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User:Richardlord50/Normalization Hypothesis (Systems Theory)

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Ever since Humans have been in transition (whether it has been entirely of their own choosing must be open to debate) between Band society,Population bottleneck[1][2] ,Tribes and now Mass society,and ultimately Civil society.Which eventually culminated into the 'modern' International state system, properly known as Nation States and the plethora of micro physics of Systems of power (Government,Social organization[3] and administration[4] of human populations). Governments and state formations are not there for the welfare, care and benevolence of humankind,Governments are more primarily concerned with maintaining the integrity and holding on to the self preservation of Mass Society,to make it (Mass Society) appear the 'norm' through Armies,Military,Money,and Economic management via the International monetary systems[5] which all modern Nation states[6] belong to,no matter what their geographical location,political or ideological origins or persuasion through membership. (it should be added Political economy[7] essentially meaning,government and organisation of the economy[8]). That is their primary function [9][10]. Social norms helps to assist the procedure of normality and while governing the whole Mass population (as opposed to differing classes) this does help maintain 'the calm before the storm'[11].Once humans culminated into populations and formed society's,no society,no matter what its contents,can afford to disregard those Social rule's,not if it wants to retain and preserve its own societal integrity and status,hence the need for reform of society's 'ills'and'wrongs'(namely justice,the Criminal justice system).Politics[12][13] helps the system of reform and it could be agrued that 'man the political animal' has a constant need to reform his external environment(it must be added however,this is from a sociological liberal perspective there is no evolutionary,genetic evidence to support this conclusion[14][15][16]),no matter how artificial it has become[17].It must be emphasized however,this process of Socialization allied to a system of Social organisation (according to Neoliberalism point of view) is a 'godsend' to proponents of 'an improving human nature and the betterment of mankind,' this improvement and betterment of the social situation which in kind has to be learned in a context of a mass society (the removal of individuality and anonymity) ;so it must be added,therefore, Mass society has been a recent development in Human evolution.Whereas evidence suggest that Humans have still not stopped evolving.[18][19][20]and most of these evolutionary changes have taken place only in the last 6kyr-15kyr[21][22] and where just 60 imprinted genes out of a total of approximately 20,000-25,000[23] (30,000-40,000 in the previous 2001 Nature article) coding protein genes in human DNA[24][25]have been located(it is not known exactly how many imprinted genes are present in the Human genome but it is considered to be about 600,something similar to the mouse[26][27][28]).While it was automatically assumed by Natural selection proponents that gene loss could be considered deleterious to the organism,this however,turns out to be incorrect and is not the case[29] It also appears that gene loss,also known as Pseudogenization,can offer advantages[30][31]to the survival of the orgainism(especially Humans)Moreover,surprisingly this gene loss can actually die out altogether and be resurrected further down the evolutionary line for example the IRGM gene has been shown to have been'dead' for at least 25 million years, possibly as much as 40 million years,which may mean the gene is either permanently dead or has been resurrected,this is unlikely however.The data goes on further to suggest remarkable functional plasticity and if necessary back from the dead which goes to show that Alleles can experience extreme evolutionary pressures within the organism,over time adapting to those pressures and can come out on top to survive whatever the parasite choose to throw at the organism doing battle with[32][33][34].Relative to gene loss is non-activiation of genes where genes inside the Human genome have still to be activiated and is not disadvatageous to humans.[35]

The Organisation Of Normalization:The Sociological Context I (Part One)


Without ever knowing the physical,mechanical and structural nature of the Brain and to compensate for this lack of foresight or method of explanation,current,and past Social scientists (this model still persist today)instead insist that it is a constant, fixed human nature which is the by product of 'the human condition'that is to blame for humankind's ills.However,this is no longer considered the dominate view.Of course,how ideas and thought on this matter have changed.There are now different concepts to play with,culminating into new solutions,an abstract view on normalization judgement no longer seems as so far fetch as was once before.Various examples now exist on how humans process information within their brains[36][37][38].Our current knowledge of how humans interact with each other producing mass complex organisations is a different matter (albeit power/knowledge structures form the point of view of modern Sociology).This must be emphasized however,that recent knowledge in this area has now open up a new window of opportunity in terms of study, recent,good examples currently show that Hominid populations(meaning here,their immediate and extinct ancestors;such as,Homo erectus,Homo antecessor,Homo florensis,Homo neanderthalensis,Homo sapiens) and their predecessors have been constant in terms of size of population for over 1.5 Mya BP or more and all the indications are that the size of the world Hominid population[39] numbered between 10,000 and 12,600[40] for best part of that time until fairly recently,another interesting study shows populations as low as 3100 to a high of 7500 consistent with Population Bottleneck hypothesis however,its theory hasn't been widely accepted but a useful interpretation used[41] estimated from a technique called linkage disequilibrium where the Hominid lineage can be traced back even further to the last 29 Myr where,if one were to include all Hominids population chimpanzee,gorilla etc the figures rises to 100,000 over this time[42] [43].

More recent and further studies[44] does show consistency regarding mtDNA (evidence of the female,matrilineal line) both the tree Phylogeny and coalescence calculations implicates that Khoisan matrilineal ancestry diverged from the rest of the human mtDNA pool sometime between 90-150kyBP and at least 5 additional,currently extant maternal lineages existed during this period in parallel.The study goes on to suggest that at least 40 other evolutionary successful lineages flourished in sub-Saharan Africa during the period of modern human dispersal out of Africa approximately 60-70kyrbp.Only much later,at the beginning of the Late stone age,about 40kyrbp,did any introgression of additional lineages occur into the Khoisan mtDNA pool.Which suggests that early settlement of humans was already matrilineally structured and involved small, separately evolving isolated populations.Which further supports the extended family hypothesis (bands).This particular study shows that human evolutionary development happen when an isolation/seperation event occurred, the precise reason for this event is unclear,but there is evidence of an arid climate from this period possibly happen about 144kybp[45] or probably,but most certainly as early as 164 kyrbp[46],furthermore, this separation from populations in the east of Africa from the south lasted for at least 100kyrbp this split may of occurred at least 3 times in human evolutionary history according to this study culminating into anatomally behaviourally modern humans.Another two studies[47][48] shows a useful perspective regarding human origins this also supports by studying human hair and body lice,which puts the Lice parasite closely associated with modern anatomically humans to at least 1.18 Myrbp if we go back even further to 3-4 Myr evidence shows that the Pthirus pubis (pubic hair lice) came directly form the MRCA (Most recent common ancestor) of the Gorilla where there does seem to be intimate contact with archaic humans,new and compeling evidence suggest otherwise which shows that contary to popular scientific opinion there was physical contact with Neanderthal man and also share many genetic variant including genes involved in metabolism and in cognitive and skeletal development with the modern Eurasia population than with Sub-saharan Africa[49][50]. The study on lice seem to confirm this view on intimate contact amongst archaic humans and anatomically modern humans. Eurasia at some point in time 130kyrbp this study closely matches the data already associated with the separation event and makes things much easier to study.By locating the parasite to both modern and archaic human populations,tracing human population movement across time is much easier and is not subject too error regarding population movement and size.The genetic model[51][52][53] has been proven to be accurate enough when trying to calculate human population size with the separation event hypothesis gaining heavy emphasis, outstanding evidence has produced food for thought.

