redirect to en:Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide E; redirectFrom=en:SNRPE; linkedpages=en:Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide E
- en:SNRPF is a redirect to en:Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide F; redirectFrom=en:SNRPF; linkedpages=en:Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide F
- en:SNRPG is not a redirect.
- en:SNRPN is a redirect to en:Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N; redirectFrom=en:SNRPN; linkedpages=en:Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N
- en:SNTA1 is a redirect to en:Syntrophin, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:SNTA1; linkedpages=en:Syntrophin, alpha 1
- en:SNTB1 is not a redirect.
- en:SNTB2 is not a redirect.
- en:SNTG1 is not a redirect.
- en:SNTG2 is not a redirect.
- en:SNUPN is a redirect to en:SPN1; redirectFrom=en:SNUPN; linkedpages=en:SPN1
- en:SNURF is a redirect to en:SNRPN upstream reading frame protein; redirectFrom=en:SNURF; linkedpages=en:SNRPN upstream reading frame protein
- en:SNW1 is not a redirect.
- en:SNX1 is not a redirect.
- en:SNX13 is not a redirect.
- en:SNX15 is not a redirect.
- en:SNX17 is not a redirect.
- en:SNX18 is a redirect to en:SNAG1; redirectFrom=en:SNX18; linkedpages=en:SNAG1
- en:SNX2 is not a redirect.
- en:SNX21 is not a redirect.
- en:SNX27 is not a redirect.
- en:SNX3 is not a redirect.
- en:SNX4 is not a redirect.
- en:SNX5 is not a redirect.
- en:SNX6 is not a redirect.
- en:SNX8 is not a redirect.
- en:SNX9 is not a redirect.
- en:SOAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:SOAT2 is not a redirect.
- en:SOCS1 is a redirect to en:Suppressor of cytokine signaling 1; redirectFrom=en:SOCS1; linkedpages=en:Suppressor of cytokine signaling 1
- en:SOCS2 is not a redirect.
- en:SOCS3 is not a redirect.
- en:SOCS4 is not a redirect.
- en:SOCS5 is not a redirect.
- en:SOCS6 is not a redirect.
- en:SOCS7 is not a redirect.
- en:SOD1 is not a redirect.
- en:SOD2 is not a redirect.
- en:SOD3 is not a redirect.
- en:SOGA1 is not a redirect.
- en:SOGA3 is not a redirect.
- en:SON (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:SORBS1 is not a redirect.
- en:SORBS2 is not a redirect.
- en:SORBS3 is not a redirect.
- en:SORD is not a redirect.
- en:SORL1 is not a redirect.
- en:SORT1 is a redirect to en:Sortilin 1; redirectFrom=en:SORT1; linkedpages=en:Sortilin 1
- en:SOS1 is not a redirect.
- en:SOST is a redirect to en:Sclerostin; redirectFrom=en:SOST; linkedpages=en:Sclerostin
- en:SOSTDC1 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX1 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX10 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX11 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX12 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX13 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX14 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX15 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX17 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX18 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX2 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX21 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX3 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX30 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX4 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX5 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX6 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX7 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX8 is not a redirect.
- en:SOX9 is not a redirect.
- en:SP100 is a redirect to en:SP-100; redirectFrom=en:SP100; linkedpages=en:SP-100
- en:SP110 is not a redirect.
- en:SP1 (gene) is a redirect to en:Sp1 transcription factor; redirectFrom=en:SP1 (gene); linkedpages=en:Sp1 transcription factor
- en:SP2 (gene) is a redirect to en:Sp2 transcription factor; redirectFrom=en:SP2 (gene); linkedpages=en:Sp2 transcription factor
- en:SP3 (gene) is a redirect to en:Sp3 transcription factor; redirectFrom=en:SP3 (gene); linkedpages=en:Sp3 transcription factor
- en:SP4 (gene) is a redirect to en:Sp4 transcription factor; redirectFrom=en:SP4 (gene); linkedpages=en:Sp4 transcription factor
- en:SP7 (gene) is a redirect to en:Sp7 transcription factor; redirectFrom=en:SP7 (gene); linkedpages=en:Sp7 transcription factor
- en:SP8 (gene) is a redirect to en:Sp8 transcription factor; redirectFrom=en:SP8 (gene); linkedpages=en:Sp8 transcription factor
- en:SPA17 is not a redirect.
- en:SPACA3 is not a redirect.
- en:SPAG1 is a redirect to en:Sperm-associated antigen 1; redirectFrom=en:SPAG1; linkedpages=en:Sperm-associated antigen 1
- en:SPAG11B is a redirect to en:Sperm-associated antigen 11B; redirectFrom=en:SPAG11B; linkedpages=en:Sperm-associated antigen 11B
- en:SPAG5 is a redirect to en:Sperm-associated antigen 5; redirectFrom=en:SPAG5; linkedpages=en:Sperm-associated antigen 5
- en:SPAG6 is a redirect to en:Sperm-associated antigen 6; redirectFrom=en:SPAG6; linkedpages=en:Sperm-associated antigen 6
- en:SPAG7 is a redirect to en:Sperm-associated antigen 7; redirectFrom=en:SPAG7; linkedpages=en:Sperm-associated antigen 7
- en:SPAG8 is a redirect to en:Sperm-associated antigen 8; redirectFrom=en:SPAG8; linkedpages=en:Sperm-associated antigen 8
- en:SPAG9 is a redirect to en:Sperm-associated antigen 9; redirectFrom=en:SPAG9; linkedpages=en:Sperm-associated antigen 9
- en:SPAM1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPANXA1 is a redirect to en:Sperm protein associated with the nucleus, X-linked, family member A1; redirectFrom=en:SPANXA1; linkedpages=en:Sperm protein associated with the nucleus, X-linked, family member A1
- en:SPANXB1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPARC is not a redirect.
- en:SPARCL1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPAST is a redirect to en:Spastin; redirectFrom=en:SPAST; linkedpages=en:Spastin
- en:SPATA2 is not a redirect.
- en:SPATA5 is not a redirect.
- en:SPATA7 is not a redirect.
- en:SPATC1L is not a redirect.
- en:SPATS1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPATS2L is not a redirect.
- en:SPC24 is not a redirect.
- en:SPDEF is not a redirect.
- en:SPDYA is not a redirect.
- en:SPDYE1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPECC1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPEF1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPEF2 is not a redirect.
- en:SPEG is not a redirect.
- en:SPEN is not a redirect.
- en:SPG11 is not a redirect.
- en:SPG21 is not a redirect.
- en:SPG7 is a redirect to en:Paraplegin; redirectFrom=en:SPG7; linkedpages=en:Paraplegin
- en:SPHK1 is a redirect to en:Sphingosine kinase 1; redirectFrom=en:SPHK1; linkedpages=en:Sphingosine kinase 1
- en:SPHK2 is not a redirect.
- en:SPI1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPIB is not a redirect.
- en:SPIN1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPINK1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPINK2 is not a redirect.
- en:SPINK5 is a redirect to en:LEKTI; redirectFrom=en:SPINK5; linkedpages=en:LEKTI
- en:SPINK6 is not a redirect.
- en:SPINK9 is a redirect to en:LEKTI-2; redirectFrom=en:SPINK9; linkedpages=en:LEKTI-2
- en:SPINT1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPINT2 is not a redirect.
- en:SPNS2 is not a redirect.
- en:SPN (gene) is a redirect to en:CD43; redirectFrom=en:SPN (gene); linkedpages=en:CD43
- en:SPO11 is a redirect to en:Spo11; redirectFrom=en:SPO11; linkedpages=en:Spo11
- en:SPOCK1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPOCK2 is not a redirect.
- en:SPON1 is a redirect to en:Spondin 1; redirectFrom=en:SPON1; linkedpages=en:Spondin 1
- en:SPON2 is a redirect to en:Spondin 2; redirectFrom=en:SPON2; linkedpages=en:Spondin 2
- en:SPOP is not a redirect.
- en:SPP1 (gene) is a redirect to en:Osteopontin; redirectFrom=en:SPP1 (gene); linkedpages=en:Osteopontin
- en:SPPL2A is not a redirect.
- en:SPPL2B is not a redirect.
- en:SPRED1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPRED2 is not a redirect.
- en:SPRED3 is not a redirect.
- en:SPRN is a redirect to en:Main Centre for Missile Attack Warning; redirectFrom=en:SPRN; linkedpages=en:Main Centre for Missile Attack Warning
- en:SPRR1A is not a redirect.
- en:SPRR1B is not a redirect.
- en:SPRR2A is not a redirect.
- en:SPRR3 is not a redirect.
- en:SPRTN is not a redirect.
- en:SPRY1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPRY2 is not a redirect.
- en:SPRY3 is not a redirect.
- en:SPRY4 is not a redirect.
- en:SPRYD7 is not a redirect.
- en:SPR (gene) is a redirect to en:Sepiapterin reductase; redirectFrom=en:SPR (gene); linkedpages=en:Sepiapterin reductase
- en:SPSB1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPTA1 is a redirect to en:Spectrin, alpha 1; redirectFrom=en:SPTA1; linkedpages=en:Spectrin, alpha 1
- en:SPTAN1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPTB is not a redirect.
- en:SPTBN1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPTBN2 is not a redirect.
- en:SPTBN4 is not a redirect.
- en:SPTBN5 is not a redirect.
- en:SPTLC1 is not a redirect.
- en:SPTLC2 is not a redirect.
- en:SPZ1 is not a redirect.
- en:SQSTM1 is a redirect to en:Sequestosome 1; redirectFrom=en:SQSTM1; linkedpages=en:Sequestosome 1
- en:SRA1 is not a redirect.
- en:SRCAP is not a redirect.
- en:SRC (gene) is a redirect to en:Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src; redirectFrom=en:SRC (gene); linkedpages=en:Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src
- en:SRD5A1 is not a redirect.
- en:SRD5A2 is not a redirect.
- en:SRD5A3 is not a redirect.
- en:SREBF1 is a redirect to en:Sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1; redirectFrom=en:SREBF1; linkedpages=en:Sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1
- en:SREBF2 is a redirect to en:Sterol regulatory element-binding protein 2; redirectFrom=en:SREBF2; linkedpages=en:Sterol regulatory element-binding protein 2
- en:SRF (gene) is a redirect to en:Serum response factor; redirectFrom=en:SRF (gene); linkedpages=en:Serum response factor
- en:SRGAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SRGAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:SRGAP2C is not a redirect.
- en:SRGAP3 is not a redirect.
- en:SRGN is a redirect to en:Serglycin; redirectFrom=en:SRGN; linkedpages=en:Serglycin
- en:SRI (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:SRL (gene) is a redirect to en:Sarcalumenin; redirectFrom=en:SRL (gene); linkedpages=en:Sarcalumenin
- en:SRMS is a redirect to en:Canadarm; redirectFrom=en:SRMS; linkedpages=en:Canadarm
- en:SRPK1 is not a redirect.
- en:SRPK2 is not a redirect.
- en:SRPRB is not a redirect.
- en:SRPX is not a redirect.
- en:SRPX2 is not a redirect.
- en:SRRM1 is not a redirect.
- en:SRRM2 is not a redirect.
- en:SRRT (gene) is a redirect to en:Serrate RNA effector molecule homolog; redirectFrom=en:SRRT (gene); linkedpages=en:Serrate RNA effector molecule homolog
- en:SRR (gene) is a redirect to en:Serine racemase; redirectFrom=en:SRR (gene); linkedpages=en:Serine racemase
- en:SRXN1 is not a redirect.
- en:SRY is a redirect to en:Testis-determining factor; redirectFrom=en:SRY; linkedpages=en:Testis-determining factor
- en:SS18 is not a redirect.
- en:SS18L1 is not a redirect.
- en:SSBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SSBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:SSBP3 is not a redirect.
- en:SSBP4 is not a redirect.
- en:SSB (gene) is a redirect to en:Sjögren syndrome antigen B; redirectFrom=en:SSB (gene); linkedpages=en:Sjögren syndrome antigen B
- en:SSC4D is not a redirect.
- en:SSH1 is not a redirect.
- en:SSH2 is not a redirect.
- en:SSH3 is not a redirect.
- en:SSMEM1 is not a redirect.
- en:SSPO is a redirect to en:SCO-spondin; redirectFrom=en:SSPO; linkedpages=en:SCO-spondin
- en:SSR1 is not a redirect.
- en:SSR2 is not a redirect.
- en:SSR4 is not a redirect.
- en:SSRP1 is a redirect to en:Structure specific recognition protein 1; redirectFrom=en:SSRP1; linkedpages=en:Structure specific recognition protein 1
- en:SSTR1 is a redirect to en:Somatostatin receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:SSTR1; linkedpages=en:Somatostatin receptor 1
- en:SSTR2 is a redirect to en:Somatostatin receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:SSTR2; linkedpages=en:Somatostatin receptor 2
- en:SSTR3 is a redirect to en:Somatostatin receptor 3; redirectFrom=en:SSTR3; linkedpages=en:Somatostatin receptor 3
- en:SSTR4 is a redirect to en:Somatostatin receptor 4; redirectFrom=en:SSTR4; linkedpages=en:Somatostatin receptor 4
- en:SSTR5 is a redirect to en:Somatostatin receptor 5; redirectFrom=en:SSTR5; linkedpages=en:Somatostatin receptor 5
- en:SST (gene) is a redirect to en:Somatostatin; redirectFrom=en:SST (gene); linkedpages=en:Somatostatin
- en:SSX1 is not a redirect.
- en:SSX2 is not a redirect.
- en:SSX2IP is not a redirect.
- en:SSX3 is a redirect to en:SSX 3; redirectFrom=en:SSX3; linkedpages=en:SSX 3
- en:SSX4 (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:SSX5 is not a redirect.
- en:ST13 is not a redirect.
- en:ST14 is not a redirect.
- en:ST3GAL3 is not a redirect.
- en:ST3GAL4 is not a redirect.
- en:ST3GAL5 is not a redirect.
- en:ST6GAL1 is not a redirect.
