# A pywikibot script to dump out support/oppose/neutral totals of any RfAs currently in progress
import re
import pywikibot
from pywikibot import pagegenerators
def getTotals( text ):
lines = text.splitlines();
support = False
oppose = False
neutral = False
nSupport = 0
nOppose = 0
nNeutral = 0
for line in lines:
if( re.match( '^\s*=====Support=====\s*$', line ) is not None):
support = True
oppose = False
neutral = False
if( re.match( '^\s*=====Oppose=====\s*$', line ) is not None):
support = False
oppose = True
neutral = False
if( re.match( '^\s*=====Neutral=====\s*$', line ) is not None):
support = False
oppose = False
neutral = True
if( re.match( '^\s*=====General comments=====\s*$', line ) is not None):
support = False
oppose = False
neutral = False
if( '^\s*#[^:]', line ) is not None):
if( support ):
nSupport = 1
if( oppose ):
nOppose = 1
if( neutral ):
nNeutral = 1
return( nSupport, nOppose, nNeutral )
site = pywikibot.Site()
rfaPage = list( site.allpages( prefix='Requests for adminship', namespace=4, total=1 ) )[ 0 ]
for rfa in rfaPage.linkedPages(namespaces=4, content=True):
result = re.match( 'Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/(.*)', rfa.title() )
if result is not None:
rfaName =
text = rfa.text
if( '{{RfA tally\|' rfaName '}}', text ) is not None):
totals = getTotals( text )
print( rfaName '=(' str( totals[ 0 ] ) '/' str( totals[ 1 ] ) '/' str( totals[ 2 ] ) ')' )