"The ancient divergences seen in mitochondrial

data from P. humanus are clearly consistent with some level of long-term host isolation, and preliminary evidence from nuclear markers (EF1-alpha and 18S rRNA) reveals similarly ancient divergences (unpublished data). Furthermore, the two tapeworm species from humans showed amazingly concordant divergences (Hoberg et al. 2001) and distributional patterns. Our data suggest that the isolation Ashford refers to may be between species of Homo rather than within modern H. sapiens itself. We conclude that the parasites may be very useful in the study of human evolutionary history, because they represent an independent marker of

human evolution that has yet to be studied in detail."[54]

The Neurobiology Of Deception


It has been noted in certain circles that the human mind can now be investigated by new innovative techniques used by the neuroscience community[55][56].This could help decide certain factors such as,'what is this thing called thinking,'which has perminated the 'west'.The introduction to Marx's capital serves as a perfectly useful example.

"Why then,one may ask,have the expropriators not yet become the expropriated,and why does capitalism still survive in the highly industrialized countries?The answer to that question would involve a detailed critical review of 20th century political and social history."[57]

Although Marx's written work on capitalism is a master class on economic theory and explanation (and so much misunderstood) other methods and analysis have become available to complement Capital.A whole plethora of analysis and thinking (probably based on a new kind of thinking) has become necessary for 'the new method'.Any review of the past political and social history of the last century (20th),and its analytical implications for thought in this area,would fail to show any complete workings (if one were honest) of the physical and material essence 'of what makes capitalism and state governance normal right throughout the social body'.As with all deception processes and techniques one is heavily reliant on the procedure which is used to hide the deception none more so than in these fascinating and interesting dialogues between 'so called self avowed enemy's the former Soviet Union and the USA[58][59][60][61].While the records reveal a steady fruitful progress in political and economic relationships,the historical,social,and political 'science' writers never revealed this through any of their narratives,through the media they were quite happy in their pursuit in conducting autopsy's without a corpse it is almost as if that the truth that was told to the public could never be incorrect,while the population was geared up for a morbid fear of war.None more so than Samuel P. Huntington where the situation got so bad that he was twice refused entry into one of America most prestigious science academy the National Academy of Sciences

The Resistance Factor


Any resistance to any authority organization (modern state and government) has to be considered and well judged.Therefore,any justification for example revolutionary change should be, technically be well balanced, judged,measured,planned and catered for.However,this in reality turns out not to be case for many specific reasons[62].For reasons which shall be explained further on,this could never have happened both in practice and reality.Economic liberalism for example,from this period appears to be incorrect in its assertion that industry(particularly British) was over taxed and created disincentives to invest in Britain,a thought trend which was to continue right into the 1980s and 1990s,despite evidence which either proved inclusive or without a shred of evidence whatsoever to support it (see below)[63].

The Problem


Probably not widely known at this juncture has been the economic governance of a wider societal organism or territory which have to conform to international rules and standards.Before all of that can be accomplished procedures to gain their confidence[64][65] have to be in place with a willing,cooperative, compliant,productive(based mainly in industry)[66][67] citizenry(working population) while it is conceded that national or international prosperity was more or less reliant upon a small group of people[68].Where also,from this time period British industry enjoyed an annual government subsidy of £1bn pounds annually[69] knowing fully their obligations to themselves law government and family has to be in place [70].The Working population are needed for nothing else but for production[71][72],in return for planned extension to all benefits via the earnings related principle[73] where they are covered (in times of unemployment and sickness) through an extensive network known as a Social Security system where the whole working population are covered[74][75][76] (through the scheme known as PAYE (Pay as you earn) the funding for this comes through income tax gathering(PAYE) and national insurance contributions (NI)however,this gathering of taxes doesn't come directly from the actual working populations salary and wages but comes directly from the taxation revenues generated from business corporations through government gathering of VAT and other taxes paid directly from multi national corporations and business employers thats its original source[77](those who have ownership of the productive resources costs) that is generated through human production[78][79][80].) How this is done has been highly controversial and hotly disputed over for many years between Economic liberalism and supporters of Michel Foucault and Karl Marx gain special attention here and after all the available evidence both(Marx and Foucault) seem correct in their differing ways,despite their varying approaches.Even British policy makers and Civil servants seem to back up this view as well and make no secret of this fact[81] they were themselves also Economic liberals (and another group who called themselves 'economic progressives')in the treasury and involved at the highest level of decision making in government and state affairs[82].Obviously any kind of governance requires discipline,regardless of what 'school' of thought you come from.Not all economic liberals sing from the same hymn sheet, particularly when it comes to being involved in government.You can afford to be economical with the truth,even disingenuous,anecdotal,or ambiguous out of government but not when it comes to being involved in government.When it comes to public or governmental finance(especially when the financial source is coming directly from the surplus value pool acued over generations[83] through direct business taxation such as VAT,Corporation tax,Betterment tax,Capital gains tax etc [84][85][86]) a certain kind of discipline has to be maintained particular decisions have to be made,with rules which govern their chain of thought[87]. If this process or rules are not followed,then you risk bankruptcy and financial ruin of the government that you are perfectly willing to serve,costing the government[88][89][90]billions (perhaps trillions) in lost revenue,taxes,industrial and business costs and also money to the treasury(which come directly from the pool of surplus value which is produced by the total working population[91].) Therefore you cannot afford to 'play politics'with public finance or government money.The rhetoric,cultural duping(to gain votes)[92] are in fact needed and necessary by politicians to get the job done even with some suffering involved[93][94].Tough brutal and sometimes uncompromising decisions have to be made when it comes to public/government finance[95][96]no matter what your political affiliation.Which follow rule based guidelines and thought[97], capitalism is no different from this point of view,so the public official,no matter what his political persuasion,has to follow and obey those rules which Marx himself predicted.So it could be considered both(Marx and Foucault)in their differing ways,could be,for want of a better word, correct in their 'grand theory' of disciplinary control,power and economics;they are just weapons in the neverending business for mass organization of whole populations,nothing else.