- en:ST6GAL2 is a redirect to en:St6 beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 2; redirectFrom=en:ST6GAL2; linkedpages=en:St6 beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 2
- en:ST6GALNAC1 is not a redirect.
- en:ST6GALNAC2 is not a redirect.
- en:ST6GALNAC4 is not a redirect.
- en:ST6GALNAC6 is not a redirect.
- en:ST7 is not a redirect.
- en:ST8SIA1 is not a redirect.
- en:ST8SIA2 is not a redirect.
- en:ST8SIA4 is not a redirect.
- en:ST8SIA6 is not a redirect.
- en:STAB1 is not a redirect.
- en:STAB2 is not a redirect.
- en:STAG1 is not a redirect.
- en:STAG2 is not a redirect.
- en:STAG3 is a redirect to en:STAG3 (gene); redirectFrom=en:STAG3; linkedpages=en:STAG3 (gene)
- en:STAM2 is not a redirect.
- en:STAMBP is not a redirect.
- en:STAMBPL1 is not a redirect.
- en:STAM (gene) is a redirect to en:Signal transducing adaptor molecule; redirectFrom=en:STAM (gene); linkedpages=en:Signal transducing adaptor molecule
- en:STAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:STAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:STARD10 is not a redirect.
- en:STARD13 is not a redirect.
- en:STARD3 is a redirect to en:Star related lipid transfer domain containing 3; redirectFrom=en:STARD3; linkedpages=en:Star related lipid transfer domain containing 3
- en:STARD3NL is not a redirect.
- en:STARD4 is not a redirect.
- en:STARD5 is not a redirect.
- en:STARD7 is not a redirect.
- en:STARD8 is not a redirect.
- en:STAR (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:STAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:STAT2 is not a redirect.
- en:STAT3 is not a redirect.
- en:STAT4 is not a redirect.
- en:STAT5A is not a redirect.
- en:STAT5B is not a redirect.
- en:STAT6 is not a redirect.
- en:STATH is not a redirect.
- en:STAU1 is not a redirect.
- en:STAU2 is not a redirect.
- en:STC1 is not a redirect.
- en:STC2 is not a redirect.
- en:STEAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:STEAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:STEAP3 is not a redirect.
- en:STEAP4 is not a redirect.
- en:STH (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:STIL is not a redirect.
- en:STIM1 is not a redirect.
- en:STIM2 is not a redirect.
- en:STIP1 is a redirect to en:Hop (protein); redirectFrom=en:STIP1; linkedpages=en:Hop (protein)
- en:STK10 is not a redirect.
- en:STK11 is not a redirect.
- en:STK16 is not a redirect.
- en:STK17A is not a redirect.
- en:STK19 is not a redirect.
- en:STK24 is not a redirect.
- en:STK25 is not a redirect.
- en:STK3 is not a redirect.
- en:STK31 is a redirect to en:Tau-protein kinase; redirectFrom=en:STK31; linkedpages=en:Tau-protein kinase
- en:STK36 is not a redirect.
- en:STK38 is not a redirect.
- en:STK38L is not a redirect.
- en:STK39 is not a redirect.
- en:STK4 is not a redirect.
- en:STK40 is not a redirect.
- en:STMN1 is a redirect to en:Stathmin; redirectFrom=en:STMN1; linkedpages=en:Stathmin
- en:STMN2 is not a redirect.
- en:STMN3 is not a redirect.
- en:STOM is a redirect to en:Stomatin; redirectFrom=en:STOM; linkedpages=en:Stomatin
- en:STOML1 is not a redirect.
- en:STOML2 is not a redirect.
- en:STOX1 is not a redirect.
- en:STRA6 is a redirect to en:Vitamin A receptor; redirectFrom=en:STRA6; linkedpages=en:Vitamin A receptor
- en:STRAP is not a redirect.
- en:STRBP is not a redirect.
- en:STRC is not a redirect.
- en:STRN is not a redirect.
- en:STRN3 is not a redirect.
- en:STRN4 is not a redirect.
- en:STS (gene) is a redirect to en:Steroid sulfatase; redirectFrom=en:STS (gene); linkedpages=en:Steroid sulfatase
- en:STT3A is a redirect to en:Stt3a, catalytic subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex; redirectFrom=en:STT3A; linkedpages=en:Stt3a, catalytic subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex
- en:STT3B is not a redirect.
- en:STUB1 is not a redirect.
- en:STX10 is not a redirect.
- en:STX11 is not a redirect.
- en:STX12 is not a redirect.
- en:STX16 is not a redirect.
- en:STX17 is not a redirect.
- en:STX1A is not a redirect.
- en:STX1B is not a redirect.
- en:STX2 is not a redirect.
- en:STX3 is a redirect to en:Syntaxin 3; redirectFrom=en:STX3; linkedpages=en:Syntaxin 3
- en:STX4 is not a redirect.
- en:STX5 is not a redirect.
- en:STX6 is not a redirect.
- en:STX7 is not a redirect.
- en:STX8 is not a redirect.
- en:STXBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:STXBP2 is a redirect to en:Syntaxin binding protein 2; redirectFrom=en:STXBP2; linkedpages=en:Syntaxin binding protein 2
- en:STXBP3 is a redirect to en:Syntaxin binding protein 3; redirectFrom=en:STXBP3; linkedpages=en:Syntaxin binding protein 3
- en:STXBP5 is not a redirect.
- en:STYK1 is not a redirect.
- en:STYX is a redirect to en:Styx; redirectFrom=en:STYX; linkedpages=en:Styx
- en:STYXL1 is not a redirect.
- en:SUB1 is not a redirect.
- en:SUCLA2 is not a redirect.
- en:SUCLG1 is not a redirect.
- en:SUCLG2 is not a redirect.
- en:SUCNR1 is not a redirect.
- en:SUCO is a redirect to en:State University of New York at Oneonta; redirectFrom=en:SUCO; linkedpages=en:State University of New York at Oneonta
- en:SUDS3 is not a redirect.
- en:SUFU is not a redirect.
- en:SUGT1 is not a redirect.
- en:SULF1 is not a redirect.
- en:SULF2 is not a redirect.
- en:SULT1A1 is not a redirect.
- en:SULT1A2 is not a redirect.
- en:SULT1A3 is not a redirect.
- en:SULT1B1 is not a redirect.
- en:SULT1C2 is not a redirect.
- en:SULT1C3 is not a redirect.
- en:SULT1C4 is not a redirect.
- en:SULT1E1 is not a redirect.
- en:SULT2A1 is a redirect to en:Bile salt sulfotransferase; redirectFrom=en:SULT2A1; linkedpages=en:Bile salt sulfotransferase
- en:SULT2B1 is not a redirect.
- en:SULT4A1 is not a redirect.
- en:SUMF1 is not a redirect.
- en:SUMF2 is not a redirect.
- en:SUMO1 is a redirect to en:Small ubiquitin-related modifier 1; redirectFrom=en:SUMO1; linkedpages=en:Small ubiquitin-related modifier 1
- en:SUMO2 is not a redirect.
- en:SUMO3 is not a redirect.
- en:SUMO4 is not a redirect.
- en:SUN5 is a redirect to en:SUN domain-containing protein 5; redirectFrom=en:SUN5; linkedpages=en:SUN domain-containing protein 5
- en:SUPT16H is not a redirect.
- en:SUPT20H is not a redirect.
- en:SUPT3H is a redirect to en:Transcription initiation protein SPT3 homolog; redirectFrom=en:SUPT3H; linkedpages=en:Transcription initiation protein SPT3 homolog
- en:SUPT4H1 is not a redirect.
- en:SUPT5H is not a redirect.
- en:SUPT6H is not a redirect.
- en:SUPT7L is not a redirect.
- en:SUPV3L1 is not a redirect.
- en:SURF1 is not a redirect.
- en:SURF2 is not a redirect.
- en:SURF4 is not a redirect.
- en:SURF6 is not a redirect.
- en:SUV39H1 is not a redirect.
- en:SUV39H2 is not a redirect.
- en:SUZ12 is not a redirect.
- en:SV2A is not a redirect.
- en:SV2B is not a redirect.
- en:SVIL is not a redirect.
- en:SVOP is a redirect to en:Save (baseball)#Usage; redirectFrom=en:SVOP; linkedpages=en:Save (baseball)#Usage
- en:SWAP70 is not a redirect.
- en:SWI5 is a redirect to en:SWI/SNF; redirectFrom=en:SWI5; linkedpages=en:SWI/SNF
- en:SYAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SYBU is not a redirect.
- en:SYCP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SYCP3 is not a redirect.
- en:SYK is a redirect to en:Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu; redirectFrom=en:SYK; linkedpages=en:Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu
- en:SYMPK is not a redirect.
- en:SYN1 is a redirect to en:Synapsin I; redirectFrom=en:SYN1; linkedpages=en:Synapsin I
- en:SYN2 is a redirect to en:Synapsin 2; redirectFrom=en:SYN2; linkedpages=en:Synapsin 2
- en:SYN3 is not a redirect.
- en:SYNCRIP is not a redirect.
- en:SYNE1 is a redirect to en:Enaptin; redirectFrom=en:SYNE1; linkedpages=en:Enaptin
- en:SYNE2 is not a redirect.
- en:SYNGAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:SYNGR1 is not a redirect.
- en:SYNJ2 is not a redirect.
- en:SYNJ2BP is not a redirect.
- en:SYNM is a redirect to en:Synemin; redirectFrom=en:SYNM; linkedpages=en:Synemin
- en:SYNPO is not a redirect.
- en:SYNPO2 is not a redirect.
- en:SYNPR is not a redirect.
- en:SYP is a redirect to en:Syrian pound; redirectFrom=en:SYP; linkedpages=en:Syrian pound
- en:SYPL1 is not a redirect.
- en:SYT1 is not a redirect.
- en:SYT11 is not a redirect.
- en:SYT13 is not a redirect.
- en:SYT14 is not a redirect.
- en:SYT2 is not a redirect.
- en:SYT3 is not a redirect.
- en:SYT4 is not a redirect.
- en:SYT5 is not a redirect.
- en:SYT6 is not a redirect.
- en:SYT7 is not a redirect.
- en:SYT9 is not a redirect.
- en:SYTL1 is not a redirect.
- en:SYTL2 is not a redirect.
- en:SYTL4 is not a redirect.
- en:SYVN1 is not a redirect.
- en:SZT2 is not a redirect.
- en:TAAR1 is not a redirect.
- en:TAAR2 is not a redirect.
- en:TAAR5 is not a redirect.
- en:TAAR6 is not a redirect.
- en:TAAR8 is not a redirect.
- en:TAAR9 is not a redirect.
- en:TAC1 is not a redirect.
- en:TAC3 is not a redirect.
- en:TAC4 is not a redirect.
- en:TACC1 is not a redirect.
- en:TACC2 is not a redirect.
- en:TACC3 is not a redirect.
- en:TACR1 is a redirect to en:Tachykinin receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:TACR1; linkedpages=en:Tachykinin receptor 1
- en:TACR2 is a redirect to en:TACR2 (Range Rover); redirectFrom=en:TACR2; linkedpages=en:TACR2 (Range Rover)
- en:TACR3 is a redirect to en:Tachykinin receptor 3; redirectFrom=en:TACR3; linkedpages=en:Tachykinin receptor 3
- en:TACSTD2 is not a redirect.
- en:TAF1 is not a redirect.
- en:TAF10 is not a redirect.
- en:TAF11 is not a redirect.
- en:TAF12 is not a redirect.
- en:TAF13 is not a redirect.
- en:TAF15 is not a redirect.
- en:TAF1A is not a redirect.
- en:TAF1B is not a redirect.
- en:TAF1C is not a redirect.
- en:TAF1D is not a redirect.
- en:TAF2 is not a redirect.
- en:TAF3 is not a redirect.
- en:TAF4 is not a redirect.
- en:TAF4B is not a redirect.
- en:TAF5 is not a redirect.
- en:TAF5L is not a redirect.
- en:TAF6 is not a redirect.
- en:TAF6L is not a redirect.
- en:TAF7 is not a redirect.
- en:TAF8 is not a redirect.
- en:TAF9 is not a redirect.
- en:TAF9B is not a redirect.
- en:TAFA5 is not a redirect.
- en:TAGLN is a redirect to en:Transgelin; redirectFrom=en:TAGLN; linkedpages=en:Transgelin
- en:TAGLN2 is not a redirect.
- en:TAGLN3 is not a redirect.
- en:TAL1 is not a redirect.
- en:TAL2 is not a redirect.
- en:TANGO2 is not a redirect.
- en:TANGO6 is not a redirect.
- en:TANK (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:TAOK1 is not a redirect.
- en:TAOK2 is not a redirect.
- en:TAOK3 is not a redirect.
- en:TAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:TAPBP is a redirect to en:Tapasin; redirectFrom=en:TAPBP; linkedpages=en:Tapasin
- en:TARBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TARBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:TARDBP is not a redirect.
- en:TAS1R1 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS1R2 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS1R3 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R1 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R10 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R13 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R14 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R16 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R19 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R20 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R3 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R30 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R31 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R38 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R39 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R4 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R40 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R41 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R42 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R43 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R46 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R5 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R50 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R60 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R7 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R8 is not a redirect.
- en:TAS2R9 is not a redirect.
- en:TASP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TAT (gene) is a redirect to en:Tyrosine aminotransferase; redirectFrom=en:TAT (gene); linkedpages=en:Tyrosine aminotransferase
- en:TAX1BP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TAX1BP3 is not a redirect.
- en:TAZ (gene) is a redirect to en:Tafazzin; redirectFrom=en:TAZ (gene); linkedpages=en:Tafazzin
- en:TBC1D1 is not a redirect.
- en:TBC1D10A is not a redirect.
- en:TBC1D15 is not a redirect.
- en:TBC1D24 is not a redirect.
- en:TBC1D3 is not a redirect.
- en:TBC1D4 is not a redirect.
- en:TBC1D9 is not a redirect.
- en:TBCA is not a redirect.
- en:TBCB is not a redirect.
- en:TBCD is not a redirect.
- en:TBCE is not a redirect.
