User:Richardguk/Geonotice.js sandbox
var notices = {
{ begin: "21 March 2010 00:00 UTC",
end: "1 January 2020 00:00 UTC",
corners: [ [42,-76], [40,-72] ],
text: "You are invited to join the <a href=''>Wikimedia New York City area mailing list</a>!"
{ begin: "16 November 2009 00:00 UTC",
end: "1 January 2020 00:00 UTC",
corners: [ [40.5,-77], [39.5,-73] ],
text: "You are invited to join the <a href=''>Philadelphia area and Pennsylvania mailing list</a>!"
{ begin: "24 June 2010 21:45 UTC",
end: "2 July 2010 00:00 UTC",
corners: [ [43.5,-76.8], [42.5,-75.4] ],
text: "Wanted: Wikipedians living near Syracuse University. The Wikimedia Foundation outreach team is recruiting Wikipedia Campus Ambassadors to train students and professors on the basics of the wiki. <a href=''>Apply today</a>!"
{ begin: "1 July 2010 00:15 UTC",
end: "8 July 2010 00:00 UTC",
corners: [ [40.4,-87.7], [38,-85.3] ],
text: "Wanted: Wikipedians living near Indiana University Bloomington. The Wikimedia Foundation outreach team is recruiting Wikipedia Campus Ambassadors to train students and professors on the basics of the wiki. <a href=''>Apply today</a>!"
{ begin: "1 July 2010 00:15 UTC",
end: "8 July 2010 00:00 UTC",
corners: [ [43.2,-72.2], [40.8,-69.8] ],
text: "Wanted: Wikipedians living near Harvard University. The Wikimedia Foundation outreach team is recruiting Wikipedia Campus Ambassadors to train students and professors on the basics of the wiki. <a href=''>Apply today</a>!"
{ begin: "1 July 2010 00:15 UTC",
end: "8 July 2010 00:00 UTC",
corners: [ [40.2,-78.2], [37.8,-75.8] ],
text: "Wanted: Wikipedians living near Georgetown University and George Washington University. The Wikimedia Foundation outreach team is recruiting Wikipedia Campus Ambassadors to train students and professors on the basics of the wiki. <a href=''>Apply today</a>!"
{ begin: "1 July 2010 00:15 UTC",
end: "8 July 2010 00:00 UTC",
corners: [ [41.2,-76.2], [38.8,-73.8] ],
text: "Wanted: Wikipedians living near Princeton University. The Wikimedia Foundation outreach team is recruiting Wikipedia Campus Ambassadors to train students and professors on the basics of the wiki. <a href=''>Apply today</a>!"
{ begin: "1 July 2010 00:00 UTC",
end: "4 July 2010 13:00 UTC",
corners: [ [60,-9], [49,2] ],
text: "You are invited to the 35<sup>th</sup> <a href='' title='Meetup/London/35'>London Wikimedia meetup</a> on Sunday 4 July 2010 from 13.00 onwards in Penderel's Oak, Holborn."
{ begin: "1 July 2010 00:00 UTC",
end: "13 July 2010 01:00 UTC",
corners: [ [43,-73], [41,-70] ],
text: "There will be a Wikipedia meetup in Cambridge on July 12 at 7:00 PM. We will meet at Le's Restaurant in Harvard Square. You are invited! See <a href=''>our meetup page</a> for more information."
* End of list.
* Edit only above!
* Format is:
* ID:
* { begin: "date",
* end: "date",
* corners: [ [lat,lon], [lat,lon] ],
* text: "message"
* }[,]
* Use single quotes for any HTML attributes or \" to escape any double quotes.
* There should be a comma after each notice except the last one.
if (typeof(geoip) != "undefined") {
var now = new Date();
for (var id in notices) {
if (!document.cookie.match("hidegeonotice" id "=1")) {
var notice = notices[id];
var minlat = Math.min(notice.corners[0][0], notice.corners[1][0]);
var maxlat = Math.max(notice.corners[0][0], notice.corners[1][0]);
var minlon = Math.min(notice.corners[0][1], notice.corners[1][1]);
var maxlon = Math.max(notice.corners[0][1], notice.corners[1][1]);
if ( now.getTime() > Date.parse(notice.begin)
&& now.getTime() < Date.parse(notice.end)
&& minlat<geoip.latitude && geoip.latitude<maxlat
&& minlon<geoip.longitude && geoip.longitude<maxlon
) {
insertsub = document.getElementById("contentSub");
insertsub.innerHTML = "<div class='plainlinks' id='geonotice" id "' style='width:98%; margin:5px auto 0; background:transparent; text-align:left; line-height: 1.8em;'><font size=' 1'>" notice.text "</font> <small><i>[<a href='#' onClick='var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() 8640000000);document.cookie = \"hidegeonotice" id "=1; expires=\" date.toGMTString() \"; path=/\";document.getElementById(\"geonotice" id "\").style.visibility = \"hidden\";return false'>hide</a>]</i></small></div>";