Contextual Splitting Marx's Perspective


Marx himself never used the concept Labour theory of value in any of his works but he does use the term Socially necessary labour which means that the Capitalist must get his reproduction costs back so labour is socially necessary only as long as the capitalist recoups his reproduction costs back before he can get a share of any Surplus value due to him (because of his ownership of the productive resources e.g. oil wells, mining corporation,gold mines,shipping companies, factory's,banks,land, called fixed capital under Marx,meaning it cannot change hands between those who own the productive resources and the working population,according to Marx it would be ludicrous to say the working population now own all the means of production under a system of private ownership of the means of production).One way of doing this is not paying the worker until such time that the work is complete i.e.at the end of the month,so the labour is 'free' to the capitalist,then he 'pays for it' stipulated at the end of the fixed term of contract.Another way (which can be essentially problematic see below) is the biological process(which essentially cannot be stopped by human intervention).i.e.reproduction;through sexual activity and eating the capitalist can 'wait'for an innumerable amount of time for the biological process to continue,where the worker can replenish himself and others through the reproduction process.Thus waits for the capitalist is more workers to begin another round of production.Another way is also the captalist ownership of not only the productive resources (Constant capital) ,but also the surplus product(so called Valorization Process[98] , meaning a constant change of product).This is the reason why a Social Security system becomes a necessity in the view of government (particurily government of large working populations) which is set at a subsistence level where even nutritional levels for families were considered far to low[99] because of the impending need for a 'reserve army of the unemployed',which more or less belong to or associated to the working population,offshoots (a by product) of the unemployed are a professional criminal class (Criminal Recidivism) who are more required by professional psychologist (for an outstanding,candid and honest account of this process see Gary B Melton[100]) who are employed by the criminal justice system for scientific inquiry and expertise purposes,rather more than the rehabilitation of a criminal population of a somewhat dubious criminal past[101][102][103].What is Marx's solution to all of this?When humans become fully realised human beings under the new arrangemnt of 'free associated producers',then,there is no need for a banking system,monetary institutions,monetary authorities (the so called international monetary system)money,wages,the state,and class conflict(classless society),because of the abolition of all classes,no surplus value where all surplus value, as it stands now,is administered in favour of those who own the means of production privately in the form of ownership belonging to various groups banking corporations,landowners,manufacturing industry,because all production is now under the control of the freely associated producers.Ultimately,in Marx's view humans have reached a fully rational society where classes,wages,money,surplus value(and ultimately no state),is no longer neccessary to 'govern' 'the state is finally confined to the grave yard of history'.But it is suffice to say without some complicity with those state and government forces, probably by the media;the state would find it difficult to govern(if you are inclined to believe in Marxism).It has even been suggested that international political behaviour;while suggestive is rarely spontaneous.Political events(especially regarding politicians) are chrographed and are staged more for their visual effects rather than any substantive reality which are carefully contrived for the TV audience[104].For example any political conference with Teleprompter and Autocue,and the political leader making a contrived speech using visual aids,or another example when an interviewer asks questions via the television screen,all words are transcripted via television screens which can be seen only by the politician,not by the viewer using a Two-way mirror the modern politician has to be more of an screen actor more than a politican these are indeed 'tricks' of the trade for the politician.

Contextual Splitting Foucault's View On Power and Disciplinary Control


Even Foucault' strongest critics(would have to probably revisit and reconsider their thoughts on this matter) would have to concede that there is something strange and incoherent concerning the so called human condition,that there is an anomaly or hybridization within modern thought and theory concerning this matter;it still awaits its complete satisfactory theorist.That is probably true of all ideas,there cannot be any fixed position,basing thought,any thought,for that matter on absolute truth theories can be extremely dangerous and absolutely foolish because of the nature of ideas and their uncontrolled nature to change.This is also true with consideration of the location of the origin[105],originally considered to distant and difficult to study,this is despite the accuracy[106] of other sciences (unknown,of course to both Foucault and Derrida)the location of the origin[107]was very often ridiculed,or considered to vague or impossible to study,dissect and locate.However,it should be added that both Foucault,Jurgen Habermas,Jacques Lacan,Judith Butler,Derrida write as Postmodernist Social scientist,not as rigorous Natural scientists with a proven reliable investigative method it has to be seen into context that the discipline that they are involved in is in fact minimalist to say the least (and becomes mainly polemical particularly amongst themselves and their avowed self appointed enemies)because of the lack of trust being exhibited amongst those piecing together so called (at least from the sociological perspective)'empirical knowledge'.This is probably the main reason why they exhibit this in many of their works(although it has to be admitted,they are not the only ones at fault in this matter this is also especially true of their so called protagonists),also an interesting addition is the concept Civil society,what is civil society?No secret and a wonderful coincidence that there is no exact definition of the concept.Why?.So for example the biological reproduction process serves as a good example here:Husband Wife =Marriage= Children,this for example serves as a process of legitimization and formally constructing identity for subjects(but not in the eyes of the lawmakers but as process of naturalism to produce children what Foucault terms as a double essence),but this is precisely the point that Foucault is making.The system of marriage presents 'norms'or universals(right throughout the social body);but at what cost?It is the cost of replicating and producing subjects,because a value has been given(in terms of the law) to various differing subjects;such as,husband,wife,children(who grow up replicating those social patterns which cannot be undermined for the sake of social solidarity) they are just roles (an act in the guise of skilled actors) to be played out in different 'cultures' made 'normal'(to a degree)where social solidarity and group norms and order are maintained.That is its primary purpose to replicate subjects,but this is not the final resting place for this process the plurality of the subject makes the process viable (no matter where and how modern culture has been conceived just as long as humans merge into large groups,not bands)such as various concepts;NGO who are mainly funded by government);bio-power where (according to Foucault)there is a constant internal warfare amongst its populations,

"War is a permanent feature of international life,yet accounts of battles,campaigns and generals usually neglect the underlying economic aspects.The Second World War,in particular,saw the polices of the 1930's totally overturned as more and more countries mobilized their whole societies in efforts to defeat their enemies" [108]

this can take place in many disguises,such as,war on terror,entry into and from so called rich countries(no passport or visa no entry),citizenship etc.This biopower of the subject has taken place right throughout most of Eurasia history right up until the present (see the Chinese Military strategist and political philosophers Sun Tzu,Sun Bin,Zhang Yi,Su Qin,Shang Yang,Guiguzi,Han Fei Zi,Mencius,Hsun Tzu giving a brilliant illuminating account of this in their times(now famously known as the Warring states) which was often pursued through the Sovereign or Sage ruler,who would later become the emperor of a united ancient Chinese society,the king in medieval Europe,this type of biopower has been prevalent right throughout Eurasia, Africa was not exempt from this bloodbath with the Arab slave trade profiting well for at least a 1,000 yrs for their 'monetary endeavours' through the authority figure of the ruler it was this one man who,it was believed,had sole say in the right of death where modern society now uses disciplinary power to achieve this more effectively and rigorously through whole populations) and which shows no sign of abating,for example the Roman empire was heavily realiant upon this ignorance,(until it fell)in its pursuit of opulence, military power through the Roman triumph and conquering territory it never bothered to take into account(the emperor and his advisers)that economic considerations