- en:TBK1 (gene) is a redirect to en:TANK-binding kinase 1; redirectFrom=en:TBK1 (gene); linkedpages=en:TANK-binding kinase 1
- en:TBL1X is not a redirect.
- en:TBL1XR1 is not a redirect.
- en:TBL3 is not a redirect.
- en:TBPL1 is not a redirect.
- en:TBP (gene) is a redirect to en:TATA-binding protein; redirectFrom=en:TBP (gene); linkedpages=en:TATA-binding protein
- en:TBR1 is not a redirect.
- en:TBRG1 is not a redirect.
- en:TBRG4 is not a redirect.
- en:TBX1 is not a redirect.
- en:TBX15 is not a redirect.
- en:TBX19 is not a redirect.
- en:TBX2 is not a redirect.
- en:TBX20 is not a redirect.
- en:TBX21 is not a redirect.
- en:TBX22 is not a redirect.
- en:TBX3 is not a redirect.
- en:TBX4 is not a redirect.
- en:TBX5 is a redirect to en:TBX5 (gene); redirectFrom=en:TBX5; linkedpages=en:TBX5 (gene)
- en:TBX6 is not a redirect.
- en:TBXA2R is a redirect to en:Thromboxane receptor; redirectFrom=en:TBXA2R; linkedpages=en:Thromboxane receptor
- en:TBXAS1 is a redirect to en:Thromboxane-A synthase; redirectFrom=en:TBXAS1; linkedpages=en:Thromboxane-A synthase
- en:TBXT is a redirect to en:Brachyury; redirectFrom=en:TBXT; linkedpages=en:Brachyury
- en:TC2N is not a redirect.
- en:TCAIM is not a redirect.
- en:TCAP (gene) is a redirect to en:Telethonin; redirectFrom=en:TCAP (gene); linkedpages=en:Telethonin
- en:TCEA1 is not a redirect.
- en:TCEA2 is not a redirect.
- en:TCEAL1 is not a redirect.
- en:TCEAL4 is not a redirect.
- en:TCERG1 is a redirect to en:Transcription elongation regulator 1; redirectFrom=en:TCERG1; linkedpages=en:Transcription elongation regulator 1
- en:TCF12 is not a redirect.
- en:TCF15 is not a redirect.
- en:TCF19 is not a redirect.
- en:TCF20 is not a redirect.
- en:TCF21 is a redirect to en:TCF21 (gene); redirectFrom=en:TCF21; linkedpages=en:TCF21 (gene)
- en:TCF3 is not a redirect.
- en:TCF4 is not a redirect.
- en:TCF7 is not a redirect.
- en:TCF7L1 is not a redirect.
- en:TCF7L2 is not a redirect.
- en:TCHH is a redirect to en:Trichohyalin; redirectFrom=en:TCHH; linkedpages=en:Trichohyalin
- en:TCHP is not a redirect.
- en:TCIM is not a redirect.
- en:TCIRG1 is not a redirect.
- en:TCL1A is not a redirect.
- en:TCL1B is not a redirect.
- en:TCOF1 is a redirect to en:Treacle protein; redirectFrom=en:TCOF1; linkedpages=en:Treacle protein
- en:TCP1 is a redirect to en:T-complex 1; redirectFrom=en:TCP1; linkedpages=en:T-complex 1
- en:TCP10L is not a redirect.
- en:TCP11 is not a redirect.
- en:TCTEX1D4 is not a redirect.
- en:TCTN3 is not a redirect.
- en:TDGF1 is a redirect to en:Teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 1; redirectFrom=en:TDGF1; linkedpages=en:Teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 1
- en:TDG (gene) is a redirect to en:Thymine-DNA glycosylase; redirectFrom=en:TDG (gene); linkedpages=en:Thymine-DNA glycosylase
- en:TDO2 is a redirect to en:Tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase; redirectFrom=en:TDO2; linkedpages=en:Tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase
- en:TDP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TDRD3 is not a redirect.
- en:TDRD7 is not a redirect.
- en:TDRKH is not a redirect.
- en:TEAD1 is not a redirect.
- en:TEAD2 is not a redirect.
- en:TEAD3 is not a redirect.
- en:TEAD4 is not a redirect.
- en:TECR is not a redirect.
- en:TECTA is not a redirect.
- en:TECTB is not a redirect.
- en:TEC (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:TEDC2 is not a redirect.
- en:TEF (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:TEKT1 is not a redirect.
- en:TEK (gene) is a redirect to en:TEK tyrosine kinase; redirectFrom=en:TEK (gene); linkedpages=en:TEK tyrosine kinase
- en:TELO2 is not a redirect.
- en:TENM3 is not a redirect.
- en:TENT5D is not a redirect.
- en:TEP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TEPP is a redirect to en:Tetraethyl pyrophosphate; redirectFrom=en:TEPP; linkedpages=en:Tetraethyl pyrophosphate
- en:TERF1 is not a redirect.
- en:TERF2 is not a redirect.
- en:TERF2IP is not a redirect.
- en:TERT is a redirect to en:Telomerase reverse transcriptase; redirectFrom=en:TERT; linkedpages=en:Telomerase reverse transcriptase
- en:TESK1 is not a redirect.
- en:TESK2 is not a redirect.
- en:TESPA1 is not a redirect.
- en:TES (gene) is a redirect to en:Testin; redirectFrom=en:TES (gene); linkedpages=en:Testin
- en:TET1 is a redirect to en:Tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 1; redirectFrom=en:TET1; linkedpages=en:Tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 1
- en:TET2 is a redirect to en:Tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 2; redirectFrom=en:TET2; linkedpages=en:Tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 2
- en:TET3 is a redirect to en:Tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 3; redirectFrom=en:TET3; linkedpages=en:Tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 3
- en:TEX10 is not a redirect.
- en:TEX19 is not a redirect.
- en:TEX35 is not a redirect.
- en:TEX55 is not a redirect.
- en:TEX9 is not a redirect.
- en:TFAM is not a redirect.
- en:TFAP2A is not a redirect.
- en:TFAP2B is not a redirect.
- en:TFAP2C is not a redirect.
- en:TFAP2D is not a redirect.
- en:TFAP2E is not a redirect.
- en:TFAP4 is not a redirect.
- en:TFB1M is not a redirect.
- en:TFB2M is not a redirect.
- en:TFCP2 is not a redirect.
- en:TFDP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TFDP2 is not a redirect.
- en:TFE3 is not a redirect.
- en:TFEB is not a redirect.
- en:TFEC is not a redirect.
- en:TFF1 is a redirect to en:Trefoil factor 1; redirectFrom=en:TFF1; linkedpages=en:Trefoil factor 1
- en:TFF2 is a redirect to en:Trefoil factor 2; redirectFrom=en:TFF2; linkedpages=en:Trefoil factor 2
- en:TFF3 is a redirect to en:Trefoil factor 3; redirectFrom=en:TFF3; linkedpages=en:Trefoil factor 3
- en:TFG (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:TFIP11 is not a redirect.
- en:TFPI is a redirect to en:Tissue factor pathway inhibitor; redirectFrom=en:TFPI; linkedpages=en:Tissue factor pathway inhibitor
- en:TFPI2 is not a redirect.
- en:TFPT is not a redirect.
- en:TFR2 is a redirect to en:Transferrin receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:TFR2; linkedpages=en:Transferrin receptor 2
- en:TFRC is a redirect to en:Transferrin receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:TFRC; linkedpages=en:Transferrin receptor 1
- en:TF (gene) is a redirect to en:Transferrin; redirectFrom=en:TF (gene); linkedpages=en:Transferrin
- en:TGFA (gene) is a redirect to en:TGF alpha; redirectFrom=en:TGFA (gene); linkedpages=en:TGF alpha
- en:TGFB1 is a redirect to en:TGF beta 1; redirectFrom=en:TGFB1; linkedpages=en:TGF beta 1
- en:TGFB1I1 is not a redirect.
- en:TGFB2 is a redirect to en:TGF beta 2; redirectFrom=en:TGFB2; linkedpages=en:TGF beta 2
- en:TGFB3 is a redirect to en:Transforming growth factor, beta 3; redirectFrom=en:TGFB3; linkedpages=en:Transforming growth factor, beta 3
- en:TGFBI is not a redirect.
- en:TGFBR1 is a redirect to en:TGF beta receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:TGFBR1; linkedpages=en:TGF beta receptor 1
- en:TGFBR2 is a redirect to en:TGF beta receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:TGFBR2; linkedpages=en:TGF beta receptor 2
- en:TGFBR3 is not a redirect.
- en:TGIF1 is a redirect to en:Homeobox protein TGIF1; redirectFrom=en:TGIF1; linkedpages=en:Homeobox protein TGIF1
- en:TGIF2 is not a redirect.
- en:TGM1 is a redirect to en:Keratinocyte transglutaminase; redirectFrom=en:TGM1; linkedpages=en:Keratinocyte transglutaminase
- en:TGM2 is a redirect to en:Tissue transglutaminase; redirectFrom=en:TGM2; linkedpages=en:Tissue transglutaminase
- en:TGM3 is not a redirect.
- en:TGM4 is not a redirect.
- en:TGM5 is not a redirect.
- en:TGM6 is not a redirect.
- en:TGOLN2 is not a redirect.
- en:TGS1 is not a redirect.
- en:TG (gene) is a redirect to en:Thyroglobulin; redirectFrom=en:TG (gene); linkedpages=en:Thyroglobulin
- en:THAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:THAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:THAP4 is not a redirect.
- en:THAP6 is not a redirect.
- en:THAP7 is not a redirect.
- en:THBD is a redirect to en:Thrombomodulin; redirectFrom=en:THBD; linkedpages=en:Thrombomodulin
- en:THBS1 is a redirect to en:Thrombospondin 1; redirectFrom=en:THBS1; linkedpages=en:Thrombospondin 1
- en:THBS2 is a redirect to en:Thrombospondin-2; redirectFrom=en:THBS2; linkedpages=en:Thrombospondin-2
- en:THBS3 is a redirect to en:Thrombospondin 3; redirectFrom=en:THBS3; linkedpages=en:Thrombospondin 3
- en:THBS4 is a redirect to en:Thrombospondin 4; redirectFrom=en:THBS4; linkedpages=en:Thrombospondin 4
- en:THEMIS is not a redirect.
- en:THG1L is not a redirect.
- en:THOC1 is not a redirect.
- en:THOC2 is not a redirect.
- en:THOC5 is not a redirect.
- en:THOP1 is not a redirect.
- en:THPO (gene) is a redirect to en:Thrombopoietin; redirectFrom=en:THPO (gene); linkedpages=en:Thrombopoietin
- en:THRA is a redirect to en:Thyroid hormone receptor alpha; redirectFrom=en:THRA; linkedpages=en:Thyroid hormone receptor alpha
- en:THRAP3 is not a redirect.
- en:THRB is a redirect to en:Thyroid hormone receptor beta; redirectFrom=en:THRB; linkedpages=en:Thyroid hormone receptor beta
- en:THRSP is not a redirect.
- en:THSD1 is not a redirect.
- en:THY1 is a redirect to en:CD90; redirectFrom=en:THY1; linkedpages=en:CD90
- en:THYN1 is not a redirect.
- en:TH (gene) is a redirect to en:Tyrosine hydroxylase; redirectFrom=en:TH (gene); linkedpages=en:Tyrosine hydroxylase
- en:TIA1 is not a redirect.
- en:TIAF1 is not a redirect.
- en:TIAL1 is not a redirect.
- en:TIAM1 is a redirect to en:T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis-inducing protein 1; redirectFrom=en:TIAM1; linkedpages=en:T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis-inducing protein 1
- en:TICAM2 is not a redirect.
- en:TIE1 is not a redirect.
- en:TIFA is a redirect to en:Trade and Investment Framework Agreement; redirectFrom=en:TIFA; linkedpages=en:Trade and Investment Framework Agreement
- en:TIGAR is a redirect to en:TP53-inducible glycolysis and apoptosis regulator; redirectFrom=en:TIGAR; linkedpages=en:TP53-inducible glycolysis and apoptosis regulator
- en:TIGIT is not a redirect.
- en:TIMD4 is not a redirect.
- en:TIMM10 is not a redirect.
- en:TIMM10B is not a redirect.
- en:TIMM13 is not a redirect.
- en:TIMM17A is not a redirect.
- en:TIMM22 is not a redirect.
- en:TIMM23 is not a redirect.
- en:TIMM44 is not a redirect.
- en:TIMM50 is not a redirect.
- en:TIMM8A is not a redirect.
- en:TIMM9 is not a redirect.
- en:TIMMDC1 is not a redirect.
- en:TIMP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TIMP2 is not a redirect.
- en:TIMP3 is not a redirect.
- en:TIMP4 is not a redirect.
- en:TINAG is not a redirect.
- en:TINAGL1 is not a redirect.
- en:TINF2 is not a redirect.
- en:TIPARP is not a redirect.
- en:TIPIN is not a redirect.
- en:TIRAP is not a redirect.
- en:TJAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TJP1 is a redirect to en:Tight junction protein 1; redirectFrom=en:TJP1; linkedpages=en:Tight junction protein 1
- en:TJP2 is a redirect to en:Tight junction protein 2; redirectFrom=en:TJP2; linkedpages=en:Tight junction protein 2
- en:TJP3 is not a redirect.
- en:TK1 is a redirect to en:Thymidine kinase 1; redirectFrom=en:TK1; linkedpages=en:Thymidine kinase 1
- en:TK2 is a redirect to en:Thymidine kinase 2, mitochondrial; redirectFrom=en:TK2; linkedpages=en:Thymidine kinase 2, mitochondrial
- en:TKTL1 is not a redirect.
- en:TKTL2 is not a redirect.
- en:TLE1 is not a redirect.
- en:TLE2 is not a redirect.
- en:TLE3 is not a redirect.
- en:TLE4 is not a redirect.
- en:TLK1 is not a redirect.
- en:TLK2 is not a redirect.
- en:TLL1 is not a redirect.
- en:TLL2 is not a redirect.
- en:TLN1 is not a redirect.
- en:TLN2 is not a redirect.
