User:SQL/Admin CSS-JS Editing
Source code
$query = "select user_name, user_id from user join user_groups on ug_user = user_id where ug_group = 'sysop';";
$ts_pw = posix_getpwuid(posix_getuid());
$ts_mycnf = parse_ini_file($ts_pw['dir'] . "/");
$mysqli = new mysqli('', $ts_mycnf['user'], $ts_mycnf['password'], 'enwiki_p');
$result = mysqli_query( $mysqli, $query );
$outtauserspace = array();
$overall = array();
$mwonly = array();
$rows = mysqli_num_rows( $result );
$times = array();
$on = 0;
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) {
$start = microtime( TRUE );
$on ;
$uid = $row['user_id'];
$name = str_replace( " ", "_", $row['user_name'] );
$outtauserspace[$name] = 0;
$overall[$name] = 0;
$mwonly[$name] = 0;
$newQ = "select page_title, page_namespace, rev_comment from page join revision_userindex on rev_page = page_id where (page_namespace = 2 OR page_namespace = 8) and rev_user = '$uid' and page_title rlike '^.*\.(css|js)$';";
$newR = mysqli_query( $mysqli, $newQ );
while( $uRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $newR ) ) {
$comment = $uRow['rev_comment'];
$title = $uRow['page_title'];
$namespace = $uRow['page_namespace'];
$moves = '/moved page \[\[(?!.*?WP:AFCH)|moved \[\[.*?\]\] to \[\[/i';
$protects = '/^(Protected|Changed protection).*?\[[Ee]dit=|^Removed protection from|^Configured pending changes.*?\[[Aa]uto-accept|^Reset pending changes settings/i';
if( preg_match( "/^.*\.(css|js)$/i", $title ) == 1 && preg_match( $moves, $comment ) == 0 && preg_match( $protects, $comment ) ) {
if( $namespace == 2 ) {
//$title was in userspace
$parts = explode( "/", $title );
if( $parts[0] != $name ) {
$outtauserspace[$name] ;
$overall[$name] ;
} elseif ( $namespace == 8 ) {
$mwonly[$name] ;
$overall[$name] ;
} else {
$overall[$name] ;
$finish = microtime( TRUE );
$diff = round( $finish - $start, 4 );
array_push( $times, $diff );
$avg = round( array_sum( $times ) / count( $times ), 4 );
$end = round( ( $rows - $on ) * $avg, 4 );;
echo "[$on/$rows] - Last: $diff(s) Avg: $avg(s) - Expected end: $end(s) Current admin: $name\n";
arsort( $outtauserspace );
arsort( $overall );
arsort( $mwonly );
$stats = array();
$stats['zero'] = 0;
$stats['1to10'] = 0;
$stats['11to50'] = 0;
$stats['51to100'] = 0;
$stats['101to250'] = 0;
$stats['251to1000'] = 0;
$stats['1001to2500'] = 0;
$stats['2501plus'] = 0;
$table = "{| class='wikitable sortable'
! Name
! Overall JS/CSS Edits
! MW JS/CSS Edits
! Userspace JS/CSS Edits
$tableparts = array();
foreach( $overall as $n => $o ) {
if( $o == 0 ) {
$stats['zero'] ;
} elseif ( $o >= 1 && $o <= 10 ) {
$stats['1to10'] ;
} elseif ( $o >= 11 && $o <= 50 ) {
$stats['11to50'] ;
} elseif ( $o >= 51 && $o <= 100 ) {
$stats['51to100'] ;
} elseif ( $o >= 101 && $o <= 250 ) {
$stats['101to250'] ;
} elseif ( $o >= 251 && $o <= 1000 ) {
$stats['251to1000'] ;
} elseif ( $o >= 1001 && $o <= 2500 ) {
$stats['1001to2500'] ;
} elseif ( $o >= 2501 ) {
$stats['2501plus'] ;
$tablepart = "| [[User:$n]]
| " . $overall[$n] . "
| " . $mwonly[$n] . "
| " . $outtauserspace[$n] . "
array_push( $tableparts, $tablepart );
$table .= implode( "|-\n", $tableparts );
$table .= "|}
echo "{| class='wikitable'
! 0
! >= 1 <= 10
! >= 11 <= 50
! >= 51 <= 100
! >= 101 <= 250
! >= 251 <= 1000
! >= 1000 <= 2500
! >= 2501
| " . $stats['zero'] ."
| " . $stats['1to10'] ."
| " . $stats['11to50'] ."
| " . $stats['51to100'] ."
| " . $stats['101to250'] ."
| " . $stats['251to1000'] ."
| " . $stats['1001to2500'] ."
| " . $stats['2501plus'] ."
echo "\n\n$table\n\n";
These queries are variations the often cited "On the top five wikis, 75% of admins have never edited CSS/JS; 92% of admins have almost never done so." query.
The thing is - we need to look in the context of editing other users css/js as well - as this will be part of the restriction. Admins won't be able to edit or delete other users js/css (won't be able to help with scripts). It's unclear at this point if oversighters will be able to remove revisions from css/js.
My script presents far different (and more complete) numbers: (Script is currently running to calculate edits, and not just pages edited, as well as to filter out protections and moves)
0 | >= 1 <= 10 | >= 11 <= 50 | >= 51 <= 100 | >= 101 <= 250 | >= 251 <= 1000 | >= 1000 <= 2500 | >= 2501 |
722 | 389 | 62 | 12 | 17 | 7 | 2 | 0 |
So, whom are the actual active admins here?
1 Year
[edit]Edits 1 year and newer
0 | >= 1 <= 10 | >= 11 <= 50 | >= 51 <= 100 | >= 101 <= 250 | >= 251 <= 1000 | >= 1000 <= 2500 | >= 2501 |
1152 | 47 | 10 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
3 Years
[edit]Edits 3 years and newer
Script running