"Monetary policy therefore always serves, even if it serves badly, the perceived needs of the rulers of the state. If it also happens to enhance the prosperity and progress of the masses of the people, that is a secondary benefit; but its first aim is to serve the needs of the rulers, not the ruled. This point is central, I believe, to an understanding of the course of monetary policy in the late Roman Empire." [109]

had to be meet,the consequences were rampant inflation however,this was only part of the problem,the other half or part was falling/declining tax revenues from the African colonies mainly from Roman Carthage which was under Roman rule,the invasion of Carthage by the Vandal king Genseric in 439 it was this single event that precipitated the collapse in tax revenues,from that moment onwards all tax collection and tax revenue was now the sole preserve of the Vandal empire,it no longer belonged to the Romans [110][111][112]. From Carthage and other areas of the empire would hasten the collapse of the Roman Empire in the west and would eat away at there surplus product(value)but this is a double bluff(according to Foucault)the situation then becomes untenable which recreates different scenarios in the belief that new subjects can be replicated at will without repercussions.Genghis Khan serves as a good example of this while he receives a great deal of attention from historians as a 'great[man] blood thirsty conqueror',or'great military accomplishments'and 'a glittering man',a different figure emerges however,(at least from his genetic profile and yet somehow missed by historians)nothing is ever mentioned about his sexual prowess which produced,in his life time 570 children and ended up with a genetic heritage of 16 million descendants(not before butchering,slaughtering and halving the then population of China(he never entered china)of 120 million by as much as half to the population of 60 million people[113]). The study further shows that this type of behaviour was deliberate and selected,not coincidental,dedicated to producing as much male heirs(heirs in this context means as much Khans as possible) as possible,not for one geographical region,but on a world wide basis further evidence of the study shows that this Y Chromosome is present in at least 8% of males in that region today (from Northeast China stretching right the way through to Uzbekistan)[114]To answer this question one needs to go back to the central point of Foucault's work;namely the human subject.For Foucault the main focal point is the human subject and the replication,biological reproduction process(Biopower of the subject) that goes along with it for producing the subject,he then uses historical examples from texts (however,to complement this there are other methods or examples that can be used to at least show a different approach can be used on this matter)that show the whole situation of societal government(government of whole populations) through the sovereign power was perceived as taken for granted by historical and social science writers;and what the texts in the historical record (from their point of view [115]) and also show is a willing obedience to institutions and authority figures and more so compliance of the subject never seen as having a collective consciousness,more so having an imbecile, retarded,childlike quality; with no recollection of any past,present,or future through history and no revolt to the norm or to the contrary this then shows how unreliable the historical record and the method available to history and social 'science' can be which is based on an assumption (known as Foundationalism) that government of what was then seen as necessary or natural,but no evidence was needed nor necessarily provided,based on the assumption that the alternative was chaotic despotism but not based on any actual proven Scientific method or experience being presented for this viewpoint based on the assumption that it was true or a naturalism by a fully realized consciouness human being who knows the implications of what he or she is doing to complement human nature a universal standard arrives(particularly from the modern social science perspective) as human nature almost as if the subject realises the serious consequences of not compliying among humans an assumption based on universals approach;in other words it was missing in the narrative of truth telling.Marriage for example only appears in the human record from at least 5,000 kyr,anatomically modern humans(Homo sapiens) have been in the fossil record for at least 200,000kyr nothing in the human fossil record which actually show 'marriage'.What happen before marriage?Alas the narrative disappears instead what appears in the narrative is universals and is represented as normal fixed behaviour,not a change in behaviour[116][117][118].This truth was based sorely on reason,a historical prior,naturalism,traditional methods of 'historical investigation', e.g. an Anglo Saxon reliable, unchallengeable traditional method and uses the 'text'of real events as 'proof' which shows 'human nature'(the main approach and method of the historical and social sciences) can be,while they record real events the method that are used are,to say the least,inconsistent and show variations on a similar and consistent theme,it doesn't show any discontinuity, inconsistency, nor rupture but shows smooth and transitory events each leading to,or complementing one another,almost as if the real events were transcribed in human behaviour or prophesied by aloof men with divine power along with their gods with overwhelming powerful visions[119][120]The main legal discussion points from the leading legal theorists[121] of the day,based on the kings absolute right to ruler-ship and sovereignty[122] from this period of the middle ages and Medieval Europe were:The Divine right of kings,Imagining the kings death[123] and Oath of Allegiance (United Kingdom).Foucault then goes on to show that this rhetorical use of biopower,biopolitics of subjects points to a never-ending weapon for biological reproducing subjects humans are made into docile objects at will in the rather onerous belief that the truth they serve cannot be false while the chaos of modern living perminates their very being and has become the norm.This situation cannot be allowed to continue for an indefinite period of time for much longer and will one day become unsustainable and dangerous just one look at past human history to realise this.According to Foucault the situation has now come to an end,the end of man is now,the here and now.But what will replace it?Foucault makes no mention of this in any of his writings,but we do have a pretty good idea, bare-ring in mind that humanity,within the next 1 million years AP (After The Present)or so;will face at least 10 Ice age's,assuming the present incumbents can survive an ice age,which would probably,for all intense and purposes would be highly unlikely[124] [125][126][127][128][129].While it is acknowledge that human civilization is an environment with fragile components threatening its future existence,making humans within it vulnerable[130][131];incredibly,this was tolerated or either overlooked,missed and never really found its way into the historical records or narrative.Conversely however,newly found comparative analysis in light of new and recent events have shown this not to be true and our human genetic history ironically confirms both hypothesis models of our past,either multi-regional or out of Africa replacement models[132][133][134][135].

The Societal Organism


Any Human being living within an organism,especially a societal one will have to conform to a set of rules.This makes things essentially problematic for any societal being or organism (system) trying to socialise humans will become a problem,especially when movements arise outside of government[136].Government in effect have become both a sociological calculable creature which makes the population that it governs more and more vulnerable and rather more than a biological creature whether or not it is seen as real or not.It should be self evident that governments are made by humans and are not innate structures to control naturally wicked humans propensity to do evil.There is a logical coherence and contextual structure behind modern government[137](although this has to be admitted this hasn't always been the case in the past),so starting from that premise,and as already previously mentioned all nation states belong to these international institutions (despite their rulers,political leaders,power elites,business or establishments protestations that maybe a public face but not in the reality of private realisation) regardless of political,religious and ideological bias or beliefs[138] .

"In the international community,however,all outward directed behaviour is the product of careful deliberation.When in public a government figure is always 'on show'.His behaviour will necessarily be scrutinized by observers and he must gauge his actions accordingly.Furthermore,if the gestures of private life are usually involuntary,conditioned by instinct and upbringing,signals transmitted at the level of the state are essentially political and therefore non-spontaneous acts.For the state is not a biological organism (though its agents are) but an artificial construction controlled by processes of government.When an envoy makes a personal gesture in public he is,or should be,acting under instructions or at least in conformity with a predetermined policy"[139]

Through the various international monetary institutions,economic,armies,military,via various memberships of,GATT,WTO,IMF,NATO,World bank,ASEAN and the European union (formally the European Economic Community).The modern state must have readily made access to the various international institutions and organisations which can guarantee wealth to those privately owned institutions and companies who own the productive resources privately[140].They are in affect immensely wealthy clubs of various types for nation states with vast resources with competing economic,monetary,military and trade interest with different member states.The state needs to govern and supervise monetary institutions,not populations (probably,not even at all and concentrates more on financial management and gaining taxation income from multi national corporations,business tax revenue rather more than on governing populations) less relying almost exclusively on populations comproable williness to 'govern'themselves via the self control mechanism through 'norms',and 'normative group behavour'you could probably argue that 'self governance'(the narrative of how this is done is still to be written)and is probably more to do with a disire 'to do the right thing'rather more than overthrowing any state or government order. through the human Representation process and Cognitive architecture system where the electronic media is seen (in certain quarters)as an allie serveing well here as an example in managing populations more effectively[141].