- en:TLR1 is a redirect to en:TLR 1; redirectFrom=en:TLR1; linkedpages=en:TLR 1
- en:TLR10 is not a redirect.
- en:TLR2 is not a redirect.
- en:TLR3 is not a redirect.
- en:TLR4 is not a redirect.
- en:TLR5 is not a redirect.
- en:TLR6 is not a redirect.
- en:TLR7 is not a redirect.
- en:TLR8 is not a redirect.
- en:TLR9 is not a redirect.
- en:TLX1 is not a redirect.
- en:TLX2 is not a redirect.
- en:TLX3 is not a redirect.
- en:TM4SF1 is not a redirect.
- en:TM4SF5 is not a redirect.
- en:TM6SF2 is not a redirect.
- en:TM7SF2 is not a redirect.
- en:TM9SF2 is not a redirect.
- en:TMBIM1 is not a redirect.
- en:TMBIM4 is not a redirect.
- en:TMC1 is not a redirect.
- en:TMC2 is not a redirect.
- en:TMC3 is not a redirect.
- en:TMC6 is not a redirect.
- en:TMC8 is not a redirect.
- en:TMCO1 is not a redirect.
- en:TMCO4 is not a redirect.
- en:TMCO5A is not a redirect.
- en:TMCO6 is not a redirect.
- en:TMED1 is not a redirect.
- en:TMED10 is not a redirect.
- en:TMED2 is not a redirect.
- en:TMED3 is not a redirect.
- en:TMED4 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEFF2 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM106A is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM106B is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM106C is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM109 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM117 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM123 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM125 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM126A is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM126B is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM127 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM130 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM131 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM134 is a redirect to en:Transmembrane protein 134; redirectFrom=en:TMEM134; linkedpages=en:Transmembrane protein 134
- en:TMEM138 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM143 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM151B is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM156 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM158 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM160 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM165 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM171 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM176B is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM18 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM184B is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM196 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM200A is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM215 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM216 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM219 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM229B is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM239 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM241 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM242 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM243 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM249 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM25 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM255A is a redirect to en:Transmembrane protein 255A; redirectFrom=en:TMEM255A; linkedpages=en:Transmembrane protein 255A
- en:TMEM26 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM260 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM268 is a redirect to en:Transmembrane protein 268; redirectFrom=en:TMEM268; linkedpages=en:Transmembrane protein 268
- en:TMEM33 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM43 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM44 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM47 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM50A is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM51 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM53 is a redirect to en:Transmembrane protein 53; redirectFrom=en:TMEM53; linkedpages=en:Transmembrane protein 53
- en:TMEM59 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM63A is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM67 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM69 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM70 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM8B is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM9 is not a redirect.
- en:TMEM97 is a redirect to en:Sigma-2 receptor; redirectFrom=en:TMEM97; linkedpages=en:Sigma-2 receptor
- en:TMEM98 is not a redirect.
- en:TMF1 is not a redirect.
- en:TMIGD1 is not a redirect.
- en:TMIGD2 is not a redirect.
- en:TMLHE is not a redirect.
- en:TMOD1 is a redirect to en:Tropomodulin 1; redirectFrom=en:TMOD1; linkedpages=en:Tropomodulin 1
- en:TMOD2 is a redirect to en:Tropomodulin 2; redirectFrom=en:TMOD2; linkedpages=en:Tropomodulin 2
- en:TMOD3 is a redirect to en:Tropomodulin 3; redirectFrom=en:TMOD3; linkedpages=en:Tropomodulin 3
- en:TMOD4 is a redirect to en:Tropomodulin 4; redirectFrom=en:TMOD4; linkedpages=en:Tropomodulin 4
- en:TMPO is a redirect to en:Thymopoietin; redirectFrom=en:TMPO; linkedpages=en:Thymopoietin
- en:TMPRSS11B is not a redirect.
- en:TMPRSS11D is not a redirect.
- en:TMPRSS11F is not a redirect.
- en:TMPRSS2 is not a redirect.
- en:TMPRSS3 is not a redirect.
- en:TMPRSS4 is not a redirect.
- en:TMPRSS6 is not a redirect.
- en:TMSB10 is not a redirect.
- en:TMSB15A is not a redirect.
- en:TMSB15B is not a redirect.
- en:TMSB4X is a redirect to en:Thymosin beta-4; redirectFrom=en:TMSB4X; linkedpages=en:Thymosin beta-4
- en:TMSB4Y is a redirect to en:Thymosin beta-4, Y-chromosomal; redirectFrom=en:TMSB4Y; linkedpages=en:Thymosin beta-4, Y-chromosomal
- en:TMTC2 is not a redirect.
- en:TMTC4 is not a redirect.
- en:TMUB2 is not a redirect.
- en:TMX1 is not a redirect.
- en:TMX3 is not a redirect.
- en:TMX4 is not a redirect.
- en:TNC (gene) is a redirect to en:Tenascin C; redirectFrom=en:TNC (gene); linkedpages=en:Tenascin C
- en:TNF is a redirect to en:Tumor necrosis factor superfamily; redirectFrom=en:TNF; linkedpages=en:Tumor necrosis factor superfamily
- en:TNFAIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TNFAIP3 is not a redirect.
- en:TNFAIP6 is a redirect to en:TSG-6; redirectFrom=en:TNFAIP6; linkedpages=en:TSG-6
- en:TNFAIP8 is not a redirect.
- en:TNFAIP8L2 is not a redirect.
- en:TNFRSF10A is a redirect to en:Death receptor 4; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF10A; linkedpages=en:Death receptor 4
- en:TNFRSF10B is a redirect to en:Death receptor 5; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF10B; linkedpages=en:Death receptor 5
- en:TNFRSF10C is a redirect to en:Decoy receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF10C; linkedpages=en:Decoy receptor 1
- en:TNFRSF10D is a redirect to en:Decoy receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF10D; linkedpages=en:Decoy receptor 2
- en:TNFRSF11A is a redirect to en:RANK; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF11A; linkedpages=en:RANK
- en:TNFRSF11B is a redirect to en:Osteoprotegerin; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF11B; linkedpages=en:Osteoprotegerin
- en:TNFRSF12A is not a redirect.
- en:TNFRSF13B is a redirect to en:Transmembrane activator and CAML interactor; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF13B; linkedpages=en:Transmembrane activator and CAML interactor
- en:TNFRSF13C is a redirect to en:BAFF receptor; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF13C; linkedpages=en:BAFF receptor
- en:TNFRSF14 is a redirect to en:Herpesvirus entry mediator; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF14; linkedpages=en:Herpesvirus entry mediator
- en:TNFRSF17 is a redirect to en:B-cell maturation antigen; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF17; linkedpages=en:B-cell maturation antigen
- en:TNFRSF18 is not a redirect.
- en:TNFRSF19 is not a redirect.
- en:TNFRSF1A is a redirect to en:Tumor necrosis factor receptor 1; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF1A; linkedpages=en:Tumor necrosis factor receptor 1
- en:TNFRSF1B is a redirect to en:Tumor necrosis factor receptor 2; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF1B; linkedpages=en:Tumor necrosis factor receptor 2
- en:TNFRSF21 is a redirect to en:Death receptor 6; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF21; linkedpages=en:Death receptor 6
- en:TNFRSF25 is a redirect to en:Death receptor 3; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF25; linkedpages=en:Death receptor 3
- en:TNFRSF4 is a redirect to en:CD134; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF4; linkedpages=en:CD134
- en:TNFRSF6B is a redirect to en:Decoy receptor 3; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF6B; linkedpages=en:Decoy receptor 3
- en:TNFRSF8 is a redirect to en:CD30; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF8; linkedpages=en:CD30
- en:TNFRSF9 is a redirect to en:CD137; redirectFrom=en:TNFRSF9; linkedpages=en:CD137
- en:TNFSF10 is a redirect to en:TRAIL; redirectFrom=en:TNFSF10; linkedpages=en:TRAIL
- en:TNFSF11 is a redirect to en:RANKL; redirectFrom=en:TNFSF11; linkedpages=en:RANKL
- en:TNFSF12 is not a redirect.
- en:TNFSF13 is a redirect to en:APRIL (protein); redirectFrom=en:TNFSF13; linkedpages=en:APRIL (protein)
- en:TNFSF13B is a redirect to en:B-cell activating factor; redirectFrom=en:TNFSF13B; linkedpages=en:B-cell activating factor
- en:TNFSF14 is a redirect to en:LIGHT (protein); redirectFrom=en:TNFSF14; linkedpages=en:LIGHT (protein)
- en:TNFSF15 is a redirect to en:Vascular endothelial growth inhibitor; redirectFrom=en:TNFSF15; linkedpages=en:Vascular endothelial growth inhibitor
- en:TNFSF18 is not a redirect.
- en:TNFSF4 is a redirect to en:OX40 ligand; redirectFrom=en:TNFSF4; linkedpages=en:OX40 ligand
- en:TNFSF8 is a redirect to en:CD153; redirectFrom=en:TNFSF8; linkedpages=en:CD153
- en:TNFSF9 is a redirect to en:4-1BB ligand; redirectFrom=en:TNFSF9; linkedpages=en:4-1BB ligand
- en:TNIK is not a redirect.
- en:TNIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TNIP2 is not a redirect.
- en:TNK2 is not a redirect.
- en:TNKS is a redirect to en:Tankyrase; redirectFrom=en:TNKS; linkedpages=en:Tankyrase
- en:TNKS1BP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TNKS2 is a redirect to en:Tankyrase 2; redirectFrom=en:TNKS2; linkedpages=en:Tankyrase 2
- en:TNMD is a redirect to en:Tenomodulin; redirectFrom=en:TNMD; linkedpages=en:Tenomodulin
- en:TNNC1 is a redirect to en:Troponin C type 1; redirectFrom=en:TNNC1; linkedpages=en:Troponin C type 1
- en:TNNC2 is not a redirect.
- en:TNNI1 is not a redirect.
- en:TNNI2 is not a redirect.
- en:TNNI3 is not a redirect.
- en:TNNI3K is not a redirect.
- en:TNNT1 is not a redirect.
- en:TNNT2 is not a redirect.
- en:TNNT3 is not a redirect.
- en:TNP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TNP2 is not a redirect.
- en:TNPO1 is a redirect to en:Transportin 1; redirectFrom=en:TNPO1; linkedpages=en:Transportin 1
- en:TNPO2 is not a redirect.
- en:TNPO3 is a redirect to en:Transportin-3; redirectFrom=en:TNPO3; linkedpages=en:Transportin-3
- en:TNRC6A is not a redirect.
- en:TNRC6B is not a redirect.
- en:TNR (gene) is a redirect to en:Tenascin-R; redirectFrom=en:TNR (gene); linkedpages=en:Tenascin-R
- en:TNS1 is not a redirect.
- en:TNS4 is not a redirect.
- en:TNXB is a redirect to en:Tenascin X; redirectFrom=en:TNXB; linkedpages=en:Tenascin X
- en:TOB1 is not a redirect.
- en:TOB2 is not a redirect.
- en:TOE1 is not a redirect.
- en:TOLLIP is not a redirect.
- en:TOM1 is not a redirect.
- en:TOM1L1 is not a redirect.
- en:TOM1L2 is not a redirect.
- en:TOMM20 is not a redirect.
- en:TOMM22 is not a redirect.
- en:TOMM34 is not a redirect.
- en:TOMM40 is not a redirect.
- en:TOMM40L is not a redirect.
- en:TONSL is not a redirect.
- en:TOP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TOP2A is not a redirect.
- en:TOP2B is not a redirect.
- en:TOP3A is not a redirect.
- en:TOP3B is not a redirect.
- en:TOPBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TOPORS is not a redirect.
- en:TOR1A is a redirect to en:Torsin A; redirectFrom=en:TOR1A; linkedpages=en:Torsin A
- en:TOR1AIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TOR2A is not a redirect.
- en:TOX is not a redirect.
- en:TOX2 is not a redirect.
- en:TOX3 is not a redirect.
- en:TOX4 is not a redirect.
- en:TP53 is a redirect to en:P53; redirectFrom=en:TP53; linkedpages=en:P53
- en:TP53BP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TP53BP2 is not a redirect.
- en:TP53I11 is not a redirect.
- en:TP53I3 is not a redirect.
- en:TP53INP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TP53RK is not a redirect.
- en:TP63 is not a redirect.
- en:TP73 is a redirect to en:P73; redirectFrom=en:TP73; linkedpages=en:P73
- en:TPBG is not a redirect.
- en:TPCN1 is not a redirect.
- en:TPCN2 is not a redirect.
- en:TPD52 is not a redirect.
- en:TPD52L1 is not a redirect.
- en:TPD52L2 is not a redirect.
- en:TPH1 is not a redirect.
- en:TPH2 is not a redirect.
- en:TPI1 is not a redirect.
- en:TPK1 is not a redirect.
- en:TPM1 is not a redirect.
- en:TPM2 is not a redirect.
- en:TPM3 is a redirect to en:Tropomyosin 3; redirectFrom=en:TPM3; linkedpages=en:Tropomyosin 3
- en:TPM4 is not a redirect.
- en:TPMT is a redirect to en:Thiopurine methyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:TPMT; linkedpages=en:Thiopurine methyltransferase
- en:TPP1 is a redirect to en:Tripeptidyl peptidase I; redirectFrom=en:TPP1; linkedpages=en:Tripeptidyl peptidase I
- en:TPP2 is a redirect to en:Tripeptidyl peptidase II; redirectFrom=en:TPP2; linkedpages=en:Tripeptidyl peptidase II
- en:TPPP is not a redirect.
- en:TPSAB1 is not a redirect.
- en:TPSB2 is not a redirect.
- en:TPSD1 is not a redirect.
- en:TPSG1 is not a redirect.
- en:TPST1 is a redirect to en:Tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase; redirectFrom=en:TPST1; linkedpages=en:Tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase
- en:TPST2 is a redirect to en:Tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase; redirectFrom=en:TPST2; linkedpages=en:Tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase
- en:TPT1 (gene) is a redirect to en:Translationally-controlled tumor protein; redirectFrom=en:TPT1 (gene); linkedpages=en:Translationally-controlled tumor protein
- en:TPTE is not a redirect.
- en:TPX2 is not a redirect.
- en:TRA2A is not a redirect.
- en:TRA2B is not a redirect.
- en:TRADD is not a redirect.
- en:TRAF1 is not a redirect.
- en:TRAF2 is not a redirect.
- en:TRAF3 is not a redirect.
- en:TRAF3IP2 is not a redirect.
- en:TRAF3IP3 is not a redirect.
- en:TRAF4 is not a redirect.
- en:TRAF5 is not a redirect.
- en:TRAF6 is not a redirect.
- en:TRAFD1 is not a redirect.
- en:TRAIP is a redirect to en:TRAF interacting protein; redirectFrom=en:TRAIP; linkedpages=en:TRAF interacting protein
- en:TRAK1 is not a redirect.
- en:TRAK2 is not a redirect.
- en:TRAM2 is not a redirect.
- en:TRANK1 is not a redirect.
- en:TRAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TRAPPC2 is not a redirect.
- en:TRAPPC3 is not a redirect.
- en:TRAPPC4 is not a redirect.
- en:TRAPPC9 is not a redirect.
- en:TRAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:TRA (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:TRDMT1 is not a redirect.
- en:TRDN is a redirect to en:Triadin; redirectFrom=en:TRDN; linkedpages=en:Triadin
- en:TRD (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:TREM1 is not a redirect.
- en:TREM2 is not a redirect.
- en:TREML1 is not a redirect.
- en:TRERF1 is not a redirect.
- en:TREX1 is not a redirect.
- en:TREX2 is not a redirect.
- en:TRG (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:TRH is a redirect to en:Thyrotropin-releasing hormone; redirectFrom=en:TRH; linkedpages=en:Thyrotropin-releasing hormone
- en:TRHDE is not a redirect.
- en:TRHR is a redirect to en:Thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor; redirectFrom=en:TRHR; linkedpages=en:Thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor
- en:TRIB1 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIB2 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIB3 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIL (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM11 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM14 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM15 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM16 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM21 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM22 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM23 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM24 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM25 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM27 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM28 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM29 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM3 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM31 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM32 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM33 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM37 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM38 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM41 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM45 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM5 is a redirect to en:TRIM5alpha; redirectFrom=en:TRIM5; linkedpages=en:TRIM5alpha
- en:TRIM50 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM52 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM55 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM6 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM62 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM63 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM68 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM69 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIM9 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIOBP is not a redirect.
- en:TRIO (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:TRIP10 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIP11 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIP12 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIP13 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIP4 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIP6 is not a redirect.
- en:TRIT1 is not a redirect.
- en:TRMT12 is not a redirect.
- en:TRMT13 is not a redirect.
- en:TRMT5 is a redirect to en:TRNA (guanine37-N1)-methyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:TRMT5; linkedpages=en:TRNA (guanine37-N1)-methyltransferase
- en:TRMU is not a redirect.
- en:TRNP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TRNT1 is not a redirect.
- en:TROAP is not a redirect.
- en:TRO (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:TRPA1 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPC1 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPC3 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPC4 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPC4AP is not a redirect.
- en:TRPC5 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPC6 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPC7 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPM1 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPM2 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPM3 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPM4 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPM5 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPM6 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPM7 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPM8 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPS1 is a redirect to en:Tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome Type 1; redirectFrom=en:TRPS1; linkedpages=en:Tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome Type 1
- en:TRPT1 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPV1 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPV2 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPV3 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPV4 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPV5 is not a redirect.
- en:TRPV6 is not a redirect.
- en:TRRAP is a redirect to en:Transformation/transcription domain-associated protein; redirectFrom=en:TRRAP; linkedpages=en:Transformation/transcription domain-associated protein
- en:TSC1 is not a redirect.
- en:TSC2 is not a redirect.
- en:TSC22D1 is not a redirect.
- en:TSC22D3 is not a redirect.
- en:TSEN15 is not a redirect.
- en:TSEN2 is not a redirect.
- en:TSEN34 is not a redirect.
- en:TSFM is not a redirect.
- en:TSG101 is not a redirect.
- en:TSHB is not a redirect.
- en:TSHR is a redirect to en:Thyrotropin receptor; redirectFrom=en:TSHR; linkedpages=en:Thyrotropin receptor
- en:TSHZ1 is not a redirect.
- en:TSHZ3 is not a redirect.
- en:TSLP is a redirect to en:Thymic stromal lymphopoietin; redirectFrom=en:TSLP; linkedpages=en:Thymic stromal lymphopoietin
- en:TSNAX is a redirect to en:Translin-associated factor X; redirectFrom=en:TSNAX; linkedpages=en:Translin-associated factor X
- en:TSN (gene) is a redirect to en:Translin; redirectFrom=en:TSN (gene); linkedpages=en:Translin
- en:TSPAN12 is not a redirect.
- en:TSPAN13 is not a redirect.
- en:TSPAN14 is not a redirect.
- en:TSPAN2 is not a redirect.
- en:TSPAN3 is not a redirect.
- en:TSPAN31 is not a redirect.
- en:TSPAN32 is not a redirect.
- en:TSPAN4 is not a redirect.
- en:TSPAN6 is not a redirect.
- en:TSPAN7 is not a redirect.
- en:TSPAN8 is not a redirect.
- en:TSPO (gene) is a redirect to en:Translocator protein; redirectFrom=en:TSPO (gene); linkedpages=en:Translocator protein
- en:TSPY1 is not a redirect.
- en:TSPYL1 is not a redirect.
- en:TSPYL2 is not a redirect.
- en:TSPYL5 is a redirect to en:TSPYL5 (gene); redirectFrom=en:TSPYL5; linkedpages=en:TSPYL5 (gene)
- en:TSR1 is a redirect to en:RTS 1 (Swiss TV channel); redirectFrom=en:TSR1; linkedpages=en:RTS 1 (Swiss TV channel)
- en:TSSK2 is not a redirect.
- en:TSTA3 is not a redirect.
- en:TST (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:TTBK2 is not a redirect.
- en:TTC1 is not a redirect.
- en:TTC19 is not a redirect.
- en:TTC25 is not a redirect.
- en:TTC28 is not a redirect.
- en:TTC3 is not a redirect.
- en:TTC4 is not a redirect.
- en:TTC7A is not a redirect.
- en:TTC8 is not a redirect.
- en:TTF1 is a redirect to en:Transcription termination factor, RNA polymerase I; redirectFrom=en:TTF1; linkedpages=en:Transcription termination factor, RNA polymerase I
- en:TTF2 is not a redirect.
- en:TTI2 is not a redirect.
- en:TTK (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:TTLL1 is not a redirect.
- en:TTLL3 is not a redirect.
- en:TTN (gene) is a redirect to en:Titin; redirectFrom=en:TTN (gene); linkedpages=en:Titin
- en:TTPA is a redirect to en:Alpha-tocopherol transfer protein; redirectFrom=en:TTPA; linkedpages=en:Alpha-tocopherol transfer protein
- en:TTPAL is not a redirect.
- en:TTR (gene) is a redirect to en:Transthyretin; redirectFrom=en:TTR (gene); linkedpages=en:Transthyretin
- en:TUBA1A is not a redirect.
- en:TUBA1B is not a redirect.
- en:TUBA1C is not a redirect.
- en:TUBA3C is a redirect to en:Alpha-tubulin 3C; redirectFrom=en:TUBA3C; linkedpages=en:Alpha-tubulin 3C
- en:TUBA4A is not a redirect.
- en:TUBA8 is not a redirect.
- en:TUBB is not a redirect.
- en:TUBB1 is not a redirect.
- en:TUBB2A is not a redirect.
- en:TUBB3 is a redirect to en:Class III β-tubulin; redirectFrom=en:TUBB3; linkedpages=en:Class III β-tubulin
- en:TUBD1 is not a redirect.
- en:TUBE1 is not a redirect.
- en:TUBG1 is not a redirect.
- en:TUBG2 is not a redirect.
- en:TUBGCP2 is not a redirect.
- en:TUBGCP3 is not a redirect.
- en:TUBGCP4 is not a redirect.
- en:TUBGCP5 is not a redirect.
- en:TUBGCP6 is not a redirect.
- en:TUB (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:TUFM is not a redirect.
- en:TUFT1 is a redirect to en:Tuftelin; redirectFrom=en:TUFT1; linkedpages=en:Tuftelin
- en:TULP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TUSC2 is not a redirect.
- en:TUSC3 is not a redirect.
- en:TUT7 is a redirect to en:ZCCHC6; redirectFrom=en:TUT7; linkedpages=en:ZCCHC6
- en:TWF1 is not a redirect.
- en:TWF2 is not a redirect.
- en:TWIST1 is a redirect to en:Twist transcription factor; redirectFrom=en:TWIST1; linkedpages=en:Twist transcription factor
- en:TWIST2 is not a redirect.
- en:TWSG1 is not a redirect.
- en:TXK is not a redirect.
- en:TXLNA is a redirect to en:Alpha-taxilin; redirectFrom=en:TXLNA; linkedpages=en:Alpha-taxilin
- en:TXLNB is not a redirect.
- en:TXN2 is not a redirect.
- en:TXNDC12 is not a redirect.
- en:TXNDC2 is not a redirect.
- en:TXNDC5 is not a redirect.
- en:TXNDC9 is not a redirect.
- en:TXNIP is not a redirect.
- en:TXNL1 is not a redirect.
- en:TXNL4A is not a redirect.
- en:TXNL4B is not a redirect.
- en:TXNRD1 is not a redirect.
- en:TXN (gene) is a redirect to en:Thioredoxin; redirectFrom=en:TXN (gene); linkedpages=en:Thioredoxin
- en:TYK2 is a redirect to en:Tyrosine kinase 2; redirectFrom=en:TYK2; linkedpages=en:Tyrosine kinase 2
- en:TYMS is a redirect to en:Thymidylate synthase; redirectFrom=en:TYMS; linkedpages=en:Thymidylate synthase
- en:TYRO3 is not a redirect.
- en:TYROBP is not a redirect.
- en:TYRP1 is not a redirect.
- en:TYR (gene) is a redirect to en:Tyrosinase; redirectFrom=en:TYR (gene); linkedpages=en:Tyrosinase
- en:TYSND1 is not a redirect.
- en:U2AF1 is a redirect to en:U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1; redirectFrom=en:U2AF1; linkedpages=en:U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1
- en:U2AF2 is not a redirect.
- en:UACA is not a redirect.
- en:UAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:UBA1 is not a redirect.
- en:UBA2 is not a redirect.
- en:UBA52 is a redirect to en:Ubiquitin A-52 residue ribosomal protein fusion product 1; redirectFrom=en:UBA52; linkedpages=en:Ubiquitin A-52 residue ribosomal protein fusion product 1
- en:UBAC1 is not a redirect.
- en:UBAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:UBAP2 is not a redirect.
- en:UBAP2L is not a redirect.
- en:UBASH3A is not a redirect.
- en:UBB (gene) is a redirect to en:Ubiquitin B; redirectFrom=en:UBB (gene); linkedpages=en:Ubiquitin B
- en:UBC is a redirect to en:University of British Columbia; redirectFrom=en:UBC; linkedpages=en:University of British Columbia
- en:UBD (gene) is a redirect to en:Ubiquitin D; redirectFrom=en:UBD (gene); linkedpages=en:Ubiquitin D
- en:UBE2A is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2B is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2C is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2D1 is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2D2 is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2D3 is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2E1 is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2E2 is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2E3 is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2G1 is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2G2 is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2H is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2I is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2J1 is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2L3 is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2L6 is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2M is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2N is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2O is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2R2 is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2V1 is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2V2 is not a redirect.
- en:UBE2Z is not a redirect.
- en:UBE3A is not a redirect.
- en:UBE3C is not a redirect.
- en:UBE4A is not a redirect.
- en:UBE4B is not a redirect.
- en:UBIAD1 is not a redirect.
- en:UBL3 is not a redirect.
- en:UBL4A is not a redirect.
- en:UBL5 is not a redirect.
- en:UBL7 is not a redirect.
- en:UBOX5 is not a redirect.
- en:UBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:UBQLN1 is not a redirect.
- en:UBQLN2 is not a redirect.
- en:UBQLN4 is a redirect to en:Ubiquilin 4; redirectFrom=en:UBQLN4; linkedpages=en:Ubiquilin 4
- en:UBR1 is not a redirect.
- en:UBR2 is not a redirect.
- en:UBR4 is not a redirect.
- en:UBR5 is not a redirect.
- en:UBTF is not a redirect.
- en:UBXN6 is not a redirect.
- en:UCHL1 is a redirect to en:Ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1; redirectFrom=en:UCHL1; linkedpages=en:Ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1
- en:UCHL3 is not a redirect.
- en:UCHL5 is a redirect to en:Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L5; redirectFrom=en:UCHL5; linkedpages=en:Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L5
- en:UCK2 is not a redirect.
- en:UCKL1 is not a redirect.
- en:UCN2 is not a redirect.
- en:UCN3 is not a redirect.
- en:UCN (gene) is a redirect to en:Urocortin; redirectFrom=en:UCN (gene); linkedpages=en:Urocortin
- en:UCP1 is a redirect to en:Thermogenin; redirectFrom=en:UCP1; linkedpages=en:Thermogenin
- en:UCP2 is not a redirect.
- en:UCP3 is not a redirect.
- en:UEVLD is not a redirect.
- en:UFC1 is a redirect to en:UFC 1; redirectFrom=en:UFC1; linkedpages=en:UFC 1
- en:UFM1 is not a redirect.
- en:UGCG is not a redirect.
- en:UGDH is a redirect to en:UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase; redirectFrom=en:UGDH; linkedpages=en:UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase
- en:UGT2A1 is not a redirect.
- en:UGT2A3 is a redirect to en:Glucuronosyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:UGT2A3; linkedpages=en:Glucuronosyltransferase
- en:UGT2B10 is not a redirect.