The Societal Discourse


The impact of Culture has been both profound and incredibly recent in human evolution and although upon Humankind has been within the context of a unexplained societal organism.It has now produced a 'cultural mind',where to decode the workings of this brain and neural nerve network producing a mind in which neural interconnected networks upon networks[142][143][144][145] of a social mind which is what humans are essentially are have become a 'social phenomenon'with regards human cultural,in other words 'you either sink or swim',there is simply no other choice.It should be evidently clear,especially from a laymen's point of view that there has been a void in an explanation (it hasn't always been forthcoming,nor satisfactory) from transition of a Population bottleneck to a Societal organism,this is where culture comes into transition and forms a bridge between a societal organism and large populations.But before all of this can happen there has to be a Neonate state,all humans have or are born with cognitive processes (known as Cognitive architecture in the Cognitive sciences) but this neonate state within the cognitive process is then dependant upon and feed upon on the external environment that the human organism is surrounded with.This can be transmitted through Cultural Language (an acquired Social discourse)or by the arrival of electrical stimulations,all organisms(including humans) exhibited this biological process.What is imperative is that there must be new stimulation via the environment,which can be modified by Feedback or Encoding.Now comes the problematic question:Is culture/gene a co-evolution viable theory?Or,which came first language then sometime after culture?If so,what was the time scale?Therefore cultural acquisition and then language,or language and culture simultaneously?This is important because any theorist would have to be aware of the implications of his or her theory and any,if any, recipes or prescriptions for the theory.

The Societal Organism's Communication System


The Societal organism's communication system remains as elusive in some quarters (communication system means here an organisms ability to communicate with[146][147],and amongst an auidence).The ability to deliver an effective acting performance to a populace,the ability to be convincing in any situation(to whole populations) is paramount and vital to any modern politicial figure,known as the news story reaction shot or commonly known as framing [132].Visual and auditory medium which is exploited by cognitive processes namely the cognitive architecture but,what gives the medium power,particularly among whole populations is the visual medium.The electronic media(simply put,the ability especially by the film and television medium,is to make reality,as perceived by humans as film like as possible) is the most potent force in peoples lives it has been shown consistently over many years that the media wields immense power over people.How then does the communication system within a societal organism work?Several reports(Bucy and Grabe are the leading theorists) have been written on how the electronic media works in this modern communication field[148].From this point of view the argument is often presented that representative democracy is often assumed that the populace are interested in taking part in the political process in the first place and are interested in politics and very often the political system is seen as imperfect and operationally dysfunctional,or at the very least often corrupt with smug or crocked politicians often too willing to take bribes.Politics from this perspective is often seen and presented (comparable to the rule of law)as necessary and more importantly a struggle for power with politicians seeking votes to correct any perceived injustice.But is this the real case?Some political participants are very often marginalized,and excluded from the political process altogether and the remedy to all of this is a fully idealized fully participatory transition from the previous corrupt system to a more democratic accountable transparent political system where political power is held accountable to its citizenry through (revolutionary politics for example includes this as its basic tenant to its argument for politically correcting things)political representation and democratic accountability in which the elected official can be recalled back by the electorate.However,with closer scrutiny that account or view of democratic politics comes up rather short when (according to various studys)the procedure is looked at more closely,particularly with regards the gestures,timing of words,known as sound bites and image bites in the news media industry,interviews;by news anchormen, interpretation of the politicians words by the news reporter,not the politicians own words,visual timing(known as framing) of statements of politicians on television,physical gestures and so-forth.The question then gets asked.Why then is political power necessary in the societal organism in the first place?A procedure of biopolitics[149] [150][151] through whole populations which maintain and hold on to this order of things includes for the modern era:power politics,media representation of the modern politician where the focal and central point is the leader of a political faction or party seeking victory in representative democratic elections(which gives the whole process legitimisation) where an adversarial technique is in place[152][153].Getting the audience to believe in an adversarial conflict is also part of the technique and usable tool according to various studies,it is in fact part of the message,not separate from it[154][155].[156][157].How then,has this deception been allowed to continue?Why hasn't their been an effective challenge to the othordox viewpoint,the answer lies somewhere between techniques of normalizing human judgement and fear condition which has seen a comparable shift towards Neurogenetic cognitivism[158] from the now almost defunct claim of sociology explanation in fixed 'social science model',where 'social values' are where consciousness lies.Not only social science,which cannot claim to be a method 'for empirical investigation' because of its implication or involvement in overturning the established order of the day helping to establish,a socio-cultural determinism;the foundation of human existence,human nature as we understand it which risks it being marginalised as a serious discipline,if not already,alternative theories with its correlation between brain,neural correlates of consciousness versus body and cultural mind both despite the political discourse of political organizations over several millennium whether economic liberalism,political liberalism,neo-liberalism radical political philosopher[159] all of whom have such wonderful political reform programmes(as in Marx,[160]).How is that the political system has come to this?All of these writers were quite willing to carry out support and assistance too the murder squads investigations into the unfortunate culprits murder while the coroners inquest was conducting business into suspicions that the murder squad may of committed the murder in the first place.Even to the point where even the pope himself has his own agent (IMG (company)) the same group who manage Tiger Woods).Modern politics is nothing more or less than a combination of Motivation research and Persuasive technology (also known as Persuasion theory previously known as Rethoric in Ancient Greece,both little understood techniques nor has their been any correlation between the two)where you have a cast of actors,the three main actors are:the news media,polticians,and the electorate.The invisable actors are professional advocates and Political consultants who act as political agents for the candidates and would be office holders.Similar to a film production,the essential product of the politician is not only his or her's image but the visual product that goes alongside with it,namely Visual framing. Political consultants play a double role,one as consultants,one as image makers and handlers plus a whole set of 'character actors' are introduced,such as;impression formation,chararacter information,candidate image and news filtering all known in the trade as 'coding visual'.What becomes interesting is the little known technique used in this drama;Associational juxtaposition (an editing device used in the industry to merge different scenes together to gather and create visuals signals known as Mise-en-scene)[161][162][163].Obviously the political process faces severe challenges to its future and probably its very own existence itself perhaps it may not have a future.Political thought of the future (which cannot guarantee liberation) of whatever persuasion doesn't have to take into inconsideration the sensibilities of the TV audience because of the already collective consciousness or belief in the praxis of politics and manipulation of the practice of politics.What it does have to do is the very clever business practice of politics through via the television screens where visual imagery is paramount.Political thought of the future cannot masquerade as a science(which it certainly is not) because of its relationship with political foundationalism that was all very well before the new wave theories of biopolitics and biopower have completely challenged(to some extent) this kind of foundationalism,the obvious next step is to show how both theories correlate with one another.Erik Busy and Maria Grabe have tried to show(quite brilliantly) how techniques of supposed different political factions and their alleged adversarial 'partners' belonged more to the film industry with film like reality played out to the TV audience(the electorate,who incidentally also star in the TV production)with different characters playing out self defined roles and scripted by others namely their image handlers,makers and political consultants,thus:"Ours is a very visual business, and it’s driven by the television set, the most powerful weapon in politics. As a result, no politician worth her salt ever stands behind a podium and talks about the need to stimulate economic development. She goes to the gate of the closed factory and addresses a crowd of union workers who have lost their jobs. You use the visual imagery to tell the story and get the point across." Hillary Clinton media advisor Patrick Halley[164].

The Societal Organism's Relationship With The Productive Resources


What is the wider societal organism's relationship with the productive resources,not its allocation[165][166][167]?In other words its succinct relationship with its components organisation of its information and industrial engineering.This comes down to the crux of the matter many interpreters have long insisted that what must be fundermentally understood is the system with which society involves itself in and is organised around that particular system.All systems can be understood in these terms,no matter what its construction.According to one leading theorist that this very notion has been widely known,particularly amongst those who practice Systems theory,who use the analogies among certain types of systems as nothing more than abstract systems who's organisation can be studied even in abstract terms.The second question now comes into question:who allocates the productive resources that have become privately owned?A certain amount of home truths have to be told according to recent surveys conducted by the Bank for international settlements[168][169][170] Under the auspices and wider umbrella of Operations research,Management science and at times all encompassing,a collective system is used to collate and manage the organisation of business,simply known as Knowledge management,relatively new as a separate category(since 1991), it would be doubtful(because of the billions of money companies have invested in the technique) that it will become a passing fad both Knowledge management,Operations research,Queueing theory networks of queues are systems which contain an arbitrary and practical viewpoint of customer behaviour and its effect and performance of the queueing system have until recently,been relatively little studied in its entirety,although the literature is voluminous and considerable they both lack any continuity to be taken a step further,which is a shame. This is obviously the material that Foucault was after,but due to his untimely death the pen fell from his hand this is an obvious challenge that possibly his many disciple could take up,if they chose to do so.Embedded within this technique is a feature called knowledge assimilation,all knowledge assimilation has to be made into normalised process as regards information use and record keeping for example a useful study conducted into the professional services industry,found that tax professionals appear to integrate substantial digitally available knowledge into their work process.The tool for this procedure has still yet to be discovered in any coherent and continuous manner but this shouldn't put off any budding theorist for trying to piece together,bolt by bolt,nut by nut over this 'complex' process.Most modern commentators view this 'mechanism'as normal process amongst its agents as society progress to its ultimate conclusion of overriding nature and being 'scientific' away from religious humbug and tyranny,but this is missing the central point.It is modern thinking inability to piece together,cogently,without ideological bias and difference that has left them floundering 'without a kitchen without a knife'.The probable juxtaposition occurance,a split between Motivation research (how to get a working population to become consumers) and Persuation theory (the election of political factions normely known as political elites(the Bush's,Clinton's,Nehru–Gandhi family's and the Bhutto political dynastys,'it is what they desire the most:power') or leaders of political parties in order to do the essential business of creating the delusion of 'representative' government and the persuasion of the working populace so they believe they can change anything by representation).The incessant campaign of political Sovereignty where no justification is needed nor required for political sovereignty through Representative democracy.The basic fact of man becoming part of the Biological reproduction process is essentially problematic for both modern Marxist and post modernist thinkers;because of the connection between Viral specie,meaning the ability to replicate all over the globe.This has essentially mean't that the connection between the viral specie and the biological reproduction process has been missed(the exact connection between the biological reproduction process and viral specie and its ability to replicate and the necessity to govern its process).This is what is essentially meaning by, problematic(however,this may not be a problem for Postmodernist or Marxist thinkers because of their inability to correlate and interpret,correctly, without the need to polemicise everything).The human political social sciences have been shown at different times in their history as not being able to produce a rigorous and exact account (method to show at least an plausable account);what has been shown is it can be used to assist in the murder of corpses,and in some other ways actually committing the murder themselves because of its association with political foundationalism where no proof of a 'body' was actually necessary for an autopsy of the corpse. 'The body politic',for example,required governance of the biological reproduction process(the government of men),not the administration of individuals as had been previously led to believe.Because,for example to simplify the point;say philosophical enquire says that it is seeking the very foundations of human scientific knowledge and why we believe in the things we do,doesn't mean to say that philosophical enquire can lead to the answer(at least an satisfactory one).One has to be wary of the method that is used,and because high priests have been acknowledge as 'great thinkers' with willing disciples who propergate their 'truth' may not always be the case.This has severe repercussions and profound implications for 'knowledge' of the future;it has been well known of the problem of political,sociological explanation has had with the body but not the brain,and how unreliable it has become over the years with this relationship.The main approach method used by the Social Sciences, Philosophy,Political science and Post modernism(who took what they saw for granted based on a common pretext;human nature with grandiose claims but no comparable evidence for the claim) has been over the years:Mind,body and TOM (Theory of mind),while the Cognitive sciences and Neurology,Neuroscience have been using the method of Brain,Neural correlates of consciousness and Cognitive architecture.

The Societal Organism As A Series Of Interconnected Networks


This is the most difficult section of this article because of the very new nature that this very idea proposes.Many studies have presented explanatory presentation of this complex issue and the prize is extremely valuable if one can put the ideas together in an cogent fashion.

Knowledge Organization and Normalization


The scientific revolution took place more or less in the 16th century.Therefore allowing for modern expansion of industrial growth(a giant pool of commodities).What is more less not known for sure is how these sciences work in a context of modern power knowledge (namely the organization and structural workings of the human knowledge system).



Previously seen as problematic within the human and social sciences,History,Social sciences,and Humanities,in the past;the collection and organization of knowledge within the human sphere has been seen by all the above as problematic,with good reason,it was considered by those who had no method as impossible to be solved.



Mathematics relationship with the wider spectrum of the societal organism still remains to be understood,how the two correlate with each other hasn't been written as yet.

Mathematics:Differential Geometry


Mathematics:Differential Algerbra






Normalization II:The Neural Cognitive Architecture Context (Part Two)


Whenever a new field of investigation has been discovered it has trouble getting to the table of acceptance.This is essentially true of Normalization, questions get asked.How does an idea or thought becomes normal?Or in particular does the brain codes information?And how the signals carrying information are used by neuronal processes essentially controlling human behaviour.Love,hate,destruction,truth,lies (see above),political ideas,cultural values,cultural norms are not independent functional entity's belonging to properties of the human brain but are elements introduced through sensory inputs into the neuronal reactivity of the Brain known as stimuli;they originate not within the person,cultural group,or human population,but within the external environment;this microphysics of the brain,has a dual nature,one to control the body via the brain(the largest sexual male organ for example is not the penis,but the brain),and the other, with the external environment through Encoding behaviours related to the external environment.This is then re-enforced by Culture which the indivdual has no control over because of the now sacra sanity of group survival nor can the individual control what the brain can and cannot do[171] (not in a societal context) this neural correlates of the neural cognitive architecture involves Consciousness,Mind,and Language[172].The whole mechanical process belongs to those processes,to be bold,they must exist in neurochemistry,neurophysiological mechanisms within the brain which can be investigated[173][174].The Selfhood within a person is more or less related to general cognitive processes preparing movements,such as,attention,spatial memory,rule representation and abstract rule-guided behaviors,which the Prefrontal cortex plays a pivotal role in this regard[175] motivation this gives humans their notion of 'selfhood' and 'reality'[176]

The Syntax Perspective On Normalization


The Syntax structure of grammar and language has become an unmitgated problem the main reason being the incessant nature of those who study language insisting that rules governing grammar and syntax are normative and descriptive,because it has been presumed,within recent times that lexicon,grammar and sentence structure are normalative functions of language.While syntax and grammar provide language with its 'order',making language intelligible among its users.This has missed the central point however,language is a human communication system,the mere fact that we use it and have not challenged its assertion to validity proves this point.For the time being at least,this has eluded modern science[177].It would appear that at least for now the only model left to investigate this problem is a 'creationist model',poorly understood by those who propergate this kind of model[178],as things stand the writting of or theretical model of the working of the NCC(Neural correlates of consciousness) of the human brain within human populations remain elusive amongst the scientific community,it still awaites its neuroscience theorist.