- en:UGT2B11 is a redirect to en:UGT2B4; redirectFrom=en:UGT2B11; linkedpages=en:UGT2B4
- en:UGT2B15 is not a redirect.
- en:UGT2B17 is not a redirect.
- en:UGT2B28 is a redirect to en:Glucuronosyltransferase; redirectFrom=en:UGT2B28; linkedpages=en:Glucuronosyltransferase
- en:UGT2B4 is not a redirect.
- en:UGT2B7 is not a redirect.
- en:UGT8 is not a redirect.
- en:UHMK1 is not a redirect.
- en:UHRF1 is not a redirect.
- en:UHRF2 is not a redirect.
- en:UIMC1 is not a redirect.
- en:ULBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:ULBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:ULBP3 is not a redirect.
- en:ULK1 is not a redirect.
- en:ULK2 is not a redirect.
- en:UMOD is a redirect to en:Tamm–Horsfall protein; redirectFrom=en:UMOD; linkedpages=en:Tamm–Horsfall protein
- en:UMPS (gene) is a redirect to en:Uridine monophosphate synthetase; redirectFrom=en:UMPS (gene); linkedpages=en:Uridine monophosphate synthetase
- en:UNC119 is a redirect to en:Uncoordinated-119 (Unc-119); redirectFrom=en:UNC119; linkedpages=en:Uncoordinated-119 (Unc-119)
- en:UNC13A is not a redirect.
- en:UNC13B is not a redirect.
- en:UNC13D is not a redirect.
- en:UNC45A is not a redirect.
- en:UNC5A is not a redirect.
- en:UNC5C is not a redirect.
- en:UNC5CL is not a redirect.
- en:UNC93A is not a redirect.
- en:UNC93B1 is not a redirect.
- en:UNG (gene) is a redirect to en:Uracil-DNA glycosylase; redirectFrom=en:UNG (gene); linkedpages=en:Uracil-DNA glycosylase
- en:UNKL is not a redirect.
- en:UPB1 is not a redirect.
- en:UPF1 is not a redirect.
- en:UPF2 is not a redirect.
- en:UPF3A is not a redirect.
- en:UPF3B is not a redirect.
- en:UPK1A is not a redirect.
- en:UPK1B is not a redirect.
- en:UPK2 is not a redirect.
- en:UPK3A is not a redirect.
- en:UPP1 is not a redirect.
- en:UQCC2 is not a redirect.
- en:UQCC3 is not a redirect.
- en:UQCR11 is not a redirect.
- en:UQCRB is not a redirect.
- en:UQCRC1 is not a redirect.
- en:UQCRC2 is not a redirect.
- en:UQCRFS1 is not a redirect.
- en:UQCRH is not a redirect.
- en:UQCRQ is not a redirect.
- en:URI1 is not a redirect.
- en:URM1 is not a redirect.
- en:UROD is a redirect to en:Uroporphyrinogen III decarboxylase; redirectFrom=en:UROD; linkedpages=en:Uroporphyrinogen III decarboxylase
- en:UROS is a redirect to en:Uroporphyrinogen III synthase; redirectFrom=en:UROS; linkedpages=en:Uroporphyrinogen III synthase
- en:USE1 is not a redirect.
- en:USF1 is not a redirect.
- en:USF2 is not a redirect.
- en:USF3 is a redirect to en:United States Formula Three Championship; redirectFrom=en:USF3; linkedpages=en:United States Formula Three Championship
- en:USH1C is not a redirect.
- en:USH1G is not a redirect.
- en:USH2A is not a redirect.
- en:USO1 is not a redirect.
- en:USP1 is not a redirect.
- en:USP10 is not a redirect.
- en:USP11 is not a redirect.
- en:USP13 is not a redirect.
- en:USP14 is not a redirect.
- en:USP15 is not a redirect.
- en:USP16 is not a redirect.
- en:USP18 is not a redirect.
- en:USP19 is not a redirect.
- en:USP2 is not a redirect.
- en:USP20 is not a redirect.
- en:USP22 is not a redirect.
- en:USP24 is not a redirect.
- en:USP25 is not a redirect.
- en:USP26 is not a redirect.
- en:USP27X is not a redirect.
- en:USP33 is not a redirect.
- en:USP34 is not a redirect.
- en:USP36 is not a redirect.
- en:USP37 is not a redirect.
- en:USP39 is not a redirect.
- en:USP4 is not a redirect.
- en:USP40 is not a redirect.
- en:USP42 is not a redirect.
- en:USP44 is not a redirect.
- en:USP47 is not a redirect.
- en:USP48 is not a redirect.
- en:USP5 is not a redirect.
- en:USP51 is not a redirect.
- en:USP53 is not a redirect.
- en:USP6 is not a redirect.
- en:USP6NL is not a redirect.
- en:USP7 is not a redirect.
- en:USP8 is not a redirect.
- en:USP9X is not a redirect.
- en:USP9Y is not a redirect.
- en:UTF1 is not a redirect.
- en:UTP14A is not a redirect.
- en:UTP15 is not a redirect.
- en:UTP18 is not a redirect.
- en:UTP20 is not a redirect.
- en:UTP3 is not a redirect.
- en:UTP6 is not a redirect.
- en:UTRN is a redirect to en:Utrophin; redirectFrom=en:UTRN; linkedpages=en:Utrophin
- en:UTS2 is a redirect to en:Urotensin-II; redirectFrom=en:UTS2; linkedpages=en:Urotensin-II
- en:UTS2R is a redirect to en:Urotensin-II receptor; redirectFrom=en:UTS2R; linkedpages=en:Urotensin-II receptor
- en:UTY (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:UVRAG is not a redirect.
- en:UXS1 is not a redirect.
- en:UXT is not a redirect.
- en:UniProt is not a redirect.
- en:VAC14 is not a redirect.
- en:VAMP1 is not a redirect.
- en:VAMP2 is not a redirect.
- en:VAMP3 is not a redirect.
- en:VAMP4 is not a redirect.
- en:VAMP5 is not a redirect.
- en:VAMP7 is a redirect to en:SYBL1; redirectFrom=en:VAMP7; linkedpages=en:SYBL1
- en:VAMP8 is a redirect to en:Vesicle-associated membrane protein 8; redirectFrom=en:VAMP8; linkedpages=en:Vesicle-associated membrane protein 8
- en:VANGL2 is not a redirect.
- en:VAPA is not a redirect.
- en:VAPB is not a redirect.
- en:VARS2 is not a redirect.
- en:VASH1 is not a redirect.
- en:VASH2 is not a redirect.
- en:VASP is not a redirect.
- en:VAT1 is not a redirect.
- en:VAT1L is not a redirect.
- en:VAV1 is not a redirect.
- en:VAV2 is not a redirect.
- en:VAV3 is not a redirect.
- en:VAX1 is not a redirect.
- en:VBP1 is a redirect to en:Von Hippel–Lindau binding protein 1; redirectFrom=en:VBP1; linkedpages=en:Von Hippel–Lindau binding protein 1
- en:VCAM1 is a redirect to en:VCAM-1; redirectFrom=en:VCAM1; linkedpages=en:VCAM-1
- en:VCAN is a redirect to en:Versican; redirectFrom=en:VCAN; linkedpages=en:Versican
- en:VCL (gene) is a redirect to en:Vinculin; redirectFrom=en:VCL (gene); linkedpages=en:Vinculin
- en:VCPIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:VCP (gene) is a redirect to en:Valosin-containing protein; redirectFrom=en:VCP (gene); linkedpages=en:Valosin-containing protein
- en:VCX is not a redirect.
- en:VDAC1 is not a redirect.
- en:VDAC2 is not a redirect.
- en:VDAC3 is not a redirect.
- en:VDR (gene) is a redirect to en:Calcitriol receptor; redirectFrom=en:VDR (gene); linkedpages=en:Calcitriol receptor
- en:VEGFA is a redirect to en:Vascular endothelial growth factor A; redirectFrom=en:VEGFA; linkedpages=en:Vascular endothelial growth factor A
- en:VEGFB is a redirect to en:Vascular endothelial growth factor B; redirectFrom=en:VEGFB; linkedpages=en:Vascular endothelial growth factor B
- en:VEGFC is a redirect to en:Vascular endothelial growth factor C; redirectFrom=en:VEGFC; linkedpages=en:Vascular endothelial growth factor C
- en:VEZT is not a redirect.
- en:VGF is not a redirect.
- en:VHL is a redirect to en:Von Hippel–Lindau tumor suppressor; redirectFrom=en:VHL; linkedpages=en:Von Hippel–Lindau tumor suppressor
- en:VHLL is a redirect to en:Very high-level programming language; redirectFrom=en:VHLL; linkedpages=en:Very high-level programming language
- en:VIM (gene) is a redirect to en:Vimentin; redirectFrom=en:VIM (gene); linkedpages=en:Vimentin
- en:VIP is a redirect to en:Very important person; redirectFrom=en:VIP; linkedpages=en:Very important person
- en:VIPAS39 is not a redirect.
- en:VIPR1 is not a redirect.
- en:VIPR2 is not a redirect.
- en:VKORC1 is not a redirect.
- en:VLDLR is a redirect to en:VLDL receptor; redirectFrom=en:VLDLR; linkedpages=en:VLDL receptor
- en:VMAC is not a redirect.
- en:VN1R1 is not a redirect.
- en:VN1R2 is not a redirect.
- en:VN1R3 is not a redirect.
- en:VN1R4 is not a redirect.
- en:VN1R5 is not a redirect.
- en:VNN1 is not a redirect.
- en:VNN2 is not a redirect.
- en:VPREB1 is not a redirect.
- en:VPREB3 is not a redirect.
- en:VPS11 is not a redirect.
- en:VPS13A is not a redirect.
- en:VPS13B is not a redirect.
- en:VPS13D is not a redirect.
- en:VPS18 is not a redirect.
- en:VPS25 is not a redirect.
- en:VPS26A is not a redirect.
- en:VPS26B is not a redirect.
- en:VPS28 is not a redirect.
- en:VPS29 is not a redirect.
- en:VPS33A is not a redirect.
- en:VPS33B is not a redirect.
- en:VPS35 is not a redirect.
- en:VPS36 is not a redirect.
- en:VPS37A is not a redirect.
- en:VPS39 is not a redirect.
- en:VPS45 is not a redirect.
- en:VPS4A is not a redirect.
- en:VPS4B is not a redirect.
- en:VPS52 is not a redirect.
- en:VPS53 is not a redirect.
- en:VPS72 is not a redirect.
- en:VRK1 is not a redirect.
- en:VRK2 is not a redirect.
- en:VSIG2 is not a redirect.
- en:VSIG4 is a redirect to en:V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 4; redirectFrom=en:VSIG4; linkedpages=en:V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 4
- en:VSIG8 is not a redirect.
- en:VSNL1 is a redirect to en:Visinin-like protein 1; redirectFrom=en:VSNL1; linkedpages=en:Visinin-like protein 1
- en:VSX1 is not a redirect.
- en:VSX2 is not a redirect.
- en:VTA1 is not a redirect.
- en:VTCN1 is not a redirect.
- en:VTI1A is not a redirect.
- en:VTI1B is not a redirect.
- en:VTN is a redirect to en:Vitronectin; redirectFrom=en:VTN; linkedpages=en:Vitronectin
- en:VWA2 is not a redirect.
- en:VWA5A is not a redirect.
- en:VWF (gene) is a redirect to en:Von Willebrand factor; redirectFrom=en:VWF (gene); linkedpages=en:Von Willebrand factor
- en:WAC (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:WAPL is not a redirect.
- en:WARS2 is not a redirect.
- en:WASF1 is not a redirect.
- en:WASF2 is not a redirect.
- en:WASF3 is not a redirect.
- en:WASHC2C is not a redirect.
- en:WASL (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:WAS (gene) is a redirect to en:Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein; redirectFrom=en:WAS (gene); linkedpages=en:Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein
- en:WBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:WBP11 is not a redirect.
- en:WBP2 is not a redirect.
- en:WBP4 is not a redirect.
- en:WDCP is a redirect to en:WDCQ-TV; redirectFrom=en:WDCP; linkedpages=en:WDCQ-TV
- en:WDFY3 is not a redirect.
- en:WDHD1 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR1 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR12 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR18 is a redirect to en:WD repeat domain 18; redirectFrom=en:WDR18; linkedpages=en:WD repeat domain 18
- en:WDR24 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR26 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR3 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR33 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR36 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR37 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR4 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR44 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR45 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR46 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR47 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR5 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR53 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR6 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR62 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR72 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR75 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR77 is a redirect to en:WD repeat-containing protein 77; redirectFrom=en:WDR77; linkedpages=en:WD repeat-containing protein 77
- en:WDR83 is not a redirect.
- en:WDR90 is not a redirect.
- en:WDTC1 is not a redirect.
- en:WDYHV1 is not a redirect.
- en:WEE1 is a redirect to en:Wee1; redirectFrom=en:WEE1; linkedpages=en:Wee1
- en:WFDC1 is not a redirect.
- en:WFDC2 is not a redirect.
- en:WFDC5 is not a redirect.
- en:WFIKKN1 is not a redirect.
- en:WFIKKN2 is not a redirect.
- en:WFS1 is not a redirect.
- en:WHRN is a redirect to en:DFNB31; redirectFrom=en:WHRN; linkedpages=en:DFNB31
- en:WIF1 is not a redirect.
- en:WIPF1 is not a redirect.
- en:WIPF2 is not a redirect.
- en:WIPI1 is not a redirect.
- en:WIPI2 is not a redirect.
- en:WLS (gene) is a redirect to en:GPR177; redirectFrom=en:WLS (gene); linkedpages=en:GPR177
- en:WNK1 is not a redirect.
- en:WNK2 is not a redirect.
- en:WNK3 is not a redirect.
- en:WNK4 is not a redirect.
- en:WNT1 is not a redirect.
- en:WNT10A is not a redirect.
- en:WNT10B is not a redirect.
- en:WNT11 is not a redirect.
- en:WNT16 is not a redirect.
- en:WNT2 is not a redirect.
- en:WNT2B is not a redirect.
- en:WNT3 is not a redirect.