Semiotic Organisation On Concepts Through The Route Of Language


The evolutionary changes to language has been recently looked at,whereas before the origin of language was considered to obsecure to be studied intensly,the Gene,for language and speech has now been discovered. FOXP2 has had two changes in human evolution compared too other animal species such as Chimpanzees.Although these changes have taken place and have been significant among humans,these variation have been enough to make wide gyrations when compared to other animal species,a recent study in the journal Nature[179]shows this(a magnificent account).According to this study the FOXP2 gene contains changes to in amino-acid coding and a pattern of nucleotide polymorphism,with all the hallmarks that this particular gene has been targeted for selection during recent human evolution.What has been interesting has been that even with minor alterations compared to other humans,it simply doesn't alter the function of the protein.The study further suggest that language was actually first then came human culture,but that doesn't mean to say that humans are somehow infallible or exempt from future extinction,that would be a foolish proposition.The study also has profound implications for proponents of the belief of different biological races[180][181][182] further analysis suggest in 91 unrelated individual cases of mainly 'European' descent found that there was no amino-acid replacements(except for one case)-which means, because,the two amino-acid variants took place among humans and are specific characteristics between humans and only occur in 226 human chromosomes alone and no other species,this suggest that they are fixed among humans[183].Thus,evolutionary lineages among humans and mice diverged some 70 million years ago.Which is interesting because since the evolutionary splitting from a common ancestor that separate humans,chimpanzees from the mice some 130 million years ago just one single amino-acid change occurred in the FOXP2 protein[184].Now in a similar example since humans diverged from chimpanzees some 6.7-7-2 million years ago,two fixed amino-acid changes occurred on the side of humans lineage compared to none on the chimpanzee lineage and other primates except for one change on the Orang-utan lineage.Another interesting proposition is the chimpanzee,gorilla and rhesus macaque FOXP2 proteins are exactly alike and carry just one difference from the mouse and two differences from the human protein,whereas the orang-utan carries two differences from the mouse and three from humans[185].

Acceptance and Truth


Whenever a difficult idea gains any kind of ascendency it will face challenges from the outside which it regards as perceptive or as dangerous.This is the case of the modern predicament,where the perception of any critical,or examination of the system as either mad or an incoherent rant.Put more simply the system itself lacks any critical examination this is why the same old discourse is regurgitated over and over again.This'order of discoursers'serves to police an otherwise regulatory discourse which every one pays attention too,essentially culminating in contributions to knowledge paralysis or paraplegic streolilty (in what is perceived as difficult or impossible to have any satisfactory conclusion or explanation,'and what we cannot define,we cannot trace.'[186])this is essentially why there cannot be any new critical method or transition to a new method Evolutionary linguistics suffered from this (see below for further explanation).Therefore,the Social sciences and Philosophy cannot ignore the new methods now readily available to the Natural sciences nor any scientific evidence outside its own genre or field,not if it wants to be taken seriously as a method or discipline,if truth be told (integrity and honesty),the social sciences are nothing more than a pseudo or semi discipline lacking in any verification method or firm scientific fact who's exactness cannot be verified,it is more based on polemical argument where its main or heavily reliant upon approach is based on 'taken for granted or a given as normal' the main available approach method available to the 'social scientist'and Philosopher rather more than grounded in so called 'empirical truth' with quantitative, qualitative, empirical hyperbole as its end product with its incessant insistence on discursive method of gladiatorial combat akin to the Roman arena than any progress to a new method of explanation (at least satisfactory to most people) will be short coming.



Perhaps,all things being equal;the human sciences,the social sciences,and humanities should all take a sabatical and rethink their ideas[187].Evolutionary linguistics, the study of origins and development of language, did this for 120 years and is now back en vogue (not before being completely abandon as a discipline because of the known accepted fact of man leaving no trace nor evidence of any langauge within fossils,and which led,rather famously to an academic society refusing to accept any papers on the subject in 1866 by the Société Linguistique de Paris[188]) what changed this mindset (according to the prevailing view at the time the question of the origin of Language was unanswerable) was the new emerging evidence coming through because of the fact of newly,readily available evidence now available to the Cognitive sciences, and Neurosciences.This has been born out to new fields and methods now readily and easily available to critical theorists(if they choose to do so) and the constant revisionism accorded to ideas and its practices.One interesting example springs to mind,despite political liberalism claims of plurality in elections (otherwise known as demos in Ancient Greece now known to us as democracy) an enlightenment study by a French mathematician Jean-Charles de Borda elections,no matter (his final conclusions) what the results of elections,nor who gets elected,or which deliberations;albeit private corporations, public,private bodies,the principles are the same;the election results may please the victor,but the reality is still the same:the populace who vote can only alter the share of the vote(the percentage),not the alleged outcome and it is only a matter of different proposals,the situation is still the same the system that it alleges to change cannot be altered to suit one purpose over the other[189].



Truth is a thing of this world(some would argue),so the saying goes a human perennial problem;and in fact only amongst humans can this perennial problem exist.However,truth is only another human defined concept and it should't really be a problem,but this is where a further investigated problem can be useful.Truth (until recently) through history has been the preserve of Philosophy,and Sociology.However,both have been found wanting for a satisfactory explanation on real 'truth',until new evidence emerged,already known to the neuroscience community reaching a variable conclusion that truth[190] is only a manufactured representation[191] of the human cognitive process system which can be altered and then trained or learned by arbitory rules and at different levels of abstraction[192][193],nothing else,and can be 'made' into truth culturally,most religions[194]exhibit this,without the agents ever knowing[195][196][197].What kind of truths are there?What kind of humans can tell the truth,or offer newly discovered truth?Until recently,that has been the self preserve of philosophy for generations,but however,it has never been answered satisfactory until the discovery of dorsolateral PFC,which function in the domain of rule representation and 'offer a bewlidering array of cognitive operations'[198].A good example of this is the death of Julius Ceasar,no one alive today has seen nor witness the murder of Julius Ceasar and everyone would accept that.Now the conflict in Afghanistan,again the same must apply,no one has witness any deaths in this war,but the conflict still gets constant media coverage but without any evidence of dead bodies as 'proof' that at least their is a war going on.Why?Many examples of this can be given for this(according to the source and the value and reliablity attached to that source) but in order for this to happen there has to be a smoking gun,one where you can find evidence of an 'offence' been committed,a 'silver bullet'.