- en:WNT3A is not a redirect.
- en:WNT4 is not a redirect.
- en:WNT5A is not a redirect.
- en:WNT5B is not a redirect.
- en:WNT6 is not a redirect.
- en:WNT7A is not a redirect.
- en:WNT7B is not a redirect.
- en:WNT8A is not a redirect.
- en:WNT8B is not a redirect.
- en:WNT9A is not a redirect.
- en:WNT9B is not a redirect.
- en:WRAP53 is not a redirect.
- en:WRNIP1 is not a redirect.
- en:WRN (gene) is a redirect to en:Werner syndrome helicase; redirectFrom=en:WRN (gene); linkedpages=en:Werner syndrome helicase
- en:WSB1 is not a redirect.
- en:WT1 is not a redirect.
- en:WTAP is a redirect to en:WTAP-TV; redirectFrom=en:WTAP; linkedpages=en:WTAP-TV
- en:WTIP is not a redirect.
- en:WWC1 is not a redirect.
- en:WWC2 is not a redirect.
- en:WWOX is not a redirect.
- en:WWP1 is not a redirect.
- en:WWP2 is not a redirect.
- en:WWTR1 is not a redirect.
- en:XAB2 is not a redirect.
- en:XAF1 is not a redirect.
- en:XBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:XCL1 is not a redirect.
- en:XCL2 is not a redirect.
- en:XCR1 is not a redirect.
- en:XDH (gene) is a redirect to en:Xanthine dehydrogenase; redirectFrom=en:XDH (gene); linkedpages=en:Xanthine dehydrogenase
- en:XG (gene) is a redirect to en:Xg antigen system; redirectFrom=en:XG (gene); linkedpages=en:Xg antigen system
- en:XIAP is not a redirect.
- en:XIRP2 is not a redirect.
- en:XKR5 is not a redirect.
- en:XK (gene) is a redirect to en:XK (protein); redirectFrom=en:XK (gene); linkedpages=en:XK (protein)
- en:XPA is not a redirect.
- en:XPC (gene) is not a redirect.
- en:XPNPEP1 is not a redirect.
- en:XPNPEP2 is not a redirect.
- en:XPNPEP3 is not a redirect.
- en:XPO1 is not a redirect.
- en:XPO4 is not a redirect.
- en:XPO5 is not a redirect.
- en:XPO6 is not a redirect.
- en:XPOT is not a redirect.
- en:XRCC1 is not a redirect.
- en:XRCC2 is not a redirect.
- en:XRCC3 is not a redirect.
- en:XRCC4 is a redirect to en:DNA repair protein XRCC4; redirectFrom=en:XRCC4; linkedpages=en:DNA repair protein XRCC4
- en:XRCC5 is a redirect to en:Ku80; redirectFrom=en:XRCC5; linkedpages=en:Ku80
- en:XRCC6 is a redirect to en:Ku70; redirectFrom=en:XRCC6; linkedpages=en:Ku70
- en:XRN1 is a redirect to en:XRN1 (gene); redirectFrom=en:XRN1; linkedpages=en:XRN1 (gene)
- en:XRN2 is a redirect to en:5'-3' exoribonuclease 2; redirectFrom=en:XRN2; linkedpages=en:5'-3' exoribonuclease 2
- en:XYLT1 is not a redirect.
- en:XYLT2 is not a redirect.
- en:YAF2 is not a redirect.
- en:YAP1 is not a redirect.
- en:YBX1 is a redirect to en:Y box binding protein 1; redirectFrom=en:YBX1; linkedpages=en:Y box binding protein 1
- en:YBX2 is not a redirect.
- en:YES1 is not a redirect.
- en:YIF1A is not a redirect.
- en:YIPF1 is not a redirect.
- en:YIPF3 is not a redirect.
- en:YIPF4 is not a redirect.
- en:YIPF5 is not a redirect.
- en:YIPF6 is not a redirect.
- en:YKT6 is not a redirect.
- en:YLPM1 is not a redirect.
- en:YME1L1 is not a redirect.
- en:YPEL3 is not a redirect.
- en:YTHDC1 is not a redirect.
- en:YTHDC2 is not a redirect.
- en:YTHDF1 is not a redirect.
- en:YTHDF2 is not a redirect.
- en:YTHDF3 is not a redirect.
- en:YWHAB is not a redirect.
- en:YWHAE is not a redirect.
- en:YWHAG is not a redirect.
- en:YWHAH is not a redirect.
- en:YWHAQ is not a redirect.
- en:YWHAZ is not a redirect.
- en:YY1 is not a redirect.
- en:YY1AP1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZACN is a redirect to en:Zinc-activated ion channel; redirectFrom=en:ZACN; linkedpages=en:Zinc-activated ion channel
- en:ZAP70 is not a redirect.
- en:ZBED1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZBED3 is not a redirect.
- en:ZBED5 is a redirect to en:Zinc finger bed-type containing 5; redirectFrom=en:ZBED5; linkedpages=en:Zinc finger bed-type containing 5
- en:ZBED6 is not a redirect.
- en:ZBP1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZBTB1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZBTB11 is not a redirect.
- en:ZBTB16 is a redirect to en:Zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 16; redirectFrom=en:ZBTB16; linkedpages=en:Zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 16
- en:ZBTB17 is not a redirect.
- en:ZBTB20 is not a redirect.
- en:ZBTB32 is not a redirect.
- en:ZBTB33 is not a redirect.
- en:ZBTB40 is not a redirect.
- en:ZBTB48 is not a redirect.
- en:ZBTB7A is not a redirect.
- en:ZBTB7B is not a redirect.
- en:ZC3H11A is not a redirect.
- en:ZC3H12A is not a redirect.
- en:ZC3H12B is not a redirect.
- en:ZC3H13 is not a redirect.
- en:ZC3H7B is a redirect to en:Roxan (protein); redirectFrom=en:ZC3H7B; linkedpages=en:Roxan (protein)
- en:ZC3HAV1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZC3HC1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZC4H2 is a redirect to en:KIAA1166; redirectFrom=en:ZC4H2; linkedpages=en:KIAA1166
- en:ZCCHC17 is not a redirect.
- en:ZCCHC18 is not a redirect.
- en:ZCCHC2 is not a redirect.
- en:ZCCHC8 is not a redirect.
- en:ZDHHC14 is not a redirect.
- en:ZDHHC17 is not a redirect.
- en:ZDHHC2 is not a redirect.
- en:ZDHHC3 is not a redirect.
- en:ZDHHC4 is not a redirect.
- en:ZDHHC8 is not a redirect.
- en:ZDHHC9 is not a redirect.
- en:ZEB1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZEB2 is not a redirect.
- en:ZFHX2 is a redirect to en:Zinc finger homeobox 2; redirectFrom=en:ZFHX2; linkedpages=en:Zinc finger homeobox 2
- en:ZFHX3 is a redirect to en:ATBF1; redirectFrom=en:ZFHX3; linkedpages=en:ATBF1
- en:ZFP36 is not a redirect.
- en:ZFP36L1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZFP42 is a redirect to en:Rex1; redirectFrom=en:ZFP42; linkedpages=en:Rex1
- en:ZFP57 is not a redirect.
- en:ZFP64 is not a redirect.
- en:ZFP91 is not a redirect.
- en:ZFP92 is not a redirect.
- en:ZFPM1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZFPM2 is not a redirect.
- en:ZFR is not a redirect.
- en:ZFX is not a redirect.
- en:ZFY is not a redirect.
- en:ZFYVE1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZFYVE16 is not a redirect.
- en:ZFYVE19 is not a redirect.
- en:ZFYVE26 is not a redirect.
- en:ZFYVE27 is not a redirect.
- en:ZFYVE28 is not a redirect.
- en:ZG16 is not a redirect.
- en:ZGPAT is not a redirect.
- en:ZGRF1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZHX1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZHX2 is not a redirect.
- en:ZHX3 is not a redirect.
- en:ZIC1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZIC2 is not a redirect.
- en:ZIC3 is not a redirect.
- en:ZKSCAN1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZKSCAN5 is not a redirect.
- en:ZMIZ1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZMIZ2 is not a redirect.
- en:ZMPSTE24 is not a redirect.
- en:ZMYM2 is not a redirect.
- en:ZMYM3 is not a redirect.
- en:ZMYND10 is not a redirect.
- en:ZMYND11 is not a redirect.
- en:ZMYND8 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF10 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF133 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF143 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF146 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF148 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF16 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF160 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF165 is a redirect to en:Zinc finger protein 165; redirectFrom=en:ZNF165; linkedpages=en:Zinc finger protein 165
- en:ZNF182 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF184 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF19 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF202 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF207 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF217 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF219 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF22 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF224 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF225 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF23 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF239 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF24 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF264 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF267 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF268 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF274 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF280D is a redirect to en:SUHW4; redirectFrom=en:ZNF280D; linkedpages=en:SUHW4
- en:ZNF281 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF3 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF300 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF318 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF330 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF331 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF33A is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF33B is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF34 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF346 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF35 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF350 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF365 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF366 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF367 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF37A is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF383 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF384 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF385D is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF408 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF41 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF423 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF43 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF436 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF44 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF451 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF469 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF471 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF473 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF497 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF571 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF592 is a redirect to en:Zinc finger protein 592; redirectFrom=en:ZNF592; linkedpages=en:Zinc finger protein 592
- en:ZNF593 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF598 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF638 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF644 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF649 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF655 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF664 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF676 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF687 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF695 is a redirect to en:Zinc finger protein 695; redirectFrom=en:ZNF695; linkedpages=en:Zinc finger protein 695
- en:ZNF7 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF703 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF707 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF71 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF74 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF76 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF79 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF8 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF800 is a redirect to en:Zinc Finger Protein 800; redirectFrom=en:ZNF800; linkedpages=en:Zinc Finger Protein 800
- en:ZNF804A is a redirect to en:Zinc finger protein 804A; redirectFrom=en:ZNF804A; linkedpages=en:Zinc finger protein 804A
- en:ZNF83 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF831 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNF837 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNRD1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZNRF1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZP1 is not a redirect.
- en:ZP2 is not a redirect.
- en:ZP3 is not a redirect.
- en:ZP4 is not a redirect.
- en:ZRANB2 is not a redirect.
- en:ZRSR2 is not a redirect.
- en:ZSCAN21 is not a redirect.
- en:ZW10 is not a redirect.
- en:ZWINT is not a redirect.
- en:ZXDC is not a redirect.
- en:ZYG11B is not a redirect.
- en:ZYX (gene) is a redirect to en:Zyxin; redirectFrom=en:ZYX (gene); linkedpages=en:Zyxin
- en:ZZZ3 is not a redirect.