"Long before histroical studies had provided circumstantial evidence of the influence exerted by industry,the colossal profits earned between 1914 and 1918 had revealed that,in wartime, the basic capitalist structure of industry and society tended,if anything,to come more clearly into forcus.No secret was made of these war profits;an early and still very readable comparative study of the subject,based on published material,appeared during the final phase of the war.From this we learn that by 1915 profits were moving ahead impressively and that as the war went on a number of corporations had little difficulty archiving profits several times greater than those of the pre-war years.These results were arrived at after ample allowance,in the form of substantial write-offs and transfer of reserves,had been made for the transitory nature of wartime business.Krupp's,for example,used this procedure to reduce their 1916/17 gross profit by nearly 50% and were thus in a position to prove to what must been an astonished public that the company had actually suffered a setback by comparison with the previous year."[199]

One thing that has been overlooked is the determinant factor of obedience,a systematic determinant feature of 'social life'.The financial dynamics determinate changes very little no matter who gets to politically represents the so called populace,the determinate factor of the so called 'systems feature'(until recently,overlooked by any social analysis), while seen in some certain quarters as 'making man great'[200][201]producing large current account surpluses[202],which belong to large corporations and their associated business community and the banking system 'helpfulness' for its circulation;in return for a fee,has overwhelming repercussions for humans everywhere;producing wealth beyond most peoples wildest dreams instigating consumer lead consumption where,if anything they are seen as producing wealth,but not actually owning anything;nowhere is this more exemplified in a useful and stunning report by the IMF[203] where consumers(the working population) are analysed by their consumption habits,but,have repercussions elsewhere through the business community VAT business taxation receipts where consumption patterns change during the business cycle,which have an severe affect on business gathering taxes to the government.The consumers who produce the so called 'wealth'are seen as nothing more than consumers who hand back the wealth in return for a subsistence wage,quietude,overwhelming obedience to,if not a sovereign authority figure,most certainly to the state in return for a pension incredibly somehow hitherto missed by all previous analysis which surely cannot be allowed to be tolerated for much longer(not without a rational sane explanation for its vastness and size of wealth[204][205][206]). Nowhere,especially by historical analysis;both in financial terms,where financial security was seen in certain quarters (for a few) that can be arisen and offered to human security(allegedly for everybody,only if the security can be transfered to whole populations,it will take time[207]).While it may not please some people(probably Economic Liberals) it does have financial repercussions, whether poverty entrapment or overwhelming wealth production for others to benefit because,put simply,the people who produce the wealth do not own the productive resources.The ghastly attempts by the Nazis while subverting the 'natural order'through murder via the military machine which ultimately,eventually led to the destruction of nearly all 'moral' base and rational meaning and understanding,only goes to prove beyond doubt that we are all,at the end of the day,persuadable (especially with a gun held to ones head which the Nazis were especially good at)by leading to whole populations of people being slaughtered(at least 80 million in both World wars),for the sake of leading to material betterment through production beyond all imagination and comprehension,which was alright after 'hindsight'.It was this lack of foresight and understanding by world policy-makers which led to the slaughter in the first place(the Second World war).Failure by policy makers to understand the commercial implications and repercussions and more or less the implications of failing to meet trading requirements,multilateral settlement of all classes of international trading accounts[208] led to a fundermental breakdown in all trading arrangements;in other words the system was replaced by mistrust and led to a bloodbath which was unprecedented in human history which still has repercussions to this very day.The evidence(the available evidence) speaks for itself;modern civilization basses itself on a structed world economy which must function through a trusted system of multilateral trade,not bilaterial trade.This is then the immediate source of most(if not all) international conflicts,the moment you have a reduced commercial access to raw materials or any other stable commodity,you have specific problems which can lead to international conflict Marx exemplfies this in his work 'Capital',and no secret of this fact has been made;the evidence for it is available[209]instead of the 'great man theory' instead it has almost led to his inevitable extinction.What is probably needed is all evidence and not partial evidence[210].By portraying 'Central bankers' as bungling monetary buffoons barely knowing how to manage large amounts of money but yet still supervising 'asset bubbles' and 'over-investment' or 'complications in the management of monetary policy'(astonishly) beggars belief and is stretching ones imagination a tad and is most certainly an exaggeration[211].While they themselves have to manage large accumulation of money where "On the whole, these recent drivers of reserve accumulation seem to have one aspect in common, namely the role played by the buildup of official foreign assets both as an outcome of and an instrument for integration of the EMEs(Emerging market economy) concerned into the global financial markets.Several emerging countries,especially in Asia, have in fact become major players in international trade but are still underdeveloped from a financial angle" [212].

See Also



  1. ^ Population Extinction and Recolonization In Human Demographic History:Mathematical Biosciences Vol 177&178 pp.1-10 (2002)
  2. ^ Features Of Evolution and Expansion Of Modern Humans,Inferred From Genomewide Microsatellite Markers Am.J.Gent.72:1171-1186(2003)
  3. ^ Welfare Policy Under The Conservatives 1951-1964 pp.xiiix-xx Editors Paul Bridgen,Rodney Lowe (1998)
  4. ^ ibid pp.1-37
  5. ^ T 354/423:Future of gold in the International Monetary System (IMS), including possible sales by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other central monetary institutions on the free market:National Archives (UK) (1974-1975)
  6. ^ Implications of Oil Inflows for Savings and Reserve Management in the CEMAC IMF Working Paper (2007) http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/wp/2007/wp07243.pdf
  7. ^ Economic Planning 1943-1951 pp.1-29 Editors Rodney Lowe,Neal Rollings,Bernard Alford(1992)
  8. ^ ibid pp.3-9
  9. ^ Political Geography 28 May (2009) pp110-120
  10. ^ ibid pp.111-114
  11. ^ Physical Control Of The Mind p.15 (Jose Delgado 1971)
  12. ^ 2008 Presidential Election Banking On Becoming President Candidates for President raised more than $1 Billion http://www.opensecrets.org/pres08/index.php
  13. ^ Open Secrets Money In Politics Centre For Responsive Politics http://www.opensecrets.org/
  14. ^ Am. J. Hum. Genet. 67:1055–1061, 2000
  15. ^ Molecular Biology and Evolution 21(11) :2047–2057. 2004
  16. ^ Proc. R. Soc. B 276, 3447-3455 2009
  17. ^ Physical Control Of The Mind pp.245-256 Jose Delgado (1971)
  18. ^ Being Positive about Selection PLoS Biol 4(3) March 14,2006 http://www.plosbiology.org/article/fetchObjectAttachment.action?uri=info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.0040087&representation=PDF.pdf PLOS Biology March 2006
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  210. ^ BIS Quarterly Review, March 2010 http://www.bis.org/publ/qtrpdf/r_qt1003.pdf
  211. ^ ECB The Accumulation of Foreign Reserves February 2006 http://www.ecb.int/pub/pdf/scpops/ecbocp43.pdf
  212. ^ ibid p.17



Further Reading

  • T 354 423 The Future Of Gold In The International Monetary System 1975


  • T 354 51 International Monetary System Changes In Institutional Machinery 1972