- #
- #
- Number of unrelated pages: 226
- List of unrelated pages:
- en:AARD code
- en:Asymmetric digital subscriber line
- en:AK-4
- en:Ak 5
- en:AK-9
- en:5β-Reductase
- en:ALG10 (enzyme class)
- en:TRNA (carboxymethyluridine34-5-O)-methyltransferase
- en:European Association for Digital Humanities
- en:AP European History
- en:Astronomy Picture of the Day
- en:Natural Environment Research Council
- en:American Sign Language
- en:International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property
- en:Asexuality#Community
- en:Pheniramine
- en:Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
- en:BBC Three
- en:Vestmannaeyjar Airport
- en:BMX
- en:Belgischer Rundfunk
- en:Belgischer Rundfunk
- en:Computer-aided design
- en:CBS
- en:Central Bank of Sri Lanka
- en:Grand Manan Airport
- en:Caroline Aerodrome
- en:Conn Aerodrome
- en:City College of New York
- en:Srikrishna Committee on Telangana
- en:Cookstown Airport
- en:South Brook Water Aerodrome
- en:CEPT Recommendation T/CD 06-01
- en:List of heliports in Canada#55
- en:Children's Global Assessment Scale
- en:Carstairs/Bishell's Airport
- en:Picton (Greenbush) Aerodrome
- en:Commission on HIV/AIDS and Governance in Africa
- en:Secretoneurin
- en:Children's Hope In Action
- en:Belwood (Heurisko Pond) Water Aerodrome
- en:Christmas Island National Park
- en:CIPC-FM
- en:CKLF-FM
- en:Lucknow Airpark
- en:Saint-Michel-des-Saints/Lac Kaiagamac Water Aerodrome
- en:Council of Literary Magazines and Presses
- en:Chinese Language Teachers Association
- en:Misericordia Community Hospital
- en:Shelburne/Fisher Field Aerodrome
- en:Simcoe (Dennison Field) Airport
- en:Cottam Airport
- en:Consumer Rights Commission of Pakistan
- en:Controlled NOT gate#C-ROT gate
- en:Poste Montagnais Airport
- en:Isle-aux-Grues Airport
- en:Saint-Jérôme Aerodrome
- en:Mont-Tremblant/Lac Ouimet Water Aerodrome
- en:Cognizant
- en:Fontages Airport
- en:Canadian Urban Transit Association
- en:CYREN
- en:DMTN
- en:Department of Miscellaneous Weapons Development
- en:Domain-specific language#Usage patterns
- en:Daylight saving time
- en:Dual Scan
- en:Diode–transistor logic
- en:Dextrorphan
- en:Electron-beam freeform fabrication
- en:Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics
- en:European Movement for Efficient Energy
- en:Entertainments National Service Association
- en:Employment-to-population ratio
- en:Epyc
- en:ESPN
- en:FMOD
- en:Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
- en:GFY
- en:Gyan Ganga College Of Technology
- en:Generalized multidimensional scaling
- en:Gerakan Mujahidin Islam Patani
- en:Global Positioning System
- en:GP2X
- en:HADH
- en:Cairo International Airport
- en:3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase
- en:High Performance Computing Act of 1991
- en:ID3
- en:Amine N-methyltransferase
- en:Inositol-polyphosphate multikinase
- en:Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
- en:Iraq Stock Exchange
- en:KAZN
- en:KDSR
- en:Kiel Airport
- en:KIZ
- en:KLB
- en:KLLN
- en:Knowledge Master Open
- en:KNCN
- en:KYNU
- en:Large Electron–Positron Collider
- en:Indonesian Institute of Sciences
- en:Forlì Airport
- en:Liquid oxygen
- en:Latvijas Televīzija
- en:LoveRenaissance
- en:Jim Kelly Field
- en:MAFA
- en:Magix
- en:Western Mallee
- en:Iskandar Puteri City Council
- en:Medical College Admission Test
- en:MGMT
- en:Men in Black II
- en:Midshipman
- en:MIOS
- en:Movement for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda
- en:Mackenzie Large Igneous Province
- en:MOK
- en:MPEG-1
- en:MRAP
- en:Rassvet (ISS module)
- en:Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
- en:MSN
- en:MSX
- en:MetaTrader 4
- en:5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase
- en:MTR
- en:Ministry of Internal Affairs (Russia)
- en:Methyl vinyl ketone
- en:Most valuable player
- en:Lynden Pindling International Airport
- en:National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
- en:North American Grappling Association
- en:North American Numbering Plan
- en:NBL1
- en:North European Basketball League
- en:New England Motor Freight
- en:Nintendo Entertainment System
- en:National Fire Information Council
- en:NGEF
- en:National Health Service
- en:Kidney Research UK
- en:Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test
- en:Nippon Professional Baseball
- en:NRK
- en:National Rugby League
- en:Nike Cross Nationals
- en:International Strategic Research Organization
- en:Amateur radio satellite
- en:Open Student Television Network
- en:Tok Airport
- en:PCP site 2
- en:Portuguese Workers' Communist Party
- en:PDF
- en:Phosphoethanolamine/phosphocholine phosphatase
- en:Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University
- en:Patna Medical College and Hospital
- en:Philippine National Oil Company
- en:Post Office Protocol
- en:Post Office Protocol#POP4
- en:Post-concussion syndrome
- en:Panama–Pacific International Exposition
- en:Psychology of programming
- en:PPL Corporation
- en:PowerPC Reference Platform
- en:PRTG Network Monitor
- en:Payment Services Directive#Revised Directive on Payment Services (PSD2)
- en:Heckler & Koch PSG1
- en:O-phosphoseryl-tRNASec kinase
- en:Qualified personal residence trust
- en:Radio Aurora Explorer
- en:Royal Belgian Football Association
- en:RDX
- en:Representational state transfer
- en:Robert F. Kennedy
- en:Rhamnogalacturonan endolyase
- en:National Radio Hall of Fame
- en:The Real Housewives of Vancouver
- en:RTL 4
- en:RTL 5
- en:RTL9
- en:RTP1
- en:RTP2
- en:RTP3
- en:Rádio e Televisão de Portugal
- en:Rádio e Televisão de Portugal
- en:Santarém-Maestro Wilson Fonseca Airport
- en:Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport
- en:Silent Circle Instant Messaging Protocol
- en:Dom Sicily
- en:SELL
- en:Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport
- en:Kosovo Police
- en:International System of Units
- en:SIAE
- en:SMS
- en:National Railway Company of Belgium
- en:SP-100
- en:SPARC
- en:Main Centre for Missile Attack Warning
- en:Canadarm
- en:SSX 3
- en:Styx
- en:State University of New York at Oneonta
- en:Save (baseball)#Usage
- en:Syrian pound
- en:TACR2 (Range Rover)
- en:Tetraethyl pyrophosphate
- en:Trade and Investment Framework Agreement
- en:RTS 1 (Swiss TV channel)
- en:TXK
- en:University of British Columbia
- en:UFC 1
- en:United States Formula Three Championship
- en:VASP
- en:Very high-level programming language
- en:Very important person
- en:VMAC
- en:WAPL
- en:WDCQ-TV
- en:WTAP-TV
- en:WTIP
- Time to execute script 1:33:45.686366
- See the mistargetedLinks.txt file for mistargeted gene symbol links targets and, if applicable, their corresponding redirects.
mistargetedLinks.txt (text file generated by the first run of the original script)
[edit]- en:AARD → en:AARD code
- en:ADSL → en:Asymmetric digital subscriber line
- en:AK4 → en:AK-4
- en:AK5 → en:Ak 5
- en:AK9 → en:AK-9
- en:AKR1D1 → en:5β-Reductase
- en:ALG10 → en:ALG10 (enzyme class)
- en:ALKBH8 → en:TRNA (carboxymethyluridine34-5-O)-methyltransferase
- en:ALLC → en:European Association for Digital Humanities
- en:APEH → en:AP European History
- en:APOD → en:Astronomy Picture of the Day
- en:ARSF → en:Natural Environment Research Council
- en:ASL → en:American Sign Language
- en:ATRIP → en:International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property
- en:AVEN → en:Asexuality#Community
- en:AVIL → en:Pheniramine
- en:BATF → en:Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
- en:BBC3 → en:BBC Three
- en:BIVM → en:Vestmannaeyjar Airport
- en:BMX
- en:BRF1 → en:Belgischer Rundfunk
- en:BRF2 → en:Belgischer Rundfunk
- en:CAD → en:Computer-aided design
- en:CBS
- en:CBSL → en:Central Bank of Sri Lanka
- en:CCN2 → en:Grand Manan Airport
- en:CCN3 → en:Caroline Aerodrome
- en:CCN4 → en:Conn Aerodrome
- en:CCNY → en:City College of New York
- en:CCSAP → en:Srikrishna Committee on Telangana
- en:CCT2 → en:Cookstown Airport
- en:CCT5 → en:South Brook Water Aerodrome
- en:CEPT1 → en:CEPT Recommendation T/CD 06-01
- en:CES3 → en:List of heliports in Canada#55
- en:CGAS → en:Children's Global Assessment Scale
- en:CGB2 → en:Carstairs/Bishell's Airport
- en:CGB3 → en:Picton (Greenbush) Aerodrome
- en:CHGA → en:Commission on HIV/AIDS and Governance in Africa
- en:CHIA → en:Children's Hope In Action
- en:CHP2 → en:Belwood (Heurisko Pond) Water Aerodrome
- en:CINP → en:Christmas Island National Park
- en:CIPC → en:CIPC-FM
- en:CKLF → en:CKLF-FM
- en:CLK3 → en:Lucknow Airpark
- en:CLK4 → en:Saint-Michel-des-Saints/Lac Kaiagamac Water Aerodrome
- en:CLMP → en:Council of Literary Magazines and Presses
- en:CLTA → en:Chinese Language Teachers Association
- en:CMC2 → en:Misericordia Community Hospital
- en:CNN3 → en:Shelburne/Fisher Field Aerodrome
- en:CPA4 → en:Simcoe (Dennison Field) Airport
- en:CRB2 → en:Cottam Airport
- en:CRCP → en:Consumer Rights Commission of Pakistan
- en:CROT → en:Controlled NOT gate#C-ROT gate
- en:CSF3 → en:Poste Montagnais Airport
- en:CSH2 → en:Isle-aux-Grues Airport
- en:CSN3 → en:Saint-Jérôme Aerodrome
- en:CST9 → en:Mont-Tremblant/Lac Ouimet Water Aerodrome
- en:CTSH → en:Cognizant
- en:CTU2 → en:Fontages Airport
- en:CUTA → en:Canadian Urban Transit Association
- en:CYREN
- en:DMTN
- en:DMWD → en:Department of Miscellaneous Weapons Development
- en:DSEL → en:Domain-specific language#Usage patterns
- en:DST → en:Daylight saving time
- en:DSTN → en:Dual Scan
- en:DTL → en:Diode–transistor logic
- en:DXO → en:Dextrorphan
- en:EBF3 → en:Electron-beam freeform fabrication
- en:ELL2 → en:Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics
- en:EME2 → en:European Movement for Efficient Energy
- en:ENSA → en:Entertainments National Service Association
- en:EPOP → en:Employment-to-population ratio
- en:EPYC → en:Epyc
- en:ESPN
- en:FMOD
- en:GALP → en:Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
- en:GFY
- en:GGCT → en:Gyan Ganga College Of Technology
- en:GMDS → en:Generalized multidimensional scaling
- en:GMIP → en:Gerakan Mujahidin Islam Patani
- en:GPS2 → en:Global Positioning System
- en:GPX2 → en:GP2X
- en:HADH
- en:HECA → en:Cairo International Airport
- en:HIBCH → en:3-hydroxyisobutyryl-CoA hydrolase
- en:HPCA → en:High Performance Computing Act of 1991
- en:ID3
- en:INMT → en:Amine N-methyltransferase
- en:IPMK → en:Inositol-polyphosphate multikinase
- en:IRGC → en:Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
- en:ISX → en:Iraq Stock Exchange
- en:KAZN
- en:KDSR
- en:KEL → en:Kiel Airport
- en:KIZ
- en:KLB
- en:KLLN
- en:KMO → en:Knowledge Master Open
- en:KNCN
- en:KYNU
- en:LEP → en:Large Electron–Positron Collider
- en:LIPI → en:Indonesian Institute of Sciences
- en:LIPK → en:Forlì Airport
- en:LOX → en:Liquid oxygen
- en:LTV1 → en:Latvijas Televīzija
- en:LVRN → en:LoveRenaissance
- en:LXN → en:Jim Kelly Field
- en:MAFA
- en:MAGIX → en:Magix
- en:MAL2 → en:Western Mallee
- en:MBIP → en:Iskandar Puteri City Council
- en:MCAT → en:Medical College Admission Test
- en:MGMT
- en:MIB2 → en:Men in Black II
- en:MIDN → en:Midshipman
- en:MIOS
- en:MLEC → en:Movement for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda
- en:MLIP → en:Mackenzie Large Igneous Province
- en:MOK
- en:MPEG1 → en:MPEG-1
- en:MRAP
- en:MRM1 → en:Rassvet (ISS module)
- en:MSLN → en:Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
- en:MSN
- en:MSX2 → en:MSX
- en:MT4 → en:MetaTrader 4
- en:MTHFS → en:5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase
- en:MTR
- en:MVD → en:Ministry of Internal Affairs (Russia)
- en:MVK → en:Methyl vinyl ketone
- en:MVP → en:Most valuable player
- en:MYNN → en:Lynden Pindling International Airport
- en:NACA → en:National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
- en:NAGA → en:North American Grappling Association
- en:NANP → en:North American Numbering Plan
- en:NBL1
- en:NEBL → en:North European Basketball League
- en:NEMF → en:New England Motor Freight
- en:NES → en:Nintendo Entertainment System
- en:NFIC → en:National Fire Information Council
- en:NGEF
- en:NHS → en:National Health Service
- en:NKRF → en:Kidney Research UK
- en:NNAT → en:Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test
- en:NPB → en:Nippon Professional Baseball
- en:NRK
- en:NRL → en:National Rugby League
- en:NXN → en:Nike Cross Nationals
- en:ODAM → en:International Strategic Research Organization
- en:OSCAR → en:Amateur radio satellite
- en:OSTN → en:Open Student Television Network
- en:PATJ → en:Tok Airport
- en:PCP2 → en:PCP site 2
- en:PCTP → en:Portuguese Workers' Communist Party
- en:PDF
- en:PHOSPHO1 → en:Phosphoethanolamine/phosphocholine phosphatase
- en:PIFO → en:Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University
- en:PMCH → en:Patna Medical College and Hospital
- en:PNOC → en:Philippine National Oil Company
- en:POP1 → en:Post Office Protocol
- en:POP4 → en:Post Office Protocol#POP4
- en:PPCS → en:Post-concussion syndrome
- en:PPIE → en:Panama–Pacific International Exposition
- en:PPIG → en:Psychology of programming
- en:PPL → en:PPL Corporation
- en:PREP → en:PowerPC Reference Platform
- en:PRTG → en:PRTG Network Monitor
- en:PSD2 → en:Payment Services Directive#Revised Directive on Payment Services (PSD2)
- en:PSG1 → en:Heckler & Koch PSG1
- en:PSTK → en:O-phosphoseryl-tRNASec kinase
- en:QPRT → en:Qualified personal residence trust
- en:RAX → en:Radio Aurora Explorer
- en:RBFA → en:Royal Belgian Football Association
- en:RDX
- en:REST → en:Representational state transfer
- en:RFK → en:Robert F. Kennedy
- en:RGL4 → en:Rhamnogalacturonan endolyase
- en:RHOF → en:National Radio Hall of Fame
- en:RHOV → en:The Real Housewives of Vancouver
- en:RTL4 → en:RTL 4
- en:RTL5 → en:RTL 5
- en:RTL9
- en:RTP1
- en:RTP2
- en:RTP3
- en:RTP4 → en:Rádio e Televisão de Portugal
- en:RTP5 → en:Rádio e Televisão de Portugal
- en:SBSN → en:Santarém-Maestro Wilson Fonseca Airport
- en:SCEL → en:Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport
- en:SCIMP → en:Silent Circle Instant Messaging Protocol
- en:SCLY → en:Dom Sicily
- en:SELL
- en:SHD → en:Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport
- en:SHPK → en:Kosovo Police
- en:SI → en:International System of Units
- en:SIAE
- en:SMS
- en:SNCB → en:National Railway Company of Belgium
- en:SP100 → en:SP-100
- en:SPARC
- en:SPRN → en:Main Centre for Missile Attack Warning
- en:SRMS → en:Canadarm
- en:SSX3 → en:SSX 3
- en:STYX → en:Styx
- en:SUCO → en:State University of New York at Oneonta
- en:SVOP → en:Save (baseball)#Usage
- en:SYP → en:Syrian pound
- en:TACR2 → en:TACR2 (Range Rover)
- en:TEPP → en:Tetraethyl pyrophosphate
- en:TIFA → en:Trade and Investment Framework Agreement
- en:TSR1 → en:RTS 1 (Swiss TV channel)
- en:TXK
- en:UBC → en:University of British Columbia
- en:UFC1 → en:UFC 1
- en:USF3 → en:United States Formula Three Championship
- en:VASP
- en:VHLL → en:Very high-level programming language
- en:VIP → en:Very important person
- en:VMAC
- en:WAPL
- en:WDCP → en:WDCQ-TV
- en:WTAP → en:WTAP-TV
- en:WTIP